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Road Traffic Sign Detection and Classification

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Road Traffic Sign Detection and Classification

Arturo de la Escalera, Member, IEEE, Luis E. Moreno, Member, IEEE,
Miguel Angel Salichs, Member, IEEE, and Jose Maria Armingol

Abstract A vision-based vehicle guidance system for road

vehicles can have three main roles: 1) road detection; 2) obstacle
detection; and 3) sign recognition. The first two have been studied
for many years and with many good results, but traffic sign
recognition is a less-studied field. Traffic signs provide drivers
with very valuable information about the road, in order to make
driving safer and easier. We think that traffic signs must play
the same role for autonomous vehicles. They are designed to
be easily recognized by human drivers mainly because their
color and shapes are very different from natural environments.
The algorithm described in this paper takes advantage of these
features. It has two main parts. The first one, for the detection,
uses color thresholding to segment the image and shape analysis
to detect the signs. The second one, for the classification, uses a
neural network. Some results from natural scenes are shown. On
the other hand, the algorithm is valid to detect other kinds of
marks that would tell the mobile robot to perform some task at
that place.
Index TermsAdvanced driver information systems, color/shape
processing, computer vision, neural networks, traffic signs recognition.


OMPUTER vision has three tasks in order to make a

road vehicle fully autonomous. Under the road detection
and following titles are those algorithms that allow a vehicle
to drive on roads and highways. They have been studied for
many years and with many good results. Different approaches
have been used: color segmentation, control theory, neural
networks, etc. [1][5]. Obstacle detection (and avoidance) is
an open research area, where there have been a large number
of contributions since the 1980s. Automatic recognition of
traffic sign studies started more recently, but are increasing
rapidly. A system capable of performing such a task would be
very valuable and would have different applications. It could
be used as an assistant for drivers, alerting them about the
presence of some specific sign (e.g., a predefined exit on a
highway) or some risky situation (e.g., driving at a higher
speed than the maximum speed allowed). In autonomous
vehicles, traffic signs should provide the control system with
similar (and also some specific) information to that offered to
human drivers. It is also possible to design specific signs, for

Manuscript received July 23, 1996; revised September 3, 1997. This work
was supported by the Spanish Government under CICYT Project TAP940711-C03-02.
The authors are with the Area de Ingenieria de Sistemas y Automatica, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 28911 Madrid, Spain (e-mail: escalera@ing.uc3m.es).
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(97)08490-6.

mobile robots, with a format similar to traffic signs, that would

indicate some kind of information about tasks, prohibitions, or
warnings in the environment.
Luo et al. [6] carried out many studies in this area. They
have detected the sign by a fractal texture segmentation and
have used two different neural networks. A receptive field
32 neurons,
neural network [7], with an input layer of 32
an output of ten neurons and four hidden layers of 16
4, and 30 neurons, where the net was trained to
8 8, 4
recognize nine traffic signs. For each sign, images at three
different distances (1, 2, and 3 m) were chosen. Although it
is 99% certain, the recognition time is 4 s, which is quite
long for a real-time case. The second type is a reconfigurable
neural network [8], with an input layer of 45
45 neurons,
ten outputs, and the recognition time is 1 s. Blancard [9]
recognized the signs by their color and form. There are three
classified types: 1) octagonal signs; 2) warning signs; and 3)
the stop sign. For the color classification, a passband filter
for the chosen color (red) is attached to a black and white
charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. Then, a Sobel filter is
applied, and the edges are found in the image by connecting a
pixel with its neighbors by the Freeman code. Some features
are calculated from the resulting contours: perimeter, length,
gravity center, and compactness, and Freeman code. These
features are the inputs to a neural-network-type restricted
coulomb energy (RCE) for the classification. Within each sign
type, the algorithm does not detect what sign it is, in particular;
on the other hand, the detection is at a fixed distance from the
vehicle. The detection time is 0.7 s. Piccioli et al. [10] used
black and white images. After the extraction of the edges,
there is a shape analysis looking for circular and triangular
contours. When they are found, the subimages are normalized
to 50 50 pixels, and the classification is done through a cross
correlation with a database. Much research has been carried
out under the PROMETHEUS (PROgraM for European Traffic
with Highest Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety) project.
Besserer et al. [11] created a pyramidal structure from the
original image. An edge detector is applied to every image of
the pyramid. The edges of an image joined the edges of the
upper image. By analyzing the generated contours, the signs
are classified into triangular, circular, or rectangular signs.
The inner part of the sign is not analyzed. Estable et al. [12]
developed the fastest system (200 ms). Their hardware consists
of four PowerPCs (601) and four transputers (T805). There
is a color clasiffication through a neural network, a shape
analysis of the region contours previously detected, and a
pictogram classification through a radial-basis-function neural

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The algorithm presented here has two steps. The first one
localizes the sign in the image depending on the color and the
form. The second one recognizes the sign through a neural
There are four types of traffic signs that are shown in the
traffic code: 1) warning; 2) prohibition; 3) obligation; and 4)
informative. Depending on the form and the color, the warning
signs are equilateral triangles with one vertex upwards. They
have a white background and are surrounded by a red border.
Prohibition signs are circles with a white or blue background
and a red border. Both warning signs and prohibition signs
have a yellow background if they are located in an area where
there are public works. To indicate obligation, the signs are
circles with a blue background. Informative signs have the
same color. Finally, there are two exceptions: 1) the yield
sign, an inverted triangle; and 2) the stop sign, a hexagon.
They were not studied here. To detect the position of the sign
in the image, we must know the two properties we talked
about before, i.e., color and shape.
A. Color Thresholding
The most intuitive color space is the RGB system. The color
of every pixel is defined by three components: red, green, and
blue. Because of this, the color threshold has the following

Fig. 1.

in any other case

, and
are, respectively, the
functions that give the red, green, and blue levels of each
point of the image. One of the greatest inconveniences of the
previous color space is that it is very sensitive to lighting
That is the reason why other color spaces are used in
computer vision applications, especially the hue, saturation,
intensity (HSI) system that is very invariant to lighting changes
[13]. The problem with HSI is that its formulas are nonlinear,
and the computational cost is prohibitive if special hardware
is not used. That is why we have modified the approach
suggested by Kamada and Yoshida [14], i.e., the color ratio
between the intensity of the specified color and the sum of
intensity of RGB. Instead, we have used the relation between
the components. Thus, the thresholding is (assuming that the
red component is chosen as a reference)

in any other case

Red color thresholding.



Thus, in Fig. 1, for example, the signs have a red border.

Because of that, the pixels searched have a high red value

with respect to their green and blue values. This thresholding

can be implemented in a 16-bit lookup table (LUT) and can
be achieved in real time. One example of the thresholding can
be observed in Fig. 1.
B. The Optimal Corner Detector
The methods developed for corner detection can be classified into two groups.
1) The first is corner detectors that work on the codification
of the edge of an object. This kind of detector requires a
previous division of the image in regions, the subsequent
extraction of the edges of these regions, and, finally,
their codification. The accomplishment of all these steps
requires a long calculation time [15].
2) The second is corner detectors that work directly on the
image. Within this group, several detectors based on the
gradient of the image are found [16][18]. The changes
in the intensity and direction of the gradient serve as
criteria to consider a given point as a corner. Neither
of these methods differentiates the kind of detected
corner, a circumstance that, as we will see, is useful for
the detection of a sign. Finally, within this group, the
optimal corner detector is included [19]. As it will be
shown below, it obtains the corners from the convolution

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Fig. 2. Intuitive masks for 90 corner.

of the image with a mask. It is very appropriate for

this application because of two characteristics, its speed
and its capacity to decide the kind of detected corner
depending on the mask used.
We said that the optimal detector will find the corners from
the convolution of the image with a mask, but, what are these
masks? They are correlation filters. The image of the corner
of an object will be ideal if it has the same grey value for all
the points of the object and zero in the background. Keeping
in mind the definition of convolution and an ideal 90 corner,
a mask that serves for its detection can be built in an intuitive
way (Fig. 2). As every value of the mask is multiplied by the
pixel value that is below, if the form of the corner is imitated
within the mask, the convolution has the highest value for the
corner by giving a positive value to the adequate cells and
zero to the rest. This mask is not the ideal, since the same
value is obtained in the corner as in the rest of the object. If
now all the zeros are changed for a given negative value, when
the mask is located on the object, its positive part contributes
to increase the result of the convolution, but its negative part
weighs more, and the value obtained is smaller. Since the value
obtained for the background continues to be zero, a maximum
in the corner is obtained and allows us to locate it. Though
this latter mask operates much better that the previous one, we
must consider that the image is real and not an ideal model. In
a real image, the corner will not be so perfectly defined, and
some noise will appear. To minimize the effects of this, one
must seek some optimum values for the detection mask. It is
precisely the obtainment of these values that characterizes the
optimal corner detector.
To develop the detector, Rangarajan et al. [19] started
building a mathematical model. Let us take, for example, a
corner located in the origin so that the
axis will be the
bisector of the angle formed by the two edges of the corner.
Then, the function that describes the grey levels will be
in any other case


is the slope of the upper edge.

The model is completed taking into account the random
variations that can be produced in the grey levels. If
is a white noise, the function that describes the grey levels
around the corner is
Once built, the model is used to find the sought function.
This function,
, has to fulfill the following criteria.

The result of the convolution,

, will be maximum in the corner.
The operator
should not be sensitive to the noise.
The operator
should not deallocate the corners;
that is to say, the convolution
must be maximum
for the point
in which this is located.
By expressing mathematically the previous criteria and by
maximizing them, the optimal corner detector is obtained:


is the size of the mask, and

, and
are constants. Equation (5) corresponds to the clear part of
the corner and (6) to the dark part. The constants
multiply all the values of the mask and, so, their value is
arbitrary. We have chosen them as a scale factor, making
equal to . To decide the values of , , and , let us
assume that the grey levels of the object are higher than the
ones corresponding to the background. Supposing the ideal
case, in which there is no noise, it is clear that the mask
that gives the maximum value in the corner is the one with
positive values in the corresponding part of the object and
negative values in the corresponding part of the background.
The constant
appears in the first equation. It can be seen
, because
that the term is always negative, since
it is the part corresponding to the object (remember that
is the size of the mask). When
and varies from 0
to , the term takes only negative values, and the obtained
takes any
values from the first equation are positive. If
other value, negative values will appear in the part of the
mask corresponding to the object. Therefore, the value of
must be 1. To obtain negative values in the part of the mask
that corresponds to the background (values that came from
the second equation), one must get different signs for the
terms. The constant should, therefore, be
equal to 1 and
equal to 1. The authors of the method have not found any
rule to give a value to , although, experimentally, they have
noticed that an increase in the value of increases the capacity
for filtering the noise. The value chosen by them is equal
to 0.2.
The mask, which follows as an example, is created for 60
angles and has a size of 9 9 pixels. The bold numbers form
the corner shape.

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The chosen size of the masks was 9

9, since, if they
were smaller, they could not represent the corner correctly,
and, if they were larger, they would affect a too-wide zone
of the image and there would be problems in the case of the
presence of some objects near the corner.
The triangular signs have three 60 corners, the corresponding detection masks of which are the following.
If the image processing board cannot perform 9
convolutions, the masks can be converted into a combination
of smaller ones, as shown at the bottom of the next page.
As an example, the mask for a 90 corner can be decomposed in Sbm1, Sbm3, and Sbm4 masks (see Table I).
The result is


central upper corner, (60 type 1)

the image.

is the function that describes the grey levels of

C. Corner Extraction

lower left corner, (60 type 2)

The mask for the lower right corner (type T3) is symmetrical
with respect to a vertical axis of the mask for the lower
left corner. To detect the corners of the stop sign (T4,
T5, and T6 types), one has to use symmetrical masks with
respect to a horizontal axis of the ones used for the warning
9 masks for triangular signs.
signs. Then, there are six 9
To reduce the number of masks, the 90 masks for the
detection of the lower left and right corners can be used
for the upper left and right corners of the triangular signs.
If the masks are observed, we can see that the difference
is not very large, and, since the grey level of the background is going to be low, the results, which follow, are very

To obtain a corner of an image, the algorithm follows these

1) It obtains the convolution for every type of mask.
2) It selects the points above a threshold. This threshold
is obtained from an ideal result. Thus, supposing that
the corner is ideal, the result of the convolution will be
maximum for this corner. The threshold is the necessary
percentage to consider a point as a corner.
3) It calculates the center of mass. Although the detection
mask is built to obtain the maximum value of the
convolution exactly in the corner, because the image
is never ideal and the threshold, a sole isolated point
will never appear labeled as a corner. To prove this
circumstance, the result obtained after applying the two
first detection phases with 60 masks to an image is
shown in Fig. 3. The center of mass is calculated by

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Fig. 3. Points detected as corners.

1) Triangular Sign Detection: Due to their shape, we can

localize triangular signs by seeking in the image the three kinds
of corners that form the triangle and by proving that they are,
in fact, forming an equilateral triangle. The same principle
can be applied to the stop sign, only, here, the triangle is
downward. The steps for the detection of the triangular signs
are as follows (Fig. 4).
1) The first is corner detection. All the corners that belong
to the types that appear in the sign are sought in the
image, i.e., upper vertex (T1 type), lower left vertex (T2
type), and lower right vertex (T3 type).
2) The second is the study of the position of the corners.
A sign will be present when three corners are found
forming an equilateral triangle.
To obtain that, the algorithm does the following.

1) The image is scanned until a T1-type corner is found.

2) From the T1 corner, a search zone is defined through
two lines that start from it and have slopes of 52 and
68 . This area will also be limited by the maximum and
the minimum heights that we expect the sign has in the
image. In this area, a T2-type corner is sought. If it is
not found, the algorithm returns to step 1, to continue
scanning the image looking for another T1-type corner.
3) A second search area is created, delimited by two lines
that start from the T1-type corner and have slopes of
68 and 52 ( 6 has been considered the maximum
rotation allowed to the signs), respectively, and two lines
depending on the position of the T2-type corner:





where is the width obtained in the second step.

In this second area, a T3-type corner is sought. If it is found,
the algorithm considers that the three corners found in the
successive stages correspond to a sign; otherwise, it returns
to step 2.
The fact of differentiating in every step the kind of corner
that is being sought is important to avoid mistakes. Some
points on the edge of a sign may appear labeled as corners,
although, in reality, they are not (Fig. 5). This is due to the
mask size and the threshold chosen to consider a point as a
corner. However, if the figure is observed, there are points
labeled as the T2-type corners in black and those of the T3
type in white, and we can see that the wrong points do not
affect the detection, since they appear in areas in which they
are not sought. The result of applying the algorithm on a real
image can be observed in Fig. 8(a).
2) Rectangular Signs Detection: A rectangular sign is
formed by two horizontal and two vertical sides. The algorithm
seeks the four kinds of 90 corners that form the sign and that
are located defining a rectangle.

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Fig. 4. Triangular sign detection algorithm.

d) A third search area is created, delimited by two lines

that start from the C3 corner and have slopes of
95 and 85 , respectively, and two lines depending
on the position of the C2 corner:

Fig. 5.

Types 2 and 3 corner detection.

1) First is corner detection. All the corners that belong to

the types that appear in the sign are sought in the image,
i.e., upper left vertex (C1 type), upper right vertex (C2
type), lower left vertex (C3 type), and lower right vertex
(C4 type).
2) Second is the study of the corner position. The algorithm
used for the study of the corner position is similar to the
one used for triangular signs (Fig. 6).
a) The image is scanned until a C1-type corner is found.
b) From the C1 corner found, a search area is defined
through two lines that start from it and have slopes
of 85 and 95 , respectively. This area will also be
limited by the maximum and the minimum heights
that we expect the sign has in the image. In this
area, a C2 corner is sought. If it is not found, the
algorithm returns to step a), to continue scanning the
image, looking for another C1 corner.
c) A second search zone is created, delimited by two
lines that start from the corner of the C2 corner and
have slopes of 5 and 5 , respectively, and again,
by the maximum and the minimum heights that we
expect the sign has in the image. In this second
area, a C3-type corner is sought. If it is found, the
algorithm considers that the three corners found in
the successive stages correspond to the same sign,
otherwise it returns to step b).





In this third zone, a C4 is sought. If it is not found,

the algorithm returns to step c).
e) In this last step, we check if the corners correspond
to a rectangle or if, on the contrary, they are points of
a circle. The explanation of this step and the reason
why it is necessary will be seen in Section III-C-3.
The result of applying the algorithm to a real image
can be observed in Fig. 8(c).
3) Circular Signs Detection: To detect the circumference
that limits the sign, a similar method based on masks must
to be used. From the equations obtained when the optimal
corner detector was described, we can see that, actually, they
can be applied for the detection of other features and not only
for corners. Masks to locate some portions of a circumference
can be built, and the circumference they belong to can be
found from the convolution. However, the number of masks
would be very high for several radii of the circumference.
However, it is possible to use approximate masks that serve
for circumferences of any radio. The masks built for the
90 corners are an approximation of small-circumference
arcs located in the 45 , 135 , 225 , and 315 angles. The
positive part of the masks remains within the circle, while
the negative part coincides with the background. Therefore,
the resulting values of the convolution are high (Fig. 7). The
main advantage of using these masks is that there is no need for
new convolutions to detect the circles, since they have already
been made for the detection of the rectangular signs. Since
the first steps of the algorithm for rectangular signs cannot
differentiate among the points that are, indeed, corners and
those which belong to a circle, a new step is in charge of
that. To make the difference between a rectangle and a circle
in the last stage of the algorithm, three of the four points
in the previous steps are taken, and the circumference that
passes by them is calculated. If most points belong to the
circumference, the detected sign is taken as a circular one;

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Fig. 6.


Rectangular sign detection algorithm.


corner has to be detected. An extrapolation of the method is

possible, to suppose from two detected corners where the other
one or two should be and to pass to the classification step, but
is undergoing research.
Once the presence of a traffic sign is detected, its classification takes place through neural networks. Two options could be
taken, either to obtain some features from the inner part of the
sign and present them as input patterns or to present the image
as the input pattern. The latter was the chosen solution. Two
neural networks were trained because the detection algorithm
is different according to the form of the sign, i.e., one for
circular signs and another for triangular signs. The chosen
net was a multilayer perceptron. The size of the input layer
corresponds to an image of 30
30 pixels, and the output
layer is ten, i.e., nine for the trained signs plus one output that
shows that the sign is not one of the nine. The studied nets
were three, the number and dimension of their hidden layers
being different.
Fig. 7.

Circumference detection masks.

A. Image Normalization
otherwise, it is taken as a rectangular one (Fig. 7). The result
of applying the algorithm to a real image can be observed in
Fig. 8(b).
A consequence of the algorithms described above is that
occlusions have not been considered in the detection, and every

The first step is to normalize the image obtained by the

detection module to the dimensions 30 30. To do this, the
relation between the dimension we need and the ones we have
obtained is calculated, and the pixels are repeated or discarded
depending on that relation as shown in Table II.

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Fig. 8.

Real signs detection. (a) Triangular sign detection. (b) Circular sign detection. (c) Rectangular sign detection.

Instead of this nearest neighbor approach, bilinear interpolation has been tried, but with insignificant improvement. As
bilinear interpolation is costlier computationally, the nearest
neighbor method has been used.

B. Training Patterns
Nine ideal signs were chosen for the net training (Fig. 9).
The training patterns are obtained from these signs through
the following modifications.
1) We mentioned before that the slope accepted for a sign
was 6 . From every one of the nine signs, another five
were obtained by covering that draft range.
2) Three Gaussian noise levels were added to each of the
previous signs. This way, during the training of the net,
low weights were associated with the background pixels
of the inner part of the sign.
3) Four different thresholds were applied to the resulting
image, in order to obtain the information located in the
inner part of the sign. In this way, the system is adapted
to various lighting conditions that the real images will


4) After making a decision about the net dimensions, a new

set of training patterns was made, taking into account a
displacement of three pixels to the left and to the right.
Then, from the chosen ideal patterns, 1620 training patterns
were obtained.
C. Results
The dimensions of the three studied nets are as follows:
1) 30
2) 30
3) 30
The three networks were trained with the patterns obtained
from the first three conditions. In order to compare the results,
some test images were chosen, as shown in Fig. 9. The best
results corresponded to the third network and are shown in
Table III (0 minimum value, 100 maximum).

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Fig. 9. Ideal signs and test images.

After these results, the dimensions of the last network were

chosen to train the network for the circular signs. Additionally,
a new training pattern set was created, taking into account the
possible displacement of the signal. The output for the images
shown in Fig. 10 are shown in Tables IV and V (again, 0
minimum value, 100 maximum).
The algorithm has been implemented in an ITI 150/40 in a
PC486 33 MHz with Local Bus. The speed of the detection
phase is 220 ms for a 256 256 image. The neural network
runs in the PC CPU and takes 1.2 s. The implementation of the


neural network in a digital signal processor (DSP) is undergoing research, and the expected speed is between 3040 ms.

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Fig. 10.


Traffic signs detected and classified.


A method for the perception of traffic signs by image
analysis has been tested successfully. The algorithm has two

main parts, the detection and the classification. For the first
part, the color and the corners of the shape of the sign were
chosen as features to extract the sign from the environment.
It has been proved with different signs and conditions. For
the classification, the detected sign was used as the input
pattern for a neural network. The multilayer perceptron was
chosen. Several networks with different number or layers and
nodes were trained and compared. All the algorithms can
be achieved in real time with a PC and a pipeline image
processing board. Above all, some improvements are the study
of partial occlusions and the use of other paradigms of neural

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Fig. 10.


(Continued.) Traffic signs detected and classified.

The authors gratefully acknowledge C. Gagnon for her help
during the preparation of this paper.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on March 03,2010 at 04:13:08 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


Arturo de la Escalera (A96M97) was born in

Linares, Spain, in 1965. He received the Degree
in automation and electronics engineering in 1989
and the Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering in
1995 from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain.
Since 1993, he has been an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Engineering, Universidad Carlos
III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. His research interest is
advanced robotics, with special emphasis on vision
sensor systems and image data processing methods
for environment perception and mobile robot relocalization.

Luis E. Moreno (M91) received the Degree in

electrical engineering in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree
in 1988 from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain.
From 1988 to 1994, he was an Associate Professor at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.
In 1994, he joined the Department of Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid,
Spain, where he has been involved in several mobile
robotics projects. He is the author of more than 35
contributions to international conferences, journals,
and books. His research interests are in the areas of mobile robotics, sensor
fusion, environment modeling, and computer vision.


Miguel Angel Salichs (M91) received the Degree

in electrical engineering 1978 and the Ph.D. degree
in 1982 from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain.
From 1978 to 1991, he was a Member of the Faculty, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Engineering
and Head of the Systems Engineering and Automation Division, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain. His research interests include intelligent autonomous systems, mobile robots, perception
systems, and intelligent control.
Dr. Salichs currently serves as the Chairman of the Intelligent Autonomous
Vehicles Committee of the International Federation of Automatic Control

Jose Maria Armingol received the Degree in automation and electronics engineering from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in
1992. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Engineering, Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
He is also currently an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Engineering, Universidad Carlos III
de Madrid. His research interests are in the areas of
image processing and pattern recognition for mobile
robot relocalization.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on March 03,2010 at 04:13:08 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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