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Tech. Specs. For Rolling Steel Shutters and Grills: Contents: Scope Installation Acceptance Criteria

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: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B#lme$ L#%$ie & Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-10 Te'(. pe'). *o$ Rolli+, teel (utte$)/ -$ill)

Tech. Specs. for Rolling Steel Shutters and Grills


P#,e No. 1 o* .


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B#lme$ L#%$ie & Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-10 Te'(. pe'). *o$ Rolli+, teel (utte$)/ -$ill)


SCOPE This specification covers the design, supply of materials, fabrication, delivery and erection of Rolling Shutters/Grills with motor drive and/or manual operation including all accessories as hereinafter specified.

2.0.0 2.1.0

INSTALLATION Components a) Slats for rolling shutters shall be made from tested bright cold rolled, annealed M.S. strips, not less than .! mm thic" for shutters upto #.$ M wide and not less than %.%$ mm thic" for shutters $.$ M wide and above, machine rolled at &$ mm rolling centers, interloc"ing with each other. The profile, will be such as to prevent e'cessive deflection under specified wind load. Rolling grills shall be constructed out of ( mm dia, rods at )$ mm on centers running hori*ontally fle'ible connected with vertical lin"s spaced not more than % mm centers. +lternatively, rolling grills shall be made from perforated slats of approved design reinforced with ( mm dia rods. ,nd loc"s shall be heavy type M.-.../-... and shall be provided at each end of alternate slats unless specified otherwise in the Schedule. /ottom bars shall be finished with two angles not less than ( mm thic" for e'ternal shutters. 0hen shown on drawings, a fle'ible weather strip shall be applied to ma"e tight contact with the floor. Guides shall be of such depth as to retain the shutter under a wind pressure of 1 "g/S2.M or as specified in Schedule. Shafts shall be of steel pipe of sufficient si*e to carry the torsonal load with a ma'imum deflection of 1/)( th of span. Grease pac"ed ball bearings or brushings shall be provided for smooth trouble free operation. 3oods shall be formed of not less than % gauge steel, suitable reinforced to prevent sag. 4oc"s shall be slide bolt and hasp, or cylinder loc" operable from one or both sides. 5rovision securing hand chain with pad6loc", provision for removable handle for hand cran"s etc. shall be made as described in Schedule or as described by the ,mployer7s Representative. 5ower unit shall be suitable for ) phase, $ cycle, # volt +.-. power supply and shall be either floor or wall mounted unit. The motor shall be of sufficient capacity to move the shutter in either direction at a speed of
P#,e No. 2 o* .


c) d)

e) f)

g) h)



: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B#lme$ L#%$ie & Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-10 Te'(. pe'). *o$ Rolli+, teel (utte$)/ -$ill)

.) meters per second. .n addition to the gear motor each standard power unit shall include a magnetic bra"e, a reversing starter with a built6in overload protection, a geared limit switch and one push button station located inside the building unless otherwise stated in drawing. .t is desirable that the bottom bar of motor operated doors shall be provided with a sensitive edge, electrically connected to stop the travel of the door on meeting an obstruction. 8) ") 2.2.0 9perating chains shall be of tested 2uality, heavily galvani*ed and with all ends rounded to assure smooth operation and hand protection. Reduction gears shall be high strength gray cast iron, machine molded from machine out patterns.

Manually Operated Shutters/ r!lls Manually operated shutters shall be easily operable by one person. The speed of operation shall be about 1.) meters per second. .n general, manually operated shutters shall be push pull type for openings upto ! s2.metre in area. 4arger shutters shall be either chain and gear operated or cran" and gear operated shall be loc"able from one or both sides as described in Schedule or as desired by the ,mployer7s Representative.


Po#er Operated Shutters/ r!lls These shall be operable from a push button station conveniently located beside the door or as shown on drawings. 9ne emergency hand chain/cran" operation shall also be provided for use in case of failure of the electric system. 0here called for in Schedule, e'ternally mounted shutters shall be operated by control mechanism located inside the building.


Shop Coat Shutters shall be painted with one coat of red lead or *inc chromate primer. 0here specified, doors shall be galvani*ed and subse2uently painted one coat of *inc chromate for adhesion of field coat.


Ere&t!on :oor shall be installed by the manufacturer or his authorised representative and all wor" shall be as per manufacturer;s instructions. +ny drilling or cutting to concrete, masonry etc. shall be made good after erection of shutters and all abrasion to shop coat shall be touched up. +ll electrical wor" shall be in strict accordance with the latest .ndian ,lectricity Rules.

P#,e No. / o* .


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B#lme$ L#%$ie & Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-10 Te'(. pe'). *o$ Rolli+, teel (utte$)/ -$ill)

".0.0 ".1.0

ACCEPTANCE C'ITE'IA Shop Inspe&t!on +fter completing the manufacture of the different comonents of the rolling shutter, an arrangement for shop inspection by the ,mployer7s Representative shall be made to chec" the conformity with approved shop drawings.


S!te Inspe&t!on +fter installing the shutters, the -ontractor shall test the performance of the shutter in the precense of the ,mployer7s Representative. The :oors shall be smoothly openable under all ambient conditions. +ll control and loc"ing devices shall give fault6free performance.


uarantee The -ontractor shall give one year guarantee for the successful operation of the shutters. This shall be supported by a separate and unilateral guarantee from the manufacturer of the shutters.

P#,e No. . o* .

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