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DOE/RL-92-36, Hanford Site Hoisting and Rigging Manual Chapter 2.0 - RESPONSIBILITIES January 31, 2011 Rev 1 Page 1

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DOE/RL-92-36, Hanford Site Hoisting and Rigging Manual


January 31, 2011

Rev 1 Page 1


TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Contractor Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 3
2.2.2 Supervisor or Manager, Hoisting and Rigging Operations ........................................................... 3
2.2.3 Supervisor or Manager, Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair ..................................................... 3
2.2.4 Designated Leader (DL)/Lift Director for Critical Lifts ............................................................... 4
2.2.5 Designated Leader .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.6 Operator .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.7 Rigger.............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.8 Equipment Custodian ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.9 A/D Director ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.10 Approvers of Hoisting and Rigging Lift Plans ............................................................................. 6
2.3 ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................. 6
2.3.1 Responsible Safety Organization ................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Responsible Training Organization ................................................................................................ 7
2.3.3 Controlling Entity ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 RL ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................................... 7
2.4.1 RL Hoisting and Rigging Program Manager ................................................................................. 7
2.4.2 RL PRogram/Line Organizations ................................................................................................... 8

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DOE/RL-92-36, Hanford Site Hoisting and Rigging Manual


January 31, 2011

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This section provides guidance in delineating the responsibilities of personnel and organizations directly
involved in hoisting and rigging (H&R) activities at the Hanford Site.
Job classification terms used in this manual (e.g., rigger, operator, and inspector) refer to the function
performed and in no way relate to a classification in any union or bargaining unit.
2.2.1 Contractor Responsibilities
Hanford Site contractors shall establish programs based on equipment manufacturers specifications and
limitations for operation, maintenance, and inspection of equipment addressed by this manual. Where
manufacturers specifications are not available, operation limitations and maintenance and inspection
requirements assigned to the equipment shall be based on determinations of a qualified person competent
in this field and such determinations shall be appropriately documented and disseminated to equipment
operators and maintenance and test personnel.
2.2.2 Supervisor or Manager, Hoisting and Rigging Operations
A supervisor or manager shall be responsible for each H&R operation and shall ensure that:
a. Qualified personnel are assigned to operate equipment and perform hoisting and rigging tasks.
b. Equipment is operated safely.
c. Preplanned and approved H&R instructions are used when necessary and always for critical lifts.
d. Equipment found to be unsafe or requiring restrictive use is properly tagged.
e. The equipment custodian is notified of equipment problems.

A designated leader (DL)/lift director shall be assigned to hoisting and rigging operations that
require more than one person. See paragraphs 2.2.4 and 2.2.5.

2.2.3 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor or Manager

A supervisor or manager shall be responsible for inspection, maintenance, and repair on H&R equipment
and components and shall ensure the following:
a. Equipment is properly inspected, maintained, tested, and repaired by qualified personnel.
b. Inspection, maintenance, and repair personnel have the tools to safely accomplish their work.
c. Ensure that records of the maintenance, repair, inspection, and testing are available for audit in a
maintenance file.
d. Responsible inspection, maintenance, and test personnel have access to the following
information, as applicable:
1. Operating instructions
2. Maintenance, repair, and parts information furnished by the manufacturer or the
responsible maintenance/engineering organization
3. The manufacturers recommendations as to points and frequency of lubrication,
maintenance of lubrication levels, and types of lubricant to be used

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4. Maintenance or repair procedures from the manufacturer or responsible

maintenance/engineering organization
5. Wiring diagrams
e. Inspection, maintenance, and repair activities are documented in accordance with the
requirements of this manual

Personnel responsible for inspection or maintenance are familiar with the applicable contents of
all equipment manuals.

2.2.4 Designated Leader (DL)/Lift Director for Critical Lifts

Management shall assign a DL/lift director for critical lifts. The DL/lift director may be a crew member
or any qualified person. (See Chapter 4, Personnel Qualifications and Training Requirements, for DL/lift
director qualifications.) The DL/lift director for critical lifts shall perform those activities listed in 2.2.5
as well as ensuring that:
a. A critical lift procedure is prepared.
b. The critical lift procedure is properly approved before implementing (refer to Chapter 3.0,
paragraph 3.5.1, Critical Lift Plan Approval).
c. A documented pre-lift meeting is held and personnel understand how the job will be done.
d. Management provides qualified personnel (e.g., operators, riggers, flagman, DL/lift director).
e. Proper equipment and hardware are identified in the critical lift procedure.

The lifting operation is directed by a DL/lift director to ensure that the job is done safely and

g. Involved personnel are familiar with, and follow, the critical lift procedure.
h. After the critical lift is completed, critical lift documentation is transmitted to the manager for
whom the lift was done. The DL/lift director should advise responsible personnel that this
documentation is subject to audit for one year. (See Chapter 3.0, paragraph 3.7.)
2.2.5 Designated Leader
A designated leader shall be appointed to H&R activities that involve more than one person. Normal
forklift truck material handling operations are not considered H&R activities and do not require a DL/lift
director1. The DL/lift director may be the operator, a crew member, or any qualified person. (See
Chapter 4, Personnel Qualification and Training Requirements) The DL/lift director shall:
a. Ensure that a flagman or signaler, if required, is assigned and identified to the hoist/crane/forklift
b. Ensure that management provides qualified personnel and personnel understand how the job is to
be done.
c. Ensure that the weight of the load is determined, that the proper equipment and hardware are
selected and inspected, and that the capacity of the lifting device is not exceeded.
d. Ensure that the equipment is properly set up and positioned.
e. Examine the work area for hazardous or unsafe conditions.

Rigging (e.g., wire rope, synthetic, chain, shackles) may be components supplied with front-end
attachments. When integrated into front-end attachments, such components do not invoke hoisting and
rigging DL/Lift Director appointment.

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Direct the lifting operation to ensure that the job is done safely and efficiently.

g. Ensure that the job is stopped when any potentially unsafe condition is recognized.
h. Be present at the jobsite during lifting operations.

Stop crane operations if alerted to an unsafe condition affecting those operations.


Ensure that the preparation of the ground conditions needed to support crane operations has been
completed before crane operations commence when mobile cranes are used. If the operator,
DL/lift director, or AD director have concerns pertaining to ground conditions they shall notify
the controlling entity.

k. Ensure swing radius hazards are addressed, when applicable, per OSHA 1926.1424 (see Chapter
19, OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart CC) and only authorized personnel are allowed in identified
hazard areas

Ensure only authorized personnel enter the fall zone to perform or conduct activity that cannot be
performed other than when a load is suspended or being landed

m. Use hoisting routes that minimize the exposure of employees to hoisted loads where available
n. Ensure necessary traffic controls are in place to restrict unauthorized access to the cranes work
If an injury or accident occurs, ensure that the emergency is promptly reported. (Call 911; call 373-0911
if using a cellular phone.) Take charge of the accident scene pending arrival of emergency services
2.2.6 Operator
The operator shall perform the following activities:
a. Safely operate equipment.
b. Follow the equipment operating guidelines and, for mobile cranes, the load charts.
c. Perform the pre-use and frequent equipment inspection.
d. Ensure that the load will not exceed the rated capacity of the equipment.
e. Abide by any restrictions placed on the use of the equipment.

Ensure inspections are current via inspection sticker, other documentation, or verbal confirmation
from the equipment custodian.

2.2.7 Rigger
The rigger shall perform the following activities:
a. Ensure that the rigging equipment and materials have the required capacity for the job and that all
items are in good condition, are currently qualified (inspection is up to date), and are properly
b. Verify that rigging equipment and material are in compliance with the procedure, if applicable.
c. Confirm that the load path is clear of personnel and obstacles.
2.2.8 Equipment Custodian
Management shall designate an individual who shall have custodial responsibility for each crane, hoist,
lift truck, or other H&R equipment that requires scheduled maintenance, inspection, and record keeping.
(The custodian may be thought of as the equipment owner.) The custodian can be assigned by facility,

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geographical area, individual equipment item, or other method as deemed appropriate by management.
The custodian shall perform the following activities:
a. Verify that operating equipment is maintained and maintenance, inspection, and testing of the
equipment remain current.
b. Verify that equipment is properly tagged and, if necessary, removed from service when
discrepancies are found during inspection or operation.
NOTE: (1)

It is important that equipment users know how to contact the equipment custodian.
A method should be devised so that equipment users can easily identify and
contact the equipment custodian.


See Chapter 6.0, Section 6.2.2 for specific duties of a forklift truck custodian.


Duties listed in Section 2.2.8 are considered a summary of an equipment

custodians responsibility. It is important to recognize that more specific, and
possibly additional, responsibilities are stated in individual chapters.

2.2.9 Assembly/Disassembly Director

The Assembly/Disassembly Director (A/D Director) is responsible to direct both the assembly and/or
disassembly of equipment (cranes) covered under OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart CC and ASME B30
standards. With regard to tower cranes, erecting and climbing replaces the term assembly, and
dismantling replaces the term disassembly. Regardless of whether the crane is initially erected to its
full height or is climbed in stages, the process of increasing the height of the crane is an erection process.
See Chapter 4, Personnel Qualifications and Training Requirements, and Chapter 19, OSHA 29 CFR
1926 Subpart CC.
2.2.10 Approvers of Hoisting and Rigging Lift Plans
The following personnels approvals on a hoisting and rigging lift plan indicate endorsement of the
subject and content of the plan and fulfillment of the signers area of responsibility.
Manager Verifies the lift plan approvers are qualified in the area they approved and authorizes
the plans implementation.
Qualified Rigging Engineer-Verifies the lift plan calculations are accurate for capacities based
on rigging and the configuration of the item to be lifted, design and dimensions, load description,
weight and field conditions. The condition of the item to be lifted including the lift points are
confirmed by the Rigging Engineer or his designee.
Qualified Safety Representative- Verifies the lift plan address and provides applicable
administrative and physical controls to mitigate potential and identified hazards.
Technical Approver Verifies the lift plan, as a minimum, addresses and contains the
appropriate information that complies with the technical requirements applicable to the personnel,
equipment, and activity covered by the plan as required by this Manual.

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2.3.1 Responsible Safety Organization
The responsible safety organization shall monitor H&R operations to ensure that they are performed
safely. In addition, vendor-owned and operated equipment shall be monitored in the following manner:
a. Vendor-Owned or Operated EquipmentThe safety organization in the company that initiates
the contract is responsible for ensuring that the vendor equipment and personnel meet pertinent
H&R safety requirements (e.g., OSHA 29 CFR 1910 and 29 CFR 1926 Subpart CC).
b. Vendors Directly Contracted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Richland Operations
Office (RL)Compliance with pertinent H&R safety requirements shall be coordinated by the
cognizant RL Division.
2.3.2 Responsible Training Organization
The responsible training organization shall provide training to ensure that personnel qualifications meet
requirements of this manual and shall ensure that the following activities are completed:
a. Training provided is documented (see Chapter 4.0, Personnel Qualifications and Training
b. Training and evaluation is provided in accordance with the contractors qualification program for
c. Evaluation methods and standards are established.

Controlling Entity

The controlling entity shall:

a. Ensure that ground preparations necessary to ensure ground conditions are firm, drained, and
graded to a sufficient extent so that, in conjunction (if necessary) with the use of supporting
materials, the equipment manufacturers specifications for adequate support and degree of level
of the equipment are met. The requirement for the ground to be drained does not apply to
b. Inform the user of the equipment and the operator of the location of hazards beneath the
equipment set-up area (such as voids, tanks, utilities) if those hazards are identified in documents
(such as site drawings, as-built drawings, and soil analyses) that are in the possession of the
controlling entity (whether at the site or off-site) or the hazards are otherwise known to that
controlling entity.
2.4.1 RL Hoisting and Rigging Program Manager
The RL H&R Program Manager (PM) shall:
a. Ensure consistency in implementation and interpretation of this Manual across the Hanford Site.
b. Be the RL authority having jurisdiction over interpretation of this Manual.
c. For H&R events:
1. Help ensure that the pertinent H&R issues are identified during subsequent investigations
or critiques.

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2. Help ensure that identified H&R issues are adequately addressed in corrective actions or
lessons learned issued.
3. Help ensure that any Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS) report or
official lessons learned issued adequately addresses the H&R aspects, corrective actions,
and lessons learned for the event.
d. Periodically assess line management implementation of the H&R program at the Hanford Site.
e. When requested, assist RL program or line organizations in matters relating to H&R (This could
include H&R surveillances, reviews of critical or major lift procedures or work packages, hostile
environment plans, participation in the H&R aspects of Readiness Assessments, Operational
Readiness Reviews, etc.).

When requested, assist Hanford Site contractors in addressing issues related to compliance with,
implementation of, or interpretation of this Manual.

g. Represent RL on the Hanford H&R Committee.

h. Maintain the Manual.


Be the RL authority for the review and approval of revisions to this Manual. Ensure the RL
program and line organizations are kept up to date with the latest Manual changes, bulletins, or
important issues applicable to their organizations.
RL Program/Line Organizations

The RL program and line organizations shall:

a. Notify the PM as soon as possible after an H&R event, preferably before any critique or
investigation. Notification as soon as possible will enable the PM to better carry out his duties
and responsibilities of Section 2.4.1.c.
b. Contact the PM in matters of the H&R Manual interpretations or application where there is a
conflict between program or line organizations and the contractor.
c. Contact the PM when RL personnel have a question concerning the application or interpretation
of the Manual.
d. Per the FRAM (Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities Manual), verify that Hanford Site
contractors are implementing the Manual effectively.

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