OOPS Module 1
OOPS Module 1
OOPS Module 1
Module 1
Programming Techniques
We can distinguish the programming techniques into following categories.
Unstructured programming
Structured programming
Modular programming
Top Down Programming
Bottom Up Programming
Object-oriented programming
Unstructured Programming : Usually, people start learning programming by writing small and simple programs
consisting only of one main program. Here main program'' stands for a sequence of commands or statements which
modify data which is global throughout the whole program. We can illustrate this as shown in Fig. 1. This programming
technique provides tremendous disadvantages once the program gets sufficiently large. For example, if the same
statement sequence is needed at different locations within the program, the sequence must be copied.
Figure 1:
Unstructured programming. The main program directly operates on global data.
Structured Programming : Structured programming is a programming method you use to break long programs into
numerous small procedures. With procedural programming you are able to combine returning sequences of
statements into one single place. A procedure call is used to invoke the procedure. After the sequence is processed,
flow of control proceeds right after the position where the call was made. See Fig. 2.
Figure 2
Execution of procedures. After processing flow of controls proceed where the call was made.
With introducing parameters as well as procedures of procedures (sub procedures) programs can now be
written more structured and error free. For example, if a procedure is correct, every time it is used it produces correct
results. Consequently, in cases of errors you can narrow your search to those places which are not proven to be
Now a program can be viewed as a sequence of procedure calls. The main program is responsible to pass
data to the individual calls, the data is processed by the procedures and, once the program has finished, the resulting
data is presented. Thus, the flow of data can be illustrated as a hierarchical graph, a tree, as shown in Fig. 3 for a
program with no sub procedures.
Figure 3:
Procedural programming. The main program coordinates calls to procedures and hands over
appropriate data as parameters.
Advantages of Structured Programming : The goal of structured programming is to create correct programs that are
easy to write, understand and change.
1. Easy to write:
Structured design increases the programmer's productivity by allowing them to look at the big picture
first and focus on details later.
Several Programmers can work on a single, large program, each working on a different module
Studies show structured programs take less time to write than standard programs.
Procedures written for one program can be reused in other programs requiring the same task. A
procedure that can be used in many programs is said to be reuseable
2. Easy to debug
Since each procedure is specialized to perform just one task, a procedure can be checked individually.
Older unstructured programs consist of a sequence of instructions that are not grouped for specific
tasks. The logic of such programs is cluttered with details and therefore difficult to follow.
3. Easy to Understand
The relationship between the procedures shows the structured design of the program.
Meaningful procedure names and clear documentation identify the task performed by each module/
Meaningful variable names help the programmer identify the purpose of each variable.
4. Easy to Change
Since a correctly written structured program is self-documenting, it can be easily understood by
another programmer.
Modular Programming : With modular programming procedures of a common functionality are grouped together into
separate modules. A program therefore no longer consists of only one single part. It is now divided into several smaller
parts which interact through procedure calls and which form the whole program (Fig. 4).
Figure 4: Modular programming. The main program coordinates calls to procedures in separate
modules and hands over appropriate data as parameters.
Each module can have its own data. This allows each module to manage an internal state which is modified by
calls to procedures of this module. However, there is only one state per module and each module exists at most once
in the whole program.
Characteristics of Modular Programming
One of the principal advantages of object-oriented programming techniques over procedural programming
techniques is that they enable programmers to create modules that do not need to be changed when a new type of
object is added. A programmer can simply create a new object that inherits many of its features from existing objects.
This makes object-oriented programs easier to modify.
Need for Object Oriented Programming :
Until recently, programs were envisioned as a series of procedures that acted on data. A procedure, or
function, was defined as a set of specific instructions executed in sequential manner. The data is kept separate from
the procedures, and the trick in programming was to keep track of, which functions called which functions, and which
data was changed. To make sense of this potentially confusing situation, structured programming was created. Pascal
is a language, which uses procedural method of programming.
The principal idea behind structured programming was as simple as the idea of divide and conquer. A
computer program could be regarded as consisting of a set of tasks. Any task that was too complex to be simply
described would be broken into a set of smaller component tasks, until the tasks were sufficiently small and selfcontained to be easily understood. The language C uses structured programming approach.
Structured programming remains an enormously successful approach for dealing with complex problems. By
the late 1980s, however, some of its deficiencies had become all too clear.
First, the separation of data from the tasks that manipulate the data became increasingly difficult to
comprehend and maintain. It is natural to think of data (employee records, for example) and ways that data can be
manipulated (sort, edit, and so on) as related ideas.
Second, programmers found themselves constantly reinventing new solutions to old programs. Reinventing in
a way is opposite of reusability. Reusability involves building components that have known properties, and then
plugging those components into a program, as the programmer needs them. This software concept is modeled after
the hardware world; when an engineer needs a new transistor, she doesnt usually invent one but goes to big bin of
transistors and finds one that fits her needs, or perhaps modifies the found transistor. No similar option existed for a
software engineer until reusability was developed.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) attempts to meet these needs, providing techniques for managing
enormous complexity, achieving reuse of software components, and coupling data with the tasks that manipulate the
The essence of object-oriented programming is to treat data and the procedures that act on the data as a
single object a self-contained entity with an identity and certain characteristics of its own.
Applications OOP
Object-oriented programming is not particularly concerned with the details of the program operation. Instead, it
deals with the overall design of the program . The OOP features can be implemented in many languages that support
them. C++ is one language that supports all the features of OOP. Other languages include Common Lisp object
system, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Actor and the latest version of Turbo Pascal, Java. However, C++ is the most widely used
object-oriented programming language.
Applications of OOP are beginning to gain importance in many areas. The most popular application of object
oriented programming, has been in the area of user interface design such as windows. Real business systems are
often much more complex and contain many more objects with complicated attributes and methods. OOP is useful in
these types of application because it can simplify a complex problem. The promising areas for aplication of OOP
include :
Data hiding
Data Abstraction
Dynamic Binding
1. Encapsulation and Data Hiding : The property of being a self-contained unit is called encapsulation. The
idea that the encapsulated unit can be used without knowing how it works is called data hiding.
Encapsulation is the principle by which related contents of a system are kept together. It minimizes
traffic between different parts of the work and it separates certain specific requirements from other parts of
specification, which use those requirements.
The important advantage of using encapsulation is that it helps minimize rework when developing a
new system. The part of the work, which is prone to change, can be encapsulated together. Thus any changes
can be made without affecting the overall system and hence changes can be easily incorporated.
As noted before, when an engineer needs to add resistor to the device she is creating, she doesnt
typically build a new one from the scratch. She walks over to a bin of resistors, examines the bin of resistors,
examines the colored bands that indicate the properties, and picks the one she needs. The resistor is a black
box as far as the engineer is concerned that is, she doesnt care how it does its work as long as it conforms
to her specifications.
All the resistors properties are encapsulated in the resistor object they are not
spread out through the circuitry. It is not necessary to understand how the resistor works to use it effectively,
because its data is hidden inside the resistors casing.
C++ supports the properties of encapsulation and data hiding through the creation of user-defined
types, called classes. Once created, a well-defined class acts as a fully encapsulated entity and can be used
as a whole unit. The actual inner workings of the class should be hidden; users of well-defined class do not
need to know how the class works, only how to use it.
2. Inheritance and Reuse : Inheritance is the process by which objects of one class acquire the properties of
objects of another class. In OOP, the concept of inheritance provides the idea of resusability. This means we
can add additional features to an existing class without modifying it.The new class will have the combined
features of both the classes.
Consider a car manufacturing company. When they want to build a new car, they have two choices.
They can start from the scratch, or they can modify an existing model. Perhaps their former model is nearly
perfect (say CAR1), but they would like to add a turbocharger and a six-speed transmission. The chief
engineers would prefer to use the earlier model and make some changes to it than creating a new one
C++ supports the idea of reuse through inheritance. Through this concept, a new type can be declared
that is an extension of the existing type. This new subclass is said to derive from the existing type and is
sometimes called a derived type.
3. Polymorphism : Polymorphism means the ability to take more than one form. An operation may exhibit
different behaviours in different instances. The behaviour depends upon the types of data used in the
The CAR2 in the above example may respond differently than the CAR1 when the car accelerates.
The CAR2 might engage fuel injection and a turbocharger, for example, whereas the CAR1 simply get petrol
into its carburetor. A user, however, does not have to know about these differences; the user simply presses
the accelerator and the car responds with the correct function.
C++ supports this idea that different objects do the right thing through function overloading and
operator overloading. Using a single function name to perform different types of tasks is known as function
overloading. The process of making an operator to exhibit different behaviours in different instances is known
as operator overloading. Poly means many, whereas morph means form. Thus, polymorphism refers to the
same name taking many forms.
4. Data Abstraction : Abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the
background details or explanations. Classes use the concept of abstraction and are defined as list of abstrat
attributes such as size, weight and cost, and functions to operate on these attributes. They encapsulate all the
essential properties of the objects that are to be created. The attributes are sometimes called data members
because they hold information. The functions that operate on these data are sometimes called methods or
member functions. Since classes use the concept of data abstraction, they are known as Abstract Data Types.
5. Dynamic Binding : Binding refers to the linking of a procedure call to the code to be executed in response to
the call. Dynamic binding means that the code associated with a given procedure call is not known until the
time of the call at run time. It is associated with polymorphism and inheritance.
6. Communication : Communicating with messages is the principle for managing complexity, which is used
when interfaces are involved to communicate between the entities. OOP uses classes and objects have
attributes(data members), which can be exclusively accessed by services(member functions) of the objects.
To change the attributes of the object (a data member of the object), a message has to be sent to the object to
invoke the service. This mechanism helps in implementing encapsulation and data abstraction.
Basic Concepts and Terminology
There are several differences between the C language and C++, which have nothing to do with OOP. Some
of them are highlighted below.
The actual use and description of these additional keywords will be covered in their specific contexts.
Although, a deviation from the old style of declaring all variables in the beginning of the block, this does save
some amount of memory, i.e., a variable is not given a memory until the declaration statement. Also, since a variable
can be declared just before using it is suppose to give a better control over variables.
3. The Scope Resolution Operator( :: ) : Global variables are defined outside any functions and thus can be used by
all the functions defined thereafter. However, if a global variable is declared with the same name as that of a local
variable of a function , the local variable is the one in the scope when the program executes that function . The C++
language provides the scope resolution operator ( :: ) to access the global variable thus overriding a local variable with
the same name. This operator is prefixed to the name of the global variable . The following example shows its usage.
int global = 10;
void main()
int global = 20;
printf( Just writing global prints : %d\n, global);
printf( Writing ::global prints : %d\n, ::global);
The output of this program will be:
Just writing global prints : 20
Writing ::global prints : 10
4. Default Arguments : A default argument is a value that is automatically assigned to a formal variable, if the actual
argument from the function call is omitted.
void drawbox( int x1=1, int y1=1, int x2=25, int y2=80, int color=7);
// Prototype
parameters passed
default arguments
void drawbox( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
// Body of the function
Function drawbox() draws a box around the edges of the coordinates passed as parameters. If these
parameters are omitted, then the default values, as given in the declaration are passed.
When a function is declared, default values must be added from right to left. In other words, a default value for
a particular argument cannot be given unless all default values for the arguments to its right are given. This is quite
logical, since, if there are some arguments missing in the middle then the compiler would not know as to which
arguments have been specified and which should be taken as default.
void drawbox( int x1=1, int y1=1, int x2=25, int y2=80, int color = 7);
void drawbox( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color = 7);
// Valid
void drawbox( int x1=1, int y1=1, int x2=25, int y2=80, int color );
// Not Valid
Default arguments are useful when the arguments almost have the same value. They are also useful to
increase the number of arguments to a function in an already working program. In this case, using default arguments
mean that existing function calls need not be modified, whereas, new function calls pass more number of arguments.
5. The new and delete operators : The C language has defined library functions- malloc() and free() for dynamic
allocation and de-allocation of memory. C++ provides yet another approach to allocate blocks of memory the new
operator. This operator allocates memory for a given size and returns a pointer to its starting point. C++ also provides
delete, to release the memory allocated by new. The pointer returned by the new operator need not be typecasted.
char arr[100];
char *arr;
arr = new char[size]; //Run time allocation of an array. Size can be a constant or a
In the above example, new returns a pointer to a block of size bytes. It is synonymous with declaring a
character array. However, declaring an array is an example of static binding the array is built at the compile-time.
This array remains in existence right from the beginning of the program to its end, even if not in use. Whereas , the
array declared by new operator can be allocated memory only when required and can be released when over with,
using the delete operator. This is an example of dynamic binding.
It is possible that the system may not have enough memory available to satisfy a request by the new operator.
In this case, new returns a null pointer. Thus, the returned value from the new should always be checked before
performing any operations on it, which otherwise may lead to an adverent system crashes.
Once the new operator allocates memory, it can be accessed using the indirection operator (*) or the array subscripts.
struct date
int dd,mm,yy;
date *dp = new date;
printf( enter day );
6. The cin and cout objects : In C++ the keyword cin with the extraction operator >> is used to accept the input
and the keyword cout with the insertion operator << is used to display string literals and values, in place of scanf()
and printf() functions of C. However, here we do not need any type specifiers like %d , %f etc., to denote the variables
type. cin and cout can be used in context with any basic data types.
int ivar;
float fvar;
char cvar;
char name[10];
cin >> ivar ;
cin >> fvar >> cvar >> name;
cout<< ivar = << ivar << endl;
cout<< fvar = <<fvar << cvar= << cvar << name;
It is clear in the above example, how we can accept and display variables. We can also concatenate various
variables, using the insertion operator and extraction operator. While displaying, if you write some text in the quotes
they are displayed as it is. Another manipulator endl can be used to end the line and get the cursor back to next line.
7. Reference Variables : The symbol & is interpreted as an address operator as well as AND operator. This operator
is also used to declare a reference variable. A reference is referred to an alias, serves as an alternative name for the
int &iref;
// wrong
int &iref = ival //o.k.
Once a reference has been made to a variable , it cannot be changed to refer to another variable.
void main()
int num1 = 10, num2 = 200;
int &ref = num1;
cout<< num1 << num2 << ref ; //10,200,10;
ref = num2;
cout << num1 << num2 << ref ; //200,200,200
It changes the contents of the original variable, which is not the desired action.
Although a reference to a variable serves as a kind of pointer, we cannot initialize the address of an object to
int ival = 1000;
int &refval = &ival;
//the error message by the compiler would be- can not convert int* to int.
All the operations on the reference variables are actually applied to the object to which it refers.
refval = refval + 2;
int ii = refval;
int *pi = &refval
A constant reference can be initialized to an object of a different type as well as to non-addressable values,
such as literal constants .
double dval = 3.1415;
const int &ir = 1024;
const int &ir2 = dval;
const double &dr = dval +1.0;
The same initializations are not legal for non-constant references.
Internally, a reference maintains the address of the object for which it is an alias. In case of non-addressable
values, such as literal constant and objects of different types, the compiler generates a temporary object that reference
actually addresses but user has no access to these addresses.
double dval = 1024;
const int &ri = dval;
The compiler transforms this as,
int temp = dval;
const int &ri = temp;
Now if we try to change ri, it actually changes temp and not dval as it is a constant
We can initialise a reference to the address of a constant object.
If we write,
const int ival = 1000;
int *&pi_ref = &ival;
If we write,
const int *&pi_ref = &ival;
/* this is reference to a pointer to an object of type int defined to be a constant. Our reference is not to a
constant but rather to a non-constant, which addresses a constant object.*/
The correct form is,
int *const &pi_ref = &ival //o.k.
Differences between a pointer and a reference
1. A reference must always point to some object where as this restriction is not imposed on a pointer.
int *pi = 0;
pointer can point to no object. would be converted as ,
const int &ri = 0
int temp = 0;
const int &ri = temp;
2. The assignment of one reference with another changes the object being referenced and not the reference
int ival1 = 1000, ival2 = 2000;
int *pi1 = &ival1, *pi2 = &ival2;
int &ri1 = ival1, &ri2 = ival2;
pi1 = pi2;
ival1 remains unchanged but pi1 and pi2 now address the same object ival2.
ri1 = ri2;
ival1 becomes 2000. ri1 and ri2 still refer to ival1 and ival2 respectively.
Size in Bytes
0 to 65,535
-32,768 to 32767
0 to 4,294,967,295
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
-32,768 to 32,767
0 to 65,535
256 character values
1.2e-308 to 3.4e38
2.2e-308 to 1.8e308
// Decimal
// Octal
// Hexadecimal
a, 2, ., (blank) -uses a byte.
Special Character set ( Escape Sequences) : When normal characters are preceded with a \ (back slash) , they
work in a different way. These are called escape sequences.
\n new line
\t horizontal tab
\v vertical tab
\ double quotes.
They can also be represented using literal constants .
\14 instead of \n for newline.
String literal : An array of constant characters is represented as strings. Zero or more characters are represented
within double quotation marks. These are terminated by a null character. The compiler does this.
-- null string
a multiline \
string literal signals its \
continuation with a backslash
Qualifiers : All variables by default are signed ( the sign bit is also stored as a part of the number ). If it is known
beforehand that the value of a variable will not be signed, then the keyword unsigned can precede a variable, thus
declaring it an unsigned variable. This is called as a qualifier.
unsigned int num = 341;
unsigned arr = 20;
Note that in the second example the data type is omitted, in which case it defaults to being an integer.
There are many occasions when values to be stored in the variable exceeds the storage space allocated to
them. For instance, an integer on a 16-bit processor is allocated 2 bytes, which can store at the most 65535, if the
variable is unsigned. If a bigger number is to be stored in a variable , then the qualifier long can be used.
long int num = 1234354l;
long emp = 1234321L;
unsigned long int ulinum = 0;
unsigned long ulnum;
Note that the two qualifiers with one variable declaration can also be given. In this case the last two variables
can have double the amount of storage and are unsigned. Also note that the letter L or l succeeds long constants.
Similarly, there is another qualifier short, which gives storage equal to, or less than an integer, depending upon
the implementation.
short int i;
Some implementations have the qualifier signed. All the variables by default are signed, therefore this qualifier
is not of much use.
Operators : The variables, which are declared and defined, are the operands, which are operated upon by the
operators. Operators specify what operations are to be performed on the operands. The language offers a range of
operators, ranging from arithmetic, relational and logical operators to bit-wise logical , compound assignment and shift
Assignment Operators : The equal (=) sign is used for assigning a value to another. The left hand side has to
be a variable (lvalue, which excludes constants, expressions, functions etc.).
x = 10;
y = x;
Arithmetic Operators : We can classify the arithmetic operators as UNARY and BINARY operators.
Unary Operators : Unary operators are those, which operate on a single operand.
Unary Minus Operator( Negation) : This operand can be used to negate the value of a variable. It is
also used to specify a negative number, here a minus(-) sign is prefixed to the number.
int x = 5;
int z = -10;
y = -x;
a = z;
The value of y now becomes 5 and 'a' becomes -10. However, the
language does not offer any unary + operator.
Increment and Decrement Operators : The operator for increment is ++ and decrement is . These
operators increase or decrease the value of a variable on which they are operated, by one(1). They
can be used as prefix or postfix to the variable, and their meaning changes depending on their usage.
When used as prefix, the value of the variable is incremented/ decremented before using the
expression. But when used as postfix, its value is first used and then the value is incremented or
In the above example it does not matter whether the decrement operator is
prefixed or suffixed. It will produce the same result. However, in the following
example it does make a difference :
int a =0, b=10;
a = ++b; is different from a=b++;
In the first case, the value of a after the execution of this statement will be
11, since b is incremented and then assigned. In the second case, the value of a
will be 10 , since it is assigned first and then incremented. The value of b in both
the cases will be 11.
The unary operators have a higher precedence than the binary arithmetic
Binary Operators : There are five binary operators. These operators, require two operands.
for addition.
for subtraction.
fro multiplication.
for division .
for modulus.
z = x + y;
f = 10 / 3;
f = 10 % s;
x = a + b c / d * e;
x = ((a + (b c) / d )* e;
The second example will give the quotient of 10 divided by 3, where as the
third example will give the remainder after division.
The expressions in the fourth example is evaluated according to the
precedence of operators, which is as follows:
%, /, *
+, -
Compound Assignment Operators : Apart from the binary and the unary arithmetic operators, we also have
compound assignment operators. These are +=, -=, *=, /=, %=. Using these operators, the expression
x = x + 5;
can also be written as
x += 5;
This helps in writing compact code.
Relational Operators : A relational operator is used to make comparison between two values. All these
operators are binary and require two operands. There are the following relational operators :
equal to
not equal to
greater than
greater than or equal to
less than
less than or equal to
number < 6
ch != a
total == 1000
Note that no space is given between the symbols. All these operators have equal precedence
amongst themselves and a lower precedence than the arithmetic operators.
Logical Operators : We say any expression that evaluates to zero is a FALSE logic condition and that
evaluating to non-zero value is a TRUE condition. Logical operators are useful in combining one or more
conditions. The following are the logical operators :
&& AND
The first two operators are binary, whereas the exclamation(!) is a unary operator. It is used to
negate the condition.
x<0 && y>10 evaluates to true if both conditions are true
x < 0 || z = = 0
evaluates to true, if one of the conditions is true
!(x == 0)
evaluates to true if condition is false.
The unary negation operator(!) has a higher precedence amongst the these, followed by the
and (&&) operator and then the or(||) operator, and are evaluated from left to right.
Bit-wise Operators : Some applications require operations to be done on different bits of a byte separately. Bitwise operators offer a facility to do just that. There are several bit-wise operators :
Unary Operator : Ones Complement Operator(`) : This operator is a unary operator that causes the bits of
its operand to be inverted, i.e. 1 becomes 0 and 0 becomes 1. for instance, to see the largest possible
number, which can be stored in an unsigned integer, a zero can be assigned to it. All the bits in this word
will be zeros. When the ones complement operator is used on this word, all the bits will be inverted to
ones, giving the largest possible number. The program to show this conversion is below :
unsigned u = 0;
printf(Value before conversion : %d\n,u);
u = ~u;
printf(Value After conversion : %d\n,u);
Binary logical bit-wise operators : There are three logical bit-wise operators :
exclusive or
These are binary operators. The operations are carried out independently on each
pair of the corresponding bits of the operands. i.e. the bit 1 of operand 1 is logically
operated with the bit 1 of operand 2. the operations of these operators are summarized in
the following table:
char x, y, z, a, b;
a = 0x01;
b = 0x05;
/* 0000 0001 */
/* 0000 0101 */
x = a & b;
y = a ^ b;
z = a | b;
x &= y;
y |= z;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
&& & && & & &
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
The Shift Operators : There are two shift operators : left shift ( <<) and right shift (>>). These are binary
operators. The format is
operand >> number or operand << number
The first operand is the value, which is to be shifted. The second is the number of bits
by which it is shifted. The left shift operators shift number bits to the left, whereas the right
shift operators shift number bits to the right. The leftmost and the rightmost bits are shifted
out and are lost.
char x, y = 0x80;
y = y >> 3;
x = y <<2;
y <<= 1;
x >>=2;
The char y( which is allocated a byte of space on a 16-bit machine) will have its bits
shifted to the right three places. The value of y which was 0x80(1000 0000) is changed
to 0xFo(1111 0000) , after y = y>>3.
Precedence and Order of evaluation : The languages follow a standard precedence for basic operators. Precedence
rules help in removing ambiguity of the order of operations performed while evaluating an expressions. Also important
for this purpose is the associativity of the operators, associativity defines the direction in which the expression is
evaluated when the operator is involved. The precedence and associativity of the operators is summarized below:
C Operator Precedence
( ) [ ] -> .
left to right
left to right
+ -
left to right
<< >>
left to right
left to right
== !=
left to right
left to right
left to right
left to right
left to right
left to right
right to left
= += -= etc
right to left
left to right
Operators on the same line have the same precedence; rows are in order of decreasing precedence, so, for
example, *, /, % all have the same precedence which are higher than that of + and on the next line.
The sizeof() operator : This is a pseudo-operator given by the language, which returns the number of bytes taken up
by a variable or data type. The value returned by this operator can be used to determine the size of a variable.
Mixed Mode Expressions and Implicit type Conversions : A mixed mode expression is one in which the operands
are not of the same type. In this case, the operands are converted before evaluation, to maintain compatibility of the
data types. The following table shows the conversion :
operand 3
char ch = A;
ch = ch + 32;
Here, ch will be converted to an integer, since there is an integer(32) in the expression. The result will be an
float f = 10.0;
int i = 0;
i = f / 3;
In this expression , the constant 3 will be converted to a float and then floating point division will take place,
resulting in 3.33333, but since the lvalue is an integer the value will be automatically truncated to 3 and the fraction
part is lost. ( implicit conversion from float to int ).
Type Casting : Implicit type conversions, as allowed by the language, can lead to errors creeping in the program if
care is not taken. Therefore, explicit type conversions may be used in mixed mode expressions. This is done by typecasting a value of a particular type, into the desired type. This is done by using the (type) operator as follows:
(type) expression
Branching Statements
The control flow statements used for branching are if-else, else-if and switch.
The if-else and else-if statements.
The syntax of if else statement is :
if(expression 1)
If the expression1 is evaluated to be true the statements under it are executed
otherwise if it is wrong the statements written after the keyword else are executed.
if( ch < 0 || ch > 9)
cout << Not a Number);
// in case of a single statement the braces
can be avoided.
cout<< This is a number;
A single if(expression) without an else can also be used for checking a single
A multi-way decision making segment can be written by using if statements
inside the else part, which gives the else-if construct.
if( option == 1)
cout<< 11111;
z = b;
This can be written as
z = (a>b) ? a: b;
The Switch Construct
The switch statement is a multi-way decision-making construct that tests
whether an expression matches one of a number of constant values, and branches
accordingly. The switch statement is another alternative to using nested if-else
statements. The general format is as follows :
case value1 : statements;
case value2 : statements;
case value3 : statements;
: statements;
The expression must be declared in the parentheses, and the body of the
switch statement must be enclosed in braces. The values with case should be
constants. The expression is evaluated and compared with the values in cases, if it
matches the statements under it are executed till it encounters a break statement.
If the value does not match with any of the case statements then the statements
under the default label are executed.
Omission of break takes control through the next case statements regarded
whether the value of case matches or not. This can also be used constructively
when same operation has to be performed on a number of cases.
case a :
case e :
case i :
case o :
Looping Statements : The statements generally used for looping are for, do-while, while. The goto statement
can be used for looping, but its use is generally avoided as it leads to haphazard code and also increases the
chances of errors.
The for Loop : This is a controlled form of loop. The general format is :
for( initialize ; test ; update)
The initialize part is executed only once, before entering the loop. If test
evaluates to false then the next statement after for loop is executed. If the test
evaluates to true then the updating takes place.
for( int i = 0; i< 10; i++) // In C++ you can declare a variable here.
cout << i;
This will print from 0 to 10.
The expressions in the for loop are optional but the semi-colons are necessary, i.e.,
for( ; ; )
This is an infinite loop, with no expression.
int i = 0
for(; i< 10; )
cout << i;
This is equivalent to our example, which printed from 0 to 9. More than one
expression can also be inside the for loop by separating them using commas.
for( int i = 0, int j=10; i< 10 && y>0 ; i++, y--)
cout << i;
// equivalent to scanf()