The document discusses biomedical instrumentation and transducers. It defines a transducer and describes how they are classified and common types like resistance, capacitance, and inductance transducers. It also discusses characteristics, materials, applications and principles of operation for different transducers including pressure, temperature, optical and photoelectric transducers. The document then covers biomedical applications and components of instrumentation systems.
The document discusses biomedical instrumentation and transducers. It defines a transducer and describes how they are classified and common types like resistance, capacitance, and inductance transducers. It also discusses characteristics, materials, applications and principles of operation for different transducers including pressure, temperature, optical and photoelectric transducers. The document then covers biomedical applications and components of instrumentation systems.
The document discusses biomedical instrumentation and transducers. It defines a transducer and describes how they are classified and common types like resistance, capacitance, and inductance transducers. It also discusses characteristics, materials, applications and principles of operation for different transducers including pressure, temperature, optical and photoelectric transducers. The document then covers biomedical applications and components of instrumentation systems.
The document discusses biomedical instrumentation and transducers. It defines a transducer and describes how they are classified and common types like resistance, capacitance, and inductance transducers. It also discusses characteristics, materials, applications and principles of operation for different transducers including pressure, temperature, optical and photoelectric transducers. The document then covers biomedical applications and components of instrumentation systems.
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Two marks Questios a! Aswers
1.Define a transducer. A transducer is a device which when activated by energy in one transmission system,supplies energy in the another form to a second transmission system. This energy transmission may be electrical ,mechanical, chemical , optical(radiant) or thermal. 2.ow transducers are classified! Transducers are classified according to their application,method of energy conversions and nature of the output signal. ". #ame the types of $esistance transducers. %otentiometric device,resistance strain gauge,resistance thermometer and photoconductive cell. &. #ame the capacitance transducers. 'ariable capacitance pressure guage,capacitor microphone and dielectric guage. (. #ame the types of inductance transducers. )agnetic circuit transducer,reluctance pic* up,differential transformer,eddy current gage and magnetostriction gage. +. )ention the various resistance materials used in resistance transducers. ,onstantan,nichrome,dynaloy,stability and platinum-tungsten alloys. .. )ention the static characteristics of the transducers. Accuracy,precision,resolution,sensitivity,drift,linearity,saturation ,noise,hysteresis /. 0hat is meant by resolution of a transducer! 1t represents the static characteristics of a transducer.1t indicates the smallest measurable input increment. 2. 0rite the important parameter which describes the dynamic performance of a transducer. $esponse time 13. 4ist some of the characteristics which determines the performance and choice of a transducer input and output impedance,overload range , recovery time after overload, e5citation voltage , reliability , si6e and weight 11. 7ive an e5ample for a 6ero-order system transducer. A linear potentiometer used as a displacement transducer is an e5ample for a 6ero- order trasducer, since the output is proportional to the input for all fre8uencies and there is no amplitude or phase distortion. 12. 4ist some of the pie6o electric crystals used in pie6oelectric transducers. 9uart6,tourmaline,ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, $ochelle salt, lithium sulphate ,lead 6irconate, barium titanate. 1". #ame the application of pie6o-electrical transducers in the medical field. They are used in ultrasonic scanners for imaging and blood flow measurements, They are used in the detection of *orott*off sounds in non-invasive blood pressure measurements. They are used in e5ternal and internal phonocardiography. 1&. ow optical transducers are used to measure the position and motion of the organs and tissues of the body! An optical fibre can be used to detect displacement by measuring the transmitted light intensity or phase difference between the measuring beam and a reference beam. :oth amplitude and position of the transmitted and reflected light can be used to measure displacement. 1(. ;tatic the basic principles of pressure transducers. 1n the pressure transducers the pressure to be measured is applied to a fle5ible diaphragm which gets deformed by the action of the pressure e5erted on it. This motion of the diaphragm is then measured in terms of an electrical signal. 1+. 4ist the various diaphragm materials used in pressure transducers. ;tainless steel, phosphor bron6e, beryllium copper. 1.. #ame the commonly employed pressure transducers. ,apacitance manometer, differential transformer , strain guage 1/. 0hat are linistors! Thermistors which provide a linear change in resistance with a change in temperature are called as linistors. 12. 0here pressure transducers are used in medical field! To measure blood pressure 23. To measure body temperature what type of transducers are used. Thermistors,thermocouple 21. ;tate the basic principle of photoelectric transducers. %hotoelectric transducers are based on the principle of conversion of light energy into electrical energy.This is done by causing the radiation to fall on a photosensitive element and measuring the electrical current so generated with a sensitive galvanometer directly or after suitable amplification. 22. #ame the types of photoelectric cells. %hotovoltaic cells (barrier layer cells) and photoemissive cells. 2". )ention the applications of optical fibre transducers in the medical field. This is used to measure physical parameters such as temperature, pressure and displacement .<sed in endoscopy .<sed as the delivery system for light in 4A;=$ surgery. 2&. 4ist any 2 advantages of optical fibre sensors. They are non-electrical and hence are free from electrical interference usually associated with electronically based sensors. They do not involve any electrical connection to the patient body,thereby ensuring patient safety. 2(. #ame the various types of optical fibre transducers. %hotometric transducers ,physical transducers and chemical transducers. 2+.0hat is the function of signal conditioner in the biomedical instrumentation system! The signal conditioner converts the output of the electrode into an electrical 8uantity suitable for operating the writing system in the biomedical instrumentation system. 2+. 4ist the important functions performed by the signal conditioners before the signal is given to display or recording device. ;ignal amplification.fre8uency response ,filtering, isolation , e5citation and lineari6ation. 2.. )ention the transducers having a non-linear response to changes in the phenomenon being measured! Thermocouple,thermistors 2/. ;tate the operating re8uirement satisfied by the amplifiers in the signal conditioning systems. 1nput impedance ,gain and fre8uency response characteristics. 22. 0hat is meant by drift in the amplifier operating characteristics! The drift is a slow change of output having no relation with a input signal applied to the amplifier. "3. 0hat are D, amplifiers! They are generally of the negative feedbac* type and are used for medium gain applications dowm to about 1mv signal levels for full scale.They are not practical for very low level applications because of dc drift and poor ,)$$ capabilities.They are usually employed as pen drive amplifiers in direct writing recorders. "1. 4ist the typical e5amples of signals whose measurement re8uires the use of differential amplifiers. eat-generated voltages pic*ed up by means of electrodes on the arms and legs and brain-generated voltages pic*ed up by the electrodes on the scalp are the typical e5amples of signals. "2. 0here differential amplifiers are employed! They are employed when current is necessary to measure the voltage difference between 2 points both of them varying in amplitude at different rates and in different patterns. "". ;tate the limitations of differential amplifiers in the application of biomedical measurements. The amplifier has a limited input impedance and therefore draws some current from the signal source and loads them to some e5tent.The ,)$$ of the amplifier may not e5ceed +3 db in most of the cases,which is usually inade8uate in modern biomedical instrumentation systems. "&. 0hat are the advantages of instrumentation amplifier applied in the biomedical field! =5tremely high input impedance,low bias and offset currents,less performance deterioration if source impedance changes possibility of independent reference levels for source and amplifier,very high ,)$$, high slew rate and low power consumption. "(. 0hat is meant by an instrumentation amplifier! An instrumentation amplifier is a precision differential voltage gain device that is optimi6ed for operation in an environment hostile to precision measurements.1t consists of " op-amps and seven resistors. "+. )ention the various methods used in the design of isolation amplifiers. Transformer isolation,opyical isolation and capacitive isolation. ".. 0hat is the use of notch filter in the signal conditioning system! To filter the (3 > noise from mains. "/. ;tate the most and commonly used amplifier in biomedical applications. Differential amplifier. "2.0hat information is provided by electrocardiograph! =,7 provides valuable information about a wide range of cardiac disorders such as the presence of an inactive part (infarction) or an enlargement (cardiac hypertrophy) of the heart muscle. &3 ;tate the sensitivity rate of =,7. 13mm?mv &1. ;pecify the characteristics of =,7 preamplifier. =,7 preamplifier is usually a " or & stage differential amplifier having a large negative current feedbac* and gives a stabili6ing effect. &2. 4ist the important parts of an =,7 recorder. 4ead selector,=,7 electrodes,preamplifier ,power amplifier , fre8uency selective feedbac* networ*, au5iliary circuit and pen motor. &". )ention the lead configurations used in =,7. :ipolar leads(einthoven leads) , unipolar leads and unipolar precordial leads. &&. ;tress =,7 helps to diagonise which disease. ,ardiac disorders,coronary care units and for routine diagonostic applications in cardiology. &(. 0hat is =inthoven triangle! 1t is the triangle in which the electric field of the heart is represented diagrammatically.The sides of the triangle represent the lines along which the " pro@ections of the =,7 vector are measured. &+. 0hat is =,7! =,7 is an instrument which records the electrical activity of the heart. &.. 7ive the range of fre8uency for =,7 signals. 3.3(-133h6 &/. 0hat are the 2 types of electrodes used for =,7 recording! :ipolar and unipolar &2. 0hat is ',7! 'ectorcardiography is the techni8ue of analy6ing the electrical activity of the heart by obtaining =,7As along the three a5es at right angles to one another and displaying any 2 of the =,7As as a vector display on an B-C oscilloscope.The display is *nown as a vectorcardiogram. (3. 0hat is %,7! The phonocardiograph is an instrument used for recording the sounds connected with the pumping action of the heart. These sounds provide an indication of the heart rate and its rhythmicity. (1. Define cytoplasm. The protoplasm of a cell e5clusive of that of the nucleus is defined as cytoplasm. (2.Define a cell structure. ,ell is a small,usually microscopic,mass of protoplasm bounded e5ternally by a semipermeable membrane including one or more nuclei and various nonliving products,capable of performing all the fundamental functions of life. (".0hat is biometrics! The branch of science that includes the measurement of physiological variables and parameters is *nown as biometrics. (&.#ame the factors specified in designing a bio-medical instrumentation system. $ange,sensitivity,linearity,hysteresis,fre8uency response, accuracy, signal-to-noise ratio , stability, simplicity and isolation. ((.Define sensitivity of an instrument. 1t determines how small a variation of variable or parameter can be reliably measured.The sensitivity determines the resolution of the device which is the minimum variation that can accurately be read. (+.0hat are the different types of electrodes used in recording of muscle activity! #eedle electrode made of stainless steel consisting monopolar and bipolar systems. )ulti element needle electrodes (..Define action potential. The positive potential of the cell membrane during e5citation is called as action potential. (/.0hat is meant by sodium pump! 1t is an active process by which the sodium ions are 8uic*ly transported to the outside of the cell and the cell becomes polari6ed. (2.Define depolari6ation of a cell. The process of changing of a cell from the resting state to the action potential. +3.0hat are called electrodes! Devices that convert ionic potentials into electronic potentials are called electrodes. +1.Define an electrode potential. The interface of metallic ions in a solution with their associated metals results in an electric potential called as electrode potential. +2.;tate the #ernst e8uation with an e5planation. The e8uation relating the potential across the membrane and the two concentrations of the ions are called the #ernst e8uation. =D$T ln c1f1 ----------------- #f ,2E2 +".)ention the biosignal fre8uency range from various sections of the human body. 3 to few *h6 +&.)ention the ranges of fre8uency and voltage related to ==7. 3.( h6 to 133 h6 and 13microvolt to 133 microvolt. +(.0hat is called motor unit! The bundle of muscle fibres in a muscle supplied by a single motor nerve fibre is called motor unit. ++.)ention the most abundant negative ions in our body. ,hlorides +..)ention the electrode having high input impedance. )icro electrodes +/.1n which type of biomedical recorders loud spea*ers are used! =)7 recorder +2.:y using which type of electrode the hydrogen ion concentration of the blood is easily determined! 7lass electrode .3.0hat is meant by ventricular fibrillation! The convulsive non synchroni6ed activity of the ventricles of the heart is called as ventricular fibrillation. .1.Define a ventricle. A ventricle is defined as a chamber of the heart which receives blood from a corresponding atrium and from which blood is forced into the arteries. .2.0hat is called as tricuspid valve! The valve connecting the right atrium to the right ventricle. .".Define a tissue in the body organ. 1t is defined as an aggregation of speciali6ed cells united in the performance of a particular function. .&.0hat is tidal volume! The volume of gas inspired or e5pired during each 8uiet respiration cycle. .(.Define systole. The contraction or period of contraction of the heart especially that of the ventricles.1t coincides with the interval between the first and second heart sound,during which the blood is forced into the aorta and the pulmonary trun*. .+.0hat is meant by stro*e volume! The amount of blood pumped during each heart beat. ...Define residual volume. The air left in the lungs after deep e5hale.(about 1.2 litres) ./.0hat is ,AT! ,omputerised a5ial tomography is a techni8ue combining B-rays and computer technology for visuali6ation of internal organs and body structures .2. 0hat information is provided by %,7! %,7 provides information regarding effectiveness of blood pumping and valve action. /3. )ention the types of microphones for %,7! ,rystal microphone and dynamic microphone /1. 0hat is ==7! =lectroencephalograph is an instrument for recording the electrical activity of the brain,by placing surface electrodes on the scalp. /2. ;tress ==7 helps to diagonise which disease. =pilepsy,tumour, cerebrovascular lesions,ischemis and problems associated with trauma. /". 0hat type of electrodes are used to record ==7! %eel and stic* electrodes, ;ilver plated cup electrodes and #eedle electrodes. /&. 7ive the name of a new non invasive imaging method utili6ing the measurement of nuclear magnetic resonance. >eugmatography. /(. 0hat is meant by ,AT scanner! ,omputerised a5ial tomography scanners combines B-ray imaging with computer techni8ues permits visuali6ation of internal organs and body structures with reater definition and clarity that could not be attained accurately by conventional methods. /+.#ame the imaging system having more non-invasive character. <ltrasonic imaging systems /.. 0hat is the use of superconducting magnets in the )$1 systems! To give high magnetic field strength //. 0hy a.c magnetic fields are used in electromagnetic blood flow meters! To avoid electrode polari6ation and bio-potential artifacts. /2. ;tate the normal % value of the blood. ..& 23. #ame the medical name of low blood pressure. ypotension 21. 0hat is stasis! The obstruction of blood flow is *nown as stasis. 22. )ention the body organ having the highest attenuation of ultrasound. :one 2". 0hat is meant by 13-23 system? ==7 electrodes are arranged on the scalp of the brain according to a standard *nown as 13?23 system.There are 21 electrode locations in the 13?23 system. This system involves placement of electrodes at distances of 13F and 23F of measured coronal,sagittal and circumferential arcs between landmar*s on the cranium. 2&. 0hat is =)7! =lectromyograph is an instrument used for recording the electrical activity of the muscles to determine whether the muscle is contracting or not. 2(. )ention the clinical uses of =)7 instrument! =)7 instrument is useful for several aspects of neuromuscular function,neuromuscular condition,e5tent of nerve lesion,refle5 responses etc. 2+. )ention the typical =)7 signal range values. 3.1 to 3.( mv 2.. 0hat is the full form of 4A;=$! 4ight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 2/. 0hich machine is used to find epilepsy! ==7 machine 22. 0hat is cardiac pacema*er! An electronic instrument which gives e5ternal stimulation impulses to the heart muscle to regulate the heart rate. 133. )ention the basic #)$ components. )agnet, transmitter, gradient system, detection system and an imager system.