CANDY Manual
CANDY Manual
CANDY Manual
Quick Start Guide
May 2014
Blank page
This quick start guides intent is to get you up and running in Candys Estimating module. A more
comprehensive explanation on the functionality of Candy Estimating can be found in the course
notes, available for licenced users from their local distributors. (Refer page 7)
The latest version of the Candy may be downloaded from the Internet. The files may be used for a
new Candy installation or to update the existing system.
The files can be copied onto a removable disk and installed onto any computer.
Create a folder on your hard disk named c:\ccsdownloads.
From the windows desktop click Start, Programs and Windows Explorer. On pull down menu select
File, New, Folder, type ccsdownloads and press enter.
Load an Internet Web browser and search for the CCS web page.
In your browsers Address/Location text box, type
Click on the link Download free trail and you will be able to download the Candy System files.
Starting up
Chapter 2. Starting Up
Starting Candy
Start Candy from the windows desktop by double clicking in the Candy shortcut.
Complete the user Login with your User Name, Initials and Company name.
Data Selector
A data folder is created with the first installation of Candy on the computer and displayed the first
time you open Candy. Highlight the path name and click on Select to open the Company selector.
Company Selector
This is the top level menu in the data folder. You may create up to 24 companies in the selected
data folder.
For example, if you are doing a tender in a joint venture with another firm, you can create a brand
new company on the computer for that bid.
To select a company, position the cursor on the required company and use Enter or Double click
with the mouse.
Starting up
On the company selector, create a new company by clicking on the Company menu and select
Add a new company.
Starting up
Job Selector
Double click on the CCS Training Company to access the Jobs in the company.
The job selector will generate a new header and new job automatically.
You may create up to 99 jobs within a company and they may be created, copied, renamed,
deleted and backed up either using the Job menu or using the Right-click menu.
To return to the Company manager after you have opened the Job manager, you can right click on
Starting up
Click OK
Starting up
System Registration
In order to use Candy, the system must be registered with CCS and a monthly licence fee paid.
CCS will allow prospective clients a free trail licence to assess the software.
The free trail download will give you an evaluation licence for 30 calendar days.
The only restrictions of the evaluation software are:
The data accumulated during the trial period can be used when you rent the full system.
Once the trail licence has expired the software will indicate a non-registered system.
If your system has not been registered, the system registration dialogue will be displayed with a
broken key.
The registration process is completed telephonically with your local distributor (refer next page);
using a set of unlocking codes.
If the system has been registered the job selector will be displayed.
Starting up
Lets first import these Bill pages below from Microsoft Excel.
Do this:
Click the Bill Prep menu.
If there is no Bill of Quantities present in this job, the first time you try to
access it, the setup dialog will appear.
The setup dialog is used to select a master reference job and to enter the
tender details. Working with Masters will be covered in detail in later
For pricing the Waste Water Treatment Works, we currently have no Master and all items will
be imported, entered and priced from first principles.
When we have finished pricing this job, it can be used as a Master for any other job
Do this:
Since we have no previous jobs and no Master, make sure that the master checkbox is not ticked.
Contract reference information and other general details may be entered into the Estimate Details
dialog. You can change these tender details from the Main > Estimate details menu.
A special Bill document exists in Candy for importing Bills. The Bill Importer document contains all
the tools required to import and format the Bill.
Do this:
Click Bill Prep > Bill Importing.
There are no bill items at present. We will copy a Bill from an Excel spread sheet and paste it into
this document.
Copying all the Bill data in the Excel spread sheet to the clipboard
Do this:
Create an Excel file as indicated below and select all the data using Ctrl-A.
Click Edit > Copy (or Ctrl-C) to copy the Excel data to the clipboard.
The Column Selection dialog appears. We need to identify the Item number, Description, Unit and
Click the item in the list on the left which identifies the column under the big grey arrow. The arrow
will then move to the next column. Click Continue when you have finished.
The bill import indicates that 19 items were imported 18 bill items and one column heading row.
The bill quantity hash total displays the sum of all the
quantities imported (ignoring the unit types)
This is used as a quick check to see if all the bill items
are imported.
Compare this to the sum of all the quantities in Excel.
If the same; all quantities have been imported.
There are additional options that can be set for pagination which are not handled in this course.
For this course we will keep the default settings.
Click OK to confirm the repagination...
We have now completed importing the Bill. You can close this document.
Now well use the ordinary Bill documents to setup the summary heading levels and price the Bill
The Bill of Quantities can be viewed, edited and priced using various layouts in the Document
Do this:
Open the Bill Document Manager by clicking on Documents > Estimating Document Manager.
The Document Manager contains a standard set of data and column layouts which may be copied,
customised or renamed.
The layouts in the Document Manager are universal to all your jobs in Candy. Any change which
you make to a document will be reflected in all jobs.
Section headings
In a Candy Bill you can create a hierarchy of headings, allowing you to navigate the Bill easier by
opening and closing sections in it and also to generate summary pages in reports.
All non-Bill items imported from external file will have been marked as comments. We can convert
many of these to meaningful headings to improve the readability of the Bill.
Do this:
Open document 1.2 Pricing bill and change the first comment of each page to a Level 1 heading
by typing the number 1 in the Level column L (the first column). As the level changes, the line
colour will change to the colour for that level as defined in the System settings.
Notice that both pages of our bill are shown. The Candy bill can be displayed in a multi-page
mode (like this), or a single page mode, where only one page at a time is visible.
Do this:
To make things simpler in the next exercises, from the Bill document menu, click View > Multipage bill to remove the tick and get the one-page-at-a-time mode. Now close the Bill document.
Introduction - Trades
Bill items are priced using Price Codes. Price codes are the fundamental pricing mechanism in
Candy. Price code represents an item of work and is priced to reflect its unit rate.
Every Price code must have a Trade code and this must be the first character of the code. The code
is up to 8 characters in length and the first character identifies the Trade to which it belongs.
For example:
E203 Excavate column bases - the "E" in the code indicates that this Price code is in the
Excavation trade.
Where Trade codes are used:
Trade totals display - Summary of the job by Trade into resource types.
Trade mark-up - Different mark-up can be applied to each trade.
Trade spread sheet - An analysis of the job pricing arranged by Price code showing the
rates split into resource types.
Subcontract adjudicator - Trades can be used to populate subcontract adjudication
The order of the trades in the Trade definitions document dictates the order in trade related report.
The vertical order of the trades on the Trade definitions document can be changed with the
Ctrl+Left-arrow and Ctrl+Right-arrow keys to 'bubble' trade definitions up and down.
The Price code List is sorted alphabetically by Trade.
Simple resources are used to price worksheets for Price codes and Complex resource.
(Complex resource discussed in detail later)
Each Simple resource must belong to one of the nine Resource Types, such as Labour, Material,
Equipment, etc.
Simple resources are usually created on the Resource List - they can also be created from a
worksheet. Once a resource exists it can be used on both Price code and Complex resource
Trade Definitions
Do this:
The Trade codes can be defined in the definitions menu. Access the definitions menu by selecting
Main > Definitions & Settings or click on the blue hammer
Select 1.1 Trades. Define the remainder of the trades by entering an Alphabetic letter as a trade
code and a description. A maximum of 52 Trades may be defined.
Do this:
Click Main > Definitions and Settings (or
Type in the following resource types: (Up to 9 resource types can be defined).
Plug rate pricing is done by simply plugging in a rate in the Net Rate column for each item.
In the Document manager, open 1.2 Pricing Bill. Note the U in the new Attributes column shows
that all the bill items are Unpriced.
Now you can allocate the Earthworks trade to the Clear site bill
item by selecting Earthworks and
Note that PT is displayed in the Attributes column indicating that the Item now has a Plug rate and
a Trade mark-up. (Mark-up currently = 0 % Mark-up will be done later)
Double click on the Attributes column to display the explanation of the attributes.
Split Rate pricing must be done in a Split Bill of Quantities document which shows the Net split rate
columns. Open the document manager again and select New Document > 1.5 Split Rate Pricing
to add this document to the document manager.
Now go to the document manager again and open 1.5 Split Bill of Quantities.
Note that the document display the Net Split Rate columns.
Price Item B by entering 2.00 in Labour Split Rate column.
If Candy asks for the Trade allocation, choose Earthworks and confirm.
and enter 8.00 in Plant Split Rate column.
Note the ST in the Attributes column indicating that the Item has a Split rate and a Trade mark-up.
Price Codes
Do this:
Open Bill document 1.2 Pricing Bill.
This layout contains columns relating to the Price Code.
The Price Code for the first priced items was automatically created by Candy.
The Bill item Clear site on page 1 has a Price Code E00004 with a rate of 10.00. By allocating the
same Price Code to any other bill items will price them using the Price Code rate, effectively
speeding up the pricing process.
Pricing using Worksheets is made a lot easier if we first allocate Trade codes to the relevant bill
Do this:
In item Cs Trade code field
Using the same method, allocate trade code M to the metal works bill items on Page 2.
Having allocated Trade codes we can price items easier using worksheets. We will price item 1/C.
The worksheet allows for resource-based pricing.
The worksheet may contain up to 200 calculations.
Explanation of Simple Resources
For resource-based pricing, we need to create some resources. We have already defined some
Resource Types, which categorise simple resources. For example, Labour resources fall into the L
resource type, material resources, such as stone, fall under the M type. Sand is a simple
resource, whereas concrete is not, because it is made up of sand, stone, and cement.
Do this:
Place the bar cursor on Page 1 / item C and click the Worksheet button at the bottom of the
Enter the details for the new resource in the Resource Input dialog as shown below.
Click OK
The resource description and rate is now displayed on the worksheet. The resource is 5.25/hr and
the bill item is per m3. Enter the calculation *9hrs/day/1.5m3/day (the answer is 6).
Note the calculation is entered on the worksheet the way you would write on paper (free format).
The Store worksheet button action can be changed to perform a few different functions.
You can change the way the worksheet is stored by selecting the up arrow
For this course we will use the option Store & return to document. After selecting the store
method, store the worksheet by clicking on Store Worksheet.
Note that WT is displayed in the Attributes column indicating that the Item has a Worksheet and a
Trade mark-up.
Resource Code 200 Unskilled Labour (all in) was added when pricing Item C.
Go to a blank line and enter a new resource called Charge hand.
Insert an existing resource in the Resource list using the right-click menu
Do this:
Open the Resource List by right-clicking on a
blank line in the worksheet.
Choose Resource list on the menu.
Select resource 200 Unskilled Labour (all in) and
Add resource 210 Charge hand using the same
The worksheet now contains the resources, but no calculation for the rate.
Now enter the following calculations against each resource in the worksheet.
The worksheet contains two calculations. To display the total of both calculations, place an equal
sign = on a new line against the left margin and press enter.
Notice the total for these calculations at the end of the line. Note the total rate is also displayed on
the top right-hand corner.
Click Store worksheet.
Complex Resources
A Complex Resource is created by assigning a level number between 1 and 9 in the Resource List
type column.
Do this:
Enter the new complex resource 220 Hand Exc. team (1C + 2L) in the resource list
Complex resources must be priced using a worksheet. With your cursor on the 220 Hand Exc.
team (1C + 2L), click on Complex worksheet.
You can also change the way the complex worksheet is stored by selecting the up arrow next to the
Store button. For this course we will use the option Store & back to document
Remember to store the worksheet by clicking Store complex.
Now the Resource List shows two Simple Labour resources and one Level 9 Complex Resource.
Insert a resource into a worksheet using the Drag & Drop method
Do this:
Open the Worksheet for the bill item 1/E Excavate for Pit or Sump. To make it easier to
perform these operations, move the Bill, Worksheet and Resource Lists into the positions as
displayed below.
Click and hold down the mouse button on the row selector bar for the Hand Exc Team (1G + 2L), in
the Resource List and drag & drop the resource onto the worksheet.
Now enter the following calculation to calculate the rate per m3.
The worksheet calculations for Bill Item 1/E is copied into item 1/F worksheet. There is no need to
input the complex resource or the production as this information was copied from the previous Bill
item 1/E.
and create Simple Resources for the Excavator and Diesel. Remember
the Simple Resources must be categorised into the correct Resource Type, i.e. Excavator into Plant
(P) and Diesel into Material (M).
Now create the Complex Resource for Excavator (Wet). Remember that the Complex Resource
must have a Level number between 1 and 9 in the Resource Type column.
Price the Complex Resource CAT 215 Excavator (Wet) using the following resources and
Use any one of these methods above to insert resources into the worksheets:
Adjust the production to 400m3/day to compensate for the deeper excavation and then store the
All the items on page 1 should now be priced and the page total should be 69,172.94. Press
Calculate to calculate & display the Excavation heading amount.
Applied Factor
Do this:
With your cursor on Item 1/H, click Worksheet.
Note that many lines of the worksheet share a common production of 400m3/day, rather than
entering the production on each calculation line; we can introduce an applied factor.
The words APPLIED FACTOR appear. The result remains the same at 6.54.
Local Variables
Local variables are defined and used on a worksheet using the square brackets [ ].
Do this:
Use Ctrl+Insert to insert a few blank lines at the top of the worksheet. Enter the following
Now press enter on the production calculation line and a message confirming the calculated value
will appear.
Click OK
Worksheets can be documented by leaving one blank space on the left of the worksheet followed
by the relevant comment.
Add +15% to the applied factor line and then type a comment 15% for over break.
Subcontract Adjudicator
You can use split rate entry to complete the exercise in this quick start guide.
Do this:
The job total by trade can be displayed by clicking
or selecting Finalisation > Trade totals display.
The subcontractor Nett Amount of 90223.10 is the same total as calculated in the subcontract
adjudicator for Metalwork when we displayed the Subcontract adjudicator results.
Resource Analysis
Resource analysis can be displayed on screen using one of the resource documents which displays
the Bill Quantity Usage & Bill Quantity Usage value columns.
Do this:
Open resource document 1.4 Utilisation and value billed quantity from the resource
document manager.
The bill usage columns is relative to the unit of the resource, i.e. 4598.31 hours of unskilled labour
at 5.25/hr or a total allowable of 24141.14 to spend on this resource, similarly, there are 491.56
litres of diesel allowed on the job.
Changing rates in the resource list will substitute the adjustments through all worksheets and
update the Net rate for each bill item.
Mark Up
Right-click in the Mark up column and choose General mark-up utilities > Mark up ALL trades.
Mark Up
The Mark up type column now indicates what type of mark-up has been applied.
Mark Up
The Gross amount is displayed with the net split amounts for Labour, Plant, etc. The last column
represents total mark up amount.
Job Reports: These reports are only available to the current Job, and they are included as part
of the Job backup.
Global Reports: These reports are available to all the jobs on your computer, so they are NOT
backed up with Jobs.
Try printing the following reports and select the various options to see the available reporting
Note the selling rate column on the right side of the document. Having priced a job and applied
mark up, selling rates can be established by copying the Gross rate.
Right-click on the selling rate
column header and select
Copy selling rates from
Check the option to lock
selling rates after copy and
click OKand confirm the
Lets assume the site team will purchase diesel for 2.50/ Litre instead of 3.00/ Litre.
Note that the Diesel allowable decreases from 1474.69 to 1228.91, representing a buying saving
of 245.78.
Original Net Amount New Net Amount = (277,174.18 276,928.40) = 245.78 Saving
Original Material Net Amount New Material Net Amount = (109,939.69 109,693.91) = 245.78
Notice that the Net and Gross rates for Items G and H have reduced as these items use the cheaper
diesel in their make-up.
Notice the Selling rates remained fixed and the rate difference has increased in relation to the
Gross rates.
The ability to link the activities with related bill items allows for accurate budget forecast.
Combined with the Cashflow module, it assists with analysis and decision making related to project
management and project cost control.
A more comprehensive explanation of this functionality can be found in the course notes available
for licenced users from their local distributors. (Refer page 7)
A more comprehensive explanation of this functionality can be found in the course notes available
for licenced users from their local distributors. (Refer page 7)
13.4 Valuations
Candy Valuations provide continuity between Estimating and the Post Tender commercial control.
All the information used to price the tender is immediately available at post-award.
All Post Tender commercial functions can be carried out by site based staff using the facilities
within the Valuations module.
Monthly applications for payment are produced by entering either a cumulative progress quantity
or a percentage complete against changed bill items.
Updating the linked Program will provide suggested progress quantities to the bill items each
The progress quantity build up can be recorded using measurement sheets. The available progress
quantities are Claimed, Paid and Actual, and a number of derived quantities, such as Quantity to
Completion, are also provided.
The integration of Estimating/Valuation and Planning enables monthly forecasts of both cost and
value to completion to be generated using the unique link between time and money.
A more comprehensive explanation of this functionality can be found in the course notes available
for licenced users from their local distributors. (Refer page 7)
On site, the costs would be collected against the various what, with and where cost codes in each
period (when). The costs should be compared back to the allowable for each code on a monthly
basis. The costs can be imported from a text file, which should be generated by your company
costing system.
Once the Bill of Quantities and the Program have been updated, the remaining allowable can be
calculated and spread across the remaining time.
Factors or percentages may be entered against each cost code combination for each reporting
period in order to forecast a cost to completion. If a trend is expected to change, future percentage
figures may be altered as required.
A more comprehensive explanation of this functionality can be found in the course notes available
for licenced users from their local distributors. (Refer page 7)
User Interface
Candy button
To select the company and job manager, system settings and to exit
the software.
Current Company
Current Job
Software version
Application tabs
Application menu
General menu
Menu for general utilities including telephone list, daily dairies, card
games, etc.
Utilities toolbar
Application toolbar
Displays tool buttons specific to the application selected. This tool bar
changes when a different application tab is selected.
User Interface
Document name
Document menus
Document toolbar
Click this button to select all the line records on the screen.
Column help
User Interface
Calculation status
Displays the current bill page number. Bill page number refers
to the number as displayed on the Clients bill. Can be alpha
Document page
Function buttons
Calculation button
User Interface
Document menus
Each document has a document menu with relevant menu items suited for
the type of document
Dropdown menus
Selecting a menu item will open a dropdown menu with a further set of
applicable menus
Move the mouse over the help button for a brief explanation of the menu
User Interface
Column heading
Record cell
Use for data input and/or display for each activity record.
User Interface
Select the fonts for the screen display. Note report fonts are set when
customizing the reports.
Document styles
Set the folders and network path for backups and network masters. If Excel
is installed on the computer, the executable command can be located here
for exporting document information direct into Excel.
Job start up
Set the start tool button document to open immediately when a job is
Tool buttons
Macro keys
Toolbar hotkeys
User Interface
Double Click
Marks the Start and End of a Range of records for Dragging and
Simple Keystrokes
This is a list of the major Editing and Cursor Movement Keystrokes, with a brief explanation of the
function, and the equivalent Icon if available.
Scroll Lock
Moves the document currently on top of the pile behind all other documents.
Page Up
Cursor to Top line of the Screen, or if already at the top of the screen, scrolls a
full screen up.
Page Down
Cursor to Bottom line of the Screen, or if already at the bottom of the screen,
scrolls a full screen down.
Arrow Left
Arrow Right
Arrow Up
Arrow Down
User Interface
Normally moves the cursor to the first field of the next line. If the direction for
Enter has been set, then the cursor is moved accordingly.
Combination Keystrokes
A combination keystroke involves holding down the Ctrl, Alt or Shift key and using another at the
same time. These keystrokes will generally perform the same function if used anywhere in the
Ctrl+Page Up
Ctrl+Page Down
Bring text up from the line below and place it at the cursor position - i.e.
Ctrl+Space Bar
Copy the Word above and position cursor for the next word
Copy the Field above and Jump Down to the line below.
Clear the line from the cursor position to the end of the current field.
User Interface