PS2 KBC 8042
PS2 KBC 8042
PS2 KBC 8042
11. The last bit in the last clock cycle is a data bit that is returned by the
KEYBOARD. The keyboard may also be required to return a whole byte/bytes to
the controller depending upon the data that was sent by the controller to
the KEYBOARD. After the controller has seen the last bit it usually
will inhibit the keyboard by yanking the clock line low. Please note that
if the keyboard has to return data to the 8042 it will do so under the
following protocal after the 8042 has released the clock line.
12. During the above transmission the contoller may abort the operation by
holding the CLOCK line low. The keyboard has to montitor the CLOCK line
and stop clocking if it sees that the CLOCK line is not going high.
13. If the KEYBOARD wants to send data: Assume both lines are high. If they
are not high the keyboard can't send. If the clock line is being held low
by the controller, the controller does not want data. If the data line
is being held low by the controller the controller wants to send data and
the keyboard must start clocking it.
14. So the lines are high: The keyboard pulls the data line low and then pulls
the clock line low and then back to high. The data line is changed while
the clock is HIGH. The KEYBOARD pulls the clock line low and high and
repeats the operation as follows:
DA HLLLLLL000000111111222222333333444444555555666666777777PPPPPPssssssLLLLLHHHH
start bit
I have explained this in detail because the documentation is VERY hard to
decripher. I hope this is accurate and helps you. I have not discussed timing,
implementation or voltage levels as I'm sure you will not have trouble with
these aspects.
-=============================================================================IBM Keyboard Interfact Project, by Eric Rudolph, 1991.
No Copyright Whatsoever, but I would like credit where it's due.
A little background on the IBM AT keyboard:
The keyboard I used for this circuit was a BTC 5339sx. It costs about $40
Lucky Computers, 1-800-348-5825. I have also tested the circuit on a
standard PC keyboard, and an HP Vectra AT keyboard.
The AT keyboard DIN connector has 5 pins. Pin 3 is called Reset, but it's
reserved, so we can't use it. Forget it exists on the AT keyboard. They just
charge you money for it. (joke) Open collectors drive the clock and data pins,
so when they are not driven low, they float at 5 volts.
The keyboard transmits data by bits, each synchonous somehow with the clock
line. They keyboard when clocking in or out data, always runs the clock.
The controller can drive the clock line, but not with reference to data.
When the Keyboard sends data, it first sets the data, then drives
clock low, then high, and then changes the data to the next value.
The AT uses 11 bits for a transmission, 1 start bit (0), 8 data
bits, 1 parity bit-set if the number of 1's in the data bits is even, and
a stop bit (1). When the keyboard sends it's last bit, the stop bit, the
controller must drive clock line low as a handshake and to tell the
keyboard not to send until clock goes high again.
Theoretically, the controller could interrupt the sending of the
bits, but I consider this unnecessary, and don't bother with it.
When the computer needs to send a command to the keyboard, it sets clock
line high and the data line low. When the keyboard sees this, it will
start clocking pulsed on the data line.
Then, the controller must look for the clock line going low, set the data
bit, wait for the clock to go high, then wait for the clock to go low
again, and then change the bit. Thus, it changes the data in the middle
of the clock low pulse. When the keyboard has received it's 10th bit,
it will drive the data line low while at the same time clocking out
an extra clock low pulse. Then, it expects a handshake of the clock line
low from the controller.
2 | 7
Notice there is NO start bit when the controller sends data to the Keyboard.
Special Commands the Keyboard can Send to the Controller:
Keyboard buffer overflowed
Selftest passed
The command sent was received correctly
The command sent was received poorly. Please resend.
Special Commands the Controller can Send to the Keyboard:
Set the LEDs according to next byte I send
bit 0=Scroll lock 1=on
bit 1=Num lock
bit 2=Caps lock
bits 3-7 must be 0
clear the key buffer and start scanning
restore default values
retransmit last character, please
Reset, you stupid keyboard!
Whew! That about raps it up for the AT keybard! Enough said, right?
XT keyboards transmit much the same way except they only use 10 bits.
Two start bits (both high) and 8 data bits, transmitted in order 0-1-2...-7
The last bit is a make/break bit which is 1 to signify a break.
The XT can have no commands sent to it. The way to reset it is to drive
the Clock line low for some longish period of time. The keyboard will not
send data (it will hold off) if the data line is being held low by an
external source (the controller)
-=============================================================================From: Tomi H Engdahl <>
Subject: Re: ibm keyboard port specs wanted
>Anyway, here's what I have gathered from the IBM XT TechRef - I'll look
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ | (2 mor
|_________/ |_____/ |_____/ |_____/ |_____/ |_____/ |_____/ |_____
|<- 36uS->|<-32uS->|12| 20 |
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ 0
X 1
2 X
3 X
4 X
5 X 6
This is for an XT keyboard.
The clock and data lines are both normally high. When a key is pressed,
Clock goes low for 36uS. This is followed by 9 clock pulses, each 12.5uS low
and 20uS high; on the 10th rising edge the clock stays high until the next
sequence. The Data line changes on the rising edge of the clock. There
are only 7 data bits (the last two bit times on the Data line are always low)
The ~32uS clock period gives a ~31KHz bit rate.
At least, this is how I interpret my drawings...
-=============================================================================From: (Bill Mayhew)
Subject: Re: PC (AT) Keyboard Interface INFO NEEDED
The IBM-PC-compatible keyboard interface is fairly nasty to
duplicate. I've thought several times about using PC keyboards as
input devices, but have just fallen back to ASCII parallel
keyboards or making my own scanning matricx with something like a
The problem with the IBM-PC keyboard is that it uses a
bidirectional protocol with both the PC's on-board 8741 (or
equivalent) keyboard controller single-chip microprocessor and the
keyboard toggling the clock line and exchanging pulses and scan
codes with relatively strict timing requirements.
I figured my time to design my own version of the handshake would
be more expensive than obtaining a more easily dealt-with keyobard.
If you are talking volume use or have to use the keyboard input for
some reason, than you can nix the timing argument.
6 Pin PS2
No connection
No connection
> 2 1 <
The <>'s indicate the position of the triangular cutouts.
The 5 Pin DIN is standard universal layout.
-=============================================================================From: (Bruce Adler)
Subject: Re: XT vs. AT keyboard
The XT and AT keyboards are NOT compatible. The only way a XT keyboard
will work on an AT computer is if you've got a motherboard and BIOS
which are specifically designed to support both keyboard types.
The keyboards differ in at least the following ways:
1. The XT kb. generates 2 start bits, 8 data bits, make/break
bit, and a stop bit. The AT kb. is 1 start bit, 8 data, 1 parity,
and a stop bit.
2. The XT uses a make/break bit to indicate key up/down. The
AT sends one byte for keydown and two bytes for keyup.
2. The XT keyboard scan codes have different values than
then AT keyboard make/break codes (for corresponding key
4. The XT keyboard doesn't accept any of the command strings
accepted by the AT keyboard.
5. The XT keyboard is reset by fiddling the clock and data
lines; the AT keyboard accepts a reset command string.
In the same manner plugging an AT keyboard into an XT computer won't
work either, unless you have one of those clone keyboards which allow
you to select XT compatible mode.