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A Monthly Magazine of Sense & Science
Upon A Scriptural Basis,
And of Universal Interest to all Nations and
Peoples under the sun.

EDITED BY E . A . M . B .


W H I C H IS T R U E ?



The Level Surface of Water and Land?

" Forty-three years ago, when an atheist T H R O U G H F A L S I ASTRONOMY,

I was converted by the Spirit of God."—Alex. Mclnnes.

" T h e E a r t h " contains instructive articles, dealing w i t h

the erroneous teaching of Modern A s t r o n o m y ; p r o v i n g
by the indisputable evidence of guaranteed p r a c t i c a l
experiment on the Bedford C a n a l , t h a t W a t e r is L E V E L
and the E a r t h A P L A N E .

Publisned by Lady Mount, 11, Gloucester Road, Kingston H i l l .

Universal 2>etet*c Society,
Founded in New York in Sept., 1873, and in London in D e c , 1883 (ten years
after the American), as The Zetetic Society, by " Parallax," and others, is now
firmly established by E . A . M . ' B . , (Lady Blount), Ed. of The Earth, and her
army of helpers, throughout the civilized world. Many local branches of the
organization have been started, during the past five years, in all the principal
. countries, with the exception of Russia, where The Earth is not allowed to

PRESIDENT: L A D Y E . A . M . B L O U N T ,
(M.R.C.S., Ph. D., etc., late Surgeon, Gold Coast;
Author of "Errors of Astronomy;")
(Dr. C . de Lacy Evans; was Vice-President of the Zetetic Society whenfirstfounded.)
Rev.E.W.BuUinger,D,D.. Rev.A.T. deLearsy.D D. Albert Smith.
Maj.-Gen. E . Armstrong. C . W . Makepeace, Esq. Charles Smith
Rev. E . W . Brookman. Jno. S. Mc Clelland, Esq. Isaac Smith, Esq.
Joseph Chamberlain, Esq. Alex. Mc Innes, Esq. John Smith, Esq.
Fredk. Evans, Esq. Rev. E . V . Mulgrave. H . H . Squire, Esq.
Elder Miles Grant. Jonathan Nicholson, Esq. Archbishop C. I. Stevens,
Dr. E . Haughton, M . D . , Dr. T . E . Reid. D.D.,LL.D.
B.A., &" Sen. Moderator E . J . Shackleton, Esq. A. Walter, Esq.
in Nat. Sc., Trin. Col. A. E . Skellam, Esq. Capt. West.
L A D Y E . A . M . B L O U N T , Ed. of "The Earth"
to.whom all communications should be addressed.

®ur /l&otto.
©ur ©bject
The propagation of knowledge relating to Natural Cosmogony
in confirmation of the Holy Scriptures, based upon
practical scientific investigation.

1—The so-called "sciences," and especially Modern Astronomy, to be dealt
with from practical data in connection with the Divine System of Cosmogony
revealed by the Creator.
2. —Members to subscribe Six Shillings a year, which entitles them to two
copies of each issue of the Society's Organ, and a copy of every paper issued
by the Society. Such will also be eligible to be voted to serve on Committees,
to vote on motions, and to propose (subject to Rule 1) any alteration thought to be
beneficial to the Society.
3.—If any love* of Truth desires to become a member of the Universal Zete
Society, and cannot make it convenient to pay a subscription, it need not deter h
her from joining. Your help will be appreciated in any way that you can give it.
Each one can at least help in making known the truth.
4. — A l l subscriptions to the Society to be made to the Treasurer, addressed to
"Zeteo," at the office of The Earth,
Copies of " T h e E a r t h " (the Society's Organ), may be had of the Ed., B . A . M . B .
' (Lady Blount), u , Gloucester Road Kingston H i l l , Surrey, England.
Reprinted from " THE EARTH."

( A pamphlet by Rev. G. T . Manley, M . A . )

The pamphlet referred to above is evidently written in

defence of modern science.
After quoting the names of its founders, which include
Newton, Herschel, Professor Adams, Clerk, Maxwell, Boyle,
Wallace, Darwin, Sir James Simpson, Prof. Adam Sedgwick,
Young, Joule, and Faraday, the writer makes an apology
at the bottom of the page—as a footnote—for not including
those of Huxley and Tyndall,
However, he regards Faraday, Young, and Joule—as
physicists—to be superior to T y n d a l l : and Darwin—as a
biologist—preferable to Huxley. A n d the "conclusion" of
the whole matter may be comprehended by critics for the truth
when they consider the writer's summing up, viz: that "all
points to one conclusion, that the functions of science {i.e.,
so-called " science") and Christianity are to purify each
other " (!).
I can only express my regret when I see such words as
these in p r i n t ; and the only charitable excuse for the one
who penned, them—impossible as it may seem—is that he
must be ignorant of many of the tenets of both the Bible
and modern science, otherwise he could hardly make such
a statement.
But the worship of human intellect must cease. The
exaltation of the human intellect is one of Satan's most
seductive idols, but the time has arrived when it must fall.
And the redeemed will be delivered from its snare.
Mr. Manley quotes the f o l l p ^ i g wofds (which are the
words of some individual) quofecf b y Bishop Butler in his
Analogy of Religion : " Christianity is not so much as a sub-
ject of enquiry but it is now discovered to be fiction."
Mr. M . then endeavours to prove therefrom, that because
infidelity existed in 1 7 3 6 , " before a word of modern science
had been written," therefore it is not a cause for the present
prevailing infidelity.
In upholding his position, the writer, after saying, " / do
not think the state of Christianity so black to-day," asks this

question : " If science is the cause of unbelief at the close of

the nineteenth century, what was its cause at the commence-
ment of the eighteenth ? " But there is no argument here.
It is about equal to the contention that as before a certain
disease was known in a particular country where people had
suffered and died, therefore it was proven that since it (i.e.
the new disease) appeared, it could neither be the cause of
injury nor death.
The one line of argument is as sensible as the other. It
'must be apparent that before a thing exists it cannot affect
anything. Therefore, before modern science existed it could
not have caused infidelity. But now that I T D O E S E X I S T it
is not the only cause for unbelief in the W o r d of God, and
the teachings of H i s Son, Jesus C h r i s t ; nevertheless, it is
an additional and powerful cause, and its evil influence
operates upon two classes, viz.: those who understand
something about its tenets, and those who know nothing
about them, but accept the conclusions of those that do.
Apart from the lines of Truth no man can form satisfactory
judgment on anything. The majority of people understand
little about modern science, nor do they trouble
T r
Ke of
i S h e
t o t n e
of the B i b l e / There-
t r u t h

Knowledge. f ° they do not know where to set the dividing

r e

line between true science, and that which is

described in H o l y Writ as "science—falsely so-called." Only
the measuring rod of truth, prayerfully sought after and
sought out, can rightly divide these two.
Very many jDrofessing Christians go on in a sort of
" follow-my-leader" style, never dreaming that they are
professing to have faith in two systems which contradict each
other, and which if understood could not be held together
in a reasonabje mind. H o w can a man believe a thing he
does not understand ? It is impossible. If a man believes
in-another man's teaching without understanding it, or
proving it to be true, his faith is centred in the reliability of
another man's conclusions, but not in a thing which he does
not understand.
N o ! Modern Scripture-contradicting science is not the
only cause for infidelity, but it is an additional and a power-
ful cause, and it appears to me that its interpolation is the
policy of Satan, and his evil instruments, who, although
invisible are only so in substance but not in force of evil.

influence and rule. A n d thus Satan has retarded the pro-

gress and salvation of men, by shaking their faith in God's
Word, and in the Creator's own account of His Creation
as set forth therein.
I expressed this opinion in an allegorical figure about ten
years ago, in my book entitled, Adrian Galilio& song-writer's
story. The stanzas I refer to, which portray Satan, as " the
the prince of Hades," conversing with one of his evil instru-
ments—the " Spirit-Jester "—are as follows i —

Prince.—Why, Jester, laughing still as ever!

fester.—I'm mimicking mankind so clever!
Prince.—I hate them for their power of will,
T o change their minds, or hold them still!
Jester.—Describe thy plans, detail each stage
For snaring man in Christian age?
Prince.—First, far and wide, shall rise division.
T o fog's man's senses, cause derision.
Then strong conceit shall fast increase,
A trap affording no relief.
This spirit, holding men so neat,
Will raise a sect in every street.
For plain 1 see, through spirit source,
A battle-field right down time's course;
T i l l the Angel shall the decree enforce,
That " Time shall be no more."
* # # & #
Prince.—Against their Maker men shall turn, .
A n d strong "delusion " Truth shall spurn ;
For this well focussed, and compact,
Imprints untruth as solid fact.
Spirits prepared throughout the ages,
Shall do our will at fitting stages ;
Man's word 'gainst God's shall be accepted,
A n d false Cosmogony erected ;
That earth's a tiny whirling globe
Shall men set forth in learned robe; •
Above concern if Moses erred,
A n d Jesus verified his w o r d —
Denying the earth's Creator.
fester.—-Stay, Prince, observe before T i m e s closed,
Our mighty will shall be opposed ;

S n e e r n o t at t h e Z e t e t i c b a n d ,
G o l i a t h fell b y D a v i d ' s h a n d .
I see a S t o n e ; i t t a k e t h a i m ;
A n d h u s h , I hear i t s c u r i o u s s t r a i n :

Hypothesis q u o t e d —
" A l l matter -once floated
In atoms wide roaming through space ; "
When a power, perhaps " N e t h e r " ?
Pulled all down together ;
H o w it happened no mortal can trace ?

But, dear me ! however

C o u l d there then be a " Nether " ?
Or an upward ox downward at all ?
W i t h " atoms " dis-severed,
Now gravity-tethered,
A n d shooting through space like a hall.

T h i s power of such fame,

" G r a v i t a t i o n * ' by name.
Pounced down on the atoms while strewing;
But further back gaze,
O'er eternity's maze,
What before was good gravity doing ?

The gravity theory,

When started, was clearly
A fancy which Newton had " run " ;
Imagine the n o t i o n —
T h i s world, mostly ocean,
Once a cinder shot out from the sun I

7_<ike Solar relation

Inherent rotation
Sent the " globe n
whirling round, til) full
Just picture the v i e w —
T h e sparks, how they flew ?
A n d a beauty so bright made the moon !

T h e Snn, the great " Master,*"

Sure, ought to g o faster
T h a n the sparks it sent backward reviewing;
Yet globe and moon, too,
K e e p old Sol weii in view,'
A n d play all around while pursuing I

T h e Globite avers
It took millions ofyems
F o r the earth to develop and coo), Sir ;
But he who will try
To- give G o d the lie,
Shatl prove himself but Satan's tool, Sir.

Modern science is enveloped about i n folds o f not c o m -

monly understood wordiology. T h e newest
Scientific work on modern science, entitled ; Man's
jargon. Place in the Universe, b y Prof. A l f r e d Wallace,
is not exempt from the unseemly drapery of
scientific jargon : in fact it is pretty freely padded with i t
But is this scientific jargon knowledge ? Nay, it is as c o n -
ventional in its nature as are all other man-made con-
ventionalities and fashions.



" Globe " on the Brain.
I've just had a look
A t W ' s book,
S o its bearings, in song, I'll define,
F o r m y thoughts go and come
In rhymerie's run,
A s I step o n the critical line.
Refrain—-Sir Isaac went far
Beyond reason's bar
When hefloatedthe theory that the earth is a star ;
And the same evil blot
Mr.-W*s got
In his universe pot
For he starts with a globe, thus assuming the4ot!
Some scientists shirk
Certain truths in their work,
But here there are palpable reasons
F o r thinking our earth
Is the only one worth
Populating—because it has seasons.

W e make no dissension
W i t h this main contention
. Because it seems valid, and clear;
So with Wallace we own
T h e Earth's peopled alone,
-r^But he has not proved it a sphere i

T h i s writer's resolved
" A l l that is " is evolved,
N o matter what Matter's the cause;
S o p l a i n l y we see
H e and H a e c k e l agree,
T h a t Matter makes M a t t e r ' s own l a w s !

A n d instead of Genesis
They've got " A b i o g e n e s i s , "
— A wonderful compound, this w o r d —
T h e y want " l i f e without life "
In matter full r i f e ;
T h u s d e n y i n g all life's from the L o r d .

Suns, counting to " millions,"

A n d stars too i n " billions,"
F o r m e d themselves—so they s a y — r i g h t aw
A n d w h i r l i n g by chance
A sidereal dance
T h e y rush i n a-rnaze-(ing) array.

If W is right
W e must doubt o u f own sight,
T h o ' our sense and our reason resolve;
For m
professors " believe
H e a v e n l y bodies deceive
A n d they o n l y " appear " to revolve ! "

" liaise science " ignores

God's W o r d , and H i s L a w s
A n d denies that our G o d d i d " m a k e man "
B u t " man's place " we rehearse
" In the tnxe U n i v e r s e "
Js to work out " H i s w i l l o n H i s plan.''

In nebular fiction
There's m u c h contradiction,
T h e Scriptures it sets at defiance ;
S o we stand b y the B i b l e
A n d spurn every libel
A g a i n s t its true cosmical science.

T h e n Christian be wise
A n d from slumber arise
Christ's soldiers should stand up and fight
In strongest accord
F o r the Word of the L o r d ,
Clad in armour of T r u t h and of Right.

• But I fear that my song

May be tedious and long.
W i t h apologies, dear reader, to you,
This lyric I'll close
A n d finish in prose
T h e rest of my Wallace Review.

I have noticed that though Mr, Wallace, in his book,

goes contrary to some astronomical teachings, he yet en-
dorses the theories which underlie the very foundation of
modern astronomy. I will give a few quotations from his
book, showing the nature of some of the theories still taught
by scientific authorities.
My readers will understand that light is supposed to con-
sist of the wave-vibrations of ether: and scientists are sup-
posed to have measured the length of these wave-vibrations,
as also their velocities.- Hence we read on p. 27:

** By ingenious experiments the size and rate of vibration of these

waves have been measured, and it is found that they vary' considerably.
Those forming the red light, which is least refracted, having a wave
length of about 1 three-hundred-and-twenty-six-thousandth of an inch,
while the violet rays at the other end of the spectrum are only about
half that length,or 1 six-hundred-and*thirty-thousandth part of an inch."

The rate at which vibrations succeed each other is from 3 0 2

millions of millions per second for the extreme red rays, to
737 millions of millions for those at the violet end of the
The new astronomy is generally based on deductions
drawn from these theories about light, and light waves;
but when they talk of " millions of millions " of vibrations
in a second of time, the ordinary mind is fairly bewildered !
Again, we find that the Copernican theory of the world
was not generally accepted at first, the objectors s a y i n g : —
If the earth revolves round the sun at a distance which
cannot be less according to Kepler's measurement of the

distance of Mars at opposition than 13^ millions of miles,

then how is it that the nearer stars are not seen to shift their
apparent places when viewed from opposite sides of this
enormous orbit ? "
Of course the usual assumptions were made to overcome
this difficulty ; namely, that the stars we look at are such an
immense distance from us. But as the writer of the book
under consideration adds : — " T h i s seemed wholly incredible
even to the great observer Tycho Brahe, and hence the
Copernican theory was not so generally accepted as it other-
wise would have been."
It is instructive to notice that the sun's distance was then
supposed to be 13J millions of millions of miles, whereas we
read: " i t is now pretty well fixed at about 92,780,000 ' !
T h i s is rather a large difference of opinion, or measure-
ment (?) for an " exact science." But it is noticeable that
however many mistaken guesses the astronomers make, their
teachings are always supposed t6 be ** scientific." !
In this case even their mistakes must be *' s c i e n t i f i c a l s o ,
that is, they are " scientific mistakes " ! We notice, further,
that M r . Wallace bases all his speculations on the theory
of Evolution or development: and this theory of development
or Evolution is based on the globular theory ; the former
explanation being the expansion, as it were, of the latter.
T h i s theory of Evolution contradicts the very first chapter
of Genesis, as also the Fourth Commandment, in which the
Creator tells us that he made the W o r l d in six literal days
like the Sabbath or Seventh Day. B u t science, of course,
knows of no beginning, as is confessed on p. 134 of M r ,
Wallace's book. H e says :

" II cannot be too often repeated that no explanation; no theory ;

ran ever take us to the beginning of things, but only one or two steps
at a time into the dim past, which may enable us to comprehend,
however imperfectly, the processes by which the worhl or the universe
as it is, has been developed out of some earlier and simpler condition.' 1

So -it. appears after all that scientists know nothing

of the beginning of the world. T h u s we see why those who
reject the inspired account of Creation, as given in the W o r d
of God, have not only nothing better to offer us in its place ;
but positively have to confess that they do not know, and
cannot reasonably speculate as to how the world or the u n i -

verse first began. Then why do they reject or ignore the

inspired account? Simply because that account is dia-
metrically opposed to their vain imaginations; and in ad-
mitting that account, they would have to admit an all-
powerful personal and all wise Creator. However, there is
one conclusion to which Professor Wallace comes, with which
Zetetics will readily agree—in fact it is his main contention,
—namely, that this is the only habitable world, as far as
can be known to science. This is quite contrary to popular
astronomical conclusions.
Something, therefore, is gained for the truth. But alas !
the truth in this case is marred, because in maintaining his
argument the Professor often illogically assumes that the
earth is only " another planet." I will quote some other
of his conclusions :—
(1) " T h a t the stellar universe forms one connected whole; and
though of immense extent is yet finite, and its extent de terminable.*'
(2) '"That the solar sys'em is situated in the plane of the Milky
Way, and not far removed from the centre of that plane. The earth is
therefore nearlv in the centre of the stellar universe."
(3) "That ihi< universe consists throughout of the same kinds of
matter, and is subjected to the same physical and chemical laws.
(4) "That no other planet in 'the stellar system than our earth is in-
habited or. habitable."
(5) - " That the probabilities are almost as great against any other
sun (\) possessing inhabited planets."
(6) " That the nearly central position of our (J) sun is probably a
prominent one, and has been especially favourable, perhaps absolutely
essential to life development upon the earth."

*fhus, we obtain the writer's conclusions in the foregoing

six propositions ; in the last of which I again notice it is " life
development" or Evolution, as against Creation.
Now if all the variations of life on this so-called " planet '*
of " ours *' is by development or evolution, it would be quite
proper to ask how life first started on the earth after it had
cooled down sufficiently to form the so-called " crust of the
globe." Was it from a mere fortuitous concourse of atoms ?"

Or was the operation directed by some intelligent mind, or

.cause? And if the latter, then by whose mind was matter
directed, and who guided the inert mass, and stamped upon
it His design ? It appears to me that science, in rejecting
the Creation recorded in the Bible, has got into a dense fog,
where the wildest speculations prevail and nothing certain can
be known.

I deny the possibility of inert matter setting up any

automatic force.
The trend of Professor Wallace's argument is seen in the
opening of chap. 6, where he says : " Darwin solved the ori-
gin of organic species from other species, and thus enabled
us to understand how the whole of the existing forms of life
have been developed out of pre-existing forms.'' A n d he
goes on to say that " astronomers hope to be able to solve
the problem of the evolution of suns from some earlier
stella/ types." H e adheres to the postulated predication
that there is evolution everywhere; and that man has
been evolved from lower types: but the author of the
book holds himself back, and will not go so far as Darwin did
in defining the question of the origin of life. There are
two sets of facts, parallel and related, yet at the same time
distinct. They are the physical facts of organic chemistry
(which is the chemistry of carbon compounds) and the phy-
sical facts of organized beings. There is no known reason
why we may not make sugar, starch, or albumen from their
elements ; but that would bring us no nearer to the production
of a living starch-cell or the living germ of an egg. What
science knows of matter and force gives us no trace of reason
to suppose that its " professors" will ever produce a
living organism—unless another order of existence is added
to them—the psychical: life, mind, will.
Life comes from life o n l y ; therefore, spontaneous genera-
tion, i.e., " abiogenesis," is a leap into illogical darkness.
Where life appears there must be a life-giver—and that brings
us to the Eternal self-existent Life-Giver whom we know as
God—-The L o r d God-Jehovah, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Mr.» Wallace says . " there may be, and probably are, other
universes, perhaps other kinds of matter, and subject to
other laws, perhaps more like our conceptions of the ether,
perhaps wholly non-material, and what we can on)y conceive
as spiritual." Five assumptions in five lines. " Perhaps "
and " may be.''
T h e author of the work under notice has shown no faith
in the God of the Bible as the Creator, and in Jesus Christ
as his Redeemer. But he has shown his belief in Spiritualism,
which f understand he expounded and openly defended over
twenty years ago.
In some respects D r : W'allace and M r . Bruce Wallace are

of the same calibre i n regard to spiritualism: and neither of

them will definitely assort his belief in one self-existeht
Eternal Being, the Creator of all, by whose creative Word
all things came into existence; because both their minds are
darkened by the false idea of evolution, and the evils of
spiritualism : so 1 am informed. B u t D r . Wallace seems to
have ceased making any open confession, he simply leaves
us to suppose he inclines to the belief of man having a
spiritual side to his organization, by quoting a few lines by
Tennysonand Shakespeare here and there. A n d he flavours
his writings with spicy lines such a s : What a piece of
work is man. H o w noble in reason ! H o w infinite i n faculty !
In action how like an angel ! "
" Spirit, nearing y o n dark portal
A t the limit of thy human state,
Fear not thou the hidden purpose
O f that Power which alone is Great.
N o r the myriad world, H i s shadow,
N o r the silent opener of the Gate."
This may be all very beautiful; and no doubt to the mind
of Tennyson the concept conveyed i n the teaching of the
inherent Immortality of M a n , apart from Christ, was a tra-
ditional one. But in any case the Bible and the God of the
Bible are entirely left out, and ignored by the author of Maris
Place in the Universe.
According to D r . A . Wallace the faith which professors of
modern science have hitherto placed i n S i r Isaac Newton's *
theory of gravitation is somewhat slacking down, and its
power of attraction is fading away. T h i s is evident from
Prof. Wallace's statements as follows. H e says :

" One of the greatest difficulties with regard to the vast system of
stars around us is the question of its permanence and stability
But our mathematical astronomers can find no indications of such sta-
bility of the stellar universe as a whole, if subject to the .law of gravi-
tation alone. In reply to some questions on this point, my friend,
Professor George Darwin writes as follows: * A symmetrical annual
system of bodies might revolve in a circle with or without a central body.
Such a system would be unstable. If the bodies are of unequal masses
and not symmetrically disposed, the break-up of the system would
probably be more rapid than in the ideal case of symmetry. Mr. E . T .
Whittaker (Secretary to the Royal Astronomical Society), to whom
Professor Darwin sent my Questions, writes : I doubt whether the
principal phenomena of the stellar universe are consequences of the
law of gravitation at all.'"

T h e n after q u o t i n g Professor Newcomb's calculation as

to the
* * Effect of gravitation in a universe of 100 million stars, eachfivetimes
the mass of our sun, and spread over a sphere which it would take light
30,000 years to cross :"

with which he is not i n harmony, h e also states that:

"it is questionable whether the effect, which we call * gravitation/
given by Isaac Newton, is the cause of results in connection with the
principal phenomena of the stellar universe.
" I have been working myself at spiral nebnlte," says Prof. Wallace,
" and have got afirstapproximation to an explanation—but it is elec-
tro—dynamical and not gravitational."

A c c e p t i n g two different mathematician's opinions the writer

savs t h a t :
" We need not limit ourselves to the laws of gravitation as having
determined the piesent form of the stellar universe; and this is the
more important because we may thus escape from a conclusion which
many astronomers seem to think inevitable, viz., that the observed
proper motions of the stars cannot be explained by gravitative forces
of the system itself."

Therefore the idea of gravitation (which truly belongs to

the regions o f metaphysics, existing o n i y i n imagination
and not i n fact) is falling into discredit, and one might
almost say into disrepute. Professor Wallace's book sheds
more than one ray o f hope that the light o f reason is dawning
upon the minds o f some o f the science-makers, the evidence
of which appears i n one o f his quotations from Professor
H u x l e y : — ' " t h a t the results y o u get out of the mathematical

m i l l ' depend entirely on what you put into i t . "

T r u e ! I f y o u put o i n y o u 11 get o out. A n d my advice
i n seeking after truth is this : i f y o u don't possess a real
standard unit to start your m i l l , don't forge one 1 It won't pay
in the l o n g r u n , because although the faith some have in the
B i b l e may be very weak i n comparison to that which they
have placed i n this world's '* wisdom " y e t honesty will ever
b e f o u n d " t h e best policy/' But earnest Christians who arc
real truth-seekers and truth-lovers will never relax their
faith i n the B i b l e , when they have proved it to be true, be-
cause they *' know whom they have believed " in too real a
sense ever possibly to be shaken b y a n y mere man-made
system, however cunningly it may be constructed.
Prof. Wallace has ineeniouslv endeavoured to make the
various portions of the globular hypothesis dovetail into each

other, and thus present a glossed surface of apparent con-

sistency ; that is, in the eyes of some, but not of all. Because
personally I can perceive no true gloss of beauty. But
nevertheless the most carefully polished fallacy can only
present external and transient attractions, even to those
whose minds have been grossly fed upon that which will
not stand the searching test of the W o r d of the L i v i n g G o d .
Moreover, the most cleverly framed Scripture-contradicting
myths present no " face value " to the keen truth-seeker.
No mere superficial glitter can hide from his penetrating gaze
unsoundness which lies beneath. A n d in spite of adroit
burnishing performed with rare agates carefully prepared for
the purpose b y the author of all lies, still he who rests in
the W o r d of the L o r d knows assuredly that only " The
foundation of God standeth sure," and everything built on
other foundation—however apparently smooth may be its
surface—must eventually come to nought, and fall to rise no
more !
Prof. W a l l a c e has taken the globe theoiy for his basis,
therefore his primary assumptions remain unproved, and, at
the risk of offending the great upholders of " T h e N e w
Astronomy," I will venture to mention some things which
refuse to " f a l l into l i n e " with ordinary common-sense de-
Take, for example, the theory about the origin of the
moon, and the formation of the ocean beds. Professor D a r -
w i n — w h o appears to be D r . Wallace's oracle—originated the
former notion, which is that the earth, at some remote date,
(being still i n a practically fluid condition.) was spinning
round at a rate variously estimated at from 2 to 4 hours
per turn ; it b u l g e d out i n the equatorial regions ; and mat-
ters reached a critical c l i m a x when the centrifugal force
overcame the gravitational and cohesive powers, of the rota-
ting e l l i p s o i d . T w o or more pieces were t o r n out of its
flanks, and u l t i m a t e l y c o a l e s c e d — f o r m i n g the moon.
W h a t a strange conception ! T h e pieces are said to have
kept at first i n close p r o x i m i t y to the earth's surface, though
gradually, the loosened masses were pushed outwards, fur-
ther and further away from the earth. H e r e D r . Wallace
has placed h i m s e l f on the horns of a mechanical dilemma
seeing that if the mass that was ultimately to make up J i c
moon detached itself i n separate pieces from the fast revolv-

ing earth (through excess of centrifugal force) the various

pieces must—according to the Law of Mechanics—have been
flung outwards at a tangent normal to the radius drawn to
the point of separation ; though if the earth were in a more
or less fluid condition—as these professors maintain—the
separation would not necessarily be an abrupt one. That
makes it more difficult for one to imagine how the separation
of a fluid mass can be affected in separate portions.
Without carrying this point as far as I should fairly be
entitled to do, I will simply ask—if this is a fact—whether
anything (apart from intelligence) could cause these portions
to be exactly balanced, and exactly on opposite sides ? If
they were not so balanced, and on exactly opposite sides,
with such a high speed of rotation they would throw the main
body, just as a fast-running and ill-balanced pulley can shake
a mill wall to pieces. The earth would not travel along its
orbit in a smooth line, but would describe a subsidiary small
orbit round the common centre of gravity formed by its own
mass, and that of the detached portions, independent of the
rotation on its axis (though how a globe, rushing through
space, can rotate on its axis is inconceivable). If the union
of the Various fragments took place suddenly, aud while still
in close proximity to the earth, the throwing effect I have
referred to would be intensified.
But I again state that, apart from agreeing with Dr. Wal-
lace that the stars are not other inhabited worlds, and that
the whole universe is so constructed as to be adapted to man's
organism and necessities, I look upon " The New Astron-
omy/' from its foundation as a pagan delusion and God-
denying theory.
I note that Prof. Wallace state the mass of the moon to
be one-fiftieth of that of the earth ; but Sir Robert Ball, in
Earth*s Beginning, put it at one-eightieth. Who is correct,
Sir Robert Ball, or Dr. Alfred Russell Wallace?
I am not interested to know which moon-theory the learned
doctor espouses—for I take the Bible and my own God-given
senses alone as my guide in the matter; but it seems right
to expose these fallacies in detail, wearying though it may be.
Among other things, Dr. Wallace makes out, in conjunc-
tion with Mr. Ormond Fisher, that the pieces whi«h detached
themselves from the earth, to form the moon, left pits, which
served subsequently to become the basins dt the seas. He

always says that these ocean beds are placed in almost

complete symmetry with regard to the equator. T h i s is not
so. H e further says (on p. 275), that " the highest moun-
tains in every part o f the globe very often exhibit on their
loftiest summits stratified rocks, which contain marine organ-
isms, and were, therefore, originally laid down beneath the
sea." If this be so, what about the moon-prepared ocean

bed ?"
Dr. Wallace tells us (on p. 234) that, it has been shown
by means of the spectroscope, that double stars of short
period do originate from a single star (as the moon originated
from the earth) ; but in these cases it seems probable that

the parent star is in the gaseous state,";and thus we are told

new stars are made from old ones " while we w a i t " I So
say these modern science satellites!
Under the heading, The sun a typical star," readers are

treated to a short discourse upon " sun-spots," and that the

body of the sun is gaseous ; but, what we commonly term
the sun is really the bright, spherical nucleus of a nebulous
body. " This " semi-liquid glowing surface is termed the
photosphere, since from it are given out the light and heat
which reach the earth." Immediately above this surface is
the " reversing layer, consisting of dense metallic vapours,
only a few hundred miles thick (I). Above the reversing
layer comes the chromosphere—surrounding the sun to a
depth of about 4,000 miles. The chromosphere and its
quiescent prominences appear to be truly gaseous, consisting
of hydrogen, helium, and coronium, while eruptive prom-
inences show the presence of metallic vapours, especially
calcium Beyond the red chromosphere and prominences
is the marvellous white glory of the corona which extends
to an enormous distance round the sun." Immensity in
size and speed seems to be the acme of the astronomer's
Dr. Wallace states that the stars are suns, and on p. 143,
referring to the age of the sun, says: " enormous epochs
during which our sun has supported life upon this earth—
must have been incomparably less than its whole existence
as a Jight giver—that the life of most stars must be counted
by hundreds, or perhaps by thousands of millions of years."
(Of course this includes the earth, from which the moon was
shot ofT!)

Now whether Dr. Wallace is correct regarding the nature

of the sun's component parts, I will refrain from expressing
my opinion, further than to say that to some extent at least
I doubt its accuracy. But I know that he is wrong regard-
ing the age of the sun and stars ; because in his statements
he has contradicted the Scriptures, wherein we read that
God created the sun and the moon on the fourth day of
Creation week—and the stars also (see Gen. i.)
Regarding motion, the author of this book says : " How
these motions originated and are regulated we do not know,
but there they are ; " and, speaking of the motions of the
stars, he says : " although they appear to move in straight
lines, they may really be moving in curved orbits."
True Zetetics love facts and seek them, but nothing is a
fact which is contrary to the Creator's Word. Yet alas!
even as evil men denied and killed the Prince of Life, so do
many now deny, and seek to slay the Word of Truth.
One of Prof. Wallace's primary contentions is, that the
earth is the only inhabited world. This, as I have already
stated, on Bible lines we endorse ; but, apart from Holy Writ,
we think it impossible to come to such a conclusion from
the professor's standpoint; because as he describes the
principles and physical conditions of all human life, and its
basis, to consist of the elements of oxygen, nitrogen, hydro-
gen, and carbon, it does not follow God could not create
life upon a physical basis entirely different from ours, and
completely beyond our conception.

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