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Models in Geography

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Models in geography, 2007, 346 pages, Majid Husain, 8131601358, 9788131601358,

Rawat Publications, 2007

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"""Models in Geography"" aim at presenting the important models and theories in human
geography at one place in a concise and cogent manner. These include System Analysis,
Malthusian, Marxian and Demographic Transitional Models, Central Place Theory of Christaller and
Losch, von Thunen Model of Agricultural Land Use, Webers Theory of Industrial Location, Rostows
Stages of Growth, Heartland and Rimland Theories, and Laws of International Boundaries and
Frontiers. Besides, the Limits to Growth and Laws of Migration have also been examined. A full
chapter has been devoted to types and patterns of rural settlements, primate city, rank-size rule
and models of urban land. Documented with the latest data, maps and diagrams, one chapter has
been written on climatic change.It is hoped that the book will be of immense help to the students
and teachers alike. This will also be useful for those preparing for various competitive
Geography A Global Synthesis, Peter Haggett, 2001, Science, 833 pages. The fourth edition of this
classic in the discipline presents readers with a broad introduction to the field in all of its diversity.
The book promotes synthesis, both by.
Energy Problems and Prospects Studies on Jammu and Kashmir, M. K. Khera, B. D. Sharma, Majid
Husain, Jan 1, 1991, Power resources, 405 pages. Seminar papers..
ICSSR Journal of Abstracts and Reviews: Geography, Volumes 24-25 Geography, , 1999,
Geography, . .
Basic Mathematics for Economists , Dr.SC Aggarwal and Dr. RK Rana, , , . .
Crop Combinations in India A Study, Majid Husain, Jan 1, 1982, Cropping systems, 206 pages. .
Geography of Jammu and Kashmir , Majid Husain, 1998, Jammu and Kashmir (India), 175 pages. .
Ontario Geography, Issues 1-6 , , 1967, Geography, . .
Elements of Human Geography , Charles Whynne-Hammond, 1985, Human geography, 315 pages.
Agricultural geography , Majid Husain, 1979, Agricultural geography, 232 pages. .
Environmental management in India felicitation volume of Prof. Qazi Mohd. Ahmed, Majid Husain,
Qazi Mohammad Ahmed, 1996, Environmental management, 400 pages. .
Environment, resources, and sustainable development essays in honour of Professor Majid Husain,
Majid Husain, S. M. Rashid, M. Ishtiaq, Jamia Millia Islamia (India). Dept. of Geography, Jan 1,
2008, Business & Economics, 430 pages. Contributed articles with reference to India..
Human geography theories and their applications, M. G. Bradford, W. A. Kent, 1977, Fiction, 180
pages. .
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created: 16th April 2010

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