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Specialized Training On HR With Recruitment: Course Objectives

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Specialized Training on HR with Recruitment

Course Objectives: Understanding the vision and functions of the organization. Acquaint with general concepts and gain an overview on the Human Resource Management. Understand and map the essential processes is as follow: o Personnel procurement (Recruitment o Personnel Administration o !ime Management o Pa"roll o Personnel #evelopment o !raining and $vent Management o %ompensation Management o Personnel cost planning o Reporting o $mplo"ee &elf'&ervice and Manager &elf'&ervice Core HR: (. $&)% *.+$A,$ &A+AR..&A+AR- %/MP/0$0$!& 1. P2 3. HRA (4. #$#U%!)/0& 5. 6RA!U)!7. !#& ((. A++/8A0%$& 9. P$0&)/0 :. A%%/M#A!)/0 (1. P$R;& (5 P! Target Audience: Masters #egree in HR and having fair communication s<ills 2resher=s loo<ing for entr" into Recruitment or into HR

Program Coverage: )ntroduction and overview of HR Recruitment Process> Recruitment industr"> %areers in recruitment industr" o Passive search o Headhunting )ntroduction to )! ? 0on )! ? )!$& and their parameters Motivation ? Rewards @ Recognition o !"pes motivational !heories Performance Management s"stems

!raining @ development ? Presentation &8/! anal"sis Aalance score card Bualit" %ontrol tools o &iC sigma o ;aizen %ompensation ? Pa"roll /rganizational development &uccession ? %areer planning $mplo"ee welfare )ndustrial Relation

Hands on Presentation %ase &tudies Moc< calls +ive ProDects We will Train in you following Domains: (. )! *. MA0U2A%!UR)06 1. )!$& 3. $06)0$$R)06 5. R$!A)+ 7. A%%/U0!)06 9. +/6)&!)%& :. &$%UR)!)$& .. AA0;)06 (4. 2)0A0%$ ((. H/&P)!A+)!-

our role!job pro"ile a"ter the course: -ou ma" start "our own Recruitment Ausiness -ou ma" wor< with our organization -ou ma" wor< Recruitment consultant for an" organization. -ou are an HR $Cecutive?Manager in %orporate %ompan". 8or<ing closel" with the relevant departmentsE "our tas<s include conducting the general HR Processes li<e Personnel Administration> !ime Management> Pa"roll> Aenefits and etc. )t will Froaden "our scope for DoF openings


A# TOP$CS $% &S$' P(' PT' T)S (. $&) $&)'Act

1. P2

$ligiFilit" %ontriFutions 2rom Aoth $mplo"ee @ $mplo"er 2iling( Monthl" @ Half -earl" 2illing !he 2orms Aenefits P2'Act $ligiFilit" %ontriFutions 2rom Aoth $mplo"ee @ $mplo"er 2iling( Monthl" @ -earl" 2illing !he 2orms Aenefits

5. P!

9. !#& (&alaried People

P!' &laF Process 2illing !he 2orms

&laF Process /f !#& !#& 2or Men> 8omen >&enior %itizens $ducation %ess &urcharge *# TOP$CS $% PA RO++ PROC&SS$%, !he pa" structure +eave management ( %+> $+>&+>,+ Aasic> HRA> #A> %onve"ance> Medical allowance> +unch allowance etc #eductions $&)> P2> P!> !#& %ontriFutions $&)> P2 etc %alculation of 6ross @ 0et salar" %alculation of %!% Preparation of Area<'up salar"


Preparing M)& report of Pa"roll. Performance Fased M)& report of emplo"ees Attrition M)& report.

)# T$-& O(($C&

Attendance Management . +eave salar" report . Medical report ($++$%, (OR-S: &S$C: #eclaration 2orm %hallan Monthl" Return of #eclaration 2orms Return of contriFutions Half "earl" %ertificate of $ntitlement(8hen emplo"ees goes out station

PRO.$)&%T (/%): .#eceleration 2orm Monthl" Return . %hallan of A?% no'(>1>(4>1(>11 . 0ewl" Doined emplo"ees . Resigned $mplo"ees )ndividual emplo"ee contriFutions . %onsolidated contriFutions of all emplo"ees P2 &ettlement

PA RO++ -O)&+ PA-&+)P 2/R !H$ M/0!H /2 MA- 144. $mplo"ee name $mplo"ee %ode #epartment #esignation 0o of wor<ing #a"s 0o of da"s Present 0o of da"s aFsent +eaves ta<e?%+> &+> $+ +eave Aalance

Salar0 Components Aasic salar" HRA %onve"ance +unch allowance Medical allowance +!A $ducation allowance 6R/&& #$#%U!)/0& 0$!

Amount )eductions $&)% P2 P! !#&


Other -odules1:
$mplo"ee $ngagement. Performance Management. !raining and #evelopment. $thics and %orporate 6overnance.

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