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Studies On Flow Characteristics at High-Pressure Die-Casting

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Studies on Flow Characteristics at High-Pressure Die-Casting

S Schneiderbauer1, S Pirker1, C Chimani2 and R Kretz2


Christian Doppler Laboratory on Particulate Flow Modelling, Johannes Kepler University, Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria 2 LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen GmbH, Austrian Institute of Technology, !Postfach 26, 5282 Ranshofen, Austria Abstract. The flow and filling characteristics during injection of liquid aluminum during highpressure die-casting is studied threefoldly: a) analytically, b) experimentally and c) numerically. A planar jet of liquid aluminum is formed at the ingate due to its small width (" O(10-3) m), its high aspect ratio (" 100) and high inlet velocity (up to 60 m/s). One the one hand, wavy disintegration of such a jet can inevitably lead to cold runs in the final casting. On the other hand, a high degree of atomization may strongly increase the porosity of the casting part. Both processes can highly reduce the mechanical stability of the product. Analytical investigations of Ohnesorge (or equivalently Weber) and Reynolds numbers show that the process of drop formation at the liquid planar free jet is dominated by atomization assuming an orifice nozzle geometry at the ingate. From a simple experimental investigation of an equivalent free jet of water, however, it is deduced that the process of drop formation can be changed to wavy disintegration by the nozzle geometry. Numerically, high-pressure die-casting is attacked by a Volume of Fluid approach. Although the drop formation at the phase interphase can not be captured by the numerical model since the drops are an order of magnitude smaller than feasible grid spacings, the global spreading of the free jet in the casting mold is well pictured by this first numerical simulation. In addition, a new approach is presented to detect cold runs at the final casting. Finally, the presented studies lead to an increased understanding of high pressure die casting and can help to improve the quality of casting products. Correspondence to simon.schneiderbauer@jku.at

1. Introduction Due to its advanced degree of automation and its high productivity the high-pressure die-casting process is commercially the dominant technique for the production of die casting parts, for example, transmission housings, engine blocks and even small components like brackets, oil pump cases and water pumps. Two main difficulties arising during the casting process are considered. Due to the high casting speed a free jet is formed at the ingate. At the surface of the jet droplets of liquid aluminum are formed. Depending on the shear forces between jet and the surrounding gas the jet disintegrates or atomizes. However, both lead to an increase of the surface ratio for the liquid aluminum, where oxidation may start. One the one hand, the collision of two disintegrated parts of the oxidized aluminum jet may cause cold runs. One the other hand, a high degree of atomization may increase the porosity of the final casting. The influence of process parameters on the physics of high-pressure die-casting is not fully understood so far. This paper presents analytical, experimental and numerical investigations of this free jet to improve the understanding of high-pressure die-casting.

2. Analytical considerations A free jet can be characterized by the following dimensionless numbers

Re =

!l ud ! u2 d , We = l l "l

and Oh =

l We , = Re !l" l d


where !l, l and "l denote the density, the molecular viscosity and the surface tension with respect to air of liquid aluminum, respectively. u is the velocity of the liquid jet at the ingate and d the width of the ingate. In equation (1) Re denotes the Reynolds number, which gives a measure of the ratio of inertial to viscous forces. We is the Weber number describing the relative importance of the inertia of the fluid compared to the surface tension of the fluid. The Ohnesorge number Oh, which can be written in terms of Re and We, relates the viscous forces to inertial and surface tension forces. Note that a free jet is characterized explicitly by either specifying Re/We or Re/Oh (compare with equation (1)). In table 1 the calculated values of Re, We and Oh for typical inlet velocities of a planar jet of liquid aluminum with an ingate width of d = 10-3 m are given. Table 1. Re, We and Oh with d = 10-3 m for different average velocities of the jet at the ingate uin (material properties of liquid aluminum !l = 2360 kg m3, l = 0.00114 kg m-1 s-1, "l = 0.86 N m-1)
uin (m s-1) 30 60 Re (#103) 57.8 116 We (#103) 2.3 9.2 Oh (#10-6) 830 830

[5] claim such a spray is composited into drops requiring energy. Due to the increase in surface during the formation of the drops the energy is proportional to the surface tension characterized, for example, by Oh. Furthermore, the necessary energy can be supplied by the nozzles or from shear forces acting on the spray [5]. Hence, the size and formation of these drops can be characterized by the Reynolds and Ohnesorge numbers, which divide the drop formation into three main regimes: (I) splattering, (II) wavy disintegration, (III) atomization (figure 1). Figure 1 shows that depending on the casting speed the free jet is either located in the wavy disintegration regime or in the atomization regime in case of high pressure die casting (compare with table 1). One the one hand, wavy disintegration of such a jet can inevitably lead to cold runs in the final casting. On the other hand, a high degree of atomization may strongly increase the porosity of the casting part. Spray decay affects the casting process only if the distance between the nozzle and the onset of drop formation is greater than the spatial dimensions of the casting mold. By an experimental investigation of a planar free jet it is found in [10] that the distance between nozzle and the onset of drop formation is given by
0.74 xi = 7560 !We" !

with ! =

d , 4


which is valid over a broad range of Weber numbers. The corresponding Sauter mean diameter SMDi at xi was determined to comply [10] 0.76 , (3) SMDi = 134 !We" ! which is a common measure of the mean particle diameter. Table 2 shows that drop formation starts immediately (between 5d and 16d) as the fluid leaves the nozzle for the sprays specified in table 1. The calculated values for xi and SMDi and figure 1 suggest that at uin = 60 m s-1 the spray is highly atomized and at uin = 30 m s-1 250 m drops are formed from surface waves. Table 2. Onset of drop formation (equation (2)) and Sauter mean diameter (equation (3)) for different average

velocities of the jet at the ingate uin.

uin (m s-1) 30 60 xi (10-3m) 16 5.7 SMDi (10-6m) 249 87

Additionally, the onset of drop formation, i.e. the regime of the spray decay, can be influenced by the nozzle geometry near regime transitions. This implies that in case of uin = 60 m s-1 atomization may be minimized by utilizing an appropriate nozzle. In figure 2 sketches of inflow profiles of a free jet for different types of nozzles are shown. Since the velocity gradient at the surface of liquid jet is important for the formation of drops the Weber number should be calculated based on the velocity at d/2 (figure 2). Hence, utilizing a pipe nozzle instead of a smooth contraction nozzle (assumed in table 1) can significantly reduce atomization. In contrast, orifice nozzles may amplify atomization. Finally, in case of uin = 30 m s-1 utilizing an orifice nozzle may cause a transition from wavy disintegration to atomization.


saddle-backed prole, orice nozzle!


smooth contraction, top hat prole!



developed turbulent prole, pipe nozzle!


0,0001! 100!









Figure 1. Graph of drop decay processes according to [5] (I: splattering, II: wavy disintegration, III: atomization) with schematic representation from [7]. The triangle corresponds to the planar free jet with uin = 30 m s-1 and the rectangle to uin = 60 m s-1. The filled and empty circle indicate the experiments performed with water with p = 0.4 MPa and p = 1.2 MPa, respectively.

Figure 2. Sketches of initial velocity profiles from a sharp edged orifice nozzle, a smooth contraction nozzle and a long pipe for a round jet (from [3]).

3. Experimental investigation of influence of nozzle geometry In order to support the conclusions drawn with respect to the nozzle geometry in the previous section we investigated a free jet of water for two different nozzles (figures 3 and 4) experimentally using a high-speed camera. To this end, the velocity at the nozzle and the nozzle diameter were chosen so that the spray of water was located slightly above the transition between wavy disintegration and atomization (filled circle figure 1). Additionally, a second, higher velocity at the nozzle outlet was examined to study the influence of the nozzle geometry in different regimes of the spray decay.

Figure 3. Sketch of the experimental setup: orifice nozzle (d = 10-3 m).

Figure 4. Sketch of the experimental setup: pipe nozzle (d = 10-3 m)..

In figures 5 and 6 the influence of the nozzle geometry on the free jet of water is shown for both values of the velocity at the nozzle outflow. Figure 5 indicates that the slower free jet disintegrates by surface waves in case of the pipe nozzle and slightly atomizes in case of the orifice nozzle (xi = 3.6 mm, SMDi = 25 m). Note that the mean droplet diameter is smaller than the maximum resolution (r = 0.1 mm) of the high-speed camera at the necessary frame rate of 15000 frames per second. Hence, the dilute atomization observed in the experiment is not detected in the photograph. Remarkably, the analytical predictions are verified by the experiment. Finally, in figure 6 photographs of the higher speed of the free jet of water are shown (xi = 0.4 mm, SMDi = 2 m). It can be found from the figure that in the highly atomized regime the geometry of the nozzle does not lead to a regime transition but affects the degree of atomization.

Figure 5. Free jet of water with pin = 0.4 MPa. Top: orifice nozzle; bottom: pipe nozzle (horizontal dimensions 0.06 m).

Figure 6. Free jet of water with pin = 1.2 MPa. Top: orifice nozzle; bottom: pipe nozzle (horizontal dimensions 0.06 m).

4. Numerical simulation of high pressure die casting Besides the analytical and experimental investigation of the planar liquid jet the feasibility of the numerical simulation of the casting process was studied. The two phase fluid flow is modeled by an volume of fluid model (VOF) [1]. On the one hand, a large eddy (LES) turbulence requiring high grid resolutions is tested. On the other hand, we checked whether an unsteady Reynolds averaged turbulence model (URANS) is able to picture the global behavior of the free jet adequately. However, while it is expected that the LES simulation is able to model the free jet, LES simulations may be infeasible with respect to computational resources. The simulation parameters for both are given in table 3. The dimensions of the stair-step shaped casting mold are indicated in figures 7 and 8. The width of the casting was 0.014 m at the ingate, the depth 0.1 m and the height 0.18 m. The ingate width was d = 0.001 m and the velocity at the ingate was chosen 60 m s-1. In figure 7 the results obtained by the LES and by the URANS simulation are shown. Surprisingly, although the grid spacing used in the LES simulation is approximately one third of that in the URANS simulation, both models lead to a similar global distribution of the liquid aluminum. I.e. the free jet collides with the walls of the casting mold at the second step for t < 15 ms and the free jet pushed towards the first step for t > 15 ms. Above the second step the coarser grid resolution of the URANS model is reflected in the wider spreading of the jet. However, even the grid resolution used in the LES simulation is not sufficient to capture the drop formation at the interphase since the drops are an order of magnitude smaller. Hence, sub-models would be required to model drop formation in both cases.

Additionally, the LES simulation requires approximately 30 times more computational resources than the URANS simulation. Table 3. Numerical settings for the VOF simulation of high-pressure diecasting. For details about the numerical schemes the reader is referred to [1].
Turbulence Surface tension Pressure Momentum VOF # cells LES Smagorinsky Yes PRESTO! Central Differencing CICSAM 950400 URANS k-kl-# Yes PRESTO! Second order upwind Geo-reconstruction 47040

LES! URANS! LES! URANS! LES! URANS! 10 ms! 15 ms! 20 ms! Figure 7. Volume fraction of liquid aluminum a at the symmetry plane. Additionally, we have implemented a cold run detection algorithm. As mentioned in the introductions cold runs may appear if at least two oxidized fronts of liquid aluminum collide. Preferentially, cold runs a located near the wall of the casting mold. Hence, numerically such a collision corresponds to the positive flux of liquid aluminum through at least two opposite side faces into a grid cell. In figure 8 the cold runs (in red) detected in the numerical simulation are shown. Most of the cold runs are located at the second step, where the jet initially collides with the casting mold. Visual comparison with the disintegrated free jet (figure 8) shows that this algorithm adequately detects such colliding fronts of liquid aluminum. To conclude, high-pressure die-casting can be investigated numerically by utilizing URANS turbulence models. Increasing the grid resolution and increasing the degree of the resolved unsteady dynamics, i.e. LES, does not significantly improve the understanding of the industrial process. The resolution URANS model is also sufficient to detect cold runs and to study the influence of the main process parameters. However, resolving drop formation seems to be unfeasible using a VOF approach since it would require approximately two orders of magnitude more computational resources.

Figure 8. Detected cold runs (= red) by the URANS simulation. The top right figure indicates the volume filled with liquid aluminum at t " 10 ms.

5. Conclusions
In this paper, the flow and filling characteristics during injection of liquid aluminum during high pressure die casting has been studied threefoldly: a) analytically, b) experimentally and c) numerically. It has been shown analytically and experimentally that the geometry of the nozzle at the ingate significantly influences the process of the drop formation at the surface of the free jet of liquid aluminum. Numerically, the drop formation cannot be resolved with an acceptable computational effort. However, the simulation of high-pressure die-casting delivers an appropriate measure of the casting process and is able to predict cold runs. To conclude, this paper leads to a better understanding of this challenging casting technique. The presented scientific findings introduce investigation techniques enabling casting professionals to optimize their casting products depending on the special demands on the final casting. 6. References [1] Ansys Inc 2009 Ansys Fluent 12.0 Theory Guide (User Manual) [2] Dai Z, Chou W-H and Faeth G 1998 Drop formation due to turbulent primary breakup at the free surface of plane liquid wall jets Phys. Fluids 10 114757 [3] Deo R C 2005 Experimental investigations of the influence of Reynolds number and boundary conditions in a plane air jet (PhD thesis, University of Adelaide, Australia) [4] Faghani E, Maddahian R, Faghani P and Farhanieh B 2010 Numerical investigation of turbulent free jet flows issuing from rectangular nozzles: the influence of small aspect ratio Arch. Appl. Mech. 80 72745 [5] Ohnesorge W v 1936 ZAMM 16 335 [6] Lee K-H, Setoguchi T, Matsuo S and Kim H-D 2006 Influence of the nozzle inlet configuration on under-expanded swirling jet Proc. IMechE G: J. Aerospace Engineering 220 15563 [7] Prandtl L, Osawtitsch K and Wieghardt K 1993 Fhrer durch die Strmungslehre (Braunschweig: Vieweg) ed 9 [8] Sallam K A, Dai Z and Faeth G M 1999 Drop formation at the surface of plane turbulent liquid jets in still gases Int. J. Multiphase Flow. 25 116180 [9] Sallam K A, Dai Z and Faeth G M 2002 Liquid breakup at the surface of trubulent round liquid jets in still gases Int. J. Multiphase Flow. 28 42749 [10] Wu P K and Faeth G M 2005 Onset and end of drop formation along the surface of turbulent liquid jets in still gases Phys. Fluids A 2 291519

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