This document provides instructions for taking online self-assessment tests and completing an application form for an EU career competition. It guides the user through selecting a language for the tests, taking verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning tests, and a situational judgement test. It then displays the user's results and links to either a generalist or auditor application form, reminding the user to select the right competition and language and log out before clicking the link. The final pages provide instructions for logging into an EPSO account to access and validate the application form before the deadline.
This document provides instructions for taking online self-assessment tests and completing an application form for an EU career competition. It guides the user through selecting a language for the tests, taking verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning tests, and a situational judgement test. It then displays the user's results and links to either a generalist or auditor application form, reminding the user to select the right competition and language and log out before clicking the link. The final pages provide instructions for logging into an EPSO account to access and validate the application form before the deadline.
This document provides instructions for taking online self-assessment tests and completing an application form for an EU career competition. It guides the user through selecting a language for the tests, taking verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning tests, and a situational judgement test. It then displays the user's results and links to either a generalist or auditor application form, reminding the user to select the right competition and language and log out before clicking the link. The final pages provide instructions for logging into an EPSO account to access and validate the application form before the deadline.
This document provides instructions for taking online self-assessment tests and completing an application form for an EU career competition. It guides the user through selecting a language for the tests, taking verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning tests, and a situational judgement test. It then displays the user's results and links to either a generalist or auditor application form, reminding the user to select the right competition and language and log out before clicking the link. The final pages provide instructions for logging into an EPSO account to access and validate the application form before the deadline.
This page is available in English, French and German 1 - Carefully read the information, in particular the notice of competition and the general rules governing open competitions
- Complete the questionnaire EU careers My career
- Create your EPSO account if you don't have one, but make sure you have logged out before starting the application process.
-Click on NEXT to proceed with the application process (Note: You will have to pass through the mandatory self-assessment tests before you can access the application form).
This page is available in English, French and German
2 Read the information on the different tests and on the technical minimum requirements for sitting the online tests.
Select the language for part one of your self-assessment tests (verbal, numerical, abstract reasoning). As in the real tests, you should take these tests in your main language.
This page is available in English, French and German. 3 Carefully read the detailed information on part one of the self- assessment tests, then click Begin test .
Le texte franais des instructions est disponible ici.
Anweisungen in Deutsch sind hier verfgbar.
4 Check you have selected the right language and click Continue to start the verbal reasoning test. 5 Click on Summary for an overview of your responses in this section. Click "Next" to get to the next question in the same section. 6
At the end of each section, you get an overview of the questions you have completed and the remaining time. Click on Continue to the next section.
7 This is to announce you that you will start a new section. Click on Continue and answer all questions in the next sections (numerical, then abstract). 8
At the end of the abstract reasoning test, click on End test to submit your final answers. 9
Give your feedback (optional).Click Next to proceed to part two of the self-assessment tests (situational judgement). 10 This is the overview of your results for part one of the tests. Select the language for part two of the self-assessment (situational judgement test). As in the real tests, you should take this test in your second language (English, French or German). 11
These are instructions for the Situational Judgement Test. Click "Begin Test" Le texte franais des instructions est disponible ici. Anweisungen in Deutsch sind spter verfgbar. 12 To answer these tests , drag and drop the blue Most effective or Least effective button to replace the relevant yellow box. Please note that this feature may not work with certain browsers (check the technical minimum requirements). 13 After the situational judgement test, you will get your results for part two of the tests. You will now see the links to the application forms. - For generalists (EPSO/AD/276/14) - For auditors (EPSO/AD/277/14) Please make sure you chose the link to the right competition and in the right language.
Note that you will not be able to change your choice from within the EPSO account.
Please make sure you logged out from your ESO account before you click on one of the links.
On this page, please log into your EPSO account by filling your user name and your password. You will now automatically be guided to the chosen application form. Fill your application form and validate before the deadline. It is your responsibility to validate your application before the deadline. EPSO cannot accept applications from candidates who fail to meet the deadline. Detailed information on the application form is available in the online application manual.
This page is available in English, French and German.