Basic Concepts
Basic Concepts
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15th June 2013
1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
4. Responding to change over following a plan
1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous
delivery of valuable software.
2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile
processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.
3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple
of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the
5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment
and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and
within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors,
developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances
10. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.
11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-
organizing teams.
12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then
tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Agile and adaptive approaches for linking people, projects and value, with focus on
Agile Leaders. To achieve these results
1. We increase return on investment by making continuous flow of value our
PMI-ACP Exam Notes
Agile Manifesto
Agile 12 Principles
AGILE Declaration of Interdependence
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2. We deliver reliable results by engaging customers in frequent interactions
and shared ownership.
3. We expect uncertainty and manage for it through iterations, anticipation, and
4. We unleash creativity and innovation by recognizing that individuals are the
ultimate source of value, and creating an environment where they can make a
5. We expect uncertainty through group accountability for results and shared
responsibility for team effectiveness.
6. We improve effectiveness and reliability through situationally specific
strategies, processes and practices.
Pillars of Scrum (Three Pillars):
Roles in Scrum (Three):
Development Team: Self-organizes to get the work done
Product Owner: Responsible for the business value of the project
Scrum Master: Ensures that the team is functional and productive
and following scrum
Scrum Artifacts:
Product backlog : Ordered/ Prioritized list of ideas for the product
Sprint Backlog: Set of work from the product backlog that the
team agrees to complete in a sprint, broken into tasks
Increment of Product: Required result of every sprint. It is an
integrated version of the product, kept at high enough quality to be
Scrum Ceremonies [Planned Opportunities for Inspection and Adaptation]:
Sprint Planning [Before Sprint]: Team meets with the product
owner to choose a set of work to deliver during a sprint
Daily Standup [During Sprint]: Team meets each day to share
struggles and progress
Sprint Review [After Sprint]: Team demonstrates to the product
owner what it has completed during the sprint.
Sprint Retrospective [After Sprint]: Team looks for ways to
improve the product and the process.
Reasons for transitioning to an agile process like SCRUM:
Higher Productivity and Lower Costs
Improved employee engagement and job satisfaction
Faster Time-To-Market
AGILE Various Methodologies
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Higher Quality
Improved stakeholder satisfaction
What weve been doing no longer Work
Activities for successful Scrum Adoption: Five common activities
necessary for the successful and lasting Scrum adoptions are ADAPT:
Awareness: that current process is not delivering accepted
Desire: to adopt SCRUM as way to address current problem.
Ability: to succeed with scrum.
Promotion: through sharing experience.
Transfer: of implication of using SCRUM throughout company
Technical Debt: Consists of deficiencies in the code, technical documentation,
development environments, 3rd-party tools, and development practices, which
makes the code hard for the team to change.
Paying down technical debt by simplifying or optimizing design
improves productivity hence increases velocity.
Scrum Masters Role and Responsibilities: Acts a Servant Leader and
Facilitates Development Team Decision
Removes impediments
Helps product owner manage backlog
Makes sure that scrum is understood by members of team and
Communicates the vision to the teams.
Daily Standup
In Daily standup, teams answers 3 questions
a. What they did since last meeting
b. What they plan to do till next meeting
c. Any roadblock / Impediments
In Daily standup the Primary intention is to inspect and adapt work
In Daily standup Team should answer the questions facing
towards the team, they are NOT answering to scrum master neither
to product owner
Risk Audit: It is examining the effectiveness of risk responses and is done
as part of retrospective
It helps in predicting end date of release
It corrects estimation errors
It helps in customer satisfaction
Sprint planning
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It is over when the time-box expires.
Scrumban System: Its using KANBAN in combination with Scrum project
management methodology.
II. Extreme Programming (XP)
Principles are bridge between values and practices
XP Primary Values : Four Values are
a. Communication: Constant and close communication among
team members and between the team and the customer are
central to the XP development process. All team members should be
free to discuss any aspect of a project without fear of a negative
b. Simplicity: XP emphasizes simple design as an effective way of
developing quality software and increasing efficiency. XP developers
choose simple technology, algorithms, and techniques. They focus
on meeting a customer's current requirements rather than
exceeding these or anticipating future requirements that may never
materialize. Simplicity also helps ensure that everyone on the team
can fully understand the system being developed.
c. Feedback: Quick and timely feedback keeps everyone updated
on the project. It also enables XP developers to stay abreast of
customer requirements so they can implement changes as required.
XP employs a multitude of feedback mechanisms, such as daily
automated unit tests, constant code reviews, customer stories, and
project tracking.
d. Courage: In XP, team members need to have the courage to
modify a system as user requirements change and in order to make
continuous improvements. Because user needs may change
frequently, developers need to be brave enough to discard code
that's no longer suitable and move fast to try out new approaches
even if these may fail.
e. Respect [This value lies below the surface of 4 Values]
XP Principles:
a. Humanity : Satisfy both business and personal needs (personal
needs are Basic Safety, Accomplishment, belonging Growth and
b. Economics: Solving highest priority business need first.
c. Mutual Benefits: Looking for practice that helps you during
programming after programming e.g. refactoring code to remove
complexity help in future maintenance.
d. Self-Similarity: e.g. copying the structure of one solution into a new
e. Improvement: Find a starting place, get started and improve from
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f. Diversity: Bringing together team with variety of skills and
g. Reflection: Analyzing success or failures, not hiding mistakes but
to learn from them.
h. Flow: Continuous flow mean deploy smaller increments of value
ever more frequently. One of the example is daily build
i. Opportunity: Turn problems into opportunity
j. Redundancy: Sometimes having redundancy in systems helps like
having testing phase after each development cycle.
k. Failure: Failure imparts knowledge, Learning from mistakes
l. Quality: Increase in quality leads to improvement in project
properties like productivity and effectiveness.
m. Baby Steps: overhead of small steps is much less than big
changes. Baby steps are expressed in practice like test-first
n. Accepted Responsibility: e.g. suggesting that whoever signs up to
do work also estimates it.
Traceability (This Principle in the case of Safety Critical System)
XP Practices (Primary Practices):
1) Sit Together:
2) Whole team:
3) Informative Workspace:
4) Energized Work: 40 Hour work week
5) Pair Programming:
6) Stories:
7) Weekly Cycle:
8) Quarterly Cycle:
9) Slack:
10) Ten-Minute Build:
11) Continuous Integration:
12) Test-First Programming: It addresses many problems at once like
i. Scope Creep: If not
ii. Coupling and cohesion: Loosely couples
and highly cohesive code is easy to test.
iii. Trust: Automated test increases the trust
in the code.
iv. Rhythm: Test case drives the
development. Rhythm i.e. Test, code, refactor, test, code,
13) Incremental Design:
XP Practices (Corollary Practices):
a. Real Customer Involvement:
b. Incremental Deployment:
c. Team Continuity:
d. Shrinking Team:
e. Root-Cause Analysis:
f. Shared Code:
g. Code and Test:
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h. Single Code Base:
i. Daily Deployment
j. Negotiated Scope Contract:
k. Pay-Per-Use:
XP Roles (XP Whole team): Roles on mature XP team are not fixed
and rigid, every one contributes their best, But initially fixed role help in
learning new habits
a. Testers:
b. Interaction Designers:
c. Architects:
d. Project managers: He helps team work with rest of the
e. Product managers:
f. Executives:
g. Technical Writers:
h. Users:
i. Programmers:
j. Human Resources:
Extreme Programming Notes:
Pair Programming is X
[] P technique in
which two programmers []
work together at one workstation. The two programmers switch roles
frequently. Two roles in pairs are
a. Driver, writes code []
while the other,
b. Observer or Navigator reviews
[] each line of code as it is
typed in
XP chooses scope as primary means of planning, tracking and
steering project. Time and cost are often fixed.
XP commitments are made AS LATE AS possible
Test-first programming, one test at a time and continuous
integration which integrates and tests a few hours worth of changes at a
time. Some example tools for test-first programming are
a. Static Analysis
b. Model Checking
XP vs. SCRUM: SCRUM teams dont allow changes in middle of
sprint but teams do allow change.
Coding Standards: is an exercise in building consensus. You will
learn how to disagree constructively
Planning Game: Its XP Practice to write user stories and estimating
them with goal of maximizing customer value.
Cohesive Design: means closely related concepts are at one place;
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it improves design quality and makes it easy to understand.
Caves and Commons: refers to the creation of two zones in the
a. The Commons area is organized to maximize osmotic
communication and information transfer. For this to make sense,
the people in the room must be working on the same project. It is
perfect for XPs single team of up to 12 people programming in
b. The Caves portion of the room is organized to give people a
private place to do e-mail, make phone calls, and take care of
their need for separation.
III. Feature Driven Development (FDD)
FDD Practices:
a. Domain Object Modeling: Team explores and explain the domain
of problem to be solved
b. Developing By Feature:
c. Individual class/code ownership
d. Feature Teams
e. Inspection
f. Configuration Management System
g. Regular Builds
h. Visibility of progress and results
IV. Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
DSDM Principles:
a. Focus on the business need
b. Deliver on the time.
c. Collaborate
d. Never compromise quality
e. Build incrementally from firm foundation
f. Develop Iteratively
g. Communicate continuously and clearly
h. Demonstrate control
V. Crystal Clear and Crystal Methods
Crystal Principles:
a. Frequent Delivery
b. Reflective Improvement.
c. Osmotic Communication
d. Personal Safety
e. Focus
f. Easy access to expert users
g. Technical Environment
VI. Lean software development
Lean Software Development Principles:
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a. Eliminate Waste: Waste is anything that does not add value OR
any delay that keeps customer from getting value when they want.
Big form of waste in Software development is Churn or
Requirement Churn. Other waste is like 20% features in software
are rarely used. Write Less Code i.e. 20%of Code Delivers 80% of
value. Multitasking is waste.
b. Build Quality In/ Build Integrity In: Goal is to build quality from start
rather than test it in later.
c. Create Knowledge/ Amplify Learning:
d. Defer Commitment/ Decide as late as possible:
e. Deliver Fast / Deliver as fast as possible:
f. Respect People/ Empower Team: These 3 cornerstones gives
broader Idea of what respecting people means
i. Entrepreneurial Leader:
ii. Expert Technical Workforce
iii. Responsibility based Planning and
g. Optimize the Whole / See the whole:
Lean Practices :
a. Seeing Waste:
b. Value stream Mapping: involves representing steps in
development process to make easier to identify waste and eliminate
waste. In you start from end move backwards.
c. Set-Based Development:
d. Pull Systems:
e. Queuing Theory:
h. Motivations:
i. Measurements:
Lean Notes:
As per Lean agile philosophy most errors come from system (Systematic in
Nature) and NOT from people. Team should respect people and fix system
Lean principle of eliminating waste is similar to agile principle of simplicity-
the art of maximizing the amount of work not done.
Fast-Flexible-Flow: It summarizes the lean principle of Optimize the whole
with speed and sustainability
Business value delivered chart: The entire enterprise (business,
management, and development teams) needs the line of sight to velocity
(points/time) dashboard-type view of work management which in other terms
is a business value delivered chart.
In lean agile testing is done to improve the process and quality.
KANBAN is agile method for software development of products and processes with
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an emphasis on just-in-time (JIT) delivery while not overloading the software
developers. In this approach, the process, from definition of a task to its delivery to
the customer, is displayed for participants to see and developers pull work from a
KANBAN Principles:
a. Visualize the workflow
b. Limit WIP
c. Manage Flow
d. Make Process Policies Explicit
e. Improve Collaboratively (using models & the scientific method)
KANBAN is Lean based methodology
Pull System: is KANBAN scheduling system that signals what to produce
and only produces item customer needs.
Limited WIP: KANBAN has huge focus on limited work in progress (WIP)
MMF (Minimal Marketable Features): is a feature that is minimal,
because if it is any smaller, it would not be marketable. This concept
originated in KANBAN and Lean.
Agile Important Points
Agile project can have fixed end date, fixed cost but it CAN NOT have fixed
Agile Approaches work well when there are complex requirements and complex
Agile management favors adaptation while traditional management methods
favor anticipation
Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) is a practice in which the
whole team collaboratively discusses acceptance criteria, with examples, and then
distills them into a set of concrete acceptance tests before development begins.
Active listening practice: The Listening skill progression steps are in the
following order
a. Internal Listening (How will this affect me), then to
b. Focused Listening (What are they really trying to say) and then to
c. Global Listening (What other clues I notice to help me understand
what they are saying)
Agile projects we refine requirement From
a. Backlog to Iteration goal then from
b. Iteration goal to Iteration plan then from
c. Iteration plan to user stories then we continue to refine
d. During discussion in daily standup
Agile Games (Collaborative and Innovation Games)
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a. Remember the future: exercise to vision-setting and requirements-
b. Prune the product tree: exercise helps gather and shape
c. Speedboat/ Sail boat: exercise to identify threat and opportunities
(risk) for the product
d. Buy a feature: exercise for prioritization
e. Bank-for-the-Buck: exercise look at value vs. cost ranking
Agile Coach Role: Agile coaching is 40 percent DOING and 60 percent BEING.
Important aspect of agile coaching is being model.
a. During Retrospective agile coaches role is as of Facilitator
Agile Coaching Stages: Agile team as they practice and then get good at agile:
a. Shu: Follow the Rule, Learning the basics, So here coaching style
is Teaching or Mentoring [1
b. Ha: Break the Rule, Attained basic knowledge, Here the coaching
style is Coaching [2
c. Ri: Be the Rule , i.e. mastered attained and are in self-discovery
mode, here the coaching style is Advising[3
Adaptive Leadership: Ron Heifetzs conveys that leader adapts to the
environment to lead most effectively i.e. leadership is contingent on situation.
Agile Conflicts [Leas Conflict Model] : Five Levels of Conflicts
a. Level 1: Problem to Solve
b. Level 2: Disagreement
c. Level 3: Contest
d. Level 4: Crusade
e. Level 5: World War
Agile Coaching should be provided to a new team before team start up for just
1-2 days, rest can be done during sprint
Coaching in Sprint, in the beginning and end whole team coaching is most
impactful and less disruptive BUT during the middle of spring individual one-one is
most impactful.
In Agile project Product owner is NOT Project Sponsor, So Product owner is not
responsible of funding of project.
Communication Effectiveness in various communication models in ascending
order is:
a. email (Lowest Effectiveness)
b. Phone
c. Video Conference
d. Face to face
e. Face to face conversation with white Board (Highest Effectiveness
Coaching term Meet them half step ahead: It means first determine where
coachee stands on agile path. When meet them half-step ahead instead 10 step
ahead, i.e. coachee is taking small steps/ baby steps on agile journey
Fully Burdened Labor Costs include everything needed to employ a person
including his or her salary and benefits, the office space and supplies
Facilitated workshop techniques are used to help stakeholders understand
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complex or ambiguous issues.
Five Failure Modes (Alistair Cockburn): are
a. Making mistakes,
b. Preferring to fail conservatively,
c. Inventing rather than researching,
d. Being creatures of habit
e. Being inconsistent.
BART Analysis is to check team dynamics. BART stands for Boundary,
Authority, Role and Task
Informative Workspace is good way to keep everyone in and it also gives
whole team opportunity to notice whats going well and whats not.
Project charter is important both for Agile and traditional projects
In Agile project Customer specifies the Acceptance Tests.
Vision, reveals where the project is going and why it is going there
Draft: In the context of information flow Draft refers to unwanted information
flowing osmotically between collocated teams.
High Bandwidth Communication: Face to face communication is also refereed
as high bandwidth communication.
Face to Face communication has highest efficiency and highest richness
Purpose of Brainstorming is to generate large volume of ideas.
Large payback period results in higher risk
James Shores quiz focused on XP practices is a self-assessment quiz.
Agile team go about developing a schedule by estimating story points and
making use of the team velocity
Agile earned value management is most appropriately applied at Iteration
WIP: Work in Progress OR Work in Process OR Work in Play. Excessive WIP can
be problem
a. It TIES CAPITAL no return on investment till converted into
accepted product
b. It hides bottlenecks in process that slows the workflow and masks
efficiency issues
c. It is risk in form of REWORK, since there may be still changes to
item till its accepted
Littles Law: Cycle time is directly proportional to amount of WIP
Throughput: WIP/Cycle Time
Prioritizing Agile Stories : Order of consideration is
a. Compliance,
b. Value base,
c. Working software
Agile variants such as SCRUM, XP and LEAN. They all complement other.
Basic Idea of Communication Management is timely collection and dissemination
of project related information.
Escaped Defect: A problem or error that was delivered to the customer
escaped the development team, validation, verification, and acceptance.
Hardening Iteration (Iteration H): also known as final sprint or iteration: Many
teams will devote the final iteration or sprint to production readiness. That involves
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some final testing, administration, documentation - many steps that may be unique
to the major step of releasing the major increment to the customer.
Osmotic Communication: It is indirect information transfer through overhearing
conversations, background conversation or simply noticing things happening
around you. Its most effective in collocated team.
As a Project Manager for team that was following traditional waterfall model for
long time, you have been asked to follow agile, FIRST thing you should do is to start
daily stand-up meetings.
Horizontal-Market Software is intended to be used across wide range / many
Vertical-Market Software is developed for many organizations, However its
built for PARTTICULAR Industry.
Lost Opportunity Cost: is the cost of fixing errors introduces due to team
member not communicating with each other.
Sprint Backlog
a. It is created and maintained by TEAM
Product Backlog
a. It is created and maintained by Product Owner
b. It acts as common collaboration tool between product owner and
agile team
Burn up chart has two trend lines, one show the progress rate and other for
Risk Burn down Chart: It shows cumulative risk severities over time.
Burn down chart:
a. Horizontal Timeline in days, Vertical Remaining effort in days
Burn Rate: is based on velocity and cost
Release burn down Chart:
a. It is updated during iteration review.
Scrum Cycle starts in the MIDDLE of sprint planning meeting, As Sprint planning
meeting as two four hours sessions, 1
part is for prioritizations and agreeing on
which stories to be picked up for the sprint. In 2
part team discuss about the tasks
involved. This when sprint cycle starts.
Trade of Matrix: guides project manager about relative priority of project
constrains (scope, schedule and cost). If team must adept to inevitable changes.
The project manager should be clear about whether a particular constraint is fixed,
flexible or accept.
Agile estimation approach is Top down Estimation.
Affinity estimation is based or relative sizing.
a. Example shirt size S M L
b. There should be minimum 20 items in product back log for this
technique to work.
c. It confirms the size of story point is consistent and hasnt drifted
over time
IKIWISI: I know it when I see it.
Seven Software Related Wastes:
a. Partially Done Work
b. Extra Processes
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c. Extra Features
d. Waiting
e. Motion
f. Task switching: e.g. Multi-Tasking or working on multiple projects
g. Defects
Agile Documentation should be barely sufficient
Agile Good User Story should be INVEST:
a. Independent
b. Negotiable
c. Valuable
d. Estimable
e. Small
f. Testable
Extreme Persona is the people who are not typical users of the product.
Considering them helps in identifying the stories which could be missed otherwise.
User Story Cards are considers relevant or useful for the project UNTIL work
related to story us completed.
User Story Component
a. Role [As a ]
b. Function [I can ]
c. Benefit [So That]
Adaptive Leadership Style During Team Phase
a. Forming Phase [Leadership Style Directing]
b. Storming Phase [Leadership Style Coaching]
c. Norming Phase [Leadership Style Supporting]
d. Performing Phase [Leadership Style Delegating]
Feature Buffer: There is project in which releasing by particular date is
extremely important. Feature Buffer can be used to manage risk. As it will not only
help delivering all MUST HAVE features on time but also GOOD TO HAVE features
can be picked depending on time.
Project Roadmap:
a. In agile high-level features are recorded in the beginning in this
b. It provides high level view of which feature will be released and
Risk Severity: Risk Severity = Risk Probability * Risk Impact.
Wideband Delphi: is method for generating estimates, the term wideband
because compare to existing Delphi, the new method involved greater interaction
and communication between participants.
Project Data Sheet (PDS): It is single page summary of Key business and
quality objectives, product capabilities and project management information like
Tradeoff-Matrix, Major Milestones, Risks.
Tacit Knowledge: is undocumented information supported through team
Process Tailoring is that the process should add value to the project - not vice
versa. Projects should not be shaped to fit the process or tools - the shapes of
processes and tools should be driven by the project need.
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Technical debt is NOT an XP Practice
Scrum Master OR XP Coach define the ground rules to bind the team together as
a unit
Agile Team
a. AVOIDS Low Value and High risk work Features.
b. PICKS High Value and High Risk Feature
Story Maps: comprised of component stories that do not need to add up to be
100% of the epic. They are typically shown in 2 dimensions, with story cards
breaking down the component stories.
Story Maps: help select and group features for release , It consists of
a. Backbone: The essential functionality product makes up
b. Walking Skeleton: Its smallest system that could work i.e. the
minimum set of features that could create a working product.
c. Additional Features: Any remaining features
Spike: A spike solution, or spike is technical investigation.
a. Its small experiment to research the answer to problem- can be
termed as brief learning period.
b. Is undertaken as early as possible to minimize project risk profile
OR reach fast failure
Triangulation: In story points estimate we should triangulate i.e. we should NOT
compare single baseline, but instead we should compare against assortment of
those that have already been estimated.
Epic Story:
a. Large user story that can be broken down further.
b. They are found at the bottom of product backlog, as they move up
they need to be broken down
Refactoring: It enable programmer to improve quality without changing
DRY concept: Avoiding redundant coding. DRY concept recommends removing
or avoiding duplicate code.
Scope Creep in Agile: In agile scope creep can be take care of by keeping the
release plan highly visible and allowing customer to make changes to the priority of
the items in backlog at the end of every iteration.
Global team: Hold a face to face kick-off meeting and have them work together
for 1 or 2 iteration at same location.
Karl Wiegers Requirement Prioritization Model OR Relative Weighing
Technique: Relative benefit of feature creation and relative penalty of not creating
the features are key factors that provide relative value. Value percentage is divided
by cost percentage to derive relative priority.
Kano Analysis: Its a prioritization technique, it classifies the customer
preferences in 4 categories
a. Exciters/ Delighters: It brings high value to customer
b. Satisfiers: It brings value to customer, more the better
c. Dis-satisfiers: It cause user to dislike product if those features are
not there
d. Indifferent: No impact on customer one way or another
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Iteration planning:
a. Amount of slack you would build depends on Randomness of
the problem team experiences
b. 8 Hour Duration
Release Planning Outputs: are
a. Release plan
b. Release backlog
c. Actions / action items
d. Risk
e. Assumptions
f. Dependencies
Team Members raising hands showing one to five fingers is a way of
checking consensus
a. Five Fingers: I love this Idea
b. Four Fingers: I am happy with the idea
c. Three Fingers: I can live with and support this idea
d. Two Fingers: I have reservation about this
e. One Finger: I have grave misgiving
Three-step intervention path/method for Agile conflict
a. Have you shared your concerns and feelings about this with
b. _______ should know of your concerns. Would it help if I go with
c. May I tell _________ that you have these concerns?
Layers for Agile Enterprise Framework: Four layers are
a. Portfolio Governance Layer
b. Project Management Layer
c. Iteration Management Layer
d. Technical Practices Layer
Working software over comprehensive documentation is most important for
agile practitioners in winning stakeholders confidence. This value is equivalent to
Definition of Agility: It is ability to balance flexibility and stability.
Incremental Delivery Agile Principle helps in chaotic situation with lot of
Web hosting meeting are example of synchronous collaboration.
Generalized Specialist: People who can fit in any role on situation. This helps
in keeping team size manageable. Generalized Specialist BEST fit for agile team as
agile team is cross functional.
Earned value Management: Its one of the benefits is that it is a leading
indicator. EVM looks forward and try to predict completion date and cost, and gives
opportunity to change course in case of a problem.
Pilot Agile project should NOT be mission critical project.
Agile Iterative process makes progress through successive refinement.
Agile requirement User role modeling steps:
a. Identify Customer, then
b. Brainstorming on initial role, then
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c. Organize roles, then
d. Refine roles i.e. add persona, consider role attributes; A name of
persona is most useful in persona creation.
Erg-Second: The energy/time required to transfer important info Or measure of
cost to get questions answered in team, where Erg is unit of work and second is unit
of time
Information Radiator:
a. Task Board, burn-down charts are example of information
b. Information radiators should be highly visible
c. Information radiators should display the progress and expose the
Cumulative Flow Diagram: Theses are like burn down chart but tracking is
activity level e.g. analysis, coding, testing etc. which helps in highlighting pipeline
delays and queue sizes.
TDD: Red Green Refactor
Jim Highsmiths Decision Spectrum: Its participatory decision making tool. It
allows people to indicate support for decision and also air their reservation.
Retrospective Process : 5 Steps
a. Set the stage:
i. Check-in
ii. Focus on/ Focus off
iii. ESVP ( Explorers, Shoppers ,
Vacationers and Prisoners)
iv. Working Agreement
b. Gather Data:
i. Timeline
ii. Triple Nickels
iii. Color code Dots
iv. Mad, Sad, Glad
v. Locate Strength
vi. Satisfaction histograms
vii. Team radar
viii. Like to like
c. Generate Insight:
i. Brainstorming
ii. Five Whys
iii. Fishbone
iv. Prioritize With Dots
v. Identify Theme
d. Decide What to Do:
i. Short Subjects
ii. SMART Goals
iii. Retrospective planning games
iv. Circle of Questions
e. Close the Retrospective:
i. Plus/ Delta
10/3/2014 How To Pass PMI-ACP Exam 17/17
ii. Helped, Hindered, Hypothesis
iii. Return on Time Invested (ROTI)
iv. Appreciations
User Stories are used when we need to capture high-level objective of the
specific requirement.
Agile Modeling: Its aim is to capture the intent of design in barely sufficient way.
Velocity Measurement: Velocity measurement accounts for work done and
disruptions on the project.
Agile methods employ combination of Management and Leadership.
COCOMO (Constructive cost Model): This model was created by reverse
engineering the inputs from completed software projects that had known exact
Aspect of Emotional Intelligence: one should work on the improvement on our
emotional intelligence in following order
a. Self-Awareness: Self-Confidence
b. Self-Management: Self-Control
c. Social Awareness: Empathy for others
d. Social Skills: Self-Control
High Performance Team trusts each other, so
the Trust and Transparency are keys to team excellence.
Product Box OR Vision Box capture ONLY top 3 things project must deliver,
the limit of 3 is to keep team focused on prioritizing feature and making trade off.
Posted 15th June 2013 by SUR IT Solutions
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