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Shri G. S. Institute of Technology & Science: Department of Electronics and Instrumentation

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Shri G. S.

Institute of Technology & Science

Department of Electronics and Instrumentation
EI-27XX: Circuit Analysis and Synthesis

Maximum Marks allotted

Subject Hours/Week Credits
Subject Name Theory Practical
End Sem CW End Sem SW L T P
Circuit Analysis and
DC 70 30 60 40 3 -- 2 4

Unit. 1 Basics of electrical Networks

Network elements: E.M.F., Potential and Potential difference, Current and Current density, Ideal and
practical Voltage and Current Source and their characteristics, source transformations, Various
network elements and their behavior, Power and energy relations, Kirchhoffs laws, Current and
voltage division, Nodal and Mesh analysis, Graph theory, Incidence and Reduced incidence matrix,
isomorphic graph, Tie-set and Cut-set matrix.

Unit. 2 Network Theorems & Filter circuits

Superposition, Reciprocity, Thvenins, Nortons and Maximum power transfer, Compensation,
Tellenges. -Y transformation, Polyphase analysis, Power relation in AC Circuits, Power factor,
Apparent and reactive power, Power triangle, Sinusoidal steady state analysis of RLC circuits,
Passive filters, High pass and Low pass, Band pass & Band stop filter, Prototype & m-derived filters,
Fundaments of active filters.

Unit. 3 Analysis of Coupled Circuits & Resonance

Magnetic coupling, Study of ideal transformer, Time domain, natural response and forced response,
Dot convention, electrical equivalent of magnetically coupled circuits, single and double tuned
coupled circuits, Resonance: Series and parallel resonance, bandwidth &selectivity, Q-factor, Effect
of resistance on frequency response curve, Parallel resonance of RLC circuit.

Unit. 4 Two port network analysis & Network Functions

Various network parameters: Z, Y, Hybrid, ABCD & their relationships condition of reciprocity and
symmetry, Input and output impedances, Equivalent and sections representation in parameter
form, Ladder network, Network Function, Driving point and transfer impedances, Interpretation of
poles and zeros, effect of their location in complex plane. Routh-Hurwitz Criterion of stability.

Unit. 5 Time Domain Analysis of Circuits and Concept of Network Synthesis

Transient and steady state response of electrical circuits, Initial conditions & final condition, step and
impulse response, Network Synthesis: Hurwitz polynomial, Positive Real (PR) function, Properties
of LC, RC, RL immittances, Foster realization of LC circuits, Ladder development and Cauer forms,
Significance of elements in Foster & Cauer forms, Determination of end elements, Applicability of
Foster and Cauer forms.

1. John D. Ryder & Charles M. Thomson Electronic Circuits & Systems Prentice-Hall Inc. 1976
2. Van Valkenburg M.E., Network Analysis, Third Edition, Pearson Education.
3. D. Roy Choudhury, Networks and Systems, New Age International, 1988
4. William H. Hayt & Jack E. Kemmerly Engineering Circuit Analysis McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc.
1. Desoer and Kuh, Basic Circuit Theory, McGraw Hill.
2. Franklin F. Kuo Network Analysis & Synthesis Wiley Toppan 2nd.ed. 1966
3. Van Valkenburg M.E., Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, PHI.
Shri G. S. Institute of Technology & Science
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation
EI-27XX: Electronic Devices and Circuits
Maximum Marks allotted
Subject Hours/Week Credits
Subject Name Theory Practical
End Sem CW End Sem SW L T P
Electronic Devices
DC 70 30 60 40 3 -- 2 4
and Circuits

Unit. 1 Basics of semiconductor devices

Intrinsic & Extrinsic semiconductors, Mobility and Conductivity, Hall effect, E-K diagram, Current
Densities, Diffusion, Generation & Recombination of electron-hole pair, Continuity equation,
Conductivity Modulation, Mass-action Law, Injected Minority Carrier Charge, p-n junction diode,
V-I characteristics & their temperature dependence, Diode resistances, and capacitance, Breakdown
diodes, Photodiodes, LEDs, Varacter Diode, Schottky Diode, Tunnel Diode,
Unit. 2 Diode and Transistor circuits
Clippers, Clampers, Clamping theorem, Rectifiers & filters, Model of diode, Bipolar junction
transistor (BJT), Potential profile in PNP & NPN structures, Current components, Configurations,
Early Effect, Ebers Moll Model, Transistor as an amplifier, Biasing & Thermal Stabilization, The Q
point stability, Stabilization against variation of I CO, VBE & , Bias compensation, Millers theorem
and its dual, Thermal runway, Schottky and Photo-transistors.
Unit. 3 BJT Modelling and Introduction to FET
Hybrid model, Simplified model, Common emitter with emitter resistor, high i/p impedance circuits,
Emitter follower, comparison of CB, CE, CC configuration, Darlington pair, Bootstrapping, Cascode
Amplifier, Field effect transistors(FET), JFET, pinch off, V-I Characteristics, Small signal model,
MOSFET, Derivation for drain current ID for E-MOSFET, Threshold voltage and body effect, CS &
CD amplifiers, Biasing techniques, FET as VDR,
Unit. 4 MOS Structure and Short channel effect theory
Band diagram for a MOS junction under accumulation, Depletion & inversion, MOS capacitor, C-V
of an ideal & non- ideal capacitors, Characterization of MOS capacitors, MOS field effect transistor
(MOSFET) V-I characteristics in three regions of operation & equivalent circuit. Short channel
MOSFET: Effect of scaling of MOSFET, Short & narrow channel effects on V-I characteristics, Hot
electron effect in MOSFET.

Unit. 5 Silicon Processing and Introduction to Power electronic devices

Silicon Planar technology, Oxidation, Diffusion, Metallization, Ion-Implantation & chemical vapor
deposition, Lithographic process, Typical Bipolar & MOS IC process sequence, Silicon controlled
Rectifier, Holding and Latching current, di/dt triggering and other triggering methods & Unijunction
Transistor (UJT) and UJT relaxation oscillator.
Text Books Recommended:
1. Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias Electronic Devices & Circuits McGraw-Hill 1967.
2. Robert L. Boylestad, Electronic devices and Circuits, PHI.
3. Ben G. Streetman, Solid State Electronics Devices, Prentice Hall of India, 5 th edition.
4. Tyagi M. S., Semiconductor Materials and Devices, John Wiley, 4 th edition.

Reference Books:
1. S. M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Wiley-Interscience, 1969.
2. Sedra & Smith L, Electronic circuits, McGraw Hill.
3. John D. Ryder, Electronics fundamentals & Applications, PHI.
4. Milliman and Grabel, Microelectronics, TMH.
Shri G. S. Institute of Technology & Science, Indore
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
EI-27XX: Fundamentals of Measurement

Maximum Marks allotted

Subject Hours/Week Credits
Subject Name Theory Practical
End Sem CW End Sem SW L T P
Fundamentals of
DC 70 30 60 40 3 -- 2 4

Unit-1.Fundamentals of measuring instruments: Fundamental methods of measurement, Classification of

measuring instruments, Static and Dynamic characteristics, Error Classification and analysis,
Standards for displacement, force, time, frequency, temperature and electrical standards. IEEE

Unit-2. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: construction and operation, measurement of amplitude, phase and
frequency with cro, lissajous patterns. Fundamentals of EMI, RF measurements techniques,
Network analyzers, Noise reduction techniques, compatibility of measuring instruments.

Unit-3. Analog Instruments: Analog indicating type instruments based on various operating principles,
ammeters, voltmeters, ohmmeters. Extension of instrument range, instrument transformers.

Unit-4. Measurement of low resistances, voltage, current, phase, frequency, power and energy, Q factor,
resistance, noise etc; compensation, calibration and testing of measuring instruments.

Unit-5. A.C. Bridges: A.C bridges for measurement of inductance, capacitance, Q factor and loss angle,
universal impedance bridge. Design aspects. Design aspects of digital Multimeter and panel meters,
Distortion and spectrum analysis.


1. A.K. Sawhney, Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation.
2. D.S Kumar, Measurement Systems: Applications & design
3. B.C.Nakra & K.K.Choudhary, Instrumentation measurement & analysis

1. W.D. Cooper, Electronic Measurement, Pearson Education
2. Terman & Petit, Electronic Measurement.
3. Carr, Instrumentation, Pearson Education
Shri G. S. Institute of Technology & Science
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation
EI-27XX: Signals and Systems
Maximum Marks allotted
Subject Hours/Week Credits
Subject Name Theory Practical
End Sem CW End Sem SW L T P
DC Signals and Systems 70 30 -- -- 2 1 -- 3


Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals- Unit Impulse, Unit Step, Ramp, Exponential &
Sinusoidal Signals. Periodic & aperiodic signals, Deterministic and random signals, Energy and
Power signals. Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems. Classification, Static & dynamic,
Linear and non-linear, Causal and non-causal, Time variant and invariant, Continuous-Time LTI
Systems: The Convolution Integral. Discrete-Time LTI Systems: The Convolution Sum.
Fourier series Representation of Continuous-Time Periodic Signals, Properties, Continuous-Time
Fourier Transform (CTFT), The Fourier Transform for Periodic Signals, Properties of the CTFT,
Duality, Sinc and signum function, Sampling Theorem, Aliasing, Discrete Time Fourier series
Properties, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT). Properties of the DTFT. Parseval's Theorem,
Central ordinate theorem.
Definition, Region of Convergence, Inverse Laplace Transform, Properties, Analysis and
Characterization of LTI Systems Using the Laplace Transform, The Unilateral Laplace Transform,
Casualty and stability in continuous time LTI system, System realization through Block-diagram
representation and system interconnection, State variable analysis, State space Models, Solution of
State equation, The state-transition matrix, Concept of Controllability and Observability.
Definition, Region of Convergence. Inverse z-Transform. Properties, Some Common z-Transform
Pairs. Analysis and Characterization of LTI Systems Using z-Transforms. System Function Algebra
and Block Diagram Representations. The Unilateral z-Transforms. Casualty and stability in
continuous time LTI system, Group delay, Phase delay.
Sets and Sample Spaces Random Variables Continuous and Discrete, Cumulative distribution
Function (CDF), Probability Density Function (PDF), Expectation and Moments, Types of Random
Processes, Ergodicity, Auto-correlation Function (ACF) & Cross correlation Function (CCF), Power
Spectral Density, WienerKhinchinEinstein theorem, Central limit theorem, Transmission of a
random process through a Linear Filter. Central Limit Theorem, Mixing of a Random process with
sinusoidal process.

1. Allen. V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and I.T. Young, "Signals and Systems", Prentice Hall, 1983.
2. B.P. Lathi, "Signal Processing and Linear Systems", Oxford University Press, c1998.
3. Venkatarama Krishnan, "Probability and Random Processes", ohn Wiley & Sons, 2006
1. Simon Haykin, Barry van Veen, "Signals and Systems", John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Private Limited,
2. S. Palaniammal, "Probability and Random Processes", PHI Learning, 2012

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