Characteristics of Community
Characteristics of Community
Characteristics of Community
Elements of Community
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These characteristics decide whether a group is a community or not. However, community has
This group may be small or large but community always refers to a group of people. Because
without a group of people we can’t think of a community, when a group of people live together
and share a common life and binded by a strong sense of community consciousness at that
A group of people alone can’t form a community. A group of people forms a community only
when they reside in a definite territory. The territory need not be fixed forever. A group of
people like nomadic people may change their habitations. But majority community are settled
and a strong bond of unity and solidarity is derived from their living in a definite locality.
(3) Community Sentiment:
sentiment a community can’t be formed only with a group of people and a definite locality.
Community sentiment refers to a strong sense of awe feeling among the members or a feeling of
belonging together. It refers to a sentiment of common living that exists among the members of
a locality. Because of common living within an area for a long time a sentiment of common
living is created among the members of that area. With this the members emotionally identify
themselves. This emotional identification of the members distinguishes them from the members
of other community.
(4) Naturality:
Communities are naturally organised. It is neither a product of human will nor created by an act
(5) Permanence :
(6) Similarity:
The members of a community are similar in a number of ways. As they live within a definite
locality they lead a common life and share some common ends. Among the members similarity
in language, culture, customs, and traditions and in many other things is observed. Similarities
A community has wider ends. Members of a community associate not for the fulfillment of a
particular end but for a variety of ends. These are natural for a community.
Every community has a particular name by which it is known to the world. Members of a
community are also identified by that name. For example people living in Odisha is known as
A community has no legal status because it is not a legal person. It has no rights and duties in
A community is classified on the basis of it’s size. It may be big or small. Village is an example of
a small community whereas a nation or even the world is an example of a big community. Both