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What's Up in Plimmerton? Monthly Newsletter For May 2014

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Plimmerton Residents Association Newsletter

Whats new in Plimmerton?

May 2014
AGM Monday 26 May at Plimmerton Boating Club 7,30pm
Mystery history speaker revealed! Allan Dodson will share poignant images and stories of Plimmerton families in the Great War 1914-18 as WW100 commemorations begin around the world. Allans stories are featured on NZs official WW100 web site and he has been commissioned by Porirua Historical Society to research other First World War stories from families from the wider Porirua region. Prize draw for people who pay subs by Friday 23 May before the AGM Great prizes (see the attached flier) including a gorgeous water colour of Plimmerton Beach by local artist Denny Evison, two sunset Sunday dinners for two at Plimmerton Boating Club, the always popular ten trip coffee card for The Big Salami and double movie passes to Lighthouse Pauatahanui. Projects completed and coming up Projects will be reviewed and plans for 2014-2015 will be outlined, Niels Gedge will play The Plimmerton Waltz, The Porirua Northern Growth Area Strategy will be briefly introduced, and a top-hole supper will be served during the mix and mingle. Opportunities for YOU to be involved If you are keen to be involved either in one specific project or on the PRA executive then contact us today plimmertonra@gmail.com Documentation for the AGM All the paperwork, financial statements, Chairmans report, agenda etc . will be available on our web site www.plimmerton.org.nz

Porirua Northern Growth Area Structure Plan

Over the next 20 years major growth will happen in Plimmerton, Mana, Camborne and Pukerua Bay areas, its the only area left in Wellington for expansion. A plan has been commissioned by PCC to ensure that residential development is integrated with community facilities, essential services, roading and transport. The report highlights potential effects on waterways, wetlands and biodiversity. And it takes into account natural hazards like sea level rise, land stability, erosion, seismic risk and climate change effects. Details and the plan www.plimmerton.org.nz/top-stories/in-the-news/

ANZAC story WW100 Daniel Anderson Wright

Private Anderson saw action in Messines in 1917 and was wounded and evacuated to Britain. He was returned to the front in 1918 when the Germans launched an assault on the Somme. Meet Daniel www.plimmerton.org.nz/anzac-stories/

Porirua City Annual Plan Summary 2014/15

Submission period 7 April 7 May 2014 Northern ward councillor Tim Sheppard urges us all to lodge submissions on PCCs Draft Annual Plan that is out for public consultation until 7 May. You will find the plan summary on www.pcc.govt.nz To be effective submissions shouldnt just say that you oppose the big rise in rates but should indicate were you think costs and services can be cut to achieve savings. You will find helpful advice from Tim Sheppard at www.plimmerton.org.nz/top-stories/in-the-news/

Be part of transforming our city Reclaim the canopies workshop

Saturday 10 May 10-4pm at Te Rauparaha Arena creative ideas needed! International guru David Engwicht from the Project for Public Spaces in New York will facilitate. If you are creative and have seen places overseas that are vibrant and people-friendly this is your golden opportunity to stamp your mark on the citys future. How can we use this central city area creatively to attract visitors and residents? Lunch served to keep your brain motoring at top speed. All welcome. Register with Harriet Shelton hshelton@pcc.govt.nz 237 1379.

Subs for PRA stay at $15 but donations, no limit!

Subs for the PRA stay at $15 per household for the 2014-2015 year Our major projects in the 14-15 time period will be completion of Karehana Park and development of the new playground action plan. And it will see the start of a green and gold trail planning with natural history and social history information being compiled on the web site for access from key sites around Plimmerton. We have been able to keep the subs at the current low level because so many of you generously support projects like the seating, railway station refurbishment and Karehana Park pathway. And so many of you give us donations to ensure that things like web site development and other key activities continue. Pay your $15 per household subs by Friday 23 May, before the AGM on Monday 26 May, and youll go into the draw for great prizes. See the attached flier for details.

Sumps, dumps, clumps and bumps reviewed in walkabout

Our thanks to Bill Inge from PCC who is looking at the long list of maintenance issues raised with him by the PRA on our recent walkabout. A list of these will be published in May on our web site with proposed action and timing. You can let us know about any items you report to council (dangerous trees, holes in pavement etc) plimmertonra@gmail.com and we will add them to the list we are monitoring. PCC service 237 5089.

Adopt-a-spot idea takes root

Residents near Plimmertons rail crossing are looking at planting a wildflower area. They will be responsible for keeping it watered, weeded and maintained. PCC will assist with the basics needed to get it started. Residents in Taupo Crescent have met PCCs anti tagging team to organise a mural on an often tagged wall in their playground. They are getting fundraising started and it may extend to new playground equipment. Taupo Crescent residents also have neighbourhood street groups up and running. Some areas needing TLC: around the old bowling club in the domain now used by the archery club; the gorse and rubbish strewn creek bank opposite Big Macs Slabs; the old brick garden at the bottom of Motuhara Rd, and old mans beard smothering the bank between Sunset and Motuhara Rd, on Moana. Mostly weeding, trimming and planting. Anyone keen to adopt these spots? PCC will help with equipment, collection of vegetation and plants as needed. Let us know plimmertonra@gmail.com

Defibrillator and CPR training

Get the skills to save your nearest and dearest! 6.45pm at St Andrews church hall on Steyne Ave. Please bring koha for Wellington Free Ambulance staff who are showing us the drill. Hands on, free, all welcome. Contact plimmertonra@gmail.com if you have questions or want to secure your spot.

Porirua Gigatown bid needs us all to #####

Chorus is running a year-long contest pitting towns in NZ against each other for a fantastic prize. The winning town will get internet speed at one gigabit, hundreds of times faster than regular broadband. Winning this would be the best thing for Porirua, a real game changer, says PCC economic development manager Chris Lipscombe. The opportunities it would create for business would make your head explode. New businesses would be attracted here and it would create sustainable careers in Porirua. To support Poriruas bid, register at gigatown.co.nz and use #gigatownporirua at every opportunity accrue points for Porirua. www.plimmerton.org.nz/top-stories/in-the-news/

Bellyful cooks its 3000th meal!

Porirua Bellyful has cooked its 3000th meal and helped out another family with a newborn or serious illness of a family member. Porirua coordinator Rebecca Morahan says, This is an exciting milestone. We started in 2011 and now have 25 volunteers and we deliver 20 to 30 meals a week. Great work those people.

and speaking of volunteers

While we are on the subject of resourceful talented people could YOU exercise horses, drive a truck, take people for hospital appointments, be a companion for outings and games, play the piano or teach crafts? There are hundreds of organisations looking for volunteer help porirua@volunteerwellington.org.nz

Mosaic artists . We are next on the list

Thanks for your patience mosaic artists. Ranuis work is taking longer than expected and Village Programme manager Ian Barlow advises that it will be the end of May before the mosaic making space is free. The seats are being made and were next. Ian suggests that everyone of a creative or artistic bent throws their talents in to the Reclaim the canopies workshop on 10 May. Use this city revitalisation project to keep your creative juices flowing.

Plimmerton Camborne Facebook Group up and running

Thanks to Eleanor Cater and Mel Troy we now have a Facebook page where we can instantly share information. Just find Plimmerton/Camborne Community Group on Facebook and request to be added, its that easy.

Plimmerton by the beach family fun night help!

On Saturday 6 December at Plimmerton School we will all enjoy the fifth of our local annual Christmas celebrations. Organiser Matt Wood is looking for supporters to sponsor and help organise the event. This is a great community effort, worldfamous in Plimmerton, like our kindergartens mid-winter swim and the amazing fairs organised by our local schools. Please get behind Matt and his team and help to keep this fantastic family event alive and well. Matt 027 444 9794.

Keen to research your family history?

Porirua branch of the NZ Society of Genealogists meets every second Wednesday of the month at 7.25pm at Pataka. Visitors welcome, come along and enjoy interesting speakers and you can learn from experienced researchers. Call Gill 233 8863.

Plimmerton Taj new menu, same chef!

Goodness gracious me, we spread alarm and despondency last month when we confused new menu with new chef. Concerned patrons were beating down the doors at Plimmerton Taj worrying about where their acclaimed chef of the past eight years had gone. Relax, hes still there in the kitchen, cooking up your old favourites and delicious new dishes of authentic Indian cuisine to add to their menu. www.tajrestaurants.co.nz

Gig guide
No Riff Raff Taupo Swamp Show 9 @ 10 May Mana Little Theatre Featuring local band Unresolved as with Paekakariki pianist Gilbert Haisman and Wellington comedian Dave Smith. Enjoy Charlie Chaplins silent movie Easy Street with live piano accompaniment. A night of gaiety and hilarity. Two shows only. Tickets $20, $15 for seniors and students. Book early, tickets 904 8428 or at Topor. Fran Barton and Kevin Clark Sunday 11 May Local favourites plus a guest artist at Plimmerton Boating Club Sunday Jazz night. Last months gig with the gypsy violinist was a sell-out with fantastic food and jazz all for just $25. Ring Richard at the boating club to book 233 1592.

Kevin Clark tribute concert 18 May at Te Wharewaka o Poneke on Taranaki Street Wharf with 13 musicians playing www.eventfinder.co.nz/2014/kevin-clark-tribute-concert/wellington

Plimmerton Boating Club - Plimmertons entertainment hot spot

Organise your diary for these red hot upcoming events ... Richard 233 1592 Jam nights Thursday 8 May open mike for serious local musicians second Thursday of every month. Jazz Club evenings third Sunday every month. Hobnails with Wayne Mason Saturday 17 May. Quiz nights Thursday 22 May first quiz night fourth Thursday of every month from then on. Get a team together and dust off the grey cells. Elvis in Las Vegas 5 June Australias Allen McDonald (booked for this already). Ladies night 5 July with special treats in store a real girls night out. Bouncy castle for hire great for childrens parties, for ages 2-5 years. Contact Heidi 021 790 225. A stitch in time seamstress offers alterations, hems, repairs, one-off making, sewing tuition. Call Krys 233 0092, 027 645 1075. Strengthen your relationship course all the details on our web site www.plimmerton.org.nz/what-to-do-in-plimmerton/church-services/ To book james.h.bond@hotmail.com Scooter lost in Karehana Park black with green wheels with big green letters MGP. Please contact andrew.whiteman@xtra.co.nz Lawn mowing PTV lawn mowing services 235 6248, 022 175 6252. House painting Alan Galloway 233 2420, 0210 252 4133. Autumn is the perfect time to do that exterior paint job at your place, whole-house project or just the window frames and interior work from a bathroom to a complete makeover! Check out trades people on the web site. Flat to rent purpose-built self-contained sunny in a quiet cul-de-sac with kitchen, living-dining etc 1x double bedroom. Plimm-Camborne area, quick walk to station and village. Off street parking. Furnished or unfurnished. Sky and internet by neg. $300 week. Call Brent 233 9286 027 440 0436. House for rent two weeks 3-13 July, on foreshore 5 minutes to village, 2x double bed, 2x living 021 212 0245.

Local services

Change smoke alarm batteries today!

Daylight saving has ended its time to check and change batteries in your smoke alarms. Smoke alarms save lives and properties.

Day-time fire-fighters needed

If you are reasonably fit, here during the day, kids off your hands Plimmerton needs you. Our fire fighters are critically short of day-time fire fighters and need people to step up and start training. Call in to the fire station on Wednesday evenings about 7.15pm and see whats involved.

Topor Bistros Val and Steve celebrate one year anniversary

Steve and Val say, Tuesday 29 April marks our first year as owners of Topor Bistro. Wed like to thank our locals for giving us such a warm reception and making us so welcome in the community. We introduced our upgraded menu on the 29th with some old favourites and some new soon-to-be favourites! Na Zdrowie!

Coastguard Mana raising money for new rescue boat

Dont venture into deeper waters just yet. Mana Coastguards 15 year old boat is no longer sea worthy and plans are afoot to replace her. You can help by becoming a member of Coastguard Mana for $45 at www.coastguardmana.org.nz and supporting their upcoming May Day appeal. Nationwide the coastguard raises $10.2 million a year and 2400 volunteers last year assisted 2915 people in trouble at sea.

Plimmerton Sailing Academy celebrates junior sailors achievements

On 12 April the Plimmerton Sailing Academy (which runs within Plimmerton Boating Club) held its junior prize giving. The programme saw 58 local children and youth develop their sailing skills across four different classes of ability which ran week nights after school and on Saturdays. Some sailors also attended local regattas and an Optisail Camp at Titahi Bay Boating Club. Carol and Warren Coffey tell us that the programme will run again next season starting in October. Enquiries to sailingacademy@plimmertonboatingclub.org.nz All the results from this years prize giving are on our web site www.plimmerton.org.nz/what-to-do-in-plimmerton/plimmerton-boating-club/

Your neck of the woods Roys Road, this months winner

This months winning property is on Roys road facing west, overlooking Cook Strait and theyre making great use of smaller natives to provide visual interest, shelter and delineate the edges of their property. Check it out www.plimmerton.org.nz/your-neck-of-the-woods/ If you know this property, congratulate the owners and if its yours, contact plimmertonra@gmail.com to collect your prize (thanks to the good folks at The Big Salami).

Your invitation to A string of pearls high tea with all the trimmings
Enjoy high tea in grand style with music, fine china, great food, and all for a good cause. Mary Potter Hospice fundraiser in Paraparaumu Sunday 18 May 1.304.30pm. See the gorgeous poster on our web site and get your tickets today they are going like hot cakes (with jam and cream) so be in quickly. Our website: http://www.plimmerton.org.nz/ and our email: plimmertonra@gmail.com

Support your community its the best!

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