Classification of Thermoplastics
Classification of Thermoplastics
Classification of Thermoplastics
A. Polyolefins
B. Vinyl & Related
C. Polyamides
D. Acrylics
E. Cellulosics
F. Styrenics (Aromatic hydrocarbon)
G. Fluoropolymers
H. Plastics with Special Chain Structures.
A group of important commercial plastics with carbon (C) and hydrogen repeat units with no ring
Examples: Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polyisobutylene (PIB), Polymethylpentene
(PMP). Ethylene-propylene copolymers, PVC is a hylogenated polyolefin, and PTFE a
fluorinated polyolefin belong to other polymer families.
Tg ~ -100C (-20 to -180C); Tm ~ 120C (105 - 138C).
Probably the largest volume plastic. There are three main types - classified according to density,
melt viscosity or melt index (reflecting molecular weight).
1. Low density Polyethylene (LDPE)
Typical products:, T-Shirt grocery bag, 55-gal drums, artificial skating surface.
linear with MW 3x10 6 x10 ; difficult to process; has excellent impact resistance
(toughness); excellent fatigue resistance; very low friction and antistatic properties, mostly
machined from stock shapes into mechanical parts that require wear and abrasion resistance.
Uses: pen tips, prosthetic wear surfaces, gears , sliding bearings etc.)
Tg ~ -20 C (-5 to -24 C); Tm ~ 175 C.
One of four very high low cost volume thermoplastic is similar to PE in many respects. Its S.G.
0.88 - 0.91. Excellent resistance to stress cracking, flexure fatigue and many chemicals (not
Notable applications: lawn/patio furniture, integral hinges, air ducting, air cleaners, parcel
shelves, many automobile components, many domestic appliances (e.g. washing machine tanks),
biaxially oriented packaging films, fibers, and tapes (ribbons) made from slit film subsequently
oriented and often woven for bag fabrication.
Polyvinylchloride (PVC)
Tg ~ 70 C
Good chemical resistance, excellent weatherability, self-extinguishing (flame retardant), good
insulation properties.
uPVC (rigid): pressure pipe, ducting, fume hoods, house siding, window sash, rain gutters,
PVC (flexible): garden hose, electric wire insulation and jacket, shower curtains, clothing fabrics,
shoe soles.
PVF (Tg = -20 C; Tm = 198 C): High tensile strength; resistant to UV, staining, abrasion.
Used only as protective film over wood panels, furniture, upholstery, metal finish.
PVAL (Tg = 80 C; Tm = 240 C):
Highly polar, water soluble. used as strippable or washable coating.
PVDC (Tg = - 18 C; Tm = 190 C):
Has outstanding barrier properties for oxygen, CO2 and H2O.
co-polymerized with vinylchloride to obtain "cling film" saran. Used for packaging films and film
products such as sterizable pouches; coating, fibers for textiles.
Aliphatic Polyamides
Tg and Tm vary according to C atoms in the chain. By far the most common, and are of referred
to simply as "polyamides" or "nylons". Typical examples are nylon 4 through nylon 12. They
have affinity for polar molecules, such as water. Water absorption characteristics results in poor
electrical properties, dimensional stability. High ductility, high degree of crystallinity.
Mechanical properties in high range - dependent on water content. Very good fatigue and creep
resistance. Impact strength is generally very good although considered to be notch-sensitive.
Excellent frictional properties (self-lubrication), good wear and abrasion resistance.
Applications: a wide range of mechanical components where mechanical properties, moldability,
and self-lubrication are essential factors. Examples include slides and guides, gear trains,
bearings, valves, propellers, and housings. Also used for automotive gas tubing and gas tanks.
Used extensively as fibers. Monofilaments are used for ropes, tire cords, fishing lines, tennis
strings, surgical sutures, brush bristles, and artificial hair and fur. Good resistance to oxygen
permeation as well as oils or greases. Hence used for film packaging for food products (cheese,
bacon, meats); boil-in bags or pouches.
Aromatic Polyamides
Relatively new class of PA, complex and proprietary. Examples are PMPI (poly m-phenylene
isophthal amide) and PPPT (poly p-phenylene terephthal amide).
Aromatic rings in the backbone correspond to high chain rigidity and high glass transition
Uses: produced as fibers by unconventional spinning processes associated with liquid crystal
polymer (LCP). Examples are nomex and kevlar used in products such as tire cord, ropes, cables.
Best known example in this class is polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA).
Excellent transparency, good rigidity, acceptable impact and abrasion, outstanding weatherability,
good chemical resistance except for a number of organic solvents.
Uses: Used in clear or colored and transparent or translucent forms.
Diverse objects: contact lenses, automotive tail-light lenses, safety and security glazing, skylights,
illuminated signs, air craft glazing, optical fibers. Also used for coatings, such as floor waxes and
emulsion (latex) paints, acrylates are more common in this latter application.
Cellulose (CEL)
A carbohydrate polymer, major constituent of wood (50%) and cotton fibers (100%).
Examples: Cellulose acetate (CA), Cellulose-acetate-butyrate (CAB), Cellulose nitrate (CN),
Cellophane, Methyl cellulose, Cellulose-acetate-propionate (CAP).
CA is used for photographic films and adhesive tapes.
Well-known example from this class is polystyrene (PS)
Polystyrene (PS)
Tg = 100 C
One of the four major thermoplastics. Very stiff but brittle and highly transparent below Tg, low
intrinsic resistance to weathering, and UV radiation causes yellowing and further embrittlement.
Not particularly good fire resistance. Properties and stability affected by moisture or water.
Uses: Many uses: low-cost disposable service ware, cabinets, toys etc., profiles, sheets, cellular
material for insulation or packaging; not for structural uses.
A family of carbon chain polymers which features fluorine toms that form very strong bonds with
carbon atoms (C-F).
Two categories: Fluoroplastics have plastic-like behavior; fluoroelastomers have rubber-like
Excellent resistance to a variety of chemical attack over a wide range of temperatures.
Example: polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (Teflon).
Examples of products from foamed PU: in cushions in home/office furniture, automobile seat
Polyehtyleneterephthalate (PET)
Tg = 70 C (60-81 C); Tm = 265 C (245-271 C)
Semi -crystalline
Uses: fibers, photographic and x-ray films, magnetic tapes, electrical insulation, drafting sheets,
food packaging, alcoholic and beverage bottles etc., etc.
Polycarbonate (PC)
Tg = 150C; Tm = 230C:
Chemically, this a thermoplastic polyester. Amorphous, transparent.
Highest impact resistance of any transparent thermoplastic. Rigid, good outdoor stability, good
creep and fatigue resistance. Wide variety of compositions available at moderate cost.
Uses: CDs, safety shield, glazing to replace glass in lighting fixtures.
(high impact)
Acrylic-PVC alloy