CFX-FSI 14.5 Lect-05 Two Way Solving Post
CFX-FSI 14.5 Lect-05 Two Way Solving Post
CFX-FSI 14.5 Lect-05 Two Way Solving Post
5 Release
Release 14.5
Solution Process
Here we discuss starting and monitoring the FSI solution in serial and parallel. The various log and output files are also discussed.
Post Processing
This section will discuss common post-processing in CFD-Post and how to post-process FSI results in the Mechanical post-processor.
Release 14.5
Release 14.5
Running in Parallel
CFX can use all the usual parallel methods
Will run on the local machine MAPDL can run on two cores without any
additional licenses
Release 14.5
... ... +--------------------------------------+ | | | Starting ANSYS Solver | | | +--------------------------------------+ ANSYS solver listening on 1971@MACHINE1
Release 14.5
Starts the CFX solver using the specified def file in double precision,
connects to the ANSYS solver already running on MACHINE1 using the specified port
Release 14.5
Running in Parallel
Slave processes/threads must be on different cores Otherwise things will run VERY slow The codes are (usually) running sequentially, it would seem logical
that they can share cores However, a slave process pulls 100% of the available CPU while its in waiting mode The other code is starved of CPU OK for CFX and MAPDL to share a master processor
OK only the master is shared OK when MAPDL is waiting 1 core will be in use, leaving 3 for CFX
July 26, 2013
Release 14.5
Definition File
Contains CCL definition of fluid model and interface / coupling settings
Input File
Contains APDL definition of structural model
But all these settings are defined in CFX-Pre We have an input file from Mechanical that contains the structural model with the FSI surfaces tagged
CFX Solver
Settings from the Definition file
MAPDL Solver
Input File + appended APDL commands from CFX
Release 14.5
Definition File
Contains CCL definition of fluid model and interface / coupling settings
Input File
Contains APDL definition of structural model
CFX Solver
Settings from the Definition file
MAPDL Solver
Input File + appended APDL commands from CFX
Release 14.5
Release 14.5
Definition File
Contains CCL definition of fluid model
Input File
Contains APDL definition of structural model and interface / coupling settings
CFX Solver
Settings from the Definition file
ANSYS Solver
Settings from Input File
Release 14.5
MAPDL Solver
Release 14.5
Release 14.5
X-axis values do not correspond to each other or to CFX Cumulative ANSYS Iterations L2 normalized values should be less than corresponding convergence criteria (CRIT) Cumulative Coupling Iteration Interface loads should be negative at the end of each timestep
Release 14.5
This section provides information on the mapping between the CFX and ANSYS meshes. If the Non-Matching Area Fraction or the No. of UnMapped Nodes is non-zero, then some parts of the FSI interface will not be passing loads between the field solvers. In this case check that the two side physically match and completely overlap.
16 2011 ANSYS, Inc. July 26, 2013
Release 14.5
Release 14.5
The CFX Solver Manager or CFX Solver command line is used to launch 2-way FSI simulations
Mapping is performed by the MAPDL solver. Mapping diagnostics are provided in the MAPDL solver output file and should always be checked.
FSI settings defined in CFX-Pre are passed to MAPDL at runtime by generating APDL commands Understanding this workflow is important for restarts Restarts can be made from completed runs, interrupted runs and from backup points. Physics changes can be made when restarting. See Appendix A.
Release 14.5
Solution Process
Here we discuss starting and monitoring the FSI solution in serial and parallel. The various log and output files are also discussed.
Post Processing
This section will discuss common post-processing in CFD-Post and how to post-process FSI results in the Mechanical post-processor.
Release 14.5
Combined Post-Processing
Editing the CFX Results cell for a 2-way FSI case will automatically load both the CFX and structural results into CFD-Post Can also use File > Load Results and browse for .rst (structural) or .rth (thermal) results Enable Keep Current Case Loaded to post-process multiple sets of results
Disable Open in new view to have CFX and Mechanical results in a single window
Release 14.5
Combined Post-Processing
In CFD-Post CFX and structural results entries and regions are shown in the outline tree When creating objects they can be scoped to all or selected domains
Release 14.5
Combined Post-Processing
Use the Timestep Selector to load different time steps as usual
Release 14.5
Release 14.5
Release 14.5
Combined Post-Processing
When selecting Variables to plot, the variables list shows all variables from CFD and structural results
If a variable is not available (e.g. Pressure on a slice plane in a structural region) is it plotted in the specified Undefined Color
Release 14.5
Combined Post-Processing
CFD-Post read components from a .cm file written out by the MAPDL solver
This is created by default for FSI cases using the command CMWRITE,file,cm Youll see a Mesh Regions branch in CFD-Post containing the components
When load structural results containing shell elements, CFD-Post reads and displays data from the top side of the shells
To read and display results from the bottom side set the system environment variable CFDPOST_RST_READ_BOTTOM_SHELL_DATA to any value
July 26, 2013
Release 14.5
Post-Processing in Mechanical
Structural results are associated with the CFX Solution and Results cells
To post-process in Mechanical:
Edit the Mechanical Solution cell Select the Solution entry from the Outline tree
Select Tools > Read Results Files and browse for the .rst/.rth file associated with the CFX FSI system
Release 14.5
Solution Process
Here we discuss starting and monitoring the FSI solution in serial and parallel. The various log and output files are also discussed.
Post Processing
This section will discuss common post-processing in CFD-Post and how to post-process FSI results in the Mechanical post-processor.
Release 14.5
Release 14.5
If Process ANSYS Input File is disabled, the Mechanical Input File is used and is run as is
Release 14.5
Any previous changes you have manually made in a .mf file must be re-applied to every restart from a rdb file, since the rdb file represents the structural setup from the first FSI run
The correct nodal displacements, velocities, etc are still used, since the rdb file will read the .r00# file corresponding to the restart time
Release 14.5
Changes to coupling, interface or time settings specified in CFX can use the same procedure as a CFX physics change Since CFX re-creates the MF commands each time, these changes will be
passed to MAPDL Example: Extending a run by increasing the Coupling Time Duration
Changes to Mechanical settings are less straight-forward since the Mechanical Input File is not used when restarting Where should be changes be made?
33 2011 ANSYS, Inc. July 26, 2013
Release 14.5
This is what CFX is doing in the background when Process ANSYS Input File is checked Use Process Input File only option Select the Mechanical Input File and the previous db file Provide the CFX def file and Start Run
Run will complete in a few seconds Inside the *.ansys/ run directory an file is created
Release 14.5
Add TIMINT,ON to the .mf file to switch Mechanical from steady-state to transient
July 26, 2013
Release 14.5
Restarts - General
MAPDL results are appended to the rst file Old rst is copied into new run directory
Can be a very large file!
You can move the old rst file to a new directory before restarting to
prevent it being copied
A new rst file will be created for the new run
For all restarts also see the CFX documentation: ANSYS CFX Solver Manager Users Guide >> Working with Solver
Manager >> ANSYS Multi-field Run >> Restart Procedure for ANSYS Multi-field Run
Release 14.5
Solution Process
Here we discuss starting and monitoring the FSI solution in serial and parallel. The various log and output files are also discussed.
Post Processing
This section will discuss common post-processing in CFD-Post and how to post-process FSI results in the Mechanical post-processor.
Release 14.5
Release 14.5
Basic MF Commands
Multifield restart time (for restarts only) Usually has a value of -1, meaning restart from end of previous solution
Release 14.5
Basic MF Commands
Release 14.5
For the sparse solver tries to retain the entire factorized matrix in memory Runs faster, but significantly increases memory usage
Sets stepped loads - CFX will always append this command to the ANSYS input If using Prep7 make sure you set it manually
Minimum data you can write and still restart Note that you may need more data for post-processing (e.g Stress data)
The ANSYS solver will continue when convergence has not been achieved
Note that MAPDL runs until convergence or max. number of equilibrium iterations, but the calculation will stop if max. number of equilibrium iterations is reached. You can set NCNV so that MAPDL will continue if convergence is not achieved and this can be combined with NEQIT to limit the number of equilibrium iterations. However, you need to be careful when doing this you must make sure MAPDL is converged by the end of the last Coupling Iteration. If you are reaching the maximum number of Coupling Iterations then something hasnt converged CFX, interface loads, or MAPDL this needs to be corrected. If one of the field solvers is very poorly converged, it may pass spurious loads to the other which could cause failure.
Release 14.5