How To Avoid Lock Out Condition
How To Avoid Lock Out Condition
How To Avoid Lock Out Condition
1. The counter should be provided with an additional circuit. This will force the counter from
an unused state to the next state as initial state.
2. It is not always necessary to force all unused states into an initial state. Because from
states which are not forced, the circuit may eventually arrive at a forced unused state. This
frees the circuit from the Lock out condition.
What are the types of shift register?
1. Serial in serial out shift register? 2. Serial in parallel out shift register 3. Parallel in serial
out shift register 4. Parallel in parallel out shift register 5. Bidirectional shift register shift
95. What are the types of counter?
1. Synchronous counter 2. Asynchronous Counter
essential for certain arithmetic and logic operations used in microprocessors. This gives rise
to a
group of registers called shift registers.
94. What are the types of shift register?
1. Serial in serial out shift register? 2. Serial in parallel out shift register 3. Parallel in serial
out shift register 4. Parallel in parallel out shift register 5. Bidirectional shift register shift
95. What are the types of counter?
1. Synchronous counter 2. Asynchronous Counter