1: BASIC PROOFS WITH QUANTIFIERS Existence Proofs Our rst goal is to prove a statement of the form (x) P (x). There are two types of existence proofs: Constructive Proofs of Existence: (a) One type of constructive proof is to display a specic value x = a in the universal set for x and verify that P (a) is true. We will focus on this method. WARNING: Typically, nding the appropriate value, a, is the hardest part in a proof of this type and the process of nding a is often presented as the proof. In fact, the derivation of a need not be part of the proof. The proof is what we often call the check; that is, verifying that P (a) is true. (b) Another type of constructive proof is to show that a particular algorithm produces a value, a, such that P (a) is true. Nonconstructive Proofs of Existence involve using previous theorems, etc. that imply the existence of an a such that P (a) is true without indicating how to actually produce such an a. From calculus, the Intermediate Value Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem are examples of existence theorems that can be used in this manner. Example 1 below gives a constructive existence proof and Example 2 gives a nonconstructive existence proof. Example 1: Prove that there exist integers m and n such that 2m + 3n = 12. Proof: Set m = 3 and n = 2. Then 2m + 3n = 2(3) + 3(2) = 6 + 6 = 12. Example 2: Set f (x) = x3 3x2 + 2x 4. Prove that there exists a real number r such that 2 < r < 3 and f (r) = 0. Proof: Note that f (2) = 23 3(22) + 2(2) 4 = 4 and f (3) = 33 3(32) + 2(3) 4 = 2. Thus f (2) < 0 < f (3). Since f is a continuous function, by the Intermediate Value Theorem, there is a real number r such that 2 < r < 3 and f (r) = 0.
Form of Proof: Let x = a (where a is a specic element in Ux ). Verify that P (a) is true.
Exercise 1: Prove: There exist distinct positive integers m, n, and r such that each is a perfect square and m = n + r. [Denition: An integer q is a perfect square provided there exists an integer k such that q = k 2 .] For All Proofs Our next goal is to prove a statement of the form (x Ux ) P (x). A typical proof has the following form: To Prove: (x Ux ) P (x) Form of Proof: Let x Ux . If it is useful to do so, expand upon what it means for x to be in Ux . Give a logical argument concluding that P (x) is true. Comment: In the construction of the proof (the third step in the form above), you may want to both work forward from the assumption that x Ux and backwards from the conclusion P (x), but the presentation of the proof should begin with the assumption x Ux and end with the conclusion that P (x) is true. Example 3: Prove: odd integer. If a is an even integer and b is an odd integer, then a + b is an
NOTE: In the following proof, the italicized comments are not part of the formal proof. Proof: Let a be an even integer and let b be an odd integer. (Using Denitions 1 and 2 from Section 1.4, we expand on the meaning of even and odd.) Then there exists integers k and l such that a = 2k and b = 2l + 1. (Now we want to conclude something about a + b, so lets compute it.) Thus, a + b = 2k + 2l + 1 = 2(k + l) + 1. Therefore, a + b is odd.
Some Common Errors in Proving (x Ux ) P (x): Error 1: Putting additional constraints on x beyond the assumption that x Ux . This proves only (x Ux ) P (x). Illustration: Prove that for every positive real number x, x + Proof: Let x = 1. Then x +
4 x 4 x
4 1
= 5 > 4.
Comment: The proof above showed only that 1 is in the truth set. Since the set of positive reals is an innite set, we can never try them all. Error 2: Assuming P (x) and then concluding something that is obviously true. Illustration: Prove that for every positive real number x, x +
4 +x 2 4 x
4. Multiplying by x gives Proof: Let x be a positive real number and suppose x x2 + x 4x. Now subtracting 4x from both sides we get x 4x + 4 0 which is the same as (x 2)2 0, which is always true.
4 Comment: What was proved above is that for all positive real numbers x, if x + x 4, 2 then (x 2) 0, a conclusion that is true in any case. In essence, this is the proof done backwards. But the above proof does help us to construct a valid proof. In the presentation, we just need to reverse the steps so we begin with that which is obviously true and conclude with P (x).
Illustration of a Valid Proof : Prove that for every positive real number x, x +
4 x
Proof: Let x be a positive real number. Then clearly (x 2)2 0 since the square of a real number is never negative. Expanding gives x2 4x + 4 0. By assumption x is 4 0. Finally, adding positive, so dividing by x preserves the inequality and gives x 4 + x 4 4 to both sides gives x + x 4. Exercise 2: Prove that the sum of any two rational numbers is again rational. NOTE: The statement to be proved can be stated symbolically as follows, where Q denotes the set of all rational numbers: (r, s Q), r + s Q.
For All Proofs; Division into Cases Sometimes in proving (x Ux ) P (x) we cannot nd a proof that applies at once to all the elements in Ux . In such instances, it is often convenient to divide the proof into cases. That means that we partition Ux into subsets and give a separate proof for each subset.
Example 4: Prove that any two consecutive integers have opposite parity. (That is, if one is even the other is odd and vice versa.) Proof: Let m and n be consecutive integers with m < n. Then n = m + 1. Case 1: Suppose m is even. Then there exists an integer k such that m = 2k . Therefore, n = m + 1 = 2k + 1, so n is odd. Case 2: Suppose m is odd. Then there exists an integer k such that m = 2k + 1. Therefore, n = m + 1 = (2k + 1) + 1 = 2k + 2 = 2(k + 1), so it follows that n is even.
SECTION 2.1: EXERCISES 2.1.1. Prove: There exists an even integer n that can be written in two dierent ways as a sum of two distinct primes. [CAUTION: 1 is not a prime. Also note that something like 8 = 3 + 5 = 5 + 3 does not count since in both sums the two primes are the same.] 2.1.2. Disprove (that is, prove the negation): prime. 2.1.3. Disprove: r divides n. 2.1.4. Prove: For every positive integer n, 3n + 2 is
For all odd integers a and b, ab is also odd. [HINT: Take cases; n
2.1.5. Prove: For every integer n, the integer n2 + n is even. even and n odd.] 2.1.6. Prove: 2.1.7. Prove: square.
For every positive integer n, n2 + 4n + 3 is not a prime. If n is the product of any four consecutive integers then n + 1 is a perfect
Section 2.2. BASIC PROOFS WITH MIXED QUANTIFIERS Proving Statements of the Form (x)(y ) P (x, y ). The proof of (x Ux )(y Uy ) P (x, y ) is rstly an existence proof and secondly a for all proof. If possible, we set x = a, where a is a specic element in Ux . Next we let y be an arbitrary (variable) element in Uy and prove that P (a, y ) is true. This is summarized as follows: To Prove: (x Ux )(y Uy ) P (x, y ) Form of Proof: Set x = a where a is a specic element in Ux . Let y be an arbitrary (that is, variable) element in Uy . If useful, expand on what y Uy means. Verify that P (a, y ) is true.
Example 1: Prove that there exists a real number x such that for every real number y , xy 3x 3y + 12 = y . Construction of the Proof: Working backwards, we want to nd a specic real number x such that xy 3x 3y + 12 = y for every real number y . xy 3x 3y + 12 = y Adding 3y + 12 to both sides gives xy 3x = 4y 12 Factor x out on the left side x(y 3) = 4y 12 Divide by y 3 3) y 12 = 4(yy =4 x = 4y 3 3 Proof: Set x = 4 and let y be a real number. Then xy 3x 3y + 12 = 4y 3(4) 3y + 12 = y . Exercise 1: Prove that there exists a 2 2 matrix A such that for every 2 2 matrix B , AB = 3B . Proving Statements of the Form (x)(y ) P (x, y ) The proof of (x Ux )(y Uy ) P (x, y ) is rstly a for all proof and secondly an existence proof. Let x be an arbitrary (variable) element in Ux . Now nd y , usually expressed in terms of x say y = g (x) and prove that P (x, g (x)) is true. This is summarized as follows: 6
To Prove: (x Ux )(y Uy ) P (x, y ) Form of Proof: Let x be an arbitrary (i.e., variable) element in Ux . If it is helpful, expand on what x Ux means. Based on construction work done before you begin writing the proof, dene y in terms of x say y = g (x). Verify that P (x, g (x)) is true.
Example 2: Prove that for every real number x there exists a real number y such that x2 y + 2x = x. Construction of the Proof: For arbitrary (variable) x we want to nd y , in terms of x, 1 so that x2 y + 2x = x. Solving this equation for y gives y = . Clearly, this choice of y is x not dened for x = 0, but we can see that any choice of y works if x = 0. Thus, we divide the proof into cases. Proof: Let x be a real number. 1 1 . Then x2 y + 2x = x2 ( ) + 2x = x + 2x = x. Case 1: If x = 0 then set y = x x Case 2: If x = 0 set y = 1 (or any other choice of y ). Then x2 y + 2x = (0)1 + 0 = 0 = x. Exercise 2: Prove that for every real number y > 2 there exists a real number x such that y = 3ex 2. [NOTE: That y > 2 is a glaring restriction on y , so in your proof you should note exactly where that restriction is required.] As Case 2 in the proof of Example 2 above illustrates, sometimes in proving (x Ux )(y Uy ) P (x, y ) there are multiple choices for y . The following example demonstrates this. Example 3: Prove that for every real number x there exist real numbers y and z such that 2x 3y + 4z = 12. Construction of the Proof: For arbitrary x we want to nd specic y and z , perhaps expressed in terms of x, such that 2x 3y + 4z = 12. From this equation we get 3y + 4z = 12 2x. But there are innitely many choices for y and z . For instance, set x. z = 0. Then we get 3y = 12 2x, so y = 4 + 2 3 Proof: Let x be a real number. Set y = 4 + 2 x and set z = 0. Then 3 2 2x 3y + 4z = 2x 3(4 + 3 x) + 4(0) = 2x + 12 2x + 0 = 12. 7
Proving Existence and Uniqueness We must frequently prove statements of the form there exists a unique x such that P (x). To say that x is unique does not mean that x has purple hair. It means, rather,that there is only one x such that P (x) is true. We will denote this symbolically as ( ! x Ux ) P (x). Thus ! symbolizes the uniqueness of x. We present two common approaches to proving uniqueness. Method 1 for Proving ( ! x Ux ) P (x) First prove the existence of x = a such that P (a) is true. To prove uniqueness, let a1 and a2 be (variable) elements in Ux . Assume that both P (a1 ) and P (a2 ) are true. Prove that a1 = a2 . Method 2 for Proving ( ! x Ux ) P (x) Let x be a (variable) element in Ux . Suppose P (x) is true. Show that the assumption that P (x) is true leads to one, and only one, value x = a. Verify that P (a) is indeed true. Thus, this method has the advantage of proving both existence and uniqueness at once. In Example 4 we will illustrate both Method 1 and Method 2. Example 4: Prove that there exists a unique real number x such that ln x = 2. First Proof (Method 1): To prove existence, set x = e2 . Then ln x = ln(e2 ) = 2. To see that x is unique, suppose a and b are real numbers such that ln a = 2 and ln b = 2. Then ln a = ln b, so eln a = eln b . Therefore a = b. Second Proof (Method 2): Suppose that x is a real number such that ln x = 2. Then eln x = e2 , so x = e2 . Thus, x is uniquely determined, and indeed, if we set x = e2 , we get ln x = ln(e2 ) = 2. Exercise 3: Prove that for every real number y > 2 there exists a unique real number x such that y = 3ex 2. NOTE: Existence was proved in Exercise 2 above. 8
SECTION 2.2. EXERCISES 2.2.1. Prove: There exists a unique integer m such that for every integer n, mn + 2m + 2n + 2 = n. 2.2.2. Prove: There exists a unique integer m such that for every integer n, mn + m + n + 1 = 0. 2.2.3. Prove: 2m + 8n = 6. For every integer n there exists a unique integer m such that
2.2.4. Prove: For every integer d there exists integers a, b, and c such that a + 3b 2bc + 4 = d. 2.2.5. Prove: For all integers a, b, c, and d with a = c and ad bc = 0, there exists a unique rational number r such that ar + b = 1. cr + d
2.2.6. Prove: ab cd = n.
2.2.7. Prove: For every positive integer n there exists an odd integer m such that 22n + m is a perfect square.
SECTION 2.3: IMPLICATIONS An implication of the general form (x Ux ) (P (x) Q(x)) is one of the most frequently occurring forms of a mathematical statement. In Sections 2.3 and 2.4 we will introduce three methods for proving such a statement. These are direct proofs, contrapositive proofs, and proofs by contradiction.
Direct Proofs of (x Ux ) (P (x) Q(x)) Recall the truth table for P Q. If P is false then P Q is true. Indeed, P Q is false only when P is true and Q is false. Thus, to prove that P Q is a true statement, we need only to show that this one case cannot happen; that is, we must show that whenever P is true, then Q is also true. Therefore, we begin a direct proof of P Q by assuming that P is true. In doing so, we are not asserting that P is, in fact, true. We are merely considering the case in which P is true, since the other cases (i.e., when P is false) need not be considered. We then proceed to argue that in the case when P is true, Q is necessarily true also. The statement (x Ux ) (P (x) Q(x)) is rst a for all statement, so our previous methods apply. To Prove: (x Ux ) (P (x) Q(x)) Form of Proof: Let x be arbitrary (variable) in Ux . If useful, expand on what x Ux means. Assume P (x). If useful expand on the assumption P (x). Give a logical argument the concludes that Q(x) is true.
Construction: The last step in the above form is the heart of the proof. You must argue from the assumptions to the conclusion that Q(x) is true. The key is to focus on the desired conclusion, Q(x). If you can continue from where you are to the conclusion that Q(x) is 10
true then do so. If there is a common procedure for proving Q(x), try using it. Sometimes, it helps to reverse directions and work from Q(x) backwards to P (x). But in the presentation, proceed from the assumption that P (x) is true to the conclusion that Q(x) is true. Example 1: Prove: divides c. For all integers a, b, and c if a divides b and b divides c then a
Construction: If P (x, y ) is the statement that x divides y , then our given statement has symbolic form (a, b, c Z) P (a, b) P (b, c) P (a, c) .
Let a, b, and c be integers. (Nothing to expand on here.) Assume that a divides b and b divides c. (Use the denition of divides to expand this. Note that this will introduce new variables.) Then there exist integers m and n such that b = am and c = bn. (Now focus on the desired conclusion.) We want to prove that a divides c, so we need to verify that there exists an integer q such that c = aq . But we have c = bn = (am)n = a(mn), so q = mn works. Proof: Let a, b, and c be integers. Assume that a divides b and b divides c. Then there exist integers m and n such that b = am and c = bn. If we set q = mn then we see that c = bn = (am)n = a(mn) = aq . Thus, a divides c. Example 2: Prove that for every real number x, if x = 0 and x = 3, then 1 + Construction: P (x): x = 0 Q(x): x = 3 Form: (x)
9 x2 6 x 9 x2 6 >x .
R(x): 1 +
Let x be a real number. (Nothing to expand on.). Suppose x = 0 and x = 3. (Again, 9 6 nothing to expand on.) Now lets focus on the desired conclusion 1 + x 2 > x . Since the assumptions dont give us much direction, lets work backwards from the conclusion. 9 6 Multiply by x2 . (why is this ok?) 1+ x 2 > x x2 + 9 > 6x Subtract 6x from both sides x2 6x + 9 > 0 Factor (x 3)2 > 0 This is true if x = 3. Proof: Let x be a real number. Suppose x = 0 and x = 3. Since x = 3, x 3 = 0, so (x 3)2 > 0. Expanding gives x2 6x + 9 > 0 and adding 6x to both sides gives x2 + 9 > 6x. Since x = 0, x2 is positive. Thus, division by x2 preserves the inequality and 9 6 gives 1 + x 2 > x.
Exercise 1: Let a, b, c, m, and n be integers. Prove that if a divides both b and c then a divides mb + nc. Contrapositive Proofs of (x Ux ) (P (x) Q(x)) Recall that an implication, P Q, and its contrapositive, Q P , are logically equivalent. Thus, to prove (x Ux ) (P (x) Q(x)), it suces to prove (x Ux ) ( Q(x) P (x)). Thus, a contrapositive proof proceeds just as a direct proof with the exception that we assume Q(x) and conclude P (x). A contrapositive proof has the following form. To Prove: (x Ux ) (P (x) Q(x)) Form of Proof: State that the proof is by contrapositive. Let x be an arbitrary (variable) element in Ux . If useful, expand on what x Ux means. Assume Q(x). If useful expand on the assumption Q(x). Give a logical argument the concludes that P (x) is true.
Example 3:
Construction: If P (x) is the statement x is even then the given statement has the form (n Z) P (n2 ) P (n) . Lets rst try the direct approach. Let n be an integer. Suppose n2 is even. Then there 2 exists an integer k such that n = 2k . We are interested in n. This gives n = 2k . Now what?? If we prove the contrapositive, we will begin with an assumption about n and try to reach a conclusion about n2 . That seems more natural, so lets try again. In fact, this works so well, we move directly to the proof. Proof: The proof is by contrapositive. Let n be an integer. Suppose n is not even; that is, suppose that n is odd. Then there exists an integer k such that n = 2k + 1. Therefore, n2 = (2k + 1)2 = 4k 2 + 4k + 1 = 2(2k 2 + 2k ) + 1, so it follows that n2 is also odd.
Example 4: Use Example 3 to give a direct proof that for every integer n, if n2 is even then n2 is divisible by 4. Proof: Let n be an integer. Suppose that n2 is even. By Example 3, n is even, so there exists an integer k such that n = 2k . But then n2 = (2k )2 = 4k 2 , so n2 is divisible by 4. a11 Exercise 2: Prove that for a matrix A = a21 a31 one of the entries a11 , a12 , a13 , a22 , a23 , a33 is not
a12 a13 a22 a23 in M33 (R), if A3 = O then a32 a33 zero.
SECTION 2.3: EXERCISES Direct Proofs 2.3.1. Prove that if a and b are integers such that a divides b, then a2 divides b2 . 2.3.2. Prove that if A is an n n real matrix such that A3 = A then det(A) must equal 1, 1, or 0. 2.3.3. Prove that if m and n are perfect squares then m + n + 2 mn is also a perfect square. 2.3.4. (a) Let f (x) = 2x + 4. Prove that for every positive real number there exists a positive real number such that for all real numbers a and b, if |a b| < then |f (a) f (b)| < . [NOTE: Before writing the proof you must nd , likely in terms of . To do so, work backwards from |f (a) f (b)| < .] (b) Let f (x) = 2x2 + 4. Prove that for all real numbers a and b and for every positive real number there exists a positive real number such that if |a b| < then |f (a) f (b)| < . [NOTE: (b) has a dierent form than (a). In this case is likely a function of which variables?] 2.3.5. In each of (a) (c), nd the error in the proof that for all real numbers r and s, if r and s are rational numbers then r + s is a rational number. (a) Proof: Let r = number.
1 2
and s = 1 . Then r + s = 3
1 2
1 3
3 6
2 6
=5 , so r + s is a rational 6
(b) Proof: Let r and s be rational numbers. Then by the denition of a rational number, there exist integers m and n such that n = 0 and r = m . Likewise, there exists n m m +m = 2n . It follows integers m and n such that n = 0 and s = n . Therefore, r + s = m n n that r + s is a rational number. (c) Proof: Let r and s be rational numbers. Then by the denition of a rational c , and s = d . number, there exist integers a, b, c, and d such that b = 0, d = 0, r = a b a c Therefore, r + s = b + d is a sum of two fractions. Since a sum of fractions is again a fraction, r + s is a rational number. Contrapositive Proofs INSTRUCTIONS: In each of 2.3.5 2.3.7, prove the given statement contrapositively.
2.3.6. Prove that if a is an odd integer then the equation x2 + x a = 0 has no integer solution. [HINT: Use Exercise 2.1.5] 2.3.7. Let a, b, and c be consecutive integers with a < b < c. Prove that if a = 1 and a = 3 then a2 + b2 = c2 . 14
2.3.8. (a) Let n, a, b be integers, where n > 1. Prove that if n = ab then either a b n.
n or
Theorem for 2.3.8.(b): If a is an integer such that a > 1 then a is divisible by a prime integer. (b) Let n be an integer with n > 1. Give a direct proof that if n is not prime then there exists a prime integer p such that p divides n and p n. [HINT: Recall that if n is not prime then n is a composite; that is, there exist positive integers a and b such that 1 < a < n, 1 < b < n, and n = ab. Now use (a), the given Theorem, and Example 1.] (c) Use (b) to determine if 103 is prime. What primes must be tested as possible divisors of 103?
SECTION 2.4: PROOFS BY CONTRADICTION AND EQUIVALENT STATEMENTS Proofs by Contradiction A proof by contradiction has the following general form: To Prove: P Form of Proof: State that the proof is by contradiction Assume P . Work from the assumption, P until you conclude R R for some statement R. State that a contradiction has been reached, so conclude that P is true. Comment: In practice, in the second to last step of the form, we often just conclude, say R, where R is already known to be true. For example, if we conclude that 1 < 0 then we have reached a contradiction since we already know that 1 0. The logic of the above method is as follows: In the proof, you have shown that P (R R) is a true statement. The statement R R is clearly false. Therefore, P must also be false, so P must be true. Example 1: Prove that for every positive real number x, x x+1 < . x+1 x+2 Construction: If Ux is the set of all positive real numbers and P (x) denotes the statement x+1 x < x+1 x+2 then the statement to be proved has the form (x Ux ) P (x). Thus, a proof by contradiction begins by assuming the negation, (x Ux )( P (x)). Proof: The proof is by contradiction, so assume that there exists a real number x such that x+1 x . x+1 x+2
Since x is positive, both x + 1 and x + 2 are positive. Hence, (x + 1)(x + 2) is positive, so we can multiply both sides of the inequality x x+1 x+1 x+2 by (x + 1)(x + 2) and still preserve the inequality. This gives x(x + 2) (x + 1)2 . Expanding both sides results in x2 + 2x x2 + 2x + 1. Subtracting x2 + 2x from both sides leaves 0 1, a contradiction (to the known fact that 0 < 1), so we conclude that for every positive real number x, x+1 x < . x+1 x+2 Before stating the next exercise, we rst review some relevant theorems from calculus. Theorem A: If F (x) = G(x) for all x except possibly at x = a then limxa G(x) = limxa F (x) provided the latter limit exists. Theorem B: If limxa F (x) and limxa G(x) both exists then limxa F (x)G(x) = limxa F (x) limxa G(x). Exercise 1: Prove by contradiction that limx0 (cos x)/x does not exist. HINT: Suppose the limit does exist, say limx0 (cos x)/x = L. Now use the Theorem A above to get one value for limx0 x(cos x)/x, then use Theorem B to get another value. Proving (x Ux ) P (x) Q(x) by Contradiction The proof of an implication (x Ux ) P (x) Q(x) by contradiction takes the following form: To Prove: (x Ux ) P (x) Q(x) Form of Proof: State that the proof is by contradiction. Assume (x Ux ) P (x) Q(x) . Work from the assumption of the previous step until you conclude R R for some statement R. State that a contradiction has been reached so we may conclude that (x Ux ) P (x) Q(x) .
If f (x) = 2x + 3 x+2
then for every x R, f (x) = 2. Construction: Since our proof is by contradiction, we will need to negate that which is to be proved. The symbolic form of the given statement is: f (x) = 2x + 3 (x R) (f (x) = 2). x+2
Therefore, the negation has symbolic form (f (x) = 2x + 3 ) (x R) (f (x) = 2). x+2
and assume that there exists a real number x such that f (x) = 2. This gives 2x + 3 =2 x+2 for some real number x. Multiplying both sides by x + 2 gives 2x + 3 = 2(x + 2) = 2x + 4. Subtracting 2x from both sides gives 3 = 4, a contradiction. We conclude, therefore, that for every x R, f (x) = 2. Exercise 2: Prove by contradiction: For every real number x, if x > 0 then x + Disadvantages of Proofs by Contradiction: We dont know what we are trying to prove. We are trying to arrive at a contradiction, but we dont know what it will be. Proofs by contradiction are usually not constructive so they leave us with little intuition about why the result is true. An error can lead to a contradiction and the false sense of having successfully completed a proof. Equivalencies Recall that statements P and Q are equivalent, written P Q, provided they have the same truth value; that is, both are true or both are false. 18
1 x
Following are some of the most common English wordings that translate symbolically to P Q. P is equivalent to Q. P if and only if Q. P is necessary and sucient for Q. Comment: Equivalence, denoted by , and logical equivalence, denoted by , are not the same. Logical equivalence refers to statement forms, not actual statements. If actual statements are substituted into logically equivalent forms, the resulting statements will be equivalent, with no proof required. For example, P Q and Q P are logically equivalent forms, so when specic statements are substituted for P and Q the result is equivalent statements. On the other hand, two statements may well be equivalent when their underlying forms are not logically equivalent. Theorem 1: The statement forms P Q and (P Q) (Q P ) are logically equivalent. Proof: P Q P Q P Q QP T T T T T F F T T F F T F F T T T T F F (P Q) (Q P ) T F F T
It follows from the preceding theorem that we can prove P Q by proving both P Q and Q P . Thus, a proof of P Q is actually two proofs and for each part we may use whatever method works best; a direct proof, a contrapositive proof, or a proof by contradiction. Example 3: For real numbers a, b, and c, set A = and only if a = 0 and c = 0. Construction: We will use the following assignments: Ua = Ub = Uc = R UA : the set of all matrices of the form P (A): A2 = Q(x): x = 0. 0 0 . 0 0 a b . 0 c a b . Prove that A2 = 0 c 0 0 0 0 if
Thus, the statement to be proved has symbolic form (a, b, c, A) P (A) Q(a) Q(c) . Thus, we must prove both (a, b, c, A) P (A) Q(a) Q(c) and (a, b, c, A) Q(a) Q(c) P (A) a b . 0 c
Proof: Let a, b and c be real numbers and let A = First, suppose A2 = 0 0 . Then 0 0 a b 0 c a b 0 c =
A2 =
a2 ab + bc 0 c2
0 0 0 0
It follows that a2 = 0 and c2 = 0. Therefore, a = 0 and c = 0. Now, in the other direction, assume that a = 0 and c = 0. Then A= a b 0 c = 0 b 0 0 so A2 = 0 b 0 0 0 b 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 .
In the following exercise, R2 denotes the set of all ordered pairs of real numbers. Geometrically, R2 is the set of points in the plane. Thus, an element of R2 has the form (x, y ), where x and y are real numbers. The notation f : R2 R means that f is a function that corresponds points in R2 to real numbers. For instance, if f (x, y ) = ln(x2 + 1) y 3 , then f (0, 2) = ln(1) 23 = 8. Exercise 3: Let f : R2 R be dened by f (x, y ) = ln(x2 + 1) y 3 . Prove: For all (x, y ) R2 , f (x, y ) = 1 if and only if x = ey3 +1 1.
SECTION 2.4: EXERCISES Proofs by Contradiction 2.4.1. Prove by contradiction: then a3 + b3 = c3 . If a, b, and c are consecutive integers such that a < b < c
2.4.2. Prove by contradiction: For all integers a, b, and c, if a2 + b2 = c2 then either a is even or b is even. [HINT: Use Example 4 of Section 2.3; in particular, show that c2 is even but not divisible by 4.] 2.4.3. Use the method of contradiction to disprove: For all integers a and b there exist integers m and n such that a = m + n and b = m n. 2.4.4. Let p1 , p2 ,. . . ,pk be prime integers. Prove by contradiction that if n = p1 p2 pk + 1 then for every i, i = 1, 2,. . ., k , pi does not divide n. [NOTE: 1 is not divisible by a prime, so to arrive at the conclusion that 1 is divisible by some prime would be a contradiction.] 2.4.5. Prove by contradiction that there are innitely many primes. Exercise 2.4.4 and the theorem given in Exercise 2.3.8(b).] Proofs of Equivalence 2.4.6. Let a and b be nonzero integers. Prove that a divides b and b divides a if and only if a = b. 2.4.7. Prove that if y is a real number, then there exists a real number x such that 2x 1 =y x3 if and only if y = 2. 2.4.8. Prove that for all nonzero real numbers x and y , we have either x > 0 and y > 0 or x < 0 and y < 0. x y + 2 if and only if y x [HINT: Use
2.4.9. REVIEW: Let A be a 2 2 matrix. Recall that an inverse for A is a 2 2 matrix A1 such that 1 0 AA1 = I2 and A1 A = I2 , where I2 = is the 2 2 identity matrix. 0 1 If A = a b c d then the determinant of A is det(A) = ad bc.
For matrices A and B , det(AB ) = det(A)det(B ). (a) Prove that a 2 2 matrix A has an inverse if and only if det(A) = 0. [HINT: In d/det(A) b/det(A) the case when det(A) = 0, consider the matrix .] c/det(A) a/det(A) (b) Let C and D be 2 2 matrices. Use (a) and the given matrix properties to prove that CD = I2 if and only if DC = I2 . Discussion: First, recall that matrix multiplication is not commutative, so if, for example, CD = I2 we cannot automatically conclude that DC = I2 . But, by the denition in the rst bullet above, the inverse of a matrix must work on both sides. HINT: Show that det(C ) = 0 and, hence, C 1 exists by (a). Now argue that D = C 1 .
SECTION 2.5: SUMMARY: FORM!! FORM!! FORM!! Arriving at a valid proof involves some combination of proper form, knowledge of subject, and ingenuity. Just as an accomplished writer uses proper language and grammer without much thought, form becomes essentially automatic for an experienced proof writer. For this course, however, form is the focus. In many of the proofs you encounter later in the course, proper form will be 80 to 90 percent of a correct proof. Procedure for Writing a Proof Following is a suggested four step process for writing a proof. In the following material we will examine each of the rst, third, and fourth steps more closely. Typically, only the presentation is submitted to the reader. Steps in Writing a Proof STEP 1: Give a symbolic representation of the statement to be proved and outline the form of the proof. STEP 2: Do a preliminary construction of the proof. Solve all existence assertions. Derive all arguments that proceed from some assumption P to some conclusion Q. (This is scratch work so you can start with P and work to Q or start with Q and work backwards to P .) STEP 3: STEP 4: Present your Proof Check your proof against the following guidelines.
1. The beginning of the proof is clearly marked with the word Proof. 2. The appropriate form is followed. 3. The reader is informed of special proof techniques (contrapositive, contradiction, induction) to be employed. 4. All variables that appear in the proof are introduced in the appropriate context within the proof. 5. The proof is written in complete English sentences. 23
6. All assumptions used in the proof are stated in the proof. 7. All logical arguments begin with the appropriate assumption, end with the desired conclusion and provide sucient detail to lead the reader through the argument.
We now explore Steps 2 and 4 of the process in more detail. Basic Forms for Writing Proofs We collect here all the basic argument forms given in earlier sections: Argument Form 1: To Prove: (x Ux ) P (x) Form of Proof: Let x = a (where a is a specic element in Ux ). Verify that P (a) is true.
Argument Form 2: To Prove: (x Ux ) P (x) Form of Proof: Let x Ux . If it is useful to do so, expand upon what it means for x to be in Ux . Give a logical argument concluding that P (x) is true.
Argument Form 3: To Prove: (x Ux )(y Uy ) P (x, y ) Form of Proof: Set x = a where a is a specic element in Ux . Let y be an arbitrary (that is, variable) element in Uy . If useful, expand on what y Uy means. Verify that P (a, y ) is true. 24
Argument Form 4: To Prove: (x Ux )(y Uy ) P (x, y ) Form of Proof: Let x be an arbitrary (i.e., variable) element in Ux . If it is helpful, expand on what x Ux means. Based on construction work done before you begin writing the proof, dene y in terms of x say y = g (x). Verify that P (x, g (x)) is true.
Argument Form 5: Method 1 for Proving ( ! x Ux ) P (x) First prove the existence of x = a such that P (a) is true. To prove uniqueness, let a1 and a2 be (variable) elements in Ux . Assume that both P (a1 ) and P (a2 ) are true. Prove that a1 = a2 .
Method 2 for Proving ( ! x Ux ) P (x) Let x be a (variable) element in Ux . Suppose P (x) is true. Show that the assumption that P (x) is true leads to one, and only one, value x = a. Verify that P (a) is indeed true.
Argument Form 6: To Prove: (x Ux ) (P (x) Q(x)) Form of Direct Proof: Let x be arbitrary (variable) in Ux . If useful, expand on what x Ux means. Assume P (x). If useful expand on the assumption P (x). Give a logical argument that ends with the conclusion that Q(x) is true.
Argument Form 7: To Prove: (x Ux ) (P (x) Q(x)) Form of a Contrapositive Proof: State that the proof is by contrapositive. Let x be an arbitrary (variable) element in Ux . If useful, expand on what x Ux means. Assume Q(x). If useful expand on the assumption Q(x). Give a logical argument that ends with the conclusion that P (x) is true.
Argument Form 8: To Prove: P Form of a Proof by Contradiction: State that the proof is by contradiction Assume P . Give a logical argument that ends with the conclusion that R R for some statement R. State that a contradiction has been reached, so conclude that P is true.
Argument Form 9: To Prove: (x Ux ) P (x) Q(x) Form of a Proof by Contradiction: State that the proof is by contradiction. Assume (x Ux ) P (x) Q(x) . Give a logical argument that ends with the conclusion that R R for some statement R. State that a contradiction has been reached so we may conclude that (x Ux ) P (x) Q(x) .
Example 1: statement.
To Prove: (x Ux ) (y Uy ) P (x, y ) (z Uz ) Q(x, z ) Form of Proof Let x be arbitrary (variable) in Ux . If it helps, expand on what it means to be in Ux . Assume (y Uy ) P (x, y ). If it helps, expand on this assumption above. Let z be arbitrary (variable) in Uz . If it helps, expand on what it means to be in Uz . Present a logical sequence of steps that end with the conclusion that Q(x, y, z ) is true.
Exercise 1: Outline the form of a contrapositive proof of the symbolic statement given in Example 1. Exercise 2: Outline the form of a proof by contradiction of the symbolic statement given in Example 1.
Preliminary Construction of the Proof This is that part of the proof that requires some combination of ingenuity and a knowledge of the subject matter. As such, only minimal guidelines can be given. This step is, however, essential and should not be combined with Step 3, since the rst derivation of an argument by even an experienced proof writer is seldom the best presentation of that argument. In the preliminary construction of a proof: Derive all assertions of existence. Comment: For example, suppose you wish to prove (x Ux )(y Uy ) P (x, y ). We must exhibit a specic y , likely expressed in terms of arbitrary x such that P (x, y ) is true. Typically, in the derivation, we assume P (x, y ) and work backwards to nd y . (But this backwards derivation is inappropriate for the presentation.) Derive all arguments that connect some assumption P to a conclusion Q. Comment: If there is a standard process (for example, a denition) for proving Q, follow that process and use assumption P when it is needed. Otherwise, try both starting with P and working forward to Q and starting with Q and working backwards to P . (In the presentation, however, you must proceed from P to Q.) Check your proof against the given list of guidelines. As you become more familiar with what is expected of a proof, this step will become automatic and will take place as you write your presentation. To insure that you gain familiarity with the guidelines we will, for now, include this review as a separate step. GUIDELINES 1. 2. The beginning of the proof is clearly marked with the word Proof. The appropriate form is followed.
3. The reader is informed of special proof techniques (contrapositive, contradiction, induction) to be employed. 4. All variables that appear in the proof are introduced in the appropriate context within the proof. Recall that a variable has been properly introduced if it has been assigned a specic value from its universal set or it has been quantied and its universal set indicated. 5. The proof is written in complete English sentences.
In written proofs, do not use shorthand symbols for English words or phrases. For instance, symbols such as , , , , , , and | (for divides) should not appear in your 28
written proofs. (Use them all you want in the construction.) Also, symbolic representations of statements (such as P (x), Q(x, y )) are inappropriate in the presentation. Do not use mathematical symbols as shorthand for an English word or phrase in a written statement. For example, the integer = the sum of two primes is a misuse of =. We may either write the integer is the sum of two primes or introduce variables and write n = p + q where p and q are prime. This does not preclude using mathematical symbols in a proof, but they should appear in the context of a complete sentence (see the examples below.) Finally, a complete sentence usually begins with a capital letter, somewhere includes a verb (which may be a mathematical symbol), and ends with a period. 6. All assumptions used in the proof are stated in the proof.
In particular, do not rely upon the statement that is to be proved to convey to your reader the assumptions you are making in the proof. 7. All logical arguments begin with the appropriate assumption, end with the desired conclusion and provide sucient detail to lead the reader through the argument. Example 2: (a) Review the proof given below against guidelines 1 - 7. (b) Present a proof that follows the guidelines. To Prove: If m and n are integers such that m + n is even, then m n is also even. Proof: m + n = 2k m n = 2k 2n = 2(k n) (a) Review of the Proof: Guideline 2: The proof does not follow the appropriate form. Indeed, adherence to the appropriate form would solve many of the problems with the given presentation. The statement to be proved has the form (m, n Z)(m + n even m n even). Therefore, following Argument Form 6, the form of the proof should be: Let m, n be arbitrary (variable) integers. If useful, expand on what it means for m and n to be integers. (In this case, it is not useful.) Assume m + n is even. If useful expand on the assumption that m + n is even. (In this case we will apply the denition an even integer.) Give a logical argument that ends with the conclusion that m n is even. 29
Guideline 4: In the given presentation none of the variables are introduced. (Note: Following the appropriate form would have caused m and n to be properly introduced, but k also needs to be introduced.) Guideline 5: The two equations do qualify as sentences but the reader needs assistance to interpret the signicance of each equation. Guideline 6: The writer assumes that m + n is even but that assumption is not stated in the presentation. Guideline 7: The argument begins with the appropriate (but unstated) assumption that m + n is even and concludes correctly that m n is even, but the reader is not lead through the process of getting from the hypothesis to the conclusion. (b) Proof: Let m and n be integers. Suppose m + n is even. Then there exists an integer k such that m + n = 2k . Therefore, m n = (m + n) 2n = 2k 2n = 2(k n), so m n is even. Exercise 3: In this exercise we will be examining the given proofs of the following statement:
9 . To be Proved: For every positive real number x, if x = 3 then x 6 > x 9 Proof 1: x 6 > x 2 x 6x > 9 x2 6x + 9 > 0 (x 3)2 > 0 which is true.
Proof 2: (x 3)2 > 0 x2 6x + 9 > 0 x2 6x > 9 9 x 6 > x (a) (b) (c) (d) Represent the given statement symbolically and outline the form of a direct proof. Critique Proof 1 above using guidelines 1 - 7. Critique Proof 2 above using guidelines 1 - 7. Present a proof that follows guidelines 1 - 7.
SECTION 2.5: EXERCISES 2.5.1. Consider the following statement: Given Statement: For every integer n, if n is even then there exists an integer m such that m is a perfect square and 4(m + n 1) = n2 . (a) Complete Step 1 of the four step procedure; that is, give a symbolic representation of the statement to be proved and outline the form of the proof. (b) Complete Step 2 of the four step procedure; that is, give a preliminary construction of the proof. In particular, derive m, expressed in terms of n. (c) Present a proof of the given statement. (d) Critique your proof against guidelines 1 - 7. 2.5.2. The object of this exercise is to prove, using the denition, that the sequence of real numbers {n + 1/n} n=1 is not a Cauchy sequence. (a) Use Exercise 1.4.6 to complete the statement: The sequence {n + 1/n} n=1 is not a Cauchy sequence provided . . .. Now represent the statement symbolically and outline the form of the proof. (b) Give a preliminary construction of the proof. In particular, select a specic and for an arbitrary M choose m and n. [HINT: Show that for every integer n 1 we have 1 1 (n + 1 + n+1 ) (n + n ) = 1 n(n1+1) and note that 1 n(n1+1) 1 .] 2 (c) Give a proof that the sequence of real numbers {n + 1/n} n=1 is not a Cauchy sequence. (d) Critique your proof using guidelines 1 - 7 and rewrite as necessary. When you believe that your proof follows all guidelines, state that that is the case. 2.5.3. The object of this exercise is to prove, using the denition, that limx0 (x2 + 1) = 0. (a) Use Exercise 1.4.7 to complete the statement: limx0 (x2 + 1) = 0 provided . . .. Now represent the statement symbolically and outline the form of the proof. (b) Give a preliminary construction of the proof. In particular, select a specic . (c) Give a proof that limx0 (x2 + 1) = 0. (d) Critique your proof using guidelines 1 - 7 and rewrite as necessary. When you believe that your proof follows all guidelines, state that that is the case.
2.5.4. The object of this exercise is to prove, using the denition, that limx3 (2x 4) = 2. (a) Use Exercise 1.4.7 to complete the statement: limx3 (2x 4) = 2 provided . . .. Now represent the statement symbolically and outline the form of the proof. (b) Give a preliminary construction of the proof. In particular, for an arbitrary derive a specic (expressed in terms of ). [HINT: Work backwards from |(2x 4) 2| < .] (c) Give a proof that limx3 (2x 4) = 2. (d) Critique your proof using guidelines 1 - 7 and rewrite as necessary. When you believe that your proof follows all guidelines, state that that is the case.