The Earth's Magnetic Field - Basics PDF
The Earth's Magnetic Field - Basics PDF
The Earth's Magnetic Field - Basics PDF
Scientists still do not know exactly what causes the earth's magnetic field. In the 16th century, it was believed that a mountain of magnetite (a magnetic mineral) was located at the North Pole and that this mountain caused the earth's magnetic field. English physician William Gilbert was the first to propose, in 1600, that the earth itself was a massive magnet. Most Scientists today believe the magnetic field is produced by electric currents generated by the movement of molten metal in the outer core of the Earth. A recent model called the Glatzmaier-Roberts model explains it more simply. There is a solid iron inner core surrounded by a hot, liquid iron outer core, that rotate slightly faster than the surface of the earth. This causes electrons to flow and this electron current creates the magnetic field.
To simplify the concept you can consider that the earth contains a magnet with a north and a south pole. The magnet sets up a magnetic field around the earth. This magnetic field is comprised of flux lines. The density of the flux lines determines the strength of the field.
The Symbol for Flux Density is B and is measured in Teslas (T) B total is a measure of the magnetic field at a particular point on the earth. 1T = 1000000 uT (micro) = 1000000000 nT (nano)
Close to the poles the magnitude of the earths magnetic field would be close to 60 microteslas, decreasing to 30 microteslas as we near the equator.
At the north pole, the force of the magnetic field (Flux Lines) is downward into the ground. At the south pole, the force is outward out of the ground. Every other place on the earth the force is at some angle to the earths surface.
This angle is known as the Dip Angle. At the poles the dip is 90 (perpendicular to the earths surface) and decreases to 0 (parallel to the earths surface) at the equator. The earths magnetic field, as with all magnetic fields, are vector quantities. A vector quantity has both a magnitude & direction. The magnitude of the earths field is known as the Btotal (Bt) The direction of the earths magnetic field is known as the Dip Because the earths magnetic field is a vector it can be broken down in to its primary components. The vertical component: Bv ( magnetic force perpendicular to the earths surface) The horizontal component: Bh ( magnetic force parallel to the earths surface ) The horizontal field is of importance in surveying as direction is calculated from the horizontal component. The horizontal field is a function of the total field and the dip Bh = Btotal * Cosine Dip The smaller the dip the larger the hz field. Near the equator where the dip is small the entire field is comprised of the horizontal component. As we head north the dip would increase thus decreasing the horizontal field. Accurate magnetic measurements are difficult near the poles as the horizontal field is substantially reduced due to the high dip angle Which is why we have the qualifier on azimuth specifications. Az +\- 1 degree for dip angles below 75 degrees. Above 75 degrees dip and the measurements are not as accurate.
Total Intensity (Bt). Horizontal Intensity (Bh), Vertical Intensity (Bv), Dip, Declination (D), North-South Intensity (X), East-West Intensity (Y),
B total
The earths total magnetic field measured in Teslas (T) Represented in MAGUTM in nanoteslas Bt = Sq Rt of ( Bv^2 + Bh^2 ) The horizontal component of the Bt. The component of the Bt that direction is derived from. Represented in MAGUTM in nanoteslas Bh = Bt * Cosine Dip The vertical component of the earths magnetic field . Represented in MAGUTM in nanoteslas Bv = Bt * Sin Dip The angle at which the magnetic field flux lines intersect the earths surface. Measured in degrees. The inclination of the dip & the total magnitude (Bt ) determine the value of Bh & Bv . Dip = ArcTan Bv \ Bh The angle between magnetic north and true north. Measured in degrees.
B horizontal
B vertical
The angular difference between Magnetic North and True North is known as the Magnetic Declination.
Magnetic Declination
Methods used to determine declination include; Isogonic Charts or Declination Maps Programs that use Geomagnetic Reference Models such as MAGUTM Geomagnetic reference models mathematically model the magnetic field around the earth. The model is created from numerous observations of the magnetic field on the ground, at sea and in the air. The models are typically valid for 5 year periods.
Declination however is not a constant value due to the fact that the magnetic north pole is constantly moving.
Complex fluid motion of the molten metal in the liquid outer core causes the north pole to move slowly over time. This movement is known as secular change. Secular change is one of the main reasons why Geomagnetic Reference Models need to be constantly updated.
Solar Magnetic Activity ( Solar Storms ) During periods of high solar magnetic activity bursts of charged particles are projected in to space. These particles react with and distort the earths magnetic field. The result can be dramatic movements of the north pole thus changes in declination.
North References
All of our MWD directional probes (MEP, DEP,PCD etc ) are magnetic measurement tools. They do not measure true north. As such to reference to true north we need to add declination. For surveying reporting purposes there are 2 main types of north reference for direction True North Grid North True North is the most common way of referencing direction. True north uses magnetic north & declination correction. Using magnetic models, which are recomputed every 5 years, declination can accurately be modeled. As such regardless of when a well is surveyed it will have the same survey +\declination errors if surveyed at a later date. Grid North is a method of applying a 2 dimensional coordinate system to the earth. Grid north can be referenced from magnetic north by applying the Magnetic Convergence Angle and also referenced to true north by applying the Grid Convergence Angle. Grid north corrections are made the same way as declination corrections with the same geomagnetic reference models.
Accelerometers are used to calculate inclination and high side toolface. Inclination is measured in the borehole referenced to vertical. 0 = vertical 90 = horizontal
gx 2 + gy 2 + gz 2
goxy =
V e r t i c a l
gx 2 + gy 2
Gy Gx
goxy = tan 1 gz
90 L 180
0 90 R
gy = tan 1 gx
We have 2 types of accelerometers: Force Balanced & Quartz Hinged. Although both have different mechanics they essentially work on the same principle. A Force Balanced accelerometer has a magnet suspended in ferro fluid. The accelerometer contains a set of coils that are oppositely wound that when energized create a magnetic field. The ferro fluid has iron particles that help float the magnet in the magnetic field created from the external coils
The accelerometer circuitry forces the magnet to remain in neutral position. When horizontal it requires no force to keep the magnet in its neutral position. Zero force = 0 volts. As the accelerometer is moved from the horizontal position it requires force to keep it neutral ( balanced ). The force required to balance the accelerometer requires a certain voltage. The voltage is porportional to the gravitational force being exerted on the device. The accelerometer works on a 2.5 to + 2.5 scale that corresponds to 1 to 1g range.
+ 2.5 v 1G
-2.5 v -1G
The higher the inclination, the higher the force required to keep the magnet balanced. The response of the accelerometer as it is rotated is a cosine function of the inclination. At 90 degrees inc. ( horizontal ) At 45 degrees inc. At 0 degrees inc. ( vertical ) Cos 90 = 0g ( 0 volts ) Cos 45 = 0.707g ( 1.767v ) Cos 0 = 1g ( 2.5v )
With the combination of the 3 accelerometers we can always get an accurate measurement of the horizontal plane & and tool inclination
Magnetic Flux
It works similar to the accelerometer in that it measures the voltage required to null out the external magnetic field. A magnetometer has 2 oppositely wound coils wrapped around 2 Mu metal rods. Mu metal is a ferromagnetic material that does not retain a magnetic charge from an external field. An AC current is passed through the rods which energizes the rods ( in opposite magnetic polarity ) When a magnetic material reaches saturation point the current being generated from the magnetic field levels off. When the magnetometer is parallel to an external magnetic field one coil will saturate more quickly than the other due to the opposite polarities of the coils. ( Both coils are observing the same magnetic field. But one will already biased in the polarity of the external field so the saturation point will be reached faster) As each rod reaches saturation the current generated internally in the rods levels off and the time difference can be calculated. Based on the time difference a voltage is then fed back in to the rods to generate a DC magnetic field to null out the external magnetic field. The voltage required to null out the external magnetic field is representative of the external magnetic field. The stronger the field (more flux ) the quicker the saturation times between the 2 will occur.
A magnetometer oriented magnetic north and placed at an inclination complimentary to the dip will read the entire Btotal. ( dip 75 - Magnetometer at 15 ) A magnetometer oriented magnetic north and placed vertical ( 0 degrees ) will read B vertical. A magnetometer oriented magnetic north and placed horizontal ( 90 degrees ) will read B horizontal A magnetometer in the hz plane pointed east or west (perpendicular to the flux lines )will not measure any external magnetic field. Rotate a magnetometer in the horizontal plane around a 360 circle and you will see a cosine wave.
Azimuth calculations. To calculate azimuth the tools must first calculate inclination & HSG. With the Inc & HSG the tool can then calculate the values of the magnetometers that are in the hz plane. The polarities of Bx, By & Bz are are observed and the quadrant that the tool is pointed in is calculated. From the ratio of Bx & By to Bz the position in the quadrant is calculated then referenced to north.
MAGUTM v3.00
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMPANY PLATFORM ID WELL NAME DATE JOB No. : Petro-Canada Oil & Gas : PC Dover : PC A7P 5-4/15-32-92-12W4M : 09-January-2001 :
All values calculated at MEAN SEA Level using Magnetic Model: IGBGCF01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Geographic/UTM Co-ordinates in NORTHERN hemisphere at WELL-HEAD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UTM GRID ZONE = 12V CENTRAL MERIDIAN = 249.000
GEOGRAPHIC U.T.M. (m) U.T.M. (ft) ------------------- ----------Latitude (Northing) : 57: 2:40.120 6322455.127 20742963.016 Longitude (Easting) : 248: 8:15.320 447671.734 1468739.284 UTM GRID Convergence = -0.7237 degrees MAGNETIC Convergence = 19.7502 degrees GRID NORTH is 0:43:25.174 WEST of TRUE NORTH MAGNETIC NORTH is 19:45: 0.682 EAST of GRID NORTH To convert a MAGNETIC direction to a TRUE direction; ADD 19.027 deg To convert a MAGNETIC direction to a GRID direction; ADD 19.750 deg To convert a TRUE direction to a GRID direction; ADD 0.724 deg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Components of Earth's Magnetic Field relative to TRUE NORTH on 09/JAN/2000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Component Magnitude Rate of Change -----------------------------Declination : 19.027 deg. = 19: 1:35.5 -17.5 Minutes/year Inclination/Dip : 78.665 deg. = 78:39:54.8 -2.3 Minutes/year Horizontal : 11715 Nanotesla 26 nT/year Northward : 11075 Nanotesla 44 nT/year Eastward : 3819 Nanotesla -47 nT/year Vertical : 58446 Nanotesla -72 nT/year Total Field : 59608 Nanotesla -65 nT/year ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Checksummed Datasets (WELL-HEAD) : North Reference : TRUE GRID MAGNETIC Total Field (nT) : 59608 59608 59608 Dip Angle (deg) : 78.67 78.67 78.67 Total Correction (deg) : 19.03 19.75 0.00 Checksum Value : 231480 231984 218159
Concerns With MAGUTM If the latitude and longitude entered in MAGUTM are incorrect the declination will be WRONG Based on the LSD the latitude and longitude should determined from the LSD maps in the office prior to leaving for a job. Once on location the lat & long should be compared with the lat & long generated from MAPCON. These should match closely with preference given to MAPCOM numbers. The lat & long should then be compared to that of the well plots and the well license. The purpose of checking the 3 are to pick up any errors that may be present. The well license is gospel. If there is a difference the co man should be consulted to ensure the data on the well license is correct.