This document provides information about the course "Electronic Devices and Circuits" including:
1. The course code, title, credits, and semester.
2. The course objectives focus on designing and analyzing transistor and MOSFET biasing, amplifier circuits, and feedback amplifiers.
3. The 5 units cover diodes, bipolar junction transistors, MOSFETs, feedback amplifiers, and oscillators/voltage regulators.
4. The expected outcomes are for students to gain knowledge in designing and analyzing basic analog circuits and amplifier circuits.
This document provides information about the course "Electronic Devices and Circuits" including:
1. The course code, title, credits, and semester.
2. The course objectives focus on designing and analyzing transistor and MOSFET biasing, amplifier circuits, and feedback amplifiers.
3. The 5 units cover diodes, bipolar junction transistors, MOSFETs, feedback amplifiers, and oscillators/voltage regulators.
4. The expected outcomes are for students to gain knowledge in designing and analyzing basic analog circuits and amplifier circuits.
This document provides information about the course "Electronic Devices and Circuits" including:
1. The course code, title, credits, and semester.
2. The course objectives focus on designing and analyzing transistor and MOSFET biasing, amplifier circuits, and feedback amplifiers.
3. The 5 units cover diodes, bipolar junction transistors, MOSFETs, feedback amplifiers, and oscillators/voltage regulators.
4. The expected outcomes are for students to gain knowledge in designing and analyzing basic analog circuits and amplifier circuits.
This document provides information about the course "Electronic Devices and Circuits" including:
1. The course code, title, credits, and semester.
2. The course objectives focus on designing and analyzing transistor and MOSFET biasing, amplifier circuits, and feedback amplifiers.
3. The 5 units cover diodes, bipolar junction transistors, MOSFETs, feedback amplifiers, and oscillators/voltage regulators.
4. The expected outcomes are for students to gain knowledge in designing and analyzing basic analog circuits and amplifier circuits.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (IEC-301) Autumn Semester 2013-2014
ECE Department, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow Page 1
OBJECTIVE OF COURSE: 1. To study the methods of transistor & MOSFET biasing. 2. To design the amplifier circuits. 3. To design analyze and test the multi stage amplifier. 4. To study the Feedback Amplifiers, Oscillators & Voltage Regulator.
PREREQUISITES OF COURSE: 1. Basic Electronics 2. Intermediate Physics
UNIT-I Diode PN Junction Diode- application oriented diode characteristics, simple dc circuit applications, space charge and the diode capacitances, switching characteristics. Special purpose diodes: Tunnel diode, Varactor Diode, Schottkey Diode, Light Emitting Diode, photo voltaic cell, Laser Diode with their working principle and characteristics 8 UNIT-II Bipolar Junction Transistor Review of Configuration and characteristics of BJT, Early effect, Ebers-Moll Model, charge control model, biasing the BJT for discrete circuit design, Bias compensation, Small signal and low frequency analysis of BJT amplifier, Darlington pair, cascode amplifier, bootstrapping circuits. Parasitic capacitances & high frequency analysis of BJT amplifiers-CE configuration. Classification of Amplifiers : Class A,B,C amplifiers, Coupling methods, Audio Amplifiers, Wide band amplifier. Power amplifier. 8 UNIT-III MOSFET ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (IEC-301) Autumn Semester 2013-2014
ECE Department, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow Page 2
MOSFET : Review of device structure, operation & V I characteristic. Ohmic and saturation region equations. Classification of MOS (NMOS, PMOS, CMOS, principle of working and comparison, MOSFET as an amplifier and switch, biasing of MOS amplifier circuit, CS, CG, CD configuration using NMOS, frequency response of a single stage CS amplifier. MOS internal capacitance and high frequency model (CS configuration only). 8 UNIT-IV Feedback Amplifiers Feedback Amplifiers: Basic concept of feedback, General Characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers, Classification of feedback, Voltage/Current shunt and series feedback, stability of feedback amplifiers, Multistage Amplifiers, Tuned Amplifier. 8 UNIT-V Oscillators & Voltage Regulator Oscillators; Condition for oscillation, generalized form of oscillator circuit, The phase shift oscillator, Hartley & Colpitts oscillator. The Wein Bridge oscillator, Crystal oscillator, frequency stability. Regulated Power Supplies: Series/Shunt voltage regulator, Monolithic regulators, SMPS,UPS ( block diagram) 8 Text Book: 1. Millman & Halkias/ Integrated Electronics / McGraw-Hill Education India. 2. Sedra, and Smith,/ Microelectronic Circuits/ Oxford University Press India/ 5 th Edition. 3. Diffenderfer Robert/Electronic Devices: Systems and Applications/Cengage Learning.
References: 1. Shilling & Belove/ Electronic Circuit/ McGraw-Hill Education India. 2. Streetman, B.G. Banerjee, Sanjay/ Solid State Electronic Devices/ PHI. 3. Salivahanan, Kumar, Suresh & Vallavraj/ Electronic Devices & Circuits/ McGraw-Hill Education India OUTCOME On completion of this course the student will understand ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (IEC-301) Autumn Semester 2013-2014
ECE Department, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow Page 3
1. Gain knowledge about the design & analysis of basic analog circuits. 2. Learn how to design & analyze basic amplifier circuit.
ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY (IEC-302) Autumn Semester 2013-2014
ECE Department, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow Page 1
OBJECTIVE OF COURSE: 1. To analyze field and potential due to the static charges. 2. To evaluate static magnetic fields. 3. To understand how material effect from the electric & magnetic field. 4. To study the relation between the electric & magnetic field under time varying condition. 5. To understand the fundamental of propagation of uniform plane wave.
PREREQUISITES OF COURSE: 1. Engineering Mathematics 2. Intermediate Physics
UNIT-I Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields Vector Calculus, Co-Ordinate systems, Gradient, Divergence and curl, Gauss Theorem, Stokes Theorem, Electric Field due to Point Charges, electrostatic Potential, Solution of Laplace and Poissons equation in one dimension, methods of Images applied to plain boundaries, Electric flux Density, Boundary conditions, Electrostatic Energy. 8 UNIT-II Magneto-static Fields Ampere law of force, Magnetic flux density, Amperes circuital law, Boundary conditions, Faradays Law, Energy stored in magnetic fields. 8 UNIT-III Time-Varying Fields Continuity equation, Displacement current, Maxwell s equation, boundary conditions, plane wave equation and its solution in conducting and non conducting media. Phasor notation, phase velocity, group velocity, Depth of penetration, conductors and dielectrics, impedance of ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY (IEC-302) Autumn Semester 2013-2014
ECE Department, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow Page 2
conducting medium, Polarization, Reflection and refraction of plane waves at plane boundaries, Poynting vectors, and Poynting theorem. 8 UNIT-IV Transmission Lines Transmission line equations, Characteristic impedance, Distortion-less lines, Input impedance, lossless lines, Open and short circuited lines, Standing wave and reflection losses, Impedance matching, Application of smith chart, Introduction to guided waves. 8 UNIT-V Waveguides Rectangular Waveguide, Circular Waveguide Transverse Electric (TE) and Transverse Magnetic (TM) Modes, Wave Propagation in the Guide, Power Transmission & Attenuation, Waveguide Resonators. 8 Text Book: 1. M. N. O. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, 4 th Edition, Oxford University Press. India. (TBS 621.34 SAD/P) References: 1. Nathan Ida, Engineering Electromagnetism, Second Edition, Springer India Private Limited. (TBS 621.34 IDA/E) 2. Rakesh Singh Kshetrimayum, "Electromagnetic Field Theory", Cengage Learning India Publication, First Edition, 2012 3. W. H. Hayt and J. A. Buck, Electromagnetic field theory, Seventh Edition, McGraw Hill Education.
OUTCOME On completion of this course the student will understand 1. Different coordinate systems, application of Vector calculus and different theorem involved in the different fields. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY (IEC-302) Autumn Semester 2013-2014
ECE Department, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow Page 3
2. Calculate the electric field, scalar potential, stored energy, and capacitance associated with simple distributions of charge 3. Calculate the magnetic field, stored energy, and inductance for simple distributions of current density. 4. Identify an electromagnetic wave and determine parameters (frequency, phase constant and velocity, associated intrinsic impedance) and power density. 5. Apply boundary conditions to determine current and charge densities produced on conducting boundaries by applied fields. 6. Identify Maxwell's equations and apply them in both their integral and differential forms to time-varying field problems. 7. Determine the attenuation constant, phase constant, and skin depth for waves in a lossy medium, where the conductivity may range from low to high. 8. Distinguish between linear polarization, circular polarization, and elliptical polarization. 9. Calculate reflection and transmission coefficients and fields for uniform plane waves normally-incident and obliquely-incident on planar interfaces. 10. Determine parameters associated with waves on lossless and lossy transmission lines, including frequency, phase velocity & attenuation. 11. Design transmission line terminations to minimize reflections and maximize received power. 12. Determine frequency-domain parameters associated with a transmission line system, including input impedance, reflection coefficient, and SWR. 13. Analyze transmission line problems in the frequency domain with complex load impedance, to determine input and load voltage/current, power delivered. 14. Introductory detail about the microwave waveguide.
Semi-Conducting Material And Power Devices (IEC-303) Autumn Semester 2013-2014
ECE Department, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow Page 1
OBJECTIVE OF COURSE: 1. To introduce the fundamentals of science for engineering applications. 2. Different type of Engineering Materials, their properties & uses 3. To enable the students to correlate theoretical principles with application oriented studies.
PREREQUISITES OF COURSE: 1. Basic Electronics 2. Intermediate Physics
UNIT-I Conductivity of Metals Free electron theory of metals (explanation of ohms law, thermal conductivity and thermionic emission).factors affecting the electrical conductivity of metals, Thermal conductivity of metals, mechanism of thermal and electrical conductivity, Thermoelectric effect (Seeback, Peltier and Thomson) and its applications, Elementary approach to super conductivity, London Equation, High Tc Super Conductivity, Properties and applications of high and low resistivity materials. 8 UNIT-II Mechanism of Conduction in Semiconductors Atomic bonding, crystallinity, Structural imperfections, Energy Band theory, Band structure for typical semi conducting materials such as Ge, Si, GaAs, GaAsP, classifications of materials using energy band theory, Semiconducting materials for LED, LASER and GUNN DIODE, Organic semiconductors. Polarization mechanism and dielectric constant , Behavior of polarization under impulse and frequency switching , Dielectric loss ,Dielectric strength, Spontaneous polarization, Smart material, Piezoelectricity ,introduction to pyroelectricity. 8 UNIT-III Power Converter Components Semi-Conducting Material And Power Devices (IEC-303) Autumn Semester 2013-2014
ECE Department, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow Page 2
Silicon controlled rectifier, basic operation, principle of an SCR, V-I Characteristics two transistor analogy, turn on and turn off process of thyristor, gate characteristics of an SCR, firing circuits of thyristor, dynamic characteristics of SCR, series and parallel of SCR, protection of thyristo, thyristor family, GTO, IGBT. 8 UNIT-IV Controlled rectifiers Analysis of single phase controlled rectifiers (half wave and full wave and bridge)with different types of load, effect of source impedance on performance of single phase full converter, Three phase converters, line commutated inverters, dual converter, introduction to cycloconverters. 8 UNIT-V Inverters & Choppers Principles of inverters, classification of inverters, single phase bridge inverters, series inverters, parallel inverters, PWM inverters, principle of choppers, analysis of chopper circuits, multi quadrant choppers, commutation of choppers. 8 Text Book: 1. S.O Kasap/Principles of Electronic Materials & Devices/McGraw-Hill Education India. 2. Rashid, M.H. /Power Electronics, Devices and applications/ PHI. References: 1. A. J. Dekker/Electrical Engineering Materials/ PHI. 2. C.S Indulkar & S.Thiruvegada/An Introduction Electrical Engineering Materials, S. Chand & Co. 3. Jacob, J.M. /Power Electronics : principles and applications/ Vikas Pub. House Pvt. Ltd.
OUTCOME On completion of this course the student will understand 1. Basic of crystal physics, structure identification of engineering material. 2. Different type of power electronics devices & their application. Linear Network & Systems (IEE-301) Autumn Semester 2013-2014 ECE Deartment! "a#u$ty o% En&ineerin&! Inte&ra$ 'ni(ersity! Lu#know )a&e 1 Cyber Law & Information Security (ICS-305) Autumn Semester 2013-2014 C !e"artment# $acu%ty of n&ineerin&# Inte&ra% 'ni(ersity# Luc)now *a&e 1