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Tech. Specs. For Painting, White Washing & Polishing Etc.,: Contents: Scope Installation Acceptance Criteria

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: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B"lme# L"$#ie % Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-6 Te&'. Spe&(. )o# P"i*ti*+, W'ite W"('i*+ % Poli('i*+ et&.,

Tech. Specs. for Painting, White Washing & Polishing etc.,


P"+e No. - o) -.


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B"lme# L"$#ie % Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-6 Te&'. Spe&(. )o# P"i*ti*+, W'ite W"('i*+ % Poli('i*+ et&.,


SCOPE This specification covers painting, white washing, varnishing, polishing etc. of both interior and exterior surfaces of wood work, masonry, concrete plastering, plaster of Paris, Punning false ceiling, structural and other miscellaneous steel items, rain water down comer, floor and roof drains, soil, waste and service water pipes, and other ferrous and non-ferrous metal items as shown on drawings, or as directed by the Employers epresentative. !opper, bron"e, chromium plate, nickel, stainless steel, aluminium and monel metal shall generally not be painted or finished except if otherwise specified. The painting !ontractor shall inspect the work of others prior to the application of paint. #f surface to be finished can not be put in suitable condition for painting by customary preparatory methods,the painting contractor shall notify the Employers epresentative in writing or assume responsibility for and rectify unsatisfactory finishing that results. $efore commencing painting, the painting !ontractor shall obtain the approval of the Employers epresentative in writing regarding the schedule of work to minimi"e damage, disfiguration or staining by others trades. %e shall also undertake normal precautions to prevent damage, disfiguration or staining to work of other trades or other installations.

2.0.0 &.'.(

INSTALLATION )aterials )aterials shall be highest grade products or well-known approved manufacture and shall be delivered to the site in original sealed containers, bearing brand name, manufacturer*s name and colour shade, with labels intact and seals unbroken. +ll materials shall be sub,ect to inspection, analysis and approved by the Employers epresentative. #t is desired that materials of one manufacturer only shall be used as far as possible - paint or one shade is obtained the same manufacturing batch. +ll paint shall be sub,ect to analysis from random samples taken at site from painters bucket, if so desired by the Employers epresentative. +ll prime coats shall be compatible to the material of the surface to be finished as well as to the finishing coats to be applied. +ll unspecified materials such as shellac, turpentine or linseed oil shall be of the highest .uality available and shall conform to the latest #/ standards. +ll such materials shall be made by reputable recogni"ed manufacturers and shall be approved by the Employers epresentative.

P"+e No. 2 o) -.


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B"lme# L"$#ie % Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-6 Te&'. Spe&(. )o# P"i*ti*+, W'ite W"('i*+ % Poli('i*+ et&.,

+ll colour shall be as per painting schedule and tinting and matching shall be done to the satisfaction of the Employers epresentative. #n such cases, where samples are re.uired, they shall be executed in advance with the specified materials for the approval of the Employers epresentative. a0 1hite 1ashing 1hite 1ashing shall be done from pure shell lime or fat lime, or a mixture of both as instructed by the Employers epresentative, and shall conform to #/23(& latest edition. /amples of lime shall be submitted to the Employers epresentative for approval, and lime as per approved sample shall be brought to site in un-slaked condition. +fter slaking, it shall be allowed to remain in a tank of water for two days and then stirred up with a pole, until it attains the consistency of thin cream, ('' grams of gum to 4 litters of white wash water and a little .uantity of indigo or synthetic ultramarine blue shall be added to the lime. b0 5ry distemper 5ry distemper shall be made from suitable pigments, extenders, lime proof tinters, water soluble binders etc. and shall conform to #/26&3. c0 7il $ound 1ashable 5istemper 7il $ound 1ashable 5istemper shall be of oil emulsion type, containing suitable preservatives and shall conform to #/26&8. d0 1aterproof !ement Paint 1aterproof !ement Paint shall be made from best .uality white cement and lime resistant colours with accelerators, waterproofing agents and fungicides. The paint shall conform to #/296('. e0 +crylic Emulsion Paint +crylic Emulsion Paint shall be water-based acrylic copolymer emulsion with rutile titanium dioxide and other selected pigments and fungicide. #t shall exhibit excellent adhesion to plaster and cement surface and shall resist deterioration by alkali salts. The paint film shall allow the moisture in wall to escape without peeling or blistering. The paint, after it is dried, shall be able to withstand washing with mild and water without any deterioration in colour, or without showing flaking, blistering or peeling.

P"+e No. / o) -.


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B"lme# L"$#ie % Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-6 Te&'. Spe&(. )o# P"i*ti*+, W'ite W"('i*+ % Poli('i*+ et&.,


/ynthetic Enamel Paint /ynthetic Enamel Paint shall be made from synthetic resins and drying oil with rutile titanium dioxide and other selected pigments to give a smooth, hard, durable and glossy finish to all exterior and interior surfaces. 1hite and pastel shades shall resist yellowing and darkening with aging. The paint shall conform to #/ 2 &:;& and #/ 2 &:;;.


+luminium Paint +luminium Paint shall be in two pack containers and shall resist weathering. The paint shall conform to #/ 2 &;;:.


+lkyd <arnish +lkyd <arnish shall be best .uality alkyd varnish suitable for brushing over the tint of paint or light natural wood and shall not darken or yellow with age.


=rench Polish =rench Polish shall be made from best .uality shellac, denatured sprit and other suitable alcohol soluble ingredients and made by a well known approved manufacturer. The material shall conform to #/ 2 ;68 =rench polish shall not be used on bare wood. #t shall only be used as finishing coat on wood after the wood is pretreated with a li.uid wood filler conforming to #/ 2 ;69 is applied and rubbed out.


/torage The !ontractor shall arrange for safe and proper storage of all materials and tools. The storage space if allotted within the building shall be ade.uately protected from damage, disfigurement - stains. Paint shall be kept covered at all times and mixing shall be done in suitable containers. +ll necessary precautions shall be taken by the !ontractor to prevent fire.


Preparation of surface $efore starting the work the !ontractor shall obtain the approval of the Employers epresentative regarding the soundness - readiness of the surface to be painted on.

&.(.(. 1ood

P"+e No. 0 o) -.


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B"lme# L"$#ie % Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-6 Te&'. Spe&(. )o# P"i*ti*+, W'ite W"('i*+ % Poli('i*+ et&.,

+ll surface shall be free from dirt and loose or peeling paints. The surface shall be rubbed down smooth. +ll nails - screws shall be sunk below the surface and filled with putty after applying an under coat. /mall knots that do not ,ustify cutting and sap streaks shall be covered with minimum & coats of pure shellace coating applied thinly - extended &9 mm beyond the area. +ll large, loose or resinous knots shall be removed and filled with sound wood. +ll work shall be done as per #/ 2 &;;8. &.(.& )asonry, !oncrete and Plastered /urface /urface shall be free from all oil, grease, efflorescence, mildew, loose paint or other foreign and loose materials. )asonry cracks shall be cleaned out and patch filled with mortar similar to the original surface and uniformly textured. 1here this type of resurfacing may lead to the finishing paint being different in shade from the original surfaces, the resurfaces area shall be treated with minimum one coat of cement primer which should be continued to the surrounding area for a distance of minimum ('' mm. /urface with mildew or efflorescence shall be treated as below 2 a0 )ildew +ll mildewed surfaces shall be treated with an approved fungicide such as ammoniacal wash consisting of 3g of copper carbonate dissolved in 8' ml. li.uor ammonia and diluted to ( litter with water or &.9 percent magnesium silicofluoride solution and allowed to dry thoroughly before paint is applied. &.(.; )etal +ll metal surface shall be absolutely clean, dry and free from wax, grease or dried soap films. #n addition, all steel and iron surfaces shall be free from rust, surfaces shall be cleaned by mechanical power tools to remove mill scales unless otherwise approved by the Employers epresentative for exposed chemical resistant paints, surfaces shall be blast cleaned to near white metal. +ll galvani"ed iron surfaces shall be pretreated with a compatible primer according to the manufacturer*s direction. +ny abrasion in shop coat shall be touched up with the same .uality of paint as the original coat. 2.2.0 &.&.( Application >eneral The method of application shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. #n case of selection of special shades and colour ?not available in standard shade0 the !ontractor shall mix different shades and prepare test panels of minimum si"e (
P"+e No. 1 o) -.


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B"lme# L"$#ie % Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-6 Te&'. Spe&(. )o# P"i*ti*+, W'ite W"('i*+ % Poli('i*+ et&.,

meter s.uare as per instruction of the Employers approval prior of application of finishing paints.

epresentative and obtain his

Proper tools and implements shall be used. /caffoldings if used shall be independent of the surface to be painted to avoid shade differences of the freshly repaired anchor holes. Painting shall be done by skilled labour in a workmanlike manner. +ll materials shall be evenly applied so as to be free of sags, runs, crawls or other defects. +ll coats shall be of proper consistency. #n case of application by brush, no brush marks shall be visible. The brushes shall be clean and in good condition before application of paint. +ll priming undercoats for painting shall be applied by brush only, and rollers spray e.uipments etc. shall not be used. @o work shall be done under conditions that are unsuitable for production of good results. @o painting shall be done when plastering is in progress or is drying. +pplication of paint which seals the surfaces to moisture shall only be done after the moisture on and below the surface has dried out. +ll coats shall be thoroughly dry before succeeding coat is applied. !oats of painting as specified are intended to cover surfaces perfectly. #n case the surface is not covered properly by applying the specified number of coats, further coats shall be applied by the !ontractor when so desired by the Employers epresentative. +ll primers and undercoats shall be tinted to approximate the colour of the finishing coats. =inished coats shall be of exact colour and shade as per approved samples and all finish shall be uniform in colour and texture. +ll parts of moldings and ornaments shall be left clean and true to finish. Painting on ferrous metal surface shall be done as per #/ 2 (633 ?Part ( - &0. The total dry thickness of the film should not be less than (&' micron. &.&.& 1hite 1ashing The surface where white washing is to be applied shall be cleared of all loose materials and dirt. +ll holes and irregularities of the surface shall be filled up with lime putty and shall be allowed to dry up before application of the lime solution. 7ne coat of whitewash shall consist of one stroke from top downwards another form bottom upwards over the first stroke and another from left to right before the previous one dries up. /econd coat shall be applied and in case the Employers epresentative feels that one or more coats are re.uired the !ontractor shall do so without any extra cost to the Employer. @o brush marks shall show on the finished surface.
P"+e No. 6 o) -.


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B"lme# L"$#ie % Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-6 Te&'. Spe&(. )o# P"i*ti*+, W'ite W"('i*+ % Poli('i*+ et&.,


5ry 5istemper @ew plastered surface shall be allowed to dry for at least two months. @ew lime or lime cement plastered surface shall be washed with a solution of ( part <inegar to (& parts water or (29' sulphuric acid solution and for &6 hours after which the wall shall be thoroughly washed with clean water. =or cement plastered surface, the surface shall be washed with a solution of ('' gms. of "inc sulphate to ( liter of water and then allowed to dry. 5ry distempering shall be done as per manufacturer*s instruction. #n applying the distempers the brush should first be applied hori"ontally and immediately crossed off perpendicularly. $rushing shall not be continued too long as otherwise brush marks may results.


7il bound washable distemper The distemper shall be applied after surface is primed with an alkali resistant primer, and followed by minimum two coats of oil bound washable distemper all as per manufacturer*s instruction.


1aterproof cement paint /urface to be coated with cement paint shall be washed and brushed down. +s soon as the moisture has disappeared, the surface shall be given one coat of paint. !are shall be taken so that the paint does not dry out too rapidly. +fter 6 to 4 hours, the water shall be sprinkled over the surface to assist curing and prevent cracking. +fter the first coat has dried ?&6 to 68 hours0 the second coat shall be applied in a similar manner. The finished surface shall be kept moist by occasional sprinkling with water for seven days after painting.


+crylic Emulsion Paint Aime gauged cement plastered surfaces shall not be painted for at least one month after plastering. + sample patch shall be painted to check alkali reaction if so desired by the Employers epresentative. Painting shall be strictly as per manufacturer*s specification.


/ynthetic Enamel Paint /ynthetic Enamel Paint shall be applied on properly primered surface. /ubse.uential coat shall not be applied till the previous coat is dry. The previous shall be lightly sand papered for better adhesion of subse.uent coats.

P"+e No. 2 o) -.


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B"lme# L"$#ie % Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-6 Te&'. Spe&(. )o# P"i*ti*+, W'ite W"('i*+ % Poli('i*+ et&.,


+luminium Paint The paint, supplied in two pack containers shall be mixed and applied strictly as per manufacturer*s direction. 1hen more than one coat of paint is re.uired or indicated, the next coat shall only be applied after the previous coat become hard dry.


!lear /ynthetic <arnish The <arnish shall be applied on wood surface after ?a0 filling, ?b0 staining - ?c0 sealing operations are carried out. The application of a combination of filler and stain shall not be permitted. =or the finishing coats of varnish, the surface shall be allowed to dry and be rubbed down lightly, wiped off and allowed to dry. !areful attention to cleanliness is re.uired for varnishing. +ll dust and dirt shall be removed from the surface as well as from the neighborhood. 5amp atmosphere and draughts shall be avoided, and exposure to extreme heat or cold - dampness shall not be allowed. The varnish shall be applied liberally with a brush and spread evenly over a portion of the surface with light strokes to avoid frothing. #t shall be allowed to flow on while the next section is being laid on excess varnish shall then be scrapped off the brush and the first section be crossed, re-crossed and then laid off lightly. The varnish once it has began to set, shall not be retouched. #n case of any mistake in application, the varnish shall be removed and the work started afresh. The varnish shall be minimum of two coats, with the first coat being a flatting varnish. This shall be allowed to dry hard and be flatted down, before applying the next coat. /ufficient time must be allowed between coats to get a hard dry surface before next coat is applied. +ll work shall be as per relevant #/ code.

&.&.(' =rench Polish +ll unevenness of the surface shall be rubbed down to smoothness with sand paper and the surface shall well dusted. The pores in the wood shall be filled up with a paste of whiting in water or methylated spirit with a suitable pigment like burnt siemma or umber. +fter application of the filler paste, the =rench polish shall be applied with a pad of woolen cloth covered by a fine cloth. The pad shall be moistened with polish and rubbed hard on the surface in a series of overlapping circles so that the polish is sparingly but uniformly applied over the entire area to give an even surface. + trace of linseed oil may be used on the pad for case of application. The surface shall be allowed to dry before further coats are applied in the same manner. To finish off, the pad shall be covered with a fresh piece of clean fine cloth, slightly

P"+e No. 3 o) -.


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B"lme# L"$#ie % Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-6 Te&'. Spe&(. )o# P"i*ti*+, W'ite W"('i*+ % Poli('i*+ et&.,

damped with methylated spirit and rubbed lightly and .uickly with circular motions to leave the finished surface with a uniform texture and high gloss. &.&.(( !hemical esistant Paint =or chemical resistant paints, epoxy chlorinated rubber or vinyl butyl paint system shall be used manufacturer*s recommendation regarding the paint system exposed to moderately severe corrosive condition and sub,ect to acidBalkali spillage and fumes, shall be followed. &.&.(& Epoxy coatingBpainting 7n the !lean surface of concrete after properly drying of the following system is to be adopted as per manufacturers specification. 7ne coat of primer of following proportion to be applied over clean and dried concrete surface by brush application. + +A5#TE >C &9' - ('' Parts by weight %+ 5@E %C 86' - 9' Parts by weight 7ver the primer, the uneven surface of concrete should be filled with leveling putty as mentioned above. The cost of putty is included in the item rate without fixing prior limit to consumption of putty. Two top coats of the protective treatment to be applied over the prepared smooth surface in the following proportion. + +A5#TE >C &9' - ('' Parts by weight %+ 5@E %C 8;' - 69 Parts by weight %+ 5@E $C 89' - (9 Parts by weight /#A#!+ =A77 - &' Parts by weight =A71 !7@T 7A +>E@T - & Parts by weight Pigment may be added if desired by Employers epresentative. The first top coat is applied over the primer and is left to reach a tack free state. +t this stage, the final top coat is applied. 2.3.0 Protection =urniture and other movable ob,ects, e.uipments, fittings and accessories shall be moved, protected and replaced upon completion of work. +ll stationary e.uipments shall be well covered so that no paint can fall on them. 1ork finished by other agencies shall be well protected. +ll protections shall be done as per instructions of the Employers epresentative.

P"+e No. 4 o) -.


: POL Depot : IBP Co. Limited. : B"lme# L"$#ie % Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL/C-6 Te&'. Spe&(. )o# P"i*ti*+, W'ite W"('i*+ % Poli('i*+ et&.,


Cleaning up #n addition to provisions in general conditions the !ontractor shall, upon completion of painting etc. remove all marks and make good surfaces, where paint has been spilled, splashed or splattered, including all e.uipments, fixtures, glass, furniture, fittings etc. to the satisfaction of the Employers epresentative.


ACCEPTANCE C ITE IA a0 b0 c0 d0 +ll painted surfaces shall be uniform and pleasing in appearance. +ll varnished surfaces shall be of uniform texture and high glossy finish. The colour, texture etc. shall match exactly with those of approved samples. +ll stains, splashes and splatters of paints and varnishes shall be removed from surrounding surfaces.

P"+e No. -. o) -.

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