Manuel de Codage
Manuel de Codage
Manuel de Codage
Encoding Egyptian transliteration
Encoding Hieroglyphic texts
o Gardiner codes
o Phonetic codes
o Codes for arranging hieroglyphs in groups
o ...
Appendix A: Codes overview
Appendix B: List of sign numbers and phonetic values
Appendix C: List of phonetic values and sign numbers
The hieroglyphic writing is a purely pictorial writing consisting of pictures
of things. From 3000 years of Pharaonic culture many thousands of
drawings are known, many of which often differ from each other in only the
smallest detail. In hieroglyphic texts, these drawings are not only simply
arranged in sequential order, but also grouped on top of and next to each
other. This rather complicates matters trying to register and reproduce
hieroglyphic texts using a computer.
When the first computers were introduced in Egyptology in the late 1970s
and the beginning of the 1980s, the graphical capacity of the machines was
still in its infancy. Early attempts to register the hieroglyphic pictorial
writing on computer therefore chose an encoding system to do this, using
alphanumeric codes to represent or replace the graphics. To prevent many
people from reinventing the wheel, during the first "Table Ronde
Informatique et Egyptologie" in 1984 a committee was charged with the task
to develop a uniform system for the encoding of hieroglyphic texts on
computer. The resultingManual for the Encoding of Hieroglyphic Texts for
Computer-input (Jan Buurman, Nicolas Grimal, Jochen Hallof, Michael
Hainsworth and Dirk van der Plas, Informatique et Egyptologie 2, Paris
1988), simply called Manuel de Codage, presents an easy to use and
intuitive way of encoding hieroglyphic writing as well as the abbreviated
hieroglyphic transcription (transliteration). The encoding system of
theManuel de Codage has since been adopted by international Egyptology
as the official common standard for registering hieroglyphic texts on
as "Dd",
as "aHa",
is written "anx",
as "STyt" and
as "Smsw".
Gardiner codes
Anthropomorphic Deities
Parts of Mammals
Parts of Birds
Aa Unclassified
Within each category, the signs are numbered sequentially. For instance, the
category P contains 11 signs that are numbered in the following way:
The Gardiner sign list has since long become a standard in Egyptology,
which makes it especially suited to serve as a basis for the computerencoding of hieroglyphs. To make Egyptologists feel as comfortable as
possible, the encoding system of the Manuel de Codage has therefore
adapted the Gardiner sign list numbers as the most important way of
labelling hieroglyphs.
This means that
as M20 and
Because the Gardiner list only covers the most common signs found in
Middle Egyptian Texts, about 800 signs, the original edition of the Manuel
de Codage also included a preliminary list of some additional 4000 signs
from all other periods of the hieroglyphic writing. The definitive list of more
than 4700 signs was published in the book Hieroglyphica (Jochen Hallof,
Nicolas Grimal, Dirk van der Plas,PIREI 1, Utrecht/Paris 1993).
Phonetic codes
The second way of encoding hieroglyphic signs offered by the Manuel de
Codage is by the signs' phonetic values. Though in the hieroglyphic writing
many signs can have many different phonetic values (depending on the
reading of the words they appear in), and many signs can have
the same phonetic value, for computer purposes only a limited number of
them can be used. For instance, it is not possible to use the phonetic
At the same time one has to bear in mind that not all signs can be encoded
using phonetic values. Though a sign like
can be encoded
value in the order they appear, additional codes are needed to note their
positioning relative to each other.
The following codes are basic for the arrangement of single signs and
groups of signs:
: subordination of signs
To be continued...
Please note the fact that the code p*t:pt does not result in
, because like
It is of course possible to put more than two signs next to each other in a
group, as is demonstrated by N5:10*10*10
and Htp:t*p*t
There can be several combinations of ":" and "*" within a single group, as is
demonstrated by n:xt:x*t
, having ":" twice and one "*". Groups can
have up to 4 horizontal layers (i.e. allowing three times ":") in WinGlyph.
Though ":" and "*" are quite sufficient for constructing the most common
and simple groups, one may be faced with a group like , where there is
actually the group nested inside the
group. Such nested subgroups can
only be achieved using the brackets "(" and ")". Thus,
should be
encoded p*(t:Z4):pt. Like in mathematics, the group placed between the
brackets has precedence over ":" and "*". The code p*t:Z4:pt without the
brackets would have the wrong result .
The use of the brackets for subgroups seldom applies to texts in lines and
will mostly be needed for encoding columned texts (see below).
A block of hieroglyphic text can be divided into separate lines (or columns)
using the end-of-line marker "!", which serves as physical Hard Return. It
has to be placed at the point where the line should end and a jump to the
next line should follow. For instance,
was encoded
It is important to note that in this code the end-of-line marker "!" each time
is preceded by a "-" (dash). The end-of-line marker should never directly
follow a hieroglyphic sign code, but should always be separated from it by
either a dash (thus forming "-!"), or a single or double space (see CODES
When a hard return is used in the middle of a code line this will not at all
affect the formatting of the hieroglyphic output. The example code could
just as well have been entered like
The output would be the same. Only the end-of-line marker makes the
hieroglyphic text jump to a new line.
Applying hard returns in one's code is very useful to keep the code lines
from becoming too long and running out of the window.
WinGlyph supports the encoding, display and printing of multiple
hieroglyphic pages within one code file. The end-of-page marker "!!" can be
used to indicate a page break . Its use is much the same as with the end-ofline marker "!". The "!!"-code should be placed at the end of the last line of
the page, at the point where the page should end and a new page should
begin. A code like
would result in
being the last word on the page and
starting on
the next page. Please note the fact that the end-of-page marker is also
preceded by a "-" (dash), giving the combination "-!!".
For royal name enclosures, the encoding system supports the use of
cartouches, Serekhs, walled enclosures and Hwt-signs. In the current
version, WinGlyph only supports cartouches and and Hwt-signs.
The royal name code should be placed between two special codes "<" and
">", the first one for starting and the second one for closing the cartouche
shape. To these codes a special code should be added indicating the kind of
royal name needed:
normal cartouche
< normal beginning > normal end
<1 normal beginning 2> normal end
<2 inversed beginning 1> inversed end
(normal cartouche)
(normal cartouche)
(inversed cartouche)
<h1 Hwt-beginning type 1:
<h2 Hwt-beginning type 2:
<h3 Hwt-beginning type 3:
h1> Hwt-ending type 1:
h2> Hwt-ending type 2:
h3> Hwt-ending type 3:
and <h1-F35-h3>
and <h3-F35-h1>
In addition, so-called nul-beginnings and endings (<0, <h0, 0> and h0>) are
available for those cases where a royal name enclosure overruns the length
of a line.
Black is the default color for hieroglyphic text in WinGlyph, but there are of
course instances where one also needs red colored hieroglyphs, for instance
with Coffin Texts or New Kingdom funerary papyri. There are two special
codes available to note a switch in color of the hieroglyphic text from black
to red and vice versa.
A switch to the red color is indicated with "$r" and a switch (back) to black
with "$b". The color code is entered in between the hieroglyphic codes as if
it were a sign itself and is therefore always preceded and followed by either
a "-" (dash) or " " (space). For instance,
) or damaged--but
). In code such damages can be
If the damage concerns a single sign (not in a group) the shading can be
noted by placing the code "#" right after the sign code:
is encoded A#.
If only part of the sign is damaged one can attach to the "#"-code the
numbers of the sign quadrants to be shaded. For shading each sign is
subdivided into 4 quadrants, their numbers being ordered as follows:
If one wants only quadrant 1 to be shaded the code would be A#1 , only
quadrant 2 would be A#2 , etcetera. Of course combinations of quadrant
numbers are possible: A#12 , A#13 , A#123 , etcetera.
Logically, A#1234
equals A# .
If the damage covers more than one sign or group the passage to be shaded
should be set between the codes "#b" (shading beginning) and "#e" (shading
is encoded
Note the fact that the shading codes are entered in between the hieroglyphic
codes as if they were signs themselves and are therefore always preceded
and followed by either a "-" (dash) or " " (space).
In case hieroglyphs are completely illegible or lost (f.i.
) one can use quarter, half and full quadrant shading codes
in their place. The code "/" gives a quarter shaded quadrant , "h/" gives a
horizontal half shaded quadrant
is encoded /*t:pt,
is encoded b-h/:t-
is encoded b-a-H-//-mw.
Sometimes signs need to be mirrored compared to the orientation they have
in the sign list. This can be achieved by attaching the code "\" (backslash) to
the sign. For instance, the code A1\ gives the sign A1
as its mirror
image: . A good example is the use of the signs C12 and C2 in the
royal name
where C12 is needed in mirrored appearance
(code: C12\) in order for the Amun figure to face the Ra figure. Hence, the
correct code for the cartouche would be <-C12\-C2-N36:ms*s*s->.
Sometimes signs need to be rotated compared to the form they have in the
sign list. A well known example is O29 which appears in the sign list
while it is often needed standing vertically as in .
To rotate a sign a special code has to be added to the sign code indicating the
kind of rotation to be performed. The kind of rotation is noted either with an
"\r" for a rotation counter-clockwise or a "\t" for a rotation clockwise,
followed by a number. In total, there are 6 different rotations possible
(demonstrated by A1):
A1\r1 gives
(rotation +90)
A1\r2 gives
(rotation +180)
A1\r3 gives
(rotation +270)
One can force a certain scaling upon a sign by attaching to its sign code a
"\"-code (backslash) followed by a number indicating the scaling
percentage. For instance, A1\80 gives
, but p\120*t\120:pt gives
reduced to 80%
; p*t:ptgives
There is only a difference between encoding for lines and for columns
concerning the use of groups. For instance, the group
would in lines be
encoded i-A26. In columns, the same encoding would result in . To get
the sign A26 places next to the sign i one should use the code i*A26 instead.
Likewise, with lines the code anx-n:x (read:
followed by the group
would produce
, and with columns it would logically produce
columns one would like to have this as
, one should rather
encode anx*(n:x) instead (read:
next to the group
). In
. If in
columns as i*A26-anx*w-Z2
In this example, the first line is spaced at 100%, meaning that it get no extra
space is given below. The next line at 200% receives a full line height space
in between. So, as a rule spacing starts at 100%. Any spacing lower than
100% causes the next line to be drawn over the current one. For
example, sw-t:Htp-di-!=50% sw-t:Htp-di-! gives:
and .
These codes are used in between the hieroglyphic codes as if they were
signs themselves:
is encoded:
results in:
A demonstration from the grammar by G. Englund
In this example, the words are separated by a single underscore "_", the
sentence is ended by a double underscore and the grammatical endings with
Appendix A: Codes Overview
- sign separator
* sign separator: juxtaposition
: sign separator: subordination
( ) subgroup
! end of line marker
!! end of page marker
.. one-group blank
. half-group blank
$r color change to red
$b color change to black
#1234 sign/group shading (quadrants)
#b shading start (phrase level)
#e shading end (phrase level)
// whole shaded quadrant (
\r2 rotation:
\r3 rotation:
\t1 rotation:
\t2 rotation:
\t3 rotation:
[& ... &] added hieroglyph(s)
[{ ... }] superfluous hieroglyph(s)
[[ ... ]] erased hieroglyph(s)
[" ... "] previously readable sign(s)
[' ... '] sign(s) added by scribe
< > cartouche (start ... end)
<1 2> cartouche (start ... end)
<2 1> cartouche (end ... start)
<0 0> c. without start/end
<h1 h1> Hwt-sign start/end type 1
<h2 h2> Hwt-sign start/end type 2
<h3 h3> Hwt-sign start/end type 3
<h0 h0> same as <0 ... 0>
| inserting text
^ ^ running text arrow (<----->)
++ comments line
+s hieroglyphs
+t transliteration
+l latin text
+i latin italics text
+g greek text
+c coptic text
o red dot
O black dot
= grammatical ending indicator
C4 = Xnmw
C6 = inpw
C7 = stX
C8 = mnw
D1 = tp
D10 = wDAt
D153 = R
D19 = fnD
D2 = Hr
D21 = r
D21 = rA
D24 = spt
D25 = spty
D27 = mnD
D28 = kA
D3 = Sny
D34 = aHA
D36 = a
D4 = ir
D45 = Dsr
D46 = d
D50 = Dba
D52 = mt
D56 = gH
D56 = gHs
D56 = rd
D56 = sbq
D58 = b
D59 = ab
D60 = wab
D61 = sAH
D9 = rmi
E17 = zAb
E22 = mAi
E23 = l
E23 = rw
E24 = Aby
E34 = wn
E6 = zzmt
F12 = wsr
F13 = wp
F16 = db
F18 = Hw
F18 = bH
F20 = ns
F21 = DrD
F21 = idn
F21 = msDr
F21 = sDm
F22 = kfA
F22 = pH
F23 = xpS
F25 = wHm
F26 = Xn
F29 = sti
F30 = Sd
F31 = ms
F32 = X
F33 = sd
F34 = ib
F35 = nfr
F36 = zmA
F39 = imAx
F4 = HAt
F40 = Aw
F42 = spr
F44 = isw
F44 = iwa
F46 = pXr
F46 = qAb
F5 = SsA
G1 = A
G14 = mwt
G16 = nbty
G17 = m
G18 = mm
G2 = AA
G21 = nH
G22 = Db
G23 = rxyt
G25 = Ax
G27 = dSr
G28 = gm
G29 = bA
G32 = baHi
G35 = aq
G36 = wr
G37 = nDs
G38 = gb
G39 = zA
G4 = tyw
G40 = pA
G41 = xn
G42 = wSA
G43 = w
G44 = ww
G46 = mAw
G47 = TA
G54 = snD
H2 = pq
H2 = wSm
H3 = pAq
H4 = nr
H6 = Sw
I1 = aSA
I10 = D
I11 = DD
I2 = Styw
I3 = mzH
I4 = sbk
I5 = sAq
I6 = km
I8 = Hfn
I9 = f
K1 = in
K3 = ad
K4 = XA
K5 = bz
K6 = nSmt
L1 = xpr
L2 = bit
L7 = srqt
M1 = iAm
M11 = wdn
M12 = xA
M12 = 1000
M13 = wAD
M16 = HA
M17 = i
M18 = ii
M2 = Hn
M20 = sxt
M21 = sm
M22A = nn
M23 = sw
M24 = rsw
M26 = Sma
M29 = nDm
M3 = xt
M30 = bnr
M34 = bdt
M36 = Dr
M4 = rnp
M40 = iz
M6 = tr
M8 = SA
M9 = zSn
N1 = pt
N11 = Abd
N11 = iaH
N14 = dwA
N14 = sbA
N15 = dwAt
N16 = tA
N18 = iw
N20 = wDb
N24 = spAt
N25 = xAst
N26 = Dw
N27 = Axt
N28 = xa
N29 = q
N30 = iAt
N35 = n
N35A = mw
N37 = S
N4 = iAdt
N4 = idt
N40 = Sm
N41 = id
N5 = hrw
N5 = ra
N5 = zw
N8 = Hnmmt
N9 = pzD
O1 = pr
O11 = aH
O15 = wsxt
O18 = kAr
O22 = zH
O25 = txn
O28 = iwn
O29 = aA
O30 = zxnt
O34 = z
O35 = zb
O36 = inb
O38A = qnbt
O4 = h
O42 = Szp
O45 = ipt
O47 = nxn
O49 = niwt
O50 = zp
O51 = Snwt
O6 = Hwt
P4 = wHa
P5 = TAw
P5 = nfw
P6 = aHa
P8 = xrw
Q1 = st
Q2 = wz
Q3 = p
Q6 = qrsw
R1 = xAt
R1 = xAwt
R11 = Dd
R11 = dd
R14 = imnt
R15 = iAb
R16 = wx
R22 = xm
R4 = Htp
R5 = kAp
R5 = kp
R7 = snTr
R8 = nTr
R8A = nTrw
R9 = bd
S1 = HDt
S10 = mDH
S11 = wsx
S12 = nbw
S15 = THn
S15 = tHn
S18 = mnit
S19 = sDAw
S20 = xtm
S22 = sT
S23 = dmD
S24 = Tz
S26 = Sndyt
S27 = mnxt
S29 = s
S3 = N
S3 = dSrt
S30 = sf
S32 = siA
S33 = Tb
S34 = anx
S35 = Swt
S37 = xw
S38 = HqA
S39 = awt
S40 = wAs
S41 = Dam
S42 = abA
S42 = sxm
S42 = xrp
S43 = md
S44 = Ams
S45 = nxxw
S56 = K
S6 = sxmty
S7 = xprS
S8 = Atf
S9 = Swty
T10 = pD
T11 = sXr
T11 = zin
T11 = zwn
T12 = Ai
T12 = Ar
T12 = rwD
T12 = rwd
T13 = rs
T14 = qmA
T17 = wrrt
T18 = Sms
T19 = qs
T21 = wa
T22 = sn
T24 = iH
T25 = DbA
T28 = Xr
T29 = nmt
T3 = HD
T31 = sSm
T34 = nm
T6 = HDD
T9 = pd
U1 = mA
U10 = it
U11 = HqAt
U13 = Sna
U13 = hb
U15 = tm
U16 = biA
U17 = grg
U21 = stp
U22 = mnx
U23 = Ab
U24 = Hmt
U26 = wbA
U28 = DA
U31 = rtH
U32 = zmn
U33 = ti
U34 = xsf
U36 = Hm
U38 = mxAt
U6 = mr
V1 = 100
V12 = arq
V13 = T
V15 = iTi
V19 = TmA
V19 = XAr
V19 = mDt
V2 = sTA
V20 = 10
V20 = mD
V22 = mH
V24 = wD
V26 = aD
V28 = H
V29 = sk
V29 = wAH
V3 = sTAw
V30 = nb
V31 = k
V32 = msn
V33 = sSr
V37 = idr
V4 = wA
V5 = snT
V6 = sS
V7 = Sn
W10 = iab
W11 = g
W11 = nzt
W14 = Hz
W17 = xnt
W19 = mi
W2 = bAs
W22 = Hnqt
W24 = nw
W25 = ini
W3 = Hb
W9 = Xnm
X1 = t
X8 = di
X8 = rdi
Y1 = mDAt
Y3 = mnhd
Y3 = zS
Y5 = mn
Y6 = ibA
Y8 = zSSt
Z11 = imi
Z4 = y
Z7 = W