Shapiro, Steward. The Objectivity of Mathematics PDF
Shapiro, Steward. The Objectivity of Mathematics PDF
Shapiro, Steward. The Objectivity of Mathematics PDF
DOI 10.1007/s11229-005-5298-y
ABSTRACT. The purpose of this paper is to apply Crispin Wrights criteria and
various axes of objectivity to mathematics. I test the criteria and the objectivity
of mathematics against each other. Along the way, various issues concerning gen-
eral logic and epistemology are encountered.
The account of objectivity in Crispin Wrights Truth and objectivity
(1992) is more comprehensive than any other that I know of, pro-
viding a wealth of detailed insight into the underlying concepts. As
Wright sees things, objectivity is not a univocal notion. There are
different notions or axes of objectivity, and a given chunk of dis-
course can exhibit some of these and not others. The aim of this
paper is to test mathematics against Wrights various criteria of
objectivity. The terrain is interesting, and a number of important
issues and debates are engaged along the way.
There are different ways to look at the project. If Wrights crite-
ria are plausible, then we are examining the extent to which mathe-
matics is objective. But of course the antecedent of this conditional
is up for discussion, and every conditional has a contrapositive.
Some philosophers and mathematicians have it that mathematics is
not objective. The early intuitionists, L. E. J. Brouwer and Arend
Heyting, for example, took mathematical objects, and mathemati-
cal truth, to be mind-dependent. Brouwer, who is always difcult
to interpret, articulated a Kantian view that mathematics is tied to
the pure intuition of time. Although he held, or seemed to hold,
that mathematics is the same for every possible mind, it is cru-
cial to his intuitionism that mathematics is not independent of the
mind in general.
So for Brouwer, mathematics is not objective, in
at least some sense of the term. Heyting is quite explicit about the
non-objectivity of mathematics:
. . . we do not attribute an existence independent of our thought, i.e., a tran-
scendental existence, to the integers or to any other mathematical objects . . .
mathematical objects are by their very nature dependent on human thought.
Their existence is guaranteed only insofar as they can be determined by thought.
They have properties only insofar as these can be discerned in them by thought
. . . (Heyting 1931, pp. 5253)
. . . Brouwers program . . . consisted in the investigation of mental mathematical
construction as such, . . . a mathematical theorem expresses . . . the success of a
certain construction . . . In the study of mental mathematical constructions, to
exist must be synonymous with to be constructed . . . In fact, mathematics,
from the intuitionist point of view, is a study of certain functions of the human
mind. (Heyting 1956, pp. 1,8,10)
If there are any contemporary non-cognitivists, or projectivists,
about mathematics, presumably they would also hold that mathe-
matics is not objective. From perspectives like these, the aim of the
present paper is to see how well Wrights criteria for objectivity fare
on what is supposed to be a clear non-objective discourse.
For what it is worth, I confess to the opposite intuition that math-
ematics is objective. For me, proving a theorem, or exploring the
nature of a given mathematical structure, feels more like discovery
than invention, more like learning a fact than manifesting a non-
cognitive stance. I realize, of course, that this intuition may be little
more than a prejudice, subject to correction in light of philosophi-
cal theorizing (or incredulous stares) and further articulation of the
notion of objectivity. And I do not expect readers to share this atti-
tude. In this paper, the intuition, the intuitive notion of objectivity,
and Wrights criteria are all tested against each other.
In rough terms, my conclusion is that mathematics comes out
objective on every one of Wrightss tests. In less rough terms there
are a few limited areas where, from a certain perspective on contro-
versial philosophical side issues, one can maintain that some highly
foundational mathematical matters fail some of Wrights tests for
objectivity. Those potential exceptions aside, someone attracted to
a non-objective account of mathematics needs to nd fault with
Wrights criteria, or with the present application thereof.
On the other hand, the potential divergence from Wrights criteria
go to the heart of the matter concerning the notion of objectivity, as
independence from human judgement. We need a motivated method
for deciding whether we have counterexamples to Wrights criteria, or
whether the discourse in question is in fact non-objective, at least in
part, or both. In general, science and mathematics are human activi-
ties, and seem to embody, at least in part, human criteria of success.
To what extent does that undermine objectivity? In some cases, it will
prove hard to be denitive, since delicate issues in epistemology are
broached, but I hope to shed some light on the troublesome notions.
According to Wright, the rst hurdle for a non-objective
account of any discourse is the centerpiece of Michael Dummetts
anti-realism, the principle of epistemic constraint (EC). Relatively
early in the book, the principle is schematized thus:
If P is true, then evidence is available that it is so. (p. 41)
A bit later, (EC) is reformulated as a biconditional:
P P may be known. (p. 75)
If we understand the notion of evidence in the rst version as
something like conclusive evidence, sufcient for knowledge, and
if only truths are knowable, then the two formulations come to the
same thing. In any case, differences between the two formulations
will not matter here.
It seems to follow from the very meaning of the word objective
that if epistemic constraint fails for a given area of discourse if
there are true propositions in that area whose truth cannot become
known then that discourse can only have a realist, objective inter-
pretation. Early on, Wright writes:
To conceive that our understanding of statements in a certain discourse is xed
. . . by assigning them conditions of potentially evidence-transcendent truth is to
grant that, if the world co-operates, the truth or falsity of any such statement
may be settled beyond our ken. So . . . we are forced to recognise a distinc-
tion between the kind of state of affairs which makes such a statement accept-
able, in light of whatever standards inform our practice of the discourse to which
it belongs, and what makes it actually true. The truth of such a statement is
bestowed on it independently of any standard we do or can apply . . . Realism
in Dummetts sense is thus one way of laying the essential groundwork for the
idea that our thought aspires to reect a reality whose character is entirely inde-
pendent of us and our cognitive operations. (p. 4)
Wright points out, however, that the converse can fail: epistemic
constraint is not sufcient for the failure of objectivity. Even if a
given discourse is epistemically constrained, it is consistent to
. . . retain the idea that [the] discourse is representational, and answers to states
of affairs which, on at least some proper understandings of the term, are inde-
pendent of us. For example, in shifting to a broadly intuitionistic conception of,
say, number theory, we do not immediately foreclose on the idea that the series
of natural numbers constitutes a real object of mathematical investigation, which
it is harmless and correct to think of the theoretician as exploring. (p. 5)
When epistemic constraint does hold, then Wrights other criteria
width of cosmological role, the Euthyphro contrast, and cognitive
command come into play. Here lies the multi-dimensional notion
of objectivity.
The dialectic of this paper is similar to that of an attorney
defending a client against a charge of returning a borrowed item
broken. The lawyer declares that his client never borrowed the item,
and even if he did, the item was returned in good working order.
And if the item was broken when returned, it was broken when
borrowed. I argue, rst, that mathematics is not epistemically con-
strained: there are unknowable mathematical truths. But this is a
delicate matter concerning what is meant by knowable. Can we
idealize, and, if so, how much? Depending on how some empirical
and conceptual matters turn out, there may be a sense in which one
can coherently maintain at some cost that at least a certain class
of mathematical truths are all knowable. So I will concede epistemic
constraint, properly construed, for the sake of argument, in order
to consider Wrights other criteria for objectivity. This done, we will
see that mathematics passes every test up to some highly articu-
lated areas on the fringes. Mathematics is not response-dependent,
or judgement-dependent; it exhibits cognitive command; and it has
a remarkably wide cosmological role.
As noted above, however, the highly articulated areas on the
fringes are of central importance to epistemology, the notion of
objectivity, and to the plausibility of Wrights criteria. This is where
things get interesting. Lets get to details.
Plausibly, the standard of knowledge in mathematics is proof. One
cannot claim to know a proposition (or sentence) P unless she has a
proof of P, or at least good grounds for believing that such a proof
exists. Thats how the enterprise works. So, as a rst shot, the princi-
ple of epistemic constraint is, or entails, that all mathematical truths
are provable. Concerning epistemology, of course, this cannot be the
whole story, since one cannot prove everything. Proofs have to start
somewhere. We have to deal with axioms. How are those known?
The status of axioms will occupy us in Section 3 below. For now,
we ask if there are, or can be, unprovable non-axiomatic mathe-
matical truths. This depends on what one means by knowable or
provable. Who is doing the knowing, and the proving? What pro-
cesses and criteria are they to use? What is a proof ?
There is a sense in which it is all but obvious that there are
unknowable mathematical truths that epistemic constraint fails
badly. Let p and q be prime numbers, each of which is greater than
. If their product n =pq were written in standard arabic,
decimal notation, it would have at least 200,000 digits. Consider
the proposition, or sentence, P that n has exactly two prime fac-
tors, each of which is at least 10
where n is written in dec-
imal notation. By hypothesis, P is true. Yet it is extremely unlikely
that any human being can know P. That is, no one can have com-
pelling evidence for P. Indeed, it is unlikely that anyone can even
understand P. To be sure, there is a simple algorithm that will result
in a verication of P. A bright ten-year-old can grasp the algorithm,
and can even get started executing it, given the rst few digits of
n. But no one can complete the procedure in his or her lifetime, or
the lifetime of humanity generally, before the sun goes cold. This is
so even if the person is allowed to use a computer, or a bank of
computers given the limits imposed by physics concerning trans-
mission of information at the speed of light and the stability of the
very small.
An opponent might retort that there is no such proposition, or
sentence, as P. The quick rejoinder to this is that existence of P
is a theorem. The proposition that there is no largest prime num-
ber is an easy consequence of even intuitionistic arithmetic. So it
is a theorem of intuitionistic arithmetic that there are prime num-
bers greater than 10
. It follows that there is a proposition like
P, although, of course, we cannot write down a sentence express-
ing it in our lifetimes. Conceivably, I did not set the bound high
enough, but surely there is some limit to the size of numbers that
humans can grasp and work with. We are nite creatures, and even
the universe seems to be nite. If so, then there are prime numbers
that cannot be represented even using all available material in the
So our current opponent must reject even intuitionistic arithme-
tic. To be sure, one can deny the existence of a proposition (or
sentence) like P by denying that there are such large numbers. This
is to adopt a strict nitism, holding that there are only nitely many
natural numbers. Even this is not enough to secure a (strict) version
of epistemic constraint. It is more or less feasible to come up with
prime numbers with, say, 150 digits, but it is not feasible, so far
as we know, to factor numbers with 300 digits. The techniques for
encrypting Internet transactions depend on this. Suppose that we
randomly write down a 300 digit number which, as it happens, has
exactly two prime factors of over 100 digits each. It is plausible,
almost certain, that no one can know that this number has exactly
two prime factors, or what its prime factorization is. To maintain
epistemic constraint, our opponent must claim that there simply is
no fact concerning the prime factors of this number.
In short, one can maintain epistemic constraint for simple arith-
metic only by imposing severe restrictions on what is knowable,
restrictions that cut much deeper than intuitionism. A nitism this
strict would cripple mathematics as we know it. I have no interest in
engaging that opponent here, with apologies to any readers inclined
that way. I want to know if mathematics, as we more or less know
it now, is objective.
Of course, the examples used here are not particularly interest-
ing. No mathematician is likely to nd the propositions gripping,
and wonder what their truth values may be. Who cares whether that
particular number is prime? It seems to me that what counts as
interesting mathematics is clearly a human matter, and is not objec-
tive. Isnt it a matter of what we happen to nd interesting? In any
case, if there is something like an objective notion of interesting-
ness, or interest-worthiness, I am not particularly concerned with it
here. The same issue could be raised for any other discipline. When
we wonder if, say, physics is objective, we do not focus on state-
ments that human physicists happen to nd interesting. Rather, we
focus on what the discipline is studying the supposedly external
micro-physical universe and how the practitioners go about study-
ing this subject matter, their standards for correct assertion, and the
like. It is close to a truism that any conscious, voluntary human
endeavor is guided, in part, by what we humans nd interesting and
important. If we cannot separate out and ignore such factors, then
there is little objectivity anywhere.
The standard response to considerations of feasibility is to claim
that they invoke too narrow a notion of knowability. It is a hall-
mark of all varieties of intuitionism and constructivism that all
mathematical truths are knowable. As noted, the original expo-
nents, Brouwer and Heyting, hold that the essence of mathematics
is mental construction. So it is impossible for there to be truths that
are not accessible to construction, and thus unknowable. Brouwer
(1948, pp. 90) wrote:
The . . . point of view that there are no non-experienced truths . . . has found
acceptance with regard to mathematics much later than with regard to practi-
cal life and to science. Mathematics rigorously treated from this point of view,
including deducing theorems exclusively by means of introspective construction,
is called intuitionistic mathematics . . .
Something similar holds for Erret Bishops (1967) constructivism.
Dummetts intuitionism is grounded in his semantic anti-realism. He
argues, on broadly linguistic grounds, that all truths are knowable
(see also Tennant 1987, 1997). These intuitionists are well-aware of
the considerations of feasibility.
From the side of classical mathematics, and staunch realism,
Kurt G odel held, on rationalistic grounds, that every unambigu-
ous mathematical proposition is either provable or refutable (Wang
(1974, pp. 324325, see also Wang 1987):
. . . human reason is [not] utterly irrational by asking questions it cannot answer,
while asserting emphatically that only reason can answer them . . . [T]hose parts
of mathematics which have been systematically and completely developed . . .
show an amazing degree of beauty and perfection. In those elds, by entirely
unsuspected laws and procedures . . . means are provided not only for solving all
relevant problems, but also solving them in a most beautiful and perfectly feasible
manner. This fact seems to justify what may be called rationalistic optimism.
Tennant (1997, pp. 166) dubs this view G odelian optimism. The
opening of Hilberts celebrated Mathematical problems lecture
(1900) is an enthusiastic endorsement of optimism (see McCarty
However unapproachable these problems may seem to us and however helpless
we stand before them, we have, nevertheless, the rm conviction that the solu-
tion must follow by . . . logical processes . . . This conviction of the solvability of
every mathematical problem is a powerful incentive to the worker. We hear the
perpetual call: There is the problem. Seek its solution. You can nd it . . . for in
mathematics there is no ignorabimus.
Like the intuitionist, our optimist is surely aware of the above,
rather obvious considerations concerning feasibility. When the intu-
itionist and the optimist declare that all mathematical truths are
knowable, they do not mean knowable-in-our-lifetime, or knowable-
using-available-resources. But what do they mean? The modal suf-
x able, in knowable, invokes idealizations on normal human
abilities. For a start, these include the idealizations involved in
the mathematical notion of computability. It is assumed that the
knowing mathematician has unlimited time, materials, memory, and
attention span. So, for example, if it is (actually) known that a
mathematical proposition turns on the result of an effective calcula-
tion, then, for the optimist and the intuitionist alike, either the truth
of the proposition is knowable or the falsity of the proposition is
knowable. For example, for any natural number n >1, either it is
knowable that n is prime or it is knowable that n is composite. The
proposition P broached above is also knowable (as is one of either
Q or Q in note 4 above).
In developing his semantic anti-realism, Tennant (1997, Chapter
5) makes a detailed defense of the idealizations noted so far. To
. . . one would want to say that the primality of any given number is surely know-
able, in the sense of knowable that we are concerned here to explicate. For no
conceptual leap is involved when we try to conceive what kind of fact it would
be that . . . a huge number is prime. It is just that it would take much longer
to establish it as a fact, that is all . . . One does not have to imagine any essen-
tial change to the human cognitive repertoire, or new modes of sensory access to
the external world, or telepathic ability, or anything incongruous or out of keep-
ing with our current cognitive apparatus. We are equipped, right now, to perform
tasks such as applying Eratosthenes sieve. The sheer size of the number whose
primality is in question is neither here nor there when it comes to our ability to
conceive the kind of fact that it is (or would be) for some gargantuan number
N . . . to be prime. (p. 145)
. . . the actual limits to effective human thought . . . that we are thinking of our-
selves as transcending here are not limits to the kind of thinking we may do, but
only limits on how much of that kind of thinking one could do. The thinking is
all of one uniform kind. (p. 147)
As Tennant notes, Wittgensteinian considerations of rule-following
come to the fore at this point. For an anti-realist (or optimistic)
account to be completely satisfactory, its advocate should say some-
thing about how given rules determine an outcome. I propose to put
such issues aside here, and just take for granted the notion of effec-
tive decidability, assuming that it is determinate. This gives truth
values to the simple propositions in question, but does not guar-
antee that the discourse passes the letter of epistemic constraint, as
that notion bears on objectivity. It depends on the nature and
objectivity of this determinacy.
In any case, the idealizations involved in the intuitionistic and
optimistic assertion of epistemic constraint go well beyond the
usual idealizations of computability, well beyond what is needed
for the determinacy of effective operations. Tarskis theorem, which
is acceptable to the intuitionist, is that arithmetic truth is not
arithmetically denable.
A fortiori, that there is no Turing machine
that produces all and only the truths of arithmetic. According to epi-
stemic constraint, then, there is no Turing machine that produces all
and only the knowable truths of arithmetic. So, up to Churchs thesis,
the human ability to know all truths does not consist in following a
single, prescribed algorithm, or doing deductions in a single formal
deductive system. The full assertion of epistemic constraint is not a
simple matter of more of the same, to use Tennants phrase, since
there is no uniform procedure to extrapolate.
Dummett (1963) points out that arithmetic truth is what he calls
indenitely extensible. Formally, for any effective delineation of
arithmetic truth, there is a truth that is beyond the delineation. The
same goes for any arithmetic delineation of arithmetic truths. Fix
an effective method of G odel numbering, and suppose that (x) is
a formula in the language of arithmetic such that for each natural
number n, if (n) then the sentence coded by n is true. Let be a
xed-point for (x) so that (
) is provable in elementary
arithmetic. Assume (
). This is a contradiction. So (
), and thus . So
under the hypothesis that all of the s are true, there is a true sen-
tence that is not in the extension of . So the s do not exhaust
the truths.
This, of course, is not an objection to either optimism or intu-
itionism. G odel (1951, p. 310) was quite explicit that his view is
inconsistent with the thesis that the knowable propositions can be
codied by a mechanical procedure:
. . . the following disjunctive conclusion is inevitable: Either mathematics is in-
completable in [the] sense that its evident axioms can never be comprised in a
nite rule, that is to say, the human mind (even within the realm of pure math-
ematics) innitely surpasses the powers of any nite machine, or else there exist
absolutely unsolvable . . . problems . . .
In other words, either the mechanistic thesis is false, or else opti-
mism is false, and there are unknowable propositions of arithme-
tic, even granting the idealization of knowable. The outspoken
physicist Roger Penrose (1996, Section 4.2) follows suit, adopting
optimism over mechanism:
I had vaguely heard of G odels theorem prior [to my rst year of graduate
school], and had been a little unsettled by my impressions of it . . . I had been
disturbed by the possibility that there might be true mathematical propositions
that were in principle inaccessible to human reason. Upon learning the true form
of G odels theorem . . . I was enormously gratied to hear that it asserted no
such thing; for it established, instead, that the powers of human reason could
not be limited to any accepted preassigned system of formalized rules.
Is the human mind really that powerful? In a discussion of G odels
optimism, George Boolos (1995) asks why should there not be
mathematical truths that cannot be given any proof that human
minds can comprehend? That is the point of contention here. The
issue of optimism is not exactly an empirical matter, since we are
not dealing with actual human minds, as above. It is hard to see
how any empirical nding a statistical study, for example could
be even relevant to the issue.
One might well wonder what is involved in idealizing the human
mind to the extent that every mathematical truth is knowable. Of
course, one can always envision or postulate the existence of some
mind-like entities that somehow know every truth of (say) elemen-
tary arithmetic. Thought experiments like this are easy. But one can
wonder what this has to do with what humans can know, and thus
with Wrights criterion of epistemic constraint.
So much for optimism. Intuitionists, of all stripes, also hold that
the powers of the human mind outstrip any Turing machine or
effective deductive system. They are unanimous in rejecting any sort
of formalism. By knowable, they do not mean derivable in a
xed formal system. But what do they mean? The intuitionist rules
out unknowable truths on a priori, conceptual grounds concerning
the nature of mathematical objects or the nature of truth. For the
Dummettian anti-realist, truth itself has an epistemic component. If
there can be no proof, then there can be no truth either. So one
might think that intuitionism itself has no consequences concerning
the powers or the limitations of the human mind. Of course, intu-
itionism does demand serious revisions to mathematics itself (see
Section 3 below), although not quite as serious of those demanded
by the strict nitist. It seems that the more human the idealizations
are, the less mathematics is subject to epistemic constraint.
Since, as noted above, the Tarskian results concerning the extreme
complexity of arithmetic truth are acceptable to the intuitionist, she
surely owes us some account of the extensive idealizations involved
in the notion, showing how there is some natural extension of
human abilities that delivers all and only the truths of mathematics.
And, again, how are these highly idealized abilities related to what
real life humans can and cannot come to know?
Burden of proof issues are notoriously intractable. I suggest that
in this case, the burden is on the optimist and intuitionist, to artic-
ulate the idealizations in a way that does not beg any questions and
makes it plausible that all truths are knowable in some suitably ide-
alized sense. Let me just register skepticism toward this project.
Returning more directly to our main theme, it is not clear how
the highly idealized notions of knowability bear on objectivity.
Notice that when objectivity is broached for other areas of dis-
course, and a philosopher decides that all truths in that discourse
are knowable, he often does not invoke idealizations at all. Some-
one who asserts that there are no unknowable facts about color, or
no unknowable facts about what is funny, is speaking of the abil-
ities of ordinary, esh and blood human beings. To be sure, the
discussion often invokes a notion of standard conditions under
which judgements are to be made. In the case of color, for exam-
ple, one sometimes speaks of normal lighting conditions. But we are
speaking here of the conditions of judgement, not the state of the
judge. We envision statistically ordinary human beings making judg-
ements under ideal circumstances. Moreover, the invoked conditions
are ones that real life judges sometimes nd themselves in, at least
approximately. We can reasonably speculate about what we would
judge in counterfactual conditions, provided that the conditions are
not too counterfactual.
In other cases, discussions of objectivity do invoke some ideali-
zation involved in the judge herself. Consider, for example, a view
that an action is morally right if it would be judged so by someone
disinterested and free from prejudice.
It is plausible that the proper
conditions never fully arise, and perhaps never could arise. Assume,
for example, that there is a deep psychological barrier to becom-
ing completely free of prejudice. Along similar lines, Peter Menzies
(1998) proposes a judgement-dependent account of modality. The
idea is that a sentence or situation is possible just in case it is con-
ceivable to someone who does not suffer from any recognized limi-
tations, given our practices of correction. It is an idealization since
humans typically do suffer from some relevant limitations. Perhaps
we have to suffer such limitations.
Even so, on accounts like these, the idealizations can reasonably
be approximated by (some) real human beings. On the ethical view in
question, we make fallible moral judgements by trying to free our-
selves of bias or limitation, or by speculating on how we would judge
if free from bias. Concerning modality, Menzies (1998, p. 272) writes:
It is indeed true that we can never be certain that we are in ideal conditions: no
matter how hard we try to overcome our cognitive limitations, we can never be
certain that we have succeeded. All the same, in many cases we can be reasonably
condent that we are in conditions that are close to ideal, or close enough for
the purposes at hand. For example, suppose that you carry out a simple thought
experiment in which you suppose that you pursued a different career; and on the
basis of this thought experiment, you arrive at the conclusion that it is possi-
ble that you pursued a different career. You can be reasonably condent of your
modal conclusion in a case like this, because you can be reasonably condent
that you do not have any of the limitations that would discredit a claim to have
successfully conceived this situation.
With even the most elementary parts of arithmetic, the idealiza-
tions needed to maintain that all truths are knowable cannot even
be approached, or approximated, by real people. The idealizations
go beyond anything invoked in the other test cases. Even on the
most basic level, before we worry about connectives and quantiers,
there are innitely many true equations made up of numerals and
the signs for the basic functions. We can know only a small nite
number of those. We cannot approximate, or approach direct knowl-
edge of very many more.
Nevertheless, I hereby concede epistemic constraint for the sake
of argument, so that we can invoke Wrights other criteria for objec-
tivity. For effectively decidable propositions, the idealizations we
need are those invoked in the mathematical treatment of comput-
ability, provability, and the like. But I insist on those idealizations,
at least. It is a dilemma. If we do not idealize sufciently, then epi-
stemic constraint obviously fails, in which case mathematics comes
out objective and Wrights other criteria do not apply. We can stop
here. If we are to invoke the other criteria at all, then we must apply
them to idealized human knowers, and not to esh and blood speci-
mens. I will have more to say on the required idealizations as we go,
especially in Section 4, on response-dependence. To repeat, if we are
talking about real mathematics, as practiced by human beings prov-
ing and publishing theorems, then epistemic constraint fails, and the
subject is objective.
Wright (1992, p. 196) denes a discourse to have wide cosmolog-
ical role . . . just in case mention of the states of affairs of which
it consists can feature in at least some kinds of explanation of
contingencies which are not of that sort explanations whose pos-
sibility is not guaranteed merely by the minimal truth aptitude of
the associated discourse (p. 198). The width of cosmological role
is measured by the extent to which citing the kinds of states of
affairs with which [the discourse] deals is potentially contributive to
the explanation of things other than, or other than via, our being in
attitudinal states which take such states of affairs as object (p. 196).
Wright argues that cosmological role is what underlies (or should
underlie) arguments for objectivity in terms of best explanation.
The idea here is that a discourse is apt for a realist construal
on this axis if statements in that discourse gure in explana-
tions provided within a wide range of discourses, including those
well beyond the discourse in question. To take a mundane example,
Wright points out that the wetness of some rocks can explain my
perceiving, and hence believing, that the rocks are wet, a small
. . . childs interest in his hands after he has touched the rocks,
my slipping and falling, and the abundance of lichen growing
on them (Wright 1992, p. 197). So statements about rock wetness
gure in explanations concerning perception, belief, the interests of
children, the human abilities to negotiate terrain, and lichen growth.
Statements about rock wetness thus have wide cosmological role
and, of course, it is most natural to regard that discourse as objec-
tive. Wet rocks are not wet because we perceive them or judge them
to be wet. By way of contrast, Wright argues that moral discourse
fails to have wide cosmological role: moral states of affairs do not
gure in explanations of non-moral matters.
Despite the word cosmological in the title of the constraint,
Wright is quick to add that the explanations involved do not have to
be causal. Otherwise, only science-like discourses that trafc in cau-
sality would have a chance of passing the test. If we take Wrights
formulation of the constraint at face value, this one looks like a no-
brainer. Mathematics gures in explanations of all sorts of phenom-
ena throughout the sciences and everyday discourse. Wright (1992,
pp. 198199) himself provides one such example:
. . . it is notable . . . that the citation of mathematical facts does contribute, seem-
ingly, to other kinds of explanation than those which are of or via propositional
attitudes. (It is because a prime number of tiles have been delivered, for instance,
that a contractor has trouble using them to cover, without remainder, a rectan-
gular bathroom oor, even if he has never heard of prime numbers and never
thought about how the area of a rectangle is determined.)
As far as I know, the best explanation of why rain forms into drops
begins with an account of surface tension, and then adds the mathe-
matical fact that a sphere is the largest volume contained by a given
surface area. A high school physics or chemistry text provides hun-
dreds of further examples.
So mathematics does gure in explanations well beyond math-
ematics itself, and, as Wright notes, in most of the cases, we
cannot simply invoke propositional attitudes concerning mathemat-
ical propositions instead of the propositions themselves. Mathemat-
ics passes the letter of wide cosmological role, with ying colors.
The opponent of objectivity might complain that the criterion of
cosmological role was not formulated properly. It is not a mat-
ter of whether mathematics in fact gures in explanations of non-
mathematical phenomena, but whether mathematics must gure in
such explanations. In analogy with deationism about truth, our
opponent might claim that mathematics is dispensable in explana-
tions: any relevant explanation that invokes mathematics can be
reformulated so that it does not invoke mathematics.
This rejoinder is hostage to the success of a program, like that
of Hartry Field (1980), for formulating nominalistic versions of all
successful scientic theories, and then showing that mathematics is
conservative over such theories. If such a program could be worked
out, then the explanations in question could indeed be reformulated
in nominalistic terms, and would not invoke any mathematics. But
at this point, the success of the nominalistic program is, at most, a
promissary note.
One might attempt to eliminate mathematics from explanations
of physical phenomena by formulating categorical second-order
characterizations of the relevant mathematical structures, and then
invoking the logical consequences of these characterizations. For
example, instead of speaking about the surface area of spheres,
one speaks of the relevant semantic, model-theoretic consequences
of the axioms of analytic geometry. One has to add a non-logi-
cal assumption that the universe is big enough to model the struc-
ture in question (the continuum in this case), but the rest of the
explanation takes place within the model theory of second-order
My view, for what it is worth, is that this move does not elim-
inate the mathematics from the explanation, since mathematics is
bound up with second-order logical consequence (see Shapiro 1991).
In addition, a logicist will not be bothered, or surprised, by this
possibility. It shows that (second-order) logic itself has wide cos-
mological role. Since, for the logicist, mathematics is part of logic,
mathematics also has wide cosmological role, as above. A philos-
opher who thinks that second-order logic is not mathematics, and
that mathematics has some content that goes beyond second-order
logic, can coherently maintain that this extra content (whatever it
might be) does not have wide cosmological role. The explanation in
question turns only on second-order logic and the assumption about
the size of the universe. This is one of the less interesting places
where an opponent of objectivity (via Wrights criteria) might have
a little wriggle room. She can claim that the content of mathemat-
ics that goes beyond that of the semantic, model-theoretic second-
order consequence relation fails the criterion of cosmological role,
as reformulated here so far.
A more serious concern here is that the plausibility of cosmo-
logical role as a criterion of objectivity depends on the nature of
explanation. What is it to explain something? Here, of course, we
broach one of the most fundamental issues in the philosophy of sci-
ence, general epistemology, and perhaps metaphysics. There is noth-
ing close to a consensus in the extensive literature on explanation,
and, unfortunately, it will not do here to leave things at a basic or
pre-theoretic level.
Intuitively, to explain something is to give a
reason for it. Although dictionaries are often poor sources of philo-
sophical insight, we might note that according to Websters twenti-
eth century unabridged dictionary, to explain is to make plain, clear,
or intelligible; to clear of obscurity. Understood this way, expla-
nation is context sensitive. What makes for an explanation what
makes for clarity, intelligibility, and lack of obscurity depends on
the interests, goals, and background assumptions of the person ask-
ing for the explanation. What will make the matter intelligible for
her? When asked for an explanation of a devastating re in a build-
ing, a chemist might be satised to learn that it was caused by the
combustion of exposed gasoline. This particular fact does not clear
the matter up sufciently for an arson inspector.
Returning to mathematics, it may be that even if a nominalist
program somehow succeeds, the mathematics-free versions of the
scientic theories may not explain very much. That is, the replaced
theory may not make the non-mathematical explananda plain,
clear, or intelligible or clear of obscurity, as Webster puts it. The
reason is that the proposed nominalistic explanation itself might
be too obscure unplain, unclear, and unintelligible for anyone
to understand it. I presume that one cannot claim that a sentence
makes something intelligible if she cannot understand the sentence.
Mathematics often nds ways to state its propositions in concise,
readily understandable terms, even if those ways amount to little
more than codings of non-mathematical matters (see note 9).
This observation questions the accuracy of cosmological role as a
criterion of objectivity. It is hard to see how the fact if it is a fact
that human beings sometimes nd mathematical explanations clear
and intelligible should count in favor of the objectivity of mathe-
matics. What do our interests and goals have to do with objectivity?
I thought that objectivity is related to what is independent of human
interests and goals.
One response to this observation would be to reformulate the cri-
terion of cosmological role. Perhaps we can replace explanations for
real esh and blood human beings with explanations-in-principle.
In effect, we invoke the aforementioned idealizations needed to get
epistemic constraint on the table. What would our idealized coun-
terparts nd plain, clear, or intelligible and clear of obscurity?
Given the (apparent) interest-relativity of explanation, I am not sure
how feasible this maneuver is. I presume that our interests are tied
to the limited kinds of beings were are, and to the nite kind of
environment we nd ourselves in. What are the interests of our
highly idealized counterparts? Perhaps things are not completely
hopeless on this front. To stick to the idealizations related to effec-
tive computability, we envision beings who have the interests and
goals that living human beings would have if they did not have the
limitations of time, memory, attention span, etc.
On the philosophical front, however, this move does not help
much. To repeat, if explanation is in fact tied to interests, whether
they be ours or those of our idealized counterparts, then we can
and should wonder what it has to do with objectivity. To address
this matter fully would take us too far aeld well beyond my
own competence. I will rest content with a brief account of what
is needed to sustain cosmological role as a criterion of objectivity.
Then we can see what it would take for mathematics to pass the
One option is to argue, or merely assert, that a proposition or an
area of discourse is objective independent of human (or idealized
human) judgement and the like just because it gures in what we
human beings (or our idealized counterparts) nd clear and intel-
ligible, and free from obscurity. This would be a pre-established
harmony, suggesting that our minds are tuned into the ultimate fab-
ric of the universe. If we get it, then the universe must be so, inde-
pendent of us and our judgements and interests. I do not know how
to argue for or against this, but it strikes me as hubris.
A second option is to insist (or posit, or argue) that there is an
objective concept of explanation, distinct from (but related to) the
interest-relative, psychological notion that involves interests. Simi-
lar ideas have a long pedigree in the history of philosophy. The
Aristotelian notion of nal cause seems related to, perhaps identi-
cal with, what may be called objective explanation. The nal cause
of a substance is its underlying reason or purpose. Another pre-
cursor was Bernard Bolzanos (1837) ground-consequence relation.
Given the relevant background scientic theory, we can infer the
temperature in a room from the height of mercury in a thermom-
eter placed there, and vice versa. But the ground-consequence rela-
tion is asymmetric. According to Bolzano, the temperature is the
ground and the mercury-height the consequence, and not vice versa.
The temperature is the reason for the height of the mercury, not
the other way around. A third precursor is Freges (1884, Section 3)
notion of the ultimate ground, or justication of true and know-
able propositions. These gure in his accounts of analyticity and a
The aim of proof is, in fact, not merely to place the truth of a proposition
beyond all doubt, but also to afford us insight into the dependence of truths
upon one another. After we have convinced ourselves that a boulder is immov-
able, by trying unsuccessfully to move it, there remains the further question what
is it that supports it so securely?
In line with Freges staunch anti-psychologism, he understood these
grounding relations to be objective. It is not a matter of what we
nd compelling, but of how the truths themselves are structured.
For further examples, at least some of the extensive literature on
explanation is also directed toward objective matters. Consider, for
example, accounts that turn on the notion of a law of nature, or a
law-like generalization.
If a notion of objective grounding or objective explanation could
be made out, then someone might dene an area of discourse to
have wide cosmological role (in the proper sense) just in case men-
tion of the states of affairs of which it consists features in expla-
nations of the proper sort explanations that give the formal or
nal cause, or the ground, or the ultimate justication of matters
in a wide variety of discourses. It is easy to see how wide cosmo-
logical role, in this sense, is relevant to objectivity. But the burden
is to articulate the relevant notion of explanation. And, right now
anyway, I do not see how this might go without a prior notion of
objectivity on board. I suspect that we have to know what objectiv-
ity amounts to before we can articulate the proper notion of ground
or objective explanation.
For a different tactic, someone might leave the notion of expla-
nation at an intuitive level, perhaps accepting its psychological
underpinning: to explain is to make clear, plain, or intelligible. Nev-
ertheless, the tactic goes, an explanation is not satisfying, or should
not be, unless there is some objective relationship between the expla-
nation and what it explains. A good explanation needs to engage
the non-human world at some level. There is not too much hubris
involved in this claim, or at least not as much with others. On such
a view, the original formulation of the width of cosmological role is
too crude. It is not the case that everything that occurs in an expla-
nation is relevant to objectivity, perhaps for reasons given above.
Along what may be similar lines, Steven Yablo (2005) argues
that mathematics plays only a representational role in science, and,
presumably, in scientic explanations. The idea is that mathematics
allows us to state or express features of the non-mathematical world
features that are difcult or perhaps impossible to express other-
wise (again, see note 9). Arguably, what is merely representational
in this sense need not be objective, and is not really explanatorily
in the relevant way. For example, just about any conceivable expla-
nation is going to consist of words, but, pre-established harmony
aside, it does not follow that words are somehow objectively bound
up with the workings of the universe. It does not follow from these
observations, however, that other aspects of explanation are explan-
atorily relevant, and perhaps bear on objectivity.
But what are those aspects? A philosopher who is inclined this
way has the burden of articulating which parts of an explanation
are explanatorily relevant, in the proper sense, and which are
explanatorily superuous, playing only a representational role. For
this account to be helpful here, she must do this articulation with-
out presupposing that we already have a clear account of what
objectivity is.
We have broached another very general issue. Since antiquity, phi-
losophers and scientists have been trying to gure out how the world
is, in itself, independent of the minds, conventions, representation
schemes, etc., of the human knowers. Clearly, our best theories and
explanations are due to both the nature of the non-human world and
the nature of human knowers. As John Burgess and Gideon Rosen
(1997, p. 240) put it, our theories of life and matter and number
are to a signicant degree shaped by our character, and in partic-
ular by our history and our society and our culture. A perennial
issue in philosophy concerns the role of each of these two factors in
our theories. Burgess and Rosen ask, to what extent does the way we
are, rather than the way the world . . . is, shape our mathematical and
physical and biological theories of the world? Among contemporary
philosophers, a widely held view, championed by W. V. O. Quine, Hil-
ary Putnam, and Donald Davidson (and Burgess and Rosen), is that
there is no way to sharply separate the human and the world
contributions to our theorizing. The same goes for whatever it is that
we nd clear, intelligible, and free from obscurity. There is no Gods
eye view of the world to be had. In present terms, this speaks against
any hope for complete objectivity, at least as far as cosmological role
is concerned.
I propose to leave this topic until the various burdens are further
discharged. To summarize, the present conclusion is that mathemat-
ics easily passes the letter of the criterion of wide cosmological role,
but that it is not clear how this relates, one way or the other, to the
objectivity of mathematics.
Suppose that the purpose of a given area of discourse is to describe
mind-independent features of some mind-independent reality. It fol-
lows that if two people disagree about something in that area, then
at least one of them has misrepresented that reality. In typical cases,
one of them has a cognitive shortcoming. Suppose, for example, that
two people disagree over whether there is one dog or two running in
a given eld. Then at least one of the people did not look carefully
enough, has faulty eyesight or memory, an obstructed view, etc. On
the other hand, if a discourse does not serve to describe a mind-
independent realm, then disagreements in that discourse need not
involve cognitive shortcoming on the part of either party. To take
one of Wrights favorite examples, two people can disagree about
what is funny without either of them having any cognitive shortcom-
ing. One of them may have a warped sense of humor, or no sense
of humor, but there need be nothing wrong with her cognitive fac-
A non-cognitivist about ethics would say the same about
moral disagreements.
Wright (1992, p. 92) writes that
A discourse exhibits Cognitive Command if and only if it is a priori that differ-
ences of opinion arising within it can be satisfactorily explained only in terms of
divergent input, that is, the disputants working on the basis of different infor-
mation (and hence guilty of ignorance or error . . . ), or unsuitable conditions
(resulting in inattention or distraction and so in inferential error, or oversight of
data, and so on), or malfunction (for example, prejudicial assessment of data
. . . or dogma, or failings in other categories already listed).
In other words, if cognitive command fails, then (cognitively) blame-
less disagreement is possible, or at least it cannot be ruled out a
In some areas, the viability of cognitive command as an axis
of objectivity depends on some delicate and controversial issues in
Suppose, for the sake of argument (at least), that
ordinary science exhibits something in the neighborhood of Qu-
ines underdetermination of theory by data. So it is possible for
two scientists to reach reective equilibrium, but come to conicting
conclusions, because they made different tradeoffs in the process.
Suppose that one of them, William, says P, and the other, Karen,
says P and assume that each attaches the same meaning to P.
Assume also that no further available data will knock either of them
out of reective equilibrium, and thus break the tie. In other words,
we assume that the overall epistemic situation will not improve, and
perhaps cannot improve. Their theories are empirically equivalent,
and score as rough equals on overall theory assessment.
On the combination of assumptions in play here, there may be
nothing to fault either scientist. Each has followed the proper meth-
odology awlessly, and so each displays no cognitive shortcoming
or so it seems. They just come to different conclusions using the same,
fallible methods. So, if the foregoing, admittedly simplied assump-
tions are possible, then cognitive command seems to fail for science.
Blameless disagreement is possible. There are a number of compet-
ing philosophical conclusions one might draw in this case, with per-
haps no clear winner. There may be conicting reective equilibria
one level up, concerning the overall philosophical situation.
First, one might conclude that science is not (completely) objec-
tive, at least concerning the matter that separates Karen and William.
On this view, there simply is no fact of the matter, independent of the
intellectual lives of scientists, whether P or P is true. This is con-
sonant with the conclusion reached at the very end of the previous
section, concerning our inability to separate the human and the
world contributions to our theorizing. Perhaps Karen and William
come to different judgements concerning the simplicity of a given
theory, or that one of them opts for a simpler theory at the expense
of some other criterion. How does that decision bear on the objective
truth of the respective theories? Do we know, or believe, that the uni-
verse is simple? It seems rather that simplicity sits on the human
side of the mix.
An extreme version of this rst option would be to deny that
there is a fact of the matter objective or otherwise whether P
or P. A less extreme version would allow that there is a fact of
the matter, but that it is not objective not independent of the
human theoretical situation. One might wax relativist, holding that
P is true for William and P is true for Karen.
Either version of this rst option ies in the face of a strong
intuition that science is objective. There is a physical world, not of
our making, and our two scientists, William and Karen, are trying
to describe its mind-independent properties. At least one of them is
mistaken (perhaps faultlessly). Of course, this intuition is not sac-
rosanct, and many philosophers have turned to views like instru-
mentalism and constructive empiricism (not to mention idealism) in
response to various considerations, including the underdetermina-
tion of theory by data and the role of simplicity in scientic meth-
odology. Our rst option does not go nearly that far, proposing only
that at times, science is not completely objective.
Still, let us keep an intuitive realism for science on the table, at
least for purposes of exploration, and consider some other options.
A philosopher might respond to underdetermination by claiming
that epistemic constraint fails for science. We just do not know, and
in light of the standoff, cannot know which of our two scientists is
right. So the truth in question is unknowable. Suppose, for exam-
ple, that Karen is the one that got things right. In the scenario in
question, she just got lucky. If P is in fact unknowable, then, of
course, Karen does not know that P. No one does. On this com-
bination of views, we can rely on Wrights argument that the cri-
teria of cosmological role, cognitive command, and the Euthyphro
contrast apply only if the discourse is epistemically constrained. The
failure of cognitive command is simply irrelevant to the matter of
objectivity: science is objective just because it is epistemically uncon-
There is a third option, which also enjoys some intuitive plausibil-
ity. One might think that epistemic constraint has not been ruled out
by our scenario of blameless disagreement, even assuming the objec-
tivity of science. Suppose, again, that it is our second scientist, Karen,
who is in fact correct: P is true. One might argue that, lucky or
not, she does know P. By hypothesis, P is true. Moreover, Karen
believes P, and this belief was arrived at by correctly following the
best scientic procedure available. And, presumably, this procedure is
reliable. What more does it take for (albeit fallible) knowledge?
Of course, things are not straightforward here are they ever?
We have broached delicate matters in epistemology. We have known
since at least Gettier that justied, true belief is not sufcient for
knowledge, especially in defeasible areas like science. Karens war-
rant for P consists of its place in her overall theory, found to be
in reective equilibrium, meeting all relevant scientic criteria. On
the assumptions in question, there might be a defeater to her war-
rant for believing P, namely Williams having come to the oppo-
site conclusion using the same methodology (with different tradeoffs
along the way). If Karen were to become aware of Williams overall
account, she probably should retract her claim to know that P.
Well, even if Karen should not claim to know P once she gets
to know Williams account of things, perhaps she knows P any-
way. Maybe the potential defeater Williams theory does not
undermine Karens justication, on whatever the correct account of
justication is. By hypothesis, the counter-evidence is misleading. Or
perhaps some sort of reliabilism is correct, and Karen has knowl-
edge of P simply because her belief was generated by a reliable
(albeit fallible) mechanism, scientic method itself. For Karen, at
least, there are no Gettier-style defeaters. There is, of course, no
consensus on the underlying epistemological issues, and I cannot
settle the issues here.
To summarize, an advocate of this third option maintains the
intuition that science is objective and that epistemic constraint holds
for it; and hopes (or argues) that the correct epistemology cooper-
ates with these conclusions. In this case, blameless disagreement is
nevertheless possible. So if the third option prevails, then cognitive
command is not a reliable indicator of objectivity, contra one of the
themes of Wright (1992). Cognitive command fails for one of the
paradigms of objectivity.
On yet another hand we are up to four maybe we can main-
tain that cognitive command holds after all. If Karen does know
P, then perhaps the other scientist in the scenario, William, does
exhibit a cognitive shortcoming. He believes an objective falsehood,
P, and, by hypothesis, P is knowable, since Karen knows it. What
else does it take to exhibit a cognitive shortcoming?
We can, of course, dene our terms as it pleases us, but it does
not seem appropriate or useful to extend the notion of cogni-
tive shortcoming that far. By hypothesis, both scientists acted in
the epistemically most responsible manner possible. Neither can be
faulted. As noted above, William was simply unlucky. Should this
bad luck count as a cognitive shortcoming, as a blameworthy dis-
agreement? If it is not Williams fault, then why is he to be blamed,
just because he happens to believe something whose negation is
This fourth orientation is explicitly ruled out by Wrights later
work. Shapiro and Taschek (1996) argue on lines similar to those
just given on behalf of William and Karen that, in general, epi-
stemic constraint entails cognitive command. In other words, if all
truths in an area of discourse are knowable, then there can be
no blameless disagreement in that area. This suggests that cog-
nitive command is not really a different axis of objectivity, over
and above epistemic constraint. In his detailed reply, Wright (2001)
proposed that the quantiers in the formulation of cognitive com-
mand should be understood constructively, via intuitionistic logic.
For cognitive command to hold, it is not enough that blameless dis-
agreement be ruled out. By the argument in Shapiro and Taschek
(1996), that much happens whenever epistemic constraint holds. The
proper criterion for cognitive command is that whenever there is dis-
agreement, then it is possible to assign blame to one or the other
participant. The view
that cognitive command holds whenever conict of opinion is possible . . .
demands, in the presence of [epistemic constraint] that there be an identiable
shortcoming in [one of the] conicting opinions . . . So although indeed in posi-
tion to rule out the suggestion that any disagreement is cognitively blameless . . .
we remain . . . unentitled to the claim that there will be a cognitive shortcoming
in any difference of opinion . . . We remain so unentitled precisely because that
would be a commitment to a locatability claim . . . The immediate lesson is that
it is an error (albeit a natural one) to characterize failures of cognitive command
. . . in terms of the possibility of blameless differences of opinion . . . Failures of
cognitive command . . . must be viewed as situations where we have no warrant
for a certain claim, not ones where for all we know its negation might be
true. We do know [that blameless disagreement is not possible]. But that is not
sufcient for cognitive command.(Wright 2001, p. 86)
On this rened version of Wrights view, the proper slogan for cog-
nitive command is not that blameless disagreement is impossible,
but rather that wherever there is disagreement, there is locatable
Wright comes to a similar conclusion in the 1992 book, on a
different matter:
. . . it cannot be . . . that [a cognitive] shortcoming may be indenitely unidenti-
able. For if that were so if a situation were possible where we could denitely
say that one of a pair of disputing theorists was guilty of cognitive shortcoming,
but there was no way of saying who then there would be no identifying the
winner (if any) in the dispute either; and that would be as much as to allow that
a true theory might be unrecognizable after all. When truth is regarded as essen-
tially epistemically constrained, Cognitive Command requires the identiability of
cognitive shortcoming whenever it occurs. (Wright 1992, p. 163)
On the constructive reading, cognitive command does not hold in
the situation with our scientists Karen and William. They cannot
assign a cognitive shortcoming to either of them, since they both
followed the best available procedure awlessly. They could not iden-
tify a shortcoming unless they could somehow identify which of
them is right, and by hypothesis, this is just what they cannot do.
Once again, the issues here invoke delicate issues in epistemol-
ogy, as well as issues concerning what counts as cognitive. These
matters go well beyond the scope of this paper, not to mention my
own competence. Let me briey summarize the options on the table,
when it comes to the underdetermination of theory. First, one might
claim that the discourse in question is not objective, simply because
cognitive command fails. Second, one might claim that the discourse
in question is objective, but that epistemic constraint fails. The true
proposition in question is unknowable. Or else one might maintain
that the discourse in question is objective and that cognitive com-
mand fails anyway in which case cognitive command does not
track objectivity. We have a counterexample to Wrights thesis.
take the fourth option where the incorrect party automatically has
a cognitive shortcoming as ruled out.
We turn, nally, to mathematics. It is surely possible for one
mathematician to conjecture that a certain proposition S about, say,
the real numbers is true, and for another to conjecture that S is
false, and for neither of them to display any cognitive shortcoming.
This happens all the time, but it is not the sort of disagreement rel-
evant to cognitive command. I presume that people can have con-
icting conjectures blamelessly in just about any area of discourse.
All we need is for the participants to be in a less than perfect epi-
stemic state.
Wright notes that when it comes to simple calculations, cognitive
command obviously holds: . . . it seems impossible to understand
how a disagreement about the status or result of an elementary
calculation might be sustained without some cognitive shortcoming
featuring in its explanation (p. 148). Suppose, for example, that two
people differ on the product of two four digit numbers. Clearly, at
least one of them made a mistake, and a careful check or a calcu-
lator will identify the guilty party or parties. Examples like this will
occupy us in the next section.
As noted, the epistemic standard for serious assertion in pro-
fessional mathematics is proof. So suppose that one mathemati-
cian, Pat, produces what she takes to be a proof of a mathematical
proposition S; and that another mathematician, Karl, continues
to demur from S, even after being presented with Pats purported
proof. Of course, this is not to say that Karl believes S. His
not accepting Pats purported proof is enough for disagreement.
The disagreement is over whether the purported proof is good.
The question at hand is whether we can be sure, a priori, that at
least one of these mathematicians exhibits a cognitive shortcoming
assuming that the disagreement is genuine.
To be sure, this sort of disagreement happens all the time in the
real world of mathematics. For example, two referees may disagree
whether the argument in a submitted article does in fact prove its
conclusion, with the competence of neither referee (nor the author)
in doubt. A number of prominent mathematicians expressed doubts
concerning the validity of Wiless rst proof of Fermats last theo-
rem. Such doubts were vindicated, and the proof was repaired, but
it may be that some mathematicians still remain unconvinced. Given
the complexity of the proof, it is hard to doubt the competence of
someone just because she harbors doubts about this case.
None of this is relevant to the matter at hand. As noted above,
several times, we are not concerned here with the epistemic states
of actual, esh and blood, mathematicians. Actual mathematics, as
practiced, is fully objective since it is epistemically unconstrained.
Cognitive command is irrelevant. To give epistemic constraint a
chance at being correct, and thus bring cognitive command into
play, we consider the states of highly idealized mathematicians. Call
them Pat* and Karl*.
In actual mathematics, it is not always clear whether a given
purported proof has a unique formalization. It is not even clear
whether the idealizations required for epistemic constraint will
determine a unique formalization for purported proofs. As above,
we assume that Pat* and Karl* have unlimited, stable memory and
attention span, and they do not run out of materials. It does not
follow, from that alone, that they will produce only completely rig-
orous, fully formalized proofs, or even that they will agree on the
proper formalization of what they (or their human counterparts) do
produce. Here, I just assume that speaking a formal language, whose
logical form is explicit, is part of the idealization in question. I do
not know how to argue for (or against) this, and will leave open the
possibility that the relationship between actual mathematical dis-
course and formalized deductions may not be fully objective.
is another area where an opponent of objectivity has some room to
So let us assume that Pat*s (purported) proof of S is fully
formalized, in the sense that all of the axioms and premises are
explicit, and every step is an instance of a primitive rule of infer-
ence. The purported proof may be far too long for Pat or Karl to
read in their lifetimes, but this is irrelevant. Pat* accepts the proof
and believes its conclusion, while Karl* demurs and does not accept
the conclusion.
We can assume that Pat* and Karl* agree on what sentence
appears on any given line of . A disagreement there would involve
a cognitive shortcoming on the part of one of them: the perceptual
mechanism for recognizing which sentence is written in a given place
would be faulty. So either Pat* and Karl* disagree over one of the
premises of or they disagree over the validity of one of the prim-
itive rules of inference. Let us take up each of these cases in turn,
starting with the primitive rules of inference. This amounts to a dis-
agreement over logic. Say that Pat and Pat* advocate classical logic,
while Karl and Karl* are intuitionists.
This raises the question of the objectivity of logic, which could
(and should) take up another lengthy paper. I will be brief here.
Notice, rst, that inferential error is one of the items that Wright
lists as a cognitive shortcoming in the formulation of cognitive
command. In the case under study, Pat* and Karl* each nd the
other guilty of inferential error: Karl* accuses Pat* of accepting
the validity of the invalid principle of excluded middle, and Pat*
returns the favor, claiming that Karl* mistakenly demurs from a
valid principle. In Wrights text, however, inferential error is listed
as a result of inattention or distraction, an example of unsuit-
able conditions. Clearly, Pat* and Karl* do not accuse each other
of inattention or distraction. Those are the very things we ideal-
ize out in moving to Pats and Karls asterisk-counterparts. So it is
not clear, yet, whether the mutual accusation of inferential error
is thereby an accusation of cognitive shortcoming. We cannot save
cognitive command this easily.
Even if adopting classical logic or adopting intuitionistic logic
somehow counts as a cognitive shortcoming, we would still have the
problem, noted just above with our scientists William and Karen,
of locating which of the parties has the shortcoming. If we cannot
say which one of them has the faulty logic, then we still cannot say
that cognitive command holds in this case. Is logic-choice an objec-
tive, cognitive matter? Over the centuries, logicians have disputed
the correctness of various inferences, with what looks like rational
Arguably, the methodology of logic-choice how one goes about,
or ought to go about, settling on which inferences to accept is
holistic, although this is yet another controversial matter that can-
not be fully adjudicated here. Michael Resnik proposes an adap-
tion of the program of wide reective equilibrium formulated by
Nelson Goodman and used by John Rawls for an account of justice:
One starts with ones own intuitions concerning logical correctness (or logical
necessity). These usually take the form of a set of test cases: arguments that one
accepts or rejects, statements that one takes to be logically necessary, inconsistent,
or equivalent . . . One then tries to build a logical theory whose pronouncements
accord with ones initial considered judgements. It is unlikely that initial attempts
will produce an exact t between the theory and the data . . . Sometimes . . . one
will yield ones logical intuitions to powerful or elegant systematic considerations
. . . [I]n deciding what must give, not only should one consider the merits of the
logical theory per se . . . but one should also consider how the theory and ones
intuitions cohere with ones other beliefs and commitments, including philosoph-
ical ones. When the theory rejects no example one is determined to preserve and
countenances none one is determined to reject, then the theory and its terminal
set of considered judgements are in . . . wide reective equilibrium. (Resnik 1997,
p. 159)
If something like this is the correct methodology for logic, its
objectivity is brought into doubt, at least potentially. Is the logi-
cians determination to preserve and countenance a given inference
a cognitive matter, subject to rational appraisal, or is it more of a
non-cognitive attitude, something like gilding and staining, as Res-
nik suggests? If the relevant determination is subject to rational
appraisal, what is to be the logic for that? This is a complex matter,
which would take us too far aeld. Let us assume that the correct
procedure of logic choice involves achieving some sort of reective
equilibrium, leaving the details out. We wonder whether the results
of this process can claim some sort of objectivity.
It may be that our two mathematicians, Pat* and Karl*, are both
in reective equilibrium, each by the lights of his or her own logic.
The two of them would thus be in the same situation as our scien-
tists William and Karen, and we have the same triad of theoretical
options. First, we can hold that cognitive command fails, and for
that reason, logic is not objective. It would follow that mathemat-
ics also fails to be objective, at least to the extent that mathematics
turns on logic. Second, one can maintain that for logic, epistemic
constraint fails: it is unknowable which logic is correct, and thus
which of Pat* and Karl* is correct. In particular, it is unknow-
able whether the law of excluded middle is valid, as strange as that
sounds. This second option would leave logic objective, and would
make cognitive command irrelevant to the issue. The same would
go for mathematics, to the extent that it turns on logic. The third
option is to maintain that logic is objective, in some sense, but that
cognitive command fails for it.
I must admit that there is something troubling about the whole
issue concerning the objectivity of logic. Just about any serious dis-
pute in any area of discourse is going to involve logic. All disputants
are themselves reasoners, and come to their respective conclusions in
part by drawing inferences. Given how pervasive logic is, disagree-
ments about logic are certain to result in disagreements elsewhere.
In Wrights terms, logic is not disputationally pure (1992, pp. 155
156). Indeed, logic is about the most disputationally impure discourse
that there is. Suppose that Pat* and Karl* agree that spacetime is
continuous. Then their disagreement about the logic of mathematics
will result in a disagreement about space-time. Pat* will hold that a
version of the intermediate value theorem holds for spacetime and
Karl* will not. For example, Pat* will hold that every continuous
spacetime curve that goes from the exterior of a given sphere to the
interior has a point of intersection with the surface of the sphere.
Karl* will demur from this. If logic-choice is not (completely) an
objective matter, then neither is the structure of spacetime. If the
disagreement over logic is cognitively blameless, then so is the dis-
agreement over the structure of spacetime. In general, if cognitive
command fails for logic, then how can it hold anywhere?
An argument is valid only if it is truth preserving. If the dis-
course in question is itself objective, then valid arguments preserve
objective truth. I presume that it is an objective matter whether
objective truth is preserved by a given argument. Intuitively, then,
logic is at least partly objective. But, of course, the preservation of
truth (objective or otherwise) is not sufcient for logical validity.
Depending on the correct account of logical consequence, a valid
argument preserves truth of necessity it is not possible for the
premises to be true and the conclusion false or else a valid argu-
ment preserves truth in virtue of its form, or in virtue of the mean-
ing of the logical particles, or in virtue of there being a particular
sort of deduction of the conclusion from the premises, or . . . . The
objectivity of logic thus seems to turn on the objectivity of the rele-
vant sort of modality, or form, or meaning, or deduction, or what-
ever. I am afraid that, once again, we have strayed beyond the scope
of the present article. It may or may not be that all legitimate dis-
courses are connected to each other. The web of belief may or may
not have seams. Still, logic is connected to just about everything else.
The objectivity of logic is tied to that of other discourses, and vice
versa. Sticking to the theme of this paper, if logic fails to be objec-
tive, in some sense and to some extent, then mathematics fails to
objective in the same sense, to the same extent.
So let us now assume that the logic is not in question, and turn
to the remaining possibility that our antagonists Pat* and Karl*
disagree over a premise or axiom in the purported proof . Here
the going is easier, for a bit. In mathematics, a difference over a
premise is, prima facie, not really a disagreement. The two math-
ematicians are just talking past one another. Pat* is working in a
certain structure (or type of structure), characterized in part by the
premises of the derivation . Karl* prefers to work in a different
structure. A mathematician who demurs from the Pythagorean the-
orem, because he does not assume the parallel postulate, is not in
real disagreement with a Euclidean. They work in different theories,
with different subject matters.
Recall that in setting up the scenario involving the underde-
termination of theory in science, I stipulated: Suppose that . . .
William says P and . . . Karen says P and assume that each
attaches the same meaning to P. The claim here is that in
mathematics, the assumption at the end is false. The Euclidean and
the non-Euclidean geometers do not attach the same meaning (or
extension) to terms like straight and perpendicular, since they
work with different structures. Terms get their meaning (or refer-
ence) from the structure in which they are embedded.
Of course, mathematicians did not always think this way. Sup-
posedly, they once saw the issue concerning geometry as concerning
the structure of (physical) space or intuitions concerning perception.
Alberto Coffa (1986, p. 8) describes the historical transition:
During the second half of the nineteenth century, through a process still awaiting
explanation, the community of geometers reached the conclusion that all geom-
etries were here to stay . . . [T]his had all the appearance of being the rst time
that a community of scientists had agreed to accept in a not-merely-provisory
way all the members of a set of mutually inconsistent theories about a certain
domain . . . It was now up to philosophers . . . to make epistemological sense of
the mathematicians attitude toward geometry . . . The challenge was a difcult
test for philosophers, a test which (sad to say) they all failed . . .
I think we understand the situation now. If Pat* and Karl* dif-
fer only over premises, then they do not disagree at all. They sim-
ply work in different structures. This explains why mathematical
theories are not discarded as false when they become unusable in
science. Resnik (1997, p. 131) calls the phenomenon Euclidean
Things may not be this neat if the disagreement concerns a more
foundational matter, one that relates to the semantic relationships
between various mathematical structures, or the very relationship
between premises and conclusion. In effect, we broach matters much
like those involving the logic. Suppose that the disputed item is in
real analysis, but that Pat*s (and Pats) proof invokes the set-theoretic
principle V=L, and that Karl* (and Karl) rejects that, since he advo-
cates a large-cardinal hypothesis incompatible with V=L.
One can still maintain that there is no real disagreement here.
Pat* works within real analysis in the context of Zermelo-Fraenkel
set theory plus V=L, while Karl* works in real analysis embed-
ded in a different, but not competing background set theory that
includes large cardinal axioms. As with our geometers, they just
work in different theories. The idea is that characterizing the back-
ground set theory (or model theory, if the axioms are second-order)
is part of delimiting the structure in question.
One might think, however, that the phenomenon of Euclidean
rescue should not be extended to meta-mathematical, foundational
matters, where the logical, or semantic relationships between the-
ories are themselves under study. Logical consequence sometimes
goes via model theory, which is an application of set theory. This
is a deep issue in the philosophy of mathematics, and Ill rest con-
tent here to explore the options, along what should now be familiar
To be sure, we do have intuitions about foundational matters,
but they are not particularly stable from mathematician to math-
ematician, nor over time. It is plausible that foundational matters
are decided on holistic grounds. Which foundational theory, overall,
does best on a number of different criteria? If this is how it works,
then Pat* and Karl* are in the same dialectical situation as the sci-
entists William and Karen, above. Lets assume that both of them
are in the mathematical version of reective equilibrium, concerning
foundational theories, and so we have no reason to fault either one
on epistemic grounds. The disagreement is thus blameless.
So, for the third time, we encounter the options concerning
the underdetermination of theory. Here, of course, there is less
pre-theoretic agreement that our subject matter is objective. Is there
a fact of the matter concerning V=L, the disputed item?
Suppose rst, that there is no objective fact of the matter con-
cerning the disputed foundational item, V=L in this case. Then
there is no real dispute between Pat* and Karl*. They just work
with different premises, and we have a Euclidean rescue. The differ-
ence between them would be exactly the same as that between some-
one who works in Euclidean geometry and someone who works in
a non-Euclidean geometry. Once again, we rule out blameless dis-
agreement by denying that there is disagreement. Pat* and Karl*
agree that the disputed sentence S follows from V=L, and that
it does not follow from the large cardinal hypothesis. Things are left
at that.
To hold, against this, that Pat* (and Pat) is not at cross pur-
poses with Karl* (and Karl), one might argue (or just insist) that
the two mathematicians work with the same concepts. There is just
one notion of set or model, and there is no change of sub-
ject between them. If one still maintains that the there is no objec-
tive fact of the matter concerning the disputed item, V=L, then
one should hold that there is genuine indeterminacy for those con-
The notion of set is not ambiguous, nor does it bifurcate
into ZFC+V=L and, say, ZFC plus a large cardinal assump-
tion incompatible with V=L. If the logical consequence relation of
second-order languages is somehow indeterminate, then it might
very well be that there is no fact of the matter concerning V=L on
the unique notion of set as captured by second-order ZFC. I con-
fess to having some trouble with this option, but this may be due
to my structuralist and realist leanings (or prejudices). I leave it to
the reader to determine how plausible it is.
Suppose now that there is an objective fact of the matter con-
cerning the disputed axiom, V=L (assuming, of course, that it
makes sense to say this if not, skip ahead). Then one of our
idealized mathematicians, Pat* or Karl*, is mistaken. And yet, by
hypothesis, neither of them display an (identiable) cognitive fault
in the process. One conclusion is that under the foregoing assump-
tions, epistemic constraint fails. The truth of the disputed propo-
sition, or its negation, is an unknowable fact. As noted above, on
Wrights view, this makes cognitive command irrelevant.
As with the scientic case, involving William and Karen, one can
argue the other side as well. The truth in question is knowable,
and indeed known by the idealized mathematician who got it right.
It depends on delicate and contentious matters in epistemology, as
applied to the mathematical cases. But if such a case can be made,
then, given our (supposed) inability to identify a cognitive short-
coming, we must conclude that cognitive command fails, and so it
does not track objectivity in this case. In this limited area, Wrights
criterion is at odds with the underlying intuitive notion of objectiv-
ity. As in the other cases, wed like an account of why this is so, and
a motivated renement of the notion of cognitive command to han-
dle the exceptions.
Here, I submit, we can be more denitive. By denition, for any dis-
course that satises epistemic constraint, truth and best opinion
coincide in extension. In the early stages of Platos Euthyphro, Soc-
rates did not contest the claim that an act is pious if and only if it is
pleasing to the gods. Instead, he asked which of these is the chicken
and which the egg. Euthyphro contended that there is no more to
piety than what the gods desire. Against this, Socrates argued that
(at best) the gods have the ability to detect piety. A similar con-
trast between Socrates and Euthyphro could remain if the gods were
replaced with actual human beings, or ideal agents acting under
ideal conditions even if (or especially if) the opinions of these
agents were infallible. Socratess view here is that piety is objective.
Euthyphros perspective is consistent with piety being subjective or
otherwise judgement-dependent, in which case the responses of the
gods is what constitutes piety.
The Appendix to Chapter 3 of Wright (1992) lays out constraints
on a Euthyphro contrast for discourses concerning color, shape,
morality, modality, etc. It is especially clear that the intelligibility
of the underlying question depends on epistemic constraint. If truth
does not coincide in extension with best opinion, then there can be
no question of which is the chicken and which the egg. We would
not have a Euthyphro question to ask.
John Divers and Alexander Miller (1999) argue that mathemat-
ics is response-dependent, or perhaps better, judgement-dependent.
Actually, their case applies only to decidable arithmetic statements,
such as instances of primitive recursive predicates. I am content to
focus on those, since I take it as agreed that decidable statements
give the defense of response-dependence its best shot. One would
think that in order for a mathematical predicate to be judgement-
dependent, it should be effectively decidable and thus, with Churchs
thesis, recursive. Someone who wants to argue that all of mathemat-
ics, or even all of arithmetic, is judgement-dependent has a much
tougher row to hoe.
Wright argues that discourse about color and rst-person ascrip-
tions of intention are response-dependent, and that discourses about
shape and morality are not. Divers and Miller argue that (the rel-
evant part of) arithmetic discourse has the relevant features of
color discourse and rst-person intention discourse, and they argue
that arithmetic discourse does not have the disqualifying features
of shape discourse and morality discourse. I submit, however, that
Divers and Miller do not take account of the idealizations needed
to maintain epistemic constraint in arithmetic. Without the ideal-
izations, the case for judgement-dependence does not get off the
ground. I show here that articulating the idealizations indicates how
and why arithmetic, and mathematics generally, is not judgement-
dependent. In short, even if we can maintain that epistemic con-
straint holds, we must put mathematics on the Socratic side of the
To set the stage for the articulated criterion, Wright rst proposes
that we focus on discourses for which the following basic equation is
For all S, P : P if and only if (if CS then RS),
where S is any agent, P ranges over some wide class of judgements . . . RS
expresses Ss having of some germane response (judging that P . . . ) and CS
expresses the satisfaction of certain conditions of optimality on that particular
response. (Wright 1992, pp. 108109)
Essentially, this is a semi-formal statement of epistemic constraint.
A few pages later, Wright notes that the basic equations are
not what we want in general. In bizarre circumstances, the satis-
faction of the proper conditions, CS, might alter the truth-value of
the proposition in question, due to some interference. Suppose, for
example, that there is a weird red object in a dim room, not optimal
for viewing color. Suppose that, due to the objects chemical compo-
sition, it would turn blue if more light were shined on it. In other
words, getting the object into proper viewing conditions changes its
color. The basic equation would have it that the object is blue, even
in the dim room. This is clearly wrong. So Wright opts for what he
calls a provisional equation:
If CS, then (it would be the case that P if and only if S
would judge that P). (p. 119)
The idea, I take it, is that we are only concerned with propositions
whose truth or falsehood can be judged under the appropriate ideal
conditions. I presume that for the other propositions, epistemic con-
straint need not hold (although we cannot square that with the fail-
ure of objectivity, as above).
Divers and Miller (1999, pp. 307308, note 5) point out that
in the case of arithmetic, we can deal with the original, non-
provisional basic equation, since there can be no interference between
the obtaining of the proper conditions for judgment and the truth-
value of the judgedproposition: We canknowapriori inthe mathemat-
ical case that there will be no causal interference of the sort discussed,
since mathematical objects, platonistically construed, are neither caus-
ally active nor causally acted upon. Even if one is not a platonist about
mathematical objects, it is still plausible that the truthvalue of aproposi-
tionof arithmetic cannot be affectedby whether or not some conditions
of judgement are met. Getting ourselves into position to judge whether
a number is prime cannot change whether that number is prime.
There is, however, a second reason, beyond interference, to move
to provisional equations. What of the judge herself ? In some cases it
may not be possible for a subject to be in the appropriate conditions,
optimal for judging. In unfortunate circumstances, bringing about
the optimal conditions may make it impossible for someone to judge.
Suppose, for example, that there were a subject who would become
color blind if he were to view a particular object under the proper
lighting, due to some strange feature of his optic nerve. Even more
gruesome, suppose there were a peculiar shade called killer-yellow
which kills anyone who looks at it in normal lighting (see Lewis 1997,
p. 145, who attributes the thought experiment to Saul Kripke). The
basic equation would declare that an object so colored has no color
at all, since it cannot be appropriately judged to have a color. Thus
the move to provisional equations.
In the case of arithmetic, this consideration brings in the idealiza-
tions. Almost all natural numbers are killer-numbers in the sense
that anyone who tries to determine whether they are prime will die
of old age in the process. If we did invoke provisional equations, we
would have to restrict the range of judgement-dependence in arith-
metic to a small, nite collection of natural numbers. This would not
be a very interesting thesis (up to the dismissal of strict nitism in
Section 1 above). And it would not account for very much mathemat-
ical knowledge. The problem translates to the issue of how human
our subjects remain, once we idealize in the needed way.
So let us focus on the non-provisional basic equation discussed
by Divers and Miller:
x(x is prime (if C then S judges that x is prime)),
where C is a list of conditions on the subject S. Wright argues that
a discourse for which a basic equation is true can be construed as
judgement-dependent, and thus as not objective, if four constraints
on the formulation of the conditions C on proper judgement are
met. These are labeled the a prioricity, substantiality, indepen-
dence, and extremal constraints.
The rst constraint is that the basic equation must be knowable a
priori: The truth, if it is true, that the extensions of colour concepts
are constrained by idealised human response best opinion ought
to be accessible purely by analytic reection on those concepts, and
hence available as knowledge a priori (pp. 116117). Second, note
that one can make the basic equation true, and knowable a priori,
too easily. Concerning discourse about shapes, Wright writes:
Suppose we characterize standard conditions as ones supplying everything nec-
essary (whatever-it-takes) to enable a standard observer to apprehend shapes
correctly . . . Then the basic equation for square . . . is, trivially, dignied as
a necessary truth. There is therefore no hope of capturing the distinction we
want . . . unless we stipulate that the C-conditions imposed on the subject be
specied substantially: they must be specied in sufcient detail to incorporate a
constructive account of the epistemology of the judgements in question, so that
not merely does a subjects satisfaction of them ensure that the conditions under
which she is operating have whatever-it-takes to bring it about that her opin-
ion is true, but a concrete conception is conveyed of what it actually does take.
(p. 112)
This is the substantiality constraint. The independence constraint is
an extension of the substantiality constraint, and has no bearing on
the present argument.
Suppose, nally, that one formulates C-conditions so that the a
priority and substantiality (and independence) constraints hold. The
extremal condition is that there be no way of accounting for the
strong match between best opinion and truth, other than the the-
sis that best opinion constitutes truth. In other words, the burden of
proof is on the advocate of judgement-dependence. She must show
that there is no other way to explain the basic equation.
Divers and Miller propose a list of C-conditions for arithmeti-
cal discourse. First, the judging subject should be sincere. In saying
that a given number n is prime, for example, the subject should be
expressing her belief that n is prime. Second, there are background
psychological conditions: the speaker is sufciently attentive to the
object(s) in question [i.e., the number(s)], the speaker is otherwise
cognitively lucid, and the speaker is free from doubt about the
satisfaction of any of these conditions (p. 287). The speaker must
be conceptually competent, in the sense that she understands the
sentence in question: in making the report or judgement . . . the
speaker must be competent with whatever concepts are directly and
conventionally implicated in the use of the sentence . . . and compe-
tent with whatever concepts have to be mastered in order to achieve
competence with the directly implicated concepts (ibid.). So in the
case at hand, the subjects must understand the concepts of natu-
ral number and prime, along with whatever is involved in that,
presumably the concepts of addition, multiplication, quantication,
and the like. Divers and Miller suggest that the subjects should not
just be minimally competent with these notions, but experts. I pre-
sume that professional mathematicians qualify. Finally, the number,
or numbers, must be given in canonical notation. Stroke notation or
standard decimal numerals will do. Locutions like Freges favorite
number and the least counterexample to the Goldbach conjecture,
if there is one are not legitimate singular terms in this context.
Divers and Miller settle on the following basic equation:
x(x is prime [s](s meets the conditions on reporting, on
backgroundpsychological considerations andonconceptual
competence, and x is presented to s in a canonical mode of
presentation s will judge that x is prime)) (p. 292).
They then go on to argue that this meets Wrights conditions. In
particular, they show that these basic equations compare favorably
with those for color and intention reporting, and unfavorably with
those for shape and morality.
It is unfortunate that the main instance of the basic equation that
Divers and Miller invoke is the primeness of the number 5. It is
plausible that anyone, human or otherwise, who grasps the concepts
of natural number and primeness, and knows which number 5 is,
will accurately judge that it is prime. If someone judges that 5 is
not prime, then, quite literally, he does not know what he is talking
about. But what of even slightly larger numbers like 73, or 277, or
10,200,007, not to mention the numbers alluded to above that have
over 100,000 digits?
For all but a few numbers, even expert mathematicians make
mistakes, and such errors do not undermine their competence with
the concepts. So far, it has not been built into the specication of
the C-conditions that the subjects do not err in multiplying and
dividing numbers. It is only an a posteriori fact about (some of) us
that we can do such calculations reliably, without making a mistake,
if the numbers are small enough. And it is simply false that humans
can do, say, 300 different calculations in a row without making a
mistake. I know that I am not reliable with even one calculation, if
it involves numbers with two or three decimal places.
The advocate of judgement-dependence may claim that it is part
of understanding the concepts of natural number, primeness, and
related notions, that one can calculate correctly. I do not see this.
As noted above, Divers and Miller say that the proper judges are
experts professional mathematicians, for example. This is not
enough to ensure that no computational errors are made. It is quite
possible for a mathematician to fully understand the notion of nat-
ural number and the notion of primeness, and still be unreliable in
arithmetic calculation, when it comes to three or four digit numbers.
I know such people. They are world class mathematicians, and so
understand their concepts if anybody does, and yet they are poor
judges concerning the extension of prime number.
In reply to this observation, Divers and Miller might say that
when calculating, these mathematicians are insufciently attentive.
But this is hard to maintain. The mathematicians are as attentive
as they are when proving theorems, in their professional work. They
just mess up fairly often when it comes to simple calculations.
I might add that, with rare exceptions, no one is reliable with cal-
culation with three and four digit numbers unless they use external
aids. But even pencil and paper reliability depends on a posteriori
features of our physical universe. If we lived in a world in which
numeral tokens did not last more than a few seconds, and changed
shape randomly, we would not get the right results very often. And
beyond four digit numbers, we use calculators and computers, or su-
percomputers for the larger numbers. The reliability of those items
is surely an a posteriori matter. With sufciently large numbers, even
computers are not reliable. At some point, the probability that a
random malfunction will occur is greater than, say, .5.
I submit, then, that even for expert human mathematicians,
Divers and Millers version of the basic equation is false. It holds
only for smallish numbers, and except for the very smallest of num-
bers, the truth of the basic equations is an a posteriori matter. The
vast majority of the instances of the equations are not guaranteed a
priori, by conceptual analysis of the C-conditions and the concepts
in question. In short, Wrights a prioricity condition fails.
This much should be anticipated. The Euthyphro contrast is
directly tied to epistemic constraint, and as we saw, starting in
Section 1 above, one can maintain that mathematics is epistemi-
cally constrained only by idealizing the knowers. If we are to have
a chance at holding that mathematics is judgement-dependent, we
must specify the C-conditions in such a way that no human being
even comes close to satisfying them.
In a different context, Divers and Miller themselves raise a
related matter. In motivating the requirement that the number be
given in canonical notation, they raise the possibility that an ideal
(i.e., maximally conceptually equipped) judge would be in a position
to make a truth-value-matching judgement but no actual judge, pro
tem, has the conceptual equipment that qualies her as ideal (p.
290). They do not note that this same problem applies even if the
number is given in canonical notation, if it is large enough.
One might well wonder if we have lost touch with the notion
of objectivity, once we concede that arithmetic is not human-
judgement-dependent. As noted in the treatment of epistemic
constraint in Section 1 above, other cases of purportedly judgement-
dependent concepts invoke judges that are in fact human, or at least
approximated by humans.
Still, let us push on. Can we specify C-conditions that meet
Wrights criteria on ideal judges? How would this go? As above, the
usual way to begin is to specify that the judges have no limits on
attention span, memory, and lifetime. To avoid issues concerning
physical properties of external objects like pencil, paper, and com-
puters, let us just give our ideal judges unlimited, stable memory
and retrieval.
This, alone, will not do. Let us start with the aforementioned
human (world-class) mathematicians who are rather bad at calcula-
tion. They already display enormous powers of concentration, con-
sidering the depth and complexity of their published work. Let us
assume that they have unlimited powers of concentration. They do
not get tired, and have perfect memory and recall. Does it follow a
priori that they never make calculation errors? It seems to me that it
remains a conceptual possibility that these ideal mathematicians still
make mistakes when they calculate with large numbers. Often, when
they try to calculate, they mess up. After all, unreliability in calcula-
tion does not compromise their conceptual competence in the actual
world, where they are made of esh and blood. Why should unre-
liability in calculation be ruled out in the idealized cases so long
as we specify the idealization in the standard ways?
Of course, it will not do to specify the C-conditions as ones in
which the subjects do not make errors in calculation. This would
violate the substantiality constraint. It would be to specify the con-
ditions on judgement as those under which our subjects get it right,
whatever it takes.
The route for the defender of response-dependence is clear
enough. First specify the algorithms for addition, multiplication,
division, etc., and assume that our judges understand how to per-
form the individual steps of each algorithm. Real humans manage
that much. Then we assume that they can string together arbitrarily
long sequences of such primitive steps awlessly. In effect, we fol-
low the aforementioned proposal from Tennant (1997, Chapter 5) in
the context of epistemic constraint for decidable mathematical pred-
icates (Section 1 above). To repeat:
We are equipped, right now, to perform tasks such as applying Eratosthenes
sieve. The sheer size of the number whose primality is in question is neither here
nor there when it comes to our ability to conceive the kind of fact that it is (or
would be) for some gargantuan number N . . . to be prime. (p. 145)
. . . the actual limits to effective human thought . . . that we are thinking of our-
selves as transcending here are not limits to the kind of thinking we may do, but
only limits on how much of that kind of thinking one could do. The thinking is
all of one uniform kind. (p. 147)
If the idealizations are specied in this manner, then it does follow
that the subjects will answer questions about primeness correctly.
The basic equation is true, and the substantiality constraint is now
met. To paraphrase Wright (1992, p. 112), we have conveyed a con-
crete conception . . . of what it actually does take for our idealized
mathematicians to make correct judgements about which numbers
are prime. Moreover, the basic equation is now knowable a priori,
on conceptual grounds alone. So the a prioricity constraint is met.
But this is the end of the line. I submit that the extremal con-
dition is violated. With all this idealizing, we have turned our sub-
jects into abstract calculating devices, like Turing machines. That
is, our ideal mathematicians are themselves mathematical objects,
and the basic equation is itself a piece of mathematics. In effect,
the basic equation is just a routine theorem that a Turing machine
with such and such a program calculates the characteristic function
of prime number. So of course the equation is knowable a pri-
ori, assuming that mathematics is. This also explains why our sub-
jects get it right all of the time. The problem is that their accuracy
has nothing to do with the fact that they are human-like and have
responses or beliefs, and make judgements. The accuracy is
guaranteed by the mechanisms or the algorithms for computation
themselves, and not by the responses or judgements to the results
of the algorithms.
Clearly, this very elementary part of arithmetic is what may
be called Turing-machine-dependent. All that this means is that
properties like primeness are effectively decidable, in the mathe-
matical sense of effectively decidable. The responses of Turing
machines match up perfectly with the facts. This is true by deni-
tion, or by theorem (depending on how one axiomatizes). I dont
think it matters much if there is a fact of the matter as to whether
the Turing machine responses or the facts about primeness are the
chicken or the egg. A natural number n is prime if it has exactly two
divisors, itself and 1. This is true if and only if certain calculations
come out a certain way say by following the sieve of Eratosthenes.
This last is a mathematical fact, proved in the usual manner. I do
not see how we have said anything against the objectivity of math-
ematics if we dene another mathematical object an ideal sub-
ject who correctly does the relevant calculation and then judges
or comes to believe the result of the calculation. The calculation
is doing the determination, if anything is, not the response or
judgement at the end.
On this axis of objectivity, then, we can be denitive; there are
no loose ends or caveats to note. In order to get a Euthyphro con-
trast started, we have to invoke the idealizations on the knowers
or judges needed to sustain a semblance of epistemic constraint.
Otherwise, Wrights basic equations are simply false. The details
of the idealization then demand that the basic equation be given
what Wright calls a detectivist or Socratic reading. The elemen-
tary propositions of arithmetic are thus not response-dependent or
judgement-dependent in the sense relevant to objectivity.
The journey here was long, but I hope it was worthwhile. To
summarize, if we are dealing with actual mathematics, as practiced
by human beings, or beings who approximate humans, epistemic
constraint fails: there are unknowable truths. This occurs for classi-
cal and intuitionistic mathematics alike, and even for moderate ver-
sions of strict nitism. Thus, actual mathematics is objective. To
give a non-objective account a chance, and to invoke Wrights vari-
ous criteria, we have to idealize on the mathematician. Once this is
done, I contend, mathematics passes all of Wrights tests for objec-
tivity, with a few possible exceptions for foundational matters. Del-
icate and controversial issues concerning general epistemology are
invoked along the way.
I am indebted to Crispin Wright, Fraser MacBride, Graham Priest,
John Divers, Marco Panza, Robbie Williams, and Agustn Rayo for
discussions on this project. Thanks also to the Arch e Research Cen-
tre at the University of St. Andrews and the Notre Dame Logic
Seminar for devoting sessions to this paper, and to the University of
Paris 7 for inviting me to participate in a workshop on the objec-
tivity of mathematics. On all three occasions, the ensuing discus-
sion helped me to clarify some of the ideas. My largest debt is to
anonymous referees, who got me to see the proper direction for
developing some of the more subtle matters.
I am indebted to Mark van Atten here. Some contemporary intuitionists, fol-
lowing Michael Dummett (e.g., (1973)), base their conclusions on considerations
of meaning and the learnability of language. At least one of them, Neil Tennant
[1997], takes mathematics to be objective.
Since the issues with the potential divergence are delicate and complex, the
exceptions to the general thesis that mathematics passes Wrights tests take up
a signicant amount of our space.
It will not help our opponent to adopt a philosophy, like that of Geoffrey
Hellman (1989) or Charles Chihara (1990), that denies the existence of num-
bers, but provides an interpretation according to which mathematical assertions
are non-vacuously true or false. On such views, it is at least possible for there
to be sentences corresponding to P, and so there can be true sentences that
cannot become known by using resources available to human beings. One might
avoid the whole problem by adopting a variety of mathematical ctionalism, an
error theory about mathematics, perhaps following Field (1980, 1989). On that
view, there are no unknowable truths, simply because there are no (non-vacuous)
truths. On such views, I presume, there is no issue of objectivity to discuss. On
the other hand, for Field, there are serious questions concerning whether a given
mathematical sentence is conservative over nominalistic physics. If we query the
objectivity of such questions, the same issues will arise. Wright (1992, pp. 912)
discusses error theories in the context of objectivity.
In all likelihood, there are unknowable truths that can be feasibly stated. Con-
sider the proposition Q that the 10
th prime greater than 10
leaves a
remainder of 5 when divided by 32. It is a theorem of intuitionistic arithmetic
that Q is either true or false. If Q is true, then, surely, it is an unknowable truth.
Otherwise, Q is an unknowable truth. Thanks to a referee here.
If is a sentence in the language of arithmetic, then let be its G odel
number (in some, xed, arithmetization). The version of Tarskis theorem I have
in mind is that for every formula (x) in the language of arithmetic, with one
free variable, there is an arithmetic sentence such that (() ). So
is not a denition of arithmetic truth. The meta-theorem in question does not
invoke a philosophically contentious notion of truth.
I am indebted to Crispin Wright here. The main observation of Shapiro (2001)
is that under Heyting semantics, excluded middle amounts to G odelian optimism.
So the intuitionist who is not out to revise classical mathematics must side with
G odel and Hilbert. This, of course, is not bad company, but there is a serious
burden to discharge.
It does not matter for present purposes how plausible this view is as an
account of morality. If the notion of a disinterested, unbiased judge is coher-
ent, then we have a response-dependent account of something, even if it is not a
moral notion of right and wrong.
This, of course, is controversial. One might think that the moral corruption of
a given person helps explain why she has no friends, or why she is prison. Wright
argues that in such cases, the proper (or best) explanation does not invoke moral
facts, but turns instead on our being in attitudinal states which take such states
of affairs as object. Thanks to an anonymous referee for forcing this issue.
A referee nds it curious that in the cited examples, mathematical language
is used in stating the phenomena to be explained. Wrights example invokes the
notions of a rectangular oor and of remainder, and my own refers to drops,
which are (more or less) spheres. It seems to me that this is all but inevitable. If
mathematics is to gure in an explanation of a phenomenon or event, there must
be some connection between the subject matter of mathematics (whatever that
may be) and the phenomenon or event in question. So the terminology of mathe-
matics must engage in some way with the terminology in which the phenomenon
or event is described. To switch to material mode, this observation underlies my
own view is that there is no sharp separation between the mathematical and the
physical (see, for example, Shapiro 1997, Chapter 8, especially Section 3).
I am indebted to Agustn Rayo for this suggestion.
For illuminating accounts of explanation in mathematics, and mathematical
explanations of physical phenomena, see Steiner (1978, pp. 1728, 1980) and
the papers in Mancosu, et al. (2005). Steiners account is criticized in Mancosu
and Hafner (2005). Most of the latter concerns explanation within mathematics,
whereas present concern is with the use of mathematics in explanation of non-
mathematical phenomena.
This is not to say that every disagreement about comedy is cognitively blame-
less: That is not funny: he is having a seizure!
I am indebted to an anonymous referee for pushing some of the epistemolog-
ical issues here.
Chapter 4 of Wright (1992) deals with the Quine-Duhem phenomenon that
observation is theory-laden. Wright comes to tentative conclusions similar to
those reached here: it is hard to maintain both that epistemic constraint holds
in science and that cognitive command is a criterion of objectivity.
Thanks to a referee for pointing me to this issue.
Shapiro (2000, Section 5.4) applies Wrights criteria for objectivity to logic.
Present conclusions are a bit different from those. Once again, I am indebted to
a referee for pressing this issue.
We might say the same about the dispute over logic. It is commonly argued
that the intuitionist and the classical mathematician do not attach the same
meaning to the logical terminology. Thus, they do not really disagree. The intui-
tionist may accuse the classical mathematician of incoherence, but that is a differ-
ent matter.
I am indebted to Crispin Wright here.
This is the cornerstone of their response to a challenge, due to Field (1989), to
show how platonism is compatible with the reliability of mathematicians beliefs.
If mathematics were judgement-dependent in the appropriate manner, the chal-
lenge would be met.
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