3.2 The Way in Which Market Forces Shape Organisational Responses
3.2 The Way in Which Market Forces Shape Organisational Responses
3.2 The Way in Which Market Forces Shape Organisational Responses
providers of furniture and also the employees who perform the banking operations. The suppliers
of information technology create software enabling the banks to carry out their services. This
suppliers are aware of the banks cannot do their tasks without this technology therefore they sell
these technologies to the banks with a lot of money. Another supplier is security guards, but the
automated alarms are being used to this threat is minimized. Moreover, there are many students
graduating and ready working in the banking. As a result, the power of the supplier in the
banking industry is low and cannot put a threat to the banking industry.
The bargaining of customers
There are many banks in England, the customers can easily go to one bank and ask for their
services. They also come to other banks and bargain to get a better price for the service. There
are individual customers who keep money in the bank with intention to enjoy the percentage of
interest. Moreover, there are customers who own a huge business. They get a high bargaining
power because they use banking services monthly for their business. Therefore, the customer has
big influence on the bank. Individual customers are in compare to corporation customer, the
corporation customer's power is higher because they enjoy a large amount of services. However,
this power is not much to affect the banks.
The rivalry amongst current competition in the industry
If a company expands its business, it will be put under pressure of intense competition. HSBC
also face this situation. HSBC are coping with its rival such as Barclays and Lloyds. They make
the marketing share of HSNC go down. Moreover, HSBC deal with those who fake its services.
They make HSBC lose its image in the customer's mind. Therefore, HSBC have to improve their
service quality with suitable price to help them avoid those who fake the product of HSBC. To
sum up, HSBC needs to evaluate the market and make a suitable strategy based on these five
basic competitive forces, if it wants to run its business well in the future.
central bank and this bank can affect the operations of all banks in UK by monetary policies. It
directly impact on the activities of all UK banking industry.
Economic factors
Banking Industry is directly related to the growth of the economy. UK suffered from the
financial crises in 2008 therefore it has the lowest growth rate of GDP for 4 years later. In 2012,
the total value decrease of GDP is up to 1.3% (0.3% higher than expected). Unemployment rate
is up to 8.1%, which results in lower demand of goods. Businesses are in a very difficult time.
Therefore, the government creates a budget, which affects the banking sector to boost the
economy by giving certain concessions or facilities, to attracted more deposits towards the banks
and in turn they can lend more money to the agricultural sector and industrial sector and
increasing the bank's revenues. Moreover, UK Banking also low the interest rate for loans to help
businesses enough finance for remanufacturing and paying their bad debts. By lowering interest
rate for savings, UK banking can cut down their cost and offer cheaper loans for businesses.
Social factors
Social culture factors also affect the business. They show in the ways people behave in country.
There are several socio cultural factors such as career attitudes, consumer confidence and worries
regarding pensions having impact on the operations of UK Banking.
During the recession time, the people lose belief and confidence in the ways of savings such as
gold, share, stock bonds, divident and etc. Therefore, they put money into bank accounts to gain
percentage of interest on their amount of money. That ends up with the abundance of money in
banks, leading to lower the value of money. Whereas, customers who borrow money from the
bank reduced, because they cannot afford the current interest rate. As a result, UK Banking
decides to lower the interest rate of savings with intention to cut down the cost so that they can
offer a lower interest rate for borrowings from banks.
Technological factors
Technological growth allows UK banking to offer online banking system. This is more
convenient for customers and more effective for the banks. This enables banks to asses a number
of Internet users which is growing up rapidly. Moreover, the latest developments of technology
in computer and telecommunication have encouraged the bankers to change the concept of
branch banking to anywhere banking. The use of ATM and Internet banking has allowed it. Aside
from ATM, banks release Credit card has encouraged an era of cashless society. Today
MasterCard and VisaCard are the two most popular cards used all around the world for making
payments. Another effective approach is mobile banking. The average number of mobile banking
transactions conducted weekly via mobile app more than doubled between 2012 and 2013, from
9.1 million to 18.6 million (British Bankers Association, Emarketer, April 28, 2014).
and other members in EU and have the same baking system, which allow them to complete
unification of monetary and fiscal policies.
Slideshare, 3 Trade Barriers [online]. Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/EmilySpikes/3trade-barriers [Last access May 4 2015]