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Influence of Powder Porous Structure On The Deposition Behavior of Cold-Sprayed WC-12Co Coatings

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Inuence of Powder Porous Structure

on the Deposition Behavior of Cold-Sprayed

WC-12Co Coatings
Pei-Hu Gao, Yi-Gong Li, Chang-Jiu Li, Guan-Jun Yang, and Cheng-Xin Li
(Submitted May 13, 2008; in revised form September 9, 2008)
The limited deformation of hard cermet particles and impacted coating makes it difcult for conventional
thermal spray powders to continuously build up on impact in cold spraying. In this study, three nano-
structured WC-12Co powders with different porous structure and apparent hardness were employed to
deposit WC-Co coatings on stainless steel substrate by cold spraying. The deposition characteristics of
three powders of porosity from 44 to 5% were investigated. It was found that WC-Co coating is easily
built-up using porous powders with WC particles bonded loosely and a low hardness. The microhardness
of WC-12Co coatings varied from 400 to 1790 Hv with powders and spray conditions, which depends on
the densication effects by impacting particles. With porous WC-Co powders, the fracture of particles on
impact may occur and low deposition efciency during cold spraying. The successful building up of
coating at high deposition efciency depends on the design of powder porous structure.
Keywords cold spraying, deposition behavior, hardness,
porous structure, WC-12Co
1. Introduction
Carbide cermets are typical wear-resistant coating
materials that are widely employed through thermal
spraying. The carbide decomposition and dissolution into
the binder occurs during thermal spraying of cermets,
which deteriorates the performance of cermet materials.
The carbide decomposition can be reduced to the mini-
mum through limiting heating of spray powders. There-
fore, high-velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) process becomes
popular to deposit cermet coatings due to higher ame
velocity but lower temperature compared with plasma
spraying (Ref 1-10). With using a properly designed
WC-Co powder, the decompositions can be reduced to a
reasonable low degree (Ref 1). On the other hand, because
of the necessity for sufciently melting the binder alloy to
increase the density of the deposit, the carbide dissolution
into the molten binder is inevitable during thermal spray-
ing (Ref 1-7). The dissolution becomes severe with the
decrease of carbide particles owing to the increased spe-
cic surface area of smaller particles. Therefore, despite
the limited dissolving time during HVOF, the dissolution
can not be signicantly avoided, especially when WC
carbide particle size decreases to tens of nanometers
(Ref 8-12).
With the development of cold spraying, it becomes
possible to eliminate completely the decarburization of
carbides through decompositions and dissolution because
solid spray particles in a much low temperature are
employed to deposit the coating (Ref 13-20). However,
the limited deformation of both impacting hard cermet
particles and the underlying cermet coating makes it dif-
cult for the hard coating to continuously build up on
impact in cold spraying using a conventional dense ther-
mal spray powder. In previous papers (Ref 16-20), the
deposition of WC-Co particles by cold spraying has been
discussed intensively. It was speculated that the successful
built-up of WC-Co coating requires the deformation of
both the low part of impacting particle near the interface
and the underlying WC-Co deposited previously. On the
other hand, the upper part of the deposited particle retains
its porous structure, which is kept as deformable under the
impact of the next particle on its top. Such deformation
requirement can easily be fullled using a porous powder.
However, in such case, it can be considered that several
requirements need to be fullled to deposit a dense
WC-Co coating. The certain cohesion between WC particles
bonded by the Co binder is required to avoid the splashing
of small WC particles on impact. Then, the impacting
particle acquires sufcient kinetic energy to force the
This article is an invited paper selected from presentations at the
2008 International Thermal Spray Conference and has been
expanded from the original presentation. It is simultaneously
published in Thermal Spray Crossing Borders, Proceedings of the
2008 International Thermal Spray Conference, Maastricht, The
Netherlands, June 2-4, 2008, Basil R. Marple, Margaret M.
Hyland, Yuk-Chiu Lau, Chang-Jiu Li, Rogerio S. Lima, and
Ghislain Montavon, Ed., ASM International, Materials Park,
OH, 2008.
Pei-Hu Gao, Yi-Gong Li, Chang-Jiu Li, Guan-Jun Yang, and
Cheng-Xin Li, State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of
Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xian
Jiaotong University, Xian, Shaanxi 710049, P.R. China. Contact
e-mail: licj@mail.xjtu.edu.cn.
JTTEE5 17:742749
DOI: 10.1007/s11666-008-9258-1
1059-9630/$19.00 ASM International
742Volume 17(5-6) Mid-December 2008 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
underlying porous layer to deform sufciently for full
densication. However, excessive energy over that
required for full densication may induce intensive
cracking and erosion of the deposited layer. Therefore, the
matching of porous structure with spray conditions is
necessary. With certain porous WC-Co powder, the dense
coating can be deposited only in a narrow window of spray
conditions. Therefore, the investigations into the inu-
ences of porous structure of spray powder and substrate
deformability on deposition behavior are essentially
important issues to deposit a dense superhard cermet
In this study, three porous WC-12Co powders with dif-
ferent porosity levels were used as feedstocks to deposit
nanostructured WC-Co coatings on stainless steel substrate
by cold spraying using helium as processing gas. The effect
of powder porous structure on deposition characteristics
was investigated. The dependence of successful build-up of
WC-Co coating with a high deposition efciency on the
design of powder porous structure was discussed.
2. Experimental Materials and Procedures
The powder materials used for this work are three
nanostructured WC-12Co powders. They are referred to
as HP (high porosity), MP (middle porosity, Zhuzhou
Cemented Carbide Group Corporation, Ltd., China), and
LP (low porosity, InframatTM S7412, Inframat Corpora-
tion, USA) powders.
The cross-sectional microstructures of WC-12Co spray
powders were characterized by scanning electron micros-
copy (SEM, VEGA II-XMU, TESCAN, Czech). The
porosities of powders were determined using image pro-
cessing from the cross section of three powders.
The home-made cold spraying system (CS2000) was
employed to deposit the coatings in this study (Ref 21). A
spray gun with a converging-diverging de Laval-type
nozzle with a throat diameter of 2 mm was adopted.
Helium gas was employed as both accelerating gas and
powder feeding gas at a pressure of 2.0 and 2.5 MPa,
respectively. The gas temperature in the prechamber was
640 C. The standoff distance from the nozzle exit to the
substrate surface was 20 mm. During deposition, the spray
gun was manipulated by a robot at a traverse speed of
20 mm/s relative to the substrate for coating deposition
and 800 mm/s for single particle deposition, respectively.
Stainless steel with the surface sand-blasted was used as a
substrate for coating deposition and the polished stainless
steel was prepared for single particle deposition.
The microhardness of the powder was tested by a
microhardness tester under a 20 g load for a loading time
of 10 s owing to small size of the powders, while the
microhardness of the coating was tested under a 300 g
load for a loading time of 30 s.
The deposition efciency was measured through the
weight gain of the test specimen after spray torch tra-
versed over the specimen and the weight of powders fed
into the spray gun at a time interval that the gun took to
traverse over the specimen. The deposition efciency is
dened as:

where D
is the deposition efciency of powders, Dm
the weight increment of the substrate resulting from WC-
Co deposition at a time interval that the spray gun tra-
verses over the substrate, and Dm
is the weight of WC-Co
powders fed into the gun at the same time intervals.
3. Results
3.1 Characterization of the Feedstock
Figure 1 shows the cross-sectional microstructure of
three WC-12Co powders. All powders exhibited a spher-
ical morphology and porous microstructure. The mea-
surement results showed that the porosity of the three
powders changed from 44, 30 to 5%, and the microhard-
ness of the three powders changed from 78, 548 to
1317 Hv, as shown in Table. 1.
3.2 Deposition Test of the Isolated Particles
Figure 2 shows typical particles deposited on stainless
steel substrate by three powders, exhibiting the deforma-
tion degree on impact, for comparison. It can be clearly
recognized that with the increase of powder porosity the
powder particles deform more greatly and, however, the
substrate deforms less. It was evident that the powder
porosity inuences signicantly the deformation of parti-
cles on impact. Moreover, the deformation of the
substrate under impact of particles is also inuenced by
the powder porosity. Therefore, using a porous WC-Co
powder of certain porosity and cohesive strength would
easily fulll the requirements for the deposition of hard
cermet coating by cold spraying.
3.3 Deposition Behavior and Microstructure
of the WC-Co Coatings
Figure 3 shows the cross-sectional microstructure of the
coatings prepared with HP, MP, and LP powders. Three
coatings were deposited with the same spray parameters
except spray passes. The coatings shown in Fig. 3(a) and
(c), in the form of the free standing, were deposited by 2
passes using the HP and MP powders, respectively, while
the coating in Fig. 3(e) was deposited by LP powder by
ve passes. Although the coatings deposited by HP and
MP powders exhibited a dense microstructure, the lateral
cracks were observed in the coating, especially in the
region near the coating surface as shown in Fig. 3(d). With
LP powder, only a thin coating was present on the stain-
less substrate surface with lateral cracks distributed on
cross section as shown in Fig. 3(f). The lamellar structure
was characterized by the lateral cracks in the coating.
Compared with the much limited deformation of single
particles as shown in Fig. 2(c), the particles in the coating
evidently experienced remarkable deformation. Such effect
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Volume 17(5-6) Mid-December 2008743
may be attributed to the forced deformation by multi-
impacts by spray particles.
Figure 4 shows the microstructure of the coatings
deposited by the MP powder by 1 and 10 passes. The
coating deposited by 2 passes is shown in Fig. 3(c) and (d).
The measurements yielded a thickness of 200, 330, and
350 lm for the coatings deposited by 1, 2, and 10 passes,
respectively. It was clearly observed that although the
coating thickness increased with the increase of spray pass,
the thickness increment of each pass tended to decrease
with the increase of spray pass. Moreover, cracks were
observed in the coatings, as shown in Fig. 3(d), Fig. 4(b)
and (d). The detailed examination revealed that the
apparent crack density decreased with the increase of
spray pass. The possible reason for crack density reduction
with increasing spray pass is the densication through
successive impacts of spray particles. With the cracks near
the surface region, the spalling by peening effect of hard
particle may eliminate the cracks and is also responsible
for the reduction of the deposition efciency.
The deposition efciency measurements yielded 18.1,
19.2, and 7.1% at spray passes 1, 2, and 10 for the MP
powder, respectively, as shown in Fig. 5. It is clear that the
deposition efciency till 2 passes changed less signicantly,
while it tended decrease with the increase of overlaying
spray pass. These results are consistent with those observed
from the coating thickness change with spray pass. During
cold spraying, the densication through successive impacts
of spray particles would make the hardness of the deposited
WC-Co to increase gradually. Therefore, the deformability
of the previously deposited WC-12Co layer would be
decreased comparably. The spray particles would impact
on the hard surface of the deposited layer. As a result, the
DE value of MP powder decreased enormously with
the increase of the spray pass, which was consistent with the
thickness increment tendency. LP powder had the highest
microhardness and the lowest deformability among the
three powders. Once a layer of LP powders embedded into
the stainless steel substrate and a thin layer of WC-Co
coating covered over the substrate, the hardness of the
newly formed substrate, i.e., WC-Co coating, would
increase intensively. The further deposition of LP powders,
behaviors just like that of MP powder deposition, experi-
enced many spray passes. Both the LP powder and newly
formed substrate were hard to deform, which led to a much
low DE value. On the other hand, the HP powder had
higher porosity and deformability than the MP powder.
Fig. 1 Cross-sectional microstructure of three powders: (a) HP, (b) MP, and (c) LP
Table 1 Porosity and hardness of three powders
Powder type HP MP LP
Porosity, % 44 1 30 1 5 1
Microhardness, Hv 77.6 2.3 548 46 1317 247
744Volume 17(5-6) Mid-December 2008 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
During deposition of the HP powder, even though the
deposited WC-Co layer exhibited high hardness and poor
deformability, the HPpowder could deformintensively and
atten onto the deposited layer to build up a layer of
coating. However, due to the relatively weak cohesion, the
HP powder deformed intensively on impact and partially
disintegrated, which resulted in rebounding off of a fraction
of powder material as shown in Fig. 2(a). Accordingly, the
deposition using the HP powder yielded a lower DE value
than the MP powder.
3.4 Microhardness of the Coating
The microhardness of WC-Co coating deposited by the
HP powder is 1790 23 Hv. It can be seen from Table 2
that the microhardness of the WC-Co coatings deposited
by MP powders increased with the increase of the spray
pass. The microhardness of the coatings deposited at 1, 2,
and 10 passes were 400, 670, and 1340 Hv, respectively.
Such increase is possibly attributed to the densication
effect caused by tamping of particle jet impacting on the
coating surface. Taking account of the high coating hard-
ness and low deposition efciency using the HP powder
compared with that of the MP powder, it is evident that
the densication effect through tamping of impacting hard
particle is essential to deposit a dense nanostructured
coating using porous powder.
3.5 Deposition Test at a Fixed Position
It is clear that under the same spray conditions the
nanostructured WC-Co coatings were deposited using HP
and MP powders. The spalling of the deposited layer
makes it difcult to deposit a well-cohered WC-Co coating
using the LP powder. However, it was found that the
dense deposit can be obtained when spray gun was held
stationary during deposition using all three powders.
Figure 6 shows the microhardness of WC-Co deposits
obtained using three powders for 5 s. The microhardness
of the cold-sprayed three nanostructured WC-Co deposits
is comparable despite initial hardness of starting powders.
This fact suggests that some other factors such as the
change of the deformability of the deposit may be
important for continuous deposition of WC-Co cermet
coating by cold spraying using a relatively dense powder.
4. Discussion
The three porous WC-12Co powders in the present
study showed different microhardness and different
porosity values. The hardness of the powder decreases
with the increase of porosity, which increases deformabi-
lity of the powder. The HP powder had the highest
porosity and the greatest deformability among the three
powders. From the results of the single-particle deposition
test, it was clearly observed that the HP powder deformed
more intensively and attened on the substrate surface.
The MP powder deformed greatly but not as intensively as
the HP powder. On the other hand, the LP powder had
the highest microhardness and could embed into the
substrate easily, but it presented much less deformation.
Such fact suggests that the LP powder may not be
Fig. 2 Cross-sectional microstructure of the deposited single particles using different powders: (a) HP, (b) MP, and (c) LP
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Volume 17(5-6) Mid-December 2008745
favorable to continuous build up of WC-Co coating. This
was consistent with the coating deposition test result as
shown in Fig. 3. Kim et al. (Ref 17, 18) reported that the
nanostructured WC-Co of high hardness comparable to
bulk materials was deposited through preheating of spray
powder. The preheating of spray powder caused softening
effect and consequently enhanced the deformability of the
particle on impact. It can be considered that realizing
the continuous coating built-up using the porous WC-Co
powder in the present study resulted from the similar
enhanced deformability effect to that reported by
Kim et al.
From the coatings prepared with HP and MP powders
at the same deposition parameters, it could be found that
the deposited coatings exhibited different deposition ef-
ciency and microhardness. Moreover, it seemed that a
higher deposition efciency was associated with a lower
microhardness of the coating. It can be considered that the
difference in the deposition efciency with two powders is
mainly associated with the integrity of the particles on
impact. The fracture or collapse of the HP powder on
impact possibly is one reason that led to the low deposi-
tion efciency. On the other hand, the low deposition
efciency may contribute more accumulative densication
effect by multi-tamping. As a result, the low deposition
efciency was possibly associated with an increased coat-
ing hardness.
With the MP powder, it was found that the spray pass
inuenced signicantly the deposition efciency and
coating hardness. During cold spraying, the substrate was
changed with the deposition of WC-Co particles. Once a
WC-Co layer is deposited on the initial substrate, spray
particles will impact on the surface of the deposited layer;
therefore, the previously deposited WC-12Co layer acts as
a new substrate. Moreover, the densication through
successive impacts of spray particles would harden the
deposited WC-Co. As a result, the hardness of
the deposited WC-Co would be increased intensively. The
Fig. 3 Typical microstructure of WC-Co coatings by three powders: (a, b) HP, (c, d) MP, and (e, f) LP
746Volume 17(5-6) Mid-December 2008 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
deformability of the deposited WC-Co would become
gradually poorer. Therefore, with increasing overlying
spray passes, the deposition efciency was evidently
decreased and the hardness of the coating was increased.
The previous study on the Ti coating deposition clearly
revealed that the top porous layer can be gradually den-
sied by tamping effect of the later coming particles
(Ref 21). With porous WC-Co powders, the limited
deformation of the particle on impact leads to the depo-
sition of partial porous layer. The accumulative impacts by
particles jet seem effective to densify the coating. As a
result, the coating hardness can be signicantly increased.
However, as the cracks were observed especially near the
surface region, it can be considered that the adequate
particle impact pressure is required to eliminate the cracks
Fig. 4 Microstructure of WC-Co coatings deposited with MP powder by different passes: (a, b) 1 pass and (c, d) 10 passes
Fig. 5 Deposition efciencies of MP powder at different spray
Table 2 Effect of spray pass on the coating thickness
and coating hardness using MP powder
Pass number Thickness, lm Hardness, HV
1 200 400 11
2 330 670 38
10 350 1340 78
Fig. 6 Microhardness of the nanostructured powders and cold-
sprayed deposits at xed position
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Volume 17(5-6) Mid-December 2008747
through densication. The excessively high impact pres-
sure may cause the propagation of the preexisted cracks
and subsequently spalling of the deposited layer as clearly
observed during deposition using LP powder. To avoid the
spalling on impacts of spray particles, the sufcient cohe-
sion within the deposited layer is necessary. Therefore,
using an adequately designed porous spray powder,
controlling of dynamic impact pressure, and particle
cohesion through spray conditions would be essential
for continuous build-up of a cermet coating with high
Moreover, besides the deformability of spray powder,
low density of the powder with high porosity may also be
benecial to WC-Co particle deposition. High powder
porosity in the same powder size would correspond to
light weight under the same spray conditions, and the
lighter particles would be accelerated to a higher velocity.
Correspondingly, powders with higher porosity would be
accelerated to a higher velocity which would be more
easily deposited onto the substrate than the powders with
lower porosity.
It was found that the traverse speed of spray gun
inuences signicantly the deposition behavior of WC-Co.
When the traverse speed was reduced to zero, that is,
performing deposition at a xed position, dense WC-Co
deposits, with the hardness values comparable to those of
bulk materials, were continuously built up. This is possibly
due to the improved deformability of deposited WC-Co
top layer resulting from the intensive heating of gas
stream. Recently, it has been reported (Ref 22) that under
the stationary nozzle operation a signicant heat transfer
from the supersonic gas jet to the substrate occurs and the
heat transfer could bring out a signicant temperature
increasing of the substrate, especially near the deposited
top layer surface. Such temperature increasing of the
deposited WC-Co layer would decrease the surface hard-
ness of WC-Co (Ref 23, 24). As a result, the deformability
of the WC-Co substrate on which WC-Co impacts will be
enhanced. Therefore, the transient softening of the top
surface of WC-Co layer on which spraying particles im-
pacts during spraying also inuences signicantly the built-
up of the hard WC-Co coating. At a very low traverse
speed, even to zero (i.e., at a xed position), the deposited
particles were kept at a high temperature so that the
deformability of the previous deposited particles was kept
at a higher level. The high deformability of the surface
deposit layer leads to the continuous deposition of dense
WC-12Co of high hardness.
The hardness test of the WC-Co deposits sprayed at the
xed position yielded a comparable mean hardness of
about 1900 Hv despite powder microstructure. Those
hardness numbers are comparable to those of bulk mate-
rials, which is consistent with that reported by Kim et al.
(Ref 17, 18) However, it is clear that the hardness of the
coatings built up with continuous traversing was signi-
cantly inuenced by the powder structure and gun traverse
speed. It is clear that with the decrease of traverse speed
gun and increase of powder porosity the hardness of cold-
sprayed WC-Co coating was increased. Those facts clearly
indicated that the deformation of both the deposited layer
and impacting particle are responsible for the deposition
of hard coating.
5. Conclusions
WC-Co coating can be successfully built-up using the
porous powders with WC particles bonded more loosely.
The build-up of the coating was mainly contributed by the
deformation of porous powders on impact. It was found
that the deposition efciency was signicantly inuenced
by the porosity levels of the powders. Moreover, the
deposition efciency tended to decrease with the increase
of coating thickness. The densication effect resulting
from the successive tamping of the later impacting parti-
cles increased the coating hardness and, on the other hand,
decreased the deposition efciency. The high intensive
impact with harder particles can cause spalling rather than
densication of the deposited layer. Therefore, designing a
porous WC-Co powder with adequate hardness is one
important approach to deposit hard WC-Co cermet coat-
ing by cold spraying through controlling the deformability
of spray powder. The deposition test at a xed position
suggested that the enhancement of the deformation of the
deposited top layer at the impact of spray particle benets
the deposition of dense and hard WC-Co coating.
This work is supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 50571080), the
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
(No. 50725101), and R&D Project of Shaanxi Province
(No. 2005KW-31).
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