Nanotechnology Office 2007
Nanotechnology Office 2007
Nanotechnology Office 2007
S.Sesha sai;
Vignan Engineering college
Materials Science research is now entering a new phase where the structure and
properties of materials can be investigated, characterized and controlled at the nanoscale. New
and sometimes unexpected materials properties appear at the nanoscale, thus bringing new
excitement to this research field. In this talk, special emphasis will be given to one-dimensional
nanotubes and nanowires because they exhibit unusual physical properties, due to their reduced
dimensionality and their enhanced surface/volume ratio. These unusual properties have attracted
interest in their potential for applications in novel electronic, optical, magnetic and
thermoelectric devices. Assemblers have been proposed as general purpose manufacturing
devices, able to build a wide range of useful products as well as copies of themselves. If such
systems are to be built they must first be designed; and before they can be designed in detail we
need to know at the system level what major subsystems are needed, what functions they
perform, and how they interact with each other. This paper attempts to fill this need and
describes the subsystems and components required for a relatively "simple" assembler. It
encompasses precision engineering as well as electronics; electromechanical systems (e.g. 'labon-a-chip' devices) as well as mainstream
biomedical applications in areas as diverse as gene therapy, drug delivery and novel drug
discovery techniques.
Another feature of nanotechnology is that it is the one area of research and development
that is truly multidisciplinary. Research at the nanoscale is unified by the need to share
knowledge on tools and techniques, as well as information on the physics affecting atomic and
molecular interactions in this new realm.
1) Introduction
2) What is Nano Technology
3) How the idea took up
4) Nano Materials: Strcuctures and Properties
5) Molecular Assembly
6) Super Computing
7) Nano Computer Dream Team(NCDT)
8) Environment
9) Nano Technology MEMS
10) Nano technology in India
11) Nano technology Applications
12) Nano technology Advantages
13) Conclusion
14) References
From converting sunlight into power to clean oceans, to monitor thermal
environment, and to sensors in the form of biochips built into the human body performing as
lifesavers by self-monitoring and guarding, nanotechnology assures us a lot more!
Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Silicon Age, and next what? nevertheless to say, we
are well in to the Nanotech Age, where materials are just getting smarter day by day. There
would be sensors embedded in almost all walks of life. Each element would be smart enough to
repair itself as and when required. All this would be possible by manipulating matter at the
molecular scale.
Scientific discoveries and inventions have in fact propelled man to challenge new frontiers. And
with his superior brain, man has been able to deliver most of these goodies. In such research
they have been trying to understand the nature and in various disciplines such as physics,
chemistry, botany, zoology, etc. and as a result evolved technologies to improve the quality of
life. The goal has been to simplify our understanding of matter by breaking it into its basic
building blocks ranging from atoms, nuclei, and beyond.
Nanotechnology is a molecular manufacturing or, more simply, building things the size of
one atom or molecule with programmed precision. It involves working with matter at scale of
one- billionth of a meter.
Nanoscience is concerned with nanomaterials that have atleast one of three dimensions
of about 1 to 10 nanometers. The word 'nano' comes from the Greek word "nanos" meaning
'dwarf'. The term nano is the factor 10-9 or one billionth. The nano world can be considered as a
borderland between the femto world(10-15 m) of nuclie and pico world (10-12m) of atoms and
molecules .
Nanotechnology is that area of science and technology where dimensions and tolerances in the
range of 0.1nm to 100 nm play a critical role'. Nanotechnology can best be considered as a
'catch-all' description of activities at the level of atoms and molecules that have applications in
the real world. A nanometre is a billionth of a metre, that is, about 1/80,000 of the diameter of a
human hair, or 10 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
tens to a few thousand atoms are drastically different than normal materials. This conclusion
resulted in evolution of Nanoworld.
Nanotechnology was conceived in southern California in 1959, when Nobel Laureate
physicist Richard P.Feynman gave a famous lecture at the California Institute of technology in
Pasadena. The talk was titled Theres plenty of room at the bottom and it outlined the
theoretical concept of manipulating atoms to build molecules. At that time, people were quite
The Units of Nanotech :
1 millimeter = 1/1000th of a meter.
1 micron
= 1/1000th of a millimeter.
Properties of materials depend critically on the size of atoms constituting the material. The
constituents, nanoparticles can vary from few tens of atom clusters to hundreds to tens of
thousands of atoms. If one can control the sizes of nanoparticles constituting the material , there
are possibilities to assemble new nanostructured materials with unique or improved properties.
The trick is to manipulate atoms individually and place them exactly where needed, to
produce the desired structure. It is challenge for scientists to understand the size, shape, strength,
force, motion and other properties while designing nanomachines.
its basic productive mechanisms guiding the motion of molecules using mechanical systems
imposes no great energy cost. All molecular processes whether in biological systems or chemical
processing plants, move molecules to bring them together in new patterns, and molecular
machine systems can move molecules more effectively than systems that subject them to fluid
Dream or reality
Whether the concept of molecular assembling is a distant dream or not, only time can say.
Development of the ability to design protein molecules will open a path tp fabrification of
devices to complex atomic specifications, thus overcoming the obstacles facing conventional
Super Computing:
Molecular technology has obvious application to storage and processing of information. In the
computer industry, the ability to shrink the size of transistors on silicon microprocessors is
already reaching the limits. Nanotechnology will be needed to create a new generation of
computer components.
Moores law: Holding ground:
Gordon Moore made a prediction in 1965 that computer processing power or the number
of transistors on an integrated chip would double every 18 months. The visionary Moores Law,
as we call it has managed to hold its ground to date.
But will Moores Law continue to valid? Experts and Moore himself believe that
technologuical breakthroughs are needed if this trend is to continue. To sustain Moores Law,
transistors must be scaled down to atleast 9 nanometers by around 2016, according to the
consortium of International Semiconductor Companies. If this is achieved, future chips will have
billions of transistors.
Nano Computer:-
resources could in fact be constructed by nano machines. Cutting down trees, mining coal or
drilling for oil may no longer be necessary. Resources could simply be constructed by nano
combines computers with tiny mechanical devices such as sensors, valves, gears, and actuators
embedded in semiconductor chips. These elements are embedded in the mainframe of the system
for carrying out the bigger tasks, they are usually referred to as smart matter. This smart matter
is used as micro information seekers (MIS). Since micro information seekers are minuteand are
termed as motes, motes are wireless computers small enough to be integrated into anything to
create robust wireless networks.
Tiny, molecular computers are becoming more and more feasible, and may do to silicon
what transistors did to vacuum tubes. Across the world, universities and institutions are making
advances in nano-technology that could shatter today's concept of electronics.
Nanomedicine can be defined as monitoring, control, construction, repair, defense and
improvement of human biological systems, working from the molecular level, using nanodevices
and nanostructures. It is now possible to tag drugs with nanoparticles and arrange the delivery of
drug to the desired location .
In a few decades from now, your car will know the freeway conditions on your favourite
route to home. The GPS installed would take the easiest route possible and the computer system
would calculate the instantaneous speed and history of every vehicle between you and your
destination, as well as the ones that are likely to get on the freeway
Doctors warn against the way many people sit for hours together, and recommend a little
bit of exercise. But what if the furniture itself changes its position to accommodate us
comfortably? The concept of adaptive furniture has caught the fancy of many designers who
value the aesthetic design and the overall getup and feel of the furniture.
We have heard about air-safety bags in cars that open up on the impact of collision
thereby saving the occupants. But for motorcyclists, its now or never: even a little accelerated
slight turn on a slimy surface could be the end of the road for them.
After the September 11 disaster, airports all over the world have gone for the highest
security check-ins. Though various security measures are in work but still terrorists manage to
give the slip. Recently a new devices for baggage screening which is tiny enough to embed in
the floors of the baggage wells between ticket counter positions to scan each bag as the
passenger checks it in ,has been invented.
Biochips are ushering in a new era in healthcare. With biochips, known as lab-on-chips,
it would be easy to speed up development and discovery of drugs, improve diagnostic tools, and
even chart out a significant procedure for determining the best treatment for a specific
diseases.Biochip manufacturing requires the precision involved in making a silicon chip as well
as the care involved in dealing with delicate DNA molecules
Nanoscience is emerging as the basic science providing a field which is becoming the focus of
attraction of all fundamentals sciences. Physics provides possibility of maneuvering things atom
by atom.
Chemistry provides way of synthesizing complicated molecules provided clues for
building materials on molecular level. Bioscience provides possibility of understanding how
nature builds the material as proteins are molecular machines, which routinely manipulate
individual atoms. To decipher it one needs mathematics and computer science for modeling and
computer simulations..