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The Effect of Precipitation-Hardening Conditions On Wear Behaviours at 2024 Aluminium Wrought Alloy

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 142 (2003) 762–766

The effect of precipitation-hardening conditions on wear

behaviours at 2024 aluminium wrought alloy
Hülya Kaçar∗ , Enver Atik, Cevdet Meriç
Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Celal Bayar University, 45140 Manisa, Turkey
Received 2 September 2002; received in revised form 20 March 2003; accepted 30 April 2003


In this study, wear behaviours of 2024 aluminium wrought alloy were investigated in different tribological conditions based on its ageing
conditions. For this purpose, the alloy aged in five different temperatures and periods (at room temperature for 1 week, at 120 ◦ C for 24 h,
at 150 ◦ C for 18 h, at 160 ◦ C for 16 h, at 200 ◦ C for 2 h) was worn in pin-on disc model wear test apparatus using different abrasive grit
size (5, 11, 18 and 30 ␮m SiC papers). Furthermore, the effects of different sliding speeds (0.078, 0.156, 0.208 and 0.338 m s−1 ) and loads
(6.45, 9, 9.3 and 11 N) on wear resistance were also examined. It was measured amounts of mass loss and examined worn surfaces. The
mass loss of the specimens increased with load and the abrasive grit size.
© 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: 2024 Aluminium wrought alloy; Abrasive wear; Precipitation hardening

1. Introduction other aluminium alloys. Physical and mechanical properties

of 2024 aluminium wrought alloy are very good [4,10].
The use of aluminium alloys in industry is increasing ow- In 2024 aluminium wrought alloy that is used in this
ing to their high strength/density ratios and other advan- study, element that provides precipitate is copper. The prin-
tage properties. Precipitation strengthening is applied to the cipal precipitation-hardening reactions, however, are those
some aluminium alloys. Precipitation strengthening is one of the ternary aluminium–copper–magnesium system. The
of the most important hardening methods used to increase commercially important alloys contain copper as major addi-
strength in aluminium alloys. In this treatment, the second tion, and the phase reactions which occur are those between
phase is precipitated within matrix phase. The hardness and an aluminium solid solution and the intermetallic phases
strength values increase as a result of precipitation of a new CuAl2 and CuMgAl2 . Precipitation hardening at high ratios
precipitate due to period and heat from supersaturated solid of copper to magnesium is achieved in the sequence GP
solution [1,2]. zones through a coherent phase (θ  ) to CuAl2 (θ). Precipi-
Alloy 2024 is an aluminium alloy containing copper, mag- tation hardening at lower ratios of copper to magnesium is
nesium, manganese and some minor alloying elements. It is achieved in the sequence GP zones through a coherent phase
fabricated mainly by hot extrusion and hot rolling. It has the to CuMgAl2 . This intermetallic precipitates are incoherent
highest hardness value between aluminium alloys. Elastic- with main structure and it affects mechanical and physical
ity modulus and strength value of 2024 aluminium wrought properties of the material [5,11–14].
alloy are high. It is used in engineering applications such as The most important reason for the damage and conse-
aeroplane constructions, orthopaedic soles, rivet and pulling quently failure of machine parts is wear [15,16]. Technically
wheels. One of the most important properties of 2024 alu- speaking, according to DIN 50320 and ASTM G40-93 stan-
minium alloy is that the treatment of solid solution is not so dards, wear is unwanted surface damage as a result of sep-
critical [3,4]. This alloy can be aged naturally or artificially aration of small pieces from the material surface due to the
[5–9]. 2024 Aluminium wrought alloy has Mg. So its pro- interaction of other materials such as liquid, solid or gas.
duction is made by special methods. The formability of the The mechanism of wear means the physical and chemical
this alloy is very good. Its corrosion strength is lower than processes that occur during wear. The term of abrasive wear
is the removal of pieces from one of the two rubbing bodies.
∗ Corresponding author. The abrasive wear occurs in devices moving in touch with
E-mail address: hulya.kacar@bayer.edu.tr (H. Kaçar). various abrasives [16].

0924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.

H. Kaçar et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 142 (2003) 762–766 763

A great deal of research on the two body abrasive

wear behaviour of aluminium alloys has been carried out
experimentally. Recent studies have revealed that with hard
particles dispersed in a relatively ductile matrix compos-
ites possess an ideal structure for wear resistant materials
[17–19]. Thus, it was understood that in addition to the
volume fraction and spatial distribution of second phase
particles, the wear resistance had been largely affected by
the strength of the particle matrix interfaces as well as the
mechanical properties of matrix materials. Consequently,
under the service conditions, particles lose their ability to
support the applied load. Second phase reinforcement may Fig. 1. The hardness values of aged specimens.
cause no improvement or even a deterioration in the wear
properties [20]. then quenched in water at room temperature. Ageing tem-
In those wear mechanisms, same important factors are peratures were selected room temperature for natural ageing
hardness, the shape and size of abrasive grit or roughness, (T4), 120, 150, 160 and 200 ◦ C for artificial ageing (T6).
attack angle, normal applied load, sliding speed and the frac- Rockwell B hardness test values for different ageing tem-
ture toughness of material [20]. It is possible to reduce abra- peratures and periods are shown in Fig. 1. The hardness was
sive wear by various methods such as development of dif- increased with the increased temperature because the solu-
ferent materials, undertaking appropriate heat treatment and bility of copper in aluminium increased markedly with so-
surface process and use of composite materials [17]. lution treating temperature. During quenching, this Cu was
In the recent years, abrasive wear behaviours of aged alu- retained in solution. Thus, the aluminium rich phase (␣)
minium alloys are investigated [15–18]. Song et al. inves- would contain Cu in a supersaturated solid solution at room
tigated abrasive wear behaviour of aluminium alloys. They temperature. In the ageing, fine particles of CuAl2 formed
explained that mechanical properties decreased because of and precipitated in solution. Thus, the hardness of alloy in-
overage at 200 ◦ C [19]. Different wear test methods have creased by means of artificially age hardening. The hardness
been improved so that wear have defined. Wear tests of value of the artificially aged specimen at 150 ◦ C for 18 h was
aluminium alloys usually were carried out by pin-on disk found to be more than those ones. In artificial ageing the
method [18,21]. maximum hardness values were reached at 24 h for the age-
In this study, 2024 aluminium wrought alloy that was aged ing temperature of 120 ◦ C, at 16 h for 160 ◦ C and, at 2 h for
at different temperature was investigated wear resistance on 200 ◦ C and naturally aged specimens were reached at room
pin-on disk under the technical dry sliding system at atmo- temperature for 1 week. The precipitation speed increased
spheric conditions. Abrasive wear tests were carried out in with the increase in ageing temperature while the maximum
different abrasive grit size (5, 11, 18 and 30 ␮m SiC pa- temperature reaching period decreased. Thus, ageing tem-
pers), sliding speeds (0.078, 0.156, 0.208 and 0.338 m s−1 ) peratures were selected: 1 week for natural ageing, 24 h at
and loads (6.45, 9, 9.3 and 11 N). The mass loss of the spec- 120 ◦ C, 18 h at 150 ◦ C, 16 h at 160 ◦ C, 2 h at 200 ◦ C for ar-
imens increased with load and the abrasive grit size. tificial ageing.

2.2. Wear tests

2. Material and experimental study
Wear tests were carried out on the pin-on disk model wear
2.1. Material and heat treatment test apparatus (Fig. 2). Test machine has 200 mm diameter

2024 aluminium wrought alloy was supplied from Etia-

lumiyum A.Ş., Turkey. Its chemical composition is given in
Table 1.
The pin specimens were prepared from 2024 aluminium
wrought alloy. The dimensions of the specimens was 30 mm
diameter and 6 mm height. Solution treatment of the speci-
mens were carried out at 495 ± 5 ◦ C for 1 h in a furnace and

Table 1
Chemical composition of 2024 aluminium wrought alloy (wt.%)
Si Mg Fe Cu Mn Zn Cr Ti Al

0.48 1.38 0.51 4.38 0.55 0.24 0.10 0.05 Balance

Fig. 2. The wear test device used in experiments.
764 H. Kaçar et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 142 (2003) 762–766

disk. The disk was driven by an electrical engine with a 3. Results and discussion
constant speed of 50 rpm. SiC paper is abrasive component.
SiC waterproof emery is used as counter friction elements 3.1. Metallographical investigation
on rotating disc. The contact surfaces of the pins were pol-
ished using a 23 ␮m size abrasive paper before the tests. The The surfaces of the specimens were polished away by SiC
pin was connected to the device in a way that it could eas- abrasive papers and at the last stage polished by using di-
ily be removed from the machine to measure its mass loss. amond paste. The specimens were then etched by Keller’s
The friction took place constantly in a single trace. There reagent (2 ml HF (48%) + 3 ml HCl (concentrated) + 5 ml
are five basic elements forming the tribological system. The HNO3 (concentrated) + 190 ml water (distilled)) for 10 s.
environment in which the test was performed was the atmo- The microstructures of the specimens were rendered in vi-
spheric condition since the tests were carried out in an open sual images on computer by an optical microscope. The
area. During the tests, oiling agents was not used and pro- microstructure of the aged specimens have been shown in
duced particles were not cleaned. Therefore, the technical Fig. 3.
dry sliding system [17] was selected as tribosystem. As a result of metallographical investigation of the aged
The basic friction elements were the specimens prepared specimens, it has been determined that the CuAl2 phase and
from 2024 aluminium wrought alloys and for the counter this structure is homogeneously distributed over the surface.
friction elements, different abrasive grit sizes (5, 11, 18 and CuAl2 phase in the aged specimens investigated by the op-
30 ␮m SiC papers) were used and different loads (6.45, 9, tical microscope is distinguished by the contrast difference.
9.3 and 11 N), and sliding speeds (0.078, 0.156, 0.208 and The structure consisted mainly of dark, insoluble particles
0.338 m s−1 ) were applied. Before the tests, all specimens of a complex compound of Fe, Mn, Si and Al, and a few
were put in ethyl alcohol and cleaned by being dried in hot particles CuAl2 (white) in a matrix of ␣ solid solution. In
air. The tests were performed dry under room temperature the ageing, fine particles of CuAl2 formed and precipitated
and room humidity. At the beginning of the each experiment, in solid solution.
SiC waterproof emery used as counter friction elements are
changed. Wear loss is determined by calculating mass loss, 3.2. The effect of abrasive grit size
volume loss or height loss of the specimens. In this study de-
termination of wear loss is preferred by calculating the mass In order to determine the effect of abrasive grit size on
loss. Mass losses were measured using a sensitive scale of wear behaviours of the 2024 aluminium wrought alloy, the
±0.1 mg. Worn surface were examined using a metallurgical specimens were worn using four different grit size abrasive.
microscope. These were 30 ␮m (400 grit), 18 ␮m (600 grit), 11 ␮m (800
Wear tests were performed on a single trace for 1 min grit) and 5 ␮m (1000 grit) SiC paper. Abrasive wear tests
period for each specimen. Each test was repeated three times were carried out using a fixed load of 6.45 N and a fixed
and the average of the results were used in the figures. Mass speed of 0.338 m s−1 for 1 min period. The test were re-
losses were measured in the specimens of different ageing peated five times for each specimen. Before the wear tests,
temperatures by changing abrasive grits size, sliding speed the specimens were polished with 23 ␮m abrasive paper.
and applied load. Parameters were fixed during the tests for The specimen were weighed before and after the wear tests.
comparison. It is observed that mass loss increases with the increasing

Fig. 3. Microstructure of the specimens aged at different temperatures and periods: (a) the naturally aged specimen; (b) the specimen aged at 200 ◦ C for 2 h.
H. Kaçar et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 142 (2003) 762–766 765

Fig. 5. The effect of the sliding speed on mass loss.

Fig. 4. The effect of the abrasive grit size on mass loss.

abrasive grit size (Fig. 4). The mass loss of the specimen
aged at 200 ◦ C for 2 h was found to be the lowest, the mass
loss of the specimen aged at 120 ◦ C for 24 h was found to be
the highest. To measure the mass loss accurately the wear
test was applied five times to the specimens at under the
same conditions.

3.3. The effect of the sliding speed

Electric engines are used to change speed. This is also Fig. 6. The effect of the applied load on mass loss.
achieved by changing gear boxes, the belt pulley mecha-
nisms friction radius. In this study, sliding speed changed for 1 min. The sliding speeds were chosen as 0.078,
by changing friction radius. To investigate the effect of 0.156, 0.208 and 0.338 m s−1 for 1 min. As seen from
sliding speed on mass loss, the load and abrasive paper Fig. 5, the mass loss increased with the increasing sliding
were kept constant as 6.45 N and 45 ␮m, respectively, speed.

Fig. 7. Wear debris of the specimens aged at different temperatures and periods: (a) the naturally aged specimen; (b) at 120 ◦ C for 24 h; (c) at 150 ◦ C
for 18 h; (d) at 200 ◦ C for 2 h.
766 H. Kaçar et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 142 (2003) 762–766

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