Study Guide Gas Laws
Study Guide Gas Laws
Study Guide Gas Laws
Units …
V 1/V
Charles’ Law … V/T = Constant
= 2 2
T1 T2
Density …
mass PM
Molar Mass …
M = RT
Question: 36.0-gm of methane (CH4) burn in air. Determine the volume of gas produced at 25oC.
Assume the products are gases collected at 1-atm.
Answer: 190. liters
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)
Therefore; 2.25-mol of CO2 and 4.50-mol H20 Total moles of gas = 7.75-mol
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures … ‘the total pressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of the pressures that each gas
would exert if it were present alone.’ (Do not forget about water vapor)
KE = mu 2
KE (Kinetic Energy) is proportional to T (Temperature)
1 2
u = kT
R = 8.314 J/K.mol
M = molecular mass in kg/mol
Question: What is the RMS (root mean square) speed of O2 atoms in air? Assume T = 25oC
Answer: uavg = 481 m/s or 1735 km/hr or 1084 mi/hr
Effusion: the passage of a gas through a tiny orifice into an evacuated chamber
Diffusion: the gradual mixing of gases by virtue of their kinetic properties
* the lower the molecular weight of a gas, the faster it will effuse/diffuse
* see figure 5.22 on p.220 and figure 5.24 on p.221
You need to know what these are, what they look like, what they measure, and how they operate.
Occasionally the AP Exam will have pictures of such devices as part of a question.
1. Make sure that…
temperature is in Kelvin
gas laws applied to gases only
the units cancel
the answer is reasonable (does the answer agree with the gas law?)
2. If volume, temperature, or pressure change, combined gas law most likely
3. If moles of gas are involved, ideal gas law most likely
4. If a mixture of gases, Dalton’s Law and/or mole fraction most likely
5. If a gas is collected over/through water, do not forget to include the vapor pressure of water.