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Astm E96 1995

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By Authority Of


Legally Binding Document
By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code 552(a) and
Part 1 of the Code of Regulations 51 the attached document has been duly
INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally
binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America.
HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance.
Official Incorporator:
Document Name:
CFR Section(s):
Standards Body:
American Society for Testing and Materials
ASTM E96: Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor
Transmission of Materials
24 CFR 3280.504(a)
~ ~ ~ Designation: E 96 - 95
Standard Test Methods for
Water Vapor Transmission of Materials
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 96; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (.) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. Consult the DoD Index of Specifications and
Standards for the specific year of issue which has been adopted by the Department of Defense.
NOTE-Table I was corrected editorially and the year date was changed on March 6, 1995.
1. Scope
1.1 These test methods cover the determination of water
vapor transmission (WVT) of materials through which the
passage of water vapor may be of importance, such as paper,
plastic films, other sheet materials, fiberboards, gypsum and
plaster products, wood products, and plastics. The test
methods are limited to specimens not over 11/4 in. (32 mm)
in thickness except as provided in Section 9. Two basic
methods, the Desiccant Method and the Water Method, are
provided for the measurement of permeance, and two
variations include service conditions with one side wetted
and service conditions with low humidity on one side and
high humidity on the other. Agreement should not be
expected between results obtained by different methods.
That method should be selected which more nearly ap-
proaches the conditions of use.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be
regarded as the standard. Metric inch-pound conversion
factors for WVT, permeance, and permeability are stated in
Table 1. All conversions of mm Hg to Pa are made at a
temperature of Oc.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
C 168 Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulating Mate-
D449 Specification for Asphalt Used in Dampproofing
and Waterproofing
D 2301 Specification for Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure-
Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape
E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
Determine the Precision of a Test Method
J These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C-16 on
Thermal Insulation and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C16.33 on
Thermal Insulation Finishes and Vapor Transmission.
Current edition approved March 6, 1995. Published May 1995. Originally
published as E 96 - 53 T. Last previous edition E 96 - 94.
2 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06.
3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.04.
4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.0 I.
5 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
TABLE 1 Metric Units and Conversion Factors A,B
Multiply by
To Obtain (for the
same test condition)
1.43 grains/h. ft2
grains/h ft2 0.697 g/hm
1.75 x 10
1 Perm (inch-pound)
1 Perm (inch-pound) 5.72 x 10-
g/Pasm 6.88 x 10
1 Perm inch
1 Perm inch 1.45 x 10-
A These units are used in the construction trade. Other units may be used in
other standards.
B All conversions of mm Hg to Pa are made at a temperature of OC.
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions of terms used in this standard will be
found in Terminology C 168, from which the following is
"water vapor permeability-the time rate of water vapor
transmission through unit area of flat material of unit
thickness induced by unit vapor pressure difference between
two specific surfaces, under specified temperature and hu-
midity conditions.
DISCUSsIoN-Permeability is a property of a material, but the
permeability of a body that performs like a material may be used.
Permeability is the arithmetic product of permeance and thickness.
water vapor permeance-the time rate of water vapor
transmission through unit area of flat material or construc-
tion induced by unit vapor pressure difference between two
specific surfaces, under specified temperature and humidity
DISCUSSIoN-Permeance is a performance evaluation and not a
property of a material.
water vapor transmission rate-the steady water vapor
flow in unit time through unit area of a body, normal to
specific parallel surfaces, under specific conditions of tem-
perature and humidity at each surface."
4. Summary of Test Methods
4.1 In the Desiccant Method the test specimen is sealed to
the open mouth of a test dish containing a desiccant, and the
assembly placed in a controlled atmosphere. Periodic
weighings determine the rate of water vapor movement
4t E96
through the specimen into the desiccant.
4.2 In the Water Method, the dish contains distilled water,
and the weighings determine the rate of vapor movement
through the specimen from the water to the ,controlled
atmosphere. The vapor pressure difference is nominilly tIie "
same in both methods except in the variation, with extremes
of humidity on opposite sides..; .
5. Significance and Use
5.1 The purpose of these tests is to obtain,bymeans of
simple apparatus, reliable values of water' vapor transfer
through permeable and semipermeable materials, expressed
in suitable units. These values are for use in design,
manufacture, and marketing. A permeance value obtained
under one set of test conditions may not indicate the value
under a different set of conditions. Fdt this reason, the test
conditions should be selected that most closely ap,proach the
conditions of use. While any set of conditions may be used
and those conditions reported, standard conditions that have
been useful are shown in Appendix XI.
6. Apparatus
6.1,. Test Dish-The test dish shall be of any noncorroding
material, impermeable to water or water vapor. It may be of
any shape. Light weight is desirable. A large, shallow dish is
preferred; but its size and weight are limited when', an
analytical balance is chosen to detect small weight changes.
The mouth of the, dish shall be as large as practical and at
least 4.65 in.
(3000 mm
). The desiccant or water area shall
be not less fht/ti:louth a used, as
provided in 12.1, its effective area shall not exceed 10 % of
the mouth area. An external flange or ledge around the
mou,th; to whiqh specimen may; be useful
qr wfUl>ing When, the. arel'\.
is larger than the mouth area, this overlay upon the ledge is a
,source of error, for thickspecimens.,Thisoverlay
material shouldJ)e Illasked asdescJibed in 10.1 so that the
mouth area defines!he test area. ),l,Ie ovKrlay
in'a indicatipg water vapor
sion. The magnitude of the error is a complex function of the
thiclmess, ledge wiq.th,.,mouth area, and possibly the perme-
This error by Joy and :Wilson.
This type
of errol-should be 'limited to about1O to'i2:%.,Poia tillck
specimen the ledge'should not mm) for a
(254.:.mm)or largerniouth(squafe'or crrcular)or 1/8
in. (:3 'him) for a 5',:,ln. mouth (square Or 'circular).
For. a (76
ITim) mouth (square or circUlar) the, ledge
should liot exceed 0.11 in'. (2.8 mm) Wide. An allbWable
ledge may be interpolated for intermediate sizes or calculated
according to Joy and Wilson.
A rim around the ledge (Fig.
X2.1) may be useful. If a rim is provided, .it 'Shall be not more
than ini(6 mm) higher t4anthe as att.ached.
Different depths m.ay be used for the Desiccant Method.;md
Water Method, but a 3/4-in, (below the
mouth) is satisfactory for eith(fr methoQ.. ,'i
6.2 Test Chamber-The room or cabinet where the
assembled test dishes are to be placed shall have .a controlled
, 6 Joy, .F. A." and of the Dish for
Measuring Water Vapor ThinsmissioDs," National Research Council of Canada,
Research Paper279; January \966; p. 263. .
temperature and relative humidity. The temperature chosen
shall be between 70 and 90F (21 and 32C), and shall be
maintained, constant within 1F (0.6C). A. of
90F (32C) is):ecdmmended (Note 1). The relative humidity
shall be maintained at sO 2 %, except where extremes of
humidities are desired, when the conditions shall be 100
1F (38 !l,nd 90 2 % humidity. Both
temperature and relative humidity shall be measured fre-
quently, or preferably recorded continuously. Air shall be
continuously. ,circulated throughout the chamber, with a
veloCity sufficient to maintain uniforni conditions at all test
locations. The air velocity over the specimen in feet per
minute shall b'e, . numerically, not less than ten times the
permeance of the specimen expressed in perms, not ex-
ceeding a maximum of 600 ft/min (3.05 m/s). However, for
designed materials with a permeance of greater than 55
perms the velocity; shall be 550 50 ft/min (2.80 25 m/s).
Suitable racks' shall be provided on which to place the test
dishes witbin the test chamber.
I .' , . ::. ' .
NOTE l-Strilple temperature control by heating alone is usualW
made possibIe,at'90F (32C). However, it is very desirable to enter the
controlled'spiice;'and a comfortable temperature is more satisfactory for
that arrangemeht.,Temperarures of73.4F (23C) and 80F are
in use and are s,atisfactory for this purpose. With cyclic control, the
average test may be obtained from a sensitive thermometer
in mass of dry sand. The temperature of the chamber walls facing a
spi:imen over water should not be cooler than the water to avoid
condeMation o'nthe test specimen.
, 6.3 Bqlance q,nc( Weights-:rp.e l?alance shall be sensitive
to a cbange smaller than 1 % of t)le weight change during the
period when a steady state is considered to exist. the weights
usedshall be accurate to 1 % of the ,weight change during the
steady:;sjate period. For example: A I-perm (5.7 x 10-Y
kg- specimen 10 in. (2,54 mm) square at 80F
(26.}C) passes 8.6 grains orO.56 g/day. In 18 days of steady
state, the transfer is 10 g. For this usage, the balance must
have a sensitivity of 1 % of 10 g Or Q.l1 g aI),d the must
be accurate to 0.1 g.lf, however, the. balance has a sensitivity
of. 0.2g or the weights are no. better than 0 .. 2 g, the
requirements of this paragraph can be met by continuing the
steady state for 36 days. An analytical balance that is much
more sensitive will permit more rapid results on specimens
below 1 perm (5.7 x 10-
) when the
assembled dish is not excessively heavy. A light wire sling
may be substituted for ,the usual pan to accommodate a
larger and heaVier 'load. , "
7.' Mitetials
7.1 Desiccant and Water:
7.1.1 For'the Desicca:oi Method., anhydrous calcium chlo-
.ride the form of . small that will pass a No.8
sieve, and free of fines that will pass a No. 30
(600-llm) sieve, shan be used' (Note 2). It shall be dried at
400F (200C) before use.
NO':fE,2--'-If CaCl
willteact cheinically on thespecimeh, an
adsorbing deSICcant such as silica gel, activated at 400F (200C), may be
but tl,te gain by fhis desiccant during the test must be
limited to 4 %. . . . ,
7.1.2 For the Water Metbod, distilled water shall be used
in the test dish. :' " , .' "
7.2 Sealant-The sealant used for attaching the specimen
to the dish, in order to be suitable for this purpose, must be
highly resistant to the passage of water vapor (and water). It
must not lose weight to, or gain weight from, the atmosphere
in an amount, over the required period of time, that would
affect the test result by more than 2 %. It must not affect the
vapor pressure in a water-filled dish. Molten asphalt or wax
is required for permeance tests below 4 perms (2.3 x 10-
). Sealing methods are discussed in Ap-
pendix X2.
8. Sampling
8.1 The material shall be sampled in accordance with
standard methods of sampling applicable to the material
under test. The sample shall be of uniform thickness. If the
material is of nonsymmetrical construction, the two faces
shall be designated by distinguishing marks (for example, on
a one-side-coated sample, "I" for the coated side and "II" for
the uncoated side).
9. Test Specimens
9.1 Test specimens shall be representative of the material
tested. When a product is designed for use in only one
position, three specimens shall be tested by the same method
with the vapor flow in the designated direction. When the
sides of a product are indistinguishable, three specimens shall
be tested by the same method. When the sides of a product
are different and either side may face the vapor source, four
specimens shall be tested by the same method, two being
tested with the vapor flow in each direction and so reported.
9.2 A slab, produced and used as a laminate (such as a
foamed plastic with natural "skins") may be tested in the
thickness of use. Alternatively, it may be sliced into two or
more sheets, each being separately tested and so reported as
provided in 9.4, provided also, that the "overlay upon the
cup ledge" (6.1) of any laminate shall not exceed I/S in. (3
9.3 When the material as used has a pitted or textured
surface, the tested thickness shall be that of use. When it is
homogeneous, however, a thinner slice of the slab may be
tested as provided in 9.4.
9.4 In either case (9.2 or 9.3), the tested overall thickness,
if less than that of use, shall be at least five times the sum of
the maximum pit depths in both its faces, and its tested
permeance shall be not greater than 5 perms (3.3 metric
9.5 The overall thickness of each specimen shall be
measured at the center of each quadrant and the results
averaged. Measurement of specimens of 0.125 in. or less in
thickness shall be made to the nearest 0.0001 in. Measure-
ment of specimens greater than 0.125 in. in thickness shall be
made to the nearest 0.001 in.
9.6 When testing any material with a permeance less than
0.05 perms or when testing a low permeance material that
may be expected to lose or gain weight throughout the test
(because of evaporation or oxidation), it is strongly recom-
mended that an additional specimen, or "dummy," be tested
exactly like the others, except that no desiccant or water is
put in the dish. Failure to use this dummy specimen to
establish modified dish weights may significantly increase the
time required to complete the test. Because time to reach
equilibrium of water permeance increases as the square of
thickness, thick, particularly hygroscopic, materials may take
as long as 60 days to reach equilibrium conditions.
10. Attachment of Specimen to Test Dish
10.1 Attach the specimen to the dish by sealing (and
clamping if desired) in such a manner that the dish mouth
defines' the area of the specimen exposed to the vapor
pressure in the dish. If necessary, mask the specimen top
surface, exposed to conditioned air so that its exposure
duplicates the mouth shape and size and is directly above it.
A template is recommended for locating the mask. Thor-
oughly seal the edges of the specimen to prevent the passage
of vapor into, or out of, or around the specimen edges or any
portion thereof. The same assurance must apply to any part
of the specimen faces outside their defined areas. Suggested
methods of attachment are described in Appendix X2.
NOTE 3-1n order to minimize the risk of condensation on the
interior surface of the sample when it is placed in the chamber, the
temperature of the water prior to preparation of the test specimen
should be within 2F ( 1.1 0c) of the test condition.
11. Procedure for Desiccant Method
11.1 Fill the test dish with desiccant within 1/4 in. (6 mm)
of the specimen.' Leave enough space so that shaking of the
dish, which must be done at each weighing, will mix the
11.2 Attach the specimen to the dish (see 10.1) and place
it in the controlled chamber, specimen up, weighing it at
once. (This weight may be helpful to an understanding of the
initial moisture in the specimen.) .
11.3 Weigh the dish assembly periodically, often enough
to provide eight or ten data points during the test. A. data
point is the weight at a particular time. The time that the
weight is made should be recorded to a precision of
approximately 1 % of the time span between successive
weighing. Thus, ifweighings are made every hour, record the
time to the nearest 30 s; if recordings are made every day, a
time to the nearest 15 min would be allowed. At first the
weight may change rapidly; later a steady state will be
reached where the rate of change is substantially constant.
Weighings should be accomplished without removal of the
test dishes from the controlled atmosphere, but if removal is
prescribed necessary, the time the specimens are kept at
different conditions, temperature or relative humidity, or
both, should be kept to a minimum. When results of water
vapor transmission are expected to be less than .05 perm, a
dummy specimen is strongly recommended. Such a dummy
specimen should be attached to an empty cup in the normal
manner. The environmental effects of temperature variation
and buoyancy variability due to barometric pressure fluctu-
ation can be arithmetically tared out of the weighing va).ues.
This precaution permits earlier and more reliable achieve-
ment of equilibrium conditions. Analyze the results as
prescribed in 13.1.
11.4 Terminate the test or change the desiccant before the
water added to the desiccant exceeds 10 % of its starting
weight (Notes 1 and 3). This limit cannot be exactly
determined and judgement is required. The desiccant gain
may be more or less than the dish weight-gain when the
moisture content of the specimen has changed.
NOTE 4-The WVT of'some materials (especially wood) may depend
on the ambient relative humidity hnmediately before the test. An,
apparent hysteresis results in higher WVT if the prior relative humidity
was above the test condition and vice versa. It is therefore recommended
that specimens of wood arid paper products be conditioned to constant
weight in a 50 % relative humidity atmosphere before theY are tested.
Some specimens may be precqnditioned to minimize
the moisture that the specimen will give up to the desiccant. This applies
when the specimen is lik'ely to have high moisture content or when it is
coated on the top (vapor source) side.
12. ,Procedurefor Water Method
12.1 Fill the test dish with distilled water to a level 3f4 1/4
in. (19 6 mm) from the specimen. 'Ihe air space thus
allowed has a small vapor resistance, but it is necessary in
order to reduce the risk of water touching the specimen when
the dish is handled. Such contact invalidates a test on some
materials such as paper, wood, or other mate-
rials. The water depth shall be not less than lis in. (3 mm) to
ensure coverage of the dish. bottpm throughout the test.
However, if the dish cis of glass, its bottom must be visibly
covered at all times but no specific depth is required. Water
surges may be reduced in placing a grid of light noncorroding
material in the dish to break the water surface. This grid shall
be at least 1/4 in; (6 'mm) below the specimen, and it shall not
reduce the water sutface by rilO're than 10 % (Note 4).
It' '
NOTE 5-For the Water Method, baking the empty dish and
promptly. coating its mquth with sealant before assembly is re?om-
mended. The water may be added most conveniently after the specimen
is attached, through' a small sealable hole in the dish above the water
lirie. . . ' ...
:12.2 Attach the specimen to the dish (see 10.1). Some
specimens are' likely. to warp and break the seal during the
test. The risk is reduced by preconditioning the specimen,
and by clamping it to the dish ledge (if one is provided).
12.3 Weigh;.the dish ;assembly and place it in the con-
trolled chamber on a true horizontal surface. Follow the
procedure given in 11.3. If the test specimen cannot tolerate
condensation on the surface, the dish assembly shall not be
exposed to ,a temperature that differs by: more than 5F
(2.8C) from the control atmosphere to minimize the risk of
condensation on thespecimeri. When results of water vapor
transmission are expected to,beless than .05 penn, a dummy
specimen is strongly recommended. Such a dummy spec-
imen should be' attached to an empty cup: in the normal
manner. The environment effects, of temperature. yariatiori
and blloyancy variability due to barometric pressure fluctu-
ation can: be arithmetically tared' out of the weighing values.
This precaution permits earlier and, more reliable achieve-
ment of equilibrium conditions. Analyze the results as
prescribed in 13.1.
12.4 Where water is expected to be in 'contact with the
barrier in ser,vice, proceed as in 11.3 except place the dish in
an inverted position. The dish must be'sufficiently level so
that water covers the inner surface of the specimen despite
any distoition 'of the specimen due to the weight of the water.
With highly,pernieable specimens it.is especially important
to locate the, test dish so that air .circulates over the exposed
surface ,at the specified velocity; The test dishes may be
placed on the balance in the upright position for weighing,
but the period during which the ,wetted surface of the
specimen is not covered with water must be kept to a
13. Calculation and Analysis of Results
13.1 The results of the rate of water vapor transmission
may be determined either graphically or numerically.
13.1.1 Dummy Specimen-If a dummy specimen has
been used to compensate for variability in test conditions,
due to temperature or barometric pressure, or both, the daily
recorded weights can be adjusted by calculating: the weight
change from initial to of weighing. This adjustment is
made by reversing the djrec,tion of the dummy's weight
change, . rela,Hve to its initial weight, and modifying all the
appropriate' specimen weight(s) recorded at this time. This
perinits earlier achie,::ement of equilibrium qonditions. An
alternate procedure, particulary for tests oflong dura:tion and
more than six weighings, is to subtract the arithmetic mean
slope of the rate of weight change of the dummy specimen
from the arithmetic mean slope of each similar specimen to
get an effective rate of weight change. These procedures are
also desirable if the specimen is changing weight due to a
curing process while under test.
13.12 Graphic Analysis-Plot the weight, modified by
the dummy specimen when used, against elapsed time, and
inscribe a curve which tends to become straight. Judgment
here is required and numerous points. are helpfUl. When a
straight line; adequately fits the plot of at least six properly
spaced points (periodic. weight changes matching, or ex-
ceeding 20 % of the mhltiple of 100 times tne scale sensitiv-
ity), a. nomimilly steady state is assumed, and the slope of the
straight line is the rate of water vapor'transmission.
, i 3.1.3 Numerical Analysis-Amathematicalleast squares
regression analysis of the weight, modified by the dummy
specimen when used, as a function oftime will give the rate
of water vapor' transmission. An uncertainty, or standard
deviation of this rate, can also be calculated to define the
confidence band. For very low permeability materials, this
method can be used to determine the results after 30 tei 60
days when using an analytical balance, with a sensitivity of
1 mg, even if the weight change does not meet the 100
times the sensitivity requirement of 6.3. Specimens analyzed
in this manner must be clearly identified in the report.
13.2 Calculate the water vapor transmission, WVT, and
permeance as follows: . , ,
13.2.1 Water Vapor Transmission:
wVT = G/lA = (G/t)/A
In inch-pound units:
G = weight change, grains (from the straight line),
t = time during which G occurred, h,
G It = slope of the straight line, grains/h,
A == test area (cup mouth area), fif, and
WVT = rate of water vapor transmission, grains/h ft2.
In metric units: .
G = weight change (from the straight line), g,
t = time, h,
G It = slope of the straight line, g/h,
A = test area (cup mouth area), m
, and
WVT .:::;: rate of water vapor transmission, g/h m
13.2.2 Permeance:
Permeance = WVTjIJ.p = WVTjS(R

In inch-pound units:
Llp = vapor pressure difference, in. Hg,
S = saturation vapor pressure at test temperature, in. Hg,
Rl = relative humidity at the source expressed as a fraction
(the test chamber for desiccant method; in the dish
for water method), and .
= relative humidity at the vapor sink expressed as a
In metric units:
Llp = vapor pressure difference, mm Hg (1.333 X 10
S = saturation vapor pressure at test temperature, mm Hg
(1.333 X 10z Pa),
Rl == relative humidity at the source expressed as a fraction
(the test chamber for desiccant method; in the dish for
water method), and
= relative humidity at the vapor sink expressed as a
fraction. .
13.2.3 In the controlled chamber the relative humidity
and temperature are the average values actually measured
during the test and (unless continuously recorded) these
measurements shall be made as frequently as the weight
measurements. In the dish the relative humidity is nominally
o % for the desiccant and 100 % for the water. These values
are usually within 3 % relative humidity ofthe actual relative
humidity for specimens below 4 perms .(2.3 X 10-:-
) when the required conditions are main-
tained (no more than 10 % moisture in CaCl
and n9 more
than 1 in. (25 mm) air space above water). '.
.. 13.3 Only when the test specimen is homogeneous (not
laminated) and not less than liz in. (12.5 mm) tIlick,
calculate its average permeability (perm in.) (metric perm-
cm) as follows:
Average permeability = permeance x thickness . ;
NOTE 6: Example-In a desiccanttest that ran 288 h (12 days) Dn an
expDsed area Df 100 in} (0.0645 in
), it was fDUnd that the rate Dfgain
was substantially CDnstant after 48 h and during the subsequent 240 h,
the weight gain was 12 g. The cDntrDlled chamber cDnditions were
measured at 89.0
P (31. 7C) and 49 % relative humidity.
Required: WVT and permeance
Calculation (Inch-pound units):
G/t 12g x 15.43 grains; 240 h:
= 0.771 grains/h,
_ . z 1 ft2 _ 6 fiz
- 100 m. x 144 in.z - O. 95 t,
, ,""
S = 1.378 in.' Hg (from standard references
, . ',I::"
= 49 % (in chamber),
= 0 % (vapor sink), and
= 0.771 grains/h + 0.694 ftz
ft2h. . . '
1.11 grains!
= WVT / t:.P = WVT / S (R I - R
) .. ' " ,.'
= 1.11 grains/ft
. h + 1.378 in. Hg (0:49 - 0)
= 1.64 grains/ftzhin. Hg = 1.64 perms
Calculation (metric units):
G/t ;: 12g/240 h = 0.05 g/h,
A = 0.0645m
S = 35 mm Hg (from reference tables),
= 35 mm Hg x 1.333 X lO
Pa/mm Hg =
46.66 X 10
= 49 % (in chamber),
= 0 % (vapor sink),ap.d.
= 0.05 g/h + 0,0645 m
= 0.775 g/hm
Permeance = WVT / t:.P. - WVT / S (R I - R
='0.775 x 1 h/3600s + 46.66 x 10
x (0.49 ,..- 0)
= 9.42 X 10-
, 13.4 Metric units and conversion factor are given in Table
14. Report
14.1 The report shall include the following:
14.1.1 Identification of the material tested, including its
14.1.2 Test method used (desiccant or water).
14.1.3 Test temperature.
1.4 ,Relative humidity in the test chamber.
14.1.5 Permeance of each specimen in perms (to two
significant figures).
14.1.6 The side of each specimen on which the higher
vapor pressure was applied. (The sides shall be distinguished
as "side A" and "side B" when there is no obvious difference
between them. When th,ere is an obvious difference, this
difference shall also be stated, such as "side A waxed" and
"side B unwaxed. ") ..
14.1.7 The average permeance of all specimens tested in
each position. ' .
14.1.8 Thepermeability of each specimen (as limited by
13.3), and the average permeability of all specimens tested.
14.1.9 Include a portion of the plot indicating the section
of the curve used to calculate permeability.
14.1.10. State design of cup and type or composition of
15. Precision and Bias
15.1 Precision'--Table 2 is based on an interlaboratory
tests .. conducted in 1988 and 1991,7 In 1988 four materials
(A, B, C, D) were. tested using the dessicant :r;p.ethodand the
water method in triplicate. Fifteen laboratories contributed
data, with full results secured from four laboratories. In 1991
ten laboratories contributed' data for material E, using
triplicate specimens, again using both the dessicant method
and the water method.. .
15.1.1 Test results'\vere analyzed using Practice E 691. ..
15 .2 Bias-This test method has no bias because water
. vapor transmission of materials is defined in terms of this
test method.
'16. Keywords
16.1 permeability; plastics (general), plastic sheet and ftlm;
sheet material; thermal-insulating materials;' thermal insula-
.tion permeapility ftlms; water vapor transmission (WVT).
-. '. ,
7 Supporting data" have been filed at ASTM Headquarters. Request RR:
C-16-I014. . .
Precision Results from
For Desiccant Method at 73.4F:
Material Thickness, in.
Wv:r ,(J;nean),
RepeatabilityA ReproducibilityA
.' j. "_
perm ..
A . 0..0.0.1 . 0..60.6 .. ' 0..0.166
B 0..0.0.55 0..0.129 '.0..0.0.28
C 0..5 ',0..0613 I
0 1:0. 0..783 ' 0..0.259
E 0..0.14 0..0.461 .' 0..0.0.23
For Water Method at 73.4F:
2.70. 0..047
22.1 0..00.8
7.22 D.ai2"
3.30. 0..0.73
4.99 0..0.0.7
.. LSD

Material Thickness: in:
A 0..0.0.1 0..715 0..0.134
B 0..0.0.55 0..0.157 0..0.0.22
C 0..5 0..0.97 0..0.0.55 .
0 1.0. 1.0.4 0..0.192
E 0..0.14 0.,0.0.34
A For this data, .
S = standard deviation,
1.95 0..0.39
13.8 0..0.0.62
5.7 0..0.16
1.8 0..0.54
5.7 0..0.10.
0..0.0.82' .
21.9 .
CV = percent coefficient of variation (s!x 1DD/mean)/and
LSD = least significant difference between twq Jndiyiqual test results based on a 95 % confidence level = 2 ../28.
B Material B VoIas,Teflon
PTFE fluorocarbon resin i:lrand oftetrllfluoroethylene. It was difficult to provide a seal to this sampl.e, which accounts for the poor
.' (
. ,.(Nonmandatory Informati.on)
"" ,
X 1.1 Standard test conditons that have been useful are:
X:1:1.1 at 73.4P (23C).
X1.1.2 Proc(!dweB-Water .Method at 73.4F (23C).
XI: 1.3' Water Method at 73.4F
. . ';," " '" i " . "
J '
)(1.,1.4. C-Desiccant Method at 90F (322C).
Xl.1.5 Procedure D-Water Method at 90F(32.2C).
Xl.1.6 ProcecjureE.....,.Desiccant Methql'.at 100F
X2.1 An ideal sealing material has the following proper-
X2.1.J Impermeability to water in vapor or liquid
fdim" ' ',' "
. ,:Xi.r.2 ':N'o or loss ,}if 'weight fromor."to the test
piIambet'(eva:poratibD., oxirlati,qll, hygrQscopicity, and water
solubi.lity \1,"" ... '<, .'.' ..
, 'X2.1.3 'Good' ilUhesloh, tc{any 'Specimen arid to 'the dish
(even wheriWet); . ", .... , . ,." "
.: 'X2.1.4 Corrrpiefe 'coliformitY toa rough suifa&. .
X2,J,5 Compatibility with the and no excessive
hfto it. " ." . '. ," , ,
'<X2. 1.'6' "Strbiith br'pIlability (ot both): ,
, X2:t7' handleability (lnCludihg&sinibleViscosity
and thermal of molten sealant). '
X2.1.8 Satisfactory sealants possess these properties in
varying degrees and the choice is a compromi&e,witlJ. more
tolerance in items at the beginning of this list 'for the sake of
th()se at the iarl&i'part of the 'list when:therbquirements of
72 are mettN'oteA2)f Molten asphalf'or wax is required fOr
peFmeance testsll:5eloW': 4 pt::rinS (2.6 metndperms). Tests 'fo
determine sealant behavior should inClude:
1 An, . imperviQ:Us specimen (metal) normally
:disn and so tested, ana I '
" X2. seal normally assembled to 'an empty dish
with no specimen and so tested.
X2:2 'The following materials are rec()mmended for gen.:
eral use when the test specimen will not be affected by the
temperature of the sealant:
X2.2.1 Asphalt, 180 to 200
P (82 to softening point,
meeting the requirements .of Specification D 449, Type C,
Apply by pouring.
X2.2.2 Beeswax and rosin (equcU weights); A temperature
of 275F (135C) is desirable for brush application. Pour at
lower temperature.
. wax.
. (60 %), mixed with refined
'crystaI1ine paraffin wax (40 %). ' .
X2.3 The materials listed in X2.3.1 are recommended for
particular uses such as those "spown in Figure X2.1. The
suggested procedure described'in X2.3.2, applies to an
11-3/s-in. (289-mm) square speCimen if, its permeance ex-
ceeds 4 perms (2.6 metri.c. perms) (limited,py evaporajion,of
' .', , i' ,>,. .,'
.: ,,'
8 Available from E. I. DUPQnt de Nemours & Co" Inc., Polymer Products
Dept., Wilmington, DE 198981 .
9 Grade Nos. 230.5 or 2310 of the Mobil Oil Corp" or their equivalent, have
been found satisfac\ory purpose. r,
4t E96
, I II
Rim height II 2"
(Not more thon Lh92mmr-7
sample thickness +
(Smm Til;
Depth as convenient __ 'f-Ir-
(Not less (17mm)
for "Water Method")
Square Pan
Aluminum Foil

o Compound
(Tope or Foil)
, FIG. X2.1 Apparatus for Water Vapor Transmission Tests of Large Thick Specimens
X2.3.1 Materials: '
X2.3.,1.1 Aluminum foil, 0.005 in. (0.125 mm) minimum
X2.3.1.2 Tape, meeting the requirements of Specification
D 2301, vinyl chloride plastic pressure-sensitive, electrical
insulating tape.
X2.3.1.3 Cement, contact bond, preferably rubber base.
X2.3.2 Procedure:
X2.3.2.1 Step I-Seal aluminum foil around edges of
specimen, leaving a 100-in.2 (0.0654-m2) exposed test area
on each side. Use contact bond cement as directed by the
X2.3.2.2 Step 2-Spread sealant on inside of rim and
ledge. Place desiccant (dry), or water and surge control
material (wet) in pan. Press specimen in place. Avoid
squeezing compound into the test area.
X2.3.2.3 Step 3-Coat outside of rim and bottom ofledge
with contact bond cement, and place foil strips from edge of
template, around rim, and bottom of ledge.
X2.4 A method of using hot asphalt, as applied to a
wax,). _.Jf.:::!::.'!!0::..m R/ng
Wax, __
FIG. X2.2 Several Types of Dishes for Water Vapor Transmission
Tests of Materials in Sheet Form
(254-mm) square-mouth dish with ledge and rim, as
X2.4J Apparatus:
X2.4.l.l Template-A square' frame of brass or steel, 3/16
in. (5 mm) thick and 3f4 in. (19 mm) deep. The 3/16-in.
thickness is tapered to zero at the bottom of the
frame where it will touch the test specimen and maintain a
lO-in. (254-mm) square test area.
, X2.4.1.2 Sealant-Asphalt (see X2.2.1 used at the proper
pouring consistency of 375 to 450F (179 to 232C).
X2.4.1.3 Melting Pot for the asphalt, electrically heated,
with one dimension greater than 11
/8 in. (289 mm).
X2.4.1.4 Small Ladle for pouring. .
, X2.4.2 Procedure-Mark the 113f8-in. (289-mm) square
specimen with a line at an equal distance from each edge, so
that the area enclosed by the lines is as nearly as possible a
10-in. (254-mm) square. The template may be used for
marking. Dip each edge of the specimen in molten asphalt
up to the line, so that the test area is defined and all edges are
coated with a heavy layer of asphalt. Place the specimen over
the pan, containing water or desiccant. Lightly oil the
template or coat with petroleum jelly on its outer side, and
place on the specimen. Pour molten asphalt into the space
between the template and the rim of the pan. After the
asphalt has cooled for a few minutes, the template should be
easily removable.
X2.5 Hot wax may be applied like asphalt. It may also be
applied (freely) with a small brush. Its lower working
temperature may be advantageous w4en a specimen contains
X2.6 Several designs for dishes with supporting rings and
flanges are shown in Fig. X2.2. Various modifications of
these designs may be made provided that the principle of
prevention of edge leakage by means of a complete seal is
retained. The dishes may be constructed of any rigid,
impermeable, corrosion-resistant material, provided that
they can be accommodated on the available analytical
balance. A lightweight metal, such as aluminum or one of its
alloys, is generally used for larger-size dishes. In some cases
4t 'E'96
FIG. X2.3 Template Suitable for lIse in Making the Wax Sea!/> .,n
Test Dishes
when an aluminum dish is employed and moisture is
allowed to condense on its surface, there be
oxidation of the aluminum with a 'resulting gain in weight.
Any gain in weight will ordimuily depend on the previous
history of the dish and the cleanness of the surface. An empty
dish carried through the test' procedure asacoritrolWill help
to determine whether any error may be expected from this
cause. When alufuiilUm dishes' are used fOf the" water
methods, a pressure may develop inside the assembly during
a test due to corrosion. This can causeseaf f:tillire" or
otherwise affect the' resUlt. Where thisjsa'problem; it' can'be
overcome by provlding insitle tlie dish a coating of
epoxy resin or material: Dishes wiih flanges
or ridgs that project from the inner' walls of the dlsh:, ani to '13e
avoided" as such projections iQfluencethe ditTusibn of tlib
water vapor. Thedeptli,COfth6 dish''for the water procedures
is is in.)20, distance
betWeen,!lle ' water' surface l,the under, S1;1Pl;l,Ce ,of, the
specimen; with a water dePth ofal?out,O,20 in. (5 mm) .
X:2.6.1,For :the procedJP::es, the aishes
need,noibe as deep as those, required for
,.J ., , ).' . , , '. e. ,. ... ' _. ' I} ,
pr9cedures"iThe desiccant,is, W,;tpiJ? 1/4 in. (9
undersl,lrfaqe,,.and a,lllipill;J}.lll,1ideptl1. 112 (p,mm)
of desiccflnt is required. "', ,',!
.. " .!': . I "' " ';" .:.ir
X2.6.2 The dishes shown in Fig. X2.2 require a molten
l X2.6.3 A template such as is shown in Fig. X2.3 is usually
uSed for defiftiilg the ,test area and effecting the wax seal. It
c01,lsists o'fa circular metal dish I/S in. (3.18 mm) or more in
" thickness with the edge beveled to an angle of about 45. The
diameter of the bottom (smaller) face of the template is
approximately equal to, but not greater than, the diameter of
the effective opening of the" 41sh in contact with the
spe<;:iinen. Small guides may oe','attached to the template to
'center it automatically on the 'specimen. A small hole
'tPrDugh the tem:plate to admit and petrolatum applied to
the beylep 'facilitate its removal after
to the dish. In use, the template is
plllced:: over the test specimen and when it is carefully
centeredr,with the dish opening, molten wax is flowed into
the annular space surrounding the beveled edge of the
template. As soon as the wax has solidified, the template is
removed from the sheet with a twisting motion. The outside
flange of the dish should be high enough to extend over the
,top 0f:the,speeimen,tthus allowing; the wax to completely
envelop the edge.
X2.6.4 Gasketed types of seals are also in use on appro-
priately designed disheS. ,These sitpplify the ni.ounting of the
specimen, but must be used with caution, since thepossi-
biJ,ity., of e<;lge leakage is. witll gasketed seals than With
",:ax Gasketed)eals are not. p.efffiifted the
surement of permeance less than 44 perins ,(2.3 xW-
g. Pa-
)., As a further pt:ecaution when gasKeted
seElis 'used' seal1nts, a test 11.1n is

usmg pr ,metal fls, adummy'speqlIuen.
. ,A suitaOle' vJeighing cove.t;" ,consists of a Circular
di.sk 6falu:inhitini il(jito %hti. (0;8\ 'an>Vrrl.in) in
p'rovlHetl tVHii'ia knohin for lifting. The
cover fits overthe test specimenwhenassembled'and:makd
coritact with the inside beveled surfac6' ofth'e Wax "seal at, or
justaoove', tlie" plane' 'of the free of
sharp edges which might remove'the wax and is numbered :01'
otherwise identified to fa0ilitate its ex01usiV'euse with,the
same dish.
....The for Test/nff and Materials respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connec,t/Oij
wIth a(lY ite9" in of stary'?frd,are 9cfyis!lct,!r;lIt dete"!1/ration of validity, of any sf/Gh
'patent rights, 'flsk'ol' mfrmgeinent of 'such fights, are' entirely their own responsibility,
'This standard is'stibject to revision tiine:bYJ the:Yepbnsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if !lither or w.ithdrawn. YQur of this s,tflnpf1rd or fq."a"dditjpqalstfJ,hdards
. and shoU/d be .addrel!s,ed. to,ASTM Your comJ?7ents will receive.'careful at a meeting of the,responsi/3/e
, technical6brfllilittee, 'Whidh you may' atteh'd.'lf you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your 1
views known to the ASTM Committee on 1916 Race St., Philadeiphia" PA 19103, ., ., ," - .
, -r
" ' r ; iJ

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