Kok Ology
Kok Ology
Kok Ology
The Japanese term KOKORO means a soul or spirit and LOGY- a greek word for study. It simply means a study of Soul or spirit. The book of KOKOLOGY has many many questions that usually tackles about how the person behaves in a given situation that a normal person might encounter. Each choices has its own corresponding behavior that usually reveal our own personality. So, if I were you, Buy a kokology 2 book for a better understanding of your own self. It will be so much fun if you'll let your other friends join you while reading this book. Goodluck and wish you all the happiness while discovering the true YOU!!
1.) Imagine there're horribly threatening monsters angrily rampaging the city, what do you think is the cause of them anger; why the monsters are so furious? a. They're hungry and looking for food b. They're looking for their lost love c. Just because they are ugly monsters with high temper d. They're angry with this desperate world 2.) You are walking in the art gallery, you are relaxed and stop at one picture. You stop and stare at this picture for a long time, amazed and fascinated. What kind of picture is that? a. Self-portrait b. Parody version of something c. Abstract d. Painting of nature 3.) If you have a magical eraser that can erase anything: a. Erase yourself b. Erase your lover c. Erase the third party 4.) Again, you are in the art gallery, the same one as before. While you are looking at that picture, a guy standing next to you is about to say something. What is that might be? a.) "What a beautiful painting, you think?" b.) "How do you like this painting?" c.) "Excuse me; do you know what time is it now?" d.) "You know, I'm the one who painted this picture" 5.) You are in 5 stars hotel room with a blue sky view. You fell asleep and take a nap for a couple hours. What do you expect to see outside the window once you wake up? a. Midday sun shines above the marine blue sea b. Dark blue sea reflexes stars on the sky c. Cold blue sea barely see in the mist d. The sun is setting at the end of the line where sky and sea has met
--------------------------------------------------------------Now, it's time to check your answer: 1.) The question stands for the dark side of yourself and cause of pressure in your life If you choose a. You are on a diet and feel a bit suffer from it b. Love is the main cause of the pressure in your life c. You feel unsatisfied with your own appearance d. You are pessimistic person 2.) The question stands for your attractiveness If you choose a. You are self-confidence b. You are talkative and have a sense of humor c. You are creative person d. You are gentle and well-manner 3.) The question stands for how you handle the problem in your love life If you choose a. You always run away from the problem in your love life b. You respect love and see it as a beautiful thing c. You don't like to let the problem goes on and effect with your life. You love to solve it right away 4.) The question stands for the way you act when you met someone for the first time If you choose a. You are friendly and love to get to know and have new friends b. You will consider carefully before get to know someone c. You are independent and see no importance of getting to know new friends d. You always get excited to know someone and try to make them impressed in you 5.) The question stands for what do you want from love If you choose a. You want a high-voltage love b. You believe the importance of honesty between lovers c. You want your lover to be your best friend d. You are looking for a perfect love. Ideal and romantic
2. Kokology Quiz 2 1.) You are reading stuff in the living room while someone is knocking on your door. Through the cat's eye you see a stranger. According to the way he dresses, this guy must be a technician. What kind of technician is that? a. An electrician b. A plumber c. Air-conditioner technician d. Television or stereo technician 2.) You are a superstar about to release a new album. What do you want for the album cover a. Beautiful landscape b. Cartoonish picture c. Abstract picture, some artistic stuff d. Picture of yourself 3.) Your boss told you to cut a piece of paper into half. How do you like to cut it? a. Cut it in straight b. Cut it in wavy line c. Cut it in zigzag line d. Cut it in one curve line 4.) If you have to commit suicide, which way you will prefer? a. Shoot yourself b. Overdose yourself c. Hang yourself d. Jump off the building 5.) Which part of the cake you are eager to eat? a. The strawberry part b. The uneatable decoration part c. The sugary-decoration part d. The Chocolate part e. The decorating wafer part ---------------------------------------------------------Now, it's time to check your answer: 1.) The question stands for the problem in your family that you try to ignore If you choose a. The warm atmosphere that everyone and talk to each other about anything b. The understanding feeling within the family c. The factor from outside that effects to your family
d. The fun in the family 2.) The question stands for what you see as the most charming attitude in yourself and would like to express it for everyone to see If you choose a. You see yourself as a gentle and well-mannered person b. You love social life and always entertain people surrounding you c. You are skillful, very talented and very creative d. You have a high self-confidence and love to be leader 3.) The question stands for the method you will choose to end your relationship with someone If you choose a. You can end it right away. No regret b. You cannot end it completely at the moment. c. The way you end the relationship is harsh and aggressive d. You will end your relationship gently 4.) The question stands for how you manage your money If you choose a. You are a so-called stingy but never have a proper savings b. You are a businessman and know how to earn a money from anything you want c. You strict with the way you spend the money and good at saving money d. You don't know how to spend money and always use it all once you have it in your hand 5.) The question stands for your attitude If you choose a. Your life is based on morality. You will not do anything against righteousness b. You are fashionable and always fascinated people around you c. You care other people's feeling and love to be in the crowd d. You are reasonable and a natural born leader. You love to be in control e. You are sensitive, romantic and always dream of happy wedding
1. It stays black. 2. It turns back to its original blue. 3. It turns white. 4. I turns golden colored. Key to The Blue Bird: The bird that flew into your room seemed like a symbol of good fortune, but suddenly it changed color, making you worry that happiness would not last. Your reaction to this situation shows how you respond to difficulties and uncertainties in real life. 1. Those who said the bird stays black have a pessimistic outlook. 2. Those who said the bird turns blue again are practical optimists. 3. Those who said the bird turns white are cool and decisive under pressure. 4. Those who said the bird turns golden can be described as fearless.
On your Birthday
Your Birthday is the one day a year when you're justified in expecting things to be just a little nicer than usual. Well wishes and congratulations, presents and cards, maybe even a party or romantic dinner for two. It's your birthday today, and when you check your mailbox you see you've gotten a card from someone you would have never expected. Who is the sender? You have also received a number of gifts from family & Friends. Of that group, who sent you the biggest package? (Give the names of people in your life when answering the quiz.) RESULT: The responses you gave signify your true feelings about people in your life, feelings you might not even be aware of yourself. The person who unexpectedly sent you cards is actually someone you would like to care more about you or give you more attention. In short, the person you named as the sender is someone you'd be been hesitant to approach, or just a friend you haven't heard from in a while? Maybe it's time you made the first move toward bridging that gap. On the surface, you might associate the biggest package you received with good feelings about the sender. But from a psychological perspective, the person you named as the sender s someone whose affections you take for granted. This doesn't necessarily signify a lack of respect, but you definitely feel confident of their feelings for you. Be careful not to get overconfident. What feels like security to you may look like plain selfishness to others.
Desert Journey Your desktop is spilling over with unfinished paperwork, the rest of the office has already gone home for the night. You look up at the clock and it laughs back. You wonder, with a sinking feeling inside, if this job will ever be done. The professor drones on and on through a three-hour double lecture on the worlds most boring subject. Theres no space left for doodles in your notebook, and youre only thirty minutes into the class. You begin to think youve somehow been frozen in time. Waiting can be a special form of torture, worse than any momentary pain. The combination of frustration and boredom can send even the bravest heart into a state of panic. Our first journey will bring us face-to-face with the infinite. Take a moment to prepare yourself, and enter the eternal desert 1] You are riding a camel across the vast and empty expanse of a seemingly endless desert. You have ridden until you are near exhaustion. What words would you say to the camel that has carried you all the way? 2] Just at the point when you thought youd die of thirst, a beautiful oasis appears. But someone has arrived before you. Who is this other traveler? (Use the name of a person you know) 3] Time passes slowly in the desert, and it feels like an eternity before the lights of a town appear on the horizon. You have finally reached your destination. What are your feelings as you come to your journeys end? 4] The time has come to part with the camel you have ridden for so ling. Just as you dismount, a new rider climbs into the saddle to take your place. Who is the new rider? (Name another person in your life) Answers/Interpretaion of answers below: Key to A Desert Journey The desert and camel theme symbolizes the journey toward personal independence. Specifically, this scenario reveals your feelings about parting with a lover. Your answers show how you might react when the time comes to go your separate ways. 1] The words you spoke to the camel reveal what you might say to yourself when you realize love has been lost. Did you try words of encouragement like Well make it through somehow! or Dont worry, this cant go on forever? Or was there a hint of despair, Were lost this is hopeless I think were going to die out here? 2] In psychological terms, the oasis symbolizes the key to solving ones problems. The person you encountered here could be someone who has helped or comforted you in the past or one you might turn to in times of need. 3] The town at journeys end stands for the order restored to your emotions once youve recovered from your broken heart. Your feelings upon reaching the town are your true feelings about finally
getting over a lost love. 4] The new rider is a person toward whom you feel a secret rivalry, jealousy, or resentment. Is the person you named a rival in love or maybe someone who once broke your heart?