This document contains three translations of the Emerald Tablet, an ancient text attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. The first is Isaac Newton's translation from the 17th century. The second is from Aurelium Occultae Philosophorum by Georgio Beato. The third is a contemporary rendering of the original Latin text. All three translations convey the same core message that what is above is like what is below, and that through understanding this principle, one can achieve glory and drive away obscurity.
This document contains three translations of the Emerald Tablet, an ancient text attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. The first is Isaac Newton's translation from the 17th century. The second is from Aurelium Occultae Philosophorum by Georgio Beato. The third is a contemporary rendering of the original Latin text. All three translations convey the same core message that what is above is like what is below, and that through understanding this principle, one can achieve glory and drive away obscurity.
This document contains three translations of the Emerald Tablet, an ancient text attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. The first is Isaac Newton's translation from the 17th century. The second is from Aurelium Occultae Philosophorum by Georgio Beato. The third is a contemporary rendering of the original Latin text. All three translations convey the same core message that what is above is like what is below, and that through understanding this principle, one can achieve glory and drive away obscurity.
This document contains three translations of the Emerald Tablet, an ancient text attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. The first is Isaac Newton's translation from the 17th century. The second is from Aurelium Occultae Philosophorum by Georgio Beato. The third is a contemporary rendering of the original Latin text. All three translations convey the same core message that what is above is like what is below, and that through understanding this principle, one can achieve glory and drive away obscurity.
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Newton's translation
A 17th century depiction of the Tablet by Heinrich Khunrath, 1606
One translation, by Isaac Newton, found aon! his alcheical papers as reported by "#$# %obbs in &Newton's (oentary on the Emerald Tablet of Heres Trise!istus& in Merkel, I and Debus A.G. Hermeticism and the Renaissance# )ol!er, *ashin!ton 1+,,#- 1# Tis true without lyin!, certain ost true# .# That wch is below is li/e that wch is abo0e that wch is abo0e is li/e yt wch is below to do ye iracles of one only thin!# 1# And as all thin!s ha0e been arose fro one by ye editation of one- so all thin!s ha0e their birth fro this one thin! by adaptation# 2# The 3un is its father, the oon its other, 4# the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nourse# 6# The father of all perfection in ye whole world is here# 7# Its force or power is entire if it be con0erted into earth# 7a# 3eparate thou ye earth fro ye fire, ye subtile fro the !ross sweetly wth !reat indoustry# ,# It ascends fro ye earth to ye hea0en a!ain it desends to ye earth and recei0es ye force of thin!s superior inferior# +# "y this eans ye shall ha0e ye !lory of ye whole world thereby all obscurity shall fly fro you# 10# Its force is abo0e all force# ffor it 0an5uishes e0ery subtile thin! penetrates e0ery solid thin!# 11a# 3o was ye world created# 1.# )ro this are do coe adirable adaptations whereof ye eans 6Or process7 is here in this# 11# Hence I a called Heres Trise!ist, ha0in! the three parts of ye philosophy of ye whole world# 12# That wch I ha0e said of ye operation of ye 3un is accoplished ended# Beato translation Another translation fro Aurelium Occultae Philosophorum by 8eor!io "eato- 17 This is true and reote fro all co0er of falsehood# .7 *hate0er is below is siilar to that which is abo0e# Throu!h this the ar0els of the wor/ of one thin! are procured and perfected# 17 Also, as all thin!s are ade fro one, by the consideration of one, so all thin!s were ade fro this one, by con9unction# 27 The father of it is the sun, the other the oon# 47 The wind bore it in the wob# Its nurse is the earth, the other of all perfection# 67 Its power is perfected# 77 If it is turned into earth, 77 3eparate the earth fro the fire, the subtle and thin fro the crude and coarse, prudently, with odesty and wisdo# ,7 This ascends fro the earth into the s/y and a!ain descends fro the s/y to the earth, and recei0es the power and efficacy of thin!s abo0e and of thin!s below# +7 "y this eans you will ac5uire the !lory of the whole world, and so you will dri0e away all shadows and blindness# 107 )or this by its fortitude snatches the pal fro all other fortitude and power# )or it is able to penetrate and subdue e0erythin! subtle and e0erythin! crude and hard# 117 "y this eans the world was founded 1.7 And hence the ar0elous co9unctions of it and adirable effects, since this is the way by which these ar0els ay be brou!ht about# 117 And because of this they ha0e called e Heres Triste!istus since I ha0e the three parts of the wisdo and :hilosophy of the whole uni0erse# 127 ;y speech is finished which I ha0e spo/en concernin! the solar wor/# ontem!orar" renderin# o$ %atin te&t 1# True, without error, certain and ost true .# That which is below is as that which is abo0e, and that which is abo0e is as that which is below, to perfor the iracles of the one thin!# 1# And as all thin!s were fro <the= one, by <eans of= the editation of <the= one, thus all thin!s of the dau!hter fro <the= one, by <eans of= adaptation# 2# Its father is the sun, its other<,=the oon, the wind carried it in its belly, its nurse is the earth# 4# The father of all the initiates of the whole world is here# 6# Its power is inte!ratin! if it be turned into earth# 7# 3eparate the earth fro the fire, the fine fro the dense, delicately, by <eans of>to= the !reat <to!ether= with capacity# ,# It ascends by <eans of= earth into hea0en and a!ain it descends into the earth, and reta/es the power of the superior<s= and of the inferior<s=# +# Thus<,= you ha0e the !lory of the whole world# 10# Therefore<,= ay it dri0e?out by <eans of= you of all the obscurity# 11# This is the whole of the stren!th of the stron! force, because it o0ercoes all fine thin!s, and penetrates all the coplete# 1.# Thus<,= the world has been created# 11# Hence they were wonderful adaptations, of which this is the anner# 12# Therefore<,= I a Heres the Thrice 8reat, ha0in! the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world# 14# *hat I ha0e said concernin! the operation of the 3un has been copleted#