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Seasoned H R Innovator
Cell - 9811288500
john prakash123@gmal!"om
Executive Summary:
I have "arved a n"he #or m$sel# n HR doman a"ross I%& %ele"om ' ()* nd+stres! ,$ -ork
e.+t$ o# over 1/ $ears pl+s the #elds o# manpower planning, policy making, reourcing,
!evelopment " training, in!utrial relation, employee enric#ment, grievance,
organi$ational retructuring, overea ta%%ing, government agency interaction, online
&'()* el% ervice HR ervice management an! ven!or management has earned me a
rep+taton o# makng m$ organ0aton s+""eed thro+gh planned HR nnovatons! ,ost o# m$ -ork
e1peren"e has 2een n dvers#ed glo2al "orporate and m$ nternatonall$ 2en"hmarked a"tvtes
delver on the #ollo-ng ke$ HR roles3
1! Employee Engagement& manpo-er plannng ' 2+dgetng& re"r+tment& retenton
strateges& organ0atonal "+lt+re mappng ' val+es tranng& pa$roll
2en"hmarkng4restr+"t+rng and managng the "areer4s+""esson plannng #rame-ork!
2! Employee Enric#ment + jo2 rotaton& on jo2 ed+"aton programmes& sklls tranngs&
kno-ledge management et"
3! Employee Service + emplo$ee grevan"e handlng& e1ternal e1pert serv"es
5nvestment& health& stress management et"6 and e1pe"taton management o# s+"h
essentals lke transport& #ood& -ork "om#ort ss+es
/! Enterprie ,nitiative + .+alt$ "r"les& legal ss+es& emergen"$ serv"es 5#re et"6 3 am a
nd+str$ .+al#ed e1pert and hen"e manage these thro+gh personal nterventons and
strateg" adv"e!
5! -egal & Stat+tor$ Complan"e& ret+rns& ntera"ton -th govt! 2odes& kno-ledge o# la2or
Pro%eional Experience:
)resentl$ -orkng as .anager&HR -th Atra /lo0al Service Pvt1 -t!1 7rom 8an909 on-ards&
a :S ,;C and a leader n glo2al 2uine Proce Outourcing 32PO4 #or re"eva2le
management serv"es& a port#olo partner o# SI<RR= >ent+re Captal Internatonal& s movng to
the ne1t phase o# ther m+lt-natonal serv"e h+2! =stra Inda 5?+rgaon and @ehrad+n6 n
"onj+n"ton -th =S%R= (:SI;<SS S<R>IC<S& :S #orm the "ore o# the operatons and s one o#
the -orld9s large thrd-part$ p+re pla$ "ommer"al "olle"ton agen"es and a rapdl$ gro-ng
re"eva2le management 2+sness! Co! "ollapsed d+e to re"esson!
Planning " A!minitration:

)lans& organ0es& "ontrols and e1e"+tes all activitie o% t#e HR !epartment1
)art"pates n developng department goals& o2je"tves& and per#orman"e s$stems n"l+dng
the ke$ per#orman"e nd"ators 5da$s to #ire, pro!uction per employee, turnover rate, HR
cot e%%ectivene an! in%ormation activitie41 <val+ates res+lts o# HR department n
relaton to ts goals and o2je"tvesA re"ommends ne- approa"hes to e##e"t "ontn+al
mprovements n e##"en"$ o# department and serv"es per#ormed!
Re"ommends "hanges to and mplements personnel pol"es and pro"ed+resA mantans
<mplo$ee Hand2ook on pol"es and pro"ed+res!
5on!uct all HR internal au!it and e1ternal agen"$ a+dts and re"ommends ne"essar$
,ontors =sso"ates =gen"$ "omplan"e!
.aintain organi$ation c#art an! employee !irectory1
@evelops and admnsters e%%ective ta%%ing plan takng nto "onsderaton avala2lt$&
tmng and "ost o# reso+r"es!
Coordnates re"r+tment e##orts -th hrng managers4s+pervsors& a""epts res+mes and
appl"atons& "ond+"ts nterve-s and asssts -th hrng de"sons!
Ident#es and -orks -th o+tsde emplo$ment agen"es to ns+re ens+re .+al#ed
reso+r"es are avala2le #or peak -ork perods!
5ompenation " 2ene%it " Payroll:

Re"ommends& mplements and montors "ompensaton pra"t"es!
5on!uct an! up!ate annual local alary urveyA re-rtes and re"ommends jo2
des"rpton and "lass#"aton "hanges as ne"essar$!
5oor!inate employee 0ene%it a!minitrationA "ond+"ts enrollment and open
enrollment meetngsA pro"esses appl"atons and "hanges!
Per%ormance .anagement " Organi$ation 6evelopment:
Coordnates the mplementaton o# per%ormance appraial program7 maintain
review calen!ar, an! !irect the dstr2+ton o# the #orms to s+pervsor$ personnel!
Recommen! an! implement employee involvement and per#orman"e mprovement
A!miniter exit interview& montors #ndngs& re"ommends "hanges and eval+ates
5oor!inate an! implement employee urvey7 re"ommends and mplements
remedal "hanges!
Re"ommends and "oordnates n"entve and re"ognton programs!
8raining an! 6evelopment:

Cond+"ts needs assessment& and assst n the !evelopment o% training curriculum1
Implements& oversees and montors the e##e"tveness o# termnal -de tranng ntatves!
Conducts training sessions on various HR topics.
Cond+"ts ne- emplo$ee orentaton programs!
Employee Relation " 5ommunication:
)rovdes adv"e and "o+nsel on personnel ss+es!
Investgates and "oordnates the resol+ton o# emplo$ee ss+es and "on#l"ts!
7osters and mantans a pro "ompan$ envronment thro+gh "omm+n"aton& s+pervsor$
a-areness tranng and emplo$ee de"sons!
7a"ltates e##e"tve and tmel$ "omm+n"aton 2et-een all levels o# emplo$ees!
E.R 8ec#nology 9enture Pvt -t!1 s a leadng provder o# -orld-"lass 2uine Proce
Outourcing 32PO4 serv"es to glo2al "+stomers -th spe"#" #o"+s n the ns+ran"e& #nan"al
serv"es& mortgage& e.+t$ resear"h and health"are segments! %o-date <,R has pro"essed over
1B mllon health"are "lams and "+rrentl$ makes de"sons res+ltng n #nan"al ds2+rsements o#
over C12llon ann+all$
:orke! %rom ;e0<=> to 6ec<=?
Aitant .anager HR
Jo0 Pro%ile:
Recruitment + =2le to manage #+ll re"r+tment "$"le& manage team& e1plot all "hannels
o# hrng& plan and desgn re"r+tment pro"ess! @rve team! )ro#essonall$ orented&
motvator and +nderstand the glo2al 2+sness& market and 2+sness ntellgen"e! Hrng
a"ross all the levels!
Dork "olla2oratvel$ -th 2+sness leaders and managers to provi!e innovative HR
olution, approa"hes& and val+e #o"+sed on drvng the s+""ess o# ther 2+sness!
Support an! #elp implement trategy set 2$ senor management team! Cons+lt -th&
advse and assst managers n a"hevng 2+sness goals thro+gh approprate
nterventons 5e!g!& "hange ntatves& people de"sons& talent management and
development& re-ard optm0aton& -ork#or"e plannng& 2+sness dagnost"s& prod+"tvt$
anal$ses& HR n#ormaton and anal$ss& retenton and engagement& emplo$ee
"omm+n"aton& and HR programs and serv"es6!
)rovde adv"e and to "o+nsel managers and employee on employee relation
Help mplement and manage HR reso+r"e sol+tons& programs and serv"es #or the
2+sness +nt or segment& n "olla2oraton -th Centers o# <1"ellen"e 5organ0atonal
development& talent management& per#orman"e management& emplo$ee relatons&
"ompensaton4re-ards& talent a".+ston and -ork#or"e plannng& dverst$& and learnng
and development6 to ma1m0e the a"hevement o# short and long-range 2+sness
Strong emphass n organ0atonal e##e"tveness and leadershp development& and
.anage per%ormance management, career mapping an! career la!!er1
.anage Attrition analyi acro t#e organi$ation 0y proce wie1
Exit ,nterview& Shared the #eed2a"k -th R*s and ds"+ss n detals to take "orre"tve
,anagement& and overall help 2+ld the 2rand o# the "ompan$ n the market!
Re!uce! recruitment 8A8 %rom ( week to ' week1
Attrition control 0y '=@ -th mplementaton o# retenton pol"$!
KRA implemente! acro t#e organi$ation wit# t#e #elp o% 9P&HR1
Automate! HR Empower an! Atten!ance ytem1
?ot -omen9s e1empton +nder se" 30 +nder )+nja2 Shop ' <sta2lshment! =lso got
regstraton "ert#"ate +nder )+nja2 Shop ' <sta2lshment ="t!
C=( "ommttee #ormed to solve da$-to-da$ pro2lem!
Hea!e! t#e HR !iviion n .icrowave 5ommunication -t!1, ,CE s a part o# H7CE gro+p
ded"ated to %ele"om Ind+str$! 3April<AB&January<=>41
Jo0 Reponi0ilitie:
,anpo-er re"r+tment at all level and provdng sta##ng& a ro2+st ,IS #or management
,anpo-er Retenton& )er#orman"e ,anagement& ,anpo-er =llo"aton& %ranng '
@evelopment& ,anpo-er )lannng& 7a"lt$ ,anagement ' <mplo$ee9s )er#orman"e
Dorked n Sel Etd! #rom sept F 93 to aprl9 9B
Job responsibilities
Co-ordnaton o# tranng& =ssstng Ho@ n #orm+latng HR pol"es& %me o##"e ' salar$
-age admnstraton& ,antaned <SI ' )7 re"ords ' =sssted Ho@!
E!ucation Cuali%ication:
)ost ?rad+ate @ploma n Ind+stral Relaton and )ersonnel ,anagement #rom G,C=
;e- @elh!
@ploma n %ranng ' @evelopment #rom IS%@ ;e- @elh!
,asters @egree n Hstor$
@d ,(= #rom Indan Instt+te o# Commer"e and %rade& E+"kno-!
5erti%ie! ,nternal Au!itor %or ,n%ormation Security 35,A,S4 a per t#e reDuirement o% ,SO
'*==E:'==*E tan!ar!1
Jo#n Parka#

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