GH (Growth hormone)
- Promotes growth of all body tissue
Hyperpituitarism (Gigantism or Acromegaly) - Severe disfigurement, serious complicating conditions, and premature death if unchecked & hard to diagnose in the
early stages.
Posterior Pituitary
ADH (Antidiuretic hormone; Vasopressin) - Promotes reabsorption of water in the kidney tubules; Stimulates smooth muscle tissue of blood vessels to constrict Deficiency of ADH (Diabetes Insipidus) - Water metabolism problem d/t ADH synthesis or inability of the kidneys to respond to the ADH
- Na (hemoconcentration)
Excess of ADH (Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) - The body develops an excess of water and a decrease in sodium (salt) concentration, as a result of improper
chemical signals. - If there is too much ADH in the body, or if the kidneys overreact to the ADH they receive, the body retains excess water and the serum sodium concentration becomes diluted and falls to abnormal levels. - Na (hemodilution)
Hyposecretion of adrenal cortex hormones (Adrenocortical insufficiency / Adrenal crisis / Addisonian crisis or Adrenal Insufficiency) - Aldosterone & cortisol
- Glucose ( gluconeogenesis & liver & muscle glycogen - GFR & gastric acid (urea nitrogen excretion) = anorexia & weight loss - Excessive reabsorption of potassium = K (hyperkalemia) & excretion of Na
ACTH(Adrenocorticotropic hormone) - stimulates the adrenal gland to release cortisol; During steroid therapy, the hypothalamus, pituitary, & adrenal gland are suppressed) so if stopped suddenly the client will develop s/s of adrenal insufficiency & return of normal adrenal function can take up to 9 months. Hypersecretion of adrenal cortex hormones (Hypercortisolism / Cushings disease or Cushings syndrome / Hyperaldosteronism (mineralocorticoid) or Excessive Androgen)
- Cortisol = Lymphocytes - Glucose - Na & Ca & K (Aldosterone reabsorption of Na & excretion of K (Hyperaldosterism (Increased secretion of aldosterone = mineralocorticoid excess - Conns syndrome)