Aspen-One Supply Distribution Refining Marketing
Aspen-One Supply Distribution Refining Marketing
Aspen-One Supply Distribution Refining Marketing
aspenONE Supply and Distribution for Refining & Marketing provides an integrated enterprise solution for petroleum supply chain management, enabling many simultaneous users to visualize market demand, pinpoint inventory trouble spots, and proactively schedule supply chain movements to discover the most profitable distribution, exchange, and inventory plan. AspenTech is the market leader in delivering innovative solutions to solve petroleum supply chain challenges.
Maximize profitability and increase speed of decision making by increasing operational visibility and improving asset utilization for petroleum companies
Petroleum companies operate most profitably when inventory and distribution aligns with market demand. The crux of the challenge is in the complex petroleum supply chain, characterized by a proliferation of grades, multiple divisional silos, global operations, and opportunities to buy, make, sell, exchange, or trade crude and products with short notice. Successful companies are those who focus on: Maximizing asset utilization while minimizing costs and improving customer service Integrating the complete supply chain including integration of refinery operations with the distribution network Mitigating the risk associated with lack of demand visibility and supply volatility Improving efficiency with standardized business processes with local language support
The AspenTech implementation produced large cost reductions and generated a high confidence level in the transportation plans.
Xingyou He, Sinopec
Inventory Management and Visibility View current and future inventory levels Analyze planned, scheduled, and committed
Provides a comprehensive enterprise-wide view into current
and future inventory and movements
Operations Scheduling and Movements Management Plan, schedule, and monitor movements of crude and
finished products via multiple transportation modes for both primary and secondary distribution
Keeps operations synchronized with the distribution plan Reduces costs and improves operations associated with
integration between planning and scheduling
Contract Monitoring and Deal Balance Tracking Track and match inventory movements to current and
future buy-sell deals and exchanges
Supply and Demand Balancing Balance demand with refinery production and supply
chain constraints by product, region, and location
Demand Forecast and Management Create and maintain demand projections utilizing
statistical techniques
Reduces IT integration and maintenance costs Supports enterprise-wide optimized plans vs. local or
regional optimization
Integrated Petroleum Supply Chain Optimization with aspenONE for Refining & Marketing
The aspenONE S&D for R&M solution workflow highlights the integration required between the refinery and the distribution system to optimize margins.
Worldwide Headquarters
Aspen Technology, Inc. 200 Wheeler Road Burlington, MA 01803 United States phone: +17812216400 fax: +17812216410
About AspenTech
AspenTech is a leading supplier of software that optimizes process manufacturingfor energy, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce products from a chemical process. With integrated aspenONE solutions, process manufacturers can implement best practices for optimizing their engineering, manufacturing, and supply chain operations. As a result, AspenTech customers are better able to increase capacity, improve margins, reduce costs, and become more energy efficient. To see how the worlds leading process manufacturers rely on AspenTech to achieve their operational excellence goals, visit
Regional Headquarters
Houston, TX | USA phone: +12815841000 So Paulo | Brazil phone: +551134436261 Reading | United Kingdom phone: +44(0)1189226400 Singapore | Republic of Singapore phone: +6563953900 Manama | Bahrain phone: +97317503000
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