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Bodenheimer's Reasoning

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jurisprudence: The Philosophy and

Method of the Law

By Edgar Bodenheinier. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1974.
Reviewed by Vincent Luizzi
Dept. of Philosophy
Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, Texas.
For the legal profession in America, a treatise is a
comprehensive study and descriptlon of an area of
law. Whether the treatise be on torts, contracts,
property, or evidence, it will be a compilation and
organization of the rules and principles of the field,
together with a presentation of cases and statutes in
whlch they are articulated, of the rationale for and
debate surrounding these rules, and of their history.
In law the treatise seeks to establish no particular
thesis as correct, and thus essentlaliy it differs from
a philosophical treatise whose purpose is one of arguing for the truth of a particular position.
Insofar as the late Edgar Bodenheimer's treatise
on jurisprudence stands for a rejection of any rigid
separation of legal and philosophical treatises, it is an
interesting analogue to a natural law theorist's relection of any rigid separation of law as It is and law as
it ought to be. In effect, Bodenheimer is unwilling to
make a statement of what jurisprudence is, without
an inclusion of hls view on what it ought to be. What
makes this analogy even more interesting is that Bodenhelmer's views on the nature of jurisprudence
and law are those of a natural law theorist.
Says Bodenheimer, "no Jurisprudential treatise
should bypass or ignore the burning questions connected with the achievement of justice in human relations....It is submitted that the theory and philosophy of
the law must remain sterile and arid if they fall to pay
attention to the human values which it Is the Function
of the law to promote." (vli) As for his view on the nature of law understood as a iegal system, Bodenheimer
teils us that "a legal system acts as a mediator between
social ideals and soclal reallty. In terms of average social experience, It may be said to hover In a twilight

JlYWl wishjng to give a rigld or an all-ernbmivedeflnl.

don of nqtwal law, 1wauld in general use the term to

denote certain hdamental ptlnclples of justlce whose

recognltlon and obsenrance is hdlspensahle, or at least
h@Jy necessary, in a workable order of sqlety,,.. It is
my oplnlon that a solidly g o a d e d pNlosophy of Law
mu$t pay attention to the problem of natural
law,,.whlch..,forms a mk bottom on whlch the ediflce
of law and justlce must rest... Natural law thinking
should be non&gmadc, qexible, and open-minded.
-Edgar BodenheMer, VERA LF3, ML V, no. 1

zone between nornativity and actuality." (191)

However much Bodenheimer's treatise is distinctive for its inclusion of this natural law component,
the first part of the treatise is largely a descriptive account of the hlstory of jurisprudential thought. Besides this section devoted to history, Bodenheimer
structures hls discussion with sections on the nature
and functions of the law and on the sources and
technlques of the law. In his historical introduction
to the philosophy of law, Bodenheimer includes
chapters on the theories of ancient Greece and
Rome, of the middle ages, and of the classical era of
natural law, along with chapters on German transcendental Idealism, historical and evolutionary theories, utiiitarlanism, analytical positivism, sociological jurisprudence and iegal realism, and the revival
of natural law and value-oriented jurisprudence.
It Is In the next parts of the book that Bodenheimer veers from thls descriptive narrative and assumes at times the voice of critic and advocate. The
part on the nature and functions of the law includes
chapters on order, on justice, and on law as a synthesis of the two. Bodenheimer also devotes a chapter to distinguishing law h-om other agencies of social control. Another is devoted to the advantages
and disadvantages of the rule of law. In the last part
of the treatise, Bodenheimer includes chapters on
the formal and nonformal sources of law and on the
technlques of science and the judlcial process,
Prof. John B. OaMey, a colleague of Prof. Bodenheimer's at U.C. Davls Law School, observed in his
tribute on the occasion of Bodenheimer's death in
199 1 : "Throughout his long career in jurisprudence,
Edgar relentlessly championed the Importance of
human rights to the validity of law and the legitimacy of legal systems." ("Tribute," U. C. Dank Law
Revlew, vol. 26. no. 3, Spring 1993, p. 504.)* Bodenheimer's treatise on jurisprudence, with its inclusion of Bodenheimer's natural law views about jurisprudence and law, stands at once as an iliustration
and a confirmation of what Prof. Oakley observed.
'See "In Memoriam", VERA LEX,vol. XI, no. 2, 1991. 4

Hegel and Legal Theoly

By Drucilla Corneii, Michael Rosenfeld, David Gray
Carlson (eds.). New York: Routledge, 199 1 .
Reviewed by John Hund
Dept. of African Law
University of the North
Northern Transvaal, South Africa.
The editors of this volume are iaw professors at the
Benjamin N. Cardozo Schooi of Law in New York
City. They think that the birth of Hegelian studies in
American iegal scholarship can be traced back to a
Vera Lex, Vol. XIV,Nos. 1 and 2, 1994

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