Directory & Business: Kinnerton
Directory & Business: Kinnerton
Directory & Business: Kinnerton
PCSO Matthew Gordan 07789 272 218
Cllr Phil Lightfoot 01244 660884
Flintshire County Council 01352 752121
Flintshire Streetscene 01352 701234
Directory & business.... Kinnerton
Your Monthly Higher Kinnerton Community Newsletter.
Kinnerton Village Hall 01244 660907
Castell Alun School 01978 760238
Ysgol Derwen School 01244 660291
HK Community Council 01244 660277
Mrs Helen Lloyd.
HCPC Registered
Chiropody @ Home
Telephone 01244 661115
Call Us
01244 382416
Unit 1, Chester Trade Park
Bumpers Lane, Sealand.
CH4 4LT.
TTS Tyres, Service and Repair Centre
Dobshill Garage
Chester Road
Tel. 01244 545115
Park Improvements and Additions Get The
Go Ahead
We are delighted to announce that Flintshire County Council
have now given the green light to some fantastic additions to
Park Avenue Park and St Davids Park. Our main park will
receive a 25 metre zip wire and additional fencing to the MUGA
play area. St Davids park (off Blantern Road) will specifically
receive additional toddler play equipment and new surfacing.
Funding will come from the section 106 agreement secured
through David Wilson Homes and match funding provided by
Flintshire County Council Leisure Services. Works at the Park
Ave site are due start after the half term break. Work at the St
Davids park will commence in early 2015. Both parks to be shut
for a few days while contractors install the new facilities and
advance notice will be provided once the exact timings are
agreed. There is already a long list of children and adults
wanting to be the first to use new the zip wire..!!!.
A Bit of Rumour Quashing!!!!!..
Contrary to the rumours, Fintshire
County Council have not received an
application to develop the green field
off Kinnerton Lane for the purposes of
building a further housing estate. This
field (the one with the large pine
trees) is outside the settlement
boundary for Kinnerton as defined in
the Flintshire UDP and as such would
be inappropriate development.The
application would be unequivocally
opposed by the Community Council
and County Cllr. Phil Lightfoot .
Old Photos of Kinnerton..
If you have access to Facebook you can
now sign up to a new facebook page
Photos of Higher Kinnerton Old &
New. Plenty of great pictures of
people and places from years gone by.
Kinnerton Football Team.. many years ago.
Easter Bingo.
Easter Bingo all welcome.
Friday 11
April, 50p admission.
Eyes Down 7.30pm1 per book of
tickets, lots of prizes and
refreshments available. All
proceeds support the village hall
All Saints Church
Kinnerton WI
We are open to all ladies from 18 years of age. Our
Meetings are diverse and fun, we like to step out
of our comfort zone (at times) We try new and
exciting activities. Come along and help us to
move into the 21st Century. Enjoy the company,
interesting speakers, days out and so much more.
For more information please call President June
Jones on 660388.
Forthcoming speakers Sept Jewellery Making by
Andrea Bittencourt Nov AGM and social evening.
Dec Comic verse by Steven Blakesley
Kinnerton Community Craft Group. Open to all
Kinnerton Ladies. Held the first Friday of every
month at 13.30. in the Village hall. The charge is
1.00 per month. Future Topics Xmas Decoration
A very boring but necessary note from the Newsletter Team
Entries to the newsletter can be made by emailing us on or you can submit in
person at the Post office. Entries must be made by the 18th of the month for delivery the first week of the following
month. If you want to advertise and event which takes place at the beginning of the month we suggest you submit it
two months prior. In the event we think it will not make it we will advertise you event on our Facebook page. Entry is
not exclusive to fundraising events or community groups Individuals may This newsletter is produced by Higher
Kinnerton Community Council on behalf of the community. All work is done on a voluntary basis by a small team of
volunteers. The editors reserve the right to make amendments to submissions to ensure best fit. If your submission
includes photographs please ensure they are of good clear quality as poor quality photos will not print well. All
content provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only. Higher Kinnerton Community Council (HKCC)
makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained herein or found by
following any link within the newsletter.
Application Forms for entry into the Reception Class 2015/16 are now
available from the School Office at Derwen Primary School.
The Closing Date for Application Forms is
Friday, 28 November 2014
We have availability in other classes within the school. Please contact Mr
Jones (Headteacher) for further information or a school visit.
Higher Kinnerton Cricket Club
The cricket season and nets are now over for 2014 and we
look forward to next year. At our AGM held last month we
took the big decision to apply for membership to the Chester
Midweek Cricket League as we see this as the next step in our
progression as a club. Miles Gillespie and Dylan Green have
both agreed to continue as Captain and Vice Captain for next
season. Congratulations to Tim and Rhys upon a fine season
representing the village cricket team
Player of the Season - Tim Hilton
John Evans Trophy Winner - Rhys Jennings
Anyone wishing to join us please contact Jim on 660548 or
Mike on 660974
1st Kinnerton Scout Group
Jumble Sale - Thank you to everyone who helped with this
fundraising event, from collecting, sorting, selling and tidying
up afterwards. We raised approximately 570 which will be
put to good use on maintaining the HQ. The surplus jumble
was donated to Nightingale House Hospice and Barnardo's
Children Charity. Thank you to everyone for your support.
Friday 14
Memoires of a French Mistress
Saturday 15
Diwali Dinner- SOLD OUT
Sunday 30
All Saints Together
Friday 5
FODS Christmas Fayre
Friday 5
to - 7
Christmas Tree Festival
Saturday 20
Annual Village Christmas
Dale Nursery
HKCC say a big thank you to
Gill and Mike (Dale Nursery)
and Sue and Gareth Evans for
planting and maintaining the
village Flower boxes
throughout the Summer.
Foreign Currency Appeal
If any one still has the odd euro or
perhaps even a Krone or some
nickels and dimes floating around
the bottom of their suitcase or
thoughtfully stored in an old jam jar
ready to donate next time they see
a collection then next time you are
at the Post office look out for the
collection box for Children in Need.
Happy 60th Birthday Jane Orford,
with love from your family!
Bonfire night and pets.
Its fair to say we are very much a pet loving village and unfortunately for
many pet owners bonfire night is something to dread rather than celebrate.
There is plenty of advice and tips on- line but here are some of the basics
For dogs and cats make sure they have a safe place to hide, dont try and coax
them out of the place they have chosen as this will stress them even more
Never punish or fuss over your pet when it's scared as this will only
make things worse in the long run For outdoor pets such as rabbits, partly
cover one area of their cage with an old blanket to add extra sound proofing
and add extra bedding so they have something to burrow in
Flintshire County Councils Street
Scene Services have confirmed dog
owners can dispose of bagged dog
mess in both the specialist dog bins
and ordinary litter bins located
within the village. Please use the
allocated dog bins or black waste
bins to dispose of dog poop!!....
Weve a lot happening over the coming months and it starts with
''Memoirs of a French Mistress'' ''Memoirs of a French Mistress'' ''Memoirs of a French Mistress'' ''Memoirs of a French Mistress''
Join us for an entertaining evening in the Village Hall 14th November 7 pm.
Tickets 7.50 - includes cheese supper & a glass of wine.
Available from Roberta Mallett 660311 or Mel Allport 660796
All Saints Together will be meeting up on Sunday 30
at 4pm for
A retelling of The Nativity Story for young families and wed love to see
you there to help us make decorations for our special Christmas tree
Christmas Tree Festival
At All Saints Church we are holding a Christmas Tree Festival from 5th-7th December and are asking Village
groups, businesses and friends and family groups to decorate a tree to support us in this venture. The church will
be open for several hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and refreshments will be available. A special service will
be held at the end of the Festival. All proceeds will go to All Saints Church.
If you are interested in participating in this event or would like further details, please contact: More details next month.
Higher Kinnerton Indoor Bowling Club
Indoor Short Bowls is held every Wednesday Evening from 6.30pm. in
Kinnerton Village Hall. The Tuesday League Team played there first away
match Tue. 14th Oct, against Johnstown,. Their next game is Tue,.21st Oct.
away to St. Marg Magpies. Our first club members` competition of the a doubles comp. This will be held on Saturday 6th December
starting at 12am with a light lunch and a half time break for tea and cakes.
New members are always welcome even if you haven't played Bowls before
come and give it a go. All you need is flat shoes. We have Bowls you can use.
Members will coach you. Contact Geoff (660721)
You can see daily updates of all the
news around the village by visiting
our Facebook page. Search for
Higher Kinnerton and look out for
the Oak Tree.
Village Hall Bookings.
If you would like to book our village hall for
future events, parties or meetings contact Julie
Jones 01244 660907
Crime Alert..
The level of burglaries of outdoor
sheds and garages has risen within
the surrounding villages. Nothing to
report in Higher Kinnerton however
the Police have advised us to stay
vigilant and ensure property is
locked away.