Female Reproductive Health
Female Reproductive Health
Female Reproductive Health
List of contributors
Hormones in reproduction
Nikolai Manassiev and Henry Burger
Joanna N.Raeburn, Chris Wilkinson and Nikolai Manassiev
Nikolai Manassiev, Naim Abusheikha and John Collins
List of contributors
Naim Abusheikha
Bourn Hall Clinic
Cambridge CB3 7TR
Henry Burger
Prince Henrys Institute of Medical Research
Monash Medical Centre
John Collins
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
McMaster University
Ontario L8N 3Z5
Fergus Keating
Giggs Hill Surgery
14 Raphael Drive
Thames Ditton
Surrey KT7 OEB
Joanna N.Raeburn
Kings College Hospital NHS Trust
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9Rs
Alison Stirland
Sexually Transmitted Disease Program
Los Angeles Department of Health
Los Angeles
CA 90007
Chris Wilkinson
Margaret Pyke Centre and Camden &
Islington Contraceptive and Reproductive
Health Services
73 Charlotte Street
London WIT 4PL
The female reproductive system anatomy
and physiology
Nikolai Manassiev and Fergus Keating
The female reproductive system is composed of the internal and external
genitalia. The internal genitalia comprise the ovaries, uterine (fallopian) tubes,
uterus (including the cervix) and vagina. The external genitalia consist of the
vulva, which comprises the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibular bulbs,
mons veneris (pubis), urethral and peri-urethral gland ducts. The vulva serves as
the entrance to the vagina and in the normal state covers and protects the urethral
The breast is not essential for reproduction. However, it poses a constant
challenge with early cancer detection and it brings misery to many women in the
form of pain. So it is essential that the breast should be included in this
Labia majora
These are two skin folds overlying a condensation of fat, connective and elastic
tissue and muscle fibers (Figure 1.1). These folds continue cranially toward the
lower abdomen and fuse in the midline as the anterior commissure, or the mons
pubis. The caudal union of the labia is known as the posterior commissure. The
outer borders of the labia majora define the lateral extent of the vulva. The skin
covering the labia majora is thick, contains many sebaceous and sweat glands
and is covered with hair, except along the lower part of the inner aspect. The skin
is composed of stratified squamous epithelium with a well-vascularized dermis.
The round ligaments that emerge from the inguinal canal enter the labia in the
upper third.
Figure 1.1 Components of the vulva. Reproduced from Romanes GJ. Cunninghams
Manual of Practical Anatomy, 14th edn. Vol. 11, Thorax and Abdomen. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1977:169, reproduced with permission of Oxford University Press
Labia minora
The labia minora consist of two cutaneous folds, which are usually concealed by
the labia majora (Figure 1.1). They directly approximate each other, thus
covering the vaginal opening. The labia minora extend from the clitoris
anteriorly to the posterior fourchette, where they join the labia majora. Sweat
glands and follicles are usually absent, but sebaceous glands are abundant. The
epithelium is stratified and squamous, with minimal keratinization. The prepuce
of the clitoris is continuous with the labia minora and is histologically similar,
except for its extreme vascularity. Usually the mons and the labia majora are the
only visible parts of the external genitals. The labia minora are in contact with
each other thus closing the vaginal opening. The space bounded by the labia
minora and the vaginal opening is called vestibule. The latter forms a junction
between the external and internal genitals. In this space are the openings of the
urethra, vagina and the greater vestibular glands (Bartholins glands). The
Bartholins glands secrete a milky lubricant during sexual arousal. Minor
vestibular glands secrete mucus around the clitoris and the urethral orifice. The
vestibular fossa is the tissue between the vaginal opening and posterior
fourchette. The vestibule has two spongy bulbs, one on each side. These bulbs
are erectile and meet in the middle thus resembling a horseshoe from an anterior
position. During sexual stimulation they become engorged. For further
discussion about the role of the vestibule in sexual dysfunction, see Chapter 9,
page 178.
The clitoris is composed of two roots that run along the lower pubic rami to unite
beneath the symphysis in the body of the clitoris. The distal part of the body is the
glans. The ischiocavernosus muscle covers the root and the body of the clitoris.
The roots, or crura, are 34 cm long in the flaccid state, but when erect are 4.55
cm long. The body is 2.33 cm long and is surrounded by a connective tissue
fascia. The covering of the glans is modified cutaneous tissue and not mucosa.
Unlike the penis, the glans clitoris contains no corpus spongiosum and does not
possess as much erectile tissue. There are numerous sensory nerve endings for
touch and pressure, such as Meissners corpuscles, on the clitoris. This little
organ has 8000 nerve fibersdouble that of the penis. The sensory supply is via
the pudendal nerve. There is also sympathetic innervation via the pelvic
sympathetic plexuses.
The clitoris seems to function as the nerve center for coitus. Sexual stimulation
causes vascular engorgement and enlargement. This makes the clitoris
exquisitely sensitive to the friction of the inserted penis. Orgasm in the female
consists of a reflex resulting in forceful contractions of both voluntary and
involuntary muscles of the pelvis and pelvic viscera. It may result from
stimulation of the clitoris even in the absence of the vagina. Once the process of
orgasm has been experienced and a conditional reflex has been established, then
the presence of the clitoris is no longer essential for orgasm. It is said that
women who have undergone vulvectomy with excision of the clitoris are still
capable of experiencing orgasm.
The arterial supply to the vulva is mainly via the internal pudendal artery. The
veins approximate the same course but also communicate with the vesicovaginal
plexus and the inferior hemorrhoidal veins. The lymph drains via the inguinal
and femoral nodes to the external iliac nodes. The nerve supply is from multiple
sources. The main contributor is the pudendal nerve, which is derived from the
second to fourth sacral nerves: the ilioinguinal and the genitofemoral nerves also
The vagina is a musculomembranous canal extending from the vulva to the
uterine cervix (Figures 1.21.3). It is directed upward and posteriorly from the
vestibule toward the sacral promontory. Anteriorly, the vagina is closely related
to the bladder and urethra. The urethra lies against the lower two-thirds of the
Figure 1.2 Sagittal section of the human female pelvis. Reproduced with permission from
Bengtson J. The vagina and female urology. In Ryan KJ, Friedman AJ, Barbieri RL, eds.
Kistners Gynecology, 5th edn. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishing, 1990:112
vagina and the bladder trigone against the upper third. The tissues separating
these structures are called the urethrovaginal and vesicovaginal septa,
respectively, and consist of supporting tissues of the endopelvic fascia. The
posterior vaginal wall is related to the peritoneal cul-de-sac (pouch of Douglas)
in its upper third, to the ampulla of the rectum in its middle third, and to the
perineal body in its lower third. The perineal body is an important structure that
provides a central area of insertion of the supporting muscles of the pelvic floor.
At the introitus, the vagina is related laterally to the bulbocavernous muscles.
Superiorly, the upper vagina fuses with the cervix, which projects into it through
its anterior wall. As a result of this arrangement, the posterior wall of the vagina
is longer than the anterior wall by about 23 cm. The recesses of the vaginal
vault above the cervix are called fornices, the deepest being the posterior fornix.
The vaginal length is usually 810 cm. The perineal muscles cause relative
constriction of the outlet diameter. The vagina is flattened when relaxed, creating
only potential space, but has a remarkable ability to distend, for example, during
the process of delivery, to accommodate the passage of the fetus. The vaginal wall
Figure 1.3 Frontal section of the uterine cervix and corpus. Reproduced with permission
from Sheets EE, Goodman HM, Knapp RC. The cervix. In Ryan KJ, Friedman AJ, Barbieri
RL, eds. Kistners Gynecology, 5th edn. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishing, 1990:
external and internal iliac nodes, while that from the lower third drains into the
inguinal nodes. The sensory innervation of the vagina is from the pudendal and
ilioinguinal nerves. Sympathetic fibers from the hypogastric plexuses supply
blood vessels and the smooth muscle of the vaginal wall. The upper vagina is
said to be sensitive only to stretching.
Uterus and fallopian tubes
The uterus (Figures 1.21.4) consists of two parts: the uterine cervix and uterine
body. The cervix is cylindrical and points downward and backward. It measures
2.53 cm in length and 23 cm in diameter in adult nulligravid women, but its
size can vary considerably between women. The cervix is connected to the
uterine body by the isthmus. The vagina attaches to the cervix around its middle
(length) and divides the cervix into vaginal and supravaginal parts. In the center
of the vaginal part of the cervix there is a small openingthe external osby
which the cavity of the uterus communicates with the vagina. The cervical canal
extends from the external os to the anatomic internal os, where it connects with
the uterine cavity. The cervical canal is spindle-shaped, measuring about 8 mm
at its greatest width. The isthmus is the area of the uterus that lies between the
anatomic internal os above and the histologic internal os below. The latter
represents the area of transition from endometrial to endocervical glands. The
isthmus is referred to as the lower uterine segment during pregnancy and labor.
The cervix secretes mucus which is subject to cyclical changes. Following
menses, the amount of mucus secreted by the endocervical glands is reduced and
it is viscous. The quantity of mucus increases up to 30-fold in response to
increasing levels of estrogens during the second half of the follicular phase. The
mucus becomes thin, watery, clear and elastic and is then highly permeable to
spermatozoa. A fine thread of mucus (up to 10 cm long) can be demonstrated by
stretching a drop of secretion (spinnbarkeit) on a microscope slide. A
characteristic ferning, or palm leaf arborization, can be seen if mucus is dried on
a slide. During the luteal phase and during pregnancy, the mucus acts as a plug
between the uterus and the external environment. Progesterone secretion during
the luteal phase makes the mucus thick, milky white and a barrier for sperm and
possibly microorganisms.
The cervix is covered by two different types of epithelium: squamous and
columnar. The area of the cervix where the stratified squamous epithelium of the
vagina becomes the columnar epithelium of the endocervix is known as the
transformation zone. The position of the transformation zone is related to age,
age at first pregnancy and the degree of estrogenic stimulation. During the
reproductive years, the endocervical epithelium and glands extend to the level of
the external os or just above it. Under estrogenic stimulation, such as that
resulting from the oral contraceptive pill or from pregnancy, the endocervical
epithelium may migrate beyond the external os, appearing as a visible area on the
cervix that was known, misleadingly, as a cervical erosionmisleading, as it
incorrectly implies a pathologic change. The proper term for this condition is
cervical eversion/ectropion. During the latter half of fetal life a similar
proliferation of the endocervical mucosa may occur which can produce a
congenital eversion seen in up to 50% of female neonates. After the menopause,
as a result of waning ovarian activity, the endocervical mucosa retracts upward
and the transformation zone (squamocolumnar junction) can disappear from view.
If this occurs then obtaining a cervical smear or performing colposcopy may not
be possible unless estrogenic stimulation is applied for several weeks beforehand.
The cervical eversion (ectropion) can spontaneously disappear and the
squamocolumnar junction can move above the external os during the
reproductive years as well. This process is known as squamous metaplasia.
Squamous metaplasia
Metaplasia implies transformation of one type of differentiated tissue into another.
In the cervix, squamous metaplasia occurs when the prolapsed endocervical
epithelium (eversion/ectropion) is replaced by the more robust squamous
epithelium. The process of metaplasia probably involves the following steps:
(1) Endocervical eversion, metaplasia and stratification of the cell layer which is
underneath the eversion;
(2) Sloughing of the overlying columnar epithelium;
(3) Maturation of the underlying cells into stratified squamous epithelium.
The mature metaplastic epithelium is indistinguishable from the indigenous
squamous epithelium. However, the immature metaplastic epithelium lacks
glycogen and does not take up iodine, which can confuse the inexperienced
colposcopist. The presence of metaplastic cells on a cervical smear is thus a
normal finding.
The body of the uterus measures 77.5 cm in length, 4.55 cm in width and 2.
53 cm in thickness. It lies in the pelvis between the bladder and the rectum. The
cephalic portion is called the fundus. On both sides of the fundus are the uterine
horns where the fallopian tubes join the uterus. The uterus is composed mainly
of smooth muscle cells wrapped in peritoneum on the outside. On the inside of
the uterus there is a cavity lined with endometrium. It is slit-like and triangular in
shape. The uterus has a remarkable potential to grow. It can grow from 50100 g
in the non-pregnant state to over 1 kg during pregnancy. The uterine
endometrium also changes under the influence of ovarian hormones, developing
from less than 5 mm in thickness during the early follicular phase and in
menopausal women, to more than 10 mm under the influence of estrogen.
The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the uterus (Figure 1.4). They are
about 1012 cm in length. Their reproductive function involves ovum collection
and transport, the transport of sperm, aiding fertilization and early embryonic
development, and transport of the conceptus to the uterus. The fallopian tubes are
Figure 1.4 Anterior view of the uterus. Reproduced with permission from Fincker NJ,
Friedman AJ. The uterine corpus. In Ryan KJ, Friedman AJ, Barbieri RL. Kistners
Gynecology, 5th edn. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishing, 1990:189
under the influence of ovarian hormones: their motility changes as the viscosity
of the tubal fluid and the ciliary action of mucosal cells change cyclically.
The blood supply to the uterus and the tubes is by the uterine artery, a branch
of the internal ileac artery. The venous blood drains to the internal ileac veins
and there are extensive communications with the vesical and rectal plexuses. The
main lymphatic drainage is to the external and internal iliac nodes and there are
some scanty connections to the inguinal and aortic nodes. The nerves to the
uterus and tubes are branches from the pelvic plexus. Pain from the cervix is carried
by pelvic splanchnic nerves (parasympathetic), while that from the body of the
uterus (labor pains) travels with sympathetic fibers to the lowest thoracic segments
of the cord T11-T12. The abolition of all uterine sensation requires destruction/
anesthesia above the T10 level.
The two ovaries (Figure 1.4) are almond-shaped organs 25 cm in length, 1.53
cm wide and 0.51.5 cm thick. The combined weight is about 1520 g. Each is
suspended to the uterus via the uteroovarian ligament and to the fallopian tube
via the infundibulopelvic ligament. When the woman is standing, the long axis
of the ovary is vertical and its lateral surface lies against the pelvic side wall. The
ovary is attached to the posterior leaf of the broad ligament by a peritoneal fold
termed the mesovarium. It derives its blood supply from the ovarian artery, a
branch of the abdominal aorta just below the renal artery. The venous drainage
parallels the artery and the lymphatics drain to the para-aortic nodes, just above
the level of the umbilicus (L3/L4).
these stages, the granulosa cells divide and grow forming multiple layers.
Granulosa cells have receptors for LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
and their main function is the production of estrogen. During the follicular phase
the oocyte grows from 15 m to 135 m and becomes one of the biggest cells in
the body. It matures and starts secreting glycoproteins forming the zona pellucida
(pale zone). The considerable size is explained by the fact that the oocyte must
possess all machinery (mitochondria, nutrients, etc) to sustain the pregnancy
until implantation occurs. The cells outside the
Table 1.1 Some non-steroidal factors produced by the ovary
Non-steroidal factor
Proposed function
Angiogenic factors
Growth factors
FSH binding inhibitor
LH binding inhibitor
Mllerian inhibiting factor
Oxytocin (corpus luteum)
follicle also grow and differentiate forming the thecal layers. The tertiary follicle
has a fluid-filled space named the antrum (hence antral follicle). The fluid
consists of plasma filtrate and secretory products of the granulosa cells.
Under the influence of FSH, the antral follicles grow further to form mature
Graafian follicles. The antral fluid increases in volume and the oocyte is
surrounded by a clump of granulosa cells called the cumulus oophorus. At this
stage, the follicle is at least 14 mm in mean diameter and is ready to release the
egg. The resumption of meiosis occurs following the preovulatory surge of LH.
The ovarian stroma consists of three cell types: contractile cells, connective
tissue cells and interstitial cells. The interstitial cells secrete steroid hormones,
mainly androgens, and undergo morphologic changes in response to LH and
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). As the follicle develops, the interstitial
cells differentiate and become thecal cells. After ovulation, blood vessels invade
the cavity of the follicle. Granulosa cells and thecal cells transform into
granulosa-lutein and theca-lutein cells and form the corpus luteum. The corpus
Figure 1.5 Structure of the ovarian follicle during growth and development. Reproduced
from Erickson GF, Magoffin DA, Dyer CA, Hofeditz C. The ovarian androgen producing
cells: a review of stucture/function relationships. Endocr Rev 1985;6:37199, with
permission of The Endocrine Society
Figure 1.6 Cross-section of the breast. Reproduced with permission from Tortora GJ,
Grabowski SR, Schmidt Prezbindowski K, eds. Principles of Human Anatomy and
Physiology, 10th edn. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002:1040
Growth hormone
Placental lactogen
Insulin-like growth factor
ligaments. Prolapse of the pelvic organs depends on (1) how well developed the
support systems are (e.g., as a result of genetic endowment and exercise) and (2)
the stresses put onto them via increased intra-abdominal pressure, stretching the
tearing (pregnancy, childbirth, obesity, constipation, ascites, chronic cough, etc).
The breast
The breast is situated between the second and the sixth rib horizontally
(Figure 1.6) and between the parasternal area and the mid-axillary area
vertically. The central thickness of the breast is between 5 and 7 cm. It has
various configurations: in young nulliparous females it has a conical appearance,
and in parous women and later in life it becomes pendulous. The nipple is
situated near the summit of the breast, usually at the level of the fourth intercostal
space. The breast extends upward and laterally toward the axilla, a part of which
is known as the axillary tail of Spence. The average breast weighs about 100 g
and often there is discrepancy in size with the left breast usually being bigger. In
pregnancy, the breast increases dramatically in size and weighs three to four
times more than in the non-pregnant state. The structure of the breast consists of
skin, subcutaneous tissue and the stroma. The skin is thin, flexible and elastic,
which allows the breast to expand and shrink depending on the physiologic
condition. The breast skin has hair, sebaceous glands and eccrine sweat glands.
Below the skin, there is connective tissue which includes the fatty tissue, blood
vessels, nerves and lymphatics. Within the stroma, there is a ductal-lobularalveolar structure which resembles a river and its tributaries. Proximally, the
alveoli are very small, but distally they increase in size and open into the
lactiferous sinuses, just below the areola structure. There are 15 to 25 lobes, each
one consisting of multiple lobules, and each lobule has hundreds of
tubulosaccular secretory units. The nipple is a conical elevation where 15 to 25
milk ducts open. It has a rich sensory nerve supply and sebaceous and apocrine
sweat glands. The areola surrounds the nipple and can vary in size from 1.5 to 5
cm, and peripherally there are Morgagnis tubercles which are openings of the
sebaceous glands of Montgomery. During stimulation, the nipple becomes erect
and the areola constricts; both are caused by the underlying smooth muscle. The
breast tissue is attached to the overlying skin via a subcutaneous fascia known as
Coopers suspensory ligaments. The bottom of the breast lies on the pectoralis
fascia. The blood supply to the breasts is via the internal mammary artery (60%
of the blood), lateral thoracic artery (2530%) and the intercostal arteries (5
10%). The lymphatics of the breast are quite numerous and mainly go toward the
axilla and along the internal mammary artery. There are, however,
communications with the other breast, with subdiaphragmatic and intraperitoneal
lymph nodes and with the liver. The sensory nerve supply of the breast is derived
from the fourth, fifth and sixth intercostal nerves. The same nerves carry
sympathetic fibres with them to the breast.
The alveolar unit is the milk-producing structure of the breast and it has three
types of cells: alveolar cells, chief cells and myoepithelial cells. The alveolar
cells are stimulated by sex steroids and are responsible for milk production. The
chief cells provide the energy source for the alveolar cells. The myoepithelial
cells are of ectodermal origin, respond to oxytocin by constriction and allow the
expression of milk. The stromal tissue is quiescent until puberty, when the
breasts start developing in an orderly manner first described by Marshall and
Tanner. Breast development usually starts between 9 and 11 years of age,
together with pubic and axillary hair growth. It is difficult to outline precisely the
relative contribution of the numerous hormonal and growth factor influences on
breast growth (see Table 1.2). In vitro estrogen appears to stimulate the ductal
proliferation, while progesterone stimulates lobulo-alveolar development. The
breast undergoes cyclic changes associated with ovulation, and premenstrual
breasts can be engorged and tender probably because of tissue edema and
Before pregnancy, the breast consists mainly of ducts, connective tissue and
adipose tissue. During pregnancy, lobulo-alveolar elements differentiate under
the influence of sex hormone but also placental lactogen, prolactin, insulin and
insulin-like growth factor.
Hormones in reproduction
Nikolai Manassiev and Henry Burger
A number of hormones and hormone-like substances are involved in regulating
the reproductive process in humans. Some are well studied, others less so. It is
not our aim to discuss all of them. In this chapter we will restrict our discussion
to those hormones whose structure and function have been well studied and are
universally accepted.
The neurohormone involved in regulating the synthesis and release of both
folliclestimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) is
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), also known as luteinizing hormonereleasing hormone (LHRH). It is a decapeptide secreted from the LHRH neurons
of the hypothalamus into the portal vessels. LHRH modulates both LH and FSH,
neither of them selectively. The half-life of LHRH is 24 min. It is secreted as a
pulse every hour during the follicular phase and every 3 h during the luteal phase.
Its main function is to promote synthesis, storage and release of gonadotropins.
Pulsatile secretion of LHRH leads to pulsatile release of LH and FSH. Therefore,
hypothalamic LHRH neurons regulate the synthesis and secretion of FSH and LH
by the anterior pituitary. Alteration of the output of FSH and LH can be achieved
by increasing or decreasing the amplitude or frequency of LHRH pulses.
FSH and LH are responsible primarily for the processes concerned with
follicular and germ cell development and with ovulation. LH and FSH are
secreted by the gonadotrophic cells (basophilic), which comprise about 10% of
the anterior pituitary. LH and FSH are hetero-dimeric glycoprotein hormones of
similar size, and consist of a common a chain and a distinct chain. The same
chain is present in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and human chorionic
Figure 2.1 Principal pathways of steroid hormone biosynthesis in the human ovary.
Reproduced from Carr BR. Disorders of the ovary and female reproductive tract. In
Wilson JD, Foster DW, eds. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 8th edn. Philadelphia,
PA: W.B.Saunders, 1992:73398, Copyright (1992), with permission from Elsevier
The hormone prolactin is produced by the lactotrophic cells (acidophilic) of the
anterior pituitary. It constitutes 1520% of the normal pituitary and this increases
to 70% during pregnancy. Prolactin has a single polypeptide chain containing
198 amino acids. The gene for prolactin production is on chromosome 6. The
hormone is essential for lactation and a mass of the receptors for this hormone is
present in the human breast and gonads. It may also have some function in the
regulation of steroidogenesis in the ovary. The plasma levels vary during the
day, the highest plasma concentration occurring during sleep. Under normal
circumstances, prolactin secretion is restrained by the hypothalamus and the
inhibitory factor for prolactin appears to be dopamine. Prolactin release is
stimulated by sleep, estrogen, suckling, stimulation of the nipple, thyrotropinreleasing hormone (TRH), stress, opiates and anti-dopamine medications. Some
of the properties of LHRH, LH, FSH and prolactin are summarized in Table 2.1.
Four major classes of steroids are derived from cholesterol: the progestogens, the
androgens, the estrogens and the corticosteroids. The ovary is involved in the
synthesis and secretion of the first three (Figure 2.1).
Natural progestogens are characterized by possessing 21 carbons (C-21
steroids), androgens by being comprised of 19 carbons (C-19 steroids), and
natural estrogens have 18 carbons (C-18 steroids) in their structure. Ovarian
steroids can exert feedback on both the hypothalamus and the pituitary. Whether
estrogens and progestogens stimulate or inhibit gonadotropin release depends
upon the plasma level and the duration of exposure. The plasma concentrations,
production rates and secretion rates of the main ovarian steroids are given in
Table 2.2.
Over 9798% of the steroids secreted by the ovary are bound to plasma
proteins. Testosterone is mainly bound to sex hormone-binding
Table 2.1 Properties of human luteinizing hormone, luteinizing hormone-releasing
hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and prolactin*
Hormone Secreted from Acts upon
half-life in
blood (min)
Levels in
human blood
Thecal cells;
cells; luteal
, a chain 89
Male > 12
years 512 U/
us (preoptic
area and
chain 115
amino acids,
, a chain
identical to
LH; chain
115 amino
acids, 2
Prolactin Anterior
half-life in
blood (min)
Levels in
human blood
follicular 0.
415 IU/1
2070 IU/1
Luteal 0.4
15 IU/1
2070 IU/1
Male (age
1370) 1.2
16 IU/1
follicular 28
Midcycle 2.
727 IU/1
Luteal 1.27.
3 IU/1
1893 IU/1
Male and
female 60
450 U/l
single chain
luteal cells;
of 198 amino
LHRH, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone; N/A, not available; LH, luteinizing
hormone; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone
*Values vary from one laboratory to another
**Elimination half-life: LH, 1012 h; FSH, 17 3h
Distribution half-life and biological half-life are different concepts. For the reproductive
hormones the biological half-life is greater than the distribution half-life
globulin (SHBG). Estradiol is bound to albumin (60%) and SHBG (38%). SHBG
is a -globulin formed in the liver with a molecular weight of about 95 000. The
level of SHBG, and thus the level of free hormone, can be affected by a number
of conditions. Levels are increased by estradiol, combined oral contraceptives
(COCs) and thyroid hormones, and are decreased by androgens, hypothyroidism
and obesity.
There are number of naturally occurringgonadal steroids, all of them with
different potency. The ones that are most important for clinical practice and their
principal actions on the reproductive system are outlined in Table 2.3. In our
discussion we are going to use the terms progesterone and estrogen or estradiol
to denote all naturally occurring progestogens and estrogens.
Mechanism of action of steroid hormones
All ovarian steroids have the same basic mechanism of action. For clarity and
because the estrogen activity has been widely studied,
Table 2.2 Concentration, production rates and ovarian secretion rates of steroids in blood
SR** by both
ovaries (mg/
Early follicular
Late follicular
*PR, production rate, consisting of the sum of secretion rate and amount contributed by
interconversion of precursor steroids; SR, secretion rate, being the secretion of ovarian
steroids in units per day
Table 2.3 Relative potency and principal actions of some naturally occurring sex steroids
in females
Type of steroid and relative potency*
17-Estradiol (100%)
Estrone (10%)
Estriol (1%)
Stimulate secondary sexual characteristics
Prepare the genital tract for spermatozoal
Stimulate growth and the activity of
mammary glands
Stimulate the growth of the endometrium
and prepare the endometrium for
progesterone action
Associated with sexual behavior
Regulate secretion of gonadotropins
Progesterone (100%)
17-Hydroxyprogesterone (4070%)
5-Dihydrotestosterone (100%)
Testosterone (50%)
Dehydroepiandrosterone (4%)
the mode of action described here uses estrogen as the example (Figure 2.2).
Free steroids are thought to diffuse passively to all cells because there is no
evidence as yet of an active transport mechanism. Steroids are preferentially
retained in target cells as stable complexes bound to intracellular receptor
proteins (i.e., estrogen receptorER), which are steroid- and tissue specific. The
receptor is thought to be a hormone- or ligand-activated transcription factor. The
terms are used interchangeably.
The ER has six structural domains (protein regions having some distinct feature
or role), A to F, but the important ones are the steroid-binding domain and the
DNA-binding domain. The receptor binds the hormone, i.e., estrogen, through its
steroid-binding domain. The binding of the steroid by the receptor results in the
activation of the receptor molecules, which leads to conformational changes in
the hormone-receptor complex, including its DNA-binding domain. This
activation allows the hormone-receptor complex to bind to specific sites in the
DNA, termed nuclear acceptor sites. Once bound to the DNA, the activated
steroid-receptor complex acts as a transcription factor, which switches
ongenes, coding for the production of new proteins. The newly synthesized
proteins change the metabolism of the target cell in a steroid-specific manner.
The transfer of the steroid in the cell and nuclear binding of the steroid-receptor
complex is rapid, occurring within minutes. Nuclear binding affects messenger
RNA levels and synthesis within several hours, and finally protein synthesis and
turnover happens within 1224 h. The major physiologic effects of steroids in
cells are seen in 1236 h.
There are two estrogen receptors so far described: ER (classic ER) and ER
(recently described). Classic ER was cloned and sequenced from human breast
cancer cells in 1986. The ER consists of 595 aminoacids with a molecular
weight of 66 kDa. The ER was cloned in 1996 from rat prostate and ovary. It
consists of 485 amino acids and has a molecular weight of 54.2 kDa. ER is 95%
homologous with ER in the DNA-binding domain and 55% in the hormonebinding domain. ER resides no chromosome 6 and ER on chromosome 14.
ER has a higher affinity for short-acting estrogens such as 17-estradiol. Tissue
distribution of ER and ER varies and is under intense scientific investigation.
Most of the work has been done on rodents, so-called estrogen receptor knockout
(ERKO) mice. A knockout mouse is a genetically engineered animal in which
the genome has been altered by site-directed recombination so that a particular
gene is deleted. The reported findings may not be directly applicable to humans.
The results depend on the sensitivity of the assays and are sometimes conflicting.
Recent reports describe ER predominance in the vagina, uterus, ovarian stroma,
breast, cardiovascular system, liver, skeletal muscle, pituitary and epididymis; in
Androgen production in the female is greater than is widely appreciated. The role
of androgens in the female includes acting as precursors
Table 2.4 Biological effects of estrogen
Reproductive system
Gonadotropin regulation
Stimulation of secondary sexual characteristics
Increasing cervical mucus production
Breast development (stromal and ductal tissue)
Modulation of sexual behavior
Endometrial stimulation
Cardiovascular system
Increased cardiac output Vasodilatation
Endothelial effects
Suppression of appetite
Stimulates skin growth and wound healing
Reduces motility of the bowel
Mild anabolic effect
Metabolic effects
Higher levels of corticosteroid-binding globulin, thyroxin-binding globulin, SHBG,
Reduction of cholesterol
Reduction of bone resorption
Reduction of capillary fragility
Promotion of coagulation
SHBG, sex hormone-binding globulin
for estrogen production, anabolic effects, stimulation of axillary and pubic hair
growth, sebum production, stimulation of bone formation, and stimulation of
production of erythropoietin (EPO) from the kidneys (Table 2.6).
Androgens are produced from the ovaries, the adrenal glands and from
peripheral conversion in adipose tissue. During reproductive life, the relative
contribution from these sources varies. The ovaries and adrenals produce
androstenedione, testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and the
adrenals also produce DHEA sulfate (DHEAS). Androstenedione, DHEA and
DHEAS are converted peripherally to testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
and estrogen. Only 12% of the total circulating testosterone is free or
biologically active, the rest being bound to SHBG and albumin. In women, there
are alterations in the level because SHBG has a dramatic effect on the free levels
The female reproductive cycle
Nikolai Manassiev and Henry Burger
From the reproductive point of view the female lifecycle can be conveniently
divided into three parts: from birth to menarche, from menarche to menopause,
and the post-menopause era. Definitions of various terms used in reproductive
medicine are given in Table 3.1. A graphical representation of some of these
definitions is shown in Figure 3.1.
In the female, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
levels are elevated at birth but fall to low levels within a few months and remain
low throughout the prepubertal years, with FSH generally slightly higher than
LH. Steroid hormones, such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), estradiol and
testosterone, are increased at birth; then they decrease to very low levels.
The adrenal androgens DHEA and DHEA sulfate (DHEAS) begin to increase
several years before puberty. This increase may be important in initiating pubic
and axillary hair growth (adrenarche) and other pubertal events.
The sequence of events by which a child reaches sexual maturity with the
development of secondary sexual characteristics and an associated growth spurt
is called puberty. The mechanisms initiating puberty are unclear. There has been
a secular trend toward an earlier menarche in girls in Western Europe and the
USA. It is generally agreed that during the last 100 years or so, the age at which
girls first menstruate has decreased to between 12
Table 3.1 Definitions of various terms used in reproductive medicine
Puberty: the sequence of events by which a child reaches sexual maturity with
development of secondary sexual characteristics and an associated growth spurt
and 13 years. In Western Europe, the age of menarche decreased by four months
for each decade between 1850 and 1950 but has not
Figure 3.1 Graphical representation of various terms used in reproductive medicine. Data
derived from Soules MR, Sherman S, Parrott E, et al. Executive Summary: Stages of
Reproductive Aging Workshop (STRAW). Fertil Steril 2001; 76:8748
Figure 3.2 Secular trend towards an earlier age at menarche in girls from Western Europe
and the USA. Reproduced with permission from Johnson MH, Everitt BJ. Essential
Reproduction, 2nd edn. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publishers, 1984:157
decreased during the last four decades (Figure 3.2). The mean age at menarche
for girls in the United States is 12.8 years. It can occur as early as 10 and as late
as 16 years. Menarche is preceded by breast budding, sexual hair growth and a
growth spurt. For several years after menarche the menstrual cycles may be
anovulatory and variable in frequency, duration and heaviness of menstrual flow.
There are a number of factors that might have contributed to the earlier
attainment of sexual maturity and that give an insight into the mechanisms
controlling the initiation of puberty.
Table 3.2 Stages of follicular development
Follicular phase: variable length, average 1117 days
(1) Recruitment: days 14
(2) Selection: days 57
(3) Dominance: days 812; ends with ovulation
Ovulation: hours
Luteal phase: relatively constant length, 1315 days
Health care and personal health have improved over the years, along with living
conditions and economic standards. These have certainly contributed to
increased longevity, but their relationship to puberty is less clear. In Western
societies, people are exposed to more light now than in the 19th century, thanks
to the advent of electricity. Increased light exposure in some species can accelerate
puberty, presumably through modulation within the central nervous system,
mediated perhaps through the pineal gland and melatonin. Interestingly, contrary
to expectation, blind girls experience an earlier menarche. Puberty occurs early
among girls living in urban areas and in those whose mothers matured early.
Nutrition and body weight
Moderate obesity is associated with earlier menarche and menarche is commonly
delayed in severely underweight and malnourished girls. Such observations
suggest that critical body weight, or more specifically critical body fat, is
necessary for menarche. In fact, the body weight at menarche over the past 100
years has remained surprisingly constant, at about 47 kg. The link between the
critical body fat and puberty may be the hormone leptin, produced by the
adipocytes. It has been suggested that a critical body leptin level is needed to
kick-start the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) neurons into
The normal menstrual cycle during the reproductive years
The menstrual cycle during the reproductive years (from puberty to the
menopause) is a complex event which depends on a timely and intricate
interaction between the hypothalamus, the pituitary, the ovaries and the uterus.
Its final common pathway is pregnancy or menstruation in the absence of
pregnancy. There are numerous direct and indirect, positive and negative,
autocrine and paracrine links between the main players. This makes the task of
describing the menstrual cycle difficult. For practical purposes, it is easiest to
concentrate mainly on the changes in the ovaries and the endometrium.
Ovarian cycle
The follicle is the engine of the ovarian cycle (Figure 3.3). Follicular
development goes through several stages (Table 3.2; see also Figure 1.5) and
each of these will be discussed in turn. Serum hormone changes during the
menstrual cycle are summarized graphically in Figure 3.4.
Follicular phase The menstrual cycle begins with the first day of menstruation
but follicular growth is initiated during the last few days of the luteal phase of
the preceding menstrual cycle. Near the end of the previous luteal phase, plasma
progesterone, estrogen and inhibin A levels decline because of the demise of the
corpus luteum, and a rise of FSH occurs (days 14). FSH initiates the
recruitment of a follicular cohort (of antral follicles). These follicles start
developing and secreting steroid hormones as well as acquiring FSH and LH
receptors. From the middle of the follicular phase onward, estrogen levels rise
steadily, leading to an estradiol surge. In parallel with this increase, there is an
Figure 3.3 Developmental changes in the adult ovary during a complete menstrual cycle.
Reproduced from Carr BR, Wilson JD. Disorders of the ovary and female reproductive
tract. In Wilson JD, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, et al., eds. Harrisons Principles of
Internal Medicine, 12th edn. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1991:177695
Figure 3.4 Serum hormone levels during the human menstrual cycle. Adapted with
permission from Johnson MH, Everitt BJ. Essential Reproduction, 2nd edn. Oxford:
Blackwell Scientific Publishers, 1984:114
surge also initiates the resumption of meiosis in the oocyte, followed by the
release of the first polar body. Prior to ovulation, a small protrusion of the follicular
wall, called the stigma, appears and represents the location where a rupture
occurs with the release of the oocyte-cumulus complex. The exact mechanism of
the rupture of the follicle is unknown but it is believed to involve proteolytic
enzymes, such as collagenase, plasmin and prostaglandins. In some cycles, the
ovum is not released, which has given rise to the concept of the luteinized
unruptured follicle syndrome (LUFS), but the process appears to occur equally
often in fertile, as well as infertile, women. However, women treated with high
doses of prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors such as indomethacin may develop
luteinized unruptured follicles. Women seeking fertility are advised to avoid the
use of drugs that inhibit prostaglandin synthesis at the midcycle just prior to
Luteal phase Following ovulation, the follicle undergoes marked changes in
structure and function. The granulosa cells change: they enlarge and become
granulosa-lutein cells, surrounded by newly formed theca-lutein cells. They
contain a yellow pigment (lipofuscin), hence the name lutein. The luteal phase of
the cycle is characterized by rising plasma progesterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone concentrations which peak around eight days after the LH
surge, rising luteal estradiol and estrone levels which peak for a second time, to
somewhat lesser levels, and then the preovulatory peak. In the luteal phase, inhibin
A level changes are parallel to the rise and fall of progesterone and estradiol.
FSH, LH, testosterone and androstenedione levels decline to their lowest in the
cycle. The nadir of FSH and LH is due to the negative feedback of estradiol,
progesterone and inhibin A, and stops a new cohort of follicles from developing.
Although the level of estradiol is relatively high, it does not produce a surge of
LH and FSH because of the high levels of progesterone. If pregnancy does not
occur, the corpus luteum function begins to decline rapidly nine to 11 days
following ovulation, a process known as luteolysis. It leads to the formation of
the fibrous scar, the corpus albicans. The levels of estradiol, progesterone and
inhibin A fall, FSH starts to increase and a new cohort of follicles is recruited.
The functions of the corpus luteum are (1) to secrete progesterone, (2) to
prepare the estrogen-primed endometrium for receiving a fertilized ovum, and
(3) to maintain an early pregnancy. The corpus luteum is mainly under the
influence of LH. However, LH or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
administration during the luteal phase of normal women can extend the
functional life of the corpus luteum and the secretion of progesterone for up to
two additional weeks. The length of the luteal phase is relatively constant at
around 13-15 days.
Two-cell two-gonadotropin theory LH stimulates theca cells to produce C-19
steroids (mainly androstenedione and testosterone) from cholesterol. The steroids
diffuse to the nearby granulosa cells (granulosa cells do not possess a blood
supply). FSH stimulates granulosa cells to aromatize the preformed androgens to
produce estrogen (Figures 3.5 and 3.6). During the follicular stage, estrogen
levels rise and parallel the growth of the follicle and the number of granulosa
cells. After LH receptors have developed, the preovulatory granulosa cells begin
to secrete limited quantities of progesterone and 17--hydroxyprogesterone.
Estradiol and progesterone exert positive feedback on the pituitary to augment
LH release. Granulosa and theca cells change after ovulation to become the cells
of the corpus luteum. They vascularize and start producing progesterone under
the LH influence and continue the production of estradiol under the influence of
Non-steroidal hormones and growth factors are produced by the ovary and
modulate steroid production. The concentration of ovarian steroids in follicular
fluids exceeds concentration in blood many times.
Endometrial cycle
The hormonal changes during the cycle produce striking effects on the tissues of
the reproductive tract. The most characteristic alterations occur in the
endometrium. In the early proliferative phase, the endometrium is about 5 mm
thick. The glands are narrow and tubular. The endometrium grows under the
hormonal influence; in midcycle the thickness is 8-12 mm. Two days after
ovulation, glycogen accumulates in the glands and they start to become tortuous
and dilated. Intraluminal secretions are present, the endometrial stroma becomes
edematous and the surrounding spiral arterioles enlarge. By day 27, the upper
half of the endometrium is a solid sheet of well-developed decidual cells. In the
absence of pregnancy, corpus luteum function ceases, with a resultant drop in
estrogen and progesterone. There is now evidence that enzymes called matrix
metalloproteinases play a role in endometrial shedding which gives rise to
menstruation. Matrix metalloproteinases have the ability to degrade both
interstitial matrix and basement membranes and are activated by estrogen and
Figure 3.6 Cellular interactions in the ovary during the follicular phase (a) and luteal
phase (b). LDL, low-density lipoprotein; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; LH,
luteinizing hormone. Adapted from Carr BR, MacDonald PC, Simpson ER. The role of
lipoproteins in the regulation of progesterone secretion by the human corpus luteum.
Fertil Steril 1982;38:30311, Copyright (1982), with permission from American Society
for Reproductive Medicine
Figure 3.7 Relative incidence of three types of menstrual cycle with age of woman.
Reproduced with permission from Johnson MH, Everitt BJ. Essential Reproduction, 2nd
edn. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publishers, 1984:350
i.e., vasomotor symptoms and menstrual irregularities, and ends 12 months after
the last period. The perimenopause starts on average about four years before the
last menstruation, with a mean age of 47 years. The terms perimenopause and
menopause transition are often used interchangeably.
The aging of the ovary begins even before birth. Girls are born with a finite
number of eggs. The number peaks at about 20 gestational weeks when there
may be about 7 000 000 oogonia. The process of atresia then begins and the
number is about 700 000 at birth and 250 000 to 400 000 at puberty. Atresia
continues inexorably throughout adult life, which leads to an increasingly
smaller and increasingly less responsive follicular pool. Postmenopausal ovaries
contain atretic follicles only. The menopause occurs when the remaining ovarian
follicles stop responding to FSH stimulation and the hormonal production of
estrogen by therapy ceases.
Hormonal changes during the transition to menopause
The rate of follicular decline is linear until the age of approximately 3638
years. Thereafter, the rate of depletion appears to accelerate. FSH shows a
progressive increase from the age of 2930 years onward, reflecting the
diminishing number of follicles. Inhibin B decreases as the follicular pool is
reduced. Low inhibin levels alter the negative feedback, thus allowing FSH to
rise to stimulate the development of increasingly resistant follicles and to
maintain estradiol levels. The remaining follicles mature irregularly, anovulatory
cycles occur frequently and estrogen secretion becomes variable estrogen; but
overall, the level of estrogen declines. Following the menopause, estradiol levels
are commonly below 110 pmol/1 and biochemically the menopause is said to
occur with the elevation of FSH above 2030 IU/1. In the postmenopause,
estradiol levels decrease by 90% and estrone levels by 66%, leading to a reversal
of the estradiol:estrone ratio to 1:3. The peripheral conversion of
androstenedione to estrone increases and estrone becomes the primary estrogen
of the postmenopause. The potency of this estrogen is less than 10% compared with
that of estradiol. Consequently the classic symptoms of estrogen deficiency
develop, as discussed below. Changes in androgens are more complex.
Testosterone levels change little across the menopausal transition,
androstenedione levels fall moderately and DHEA and DHEAS continue their
age-related fall without any specific relationship to the menopause transition
itself. By the age of 5055 the levels of DHEA and DHEAS are 40% and 30%
lower than young adult values, respectively, and those of androstenedione and
testosterone 50% and 70% lower than young adult values, respectively. The net
result of these changes is a relatively smaller decline in androgen as compared to
estrogen. This has the following two effects: (1) a decrease in sex hormonebinding globulin (SHBG) and relatively higher levels of circulating androgens,
and (2) the continuous exposure of the hair follicles to androgens. As a
Breast cancer
incidence (per 100
000 women)
CHD deaths
Hip fracture
incidence (per 100
000) (per 100 000)
*The numbers shown are percentages of all women in the menopause. HRT, hormonereplacement therapy; CHD, coronary heart disease. Data derived from Kaufert
PA, Lock M, McKinlay SM, et al. In Lorrain J, ed. Comprehensive
Management of the Menopause. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1994:5965
Table 3.4 Non-menopausal causes of hot flashes
Alcohol withdrawal
SERMS, selective estrogen receptor modulators
due to the rise in the cutaneous blood flow followed by a fall in the core body
temperature. Hot flashes that happen at night (night sweats) can lead to a
reduction of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep with all its consequences, the
most important being tiredness, irritability and poor productivity.
Psychologic Over the years a number of psychologic symptoms have been
attributed to estrogen deficiency. It is important to recognize that the type of
population under study will influence the reporting of psychologic symptoms in
the menopausal transition. If the study population consists of women recruited
through menopause clinics or advertisements, it is likely that, in this self-selected
population, psychologic symptoms will be greater than in the general population
of menopausal women. If, however, the study population is unselected, a
different picture
Table 3.5 Pre-existing problems that may be accentuated after the menopause
Marital dissatisfaction
Poor health
Financial problems
Bereavementloss of parent, relative or friend
Severe social stress demanding work fear of redundancy
Educational/marital difficulties of the children
Aging and/or dependent parents
Lack of social support
Loss of partner (death, separation)
Coming to terms with aging, loss of fertility and perceived loss of femininity
Living in youth-oriented society and culture
Joanna N.Raeburn, Chris Wilkinson and Nikolai Manassiev
Throughout history, men and women have attempted to control their fertility.
The oldest method of contraception in the world is coitus interruptus which,
while not being specifically recommended as a method by health professionals,
nevertheless remains better than nothing in situations where religious
objections or unavailability of other methods of contraception is the only
alternative. Apart from coitus interruptus, barrier methods of contraception have
been around longest. There is evidence for the use of a form of male condom
dating back at least to Roman times, although it is thought that early use of
condoms was primarily as a protection against sexually transmitted diseases
(STDs) rather than for the prevention of pregnancy. There is also evidence for
the use of female barrier methods as long ago as prehistoric Egypt.
In the middle and latter part of the twentieth century, the condom was
somewhat eclipsed by the advent of the combined oral contraceptive (COC) pill,
but with the spread of HIV infection condoms are once again one of the most
widely used methods in the developed world. The great advances of the late
twentieth century in terms of human fertility control have been in the
development of improved hormonal delivery systems and intrauterine devices
(IUDs). Frequency of use of different contraceptive methods in the UK is
summarized in Table 4.1.
The effectiveness of various contraceptive methods is measured by means of
either the Pearl index or life-table analysis. The Pearl index (named after its
inventor, an American biostatistician, and introduced in 1932) is still commonly
used, but life-table analysis is more
Table 4.1 Percentage of women aged 1549 using various methods of contraception
Abstinence/no partner
IUD, intrauterine device
accurate and is gaining in popularity. The Pearl index is calculated from the
The Pearl index is expressed in terms of a rate of event (i.e., pregnancy) per 100
woman-years. Although suited for scientific studies, the concept of the Pearl
index may be difficult for the patient to grasp. In everyday practice it is easier to
say that if a failure rate of a contraceptive method is quoted, for example, as 5, it
means that if 100 couples use this particular method for one year, five of them
will experience failure (pregnancy). The failure rate depends on the efficacy of
the method itself (method effectiveness or method failure) and on the ability of
the user to use the method correctly (user failure). Some contraceptive users are
very careful when using their chosen method (perfect use) and they may be able
to achieve a very low failure rate. In case of perfect use the failure rate will be
solely due to method failure. However,
Table 4.2 Failure rates for different contraceptive methods
Implanon (levonorgestrel implant)
Combined pill (3035 g)
Progestogen-only pill
IUD (330380 mm2 copper)
IUS (Mirena)
< 0.3
Coitus interruptus
Fertility awareness
Lactational amenorrhea
IUD, intrauterine device; IUS, intrauterine system
compliance error, intercurrent illness or some other factor may take place which
may increase the failure rate (typical use). The failure rate in this case is the sum
of method failure and user failure. Because of these considerations the failure
rate is often quoted as a range, rather than as a single number. A summary of
failure rates for various contraceptive methods is given in Table 4.2. In the USA
considerably higher failure rates have been reported for sterilization, injectables
and the pill. The effectiveness of contraception by itself does not mean very
much unless compared to natural fertility rates. Natural fertility rates vary but the
chance of getting pregnant by means of regular unprotected intercourse among
unselected couples is about 2030%, about 60% and about 90% after one, six
and 12 months, respectively. There is no reliable figure about the chance of
pregnancy after single exposure, but it varies depending on the time of the cycle.
Male condoms
The male condom is the cheapest and most readily available method of
contraception worldwide; it needs no intervention from health professionals, has
no adverse health effects on the user and confers undoubted health benefits on
both partners. With careful use, condoms can be an extremely effective method
of contraception, with the additional benefit of protection against sexually
transmitted infections (STIs). Failure rates are quoted as between 2 and 15% per
annum, the difference relating to that between perfect use and typical use. All
users of condoms should be aware of the availability and limitations of
emergency contraception in case of condom failure, but sadly many condom
accidents go unnoticed by the users and result in unintended pregnancies. Most
condoms available in the UK are made of latex rubber. Latex allergy
occasionally occurs and condoms made of polyurethane have been developed.
Both types of condom have their benefits and drawbacks; latex condoms may be
weakened or damaged by oil-based lubricants, including such commonly used
substances as Vaseline, baby oil, edible creams and certain medicinal products
such as several anti-candidal preparations and estrogen creams and pessaries.
Polyurethane condoms are not affected by these products and also have better
storage life than latex condoms. However, in normal use latex condoms have
lower breakage rates and lower slippage and failure rates than polyurethane
condoms, and the latter are probably best reserved for those couples suffering
from latex allergy.
Practical advice
The best way to teach condom usage is with a plastic condom demonstrator; the
principal points that need to be made are as follows:
The diaphragm has the advantage over the condom in that firstly it is under the
womans control, and secondly it can be inserted well before intercourse and
need not therefore interrupt the spontaneity of the sex. It does not, however,
confer the same degree of protection against STIs as does the condom, although
regular users of vaginal barriers are at lower risk of cervical neoplasia and pelvic
The efficacy of the diaphragm varies according to user motivation and
consistency of use but failure rates between 4 and 18% per annum are quoted.
Undoubtedly, though, before the advent of hormonal methods of contraception,
let alone emergency contraception, there were families throughout the developed
world whose size was arrived at not by accident but by careful use of the Dutch
cap throughout the fertile years. In recent years, a number of new vaginal barrier
methods have been developed. These include the female condom or Femidom,
the sponge, Femcap and the disposable Oves cervical cap, which can stay in
place for three days.
Types of diaphragm
The diaphragm is a thin circular dome-shaped piece of rubber, edged with a
rubber-coated metal rim. The external diameter of the rim is the size of the
diaphragm, changing in increments of 5 mm. The size range is 50105 mm, the
most widely used sizes being 6580 mm. The diaphragm fits between the
posterior vaginal fornix and behind the pubic symphysis (Figure 4.2), thus
covering the cervix and isolating it from penile contact. Three types of diaphragm
are currently available: flat spring, coil spring and arcing spring. Flat spring
diaphragms have a firmer feel to the rim than coil spring ones: consequently
many women find the latter more comfortable in use. Arcing spring diaphragms
are more expensive than the other types, and combine features of both; when
squeezed prior to insertion in the vagina, they form a curved arch shape which
helps to direct the diaphragm into the right position with the leading edge in the
Figure 4.2 Insertion of the diaphragm. Reproduced with permission from Kleinman RL,
ed. Family Planning Handbook for Doctors. London: International Planned Parenthood
Federation, 1988:135
posterior fornix. This is an advantage for women who find it difficult to insert a
flat or coil spring diaphragm over an awkwardly placed cervix. In women with
poor vaginal muscle tone, a cystocoele or a rectocoele, the cervical cap may
prove more appropriate as its correct use is independent of vaginal tone.
Advice to patients
The successful use of vaginal barriers requires careful initial assessment and
fitting by a trained health professional. A correctly sized and fitted diaphragm
should be comfortable to the wearer to the extent that she should not be aware of
its presence either before, during or after intercourse; neither should it interfere
with her partners sensations (although he may be able to feel it). The size of the
diaphragm is determined by vaginal examination and is taken as the distance
from the tip of the index finger placed in the posterior fornix to the interior rim
of the pubic arch. This is not an exact science and, in practice, there is no single
size that fits an individual woman. The size of diaphragm chosen may vary
between equally experienced health professionals, according to whether a very
tight fit behind the pubic arch or a smaller device simply covering the cervix is
preferred. The use of spermicides with any vaginal barrier is always
recommended and women requesting cap fitting should be shown how to apply
spermicidal jelly and how to insert and remove the cap. It is generally good
practice to send the woman away with the cap to practice for a week, relying on
an alternative method of contraception in the meantime. At the return visit, with
the cap in place, its fit and correct placement covering the cervix can be checked
and, if all is well, the woman can then rely on it as her method of contraception.
Practical considerations
(1) The cap should not be inserted more than 2 h before intercourse; if over 2 h
have elapsed without intercourse taking place, it should be removed, further
spermicide applied and reinserted.
(2) Following sexual intercourse, the cap should be left in place for a minimum
of 6 h and a maximum of 24 h.
(3) If intercourse is repeated during the 6 h period, the cap should be left in
place but further spermicide added, either by using an applicator to apply
cream or jelly or by use of a pessary inserted high in the vagina next to the
(4) The cap can be inserted either way up but some spermicide should be in
contact with the cervix; additional spermicide can be placed around the rim
of the cap to lubricate and thus aid insertion.
It is traditionally recommended that the size of a cap should be checked after
childbirth and after gain or loss of more than 3 kg in weight; in practice it is not
common for the size to change significantly and, as stated earlier, there is no
one and only correct size at any one time. The woman herself is probably the
best judge of whether her cap is the right size, as a cap that is too large will be
uncomfortable and will not sit correctly behind the pubic symphysis, while a cap
that is too small will feel loose and will frequently be difficult to remove.
Other female barrier methods
The Femidom, or female condom (Figure 4.3), is made of lubricated
polyurethane and resembles a small plastic pouch with two soft rings, one at
either end. The purpose of the rings is to assist placement of the Femidom, the
inner ring at the closed end of the pouch being guided toward the cervix, while
the outer ring, at the open end of the pouch, is placed outside the vagina over the
labias. As it covers a greater area of the female genitalia, it is potentially a
superior barrier to STIs than male condoms but there are no reliable data to
support this assertion. Although the Femidom is not widely used in the UK it
should not be dismissed without discussion because the method does suit some
The Today sponge, which was essentially a vehicle for spermicide rather than
a barrier method, is no longer available in the UK; its high failure rate made it only
really suitable for women requiring spacing contraception or in those women
whose fertility is exceedingly low anyway (see below, under Spermicides).
The Oves cap is a single-use silicone cervical cap, which can be left in place
for up to 72 h but must not be used during menstruation. Like other types of
vaginal barrier, it is recommended to be used with a spermicide. It is available
from some pharmacies but women are advised to see their family planning
provider to fit the right size and train the woman in its use.
Figure 4.3 Female condom. Reproduced with permission from The Female Health
Company, UK
In general, spermicides alone are not recommended as a reliable method of
contraception, as their failure rate ranges from 3 to 28%. Spermicides should be
used in conjunction with diaphragms and cervical caps. In perimenopausal
women, particularly where the menstrual cycle appears to have ceased and
symptoms of estrogen deficiency, such as hot flashes, are beginning to appear, a
spermicidal foam or pessary may provide adequate cover. If aged under 50
years, women are advised to continue with contraceptive precautions for two
years after the last menstrual period (LMP), and if over 50, for one year after the
LMP. In all other age groups, the use of spermicides alone should be discouraged
and they should always be combined with a barrier method such as described
All spermicides available in the UK contain as the active ingredient
nonoxynol-9, combined with a surfactant to aid spread in the vagina and a gel or
cream carrier compound. They are available as gels, creams, foams and also
pessaries. The first three are effective immediately after insertion while pessaries
need 10 minutes to dissolve before intercourse takes place. All spermicides
remain active in the vagina for a maximum of 2 h.
Spermicides such as nonoxynol-9 and other related compounds have been
shown in vitro to have microbicidal activity and are active against several
sexually transmitted organisms, including chlamydia, gonococcus and
trichomonas. They do not, however, provide full protection against these
infections in vivo, and there is doubt as to whether they are effective as viricides.
It is also suspected that spermicides, when used very frequently, lead to
inflammation of the vaginal epithelium which may in turn increase the likelihood
of viral transmissionsuch as HIV.
Natural family planning (also known as periodic abstinence) can be a successful
method of contraception, although widely varying failure rates, between 2 and
26%, are quoted. The greater level of success is only achieved with fairly
intensive training by an experienced teacher of the methodusually, but not
invariably, a specially trained family planning nurse; and by a very high degree
of commitment and self-control on the part of the couple.
The method relies on identifying the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle and
avoiding intercourse until the phase is over. There are a number of indicators of
fertile and infertile phases of the cycle, which can be learnt and used to identify
safe and unsafe times for sexual intercourse, depending on whether pregnancy is
sought or is to be avoided. The so-called major indicators are changes in the
quality and quantity of cervical mucus, the position of the cervix and the basal
body temperature (BBT). Minor indicators, such as ovulation pain
(Mittelschmerz), mid-cycle bleeding and breast pain, which may be readily
recognizable by some women, may also contribute to the calculation. For
successful natural family planning it is recommended that women rely on at least
twoand preferably threemajor indicators.
Mucus changes
For most of the cycle the cervical mucus is either absent or scanty, and thick,
while in the immediate pre-ovulation phase the mucus becomes profuse, thin and
stretchy (Spinnbarkeit, Figure 4.4), frequently being described as resembling raw
egg white. Properties of the cervical mucus are also discussed in Chapter 1.
These differences can be detected by the woman who examines her mucus on a
regular basis and indicate the fertile period immediately leading up to ovulation,
when intercourse should be avoided by those not wishing to conceive. One has to
bear in mind that changes in cervical mucus can be masked by seminal fluids,
spermicides or vaginal infection.
Changes in the cervix
During the fertile phase, the cervix rises higher in the vagina and the os becomes
slightly more open, whilst at other times of the cycle the cervix is lower in the
vagina and the os feels tightly closed. Again, these changes can be recognized by
those who examine themselves regularly and can contribute to knowledge of the
fertile phase.
Figure 4.4 Changes in cervical mucus and basal body temperature in relation to the
menstrual cycle. Reproduced with permission from Johnson MH, Everitt BJ. Essential
Reproduction, 2nd edn. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publishers, 1984:171
factors, including stress, disturbed nights, fever and alcohol, while some women
cannot easily recognize the cervical changes.
Fertility monitors
New developments to try and bring science to the aid of the determined natural
family planner include the Persona monitor. This device monitors the changes
in levels of urinary luteinizing hormone (LH) and estrogen metabolites to
indicate the start and finish of the fertile phase. It is not recommended for women
who have a cycle length outside a 2335 days range, are perimenopausal, have
polycystic ovarian syndrome have liver or kidney diseases or are breastfeeding.
The efficacy of Persona can be reduced by medications that alter LH and
estrogen metabolism, and the manufacturers instructions should be followed.
The Persona system has a quoted failure rate of about 6% for perfect use, which
is higher than many women are prepared to accept. However, it is non-invasive,
does not have side-effects, is easy to use and may appeal to couples keen to
practice natural family planning. It is not available on the NHS.
Lactational amenorrhea method
In the developing world, anovulation and amenorrhea associated with full breastfeeding is the principal method of contraception. It appears that pulsatile
secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is suppressed by infant
suckling (via prolactin), which leads to suppression of release of LH; this in turn
causes failure of follicular development and thus of ovulation. For this to occur,
it is important that the infant should be fully breastfed, without supplements, on
demand, including during the night. If supplements are given, they should only
be given after the infant has been breastfed to maintain the maximal suckling
The lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) is defined as follows:
(1) The woman is fully breastfeeding, day and night, with few supplements;
(2) The woman is amenorrheic;
(3) The infant is less than six months old.
If a patient fulfills all three of the above criteria, she can be advised that her
contraceptive protection is approximately 98% and that this efficacy is comparable
to other methods of contraception available in the postpartum period. In those
rural parts of the world where women traditionally breastfeed for prolonged
periods and access to health care and family planning services may be limited,
LAM may be extended. For example, in Rwanda a program entitled LAM-9 was
introduced in which there was good efficacy up to nine months postpartum
without the use of any additional contraceptive method. In the developed world,
where food supplements are frequently introduced well before the infant is six
Figure 4.5 Some synthetic estrogens and progestogens used in hormonal methods of
varies in practice according to the compliance of the user and the length of time
of use. The Oxford Family Planning Association contraceptive study reported a
failure rate of 0.2 per 100 woman-years, but US data suggests a failure rate of 5
7% during the first 12 months of use. The main mechanism of action of COCs is
by inhibition of the normal secretion of LH and follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH) from the pituitary and this results in inhibition of ovulation. The three
additional mechanisms are: (1) thickening of the cervical mucus leading to
reduced sperm penetration; (2) development of endometrial changes making it
less receptive to implantation of the blastocyst; and (3) changes in the motility
(reduced) and secretion of the fallopian tubes. Ovulation is suppressed if at the
beginning of the cycle seven pills are taken consecutively. If two or more pills
are missed from the first seven of the pack, or four or more pills are missed from
the middle of the pack, then ovulation may arise.
The use of synthetic sex steroids leads to a number of metabolic changes. Some
of them are of scientific interest only but others (coagulation, lipids, etc.) may be
of considerable clinical significance (see Table 4.3). Second- and thirdgeneration COCs show differences with regard to certain metabolic
characteristics. Third-generation COCs seem to affect coagulation more than
second-generation COCs, and users of third-generation COCs have a higher risk
of VTE than users of second-generation COCs. However, users of thirdgeneration COCs seem to have a lower risk of myocardial infarction in
comparison with the second-generation users. The picture is bound to become
more complicated with the introduction of drospirenone in Yasmin. Each Yasmin
pill contains 30 g EE and 3 mg drospirenone. Drospirenone is a derivative of
spironolactone and has mild antimineral corticoid activity and anti-androgenic
activity. One metabolic study comparing Yasmin with Microgynon showed that
in Yasmin users the systolic blood pressure decreased by 2.9 mmHg and the
diastolic blood pressure by 3.4 mmHg, high-density lipoprotein and triglyceride
levels increased and low-denisity lipoprotein levels fell; there was no change in
glucose tolerance. Whether these changes are of any clinical significance is not yet
known. Yasmin apart, in general, there is a small increase in the blood pressure
that is of no clinical significance in most women (the increase is in the range of
78 mmHg for systolic blood pressure and 56 mmHg for diastolic blood
pressure). However, regular blood pressure monitoring is very important to
identify the small minority of women who may develop clinically significant
Key history, indications and contraindications for combined
oral contraceptives
Medical and family history As with any other area of medicine, good
contraceptive care requires careful history taking. All methods of contraception
are safe, but for some women there are situations where the risk of complications
carcinoma of the breast
Carcinoma of the breast
aura is made on basis of the history and the absence of other neurologic disease.
The diagnosis is usually clear but when atypical a neurologic referral may be
required to support the diagnosis of migraine. Sickle cell disease was previously
regarded as a contraindication to COCs because of the risk of thrombosis during
crises. Whilst COC is not a first-line method (Depo-Provera is associated with a
reduction in the frequency of crises), its use appears to be safe and it is widely
used in these patients as the risk of sickle cell disease in pregnancy and
associated complications far outweighs the risk of COC use; however, in the
authors opinion it is not recommendable in a patient suffering from frequent
sickle crises.
Table 4.5 Risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Venous disease risk factors
Arterial disease risk factors
obesity and diabetes are the major risk factors for myocardial infarction and the
risk is potentiated by COC use. The case fatality rate for myocardial infarction in
pill users is 30%. In a woman with no cardiovascular risk factors, use of the
combined pill leads to little or no increase in cardiovascular risk.
In summary (see Table 4.9):
(1) Serious cardiovascular risks are very low in non-smoking women under
the age of 35 with no cardiovascular risk factors.
(2) In healthy women with no risk factors COC use increases the risk of
myocardial infarction by 12.5-fold depending on age.
(3) Smoking increases the relative risk of myocardial infarction five- to tenfold, depending on the number of cigarettes smoked.
(4) Hypertension increases the risk five- to six-fold.
(5) Obesity (body mass index (BMI) > 30) and diabetes increase the risk threeto four-fold.
Table 4.7 Relative contraindications to combined oral contraceptives (COCs)
Smoker of any age
Puerperal psychosis
Undiagnosed menstrual abnormality
Ectopic pregnancy
Functional ovarian cysts
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Iron deficiency
Primary infertility
> 99
Ovarian cancer
Endometrial cancer
Benign breast disease
Under 35
Over 35
occur as the result of ischemia or hemorrhage. Significant risk factors for both
ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke are age, hypertension and smoking, while
migraine is a risk factor for ischemic stroke only. There appears to be a small
increase in relative risk (RR=2) of ischemic stroke in women using COCs,
compared to non-users, but this must be taken in the context of the low
background risk. In contrast, there is no increase in risk for hemorrhagic stroke,
in women under 35, using COCs without any of the above risk factors. For both
ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, there is no evidence of increased risk with
increasing duration of use, nor is there any past use effect. The data regarding the
pill and ischemic stroke are summarized in Table 4.10. The case fatality rate for
ischemic stroke is 25%.
Venous thromboembolism Despite being the commonest cardiovascular event
in COC users, the absolute risk of VTE remains low. In 1995, the Committee on
Safety of Medicines advised doctors that there was a significant difference
between second- and third-generation COCs with respect to risk of venous
thrombosis. Although the data were in fact good news because they suggested
that the risk of VTE with the second-generation pill was less (15 per 100000)
than previously thought (40 per 100 000), they were taken as being bad news. This
led to many women stopping COC. The difference between the COC generations
and VTE has been much debated both for its biologic plausibility and the
reliability of the data used, and new revised risks were published in 1999 (see
Table 4.11). No difference in the incidence of arterial disease has been observed
between second- and third-generation COCs.
The differences between second- and third-generation pills do not justify
changing the prescriptions of established pill users. However, all pill users
should have the risks explained to them in terms that they are able to understand,
with emphasis on the difference between relative and absolute risks. In the case
of first-time pill users, it is good clinical practice to commence patients on
second-generation pills. They do carry a lower VTE risk and it seems sensible to
take the safest option. It is not routine policy in the UK to screen new pill users
for coagulation disorders in the absence of a family history of thrombophilia. If a
second-generation pill is not tolerated for any reason, then it is perfectly
acceptable to change to a third-generation pill.
Where a family history of VTE exists in a first- or even second-degree relative,
some recommend screening for hereditary thrombophilias may be indicated.
Such screens look for Factor V Leiden mutations (5% prevalence in Caucasians),
protein C, protein S and antithrombin deficiencies (combined prevalence of 1
2%) and mutations in the prothrombin gene 20210 (24% prevalence in
Caucasians). One of the most well studied abnormalities,
Table 4.10 Absolute and relative risk of ischemic stroke per 100 000 women per annum
Background risk
Women with migraine
COC users, no migraine
COC users with migraine
COC users and smokers
COC users and hypertension
COC, combined oral contraceptive; RR, relative risk
4.4 (RR=1)
12 (RR=38)
9.0 (RR=2)
22 (RR=5)
31 (RR=7)
44 (RR=10)
Table 4.11 Absolute risk of non-fatal VTE in second-and third-generation pill users (per
100 000 women per annum)
Second-generation COC users
Third-generation COC users
VTE, v venous thromboembolism; COC, combined oral contraceptive
the Factor V Leiden mutation, has been shown to lead to an eight-fold increase in
VTE risk in non-users of COCs and a 35-fold increase in risk in association with
COCs. Factor V Leiden was only discovered in the 1990s, and it is likely that
there are other, as yet unrecognized inherited thrombophilic factors that will
increase the risk of VTE. It therefore may be prudent simply to recommend one
of the many excellent alternative forms of estrogen-free contraception to patients
with a relevant personal or family history of VTE, and/or positive thrombophilia
screens. Finally, it should also be remembered that the risk of fatal VTE in COC
users is exceedingly low, around 110 per million women per year for COC
Figure 4.6 Estimated cumulative number of breast cancers per 10 000 women diagnosed
in five years of use and up to 10 years after stopping combined oral contraceptives (COCs),
compared with numbers of breast cancers diagnosed in 10 000 women who had never
used COCs. Reproduced with permission from Schering Health Care Ltd., UK
users. The risk of VTE in COC users is not associated with smoking,
hypertension or small varicose veins. The case fatality rate of VTE is 12%.
Breast cancer The risk of breast cancer is strongly associated with increasing
age and is rare under the age of 40 years. Women taking COCs have a slightly
higher risk of having breast cancer diagnosed than age-matched controls: the
relative risk is 1.24 (confidence interval 1.151.33). The estimated excess
number of cancers diagnosed in the period between starting the pill and 10 years
after stopping is also age-dependent and has been estimated at 0.5, 1.5 and 4.7
per 10 000 women aged 1619, 2024 and 2529, respectively (Figure 4.6). Ten
years after stopping the pill the excess risk of breast cancer disappears and the
rate returns to the background rate. Breast cancers diagnosed in women who
have taken the pill are more likely to be localized to the breast than in women
who have not. It appears that women starting COCs before the age of 20 years
are at higher risk than those who start them at a later stage. The risk attributable
to COCs seems smallest among recent users aged 3544 years. A higher dose (>
35 g EE) seems to impart higher risk. The association between COCs and
breast cancer is not thought to be causative. It is thought that COCs may act as
growth promoters of cancers that have already arisen, or there may be earlier
detection of the cancers or both.
Effective use of COCs is achieved by providing careful, accurate instructions
to patients at the time of the first prescription, backed up by written information,
regular revision of pill rules and easy access to advice.
Cervical cancer A weak, non-causative association between COC use and
cervical cancer has been demonstrated in some studies. The relative risk is 1:1
for less than 5 years of use, rising to 2.54.0 with more than 10 years of use. The
reasons for this association are unclear. It is not known if the risk disappears if
COC use is discontinued, in a way similar to breast cancer. Cervical smears should
therefore be offered and carried out in accordance with local protocols.
Key examination
The only essentials for examination prior to prescribing the COC pill are blood
pressure, weight and height (in order to calculate the BMI). COCs would not
normally be prescribed when there is a pre-existing blood pressure equal to or
greater than 140/90; a BMI of greater than 30 would be regarded as a relative
contraindication, while one of 39 or over is generally considered to be an
absolute contraindication. There are no data to support routine breast
examination before pill prescription, nor is it necessary or desirable to carry out a
vaginal examination or cervical smear before COCs are prescribed, unless
indicated by appropriate factors in the history, e.g., irregular vaginal bleeding.
Practical prescribing points and key information for the patient
The usual time to start taking the pill is the first day of normal bleeding of the
menstrual period. When this is done, no additional contraceptive precautions are
required at all. The pill can also be started any time up to day 5 of the menstrual
cycle, but additional precautions, usually the use of condoms, are advised for seven
days thereafter. Patients should be told to take their pill at the same time each
day, ideally choosing a time at which they are most likely to remember it. If the
pill is forgotten at this time, it may be taken at any time up to 12 h later without
any loss of contraceptive protection. If the missed pill is forgotten for longer than
12 h, the missed pill rules apply, as follows:
(1) Take the most recently forgotten pill now. Discard any earlier missed pills.
Use an alternative method of contraception if intercourse occurs during the
next seven days.
(2) In addition, if there are fewer than seven pills left in the pack, start the next
pack without the usual break of a week between packs.
(3) And if there are seven or more pills left in the pack, when the pack is
finished leave the usual seven-day break before starting the next pack.
The missed pill rules also need to be known and followed in the case of
intercurrent antibiotic use, vomiting and severe diarrhea, all of which may lead to
poor pill absorption and consequent lack of effect. There are anecdotal reports of
pregnancies occurring after use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, such as ampicillin,
tetracycline and cephalosporins. There is some evidence that the enterohepatic
circulation is altered and levels of estrogen are lowered by these antibiotics
which therefore reduce efficacy of the pill. Patients should be advised to follow
missed pill rules whilst taking these antibiotics and for a week after
discontinuing. In the case of long-term antibiotic use, for instance in the
treatment of acne, extra precautions are only required for the first fortnight after
introduction of the antibiotic.
It is always a good idea to warn patients that they may experience adverse
events in the first few cycles of pill taking. These episodes are usually mild and
rarely persist beyond six months, but if they do, they may be alleviated by
changes in the pill formulation. The reported incidence of some adverse events
beyond six months is as follows: break-through bleeding 48%, breast
discomfort 13%, nausea 12% and acne 12%; amenorrhea occurs in 0.51.5%
of users. Patients should be advised not to stop their pills if one withdrawal bleed
is missed but to seek medical advice before restarting the pill if two successive
bleeds are missed. Patients also need to be advised under what circumstances
they should stop pill taking immediately, use alternative contraceptive measures
and take urgent medical advice. They should be advised of the symptoms that
might suggest an acute cardiovascular event, such as myocardial infarction,
stroke, severe migraine, pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis. The
other situations that may require medical advice include development of
jaundice, newly diagnosed high blood pressure and elective surgery. With the
latter, COCs should be discontinued four weeks beforehand if a period of
immobilization is anticipated. Alternative contraception should be provided and
COC use should not be restarted until at least four weeks after full mobilization.
Follow-up of patients on combined oral contraceptives
New patients should be seen after three months, and subsequent visits can be at
six-monthly intervals provided there are no problems. Very young patients may
benefit from being seen more frequently for the first few months of pill taking.
The essentials of examination at each follow-up visit are as at first prescription,
i.e., measurement of blood pressure and weight. In addition, enquiry should be
made about the menstrual cycle, and any unusual symptoms, such as chest or leg
pain and migraine; a regular enquiry about smoking habits and family history is
also advisable and advice given where necessary.
The combined contraceptive patch
A new development in combined hormonal contraception has been the
development of the contraceptive patch. This is a thin, 20 cm2 matrix patch that
has three layers: an outer protective layer of polyester, a medicated adhesive
middle layer and a clear protective layer that is removed before application. The
patch delivers 20 g of EE and 150 g of norgestrelomine (active metabolite of
norgestimate) into the systemic circulation within 24 h. The patch is changed
weekly for 3 weeks followed by a patch-free week, thus forming a 28-day cycle.
The patch can be applied on the upper arms, torso (excluding breasts), lower
abdomen and buttocks, provided the skin is clean, dry and free of skin disorders.
Each new patch should be applied away from the site of the old patch. Users can
maintain their usual activities while wearing the patch, including swimming and
bathing, but should not apply creams or cosmetics on or around the patch. The
patch works similarly to the pill, suppression of ovulation being the main
mechanism of action. In clinical studies, the user failure and method failure rates
of the contraceptive patch were 1.24 and 0.99 per 100 women per year,
respectively. The cycle control was good, with 3% and 1% of women
experiencing breakthrough bleeding or spotting, respectively, by the end of the
third cycle. These rates are very similar to those seen with the contraceptive pill.
Compliance with the patch in a study setting was better than with the pill, with
89% of patients wearing the patch and 80% on COCs reporting perfect
compliance. Five percent of all patches (1 in 20) had to be replaced because of
partial or complete detachment. Side-effects experienced with the patch and
COCs are virtually the same, apart from breast discomfort and dysmenorrhea,
which is more common with the patch. Skin reactions severe enough to necessitate
abandoning the method occur in 23% of women in clinical trials. The overall
dropout rate with the patch is 2528% which is similar to the dropout rate
experienced with COCs (30%). In a year-long study of 770 women, the patch did
not lead to any meaningful changes in vital signs, general and gynecologic
examination patterns or laboratory parameters.
In summary, the patch is an effective method of contraception that may be
useful in cases of gastrointestinal side-effects of the pill or where compliance is
an issue. Clinical experience with the patch is limited and does not allow us to
make any broader recommendations.
Intrauterine methods of contraception
Some of the most important advances in contraception in the past 20 years have
been in intrauterine methods. Although they have the same origin, the
intrauterine methods of today are more effective and have fewer side-effects as
compared to the devices in use in the 1960s and 1970s. Intrauterine methods of
contraception can be divided into three main types: IUDs, the intrauterine implant
(IUI) and the intrauterine system (IUS) (see Table 4.12); the latter is dealt with in
a separate section. To minimize the use of abbreviations, we shall sometimes use
the term coil instead of intrauterine contraceptive device. Examples of
intrauterine devices are shown in Figure 4.7.
Worldwide, IUDs are the second most commonly used method after
sterilization, although only about 4% of British women aged 1544 choose this
method, while in most other European countries rates of up to 19% are seen.
Intrauterine methods of contraception are not only highly effective but also
safe, have high continuation rates, are fully and rapidly reversible, are simple to
use and require no action at the time of coitus. Although some appear expensive,
when considering the
Active constituent
overall cost for the duration of action, they are all cost-effective. Appropriately
trained health care professionals should fit all intrauterine methods. The traditional
IUD has a plastic T-shaped frame with a variable amount of copper in the form of
wire and/or sleeves mounted on it. The plastic frame is held responsible for the
menstrual disturbances associated with this contraceptive method. A recent
development has been the introduction of the frameless intrauterine device
GyneFix. It consists of six copper sleeves with a total surface area of 330 mm2
threaded on polypropylene suture material. The proximal end of the thread has a
knot which is buried in the fundal myometrium with an inserter for anchoring the
device. The manufacturer claims that GyneFix is as effective as the best Tshaped devices, but associated with less bleeding, pain or expulsion.
Mechanism of action
Copper-containing devices The presence of copper reduces sperm motility,
fertilization, and ovum development. In addition, should fertilization occur,
which is rare, there is a sterile inflammatory response in the endometrium that
prevents implantation. This latter mechanism is the primary effect when used for
emergency contraception.
Levonorgestrel-containing devices The presence of the progestogen
levonorgestrel within the uterine cavity leads to a profound suppression of the
endometrium (preventing implantation), thickening of cervical mucus
(preventing sperm migration) and a reduction in tubal motility. The plastic frame
induces a foreign-body reaction.
The efficacy of copper-containing devices is directly related to the copper content;
there is also a reduction in the rate of ectopic pregnancy in users of modern IUDs
(see Table 4.13).
Copper IUDs used for emergency contraception have a failure rate in the order
of 0.1 per 1000 women treated per cycle, which is superior to both hormonal
methods of emergency contraception and where efficacy is important in the
Figure 4.7 Examples of intrauterine devices. Reproduced with permission from Kleinman
RL, ed. Family Planning Handbook for Doctors. London: International Planned
Parenthood Federation, 1988:106
Pregnancies per
100 woman-years
Pregnancies per
100 woman-years
the device. The most effective device is the Mirena IUS. Failure may also occur
in the event of unrecognized perforation or expulsion. Self-checking of the
threads by the patient can reduce the chance of failures due to these
Table 4.15 Relative contraindications to intrauterine contraception
At risk of sexually transmitted infections
AIDS or HIV-positive
Valvular heart disease and septal defects (See current British National Formulary for
latest advice on antibiotic prophylaxis for women at risk of endocarditis.)
Nulliparous (small increased risk of expulsion)
The following are relative contraindications to copper devices:*
Severe dysmenorrhea
Previous ectopic pregnancy
*Mirena has a beneficial effect on these conditions; not Gyne T 380 S, which is
latter causes. If pregnancy occurs, it is advised that the device be removed if the
threads are visible. This carries with it a risk of mis-carriage, but this is not as
great as the risk and consequences of septic abortion if the device remains in
utero. Failure to remove the device is not an indication for termination of
pregnancy. No teratogenic effects of IUS have been reported.
Ectopic pregnancy The IUS is protective against ectopic pregnancy and has a
very low rate associated with its use. The risk of ectopic pregnancy in users of
copper devices varies between devices. The lowest ectopic pregnancy rates are in
those devices with more than 350 mm2 copper. IUDs have a greater protective
effect on intrauterine pregnancy than extrauterine pregnancywhich explains
why the rate of ectopic to intrauterine pregnancies in IUD users is greater (one in
25) than in non-users of ICCDs (one in 100200). Given these figures, should
pregnancy occur in an IUD user, it is important to exclude ectopic in the first
instance. However, IUDs do not cause ectopic pregnancies, and the risk of
having an ectopic pregnancy is reduced with some devices such as the Gyne T
380. Mirena and the Gyne T 380 are therefore the devices of choice in women
with a history of a previous ectopic pregnancy.
Actinomyces-like organisms Actinomyces is an anerobic, Gram-positive microorganism, which is normally commensal in the mouth and the gut. The microorganism is present in the genital tract only in the presence of an IUD. It is often
found on routine cervical screening and its prevalence has been quoted between
1% and 20%, depending on the duration of use of the IUD. The presence of
actinomyces-like organisms on smear does not mean that the patient has pelvic
actinomycosis, but while it is thought that there may be a small increased risk,
the absolute risk is negligible. Pelvic actinomycosis is very rare and the
discovery of actinomyces in an asymptomatic woman does not mandate removal
of the IUD. If the woman understands that she may be at a slightly higher risk of
pelvic actinomycosis and prefers to be monitored for symptoms and signs once
the situation has been explained to her, then the IUD can be left in situ. If the
woman is anxious about the possibility of infection then the device should be
removed or changed.
Effect on the menstrual cycle With the exception of the first few weeks after
insertion, irregular or intermenstrual bleeding is uncommon with copper devices.
Missing threads
If the patient reports that she cannot feel the threads or if the threads are not seen
during examination, there are four possibilities: (1) the threads are present, have
curled up and are lying in the cervical canal or the uterine cavity; (2) pregnancy;
(3) expulsion; or (4) perforation. Pregnancy can be confirmed or excluded either
by the history, a clinical examination and/or a pregnancy test. Until the position
of the IUD is confirmed, the woman should be advised to use an alternative
method of contraception. Sometimes the threads can be identified just in the os;
unless the IUD is to be removed it is not advised to try to bring the threads down
as this may dislodge the IUD. If the woman is not pregnant and the threads
cannot be found, a pelvic ultrasound scan should be performed. The result will
show the coil present either inside the uterus or outside, in the pelvis, or absent.
If the coil is in the uterus and not displaced, all that is needed are six-monthly
ultrasound scans to reassure the patient that the device is still in the uterus. The
woman should report any unusual bleeding or pain. If the coil is outside the
uterus in the pelvis, it needs to be removed surgically, usually laparoscopically,
but occasionally laparotomy is required. If the coil is absent, a plain abdominal Xray should be performed to ensure it is not intra-abdominal; if not, expulsion is
assumed and a new coil may be fitted or a different method of contraception
Timing of insertion
The usual time to insert a copper coil is just post-menstrual or during the menses.
The latter is associated with a very slightly higher expulsion rate. However, it
can be inserted at any time of the cycle, provided there is no risk that a
pregnancy has already implanted (see Intrauterine emergency contraception,
page 73).
Removal of intrauterine devices
To avoid pregnancy, IUDs are best removed during menses and when another
method of contraception has been initiated. They should not be removed midcycle if intercourse has taken place in the previous seven days because of a
theoretical risk of pregnancy.
Progestogen-only contraception
During the last 10 years, there has been a great expansion in the range of
progestogen-only methods available. At the time of writing, there are short-term,
long-term and emergency methods of progestogen-only contraception. In some
cases the efficacy of the long-term method equals or exceeds that of sterilization.
All progestogen-only methods have minimal metabolic effects that are not
significant clinically, meaning that they can be used safely in older women and
those who have contraindications to estrogen-containing contraceptives. They
often require minimal user compliance and little doctor or nurse involvement
after the initial consultation. The main side effect common to all progestogenonly methods is unpredictable bleeding: this will be discussed in more detail
under individual methods.
Progestogen-only pill
Mode of action Second- and third-generation progestogen-only pills (POPs) are
now available on the market. The second-generation POPs contain the
progestogens norgestrel, levonorgestrel, norethisterone or ethynodiol and the
third-generation POPs contain desogestrel.
The principal effect of second-generation POPs is on the cervical mucus,
causing increased viscosity and sperm impenetrability. This effect is exquisitely
sensitive to the serum progestogen concentration and therefore meticulous,
regular pill taking is required to ensure consistent serum levels. It is generally
accepted that the effect on cervical mucus wears off 27 h after taking a pill. To
be effective, at least two pills must have been taken correctly. Other effects of
second-generation POPs are on the endometrium in which normal thickening and
maturation do not occur, leading to failure of implantation if fertilization does
occur, decreased fallopian tube motility, and, in approximately 15% of women,
suppression of ovulation.
All of the above mentioned mechanisms of action apply to the third-generation
POPs as well; however, for these agents the rate of ovulation suppression is
considerably higher, i.e., over 95%.
Efficacy and drug interactions Failure rates for second-generation POPs are
age-related and range from < 1 per 100 woman-years in women over 35 years, up
to 45 per 100 woman-years in those under 25 years. This difference is likely to
be caused by a combination of factors, including falling fertility and higher pilltaking reliability in older women. Users can be advised that there are no
interactions with commonly used antibiotics. For POPs containing desogestrel,
the overall failure rate is estimated at 0.4/100 woman-years.
Some studies suggest that there may be a weight-related increase in failure
rates of hormonal methods, such as POPs and COCs. As a result, some clinicians
advise the use of two tablets daily in women weighing over 70 kg. This matter is
hotly debated, with the Summary of Product Characteristics advising against the
practice. An analysis of the Oxford Family Planning Association database did
not find a correlation between weight and failure rate either.
Key history, indications and contraindications
The following should be considered:
(1) All women requesting hormonal contraception should have a medical and
family history taken as detailed in the section on combined oral
(2) There are in practice no absolute contraindications to POPs, although
pregnancy should be excluded before commencing treatment and
undiagnosed vaginal bleeding should always be investigated appropriately
before commencing any hormonal method of contraception.
(3) A history of ectopic pregnancy is a relative contraindication only because
ovulation is not reliably suppressed and tubal motility is reduced. Thus, if
fertilization does occur there is an increased risk of ectopic implantation; the
ectopic rate is nevertheless lower than in women not using contraception.
(4) The POP is particularly suitable for women in the following categories:
(a) Lactating women;
(b) Personal or immediate family history of VTE;
(c) Women over 35 years with risk factors for combined oral contraception,
e.g., smokers, those with cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes or
(d) Migraine sufferers who experience aura or severe migraine headaches;
(e) Overweight individuals;
(f) As a matter of choice for any woman who is a reliable pill taker.
Examination, choice of pill and prescribing information Provided that the history
is normal, all that need be determined at an examination are blood pressure and
weight. Blood pressure is not generally influenced in any way by POPs but
where there is pre-existing hypertension, careful monitoring is indicated. The more
androgenic levonorgestrel (as found in Microval/Neogest) may be more likely to
increase blood pressure than norethisterone (as found in Micronor/Noriday). The
actual choice of POP for any individual patient is fairly arbitrary and is made on
an empirical basis. Any of the brands listed in Table 4.16 may be used as first
choice, with the opportunity to switch to an alternative progestogen if the
bleeding pattern or any other side-effects are unacceptable. Ethyno-diol diacetate
(the progestogen in Femulen) is a pro-drug, metabolized to norethisterone, and
has no particular advantages.
Key prescribing points are as follows:
(1) Pill-taking should be commenced on day 1 of menses; and when this happens,
no additional precautions are needed.
(2) Pills are taken continuously, without any break at any time in the cycle.
(3) Pills should be taken regularly within three hours of the same time each day.
The actual time of day is not crucial. The most important factor is the
likelihood of the woman remembering the chosen time.
(4) If a pill is taken more than 3 h later than the regular time, the effectiveness
of contraceptive cover will be reduced. Current advice is to take the
forgotten pill as soon as possible, to continue taking pills at the regular time
and to use extra contraceptive precautions for seven days.
(5) Menstrual irregularity may occur and is unpredictable, ranging from
amenorrhea, through infrequent bleeding, fairly normal regular cycles to
frequent and/or heavy bleeding. Approximately 50% of women will have a
fairly normal cycle and only a small number have bleeding problems.
(6) Minor side-effects include slight breast tenderness at the onset of pill-taking
and other progestogenic effects such as acne, headaches and bloating.
(7) Functional ovarian cysts are more common in POP users than in those not
using this hormonal method. Whilst most functional ovarian cysts are
asymptomatic and spontaneously resolve, they may present with abdominal
(8) Follow-up of POP users includes regular weighing, annual blood pressure
taking provided it remains normal, and assessment of menstrual pattern.
(9) POP use can be started 23 weeks after delivery.
Table 4.16 Progestogen-only pills
Proprietary name
Dose (g)
Ethynodiol diacetate
Injectable contraception
Injectable progestogen-only contraception is now widely used. There are two
such preparations available in the UKone containing medroxyprogesterone
acetate (Depo-Provera) and the other norethisterone enanthate (Noristerat; see
Table 4.17). There are no combined injectable estrogen/progestogen
contraceptives licensed in the UK. Originally both available progestogen-only
injectable contraceptives were licensed only for shortterm use, i.e., for women
whose partners had undergone vasectomy and were awaiting confirmation of
sterility, for women awaiting sterilization or following rubella immunization. A
general licence for Depo-Provera was granted in the UK in 1995.
Table 4.17 Injectable progestogen-only contraceptives
Product name Progestogen
Medroxyprogesterone acetate
Norethisterone enanthate
Norethisterone enanthate is still licensed for short-term use after vasectomy but
is used more widely for women who want an injectable method but who have
experienced side-effects with medroxyprogesterone acetate.
Mode of action and efficacy Injectable progestogens work primarily on the
hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis to suppress gonadotropin production and
thus prevent ovarian follicular development and ovulation; they also share with
other progestogen-only methods effects on the endometrium (atrophy), fallopian
tubes (reduced motility) and cervical mucus (thickening). They have a very high
efficacy, with failure rates between < 0.01 and 1.5 per 100 woman-years, which
is at least comparable to that of sterilization and, because ovulation is inhibited,
there is no relative increase in ectopic rates.
Key history, indications and contraindications These are essentially the same
as for POPs. Caution should be used before recommending injectables for
women with a history of severe postnatal or endogenous depression as some
authorities consider that depression may recur on injectable preparations; this has
not been the authors experience. They should not be used for any woman
planning a pregnancy in the near future, due to possible delay in return of fertility
(see below); neither are they suitable for women not prepared to tolerate
menstrual irregularity or amenorrhea. However, injectables may be particularly
suitable for the following groups of women:
(1) Young women requiring long-term, reliable contraception, particularly
where difficulties exist with regard to remembering to take pills;
(2) Women with homozygous (SS) and SC sickle cell disease, in whom the
hematologic profile is improved and the frequency of sickle cell crises is
reduced by Depo-Provera;
(3) Women who cannot take estrogencontaining contraception, e.g., those with a
history of VTE or coagulation risk due to conditions such as systemic lupus
erythematosus or known thrombophilia;
(4) Women who develop hypertension on the combined oral contraceptive;
(5) Postnatally, as injectables do not diminish, and may even increase, milk
production (but see below, under prescribing details).
Examination, choice of injectable and prescribing information Blood pressure
and weight as for POPs; breast and pelvic examination and cervical smear only if
appropriate or clinically indicated.
The usual first-choice injectable is Depo-Provera; however, Noristerat does
have certain advantages over Depo-Provera. In particular, it is thought to cause
less weight gain (although hard evidence is lacking), a greater likelihood of
regular cycles and, lastly, the return of regular menstruation following cessation
of treatment is usually more rapid. Against these advantages is the drawback of
an oily preparation which is more difficult and painful to inject and has to be
repeated every eight weeks as compared to every 12 weeks.
Key prescribing points are as follows:
(1) The first injection should be given on day 1 of menses, in which case no
additional precautions are needed; if started between day 2 and day 5 extra
precautions should be used for 7 days.
(2) Postpartum, the first injection should ideally be given after six weeks. An
immediate postpartum injection may lead to unacceptably prolonged
bleeding, although in individual cases it may be appropriate to give it at 21
days postpartum.
(3) Following first-trimester termination the injection can be given
(4) Subsequent injections should be given at the recommended intervals (see
Table 4.17).
Patients should be advised of the following:
(1) Menstrual change is very common; amenorrhea is the commonest pattern,
but frequent and/or prolonged bleeding may occur, particularly during the
first three to six months (for management, see below). Amenorrhea occurs in
30, 55 and 68% of women after 3, 12 and 24 months of use, respectively.
Prolonged heavy bleeding requiring treatment is noted in 0.54 per 100
(2) Regular use of Depo-Provera may lead to less premenstrual tension, less
dysmenorrhea and less anemia.
(3) Weight gain, probably due to appetite stimulation, and a reduction in the
volume of blood loss, are the commonest reasons for discontinuation of the
method. The weight gain is in the region of 23 kg after 12 years of use,
rising to 67 kg after 46 years of use.
(4) After the last injection, there may be a delay in the return of normal
menstrual cycles and possibly fertility, very rarely up to 18 months; there is
no effect on long-term fertility.
Amenorrhea owing to Depo-Provera use may also be associated in the long term
with hypo-estrogenism, which carries the theoretical risk of decreased bone
mineral density (and consequent fracture risk) and an increased risk of ischemic
heart disease. While some studies have demonstrated a reduction in bone density
in women using Depo-Provera, this has not been borne out in other studies. No
increase in ischemic heart disease has been seen in studies specifically looking at
Drug interactions There is no good evidence that liver enzyme-inducing drugs,
including certain anti-epileptic therapies such as carbamazepine, griseofulvin and
rifampicin, lead to a reduced efficacy of Depo-Provera. Current medical practice,
however, is to err on the side of caution and advise injections at reduced
intervals, i.e. every 10 weeks. This reduction in interval times applies to
rifampicin, even if only a single dose is given, as hepatic enzymes can be
estradiol levels are maintained. There are alsoin common with all progestogenonly methodseffects on cervical mucus with increased viscosity leading to
reduced sperm penetration and a reduction in the thickness of the endometrium,
both of which contribute to contraceptive efficacy.
Key history, examination and contraindications Implanon should be
considered for women wanting long-term, highly effective but reversible
contraception. As it invariably causes alteration in the menstrual pattern, it is not
suitable for women not prepared to tolerate this. It is likely to prove popular with
young women who do not wish to become pregnant for some years and want a
method that requires minimal patient or health professional involvement. It
should not be used if pre-existing pregnancy is suspected, nor in the presence of
undiagnosed vaginal bleeding or hormone-dependent tumors. It is
contraindicated in active venous thromboembolic disorders but can be given to
women with a history of VTE who wish to use hormonal contraception.
Drug interactions There may be interactions with potent enzyme inducers
such as rifampicin, griseofulvin, phenytoin and carbamazepine; nospecific
interaction studies have been performed on Implanon, and advice on its use is
based on extrapolation from studies of other progestogen-only methods. If
enzyme inducers are concurrently prescribed then an alternative method of
contraception is advisable. If only short-term use of enzyme inducers is planned,
then barrier method(s) should additionally be used when the enzyme inducer is
Timing of Implanon injections The following should be considered:
(1) In women previously using barrier methods of contraception or no method
at all, the injection should be given in the first five days of the cycle. If
injected later than day 2 of the cycle, extra contraceptive precautions should
be used for the first seven days.
(2) In women transferring from combined oral contraception, the injection
should be given during the pill-free week, while in women transferring from
another progestogen-only method, it can be injected at any time, provided
the patient and operator are confident that an ongoing pregnancy is not
present. In the case of transfer from the POP, extra precautions should be
used for the following seven days.
(3) In IUD users, Implanon can be injected at any time while the IUD is in
place, the IUD device then being removed with the next menstrual period.
(4) Following pregnancy, Implanon can be injected immediately after firsttrimester termination, whilst after later terminations and full-term deliveries
it is recommended that the injection should be delayed until 2128 days
after delivery.
Insertion Following infiltration of 5 ml of local anesthetic, the implant is inserted
subdermally 68 cm above the elbow in the inner aspect of the non-dominant arm
using the preloaded applicator (Figures 4.9 and 4.10) and following the
Figure 4.10 Insertion (a, b and c) and removal (d, e, f and g) of Implanon. Reproduced
with permission from Organon, UK
Figure 4.11 Diffusion of levonorgestrel from the intrauterine system Mirena to the
endometrium. Reproduced with permission from Schering Oy, Finland
occurs with IUS use does not relate to ovarian function but rather to the
endometrial effects of the system. There is probably an additional foreign-body
effect of the device itself, which may play a minor part in exerting a contraceptive
Key history, indications and contraindications Many of the contraindications
to IUD (see page 56) apply equally to the IUS but there are important
differences. For example, a history of menorrhagia, with or without
dysmenorrhea, would be a contraindication to all copper-bearing coils while it
would act as a specific indication for the levonorgestrel-releasing IUS. Similarly,
an intolerance of all hormonal methods would be a contraindication to the IUS
while being, in general, an indication for a coil.
The history should be taken as though the woman was requesting hormonal
contraception (bearing in mind also any specific contraindications relating to the
use of intrauterine devices: see page 56). The IUS will be particularly suitable
for the following:
(1) Current IUD users with heavy periods.
(2) Other patients with heavy periods (if otherwise suitable for an IUD).
(3) Patients wanting long-term contraception who:
(a) Cannot remember to take pills regularly;
(b) Cannot take estrogens;
(c) Find weight gain on Depo-Provera unacceptable;
(d) Do not want an implant;
(e) Have a complete family, but find sterilization too final.
(4) Patients who will accept:
(a) The possibility of irregular bleeding in the first 3 months, and rarely
after appropriate counseling, the Mirena IUS can be used in women taking
concurrent enzyme inducers.
Practical prescribing matters The Mirena IUS should ideally be inserted on
day 1 of the menstrual cycle and then there is no need for extra contraceptive
measures. It can be inserted up to day 7, but extra contraceptive precautions should
then be used for seven days after insertion. If there has been no sexual
intercourse in the cycle and pregnancy can definitely be excluded then the
Mirena can be inserted at any time during the cycle, with additional precautions
until the next period, the expected time of the next period or for three weeks if
these are not definable. It is not, however, suitable for use as a post-coital
contraceptive. Patients requiring emergency contraception who also wish to use
the Mirena as a long-term method should be offered standard oral emergency
contraception or fitted with a copper IUD, with the Mirena IUS being substituted
at the time of the next menstrual period. Postpartum insertion of the IUS is
recommended at 6 weeks and there is no evidence of any deleterious effect on
the breastfed infant. Following first-trimester abortion, the IUS can be inserted
The method of fitting a Mirena IUS is by means of a special inserter which is
claimed to be easier to use. The inserter is different from those used for IUDs
and one must follow the manufacturers instructions. As the inserter tube is
wider than for the above IUDsapproximately 4.8 mm in diameterthe cervical
canal may require gentle dilatation, which can be done without anesthesia, using
standard Hegar dilators up to size 5. If anesthesia is required this is best provided
with intracervical infiltration of local anesthetic. Some use intracervical
xylocaine gel.
Follow-up is advised at four to six weeks after insertion, six months and then
yearly until it is time to replace the device, which under the present license is at 5
years. It can be replaced immediately with a new IUS if desired. At each followup visit, enquiry should be made about the menstrual pattern, any untoward sideeffects, and the patients weight should be recorded. Patients who have become
amenorrheic should have pregnancy excluded and be reassured. Return of
fertility after removal of the IUS is rapid, with the majority of women reestablishing normal menstrual cycles within one month after removal, and
conception rates during the following year are comparable with those seen after
cessation of other contraceptive methods. There have been no reports of birth
defects caused by Mirena use in cases where pregnancy continues to term with
the device in place.
New developments in hormonal contraception
A monthly vaginal contraceptive ring releasing EE and etonogestrel is in an
advanced stage of development. It is likely that in the future progestogen-only
methods of contraception based on the newer progestogens will appear. Monthly
and six-monthly injectable contraceptives are currently being developed and some
(Cyclofem, Chinese, Perlutal) are already available in some countries.
Sterilization is still the most widely used method of contraception in couples
over 40 years old in the UK. As long-acting and reversible methods such as the
Mirena, Implanon and the newer copper IUDs are increasingly recognized as
being not only highly effective but also acceptable, they are likely to challenge
female sterilization as the method of choice for women who have completed
their family. Another important point to note is that in many areas of the UK
reversal of sterilization is not available on the National Health Service.
Any person undergoing sterilization must be willing to accept that it is
permanent. The family planning provider has the responsibility to ensure that the
person considering sterilization has real expectations from the procedure, with
regard to permanence, failure rates (in comparison with other methods) and
complications. This means that the doctor or nurse giving family planning advice
must have a good understanding of all currently available long-acting methods of
Male sterilization
Vasectomy is the most effective established method of contraception currently
available, with a failure rate ranging from 1:2000 to 1:10 000 after two
azoospermic samples. It is suitable for men who have completed their family and,
rarely, for those who have decided not to have children. It is usually carried out
under local anesthesia and has very few contraindications. Briefly, the procedure
can be described in the following way: After anesthetizing the skin, the vas
deferens is identified and immobilized through the scrotum. After that, the
scrotum is opened. In conventional vasectomy the surgeon uses a scalpel to make
two incisions in the scrotal skin, one over each vas deferens. The incisions are 1
2 cm long. The vas is brought out into the open. About a 1 cm portion of the vas
is removed and both ends are ligated. The entry incisions are then closed with
sutures. In a no-scalpel vasectomy, the scrotum is entered bluntly with a
special sharp hemostat rather than a scalpel. This creates a small puncture wound
that does not need suturing. Fewer complications and less pain are reported with
the no-scalpel vasectomy. There has been much discussion and research into a
possible link between vasectomy and prostatic cancer but such a link has now
been disproved, reinforcing the safety of this important method of contraception.
Reversal should be discussed before the surgery, in regard to both its availability
and success rates. Reversal of sterilization defined as the presence of sperm in
the ejaculate is successful in 7092% of cases depending on the technique, the
surgeons experience, the time that has elapsed since the vasectomy and the type
of vasectomy procedure. Reversal of sterilization defined as pregnancy rate is
much lower, with rates between 2580% being reported. There is also intersurgeon variation in success rates.
Vasectomy is not immediately effective, because of the length of sperm
survival. The vas distal to the vasectomy contains viable spermatozoa for weeks
after the operation. Patients must be aware of this and receive advice about
effective interim contraception. About 20 ejaculations are needed to clear the
remaining sperm. Clearance is delayed by abstinence from ejaculation. It is usual
to carry
Table 4.18 Complications of vasectomy
Wound complications
pain (significant in 8%)
bleeding/hematoma (4%)
infection (2%)
Failure, early/late*
Post-vasectomy pain syndrome (38%)
Possible psychologic effects/regret
*Early failure is defined as pregnancy occuring within six months after the operation or
before azoospermia is docmented. Late failure is defined as pregnancy
occuring after this period
out semen analyses at 12 and 16 weeks post vasectomy. After two consecutive
negative semen analyses one month apart the vasectomy can be regarded as
being successful. If the samples fail to clear, then early reanastomosis or an
additional unidentified vas is present and re-operation may be required.
Men who seek a vasectomy should be advised that:
(1) Vasectomy is not castration and does not affect sexual ability or cause
(2) After vasectomy, the man continues to ejaculate because sperm contribute
by only 10% to the volume of the ejaculate.
(3) Vasectomy does not cause prostatic cancer or early atherosclerosis.
The complications of a vasectomy procedure are listed in Table 4.18. Sperm
granuloma is a small nodule that forms when sperm leak out of the vas deferens
or the epididymis, inducing an inflammatory reaction. Post-vasectomy pain
syndrome is defined as chronic pain in the testis following a vasectomy.
Conservative treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, sitz
baths or spermatic cord block may help.
Female sterilization
The convenience and efficacy of this method have made it the most commonly
used single
Table 4.19 Complications of female sterilization
Approximate frequency
Damage to bowel or vascular tree
Wound infection
Ectopic pregnancy rate
12 per 100 000
1 in 1000
10% of failures
method in women over 40 who have a completed family. Recent data from the
USA indicate that the failure rate of female sterilization is higher than previously
thought: at around one in 200 over 10 years. Failure rates are highest in women
sterilized under the age of 35 or at the time of Cesarean section, in the
puerperium or at the time of termination of pregnancy. There may also be more
regret in those having sterilization in association with a recent pregnancy. The
risks of sterilization are small but quantifiable (see Table 4.19). Sterilization is
particularly suitable for women who:
of an ectopic pregnancy if a fertilized ovum is still within the tube distal to the
After laparoscopic sterilization, women can expect some abdominal
discomfort and shoulder pain for up to a week. Women who have been using a
method that makes menstruation lighter (such as the COC pill) or absent (such as
depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate) and are opting for sterilization should be
advised that their periods may appear to get heavier when that method is
discontinuedand in some cases this could be unacceptable.
As with the reversal of vasectomy, the success of the reversal of female
sterilization varies depending on the amount of tube damaged by the initial
procedure and the surgical technique used for the original operation.
Emergency contraception is a useful means of preventing unplanned pregnancy
after unprotected sexual contact or potential contraceptive failure (see
Table 4.20). Although pregnancy is unlikely before day 7 of the cycle or after
day 17 of the cycle in a woman with a 28-day cycle, any request for emergency
contraception should be assessed for risk based on Table 4.20 andif indicated
emergency contraception offered.
Whilst having been demonstrated to be effective if commenced any time up to
72 h after sex, the efficacy of the hormonal methods (Levonelle-2 and Schering
PC4) declines with time after intercourse. Because of this, a request for
emergency contraception shouldwherever possiblebe dealt with at the time
of the request. On-call services and accident and emergency departments are
therefore important points for accessing emergency contraception. Furthermore,
Table 4.20 Indications for emergency contraception
Unprotected sex (consensual or non-consensual)
Intercourse where contraceptive method was not used or used incorrectly
Coitus interruptus
After rape or sexual assault
Ejaculation on to external genitalia
Potential contraceptive failure
two or more pills missed from first seven of the pack
four or more pills missed mid-pack
potential drug interaction
one or more pills missed (taken more than 3 h late)
potential drug interaction
expulsion (partial or complete)
mid-cycle removal after intercourse in previous seven days
condom split, slippage or incorrect use
diaphragm split, displacement or incorrect use
COC, combined oral contraceptive, POP, progestogen-only pill; IUD, intrauterine device
onelle-2 can be bought over the counter for emergency use. Good access to
emergency IUDs is important, and all services offering hormonal methods should
have access, by referral if necessary, to this method.
Efficacy of emergency contraception
The efficacy of emergency contraception can be expressed either as the chance
of pregnancy after using the method, or as the ratio of observed to expected
pregnancies. The latter is used in this text.
Methods of emergency contraception
There are three main methods of emergency contraception: two hormonal and one
Progestogen-only hormonal emergency contraceptives
Licensed in 1999, Levonelle-2 is the most recent advance in the provision of
emergency contraception in the UK. It consists of two doses, each of one tablet
containing 750 g of levonorgestrel. The first dose is commenced within 72 h of
intercourse and the second 12 h later. A recent randomized controlled trial
involving over 4000 women showed that 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel taken as a
single dose may be as effective as the usual regimen.
Efficacy Current evidence indicates that this is the more effective of the
hormonal methods, with 86% of expected pregnancies prevented when started
within 72 h of intercourse. As with the Schering PC4, the efficacy is higher the
earlier it is started (see Table 4.21). Hepatic enzyme-inducing agents may reduce
efficacy and an IUD should be considered. Efficacy may also be reduced if the
patient vomits within 2 h of taking either dose.
It is improtant to remember that progestogen-only emergency contraceptives
have some efficacy even beyond 72 h and up to 120 h. One estimate is 5060%.
It is a better than nothing method for those women who present after 72 h, but
are unable or unwilling to have an IUD fitted.
Prescribing Schering PC4 The restrictions on use that apply to COCs do not
apply to Schering PC4. In fact, the World Health Organization considers that
apart from pregnancy there are no contraindications to its use. In the UK, it is
generally accepted that severe cardiovascular disease (arterial or venous), acute
focal migraine and severe liver disease are contraindications to its use.
Follow-up of patients See Progestogen-only hormonal emergency
contraceptives, page 72.
Intrauterine emergency contraception
When the earliest episode of unprotected intercourse was less than five days (120
h) previously, a copper-containing IUD can be inserted as an emergency
contraceptive. When the earliest episode of unprotected intercourse occurred
more than five days previously, a copper-containing IUD can be inserted up to
five days after the earliest calculated day of ovulation, which is day 19 of a
regular 28-day cycle. Unless ongoing contraception is required, the device is
usually removed with the next period or when an alternative method of
contraception has been established.
Efficacy This is the most effective method of emergency contraception:
therefore, unless there is a contraindication it should be the womans decision to
use it, not that of the doctor or nurse. The failure rate has been estimated to be 0.
Fitting emergency IUDs Assessment for an emergency IUD is very similar to
assessing someone for an IUD for long-term contraception, with the exception
that long-term effects such as menorrhagia are not relevant if it is to be removed
with the next menstruation. Women requesting emergency contraception by
definition have had unprotected inter-course and may be at risk of an STI.
Consideration should therefore be given to screening and prophylactic
prescription of appropriate antibiotics. IUDs should be fitted by doctors or nurses
with appropriate training.
We prescribe contraception to girls under 16 years old provided we are satisfied
that the below conditions are fulfilled. These conditions are based on the test
case of Gillick versus Wisbech and West Norfolk AHA (1985). The assessment
of the young persons maturity was called the Gillick competence. The current
terminology is Fraser ruling competence or Fraser rules, named after Lord
Fraser who was one of the Law Lords who ruled in the test case.
(1) The young person understands the advice given and is sufficiently mature to
appreciate what is involved in terms of the moral, social and emotional
(2) We could not persuade the young person to inform her parents, nor to allow
us to inform them that contraception advice is being sought.
(3) The young person would be very likely to become or to continue to be sexually
active with or without contraception.
(4) Without contraception her physical and/ or mental health is likely to suffer.
(5) It is in the best interest of the young person to give contraceptive advice and/
or treatment without parental consent.
Hormonal methods can be prescribed once regular menstrual cycles have been
established. In our experience most young women prefer either COCs, DepoProvera or POPs. The new implant, Implanon, is also gaining in popularity
amongst younger women, who require, above all, contraception that is at the same
time highly effective and forgettable. We advise all young women to use
condoms for prevention of STIs. Nulliparity itself is not a contraindication for
use of IUD but the risks to future fertility associated with pre-existing or
subsequently acquired sexually transmitted disease make the IUD a less than
ideal choice for most young, nulliparous women.
Nikolai Manassiev, Naim Abusheikha and John Collins
Infertility is an important area of clinical practice. It is a common condition,
affecting between 5 and 10% of married couples worldwide. A diagnosis of
infertility is frequently obscure and few molecular causes are known. Specific
treatment is not always effective and many couples resort to empiric treatment
such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Knowledge of infertility is rapidly developing and changing. There are a
growing number of textbooks devoted to infertility and the two leading journals
in infertility, Fertility and Sterility and Human Reproduction, have a yearly
output of over 2400 pages each. There are numerous other infertility and review
journals, guidelines from professional bodies and fertility societies, and articles
appearing in obstetrics and gynecology and general medical journals, not to
mention the daily press, both tabloid and broadsheet. Even for the specialist it is
impossible to follow them all, while for those who only seek a basic
understanding of infertility it is unnecessary. Gaining a good working knowledge
of infertility requires (1) an understanding of normal reproductive anatomy,
physiology and pathology; (2) a good grasp of the terminology specific to
infertility; and (3) exposure to patients with infertility problems under expert
supervision and guidance. This chapter is designed to help the reader achieve the
first two tasks.
Brief anatomic and physiologic notes regarding the female reproductive tract
have already appeared in Chapter 1. In this section a basic description of the
male reproductive physiology is given.
The male reproductive system is composed of testes, genital ducts, accessory
glands and penis (Figure 5.1a). The testis is about 45 cm long, 23 cm wide and
over 15 ml in volume. Each testis has about 250 lobules, and each lobule is
occupied by 14 seminiferous tubules. The tubules are twisted structures about
Figure 5.1 The male reproductive system, (a) Schematic representation of the male
reproductive system; (b) magnification of a seminiferous tubule and interstitial tissue; (c)
diagram of a spermatozoon
150250 m in diameter and 3070 cm long, which end blindly. The epithelium
of the tubules is where spermatogenesis occurs, and it consists of Sertoli
(supportive) cells and germ cells (Figure 5.1b). The adult testis has two chief
functions: production of androgens (hormonal) and production of spermatozoa
Spermatogenesis is divided into two phases. The first phase consists of meiotic
divisions of the germ cells and results in the formation of round spermatids. The
second phase, termed spermiogenesis, is then devoted to a number of cytological
changes leading to the transformation of the round spermatid into structurally
and functionally fully developed spermatozoa (Figure 5.1c).
Spermatozoa are highly specialized cells that do not grow further or divide.
The spermatozoon (Figure 5.2a) consists of a head and a tail. In the head there is
a large nucleus containing the paternal DNA but very little cytoplasm. The head
is a flattened ovoid 4.55.5 mm long and 2.53.5 m wide. It has an acrosomal
region, which is like a cap and covers 4070% of it (Figure 5.2b). The acrosome
contains hydrolytic enzymes like hyaluronidase and proacrosin which are
necessary for fertilization.
The tail consists of three parts: middle piece, principal piece and end piece.
The middle piece consists of several layers of mitochondria wrapped around the
central axial core in a spiral fashion (Figure 5.2c). Its role is to provide the sperm
with the energy that is necessary for motility. The principal piece is the longest
part of the tail. It consists of nine fibrils surrounding the inner fibrils of the axial
core. The whole principal piece is enclosed by a fibrous tail sheath consisting of
branching and anastomosing semicircular strands or ribs (Figure 5.2d). The
principal and end piece are the motile entities of the sperm. Some 40200 million
sperm are produced each day. Spermatogenesis takes 74 days on average, and the
passage of sperm through the epididymis requires a further 312 days (810
weeks altogether). The production of sperm is continuous but can be disrupted by
various insults, such as acute febrile illness, irradiation or medications. The role
of Sertoli cells is to provide nutrients to the germ cells, to phagocytose injured/
defective germ cells and debris, and to secrete androgen-binding protein,
estrogen, inhibin andin early fetal life -Mullerian-inhibiting factors. The
spermatogenic compartment is under the influence of follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH) and elevated FSH levels indicate failure of this function.
The spaces between the seminiferous tubules are filled with interstitial tissue
(accumulation of connective tissue, nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics). At the
time of puberty, an additional cell type appears: interstitial (Leydig) cells. Leydig
cells are under the influence of luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates them
to produce testosterone. The daily testicular production rate of testosterone is 3
10 mg.
Androgens are essential for the differentiation, growth and function of the
male genital ducts (epididymis) and accessory glands (seminal vesicles and
prostate), male secondary sexual characteristics and sexual potency. Testosterone
circulates in plasma either bound to albumin (60%) or sex hormone-binding
globulin (SHBG) (38%), or unbound (2%). Estrogen, hyperthyroidism and
cirrhosis raise SHBG levels and lower the available free testosterone. The
opposite process occurs under the influence of excess exogenous androgens,
excess growth hormone or hypothyroidism.
The semen consists of seminal fluid, which is composed of secretions from the
major accessory sex glands (prostate, seminal vesicles and Coopers glands), and
sperm. The sperm are suspended in the fluid and contribute less than 10% to the
total volume of the semen. Seminal fluid is not essential for fertilization as
spermatozoa taken directly from the vas deferens can fertilize oocytes. However,
in vivo, the seminal fluid fulfills an important role in providing the optimal
environment for the spermatozoa. It provides a transport medium, nutritional
factors (fructose, sorbitol), protective factors (buffering capacity against the acid
pH of vaginal fluids) and reducing agents (ascorbic acid, hypotaurine) to protect
against oxidation.
During coitus, the semen is deposited in the upper vagina, notably the posterior
vaginal fornix. The semen rapidly coagulates due to the interaction between the
prostatic enzyme and the fibrinogen-like substrate derived from the seminal
vesicles. The coagulum acts as a buffer against the acidic vaginal pH and as a
spermatozoal pool. Coagulation is followed by liquefaction within 1030 min.
Spermatozoa enter the cervix and the uterus within minutes of ejaculation. It is
not clear how the spermatozoa travel within the uterus and tubes, but neither
prostaglandins nor uterine contractions are required. It is likely that the
Figure 5.3 The fertilization pathway. Reproduced with permission from Wassarman PM.
Fertilization in mammals. Sci Am 1988;259:7884
spermatozoa move by their own propulsion and by the fluid current generated by
the action of the cell cilia. The earliest that living spermatozoa can be recovered
from the fallopian tubes is 27 h after coitus, although some dead ones may
appear much sooner. At any given time, there are only several hundred
spermatozoa present in the oviducts. The survival time of the gametes in the
female genital tract is 2848 h for the sperm, and 624 h for the oocyte.
Immediately after ejaculation, the sperm is incapable of fertilization. The
ability of the sperm to attain fertilizing capacity is called capacitation. This
process takes several hours, involves stripping of glycoproteins from the sperm
surface and starts once the sperm are inside the female genital tract. Capacitation
has two consequences: the sperm (1) becomes hyperactive; and (2) undergoes a
change in the composition of the surface membrane, paving the way for the
acrosome reaction. The acrosome reaction is a process during which the surface
membrane and the outer acrosomal membrane disintegrate, the content of the
acrosomal vesicle leaks away and the inner acrosomal membrane becomes the
only envelope of the sperm head. The acrosome reaction is triggered by a
glycoprotein constituent of the zona pellucida (ZP) called ZP3, to which
capacitated sperm have the ability to bind. The exposure of the inner acrosomal
For example, in a patient with a negative history, a normal semen analysis and
adequate masculinization it may not be necessary at all.
Semen analysis
The patient is adviced to abstain from sex for 23 days and asked to provide a
sample by masturbation in a clean, wide-mouthed container for a laboratory
examination within 2 h (normal values are given in Table 5.2). Longer
abstinence increases the sperm count but adversely affects the morphology and
motility. Patients should be made aware of this relationship and should be
encouraged to have regular intercourse, 23 times a week, rather than try and time
a single intercourse around the time of ovulation. If the first semen analysis is
normal, then fertility is presumed and the analysis only needs to be repeated if
necessary (e.g., due to changes in history, operations, etc). It should be noted that
Table 5.2 lists reference values, rather than normal values. This is because there
are many fertile men with sperm paramaters below the normal range. There is a
2025% variation in the sperm count in apparently normal individuals, so if the
result is abnormal, 23 samples should be examined within a period of 3 months.
Recently, there has been much debate whether there is a trend towards a lower
sperm count in the general population. Although environmental factors cannot be
excluded as causes of male infertility, such a trend does not appear to exist.
Intercurrent febrile illness decreases the
Table 5.2 Reference values of semen analysis. Adapted from the World Health
Organization, 1992
Standard tests
Sperm concentration
White blood cells
Immunobead test
Mixed agglutination reaction test
Optional test
Fructose (total)
Normal values
1.56 ml
1030 min
50% with forward progression > 2 (scale of 04)
30% with normal forms
< 1106/ml
< 20% spermatozoa with adherent particles
< 10% spermatozoa with adherent particles or sperm
agglutination < 2 (scale 03)
13 mol per ejaculate
and retrograde ejaculation. In order to arrive at the correct diagnosis, LH, FSH,
testosterone and prolactin levels should be measured. The results of the
hormonal blood tests will enable differentiation between primary hypogonadism,
prolactinoma, testicular failure and germ cell failure (Table 5.3). In cases of lowvolume ejaculate, measuring the semen fructose levels and examining a postejaculatory urine sample for sperm will help to differentiate between retrograde
ejaculation and obstruction. Retrograde ejaculation is very rare but may be
suspected if there is a low-volume ejaculate or a history of diabetes, multiple
sclerosis, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, bladder neck surgery or spinal
cord injury. Obstruction at the level of the seminal vesicles or absence of the
vesicles and vas deferens will lead to low fructose levels. Vasectomy and failed
vasectomy reversal are the commonest causes of obstruction. Bilateral
congenital absence of the vas is the
Table 5.3 Clinical interpretation of hormonal tests in male infertility
Normal Normal
Other tests
It has been suggested that an ultrasound scan of the scrotum should be performed
routinely in patients with infertility because they seem to have a higher rate of
scrotal abnormalities, including testicular tumors. Perhaps this investigation
should be reserved for patients with grossly abnormal semen analysis or
abnormal physical examination of the scrotum. Men with undescended testes or
gonadal dysgenesis are at an increased risk for testicular malignancy.
Appropriate investigations should be undertaken for any man with painful testes
or abnormal semen cytology. Chromosomal analysis is indicated if Klinefelters
syndrome is suspected, and tests for the cystic fibrosis gene are indicated if there
is congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens. A testicular biopsy is
indicated for the assessment of severe sperm abnormalities or atypical cells in the
ejaculate. Unless the physician is very confident in recognizing and treating
disorders of the male urogenital system, it is best to refer the patient to an
urologist with interest in andrology.
Computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA), postcoital test (cervical mucoussperm interaction test), zona-free hamster egg penetration test, zona-binding test
and reactive oxygen species assessment test have been suggested for further
investigation of infertility. CASA is no better than ordinary semen analysis. The
postcoital test has not been standardized and bears no correlation with pregnancy
rates. The other tests mentioned above are time-consuming and expensive, have
not been standardized and are mainly used for research purposes.
Varicocele This condition is present in 2540% of men attending infertility
clinics compared with about 1015% of men in the general population. It has
been noted that the testis on the side of the varicocele has a smaller volume,
which in turn is associated with a lower sperm count. Ligation of the varicocele
has been shown to increase the sperm count and, if performed in young
individuals, even to normalize the testicular volume. There is disagreement
regarding the usefulness of varicocele repair in the treatment of infertility, but it
seems reasonable that such treatment should be offered to men presenting with
idiopathic low-sperm count and varicocele. Varicocele treatment shows better
results the earlier it is performed, the younger the patient and the more severe the
Obstruction and ejaculation disorders These cases are rare (apart from
vasectomy) and are the area of expertise of urologists. Restoring the patency of
the vas deferens after vasectomy is possible in over 90% of the cases, but the
actual pregnancy rates are 5060% because of the formation of antisperm
antibodies. The longer the period of vasectomy, the lower the success of
Figure 5.6 Summary for male infertility treatment. IVF, in vitro fertilization; IUI,
intrauterine insemination; ET, embryo transfer; ICSI, intracytoplasmic sperm injection;
GIFT, gamete intrafallopian transfer; ZIFT, zygote intrafallopian transfer. Reproduced
from Ombelet W, Puttemans P, Bosmans E. Intrauterine insemination: a first step procedure
in the algorithm of male subfertility treatment. Hum Reprod 1995;10(Suppl. 1):90102,
with permission of Oxford University Press
hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (low FSH)
PCOS (normal FSH)
ovarian failure (high FSH)
Tubal damage
Other causes
PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone
some antenatal routines and advocate the testing for rubella, and to advice the
patient to increase her folic acid intake, stop smoking (if applicable) and to
reduce her alcohol consumption to a minimum. Tubal patency should be checked
via hysterosalpingogram (HSG), under antibiotic cover where history is
suggestive of past PID and/or STD. This is normally done between days 7 and
11. The risk of infection can be minimized further by (1) cancelling the
procedure if pelvic pain is present; (2) chlamydia and gonococcal screening; (3)
betadine application to the cervix before the procedure. An injection of 35 ml of
dye allows visualization of the uterine cavity and further 5 ml are injected in
order to evaluate the tubal patency. The only incontrovertible proof for ovulation
is pregnancy. All other testsbasal body temperature, LH peak measurement,
midluteal progesterone levels, follicular disappearance on ultrasound or
endometrial biopsyonly suggest that ovulation has taken place. In 95% of
women with a regular and predictable cycle, ultrasound, midluteal progesterone
testing and/or endometrial biopsy would be indicative of ovulation. However,
since ultra-sound monitoring is too labor intensive and endometrial biopsy is
inconvenient, measuring midluteal progesterone levels is the standard for routine
clinical practice. A luteal progesterone value above 25.6 nmol/1 (8 ng/ml) is
indicative of ovulation. There are commercially available kits for the detection of
the LH surge in the urine. These kits show excellent correlation with ultrasound
and serum progesterone levels and are used in some fertility clinics for the timing
of IUI and by some patients for the timing of intercourse. Day 25 serum FSH/
LH levels (basal values), testosterone levels and ultrasound of the pelvis should
be requested if there is suspicion of anovulation, polycystic ovary sundrome
(PCOS) or abnormal findings on pelvic examination. Tests for measuring thyroid
function or prolactin are of no value in the absence of galactorrhea or symptoms
of thyroid disease. Temperature charts, endometrial biopsy and sperm-mucus
interaction tests/postcoital test are of no practical value and should be undertaken
only if part of a research project. Further diagnostic testing such as laparoscopy,
ultrasound sonography, saline contrast sonohysterography and hysteroscopy is
undertaken if there is reason to suspect intra-abdominal (endometriosis, pelvic
adhesions, fibroids) or intrauterine pathology which may need treatment
(proximal tubal occlusion, resection of septum or submucosal fibroids). After the
initial evaluation is done, one should be able to arrive at a reasonable diagnosis
in most cases and should start planning treatment. Of course, there may be more
than one pathological process present, for example endometriosis and tubal
adhesions or PCOS and tubal adhesions.
Anovulation has many causes and is investigated by measuring prolactin and
basal FSH levels. One practical approach to anovulatory infertility is to classify
it according to the FSH and prolactin levels (Table 5.6).
Affected (%)
ratio of fasting glucose to insulin levels of < 4.5 correlates well with the results
of the other biochemical tests. The majority of women with PCOS have
anovulation. Chronic unopposed estrogen can increase the risk of endometrial
hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. Even if anovulation is surmounted, the rate
of miscarriage is double the rate observed in normal women.
Obesity is a common feature of PCOS. The more pronounced the obesity, the
worse the clinical feature of the syndrome. Obesity increases the risk of high
blood pressure and diabetes. If such a woman becomes pregnant, there will be a
higher risk of birth defects and of a higher birth weight in her offspring; cesarean
sections are also more frequent. Perinatal mortality is also increased. In obese
patients with PCOS, impaired glucose tolerance is found in 30% of women and
diabetes in 7.5%; in non-obese women, these figures are 10% and 1.5%,
respectively. Dyslipidemia also presents at a higher rate in women with PCOS
compared to normal women and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Treatment General health advice to those patients who desire fertility should
include weight loss, a healthy diet and exercise. Studies have shown that weight
loss alone allows the resumption of ovulation in a substantial number of women.
A specific treatment for anovulation is clomiphene. Clomiphene is an estrogen
receptor blocker leading to the elevation of FSH which in turn promotes further
follicular development and ovulation. It is usually started at 50 mg/day for 5
days from the second to the sixth day after spontaneous or induced bleeding. If
there is no ovulation, the dosage should be increased by 50 mg each cycle until
ovulation is induced or 250 mg/day for 5 days is reached. A 612 cycle
treatment with ovulatory dosage of clomiphene is commonly practiced. Sideeffects of clomiphene include ovarian enlargement, vasomotor disturbances,
visual disturbances, urticaria and alopecia, but they are not normally severe and
treatment needs to be stopped in only a minority of the patients. Clomiphene is
very effective and induces ovulation in 7580% of patients, with a cumulative
pregnancy rate of 80% after nine ovulatory cycles being reported. A rate of
multiple pregnancy with clomiphene of up to 10% has been reported, including
triplets (0.5%). Some observational studies have found a 3-fold increased risk of
ovarian cancer if clomiphene was used for more than 12 cycles. If clomiphene is
not effective, treatment should be discontinued after 69 cycles. The relatively
recent understanding of the central role of insulin resistance in the pathogenesis
of PCOS has prompted research on the role of insulin in the treatment of this
condition. Available insulin-sensitizing druge are metformin, rosiglitasome and
pioglitasone. When administered to insulin-resistant patients, these compounds
increase the responsiveness of the target tissue to insulin, thereby reducing the
need for the hormone.
The best studied compound of the three is metformin. It is usually
administered in doses of 500 mg tds or 850 mg bd. Metformin does not stimulate
insulin production or release and when given alone does not produce
hypoglycemia. Side-effects include gastrointestinal upset and in rare
circumstances lactic acidosis. Metformin should not be prescribed to patients
with (1) renal failure or in conditions with the potential to alter the renal function,
e.g., dehydration, severe infection, shock or in the presence of intravenous
iodinated contrast agent; (2) hepatic insufficiency or alcoholism; (3) cardiac or
respiratory failure; or (4) for 48 h before and after surgery.
The effectiveness of metformin in restoring the normal ovulatory cycle and in
improving the patients ability to conceive has been tested in a number of
controlled trials. Metformin is effective in normalizing the cycle in lean (BMI
24) and obese (BMI 3235) women. The reported success rates vary between
34% after 1 month of treatment, to 7882% after 36 months. The opinion on
whether to use clomiphene or metformin as first-line therapy for women with
PCOS and infertility is divided. Some practitioners start with metformin because
it seems logical to tackle the root cause of anovulation; if there is no ovulation
after 46 months, clomiphene is then added. Others prefer it the other way round
reasoning that although metformin has been used in pregnancy without an
increase in malformations or other adverse outcomes, its safety has not been fully
established. A combination of metformin and clomiphene makes a substantial
proportion of insulin non-responders ovulate.
Laparoscopic ovarian cyst reduction by means of cautery or laser
(laparoscopic ovarian drilling) does not appear to be more effective than
clomiphene and carries the risk of the anesthetic, laparoscopy, adhesion
formation and the theoretical risk of premature ovarian failure. Its advantage,
however, is that the risk of multiple pregnancies is avoided.
Tubal obstruction
Amongst the several causes of tubal obstruction (Table 5.9), PID is by far the
most common. It is estimated that 13% of women become sterile after a single
episode of PID, 36% after two and 75% after three or more. Infecundity after a
single episode of PID increases with age and with severity of infection.
Tubal infertility can be diagnosed by HSG, laparoscopy or ultrasound with
intrauterine infusion of sound contrast media. Initial evaluation with HSG seems
reasonable if there is no indication, from the patients history and examination,
of a high infection risk. In cases of proximal tubal occlusion, filmy adhesions,
sterilization, simple blockage
(% affected)
Progressive dysmenorrhea
Pelvic pain
Premenstrual staining
Painful defecation
(% affected)
Cul-de-sac induration
Uterosacral ligament nodularity
Fixed ovarian masses
The last 1520 years have witnessed a sharp increase in the prevalence of
endometriosis, which conspicuously coincided with the wider use of diagnostic
laparoscopy. Laparoscopy allows inspection of the peritoneal surfaces from a
distance of 12 cm with a 58-fold magnification, something which is not
generally done during open surgery. Endometriosis should be suspected from the
patients history and clinical examination (Table 5.10). Pain is not always
associated with endometriosis, even when the disease is extensive.
Endometriosis may be present even if the physical examination is negative;
rectovaginal examination may be performed to look for thickened endovaginal
septum and/or cul-de-sac induration. Diagnosis is established by laparoscopy and
the diseases is staged in four categories: minimal, mild, moderate and severe,
according to the American Fertility Society scoring system. Moderate and severe
endometriosis undeniably impairs fertility by interfering with ovulation, ovum
pick-up by the fimbria and distorted tubal/pelvic anatomy. In minimal and mild
endometriosis the link is less clear.
Treatment Treatment of endometriosis can be medical, surgical or a
combination of both (surgery followed by medication). The best initial treatment
for minimal and mild endometriosis is laparoscopic surgical ablation. With this
kind of surgery, the combined ongoing pregnancy and livebirth rate shows a
statistically significant increase (OR 1.64, 95% CI 1.052.57). Because of the
observation that endometriosis is estrogen-dependent, suppression of ovarian
function for a period of time to allow the deposits to shrink and/or disappear
seems logical. However, drug-induced ovarian suppression is no more effective
than placebo and has numerous side-effects. Drugs that have been tried and
found to be effective for pain and disease progression, but not for infertility, are:
dianazol, medroxyprogesterone acetate, gestrinone, the combined contraceptive
pill and GnRH analogs. If the surgical treatment is unsuccessful, IVF should be
attempted next. The results of both medical and surgical treatment for moderate
and severe endometriosis are unsatisfactory and priority should be given to
assisted reproductive technologies (ART).
Unexplained infertility
Unexplained infertility is present when the routine investigation of semen
analysis, tubal patency and assessment of ovulation have shown no abnormality
and the couple have engaged in regular sexual intercourse. It is a diagnosis of
exclusion. In long-term follow-up of couples with unexplained infertility,
analysis. The sperm is quarantined for 6 months and the donor is re-tested for
HIV in order to exclude using sperm from infected, but not serum converted
individuals. The sperm to be used for IUI and DI is first subjected to special
preparation. The advantages of sperm preparation are that it removes various
unwanted substances from the sperm and concentrates the most motile sperm in a
small volume, which is then deposited in the uterus. Both IUI and DI can be
performed as part of the natural cycle but the results are better in a stimulated
cycle. Ovarian stimulation for IUI/DI is different from that for IVF treatment.
The aim of the former is to induce growth of a maximum of three follicles while
for the latter three is the bare minimum. This is achieved by daily injections
(every other day for women with PCOS) of 75 IU of FSH starting from day 3 of
the cycle. The follicular development is monitored using ultra-sound, and 5000
10 000 IU of hCG is administered when the dominant follicle reaches 1719
mm. Double insemination appears to be better than a single one. The timing of
IUI/DI is 3844 h after hCG injection if a single insemination is performed and at
2044 h if a double insemination is performed. IUI/DI is performed by inserting
a fine-bore catheter through the cervix into the uterus and 0.5 ml of the sperm
preparation is then injected. There is no need for lying down afterwards and the
patient can go home straight away if she so wishes. Luteal support with
progesterone is advised by some, but evidence from control trials is lacking.
As discussed on page 93, in cases of unexplained or male-factor infertility, IUI
is better than either natural intercourse or intracervical insemination with
pregnancy rates of 57% per cycle, up from 2% otherwise. IUI in cycles
stimulated with clomiphene or gonadotropins achieves even better results, as
more oocytes are available for fertilization or subtle ovulatory defects are
overcome. The best results of IUI are seen if after sperm preparation the sperm
concentration is 1106/ml with greater than 20% hyperactive sperm. In some
centers, however, IUI is practiced with sperm concentration of 0.5106/ml with
greater than 10% hyperactive sperm. It seems reasonable to attempt 36 of
clomiphenestimulated cycles and 36 of FSH-stimulated cycles. If pregnancy
does not follow, IVF or ICSI should be the next step. Data from the Human
Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) for the year 19992000 show
average live birth rate of 10.6% in woman aged < 38 years and 9.6% in women of
all ages, per DI treatment cycle. The average figure hides considerable variations
between centers with a range between 01.9% and 22.620.5%.
In vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection and
controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
In many cases of infertility treatment IVF and ICSI is necessary. In order to
improve the chances of pregnancy, more oocytes need to be made available. One
way of achieving this objective is by COH. The protocol involves abolishing the
normal cycle with the use of LHRH analog administration (downregulation) and
recruiting a number of follicles by creating an artificial cycle using exogenous
FSH and LH (stimulation). In cycles when IUI/DI is being contemplated, the aim
is to recruit 23 follicles, but in IVF or ICSI cycles more follicles are necessary.
During normal cycles LHRH is released in pulses of 28 min every 6090 min
but after
Table 5.12 Advantages of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone pituitary suppression
Allows recruitment of more follicles
Leads to synchronization of development
Reduces the incidence of premature luteinization
Leads to better quality oocytes and higher fertilization rates
Abolishes natural LH surge and decreases cancellations
Reduces the need for monitoring
LH, luteinizing hormone
LHRH injection treatment the levels achieved are constant and high. LHRH
analog is administered daily from the mid-luteal phase of the previous cycle.
LHRH administration leads to a two-phase response: (1) initial flare-up between
days 2 and 4 during which preformed LH and FSH are released from the
pituitary store; and (2) decrease of LH and FSH and estradiol to castrate levels
by day 1014. LHRH acts by saturating all available receptors which are then
internalized in the cells with a net receptor loss. LHRH receptor production
continues at a very low rate, and the receptors are immediately occupied by
exogenous LHRH, so there are never enough receptors to promote a pituitary
response. The suppression of the pituitary by LHRH analogs leads to several
advantages: (1) recruitment of more follicles; (2) synchronization of follicle
development; (3) abolition of the natural LH surge and thus premature ovulation;
and (4) reduction of the need for monitoring early in the FSH administration
interval (Table 5.12). Onset of menstruation indicates suppression and
biochemical measurements are not normally necessary.
Recently, LHRH antagonists have been introduced into clinical practice (see
section Medications used in Assisted Reproductive Technologies below)
Stimulation usually begins with 150 IU of FSH daily. If there is history of
suboptimal response or the patient is in the older age group, the starting dosage
may be 225 IU. If there is history of PCOS or previous hyperstimulation
syndrome, either 150 IU are given on alternative days or 75 IU are given daily.
Monitoring in the past used to be performed by measuring serum estradiol and by
ultrasound, but currently it is done almost exclusively by ultrasound only. When
there are three follicles over 16 mm and the leading follicle is over 18 mm and if
the endometrium is over 7 mm, ovulation is triggered by 10 000 units of hCG.
FSH preparations are of either recombinant or of urinary origin. Recombinant
FSH (rFSH) is produced by inserting the fsh gene in Chinese hamster ovary
cells, which on culturing start producing human FSH which can then be purified
and made into a medicinal product. rFSH is 100% pure and free of urinary
proteins, and the supply is relatively unlimited. Urinary FSH (uFSH) is produced
by purifying the urine of menopausal women; this preparation is 99% pure, but
reactions to the urinary proteins are sometimes encountered. Although rFSH is
more expensive, the trend is towards its increased use. Although one metaanalysis shows that its use leads to higher pregnancy rates, one would have to
use rFSH in 25 IVF cycles to achieve a single pregnancy more than in 25 uFSH
cycles. Recombinant LH and hCG are now also available.
In vitro fertilization
Oocyte retrieval takes place 3435 h after hCG administration. Egg collection is
normally performed under analgesia rather than under general anesthetic. The
patient is in lithotomy position and a vaginal ultrasound probe with a long
puncturing needle is mounted on top and introduced transvaginally. The
procedure involves puncturing each follicle individually and extracting the
content by means of vacuum suction under direct ultrasound control. Cumulus
complexes consisting of granulosa cells and oocyte(s) are collected and
incubated for several hours. Granulosa cells are stripped and the oocytes are
inseminated approximately 4 h after collection, allowing 100 000 sperm per egg.
After about 1618 h of incubation, the oocytes are observed for fertilization.
Fertilization is considered normal if two distinct pronuclei containing nucleoli
are present and if the polar bodies have been extruded. Cleavage of the
conceptus is evaluated after a further 24 h, and replacement of the embryo into
the uterus is usually performed 4872 h after the insemination. The quality of the
embryo (pre-embryo) is estimated according to the percentage fragmentation of
the cells and the clarity of the cytoplasm. The embryo should have less than 20%
fragmentation and should be at the four-cell stage or more at 4448 h. It is
Blastocyst transfer
Recent advances in embryology have allowed us to pursue research in blastocyst
transfer (day-5 transfer). With modern culture methods 4060% of the fertilized
eggs reach blastocyst stage. The principal advantages of this technique are: (1)
better embryo selection and therefore better pregnancy and birth rates; (2) better
synchronization between the embryo and the uterus; and (3) an improved
potential to perform preimplantation diagnosis. Possible risks are that in some
cases no embryo will be available for transfer and that there will be fewer
embryos for cryopreservation. At present, it is not possible to recommend
blastocyst transfer.
Natural cycle IVF
IVF treatment can be carried out during the natural cycle and without COH. The
cycle is monitored with serial ultrasound scans. When the dominant follicle
reaches 16 mm, an ovulatory dose of hCG is given. The rest of the treatment is
like conventional IVF treatment. The advantages of this technique are that it is
simple, avoids the risk of OHSS and is much cheaper. The disadvantage is that
the success rate is much lower than with conventional IVF. A modification of
natural-cycle IVF is practiced in some clinics with much improved results. This
method is called in vitro maturation and is used for women with PCOS. Women
with amenorrhea are given progestogens to induce withdrawal bleeding. A
baseline scan is performed on day 2 or 3 to exclude the possibility of ovarian
cysts. Transvaginal ultrasound scans are performed on day 8 to exclude the
presence of a dominant follicle. If all follicles are 10 mm, 10 000 IU of hCG
are given via subcutaneous injection. Oocyte retrieval is scheduled 36 h later. In
in vitro maturation, hCG priming increases the percentage and rate maturation of
the immature oocytes. The oocytes are then cultured and checked for maturation
at 24 h and at 48 h. Mature oocytes are then fertilized via ICSI and suitable
embryos are transferred on day 2 or 3 after ICSI. The maturation rate is about
80%. When these mature oocytes are inseminated via ICSI, the fertilization rate
is about 75%. The clinical pregnancy rate varies with the number of oocytes
retrieved, and rates of 10% and 17% have been reported when 2 and 10
oocytes are harvested.
Results of in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm
The results of infertility treatments vary from unit to unit, but in general are
getting better with each year of experience. The success rate can be measured in
terms of overall pregnancy rates, pregnancy rates per treatment cycle or
pregnancy rate per embryo transfer. A number of pregnancies may end with miscarriage, and therefore, the best way to measure success is by live birth rate.
Figure 5.7 Correlation between age and pregnancy rates. IVF, in vitro fertilization; ICSI,
intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Reproduced from The Patients Guide to IVF Clinics.
London: Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, 2000. Human Fertilisation and
Embryology Authority
Figure 5.8 Live birth rates by duration of infertility. Data derived from the Human
Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, 1999
Other issues that need to be considered are the rate of ovarian hyperstimulation
syndrome and multiple pregnancy.
The major factors that affect the chance of achieving pregnancy are the age of
the woman (Figure 5.7), duration of infertility (Figure 5.8), cause of infertility
and whether the infertility is primary or secondary (secondary having a better
prognosis). A summary of results based on HFEA 1999 data is presented in
Table 5.13 and Figure 5.9. There is considerable variation in results with some
units reporting success rates about one-third of the average and others over twice
the average. For women under 38 years of age there is no significant difference
in pregnancy rates if two embryos are transferred instead of three but there is a
reduced risk of multiple pregnancy. The miscarriage rate is about 15% of the
clinical pregnancy rate and the chance of an ectopic pregnancy is approximately
24%. Cancellation rates of 520% are reported, varying between centers and
between countries.
FSH levels again on day 10. If either of these FSH readings are abnormal (above
the upper limit for the laboratory) the test result is considered abnormal.
Egg donation
There will be occasions when the use of a womans own eggs during IVF will not
be possible or desirable. Such cases arise with ovarian failure, poor-quality
oocytes, poor responders, persistent IVF failure or with genetic disorders.
Women in this predicament can still get pregnant if they use donor eggs. Healthy
women under 35 years of age can donate eggs; these are inseminated with the
sperm of the infertile womens husband and the embryo(s) is (are) transfered into
Figure 5.9 Live birth rates in in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm
injection (ICSI) between 1985 and 1998. Data derived from the Human Fertilization and
Embryology Authority, 1998, 1999
the uterus of the infertile woman. The child will have a different genetic make-up
from that of the woman who carries and delivers the child. The prospective
donor is screened for genetic or acquired diseases in much the same way as
sperm donors. Screening includes, but is not restricted to, a donors history,
blood group, infectious diseases (hepatitis B and C, HIV, syphilis,
cytomegalovirus), karyotype and cystic fibrosis. The donor undergoes usual IVF
treatment up to the stage of egg collection. The recipients cycle is coordinated
with HRT or GnRH agonist and HRT and the embryos are transferred to her
uterus in the normal way. The live birth rate with donor eggs in the UK for the
year 2000 was 21% for fresh transfers.
Medications used in assisted reproductive technologies
It can be said that modern ART is only possible because of the advances made in
basic sciences and especially pharmacology. The medications used for infertility
treatment can be derived from (1) natural sources, i.e. human menopausal
gonadotropins; (2) be produced using recombinant technology, i.e., FSH or LH;
or (3) be of purely synthetic origin, i.e., GnRH agonists/antagonists. A major new
development has been the introduction of recombinant gonadotropins (FSH, LH,
hCG). The recombinant technology is discussed on page 96. Recombinant FSH
(r-FSH) is more expensive than urinary FSH (u-FSH). Based on current data rFSH is more effective than u-FSH in achieving clinical pregnancy and is more
cost-effective as well because less of it is used in the course of an IVF treatment
cycle. Recombinant LH and r-hCG have not been used long enough to compare
them to the urinary products. As mentioned earlier in the chapter, GnRH agonists
are used to suppress the endogenous production of FSH and LH. This takes 714
days to achieve and involves initial flare-up during which preformed and stored
FSH and LH are released. The flare-up is used in some clinics with a so-called
short protocol but the pregnancy rates are lower. Therefore, the long protocol
is preferred. In recent years, GnRH antagonists have been developed. Unlike
GnRH agonists, the antagonists do not induce an initial stimulation of
gonadotropin release. The reason is that GnRH antagonists competitively bind to
the GnRH receptor without receptor activation or initial stimulation. Rapid
(within a few hours) and reversible suppression of gonadotropin secretion ensues.
Stopping the agonist leads to a quick recovery of the pituitary function. During
COH, administration of GnRH agonist is required only around the time of the
expected LH surge. This allows a switch from the long protocol to the short
protocol. In the short protocol FSH is started from day 23 of the menstrual
cycle and after 6 days GnRH antagonists are started. Both are administered for a
further 45 days, until the day of hCG trigger. The average length of this protocol
is 111 days and a lower total dose of FHS is required. The overall length of the
COH cycle using GnRH antagonists instead of GnRH agonists is about 710
days less. The experience with GnRH antagonists is limited and it is not possible
to tell if they are superior in terms of live birth rates or complications like OHSS.
Some medications used in ART are listed in Table 5.14.
Complications of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
Well-established complications of ovarian stimulation, whether it is used for IUI,
DI, IVF or ICSI, include ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS;
Table 5.15) and multiple pregnancy.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a iatrogenic complication of
gonodotropin treatment with potentially severe and even fatal consequences.
Mild forms of OHSS occur in 810% of cycles and severe forms in 0.51%. The
pathophysiological hallmark of OHSS is a sudden increase of vascular
permeability, which results in development of extravascular exudate. Loss of
fluid and protein into the third space leads to a fall in the intravascular volume,
loss of oncotic pressure, hemoconcentration, low urinary output and edema. A
high estrogen level is a predictor and a marker of the condition, but it is not
considered the direct cause. It is thought that OHSS is triggered by (1) activation
of the ovarian renin-angiotensin system; and (2) secretion of vascular endothelial
growth factor from the ovary. Mild and moderate OHSS presents with nausea,
vomiting, lassitude, diarrhea, abdominal pain and distension. Severe forms may
present with the same symptoms as above, plus ascites, hydrothorax and signs of
hypovolemia and oliguria. Complications of OHSS include ovarian torsion,
thromboembolism, liver dysfunction and ARDS. OHSS starts 38 days after the
hCG injection. It should be anticipated if risk factors are present (Table 5.16),
Trade name
150 g as a nasal
spray four times a day
Synthetic GnRH
agonist 100 times
more potent than the
natural hormone
As above
Ganirelix human
gonadotropins (hMG)
As above
Synthetic GnRH
As above
Purified extract from
menopausal urine
containing FSH and
LH in a ratio of 1:1
Urofollitropin, high
Metrodin HP Extract from
75225 IU SC or IM
purity (HP)
menopausal urine
containing FSH but
virtually no LH
Follitropin alpha
Recombinant FSH
37.5150 IU SC daily
Follitropin beta
As above
50200 IU SC daily
human chorionic
An extract from the
10 000 IU SC for
gonadotropin (hCG)
urine of pregnant
triggering of ovulation
women containing
15002000 IU SC
hCG secreted from
every 23 days for
the placenta
luteal support
Lutropin alpha
Recombinant LH for
75 IU SC daily
use in patients with
severe (< 1.2 IU/1)
LH deficiency
Vaginal gel
One applicator of 8%
containing 8%
gel daily for luteal
delivering 90 mg of
progesterone per
Progesterone for
50100 mg daily IM
injection (50 mg/ml)
FSH, follicle-stimulating IM, intramuscular hormone; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing
hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone; SC, subcutaneous;
managed at home. The patients should be advised to keep well hydrated and to
avoid intercourse because of the risk of ovarian rupture and adnexal torsion.
Patients who develop severe forms of OHSS need to be hospitalized.
Thorough clinical examination should be performed, including weight and
abdominal girth, but bimanual pressure on the ovaries should be avoided. Blood
tests should include full blood count, urea and electrolytes, liver function tests
and hematocrit. An ultrasound scan is useful for monitoring the size of the
ovaries and ascites, if present. Treatment is by bed rest, rehydration, antithromboembolic stocking and perhaps subcutaneous heparin. Paracentesis
(abdominocentesis) is advised if there is tense ascites which leads to abdominal
Table 5.15 Classification of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Chemical and ovarian enlargement
Abdominal distension, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and ovarian enlargement (512 cm)
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distension, ascites and/or pleural effusion and
ovaries > 12 cm
Hematocrit > 55%, coagulation abnormalities and/or acute renal failure
suppression and not administering hCG until estadiol levels decline); (3)
intravenous infusion of albumin or hydroxyethyl starch at egg collection; (4)
shifting the cycle to cryopreservation of the embryos; or (5) two follicular
aspirations in the same cycle. Not all of these methods have been rigorously
tested. The first three have been and are proven to be effective.
Multiple pregnancy
One complication of ovarian stimulation that is frequently overlooked is multiple
pregnancy. The incidence of multiple pregnancy and delivery in developed
countries has increased dramatically over the last 15 years. In England and
Wales between 1980 and 1993, the number of twin pregnancies has increased by
25% and the number of triplet and higher-order pregnancies has more than
doubled. Latest figures show that the multiple birth rate following ART is 37%
in the UK and 35.5% in the US. The complications of twin and higher-order
pregnancies affect the
Table 5.17 Established maternal complications arising form assisted reproductive
Allergy/erythema/injection complications
Ovarian cysts
Sedation/anesthetic complications
Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal/abdominal infection
Perforation of the bowel or iliac vessels at egg collection
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Multiple pregnancy
pregnancy itself, neonatal health and function in early childhood, which can
make the couple forever regret seeking infertility treatment. Some complications
are spontaneous abortion, preterm labor and delivery, pregnancy-induced
hypertension, low birth weight, increased prevalence of congenital
malformations and neurological impairments. In comparison with single
pregnancies, in twins and higher-order births the perinatal mortality and the rate
of cerebral palsy are both increased 510 times. Multiple pregnancy in IVF and
ICSI cycles is almost entirely preventable and the current recommendation is to
transfer only two good-quality embryos to the uterus.
Safety of assisted reproductive technologies
The issue of safety of ART relates to the mother and her offspring. Short-term
complications for the mother are listed in Table 5.17. Posssible long-term
complications are an increased incidence of cancer of the reproductive system.
and membrane defects that must exist in many other cases of infertility which are
unexplained or do not respond to specific treatment. Less than 50% of infertile
couples are successful in having a child, and less than 5% undergo the most
effective treatment for persistent infertility, which is IVF with ICSI when needed.
Continuing research is necessary to reduce the cost and complexity of these
treatments in order to make them more accessible.
Stein IF, Leventhal ML. Amenorrhoea associated with bilateral polycystic ovaries. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 1935; 21:181
Menopause, hormone replacement therapy
and non-hormonal strategies
Nikolai Manassiev, Fergus Keating and Henry Burger
Taken at face value, the menopause should be viewed as a normal life event. The
last menses simply signifies the beginning of a new era in the womans life cycle:
the postmenopausal phase. Since all women will undergo the menopause (or die
beforehand), it cannot be regarded per se as abnormal. The menopause marks the
cessation of the female reproductive potential and is characterized by markedly
decreased estrogen levels and very low progesterone levels. The roles of these
hormones are quite varied. The physiologic function of progesterone appears to
be confined mainly to pregnancy, but that of estrogen reaches far beyond with
effects on various organs and systems; and this, coupled with the confirmed
relationship between the decline in estrogen and hot flashes and sweats, has
undoubtedly contributed to the definition of the menopause as an estrogen
deficiency state. The menopause coincides with an age-related increase in
incidence of a wide variety of potentially serious medical conditions. It is little
wonder that research into the relationship, if any, between the reproductive
hormones, especially estrogen, and cardiovascular disease (CVD), osteoporosis
and Alzheimers disease, for example, has attracted so much attention.
There is a tendency, however, to concentrate on the decline in estrogen levels
and to describe the menopause as an estrogen deficiency state or ovarian
failure. Although these terms can be used to define the menopause, this
approach is simplistic and creates an impression of pathology. The association of
the menopause with, for example, CVD, osteoporosis and urinary incontinence
gives an impression of causality, which may or may not exist. It can be argued that
the menopause is only one of many factors which together with life-style, diet,
genetic predisposition and the process of agingcan be blamed for various
diseases that occur with higher frequencies during the postmenopausal phase of
the womans life. Inevitably, low estrogen levels, hormonal changes and
hormonal replacement figure prominently in discussions of the menopause,
partly because of the causality theory and partly because there are numerous data
and research studies to draw from. However, we believe in a balanced, wider,
Age (years)
in the UK with some 70 000 hip fractures each year, leading to 40 premature
deaths every day. CHD is the leading cause of death in women in the UK and
USA: it accounts for the death of 17% of all women and 27% of women under
the age of 75 years in the UK. CHD presents an enormous financial burden to the
economies of the developed world, currently estimated at 10 billion per year in
the UK alone (total including both direct and indirect costs to the economy). It is
thus important to define precisely the link between the effects of estrogen
deficiency and CHD, and preventive strategies need to be developed, if possible.
This chapter presents an overview of the current understanding of hormonal and
especially estrogen deficiency on various target organs, outlines the principles of
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and describes non-hormonal interventions
which may improve the health of postmenopausal women.
Estrogen describes a group of steroid hormones produced primarily in the
ovaries during reproductive life, but additionally in extra-gonadal sites such as
adipose tissue. Estradiol is the primary estrogen during reproductive life, and is
secreted by the granulosa cells of the developing follicle in response to folliclestimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
Table 6.2 UK population: women aged 4585+(in millions)
Age band
85 +
secretion from the anterior pituitary gland. The estradiol concentration varies
throughout the menstrual cycle, with low levels in the early follicular phase (150
200 pmol/1), a peak at mid-cycle (12001500 pmol/1) and intermediate levels
(500 pmol/1) in the luteal phase. A small amount of estrone is also produced,
derived mainly by peripheral conversion of androstenedione in adipose tissue,
and the ratio of estradiol:estrone in the premenopausal woman remains at around
3:1. The daily production of estradiol during the reproductive years is 0.070.8
mg, dependent upon the phase of the cycle. In the serum, 38% of estradiol binds
to sex hormone binding globulin, a -globulin. About 60% of estradiol binds
with lower affinity to albumin. A small fraction (23%) remains unbound.
Following the menopause, estradiol levels are commonly below 110 pmol/1, but
the peripheral conversion of androstenedione to estrone increases. In the
postmenopause, estradiol levels decrease more relative to estrone levels, leading
to a reversal of the estradiol:estrone ratio to 1:3. Estrone becomes the primary
postmenopausal estrogen, but its potency is only 130% compared with estradiol.
and androgenic activity) is also effective against hot flashes and is used as an
alternative to HRT. Recent randomized controlled trials produced data showing
that long-term HRT may not be as safe as originally thought. This may lead to
renewed interest in clonidine. The latter is moderately more affective than
placebo in relieving hot flashes but it can cause sedation or dry mouth in some
patients. It is licensed for treatment of hot flashes and the usual dose is two
tablets of 25 mg twice a day. Phytoestrogens have been studies as a natural
remedy for hot flashes as well. The results from controlled trials suggest that the
effect is moderate at best and tends to be more pronounced in women with more
severe hot flashes. New treatments for hot flashes are now being tested. In small
controlled clinical trials, gabapentin, venlafaxine and fluoxetine were found to be
more effective than placebo. However, their use in daily clinical practice is not
yet established. Up to 40% of the female population experience adverse affective
symptoms during the climacteric, ranging from mild anxiety states to depressive
disorders, and a reduced sense of well-being. Although no definite hormonal link
has been demonstrated, a beneficial effect of estrogen on quality of life measures
has been demonstrated.
Urogenital system
Lower genital tract
Estrogen receptors (ERs) occur in the tissues of the vagina, urethra, bladder and
pelvic floor, consistent with the fact that the lower parts of the female genital and
urologic tracts share a common embryologic origin from the primitive urogenital
sinus. Prolonged estrogen deficiency leads to vaginal atrophy and the classic
symptoms of vaginal dryness, itching, burning and dyspareunia. Apart from the
unpleasant feeling of dryness, vaginal atrophy predisposes to vaginal infection
and sexual dysfunction. Estrogen replacement, whether local or systemic, has
been shown to be effective in treating atrophic vaginitis, vaginal dryness and
infection. Estrogen replacement leads to improved lubrication and enhancement
of the pleasurable sensations experienced during sexual stimulation.
Lower urinary tract
Estrogen deficiency has been linked to urologic complaints such as frequency,
nocturia, incontinence, urinary tract infections and the urge syndrome. The
increase in prevalence of urinary incontinence with age may be related to the
menopause and diminishing estrogen levels. ERs have been demonstrated in the
urinary tract. Stress incontinence arises when the urethral closure pressure is
exceeded by the intravesical pressure. Estrogen may exert beneficial effects on
the positive urethral closure pressure by a combination of increased urethral cell
maturation and periurethral collagen production, increased blood flow and
androgen receptors have been found on dermal fibroblasts, and further work has
demonstrated the presence of receptors in the epidermis, hair follicles, sebaceous
glands and eccrine glands and vessels. Postmenopausal atrophy of the dermis
results from a decrease in the dermal skin collagen content, which declines in the
first five years after the menopause by up to 30%. It has been demonstrated that
skin collagen content and skin thickness are increased in women on HRT
compared to age-matched women on no treatment.
Middle-aged women commonly complain of polyarticular symptoms and this
has fueled speculation that there may be a connection between arthritis and the
menopause. The term menopausal arthritis has been used to describe such
complaints. ERs have been found on articular chondrocytes, but their
significance is not clear. Population surveys and hospital-based studies have
found that the prevalence of generalized osteoarthritis is three to ten times higher
in middle-aged women than in men. Rheumatoid arthritis also shows a striking
age and sex disparity. It appears earlier in women than in men and the female/male
ratio is 2.33.7:1. HRT seems to improve arthritic symptoms, and may be a
useful intervention in maintaining bone health in patients with rheumatoid
arthritis who have an increased risk of osteoporosis. Although it may seem
logical that HRT should be beneficial in maintaining joint health because of the
Lipoprotein (a)
in the smooth muscle cells of the vessel wall. Longer-lasting effects may involve
reducing angiotensin-converting enzyme activity, inhibition of smooth muscle cell
proliferation and increasing the smooth muscle cell prostaglandin production by
increasing prostacyclin synthetase and cyclo-oxygenase.
The normal effect of endogenous estrogen in premenopausal women, as
described above, is found in postmenopausal women given physiologic doses of
estrogen. Angiographic and ultrasound studies have shown enhancement in the
coronary, brachial and internal iliac artery blood flows and in the
cerebrovascular circulation in response to estrogen. There are reports that
estrogen decreases the size of atherosclerotic plaques in the common carotid
artery as measured by ultrasound scan (USS). The results of angiographic studies
of coronary arteries affected by atherosclerosis are not consistent: after treatment
with estrogen some studies show either no progression or reversal of the disease,
while other fail to demonstrate any effect.
Lipids and lipoprotein metabolism
Premenopausal women have an overall more favorable lipid profile than men,
with lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) until the sixth decade, lower very lowdensity lipoprotein (VLDL) throughout life, and higher highdensity lipoprotein
(HDL) during postpubertal life. The differences are due to increased
apolipoprotein B100 receptor activity in the cell membrane leading to lower LDL,
more efficient clearance of VLDL, an increased rate of synthesis and a reduced
clearance of HDL. Hepatic lipase activity is higher in men than in women, hence
HDL is lower in men. Estrogen deficiency following the menopause is associated
with adverse changes in blood lipids and lipoproteins. Many studies examining
these changes have shown that there is a significant increase in total cholesterol,
LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and a decrease in HDL cholesterol after
adjustment for age, body mass index and smoking, though not all studies are
consistent. The important HDL2 subfraction was found to be reduced as a direct
result of the menopause and there is an age-related increase of lipoprotein (a) (Lp
(a)) after 50 (Table 6.4).
There are over 50 randomized studies on the effect of estrogen or estrogen/
progestogen on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in healthy women and in
women with risk factors for (or with clinically established) coronary artery
disease. Some of the studies have compared HRT with a placebo and some with
statins (simvastatin). The studies have consistently demonstrated the ability of
estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) to improve the cholesterol profile
significantly. Typical percentage changes in lipids are given in Table 6.5. There
is little difference between oral conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) and oral
estradiol. Progestogens have to be added on a cyclical or continuous basis in
order to protect against endometrial cancer. Progestogens have an effect on lipids
that, like estrogens, depends on their chemical structure, dose, regiman and route
of administration. Well designed control trials in menopausal women show that
Total cholesterol
LDL, low-density lipoprotein; HDL, high-density lipoprotein
Increase 6%
Factor VII
Increase 7%
No change
Factor VIII/von Willebrand Increase
Protein C
Protein S
No change
Decrease aggregation
HRT, hormone replacement therapy; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; t-PA,
tissue plasminogen activator
CVD is the main cause of death in the UK: more than one in three people (40%)
die from it. The main forms of CVD are CHD and stroke. About half of all
deaths are caused by CHD and about a quarter by stroke.
A 50-year-old woman has a 31% lifetime probability of developing CHD and
a 17% lifetime probability of dying from CHD. This is the leading cause of death
in postmenopausal women. The prevalence of CHD increases progressively with
age and this may be partly due to estrogen deficiency. This assumption is
biologically plausible and supported by experimental and epidemiologic
evidence. A large meta-analysis of observational epidemiologic data showed a
35% reduction in the incidence of CHD and a 37% reduction in mortality from
CHD in users of ERT. Moreover, this protective effect seemed greater in women
who already had CHD. This wealth of encouraging data prompted a number of
randomized controlled trials. The designs, endpoints and regimens were varied:
some were primary prevention studies, others were secondary. Some used
surrogate endpoints such as changes in coronary artery diameter, others
incidence, morbidity and mortality of CHD. Oral or transdermal estradiol or CEE
were used as the estrogen component either alone or as sequential or continuous
combined HRT with MPA or NETA. In all but one study ERT or HRT were no
better than placebo. In the one trial with positive results, new cases of CHD in
the HRT group were observed. These studies are summarized in Table 6.7. What
are we to make of this divergent results between observational and controlled
studies? In randomized controlled trials subjects are randomly assigned to
treatment and thus possible biases are minimized. In observational trials subjects
who choose to take the treatment may be very different from those that do not.
This fundamental methodologic difference helps to explain the results at least
partially. One possible bias is the so-called healthy-user effect. This means that
observational trials fail to control fully for lifestyle and other health-related
factors that may differ in hormone users and not-users. In observational studies
subjects who choose to take ERT or HRT may be generally healthier and/or have
healthier lifestyles than non-users and this imbalance may lead to an
overestimation of the effect of the treatment and an underestimation of its risks.
Observational studies are also susceptible to compliance bias. It is known that
subjects who are compliant with their treatment tend to have improved outcome
even if the tretment is placebo. It is possible that hormone taking is simply a
marker for better compliance with other lifestyle advice and/or treatments of
CVD. It is also possible that cohort studies do not capture fully early clinical
events. Let us imagine that women are enrolled in a cohort study, information is
collected at baseline and update questionnaires are sent to them every 2 years.
The subject is not on HRT and returns the questionnaire saying so. If she starts
taking HRT shortly after that, say in 23 months time, and proceeds to have an
MI within the next 1218 months for the purpose of the study she would be
misclassified as a non-user having had an MI thus underestimating the hazard of
the treatment. As the Womens Health Initiative (WHI) and Heart and Estrogen/
Progestin Replacement Therapy Follow-up (HERS) trials show, the risk for MI
early in the treatment is higher than overall. There are also biological
explanations that may account for some of the discrepancy in the data between
randomized controlled and observational studies. One explanation is that
different regimens may have different effects. In the nurses Health Study mose
hormone users were on estrogen and those that were on estrogen/progestin were
taking progestins for 1014 days. The estrogen arm of the WHI trial continues.
The implication is that estrogen may still be beneficial and that further research
into different regimens and preparations is necessary. Another biological
explanation is that estrogen may need to be taken early after the menopause in
order to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, rather than after the
establishment of atherosclerotic plaques when estrogen may raise the levels of
inflammatory markers, especially CRP, and destabilize the plaques leading to
clinical events. This possibility is supported by randomized controlled trials on
monkeys. Whatever the explanations are for the current data on HRT and CHD
we have to accept the supremacy of experimentation over observation. On the
basis of this, HRT regimens cannot be prescribed for primary or secondary
prevention of CHD in the populations specified in Table 6.7. However,
randomized controlled trials did not show any benefit in women with established
heart disease. Postmenopausal estrogen use does not affect the blood pressure
and is safe to be administered to hypertensive women, when the hypertension is
under control.
One in three women and one is 12 men over the age of 50 years have low bone
density or osteoporosis. It is the major factor for the 70 000 hip, 50 000 wrist and
40 000 spinal fractures seen annually in the UK. As discussed earlier,
postmenopausal osteoporosis represents a major public health issue.
Osteoporosis has been defined as a disease characterized by low bone mass and
micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to enhanced bone
fragility and a consequent increase in fracture risk. The development of
osteoporosis depends upon both the peak bone mass attained and its subsequent
rate of loss. Peak bone mass is achieved in early adulthood and is largely (80%)
genetically determined. This has been confirmed in studies comparing bone mass
in twins and in studies of racial groups that have migrated. To some extent, peak
bone mass is influenced by diet, exercise, alcohol consumption, smoking, drugs
(e.g., corticosteroids, contraceptive pills, liver enzyme inducers), parity and the
presence or absence of estrogens. Estrogens seem to have a central role in
regulating bone mass and estrogen-deficient states such as anorexia nervosa,
secondary amenorrhea due to strenuous exercise, use of luteinizing hormonereleasing hormone (LHRH) analogs and the menopause have all been shown to
lead to bone loss.
Distal forearm
Clinically diagnosed
vertebral fracture
Any of the above
Data derived from Melton LJ, Atkinson EJ, OFallon WM, et al. Long-term fracture risk
prediction with bone mineral measurements made at various skeletal sites. J
Bone Min Res 1991; 6(Suppl.1):S136
fracture. The DXA scan results are expressed in two ways, as T-scores and Zscores. Both scores are the standard deviation by which an individual bone
density differs from a reference group. T-scores represent the bone density of the
RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval; CEE, conjugated equine estrogens; MPA, medroxyprogesterone acetate; HRT,
hormone replacement therapy; MI, myocardial infarction; NETA, norethisterone acetate; CHD, coronary heart disease
Table 6.7 Results of studies investigating the effect of estrogen replacement therapy and hormone replacement therapy
on cardiovascular disease
individual compared with the mean value of young healthy controls, while Zscores represent the bone density of the individual compared to the mean value
of their own age group. In our practice, we tend to use the T-score (young
healthy controls) to assess bone density up to the age of 75. It can be argued that
using the T-score results in too many women being classified with low bone
density or osteoporosis. However, we think that such an argument is not in line
with the measurement of the ventricular ejection fraction of the heart or the
measuring of blood pressure, for example, and does little to increase the
awareness in women of their bone health. Bone density and osteoporosis have
been linked via the following classification from the World Health Organization
(1) Normal bone density: mean 1 SD (T-score l);
(2) Low bone mass (osteopenia): between 1 SD and 2.5 SD below the mean (-1
> T-score > 2.5);
(3) Osteoporosis: 2.5 SD below the mean (T-score 2.5);
(4) Severe osteoporosis: 2.5 SD below the mean (T-score 2.5) plus one or
more fractures.
In the absence of screening for osteoporosis, a case-finding strategy is
Qualitative ultrasound is increasingly being used for bone density
measurement. Studies show that there is good correlation between ultrasound
assessment of the bone density and the risk of fracture. Qualitative ultrasound
equipment is much cheaper than DXA scanning, requires no special room for
installation and its maintenance is easier. As clinical data accumulate, it is likely
that qualitative ultrasound will play a much bigger role in the future.
Another way of assessing fracture risk is by monitoring biochemical indices of
bone turnover. There are two types of biochemical markers: of bone resorption
and of bone formation. The markers for bone resorption are hydroxyproline and
the pyridinium crosslinks with their associated peptides. The markers for bone
formation are alkaline phosphatase (total and bone-specific), osteocalcin and the
protocollagen propeptides of type I collagen. In a state of predominant bone
resorption, the markers of resorption increase and with treatment they decrease.
The markers of bone formation are low in osteoporoiss and increase with
treatment. The markers of bone turnover connot be used alone for diagnosing
osteoporosis but in conjuction with BMD measurement could improve fracture
prediction in postmenopausal women. Bone markers are useful in monitoring the
response to treatment in the early stages. Bone density measurement should be
offered to those women who are at increased risk for osteoporosis (Table 6.9) or
for monitoring the response to treatment.
Vertebral fracture
Hip fracture
Parathyroid hormone
Vitamin D
Vertebral fracture
Hip fracture
and -6 and tumor necrosis factor-. All of these actions promote bone resorption.
Indirectly, estrogen is thought to: (1) reduce the level of parathyroid hormone; (2)
enhance the absorption of calcium from the intestine; and (3) increase the
secretion of calcitonin. The minimum daily estrogen doses associated with bone
preservation in early postmenopausal women are 0.625 mg of CEE, 1 mg of
estradiol and 25 g of transdermal estradiol. Apart from estrogen, there are a
number of strategies which are useful in combating this scourge in older women,
with bisphosphonates, calcium and vitamin D, weight-bearing exercise, selective
estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), calcitonin (parathyroid hormone),
sodium fluoride and testosterone all being employed. There is good evidence
from controlled clinical trials in favor of these treatments, and this is summarized
in Table 6.10. Advice regarding osteoporosis prevention and treatment should be
individualized, according to the patients circumstances, bone density,
preferences and beliefs.
The central nervous system, cognition, Alzheimers disease
and stroke
The brain is a key target organ for gonadal steroids. The gonadal steroids start
exerting their effect on the CNS from the antenatal period onwards, and the effect
probably continues throughout life. The CNS consequences of absolute
menopausal loss of progesterone, the severe depletion of estrogen and the high
levels of LH and FSH that last for 40% of the womens adult life are poorly
understood. However, the permanent changes of the levels of these hormones
may have bearing on both normal and pathologic brain functions.
Estrogen and the central nervous system
ERs have been demonstrated in many parts of the brain, i.e., the cortex, limbic
system, hippocampus, cerebellum and hypothalamus. Estrogen is both
neurotrophic and neuro-protective and able to modify the synthesis, release and
metabolism of neurotransmitters in these areas. It is also believed to influence
dynamic processes whereby neurites are extended, synaptic connections are
formed and neuronal circuits are modeled. Studies of cross-gender hormone
therapy in trans-sexual men and women imply that sex hormones exert effects on
cognition, with estrogen associated with enhanced verbal fluency and
testosterone with better visuo-spatial abilities. Several small observational
studies in healthy women during different phases of the menstrual cycle and of
postmenopausal women receiving HRT have suggested that estrogen can benefit
a number of skills including fine motor abilities, verbal fluency and creativity.
Interventional studies seem to support beneficial effects of estrogen on verbal
memory. The effect is strongest in those with severe menopausal symptoms. The
magnitude of such putative estrogen effects, although modest, may nevertheless
be clinically relevant.
Estrogen and Alzheimers disease
Attention has recently been focused on the role of estrogen deficiency in
cognitive function, and the link, if any, between estrogen deficiency and
Alzheimers disease. Alzheimers disease is a neurodegenerative disease
characterized by cerebral (notably cortical) atrophy, which leads to progressive
memory loss, confusion, disorientation, inability to live normal everyday life
independently and death. Alzheimers disease is the commonest form of
dementia, accounting for 70% of all cases of dementia. Its incidence increases
with age. Its prevalence is 1% at 60 years of age, 3% at 6574 years of age, 19%
at 7584 years of age and 3040% in over 85-year-olds. Alzheimers disease is
the fourth leading cause of death in the USA and represents a huge burden on the
healthcare system.
It is thought that Alzheimers disease is more prevalent in women than in men
(2.5:1), though some studies do not find any gender difference. The key
biochemical and pathologic features of Alzheimers disease are (1) the formation
of senile plaques consisting of amyloid in brain cells; (2) neurofibrillary tangles
where the leading role is played by tau protein and apolipoprotein; and (3)
deficiency of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Experimental evidence from
cell cultures and laboratory animals shows that estradiol protects the neurons
from oxidative damage, enhances cholinergic nerve cell survival, promotes
glucose uptake in the brain and protects against -amyloid toxicity. Estrogens
have been demonstrated to increase cholinergic metabolism, which is positively
linked to memory performance. The decline in short-term memory following the
menopause may be attributable to the effects of estrogen deficiency on the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Estrogen increases levels of acetyltransferase, the
enzyme involved in acetylcholine synthesis, and thus estrogen deficiency may
lead to reductions of this critical transmitter involved in many cognitive processes
such as attention processing, learning and memory. Estrogen deficiency may also
lead to decreased cerebral blood flow, as discussed above. If estrogen has such
favorable effects on brain cells, then women using estrogen during menopause
would be expected to have a lower risk of Alzheimers disease. Epidemiologic
data, however, are inconclusive. Of the longitudinal studies, the Rancho
Bernardo study found no differences in Alzheimers disease between users and
non-users after 15 years of follow-up. The Manhattan Study of Aging and the
Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging found that estrogen use was associated
with a decreased risk of Alzheimer disease after follow-up of 15 years and 16
years, respectively. Case-controlled studies were similarly inconclusive. A meta-
analysis published in 1998 found that estrogen may have some protective effect,
and noted the heterogeneity in the studies. The authors went on to conclude that
estrogen cannot be recommended for the prevention or treatment of Alzheimers
More data have become available since. The Cash County Memory Study, a
prospective study of incident dementia, followed a cohort of 1889 women for a
mean of 3 years. It found that women who had used estrogen for 310 years
(former users) had a markedly decreased risk of Alzheimers disease (the longer
the use, the bigger the decrease). Among current users, there was no such effect,
event for those taking estrogen for over 10 years. The authors suggest that
estrogen may be effective if taken early in the menopausal years. The effects of
estrogen on women with Alzheimers disease have also been studied. Four
recent controlled trials published in 2002 and 2003 did not demonstrate any
beneficial effect of estrogen compared to placebo. Three of the studies recruited
women with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease and used unopposed CEE 0.
6251.25 mg for 12 weeks to 1 year. In none of the studies did estrogen slow the
disease progression or improve global cognitive or functional outcomes. The
WHI reported on continuous combined HRT (0.625 mg of CEE plus 2.5 mg of
MPA) or placebo and its effect on the incidence of dementia. It recruited 4532
women, 65 years or older and free of dementia, and the follow-up was for a mean
of 4 years. The group on HRT had twice the incidence of dementia than those in
the placebo group. For the moment, despite the biological plausibility and early
promise, the present data indicate that estrogen cannot be recommended for either
the prevention or the treatment of Alzheimers disease. Evidence for a cause and
effect relationship between estrogen deficiency and Alzheimers disease remains
inconclusive and further work will hopefully establish the precise nature of any
Estrogen and stroke
Stroke is the third leading cause of death in women, after CHD and cancer. The
incidence of stroke increases with age and is higher in women than in men.
Eighty percent of all strokes are caused by ischemic cerebral infarction, most
often due to emboli arising from atherosclerotic changes in the major arteries
supplying the braincarotids and vertebrals. Stroke shares many risk factors
with CHD: age, hypertension, smoking, diabetes and high cholesterol. Because
observational studies suggested that the risk of CHD in women decreases with
HRT, researchers started to look into a similar association between HRT and
cerebrovascular disease and stroke. Experimental studies using Doppler
ultrasound showed that the cerebral blood flow increases with estrogen
administration. The thickness of atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid arteries as
measured by ultrasound seems to decrease with estrogen treatment. Despite the
similarities between CHD and cerebrovascular disease, the effect of estrogen on
stroke was inconsistent across studies, most showing no effect, while in some
Regimen and
mean duration
of follow-up
Treatment arm
Control arm
Viscoli CM, et
al. (2001)8
1 mg oral
estradiol; 2.8
0.625 mg CEE
and 2.5 mg
MPA; 4.1 years
0.625 mg CEE
and 2.5 mg
MPA; 6.8 years
339 (99)
327 (93)
1.1 (0.81.4)
1380 (82)
1383 (67)
1.23 (0.891.
1156 (59)
1165 (55)
1.09 (0.751.
Hulley S, et al.
Grady D, et al.
Regimen and
mean duration
of follow-up
Treatment arm
Control arm
Wassertheil0.625 mg CEE
8506 (151)
8102 (107)
1.31 (1.021.
Smoller S, et al. and 2.5 mg
MPA; 5.6 years
CEE, conjugated equine estrogens; MPA, medroxyprogesterone acetate
Table 6.12 Absolute contraindications to hormone replacement therapy
breast cancer
endometrial cancer
other estrogen-dependent tumors
Acute thromboembolic disorder
Acute myocardial infarction
Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
Undiagnosed breast mass
Severe liver disease
Severe cardiac disease
ERT prevents tooth loss and gum disease, enhances wound healing and improves
postural balance in postmenopausal women.
There are remarkably few absolute (Table 6.12) or relative contraindications to
HRT (Table 6.13).
There are many other contraindications and special precautions to be found on
the HRT prescribing data sheets. Usually these are included on the basis of data
from studies of the oral contraceptives or from purely theoretical considerations.
In the view of most experts HRT is not contraindicated for those conditions listed
in Table 6.14. This view was endorsed by the British Menopause Society in a
recent publication.
Table 6.14 Conditions no longer considered contraindications to hormone replacement
Controlled hypertension
Coronary heart disease*
Varicose veins
History of superficial thrombophlebitis
Malignant melanoma
History of cervical cancer
History of ovarian cancer
Benign breast disease
Certain regimens may be contraindicated. Data derived from Rees M, Purdie DW.
Management of the Menopause. The Handbook of the British Menopause
Society. London: BMS Publications, 1999:39
background levels within five years after discontinuation of therapy. The study
reported that body mass index is an independent risk factor for breast cancer: the
higher the body mass index, the higher the risk. An important but often
overlooked finding was that the excess risk of breast cancer attributed to HRT
was confined to women with a BMI of less than 25 kg/m2. The two findings
above have subsequently been confirmed in another study. The increase in the
relative risk of breast cancer with HRT can be calculated for each year of HRT
use. It would seem prudent, therefore, to assess both the potential benefit of
using HRT and the risk of developing breast cancer in the case of each
individual woman. The addition of a progestogen does not decrease the risk of
breast cancer and if anything it may lead to slight increase in the risk. HRT
increases the density of the breast tissue and may decrease the sensitivity of
screening mammography. The Nurses Health Study reported an increase in risk
of dying from breast cancer among users in comparison to non-users, but many
studies have reported exactly the opposite. It is conceivable that HRT use may
lead to lower death rate because (1) women taking HRT may be healthier at the
outset, (2) HRT users tend to have lower all-cause mortality than non-users, and
(3) breast cancer striking women on HRT may behave differently with less
incidence of lymph node involvement and distant spread. The WHI trial had a
secondary endpoint, i.e., the incidence of breast cancer. There was a 26%
increase (38 versus 30 per 10 000 woman-years) in the HRT group and no
difference in the risk of in situ cancer or breast cancer mortality between the
Endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer
Unopposed use of estrogen increases the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and
endometrial carcinoma. The longer the duration of treatment and the higher the
estrogen dosage, the higher the risk. The incidence of endometrial hyperplasia is
20, 50 and 62% after one, two and three years use of 0.625 mg/day of CEE,
whereas the background rate of this condition is between 0.5 and 2% a year.
Similarly, there is a three- to ten-fold increase in the incidence of endometrial
cancer with unopposed estrogen, depending on the duration of use. Sufficient
doses of progestogen, given cyclically for 1214 days, largely eliminate the risk
of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer, but there are studies suggesting that the
risk is not completely abolished. Continuous combined HRT offers the best
endometrial protection and may even decrease the risks of endometrial
Table 6.15 Relative and absolute risks of breast cancer with hormone replacement therapy
Current HRT users: RR=1.023 per year of use
Long use (~ 11 yrs): RR=1.35
For each year of delayed menopause: RR=1.028
Malignant lesions
(a) Endometrium
endometrial hyperplasia
(b) Other malignancy of the genital tract
uterine sarcoma
rarely associated with fallopian tube or ovarian cancer
Non-malignant lesions of the genital tract
atrophic endometrium, vagina and/or cervix
endometritis, cervicitis
vulvar lesions
parasitic infections
Other sources of bleeding outside the genital tract
urethral (urologic system: urethral cruncle, cystitis, etc.)
rectal (and intestinal diseases): hemorrhoids, rectal neoplasm, etc.
RR for DVT
RR for PE
Absolute for DVT
913/100 000
Absolute for PE
< 1/100 000
RR, relative risk; PE, pulmonary embolism
2635/100 000
23/100 000
procedure and commonly used devices are Pipelle and Vabra. Its limitations are
that it is a blind procedure, samples between 4 and 40% (Vabra) of the
endometrial surface, may miss a polyp and can cause discomfort or pain.
Sometimes the procedure is not possible to perform because of pain or tight
cervical sclerosis, or does not provide an adequate sample. In those cases,
hysteroscopy and dilatation and curettage (D&C) should be considered. For
women on sequential therapy, the ultrasound should be performed immediately
after the withdrawal bleeding because the endometrial thickness depends on the
phase of the therapy. If the ultrasound scan shows an endometrial thickness < 4
mm, further assessment may not be necessary. If the endometrial thickness is > 4
mm, an endometrial biopsy should be performed. Ultrasound is a very good
technique for assessing women on continuous combined HRT. Endometrial
biopsy in such patients may not yield any sample.
The effects of HRT on hemostasis are complex, and recent observational and
randomized controlled studies have shown a two- to three-fold increase in risk of
venous thromboembolism (VTE) in current users of HRT (Table 6.17). Deep
venous thrombosis (DVT) is the commonest form of VTE and in 10% of cases it
may lead to pulmonary embolism (PE). The mortality of PE is 12%.
A substantial proportion of thromboembolic episodes occur in women with
disorders of coagulation, for example deficiency of antithrombin, protein C or
protein S, APC resistance/Factor V Leiden, or G20210A prothrombin gene
mutation. These conditions tend to run in families and are known as familial
thrombophilias. The prevalence of thrombophilia in healthy individuals and in
those with VTE is summarized in Table 6.18.
Table 6.18 Prevalence of thrombophilia in healthy individuals and those with venous
thromboembolism (VTE)
Prevalence in
healthy population
Prevalence in
patients with VTE
RR of thrombosis if
factor present
Factor V Leiden
Prothrombin G
20210A gene
Protein S deficiency
Protein C deficiency
Breast tenderness/enlargement
Leg cramps
Vaginal discharge
Eye irritation
Breakthrough bleeding
Breast tenderness
PMS symptoms
Libido changes
Scalp hair loss
Choice of therapies
Changing the dosage or route of treatment can attenuate certain of the adverse
effects of HRT. Beneficial metabolic effects of HRT have been demonstrated for
the oral and transdermal routes of administration, and both routes have been
shown to be effective in relieving postmenopausal symptoms, as well as
beneficial in preventing postmenopausal bone loss. It is important to emphasize
this to women about to embark on long-term treatment, since better compliance
will usually follow if the patient is allowed free choice of her therapy or is
encouraged to try alternatives if the first dosage or route of treatment is
unacceptable. HRT can be given via various routes (Table 6.21), which should
allow individualization of therapy.
The basic hormonal substances used in HRT preparations are only few, but
various routes of administration and dose permutations have led to more than 50
systemic and topical preparations currently being licenced for use in the UK.
Commonly used estrogens are estradiol, CEE, estrone and estriol. Commonly
used progestogens are dydrogesterone, levonorgestrel, medroxyprogesterone and
Traditionally, oral routes of administration have been most widely used for
HRT. Long-term compliance with oral regimens has been poor, but with the
advent of better and
Table 6.21 Routes of administration of hormone replacement therapy
less irritant patches, both the oral and the transdermal routes are becoming
increasingly popular and might be expected to encourage compliance, especially
with the introduction of seven-day patches. In a recent study approximately 90%
of women did not miss a single application of a matrix-type seven-day patch
(FemSeven) over a period of 18 months. In addition, the newer matrix patches
seem to represent an improved option over reservoir patches in terms of skin
reactions and improved adhesion.
Knowledge of the pharmacokinetics of oral and transdermal estrogen is useful
in predicting the possible effects of treatment via these two routes. Oral
estrogens are subject to extensive first-pass metabolism before metabolically
active compounds can act systemically. Thus, larger doses are required than with
transdermal delivery systems, which avoid this firstpass effect. Oral estrogen
administration is associated with alterations in bile composition which leads to a
greater degree of gastrointestinal disturbance and increased risk of gallstone
disease. The transdermal route is preferred in cases of chronic liver disease, liver
transplant or history of gallstones. Oral estrogens are known to exert a beneficial
effect on serum lipoprotein levels via their extensive hepatic metabolism, but
recent studies have also shown that transdermal estrogens exert beneficial effect,
Level (pmol/1)
Oral estradiol
1.25 mg
1.0 mg
2.0 mg
50 g/24 h
100 g/24 h
1.5 mg
3.0 mg
1.0 mg
50 g/24 h
Estradiol patches
Estrodiol gel (Oestrogel)
Estradiol gel (Sandrena)
Vaginal ring (Menoring)
CEE, conjugared equine estrogens
estradiol level than with orally administered estrogen, and may be more
appropriate, for example, in women using enzyme-inducing drugs or who
smoke. Cigarette smoking is thought to reduce estradiol bioavailability via its
effect on hepatic metabolism, but since transdermal estradiol avoids first-pass liver
metabolism, it may be less affected than oral estrogen by the effects of cigarette
use. There may be a theoretically lower risk of VTE with transdermally
administered estrogen replacement. Although firm evidence is lacking, it is
possible that patients suffering from conditions such as hypertriglyceridemia,
fibrocystic breast disease or migraine may be better suited to transdermal therapy.
In addition, transdermal therapy is a good alternative for women who prefer not
to take daily oral medication or who absorb medications poorly because of
gastrointestinal malabsorption syndromes (e.g., post-surgery, Crohns disease,
etc.). Often, women ask for a blood estrogen level estimation. Generally, if the
symptoms are controlled, the blood level is likely to be adequate and no estrogen
blood level is necessary. Estradiol blood level measurement is sometimes
indicated in anxious patients, if there are difficulties in symptom control or when
monitoring estrogen treatment for osteoporosis. An estradiol level in excess of
200 pmol/1 is considered satisfactory. Typical plasma estradiol levels reported in
pharmacokinetic studies are given in Table 6.22.
Oral estrogens, including CEE, give wise to plasma estrone levels. Estrone is
310 times less potent than estradiol and is not measured by most laboratories. In
pharmacokinetic studies, usually only estradiol is studied and there are limited
data on estrone. Estrone measurement is unnecessary when prescribing estradiol.
Patient profiling
Patients understanding of the menopause and the benefits of HRT use on their
future health could be improved with dedicated well women clinics, leaflets and
posters in the surgery. The initial assessment should include age of menopause
and type (i.e., natural or surgical), presence of menopausal symptoms and their
severity, risk factors for future heart disease, osteoporosis or other diseases
potentially modified by HRT, and contraindications to HRT. Selection of the
most appropriate dose and route of administration can then be made using the
initial assessment according to the womans individual needs or co-morbid
illness. This should improve patients satisfaction with care, allowing early
intervention and tailoring of therapy, and should improve the take-up and
continued use of HRT. Review of patients should occur at least every six months
to ensure compliance, and more frequent follow-up visits may be necessary if
unacceptable side-effects occur. Treatment can be altered as necessary if there
are significant side-effects, or lack of symptom control. Early and easy access to
a specialized menopause clinic should be offered to any patient with resistant
symptoms or side-effects, or preexistent medical problems that may complicate
postmenopausal hormone therapy. Breast and pelvic examinations should be
performed if clinically indicated and routine mammography (every three years)
should continue while HRT is being used.
Women about to undergo hysterectomy with or without oophorectomy should
be counseled regarding the benefits and risks of HRT by the gynecologist prior to
surgery. A decision regarding the use of HRT should be possible well in advance
of the operation. Good communication between the surgeon and the general
practitioner should avoid delays or interruptions in treatment. Counseling about
Table 6.23 Causes for premature ovarian failure
Turners syndrome
Pelvic surgery
Pelvic irradiation
46XY gonadal dysgenesis
the benefits and possible risks of HRT is particularly important in young women
with surgically induced menopause, since these women are at especially high
risk of future problems, as discussed above.
similar to placebo, but it may slightly worsen hot flashes and it can cause leg
cramps in a small percentage of women. It is very likely that in future new
SERMs will be developed and their indications will broaden to include relief of
estrogen deficiency symptoms, prevention of breast cancer, treatment for
fibroids, endometriosis, uterine cancer, etc.
Bisphosphonates are chemical analogs of pyrophosphate which bind strongly to
bone to exert anti-resorptive effects which lead to improved bone density. They
become incorporated at the site of bone resorption (pits) where they: (1) change
physico-chemical characteristics of the bone and reduce the rate of its
dissolution; (2) reduce the rate of formation of new pits; and (3) exert cytotoxic
effects on osteoclasts. Bisphosphonates are poorly absorbed orally and have to be
taken on an empty stomach. Three types of bisphosphonates are widely used
etidronate, alendronate and risedronate. All three increase the bone mineral
density at clinically relevant site (radius, spine, neck of femur) and decrease the
incidence of fractures. When taken for two years positive changes in bone
density of 38% have been reported. Alendronate is available as a once a week
dose (70 mg) which makes administration even simpler. For many women with
osteoporosis, bisphosphonates may be the treatment of first choice.
Phytoestrogens have a structure resembling estrogen and are found in plants.
They have mixed estrogenic/antiestrogenic properties, the estrogenic effect being
5001000 times less than that of estradiol. There are several different classes of
phytoestrogen, but most prominent in the human diet are phenolic ones
flavones, isoflavones, lignans, coumestans. Isoflavones are the most common
form of phytoestrogens and are found in a variety of fruits and vegetables but are
particularly abundant in leguminous plants and especially soy. The
phytoestrogens found in foods are precursors because they undergo complex
transformation in the gut, being metabolized by the bacteria, and then in the
body. The end result is appearance in the blood of the active constituents:
daidzein, genistein and equol. The daily consumption of isoflavones in Japan and
other Asian communities has been estimated at 2545 mg/day, but it is much less
in the typical Western diet. Observational studies and laboratory experiments
have linked high consumption of phytoestrogens with low incidence of CVD,
osteoporosis and cancer of the breast, colon, prostate and uterus. Those
Cheddar cheese
Cottage cheese
Canned sardines in oil
Green beans
Baked beans
*All entries expressed as mg per 100 g portion
declines rapidly in both men and women two to four years after stopping
smoking. Hypertension is undoubtedly a major risk factor for CHD and stroke. In
people with essential hypertension, some modest reduction of the blood pressure
and the risk of complications can be achieved with non-pharmacologic measures
such as exercise, a low fat/high fruit and vegetable diet, reduced alcohol
consumption, salt restriction and weight loss. There is no good evidence about
the effect of magnesium supplements. The role of antioxidants has not been well
defined. One systemic review of epidemiologic studies found a consistent
association between increased dietary or supplementary intake of vitamin E and
lower cardiovascular risk and a less consistent association for -carotene and
vitamin C. A randomized controlled trial using 500 mg of vitamin C and 400 IU
of vitamin E (n=108) or placebo (n=105) did not find any effect on coronary
artery stenosis after a mean of 2.8 years of follow-up. The Heart Protection
Study, a double-blind placebo-controlled trial of 20 536 subjects aged between
40 and 80 years, randomized patients to 600 mg vitamin E, 250 mg vitamin C
and 20 mg -carotene daily or placebo. After a follow-up of 5 years no
differences were noted between the groups with regard to fatal and non-fatal MI,
stroke, cancer or overall mortality. Both these studies were published in 2002.
This is in concordance with earlier studies, some of them big (n > 29 000) and
long (follow-up > 12 years), not showing beneficial effects of supplements. The
fact that HRT and vitamins and antioxidants are not as effective as previously
thought does not leave our patients short of options. As mentioned earlier
lifestyle interventions are excellent for both primary and secondary prevention of
CVD. For secondary prevention of CHD and stroke, treatment of hypertension,
diabetes, high cholesterol and other risk factors with diuretics, -blockers, ACE
inhibitors, calcium-channel blockers, statins, antiplatelet agents, etc. is safe, well
established and proven intervention that decrease both morbidity and mortality.
The physiologic changes in women around and after the menopause are complex
and not completely understood. Some of these changes are due to the aging
process and some undoubtedly have a hormonal basis. The normal menopause
occurs because of aging (not the other way around) and for some time it was
widely thought that the clock can be turned back by use of HRT. This belief may
have been over-optimistic, but it was not frivolousthere was a mountain of
experimental and observational data to support it. Estrogen was thought to
prevent CHD, improve mood, cognition, sexuality and well-being, delay the
onset or change the severity of Alzheimers disease and improve stress
incontinence. This was on top of the well known effects on the bone, vasomotor
symptoms and urogenital atrophy. The
Table 6.27 Absolute differences in the rates of major, potentially fatal diseases per 10 000
postmenopausal women per year from western countries using HRT based on results from
randomized trials
Differences in events
(4) Hulley S, Grady D, Bush T, et al. Randomized trial of estrogen plus progestin for
secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women. J Am
Med Assoc 1998; 280:60513
(5) Grady D, Herrington D, Brittner V, et al. Cardiovascular disease outcomes during 6.8
years of hormonal therapy. Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Therapy
Follow-up (HERSII). J Am Med Assoc 2002;208: 4957
(6) The ESPRIT team. Oestrogen therapy for prevention of reinfarction in
postmenopausal women: a randomised placebo controlled trial. Lancet 2002;360:
(7) Rossouw JE, Anderson GL, Prentice RL, et al. Risks and benefits of estrogen plus
progestin in healthy postmenopausal women: principal results from the Womens
Health Initiative randomized controlled trial. J Am Med Assoc 2002; 288:32133
(8) Viscoli CM, Brass LM, Kerman WN, et al. A clinical trial of estrogen replacement
therapy after ischemic stroke. N Engl J Med 2001; 345: 12439
(9) Wassertheil-Smoller S, Hendrix S, Limacher M, et al. Effect of estrogen plus
progestin on stroke in postmenopausal women. The womens Health Initiative: a
randomized trial. J Am Med Assoc 2003;289:267384
Sexually transmitted infections and common
genital tract infections
Alison Stirland, Chris Wilkinson and Nikolai
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and their sequelae such as infertility and
chronic pelvic pain cause significant physical and psychologic morbidity. The
diagnosis of an STI affects well-being, self-confidence and personal
Many of those infected are unaware that they have an STI, as symptoms are often
absent or non-specific. STIs are frequently multiple, so the presence of, say,
warts or gonorrhea should lead the practitioner to consider other infections, such
as chlamydia. Many factors can lead to the individual to delay or avoid seeking
treatment, including embarrassment, fears of stigma, concerns about
confidentiality, lack of awareness of STIs and ignorance or denial of the risk of
infection. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of STIs is, however, important for
both personal and public health as it reduces that chance of the individual
developing complications and transmitting the infection(s) to others. The
presence of some STIs (gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, chancroid) leads to
disruption of the surface barriers of the body (skin, mucosa) and facilitates HIV
transmission. Thus, detecting and treating STIs also reduces the incidence of
The transmission of STIs can be lowered by changes in sexual behavior
(abstinence, mutual monogamy and safer sex practices) and infection control
programs (screening, early diagnosis, treatment of those infected, contact tracing
and immunisation).
The burden of STIs is notoriously difficult to estimate. It varies according to
the population studied, i.e., sex, age, race, occupation, education, rural, urban or
inner city area are all important factors. The rates seen at genitourinary medicine
(GUM) clinics are higher than those seen at general practice. Many infection
episodes are asymptomatic so any reported rate is likely to underestimate the real
situation. Some recent epidemiologic data are depicted in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 New cases of STIs seen at genitourinary medicine clinics (England 2001) and new
sexually acquired HIV infections (UK 2001)
Cases (n)
Uncomplicated 15 476
Uncomplicated 29 166
38 248
Herpes simplex 6492
10 558
(first attack)
Genital warts
32 636
29 568
(first attack)
Infectious HIV 598
Data derived from New Cases seen at Genitourinary Medicine Clinics: England 2001.
Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS) Communicable Disease Report,
2001 and the Population Estimates Unit, Office of National Statistics, UK. HIV,
human immunodeficiency disease
Managing sexually transmitted infections in primary care
In the UK, GUM clinics have the best facilities for diagnosing and managing
STIs. Attending a specialist clinic, however, may not always be practical or
acceptable. Basic management of common STIs and other genital infections lends
itself to protocols and so readily falls within the scope of appropriately trained
doctors and nurses working in general practice and family planning. The ability
to manage STIs in primary care is rapidly increasing with recent advances in
diagnosis and single-dose therapy. Nucleic acid amplification techniques
(NAATs), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and ligase chain reaction (LCR) are
increasingly available. They are more sensitive than many antigen and culture
tests and are less dependent on rapid transport to the laboratory than cultures.
Effective single-dose antibiotic therapy is now available for some STIs
(gonorrhea and chlamydia) and for other non-sexually transmitted genital
infections (candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis (BV)).
The diagnosis of an STI can have a major impact on the personal life and
health of a patient. While making a positive diagnosis is important, so is reliably
excluding STIs. It is therefore vital that quality standards are applied to the
whole process of managing STIs (Table 7.2). To ensure that their patients can
access the full range of services, it is important that individual practices have
links with local GUM clinics and microbiology laboratories.
Number of partners
Regular partner(s)
Non-regular partner(s) in the last 3 months
For each partner
Partners gender and the nature of the
sexual contact (i.e., receptive or insertive;
vaginal, oral or anal intercourse)
Length of relationship/date of last sexual
Condom use
and the likelihood of her returning for follow-up. For example, if a woman
presents a week after having unprotected intercourse with a new partner it may
be possible to detect gonorrhea but too soon for a chlamydia test to be reliable.
However, it may still be useful to test for chlamydia as she may have a preexisting infection, and, if negative, to repeat the test after the incubation period.
It is important to explain to the patient which diseases are (and which are not)
being tested for. Although a clinical diagnosis can be made from the lesions of
warts or herpes, it is impossible to say, with routine tests, that a patient is not
carrying herpes simplex or wart virus. The patient should also be informed of the
limitations of testing, as both false-positive and false-negative results can occur.
An awareness of the positive and negative predictive values of tests, such as
chlamydia antigen detection, can be useful in interpreting the results as the
predictive values depend on the population prevalence. The local laboratory can
provide information on the accuracy of their diagnostic tests.
Examination and testing of the genital area
Specimens for STI tests are taken during examination of the genital tract. In
order to optimize the quality of the samples, it is suggested that the tests are
taken according to the manufacturers instructions and in the sequence set out
Inspect the vulval, pubic and peri-anal areas first, then pass a speculum into
the vagina. If there are lesions at the introitus that would make this painful, such
as herpetic ulcers, consideration should be given to deferring further examination.
A high vaginal swab for Trichomonas vaginalis, candidiasis and BV is taken
from the vaginal walls and posterior fornix and used to test for pH and sent for
microscopy, culture and sensitivity (MC&S) analysis. If indicated, a cervical
smear should be taken for cytology at this stage. The ectocervix should then be
wiped to remove any vaginal discharge. An endocervical swab, to be sent for
MC&S analysis, is then taken for gonorrhea testing. An endocervical or urinary
chlamydia test should also be taken, depending on which test is offered by the
local laboratory. If a cervical test is to be taken for chlamydia it is important to
sample endocervical cells (as chlamydia is an intracellular organism) by rotating
the swab against the wall of the endocervix (Table 7.6). The diagnosis of
chlamydia and gonorrhea can be improved if urethral swabs are taken in addition
to cervical samples. Urethral tests require samples to be taken with a narrow
swab or loop and can be uncomfortable and are unacceptable to many women.
Testing the rectum and pharynx for gonorrhea should be considered if the partner
has urethral gonorrhea and anal or oral (fellatio) intercourse has
Table 7.6 Basic testing for sexually transmitted infections (triple swabs)
Organism/condition tested for
Test performed
Vaginal discharge
BV and trichomonas
pH, using narrow range pH paper
Amine test
*Depends on test used; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; LCR, ligase chain reaction; PCR,
polymerase chain reaction; DIF, direct immunofluorescence; BV, bacterial
Amine test
Bacterial vaginosis
> 4.5
> 4.5
< 4.5
Candida Spp.
Grey, thin,
Yellow/green, thin,
White, curdy
All patients should be advised to abstain from sexual intercourse until they and
their partner(s) have completed the treatment and tested negative (if a test of cure
has been performed). Information should be offered about the disease and its
treatment and how to reduce the risk of further infection and transmission. A
follow-up visit is recommended to ascertain if the condition has resolved, check
patient compliance and find out whether partner(s) have been notified. It is also
an opportunity to provide further information and counseling for emotional and
sexual difficulties. At follow-up, a test of cure should be performed for
gonorrhea and trichomonas infection in all women and for chlamydia in women
treated with erythromycin. As even intelligent patients may find it difficult to
absorb all the information due to embarrassment and anxiety, written information
should be offered.
Partner notification (contact tracing)
Partner notification involves informing sexual contacts that they have been
exposed to STIs. The purpose is to prevent treated patients from being reinfected, detect their partner(s) undiagnosed infection(s) and to reduce STIs in
the community. The rationale is that every patient has caught an STI from one or
more partners and may subsequently infect others. Infected partners (contacts)
may not appreciate their risk of infection and/or be asymptomatic.
The benefits of partner notification are greatest for the bacterial STIs because
they can be cured and the risk of sequelae can be reduced by prompt treatment.
Partners with incurable viral STIs, such as genital herpes and HIV, can be given
information about the infection and advice on strategies to reduce the risk of
transmission. All can be offered testing for other STIs including HIV and advice
about safer sex.
The patient is usually advised to ask her/his partner to attend a clinic for
testing and treatment. It is useful to provide a contact slip or note with the
diagnosis for the contact to give to their healthcare worker. In order to maintain
confidentiality, no information about the patient or contact(s) should be given to
anyone else without their permission. In practice, it is preferable to seek
permission to disclose the name of the infection(s) that the patient acquired so
that an adequate explanation of the disease, tests and any necessary treatment can
be given to the contact. Naming the infection prevents the partner assuming that
it is HIV A patient may be reluctant to inform her partner(s) that they have an STI
but be willing to provide information to enable a health professional, such as a
GUM clinic health advisor, to do so. It is common practice to contact all partners
with whom the patient had sexual contact in the 3 months prior to diagnosis.
Treatment for gonorrhea should be guided by local antibiotic resistance patterns,
which are monitored by microbiology laboratories or GUM clinics. Resistance to
penicillins, tetracyclines and quinolones occurs, especially in cases imported
from locations overseas such as South East Asia. Penicillins should only be used
as a first-line treatment if the incidence of resistance is known to be low.
Pharyngeal gonorrhea responds poorly to penicillins (Table 7.8). As many
women with gonorrhea are also infected with chlamydia, it is common practice
to treat with a combination of antibiotics effective against both organisms. After
treatment further cultures should be performed to detect treatment failure or reinfection.
Table 7.8 Single-dose treatment regimens for gonorrhea
a) Women who are not pregnant or lactating
Drug (dose)
Uncomplicated genital gonorrhea
Ampicillin (2 g) with probenecid (1 g)
Ciprofloxacin (500 mg)
Ofloxacin (400 mg)
Levofloxacin (250 mg)
Alternative regimen for uncomplicated genital gonorrhea imported from South East
Ceftriaxone (250 mg)
Cefotaxime (500 mg)
Spectinomycin (2 g)
Pharyngeal gonorrhea
Ciprofloxacin (500 mg)
Ofloxacin (400 mg)
Ceftriaxone (250 mg)
b) Pregnant and lactating women*
Drug (dose)
Uncomplicated genital gonorrhea
Ampicillin (2 g) with probenecid (1 g)
Ceftriaxone (250 mg)
Cefotaxime (500 mg)
Spectinomycin (2 g)
*Quinolones and tetracyclines are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women; IM,
Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes D to K are obligate intracellular bacteria that
cause a genital infection with a similar clinical presentation to gonococcal
infection. Chlamydia is much more prevalent than gonorrhea and is less confined
to inner city areas. Longstanding asymptomatic genital infection is not
uncommon: up to 75% of infected people have no symptoms. Establishing a
sexual history is therefore important to identify women who are at risk of
chlamydial infection.
The rate of chlamydia is highest in sexually active teenagers. High
prevalences have also been reported in women seeking termination of pregnancy
(Table 7.9) and following intrauterine device (IUD) insertion for emergency
contraception. In 2001 the reported rate of chlamydia in England was 373/100
000, with higher rates being observed
Table 7.9 Prevalence of chlamydial infection in women (1944 years) reported from
various clinical settings in the UK, 19972001
Range (%)
General population
General practice
Gynecology clinics
Family planning clinics
Women seeking abortions
GUM clinics
GUM, genitourinary medicine. Data derived from Chlamydia Trachomatis. Summary
and Conclusions of CMO Expert Advisory Group. London: Department of
in Greater London and considerably lower ones in East Anglia and the South West
of England.
The incubation period of Chlamydia trachomatis is approximately 2 weeks.
The main sites of infection are the urethra and cervix, although the pharynx and
rectum may also be involved. When present, symptoms include vaginal
discharge, mild dysuria, intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding and lower
abdominal pain with dyspareunia. Contact bleeding from the cervix may be
noted on examination. Pharyngeal and rectal infections are usually asymptomatic,
although rectal pain and anal discharge may be reported. Rarely, Chlamydia
causes adult conjunctivitis, perihepatitis and sexually acquired reactive arthritis
(SARA). When transmitted vertically, the neonate may develop opthalmia or
pneumonia. Chlamydia is responsible for the majority of cases of PID.
Chlamydia causing only minimal symptoms and signs of PID can cause chronic
pelvic pain, tubal damage and subfertility. However, the risk of infertility should
not be overemphasized, so that the woman does not discontinue her method of
contraception. Chlamydial infection has also been estimated to account for 40%
of ectopic pregnancies.
A number of speciments can be used to test for chlamydia. Trained medical
professionals can take swabs from the cervix and urethra. The cervix needs to be
cleaned of excess mucus or discharge before swabbing. The cervical swab should
be inserted 12 cm into the cervix past the squamocolumnar junction and turned
several times in order to exfoliate columnar cells. A second swab is taken from
the urethra. The urethral swab is inserted 1 cm into the urethra and rotated 12
times. Both swabs are usually transported together.
First voided morning urine is an excellent specimen for nucleic acid
amplification assay. The first 1020 ml of the morning urine contain epithelial
cells from the urethra and may contain chlamydia. Urine specimens have the
advantage of being simple and non-invasive, but specimens need to be
maintained at low temperatures during transportation to the laboratory. Vaginal
swabs obtained by the patients themselves have also been shown to be good
specimens for chlamydia testing.
NAATs such as LCR and PCR are more sensitive than culture tests or enzyme
immunoassays (EIA or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)) and, if
available, are the diagnostic methods of choice. LCR and PCR may be useful as
screening tests as they can often be carried out on urine specimens, avoiding the
need for a vaginal examination. The full potential of these tests is still being
evaluated. Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) and culture tests are expensive and
unsuitable for analyzing a larger number of specimens. Culture tests are required
in forensic cases, such as rape, in view of their high specificity.
Uncomplicated chlamydial infection in non-pregnant women should be treated
with doxycycline 100 mg orally twice daily for 7 days or azithromycin 1 g orally
as a single dose. Women who are pregnant, lactating or who do not tolerate these
drugs may be treated with erythromycin stearate 500 mg orally twice daily
Table 7.10 Findings supporting a diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease
Oral temperature > 38.3C (> 101F)
Cervical and/or vaginal mucopurulent discharge
Presence of WBC on microscopy of vaginal secretions
Elevated ESR
Elevated CRP
Laboratory diagnosis of N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis
WBC, white blood cells; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP, C-reactive protein
for 14 days. Erythromycin leads to a slightly lower cure rate than doxycyline, so
patients treated in this way should be re-tested three weeks after completing
In the UK, there is no routine screening for chlamydia. Patients are tested for
chlamydia only when it is clinically indicated or to perform opportunistic
screening in high-risk groups. Table 7.4 lists indications when testing for STIs
(including chlamydia) should be instituted.
Pelvic inflammatory disease
PID is an ascending pelvic infection, which may produce a combination of
endometritis, salpingitis, oophoritis and parametritis. It may be complicated by
tubo-ovarian abscess, pelvic peritonitis and peri-hepatitis. It is usually related to
cervical infection with N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis. The latter is
responsible for most cases, although the bacteria may coexist. Anaerobic bacteria
associated with BV (bacteroides, anaerobic cocci) may also be involved in the
pathophysiology of PID. Other microorganisms found in patients with PID
include E. coli, Mycoplasma hominis and ureaplasma.
PID is more common in women under 35 years old and in those with multiple
partners or an STI. It is rare in pregnancy, before menarche or after menopause.
Hormonal and barrier (condoms, diaphragm) methods of contraception appear to
be protective. PID is not always due to an STI and can occur after a gynecologic
procedure in the absence of either chlamydia or gonorrhea. The risk of PID after
termination of pregnancy is approximately 515% and less than 1% following
IUD insertion. These rates are highest if there is a pre-existing cervical STI. The
risk of pelvic infection with an IUD in situ is only raised above the background
risk for 20 days after insertion. It has been demonstrated that the rate of
postabortal PID can be approximately halved when prophylactic antibiotics are
used at the time of termination of pregnancy. The Royal College of Obstetricians
and Gynaecologists Guidelines recommend that selected women are tested for
STIs and/or given prophylaxis before an intrauterine procedure (see page 59 for
reducing the risk of PID in women having an IUD fitted).
Women may be asymptomatic, but it is more common that PID presents with
lower abdominal pain, deep dyspareunia, vaginal discharge and intermenstrual
bleeding. The diagnosis of PID is usually made on clinical findings, as the gold
standard, laparoscopy, is rarely used. The only findings on examination required
to make a diagnosis of PID are cervical, uterine or adnexal excitation (cervical
motion tenderness) and adnexal tenderness. In addition, the patient may also be
Bacterial vaginosis
BV, also referred to as anaerobic vaginosis, is a cause of vaginal discharge but is
non-sexually transmitted. It is common with a prevalence of up to 20%. BV is
characterized by an altered vaginal bacterial flora with a preponderance of
anaerobic bacteria, such as Mobiluncus spp., Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteroides
spp. and Mycoplasma spp., and an absence of lactobacilli. The etiology of BV is
poorly understood. Although it is related to sexual activity, a sexually transmitted
pathogen has not been identified and BV can occur in women who are not
sexually active. There is an association with vaginal douching and the use of
BV may predispose women to postoperative pelvic infection, endometritis
after birth or termination of pregnancy, chorioamnionitis, second trimester loss,
premature birth and rupture of membranes. It is also believed to play a role in the
pathogenesis of PID.
Vaginal discharge and fishy odor may occur but approximately half of all
women with BV have no symptoms. As BV does not cause inflammation of the
vagina and vulva, a complaint of soreness or pruritis should lead to consideration
of coexistent conditions. The clinical findings are malodor and thin, grey,
homogenous vaginal discharge.
The diagnosis of BV is made if three of the following four criteria are present: (1)
thin white/grey discharge; (2) vaginal pH > 4.5; (3) positive amine test; and (4)
clue cells detected on microscopy of a wet mount or gram stain. Clue cells are
vaginal epithelial cells coated in Gram-variable bacilli that have a characteristic
appearance on microscopy. Where immediate microscopy is not available, the
history, clinical findings and a raised vaginal pH suffice for a presumptive
diagnosis. Setting up a culture for Gardnerella vaginalis is not helpful in the
diagnosis of BV.
Women with a diagnosis of BV should be offered treatment (Table 7.12), even if
they do not report symptoms as some may not regard their discharge as abnormal
or are too embarrassed to mention symptoms such as odor. Treatment is advised
for women with BV who are pregnant, especially if they have symptoms, a
history of late miscarriage or premature labor. The value of routinely screening
asymptomatic women in pregnancy has not yet been demonstrated.
BV may resolve spontaneously but recurrences are common and frequently
noticed after menstruation or intercourse. Treating the male partner(s) does not
prevent recurrence. Follow-up tests are not performed if the patient is no longer
Effect on latex
contraceptives is unknown
Second-line therapy
Miconazole (vaginal ovule)
Damages latex
Damages latex
First-line therapy
Clotrimazole (vaginal
Econazole (vaginal
Contraindicated in
The most notable symptoms are vulval pruritis and a white vaginal discharge.
Soreness and superficial dysuria and dyspareunia may also be present due to
inflammation and fissuring of the vulva. The clinical findings may vary from
very mild to severe vulvo-vaginitis with a typical white curdy discharge. Vulval
erythema usually has a marked edge and adjacent satellite lesions may be
Clinical features range from no symptoms or signs to a severe vulvo-vaginitis
with profuse vaginal discharge and abdominal discomfort, There is usually
marked erythema of the vaginal epithelium and the classic strawberry cervix is
occasionally seen. The discharge may be malodorous, blood-stained and frothy
and yellow/green in color.
The diagnosis, suspected by clinical features and a vaginal pH above 4.5, is
made by culture or microscopy analysis of a wet mount from a high vaginal
swab. As it has a low specificity, trichomoniasis suspected on cervical cytology
should be confirmed by culture or microscopy analysis. Both trichomoniasis and
BV cause a raised vaginal pH, but the former can usually be distinguished from
the latter by the presence of vaginal inflammation.
Oral metronidazole is recommended as either 2 g in a single dose or 400 mg
twice a day for
Table 7.14 Causes of genital ulceration
Herpes simplex
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Granuloma inguinale
Anogenital amoebiasis
Behcets syndrome
Crohns disease
Genital ulceration is common. Whilst the vast majority of cases are due to the
herpes simplex virus, it is important to differentiate between those that are due to
trauma, infection or cancer (Table 7.14). Traumatic ulcers are usually due to
chronic rubbing or localized scratching. Ulcers caused by infectious diseases
usually clear without treatment. Malignant ulcers, which may appear similar,
should be suspected by their failure to heal. A diagnosis should be sought in all
cases of genital ulceration.
Genital herpes simplex virus
Genital herpes, a common STI, is usually caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV)type 2 but an increasing proportion of new cases are due to type 1 (HSV-1). In
1998 the estimated rate of first-time genital herpes nationally was 103/100 000
women aged 1644 (Table 7.1). In London the rate was considerably higher at
almost double this number. A UK study published in 2000 found that the
prevalence of HSV-1 antibodies was 24.5% in a random sample of children under
15 years of age (almost certainly representing oro-labial HSV infection) and 54%
in women aged 2530 years of age. HSV-2 antibodies were detected in the sera
of 3.3% of men and 5.1% of women over the age of 16 years. Higher
prevalences of 10.4% and 12.4% were reported in London from antenatal
patients and blood donors, respectively. A representative national sample of noninstitutionalized US population aged > 12 found HSV-2 prevalence of 26% and
18% in females and males, respectively. Prevalence in African-Americans was
more than double that of the Caucasian sample. Higher prevalence for HSV-2 is
found in homosexual men, GUM clinic patients, HIV sero-positive persons and
commercial sex workers. Symptoms of genital herpes due to HSV-1 tend to be
milder and recurrences are less frequent. HSV is transmitted during genital and orogenital (including oro-anal) contact. Both types, most commonly HSV-1, can
also cause oro-labial and ocular herpes. Important factors in the spread of herpes
are under-diagnosis due to absent or atypical symptoms and asymptomatic
shedding. The incubation period is approximately 3 to 10 days.
Primary genital infection is the term used when initial infection with HSV-1 or -2
occurs. This is usually associated with a clinical episode. Common sites of viral
entry are the vulva, peri-anal area, vagina and cervix. There is cross-reactivity
between antibodies to HSV-1 and -2, so primary infection with HSV-2 tends to
be mild or asymptomatic in individuals with previous exposure to HSV-1 and
vice versa.
The first episode is the first recognizable clinical episode of genital herpes.
This can occur a long time after the primary genital infection. Thus, it is not
possible to be dogmatic about when the actual infection was acquired.
Recurrent episodes and asymptomatic shedding
HSV exhibits latency in the sensory root ganglion of the site of entry.
Reactivation can give rise to both recurrent symptomatic episodes and
asymptomatic shedding. A person with herpes can infect others when the virus
reactivates as they shed the virus from the genital area or mouth. It is not
possible clinically to detect when a person is shedding virus. The majority (about
70%) of cases of genital herpes are transmitted by viral shedding when the
patient is asymptomatic because people with herpes tend to avoid intercourse
when they are aware that they have a recurrence. Discordant couples who avoid
intercourse during identified recurrences have an estimated transmission rate of
10% per annum.
Clinical features
Primary genital herpes The features of primary genital herpes vary widely and
unrecognized infection is common. Primary herpes may be asymptomatic or
cause local symptoms at the site of viral entry and/or systemic illness. The typical
description of primary genital herpes is of a flu-like syndrome with fever,
malaise and myalgia. Associated autonomic neuropathy may lead to urinary
retention, constipation and aseptic meningitis. Rarer complications are skin,
joint, liver or lung involvement. Three to four days after the onset of the systemic
illness, multiple vesicles develop at the site of infection. The blisters can become
small, sometimes pinpoint ulcers, or coalesce to form a large lesion resembling a
syphilitic chancre. The lesions are very painful and cause severe dysuria and
vaginal, urethral or rectal discharge according to their location. There is
associated bilateral tender inguinal lymphadenopathy and edema. Complete
healing can take 23 weeks.
Recurrent genital herpes Individuals with recurrent genital herpes may
experience a prodrome, typically neuralgic type pain, tingling, itching and
hyperasthesia at a localized site where a lesion is to develop. The lesions are few
in number and tend to recur at the same site with each outbreak. Recurrences are
said to be precipitated by ultraviolet light, febrile illness, menstruation and
stress, although the role of these factors is debated. Recurrences are common in
the first year, especially in men and those with a prolonged first episode, but
become less severe and less frequent with time.
HSV from a childhood cold sore and genital herpes in adulthood. Type-specific
HSV serology is likely to become available in the UK soon, but its quality and role
in clinical management and screening are yet to be established. The psychosocial
impact of a diagnosis of asymptomatic HSV infection should also be considered.
Type-specific serology may be useful in advising patients with their first episode
of genital herpes, counseling asymptomatic partners of patients with genital
herpes and in the diagnosis of recurrent genital ulceration.
A patient presenting with genital herpes, in pain and unwell from a flu-like
illness, needs good symptom relief, clear factual information and time for
discussion. Follow-up visits and counseling are important, as psychologic or
psychosexual complications are common. Issues that may arise include deciding
how and when to tell new partners about herpes, feeling unclean and loss of sexual
confidence and libido.
Treatment of primary episodes with oral antiviral agents reduces the severity of
the illness and accelerates healing (Table 7.15). Therapy should be commenced
in the first 5 days of an episode or when lesions are still appearing. Warm baths
and oral analgesia provide symptomatic relief. Topical anesthetic agents such as
lignocaine ointment are also helpful. Increasing fluid intake and urinating into
the bath or shower can reduce external dysuria. If urinary retention occurs, it
should be managed by suprapubic catheterization.
Recurrences are usually managed with symptomatic treatment alone, although
episodic and suppressive therapy should be considered according to the
frequency and severity of the episodes and the impact they have on the patients
Episodic therapy is a 5-day course of antiviral medication given early in a
recurrence to shorten its duration. Suppressive therapy or prophylaxis, taken on a
daily basis, reduces the frequency of recurrences and viral shedding. A common
regime is to start with oral aciclovir 400 mg twice daily and titrate the dose
according to the number of recurrences. Supportive therapy reduces the
frequencies of recurrences by 7080% in those with 6 recurrences per year.
Prophylaxis is usually given for a year initially. Patients should be advised how
to recognize recurrences so that they can avoid sexual contact at the earliest stage
of an episode until the lesions have
Table 7.15 Five-day courses of oral antiviral therapy for herpetic episodes
healed. If they are not sure whether their symptoms are due to a recurrence they
should seek further advice. Condoms may reduce the risk of transmission from
asymptomatic viral shedding at other times, although the degree of protection is
uncertain. Asymptomatic shedding is more frequent in the first 12 months of
acquiring HSV-2.
The diagnosis should be confirmed before commencing suppressive or
episodic treatment. A GUM clinic, which may have a herpes or special problems
session, can provide testing, counseling and specialist advice.
Syphilis is a rare but important STI that may be evident on genital examination
in the early, primary and secondary stages. Syphilis is included in the differential
diagnosis of many conditions as its presentation is frequently not classical. It
may go unrecognized unless detected by routine testing in settings such as GUM
and antenatal clinics. Syphilis is caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum
which has an incubation period of 990 days, typically 21 days. In acquired
syphilis T.pallidum enters through the mucous membranes or skin and rapidly
disseminates throughout the body. The classic presentation of primary syphilis is
painless local lymphadenopathy and a single papule, which erodes to form a
painless indurated ulcer or chancre. The chancre heals in 48 weeks in untreated
patients. The secondary stage, which often develops 28 weeks after the
appearance of the chancre, is characterized by systemic symptoms such as fever
and weight loss, rashes,
Table 7.16 Tropical causes of genital ulceration
Hemophilus ducreyi
Chlamydia trachomatis
Granuloma inguinale
areas and are extremely infectious. Snail track ulcers may be observed in the
Early syphilis (up to 2 years, including primary, secondary and early latent1) is
highly infectious after which infectivity gradually declines. Late syphilis (late
latent2, tertiary and quaternary) has serious long-term neurologic, skeletal and
cardiologic consequences in 30% of those who are not treated. Sequelae include
dementia, sensory deficit, skeletal deformity and aortitis, which can lead to aortic
regurgitation and aneurysm. Congenital syphilis is now very rare, but is
preventable with effective screening and treatment.
The diagnosis is made by fluorescent techniques or dark-ground microscopy
of serum from a lesion, or more commonly by serology. Serological results
should be interpreted by an experienced clinician who can exclude the possibility
of previous treated infection, false positives and disease caused by other
treponemes such as yaws. Early disease is easily treated providing compliance is
good but serology often remains positive for life. Cases of suspected syphilis
should be referred to GUM clinics for diagnosis, treatment and partner
Tropical diseases
Chancroid, granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis) and lymphogranuloma venereum
cause genital ulceration with associated lymphatic involvement. Basic
information about them is shown in Table 7.16. They are common in many parts
of the tropics and are occasionally seen in the UK in patients returning from
overseas. If suspected, referral to a department of tropical medicine or GUM
clinic for diagnosis and management is recommended.
Genital warts and human papillomavirus infection
Genital warts are tumors caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are
over 90 subtypes of HPV, about half of these cause diseases in man. Genital HPV
is usually sexually transmitted and is the commonest of these infections with
over 30 HPV subtypes implicated, notably type 6 and 11. Genital HPV has a
prevalence rate of 2046% depending on the clinical setting and country.
Incidence figures for England are given in Table 7.1. Vertical transmission
during delivery occurs, but complications of this are rare. Young women usually
become infected with HPV within a few years of becoming sexually active.
1Early latent disease is asymptomatic disease without evidence of tertiary or quaternary
disease where the time from the original infection is known to be less than 2 years.
treatment. In view of these factors and as many treatments are uncomfortable and
inconvenient, the therapeutic options should be discussed with the patient. Some
will opt to remain untreated. Patients who are distressed may benefit from
GUM clinics provide a range of treatment options and wart treatment may be
available at convenient hours without an appointment. This is important, as
multiple attendances are often required. Ablative methods such as cryotherapy
and electrocautery are useful for keratinized lesions whilst cytotoxic methods
such as podophyllin and podophylotoxin are used on soft lesions. Electrocautery,
scissor excision, laser or surgical removal, trichloroacetic acid and intralesional
interferon are occasionally used in specialist centers. Podophylotoxin and
imiquimod (an immune-response modifier) are available for self-application and
can be useful for patients with external warts if they are confident in identifying
lesions, follow instructions carefully and are not at risk of pregnancy.
Progress should be assessed weekly until the warts have been eradicated.
Improvement should be seen within 3 weeks and resolution is usually achieved
in 6. Specialist management should be sought for patients who are
immunocompromised or who have warts affecting the vagina, cervix, urethral
meatus and anal canal. Sexual partners may already be infected with HPV by the
time warts
Table 7.17 Recommended treatments for external genital warts
Applied by patient
Podophillotoxin 0.5% solution
Imiquimod 5% cream
Administered by healthworker
Podophyllin resin 15% in compound
benzoin tincture
Trichloracetic acid 8090%
Surgical treatment
Shave and scissor excision
Apply twice daily for 3 days, followed by
4 days of no therapy. Treatment can be
repeated up to four cycles
Apply once at night three times a week for
up to 16 weeks. Wash area after 610 h
Apply with liquid or cryoprobe. Repeat
every 12 weeks
Apply to each wart and allow to dry; repeat
weekly as necessary
Apply to each wart and allow to dry; repeat
weekly as necessary
Scabies and pubic lice are frequently spread by sexual contact so testing for STIs
should be considered in infested patients. As the incubation period is
approximately 4 weeks for scabies and 14 weeks for pubic lice, sexual partners
should be treated irrespective of symptoms. Permethrin should be used with
caution in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Scabies is caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei that is transmitted by skin-toskin contact. It has an incubation period of approximately 4 weeks. Clinical
features include pruritis, a rash and signs of excoriation; burrows, frequently seen
on the wrists, elbows and web spaces; and nodules or papules, especially on the
genital area. Secondary infection can occur especially in those with HIV who
may develop highly infectious, extensive, crusted lesions. If the diagnosis is
unclear, mites can be observed on microscopy of material from the burrows.
Individuals and their sexual and household contacts should be treated, whether
or not they have symptoms, with permethrin 5% cream or malathion 0.5%
aqueous liquid. The treatment should be applied to the whole body from the neck
downwards, including the hands, and left on overnight for 12 h. If it is correctly
applied, a single treatment should be sufficient in the immunocompetent. Further
application may cause sensitization and thus worsen symptoms. Permethrin is the
preferred treatment for patients with HIV.
Crotamiton cream and antihistamines are useful for pruritis, which may persist
for several weeks after treatment, especially at the site of nodules. Bedding and
clothing should be washed in hot water or left unused for 3 days, by which time
the mites will have died.
Phthirus pubis (pubic lice)
Phthirus pubis is spread by close bodily contact and can affect hair on the face
and body in addition to the pubic area. As the louse survives less than 24 h
without the human host, fomite transmission is uncommon. The disease may be
asymptomatic. Clinical features include itching, a macular rash and the presence
of lice (crabs) and eggs (nits).
Malathion 0.5% aqueous liquid is recommended for the treatment of pubic
lice. Alternatives include phenothrin 0.2% lotion and permethrin 1% cream rinse
but these are in an alcohol base, which should be avoided by asthmatics and may
irritate excoriated skin and genitalia. Treatment is applied to the whole body and
dry hair and left on overnight for 12 h. Treatment should be repeated after seven
days to kill any newly hatched lice. Casts of eggs remaining attached to hairs
after treatment can be removed with forceps or by combing, but eggs seen at the
base of hairs may signify re-infection or treatment failure. Lice affecting the
eyelashes can be treated with aqueous malathion (which is not licensed for this
use), removed with forceps or coated with petroleum jelly twice daily for a
week. Bedding and clothing used in the previous 24 h should be washed in hot
water or left unused for 24 h, by which time the mites will have died.
The blood-borne sexually transmissible viruses, hepatitis B and C and HIV, are
transmitted vertically, by sexual contact, intravenous drug use and by treatment
or accidental inoculation with blood and its products (Table 7.18).
Table 7.18 Risk factors for sexually transmissible bloodborne viruses
Sexual contact with an infected individual or with a person with risk factors whose
infection status is unknown
Sexual contact with a person from a geographical area where HIV is endemic
Vertical transmission*
Intravenous drug use
Men who have sex with men
Blood transfusion or use of blood products
*Vertical transmission is not proven for hepatitis C. In countries where there is a high
prevalence of hepatitis B in the heterosexual community this is a common
mode of transmission for hepatitis B and the diagnosis may not be made until
adulthood. HIV transmitted vertically usually becomes evident early in
childhood; the risk varies between countries, it is negligible in the UK
onset of AIDS and death in many of those treated; it is of note that deaths due to
AIDS fell by two-thirds
Table 7.19 Approximate risks of HIV transmission in various settings in Europe and the
Female to male
Male to female
Receptive anal intercourse
Mucous membrane exposure
Needle stick injury
HIV-infected blood in blood transfusion
l:1000 to 1:10000
1:30 to 1:125
1:500 000 per unit transfused
between 1995 and 1999 and has remained at the same level since.
The risk of HIV transmission from a single act of unprotected vaginal
intercourse has been estimated to be approximately 1 in 1000 from a male to a
female and less for female to a male (Table 7.19). The risk is higher following
unprotected receptive anal inter-course. The risk of transmission from oral
intercourse is thought to be very low, but has been reported. The likelihood of
infection varies considerably according to the stage of disease, therapy taken by
the infected person and the presence of other conditions such as STIs. The risk is
increased if other STIs are present, if sexual intercourse takes place during
menstruation and in women with cervical ectopy. The risk for acquiring or
transmitting HIV infection is reduced in circumcised men. Condoms, when used
correctly, offer good protection against HIV transmission. Condoms or latex
barriers (also known as dental dams) are recommended for oral intercourse. The
value of prophylactic therapy after condom failure or unprotected intercourse
with an infected person is widely debated. Prophylactic therapy is not widely
available and each case should be considered individually. Prophylactic treatment
for needle-stick injury is more established and should be offered to those
affected. Without treatment, if the needle is contaminated with HIV, the risk of
infection is estimated to be approximately 3 per 1000.
Testing for the human immunodeficiency virus
Until routine antenatal screening was advised in the UK, women were less likely
to be tested for HIV than gay men and, if infected, were less likely to seek
medical care, take medication and to participate in clinical trials.
When HIV infection has been recognized, the patients immune state can be
monitored and, if appropriate, prophylaxis offered for the opportunistic
infections caused by Pneumocystis carinii and cytomegalovirus (CMV). Early
diagnosis in women gives the opportunity to screen more frequently for cervical
dysplasia and to provide appropriate counseling and medical management of
contraception, preconception and pregnancy. Cervical dysplasia is 10 times more
world. A child born with HIV despite these measures can benefit from early
intervention such as prophylaxis for P. carinii infection. Due to the
transplacental passage of maternal antibodies to HIV, the status of the neonate
cannot be determined until the child is approximately 18 months old; until this
time the HIV status of the child is referred to as being indeterminate.
Human immunodeficiency virus infection and infertility
HIV infection is not in itself a contraindication to infertility treatment and each
case should be considered on its merits by the general practitioner, gynecologist
and patient. Patients considering a pregnancy should see a specialist, particularly
if the couple are discordant. Women with HIV require information on reducing
the risk of transmission to their partner and fetus. Where the male partner is HIVpositive, recent work to reduce HIV transmission by washing semen samples
prior to insemination is encouraging.
Hepatitis A, B and C
All patients seeking consultation for STIs should be advised about hepatitis A,
B, and C. Although uncommon, some patients may present with symptoms, signs
or laboratory findings of viral hepatitis. This brief section is a reminder to the
healthcare provider not to forget that hepatitis A, B and C can be sexually
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV), which is transmitted via a
fecal-oral route. HAV has an incubation period of about 4 weeks (range 1550
days). It replicates in the liver and is shed in the feces. Over 80% of infected
people have symptomatic infections, but in some the infection is inapparent. Like
any enteric infection, hepatitis A can be sexually transmitted. Outbreaks of
hepatitis A among men who have sex with men have been reported.
In a recent survey of sexual behavior in Britain, 11% of women and 12% of
men reported anal sex in the past year. Inapparent fecal contamination may be
present during heterosexual intercourse. Many sexual practices and inadequate
personal hygiene also facilitate the fecal-oral transmission of HAV. Condoms do
not prevent the transmission. Vaccination is recommended for people at risk of
sexual transmission of the virus and for drug users.
Hepatitis B and C
Hepatitis B is caused by infection with the Hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV
replicates in the liver and is found in a high concentration in the blood and in
lower concentrations in other body fluids: semen, vaginal secretion, and wound
exudates. A person with a chronic HBV infection is potentially infective for life.
Transmission of HBV can occur in heterosexual partners and in men who have
sex with men.
Other risk factors for hepatitis B are essentially the same as for HIV
(Table 7.16), whereas hepatitis C is much less likely to have been acquired
through sexual intercourse. People identified as having HIV or hepatitis C
infection or who are carriers of hepatitis B should be referred for specialist care.
Those at risk of hepatitis B who are non-immune should be offered vaccination.
Hepatitis B is a notifiable disease. The incubation period for hepatitis B is
approximately 40160 days while hepatitis C serology is usually positive after 3
Benign breast conditions and screening for
breast cancer
Nikolai Manassiev
Breast disorders account for a large number of consultations. It is estimated that
30 per 1000 women consult their general practitioner about a breast problem
every year. In general surgical units, breast problems can occupy some 25% of
the workload. Breast disease presents as a painless lump in 35% of women, a
painful lump in 33% and as diffuse or generalized pain in the breast in 18%.
Nipple discharge is the presenting symptom in about 5% of patients and a
smaller percentage present as breast or nipple distortion, inflammation or eczema
or change in appearance in the breast or the nipple. The bedrock of diagnosis is
the so-called triple assessment or a combination of (1) breast examination; (2)
imaging (mammography, ultrasound); and (3) biopsy or cyst aspiration. It is
important to reach a diagnosis as soon as possible because women with breast
symptoms are commonly afraid that they have breast cancer. It has to be
emphasized that the majority of women who present with breast symptoms do not
have breast cancer. About half of all women who attend breast clinics are found
to have no abnormality on examination and investigation, and a further 40%
have benign disease.
Nomenclature of breast disease is confusing. The simplest classification is to
describe what is felt when the patient is examined, i.e., a lumpy breast or a discrete
lump. By separating a discrete solitary lump from the lumpy breast, women are
separated into those who will need further investigation and those who require
only explanation and reassurance. The discrete solitary lump can be a
fibroadenoma, a cyst or a carcinoma. Other discrete solitary lumps are rare and a
detailed discussion of them is beyond the scope of this review.
A lump in the breast needs to be at least 1 cm in diameter to be detected
clinically. About 30% of women have lumpy breasts. The preferred term to
describe lumpy breast(s) is benign breast change. Terms like chronic mastitis
or fibrocystic disease are meaningless and suggest that a histologic diagnosis can
be established at the time of the clinical examination when it cannot. The lumpy
breast may or may not be accompanied by cyclical pain associated with
menstruation. Women with no discrete lumps but with lumpiness should be
reassured. They should not be let to believe that they have a disease. Similarly,
young women who get cyclical pain for about a week before their mensessocalled cyclical mastalgiashould also be reassured. Brownish nipple discharge,
particularly from several ducts, is usually caused by duct ectasia and is a
common condition but not sinister. All other cases, particularly discrete lumps at
any age, should be referred to a breast specialist (Table 8.1). Difficult cases,
where it is not certain whether it is a lump or lumpiness, should also be referred.
Many women consult their doctors not because of symptoms but simply because
of a family history of breast cancer. It is important to explain to these women
that breast cancer is a common disease that makes it likely that in some families
there will be a case of breast cancer. One such
Table 8.1 Patients for whom referral to a breast specialist is recommended
Discrete mass
Persistent asymmetric nodularity
Nipple discharge, especially if blood-stained, profuse or in a woman above 50 years of
Nipple retraction or distortion
Severe mastalgia
Changes in the breast skin, i.e., dimpling, tethering, etc.
Relevant family history
case in a patients family history does not necessarily point to hereditary breast
cancer but that the individual may run a higher than average risk. There are
special cases where an individual is strongly predisposed to breast cancer and
these should be recognized and referred to a specialist unit.
Fibroadenoma is the most common benign breast neoplasm and accounts for
about 12% of all palpable breast lumps. They are particularly frequent in women
aged 1530 years. Fibroadenomas commonly present as a painless breast lump
and some 20% are multiple. Clinical breast examination reveals a firm, mobile,
smooth or lobulated non-tender mass. The impression of a benign tumor is
confirmed by imaging and fine-needle cytology. The natural history of a
fibroadenoma is that approximately 5% grow progressively, the majority remain
the same size and about 20% regress. In women under 40 years of age, small
(less than 2 cm) fibroadenomas do not need to be removed. If the lump starts to
grow, however, removal is indicated. Many surgeons recommend excision of any
lump in women over 40 years of age.
Breast cyst(s)
Benign breast cysts are common and most frequent in the 4050 year age group.
In one study of 725 patients who died from causes other than breast cancer,
microcysts (< 1 mm) were found in 37% of women and larger cysts were
detected in 21%. Breast cysts are frequently multiple, often asymptomatic and
are often discovered by chance by the patient. A solitary cyst is smooth and
spherical. In consistency it can vary from soft to firm to hard. Usually it is not
possible to demonstrate fluctuation, fluid thrill or transillumination. The clinical
diagnostic feature is its smooth round shape. When subjected to triple evaluation,
they exhibit specific X-ray features and fine-needle aspiration usually obtains
green to bluish-black fluid. Provided that no residual lump remains after
aspiration and the fluid is not blood-stained, cytology is not necessary. If there is
a residual lump, it needs to be subjected to biopsy, unless cytology suggests
otherwise. Recurrence of cysts is infrequent, but if the patient is known to have
recurrent cysts and presents with another lump, it is generally safe to perform
aspiration without a new triple evaluation. Figure 8.1 depicts an algorithm for the
management of breast lumps.
Breast pain
Breast pain is the third commonest presenting symptom of breast disease. Breast
pain is either cyclical, non-cyclical or does not originate from the breast. A
careful history and clinical examination usually can help distinguish between
these categories. Sometimes it is helpful to ask the patient to keep a pain diary so
that the nature and cyclicity of the pain can be established. Cyclical pain can
become continuous as it becomes more severe. If the pain is clearly cyclical and
the breast examination does not reveal a discrete lump, no further investigation is
needed. If the pain is of recent onset, non-cyclical and located in one breast only,
investigation with imaging is necessary. If the results of the examination and the
imaging are negative, the patient has to be reassured. If the imaging gives cause
for concern, a biopsy is indicated.
Non-cyclical breast pain has inflammation as the underlying pathology. It is
difficult to treat, but stopping smoking and a trial of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug may help. If the pain is localized to a single tender spot
within the breast, infiltration with local anesthetic and a corticosteroid may help.
Gamolenic acid is taken by many women, but it is not usually effective.
Cyclical mastalgia
This is a condition which presents with pain lasting typically for about a week in
the second half of the luteal phase. The pain is due to the effect of cyclical
hormonal changes in the breast, which may increase some 1015% in size
premenstrually. Common strategies to help women with cyclical mastalgia are:
properly fitting brassieres, danazol, tamoxifen and prolactin treatments, normally
tried in that order. Treatment of 812 weeks is recommended before assessing
the result and deciding to change. Diuretic therapy and supplementation with
vitamins B, B6 and E have not been proven to be effective. Dietary
manipulations (excluding coffee, tea and chocolate) can also be tried. Figure 8.2
represents a common treatment algorithm for breast pain. Until recently,
gamolenic acid was commonly prescribed for breast pain. However, because of
lack of effectiveness it is no longer available on the UK National Health Service
Figure 8.2 Management of breast pain. tds, three times a day; bd, twice a day; od, once a
Nipple discharge
Nipple discharge occurs in over 10% of women with benign breast disease and in
23% of women with cancer. In 5% of women consulting their physician for a
breast problem, spontaneous nipple discharge is the primary complaint. The
discharge can be clear, milky, bloody or of green/dark color. Bilateral nipple
discharge, clear or milky, in the absence of breast lump(s), excludes breast
cancer and indicates systemic cause, such as a prolactinoma or medication.
Unilateral clear or bloody discharge is commonly caused by duct papilloma or
duct ectasia. Pressing with one finger around the periphery of the areola will
reveal the culprit duct. Excision of a single duct is the recommended treatment,
so intraduct carcinoma can be excluded. Some practitioners evaluate clear
discharge with mammography and cytology, reserving duct excision for patients
with bloody discharge. Multiduct discharge due to duct ectasia does not require
treatment except for symptomatic relief. The patient should be advised to wear a
properly fitting brassiere and be discouraged from aspirating the discharge or
manipulating her breasts.
Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the UK. Two in five people
in Britain will have a cancer diagnosed at some time during their life and one in
four will eventually die from the disease. Some recent cancer statistics are
outlined in Table 8.2. Many forms of cancer are eminently treatable when
discovered early but the prognosis worsens the later the cancer is diagnosed.
Therefore establishing a screening program for the early detection of cancer,
preferably in the preclinical stage, makes sense.
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer after skin cancer. In
1998 it was the most frequent cause of cancer death among British women but
was overtaken by lung cancer the following year. Estimated lifetime risk of
breast cancer in British women is approximately one in 11, or 9%. Because it is a
cumulative risk estimate the one-in-eleven statistic, although accurate, is the most
Table 8.2 Cancer statistics for women (excluding non-melanoma)
IncidenceUK 1999
DeathsUK 2001
n (%)
n (%)
136 160
79 422
40 989 (30)
12 994
16 811 (12) Lung
13 038
14 737 (11) Colorectal
7 630
6 800 (5)
4 657
5 612 (4)
2 527
3 202 (2.4)
3 543 (5)
*From registration 1986-1990; data derived from Cancer Research UK May 2003
Table 8.3 Risk factors for breast cancer
Factors influencing risk
Residency in Western Europe or North
America vs. Asia
Residency in urban area
Higher educational status or family income
One first-degree relative with breast cancer
Two first-degree relatives with breast cancer
Premenopausal breast cancer in mother or
Nulliparity or late age at first
birth (> 30 vs. < 20 years) No breastfeeding
for > 6 months
Early menarche (< 12 vs. > 15 years)
Data derived from (1) Garber JE, Smith BL. Management of the high-risk and the
concerned patient. In Harris JR, et al., eds. Diseases of the Breast. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott, 1996:324; and (2) Feuer EJ, Wun LM. The lifetime risk of
developing breast cancer.J Natl Cancer Inst 1993;85:8927
cancer and 1535 years lost from cardiovascular disease. These calculations show
that, although breast cancer is an important cause of premature death, the number
of deaths it causes is approximately equivalent to that of lung cancer (a
predominantly preventable disease) and vastly smaller than that of
cardiovascular disease.
The background risk for breast cancer (Table 8.5) is different in different age
groups. For counseling purposes, one might consider providing breast cancer risk
figures for various time intervals, such as the next year, the next 10 years or a
Appreciating the magnitude of breast cancer risk is not possible unless a
comparison is made. To put this risk into context, it is necessary to give the risk
of other life events. Examples are given in Table 8.6.
High-risk groups and family history
Inherited mutations in the breast cancer BRCAl and BRCA2 genes predispose
women to both breast and ovarian cancers, often at younger ages. BRCAl/2induced cancer accounts for 57.5% of all breast cancer, the rest being sporadic.
The pattern of inheritance in families that are carriers of BRCAl/2 mutations is
autosomal-dominant, with 50% of the offspring inheriting the mutations. For
Table 8.6 Risk of death from various life events per annum
Life events
Relative risk
1:12 500
1:16 700
1:25 000
1:26 000
1:500 000
Life events
Relative risk
or any first-degree relative with bilateral premenopausal breast cancer; and (2)
High risk: any one first-degree relative, three or more second-degree relatives or
any second-degree relative with breast cancer before the age of 40 years. An
example of recently published guidelines from the British Association of Surgical
Oncology is presented in Table 8.7. The reader should bear in mind that
guidelines vary between countries and even within the same country, and do
change. Guidelines should be used to justify referral pattern at all times.
Clinical breast cancer
About 8590% of clinically discovered breast cancers present with a lump in the
breast; most of the remaining 1015% present with pain, skin or nipple retraction
(5%) and discharge from the nipple (2%); pain or swelling in the axilla is also
occasionally noted. Signs include a mass, tethering of the skin and reduced
mobility, dimpling of the skin and nipple inversion. Skin infiltration or erosion,
the classic peau dorange and axillary or supraclavicular lymph node enlargement
are signs of advanced disease. An eczematous nipple may be a sign of an
underlying intraductal cancer. Occasionally, the patient may present with
symptoms from secondary deposits, for example in the spine or brain. About 90%
of all breast cancers originate from the epithelium lining the lactiferous ducts and
ductules and are therefore typical ductal adenocarcinomas. The rest originate
from the alveoli and are lobular adenocarcinomas. Intraductal carcinomas of the
breast (ductal carcinoma in situ) without true invasion are early lesions, often
multifocal and are increasingly discovered during mammographic screening.
Breast cancer spreads lymphatically, both locally and to distant sites.
Hematogenous spread occurs particularly to bone, liver, lung, skin and the central
nervous system and can happen early during the course of the disease.
The diagnosis for a breast lump is established by clinical examination,
mammography and/or ultrasound scan, and fine-needle aspiration biopsy or
histology. Aspiration of cysts is easy and the finding of cysts with typical
greenish fluid and disappearance of the lump after aspiration make the diagnosis
of cancer extremely unlikely. Fine-needle aspiration cytology from solid lesions
is established as a useful and accurate technique. If there is diagnostic
uncertainty, a much larger piece of tissue can be obtained by core biopsy with a
wide bore percutaneous biopsy needle, which usually yields an adequate core of
tissue. Ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy, stereotactic biopsy and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI)-directed biopsy are important diagnostic tools,
especially for women with suspicious but non-palpable breast masses. If a
diagnosis cannot be reached after these investigations then excisional biopsy is
Five-year survival
> 90
Locally advanced
(stage 3)
Metastatic (stage 4)
Screen-detected < 1
cm or ductal
carcinoma in situ
Node negative,
histologic grades I
and II
Node positive or
histologic grade III
Large tumor or skin
Skin, bone, lung,
liver brain
Loco-regional and
Primary systemic
Primary systemic
Prognosis depends on the stage, histologic grade and estrogen receptor (ER)
status. Prognosis is best when there is no lymph node involvement and worse
when four or more lymph nodes are affected. Treatment modalities and survival
rates are outlined in Table 8.8. Breast cancer can recur many years after the
initial diagnosis and treatment. Overall survival rates from all stages combined
are 65% at 5, 35% at 10 and 30% at 15 years.
Hormone receptors in breast cancer
Normal breast cells have both estrogen and progesterone (PR) receptors. The
breast estradiol receptor content is 510% of that in the endometrium. ERs are
present in 65% of cancers in postmenopausal women, but only in 30% of cancers
in premenopausal women. ER and PR positivity denotes that the tumor cells are
better differentiated and have retained some of the features of the healthy cells.
ER-positive breast cancers are more likely to respond to hormonal manipulation,
thus oophorectomy can be avoided in patients who have ER-negative tumors. At
most 57% of ER-negative tumors will respond to hormonal manipulation.
Conversely, 3040% of either ER- or PR-positive tumors will respond; when
both receptors are present the rate is 7090%. Tamoxifen reduces the risk of
relapse and mortality by 25% and 17% at five years, respectively. Adjuvant
tamoxifen taken for up to five years reduces the risks of recurrence and death in
postmenopausal women independent of the ER status of the tumor,
independently of nodal involvement or chemotherapy. The same is true for
premenopausal women but only for those with ER-positive tumors. There is no
additional benefit from extending treatment beyond five years and there is an
trials. Survival, in itself, does not establish that the natural history of the disease
has been altered or that mortality has been reduced. Screening aims to detect
breast cancer at a very early stage when cure is more likely. Mammography can
detect cancers as small as 1 mm, which compares very favorably with clinical
examination. Mammography does not have 100% accuracy and negative
mammography does not mean that there is no cancer present. However,
mammography detects over 90% of all breast cancers. Mammography and
clinical examination are complementary and if there is strong suspicion of a
palpable lesion, biopsy should be attempted even if the mammography is
Single-view mammography uses a 1.2 mSv radiation exposure to the breast.
The lifetime risk of induction of a cancer from one such examination in this age
group is about 1:100 000. For women aged 4049 this risk is approximately
doubled. The risk of developing breast cancer naturally in any one year is about
120150 per 100000 women. The small carcinogenic risk of mammography is
justified on the basis that mammographically detected cancers carry a greatly
improved prognosis. Radiation exposures from widely
Table 8.10 Radiation exposure from various widely used diagnostic procedures
Diagnostic procedure
There are now several epidemiologic studies indicating that survival is increased
in women practicing breast self-examination and that cancers detected by breast
self-examination tend to be smaller. However, as discussed earlier, an increase in
survival does not necessarily translate into reduction in the mortality rates.
Although these results are promising, firm evidence that the mortality rate is
reduced is lacking and more data are needed.
Clinical breast examination
Clinical breast examination (CBE) has not been adequately tested against an
unexamined control group, and there is no experimental evidence that the benefit
of annual breast examination exceeds the possible harm resulting from falsenegative and falsepositive examination. Not surprisingly, recommendations
regarding CBE vary. In the UK, the Department of Health (the governments
advisory committee on breast cancer screening) has advised that breast palpation
should not be included as part of routine health screening. However, the
Canadian Task Force on periodic health examination, the US Preventive Services
Task Force and the American College of Physicians all recommend yearly CBE
starting from the age of 40 years. It is a well known fact that the mortality from
breast cancer in the US is lower than that in the UK. To what extent, if any, CBE
is contributing to the lower mortality is still matter of debate.
When performed by carefully trained medical personnel, CBE is quoted to
have a sen sitivity of 80% and specificity of 8896% at the first examination4.
These figures may look overoptimistic and non-attainable in everyday clinical
practice; however, on the other hand, they clearly show the potential of CBE.
This chapter was extensively reviewed by Dr J.Steel, Consultant, Breast
Screening Service, and Dr L.Chapman, Department of Surgery, both at Derifford
Hospital, Plymouth, UK.
Rimer BK. Breast cancer screening. In Harris JR, et al., ed. Diseases of the Breast.
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott 1996:318
Sexual function and dysfunction
Nikolai Manassiev
Sexuality is an important component of physical, intellectual, psychologic and
social well-being. This central role of sexuality in a persons life is affected by
health or illness and by many psychologic factors. Physicians have the
opportunity to assess the sexual function in the course of routine history taking;
however, this is rarely done. Additionally, many doctors are uncomfortable with
the patients questions about sexuality and feel uneasy about broaching the
subject themselves. In some cases, they feel that such questions are an intrusion
on the patients privacy, even though they realize that bowel and drug habits,
cigarette and alcohol use and reproductive status are also private matters. In
other cases, they believe that the patients sexual concerns are not of medical
significance or that their own ability to treat such concerns is limited. In this way,
they ignore or dismiss the patients concerns.
Patients may expect their physician to be an authority on sexual matters but
frequently are unable to express their concerns for fear of being criticized or
misunderstood. Surveys of clinical practices show that only 10% of patients will
initiate a discussion of sexual problems if the physician does not, but over 50%
will describe a sexual concern if the doctor provides an opportunity for
discussion. Thus, the onus of breaking the vicious circle of avoiding talking about
sexual matters seems to fall on the physician. Such enquiry may lead to a
diagnostic clue in an otherwise elusive diagnosis.
Concerns about sexual matters and sexual dysfunctions affect all ages. It is
important to remember that the demographics of the Western societies are
changing. There is an increase in longevity, which leads to two separate
phenomena. On the one hand, there is a large population of middle and retirement
age people who are spared the ravages of harsh physical labor, and who age in
good general health with a secure income. On the other hand, many patients with
previously untreatable chronic diseases, such as cancer, hypertension, angina,
diabetes, depression, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, live much longer
with an improved prognosis. In both groups, the presence of a sexual dysfunction
may completely spoil the enjoyment of better health. Therefore, it is necessary
This phase is characterized by sexual fantasies and the desire to have sexual
activity. It is distinct from other phases because it is psychological and reflects
motivations, drives and personality.
Arousal (excitement)
The physiologic purpose of sexual arousal is two-fold: (1) to facilitate the
painless penetration of the vagina by the penis and to reduce the risk of discomfort
and trauma during sexual intercourse; and (2) to induce a pleasure response
which will motivate an individual to seek sexual activity on another occasion.
Sexual arousal is dependent on sexual stimuli, of which there are two types:
those dependent on the brain (psychic), such as sight (visual), sound (auditory),
smell (olfactory) and sexual fantasies, and those dependent on touch (reflexive).
The latter can be effective independent of the brain, e.g., following spinal cord
transection. The most powerful of these stimuli is touch, especially of the
erogenous areas of the body. There is a wide variability between persons and
within the same person in sensitivity to sexual stimuli, which may be under
biochemical, hormonal, circadian or social influence.
Sexual stimulation leads to central and peripheral arousal and genital
response. Central arousal is the state of alertness that focuses the attention on
sexual stimulation. Peripheral arousal is increased sensitivity to touch. In the
female, genital responses include local vasocongestion, vaginal lubrication,
clitoral erection, uterine elevation and increased muscle tone. Local
vasocongestion leads to eversion of labia majora and minora, thereby facilitating
penile penetration. As a result of increased tone of the pubococcygeal muscle,
the lower third of the vagina narrows and the upper third widens and elongates.
The uterus occupies a higher position in the pelvis and the moisture of the
secretions facilitates penile entry and thrusting. The neural pathways controlling
these changes are via the parasympathetic sacral outflow of S2-S4 via the nervi
erigentes. In addition, there is involvement in the sympathetic nervous system
leading to increased alertness, rise of pulse and blood pressure.
Orgasm and resolution
It is difficult to define orgasm but two such attempts described it as an explosive
discharge of neuromuscular tension or simply as piercing sexual pleasure. In
the female, a few seconds after the start of orgasm, there is a
Table 9.1 Female sexual response cycle
Excitement phase
Orgasmic phase
Resolution phase
Time interval
Several minutes to
several hours
325 s
1015 min if
orgasm; if no
Excitement phase
Orgasmic phase
Inconsistent sexual
maculopapular rash
may appear on
abdomen, anterior
chest, neck, face
Nipple erection in
two-thirds of
women; areola
enlargement. Breast
size increases by
Enlargement in
diameter of glans
and shaft
Labia majora
Congestion and
edema. Eversion
Labia minora
Congestion, size
increases 23 times.
Eversion. Color
change to deep red
Bartholins glands Secretion
Color: dark purple.
ballooning of upper
third, constriction of
lower third prior to
Elevation in the
Resolution phase
orgasm 0.5 h to 1
Flush disappears.
perspiration on
palms and soles
Return to normal
size within an hour
No changes
Detumescence in 5
30 min; if no
orgasm, several
Return to normal
size in 115 min
Return to normal
within 5 min
No change
Contraction of
proximal labia
315 contractions of
the lower third
disappears in
seconds. If no
orgasm, in 2030
throughout orgasm
contractions of anal
Loss of voluntary
muscle control
Return to normal
Return to baseline
spasm of the muscles surrounding the lower third of the vagina, known as the
orgasmic platform, followed by between five and eight rhythmic contractions. In
some women, anal and uterine contractions are also observed. Orgasm is a
sympathetic reflex, and during orgasm there is a rise in pulse rate (up to 160
beats per minute), blood pressure (both systolic and diastolic: by 2040 mmHg),
respiration rate and pupillary dilation. Orgasm lasts between 3 and 25 s and may
be associated with a slight clouding of consciousness. After the orgasm, a period
of calm follows which is termed resolution. Various surveys suggest that 3050%
of women experience orgasm from coitus, a larger number from clitoral
stimulation, and 1020% do not experience orgasm in spite of being highly
aroused sexually. It appears that orgasm in women is not a purely reflexive event
as in men but is more of a learned ability. The number of women able to
experience orgasm increases with age. In adolescence only 50% of women
experience orgasm; this increases to 95% by age 35. In women, the refractory
period is not very well defined and some even question its existence. Kinsey
reports that 14% of women are capable of experiencing multiple orgasms. The
time course of sexual responses in the female is longer than in the male. A summary
of the body changes during the sexual response cycle is provided in Table 9.1.
Figure 9.1 represents the phases of the sexual response cycle.
The sexual response is a unique blend of psychologic and physiologic
experiences. Psychosexual development, attitudes toward sexuality and the
sexual partner are directly involved with, and affect, the nature of human sexual
response (Table 9.2).
Stress is a pervasive cause of sexual problems. Difficulties at work,
unemployment, money concerns, worries over children and interpersonal
conflicts all contribute to sexual problems. The presence of relationship
problems is one of the most damaging types of stress as the source of the stress
and the sexual partner are the same person. An example of relationship problems
is excessive politeness and consideration, presenting with a low level of sexual
activity, vaginismus or impotence. Another example is when the couple has
different sexual attitudes or different sexual desires. In some couples, there is a
protective realtionship problem. It happens when one of the partners who does
not enjoy sex at the best of times is protecting the sicker partner from the stresses
of sex on spurious medical grounds. We should not forget extramarital affairs,
which may lead to a lack of desire in the partner who feels betrayed.
For women, social class was found to have a smaller impact on sexual
behavior. Kinsey noted that some women could go through long periods of
sexual inactivity. He concluded that men are more responsive to psychologic
stimuli (fantasies and visual cues), while women require more tactile
stimulation, though they also respond to visual, sexually explicit material. Kinsey
reported that almost all men and 75% of women had masturbated at some stage
in their lives.
Research into the epidemiology of sexual function continues, and the results
of two cross-sectional studies of women in the UK and the United States are
presented in Table 9.4. The UK study found that sexual interest in women varies
across social classes. Impaired sexual interest was reported by 12%
Table 9.4 Results of two cross-sectional studies investigating sexual disorders in women
in the UK and the United States
Study 1 (%)*
Study 2 (%)**
Anxiety about performance
Help seeking
*Comprising 436 sexually active women aged between 35 and 59 years; **comprising
1749 sexually active women aged between 18 and 59 years
of classes I-II; 18% in class III; and 15% in classes IV-V. There was no
correlation of sexual dysfunction to menopausal symptoms. A history of
psychiatric problems was reported by 10% of those reporting sexual dysfunction.
Age, marital problems and neurotic predisposition were identified in 72% of
cases. Interestingly, even though 33% of participants were found to have some
form of sexual dysfunction, only 10% identified themselves as having sexual
problems, and this was not related to age. Even more remarkable, only 4% said
that they would commence treatment if available. The American study found
that single people were more likely to have an orgasmic disorder than married
ones. High educational attainment was found to be associated with fewer sexual
problems in both sexes. Risk factors for sexual problems were stress and a
deteriorating economic position (expressed as a decline in household income).
Arousal disorders were frequently found in women with adult-child sexual
contact or forced sexual contact. Sexual problems were more prevalent in
younger women and older men.
One American cross-sectional study of adults aged 6085 years found that
69% of men and 30% of women were sexually active, married ones more so than
unmarried ones. Among married couples 74% of men and 56% of women were
sexually active. The corresponding figure for single individuals was 31% for
men and 5% for women. Sexual activity correlated with incontinence, poor
mobility, heart problems and sedatives. Among married men, 3065% were
impotent, depending on age.
It is evident from many studies that the main sexual problem in women is lack
of desire, while in men it is erectile dysfunction.
In medicine, history and examination are the cornerstones on which diagnoses
and treatment strategies are made. In the field of sexual medicine, history is of
paramount importance.
Proper history taking requires a lot of time. Time is limited in outpatient
clinics and surgeries and that is why history taking has to be shortened and
concentrated on clarifying the presenting complaints and on the relevant
background features. The doctor should not be embarrassed, otherwise the patient
may retract or deviate from the topic. Openness, good communication skills and
tact encourage and promote frank discussion.
The presenting complaint should be explored in detail regarding its nature,
development and duration and the role of situational factors. Bearing in mind the
nature of the sexual response in women, questions should be asked regarding the
presence of sexual desire or aversion to sex, adequacy of lubrication, the
partners ability to penetrate, reaction to penetration, pain during or after sexual
intercourse and the ability to achieve orgasm. Questions should be asked about
the partners sexual desire, quality of erection, orgasm and ejaculation. Those
about sexual knowledge and expectations are very relevant: for example, the
patient may not be aware that coital frequency varies considerably and tends to
decrease with age and with the length of a relationship. Questions regarding the
quality and duration of the current relationship, previous relationships, separation
and infidelities should come next. Then comes sexual development, sexual
Table 9.5 Areas that should be covered by the sexual history
Nature and development of the sexual problem
Sexual knowledge and expectations
Relationship with partner
sexual relationship
general relationship
children and contraception
no sexual fantasies but is not troubled by it. Each of the diagnoses in Table 9.6 is
subclassified as (1) life-long versus acquired; (2) generalized versus situational;
and (3) etiologic/organic, psychogenic, mixed or unknown.
Problems of sexual response
Any part of the female sexual response can be affected. It is useful to have some
working definitions when attempting to evaluate and help women.
Sexual desire disorders
Low sexual desire If a woman can generate sexual fantasies and daydreams or if
she masturbates, then by definition her sexual desire is intact. If, however, there
is a lack of thoughts about sex or masturbation, or a lack of responsiveness to her
partners initiation, then sexual desire is said to be impaired. An estimated 17
30% (depending on the population studied) of women have a hypoactive sexual
desire disorder. Often, women presenting with low sexual desire disclose that their
partners desire is higher than their own. The presenting problem then is
discrepant sexual desire. However, sexual activity may still be present even if
sexual desire is low. For example, many women are sexually activebut only to
please their partner or to preserve the relationship. It has been reported that for
6% of women sex is an obligation rather than an enjoyable activity. Such women
are defined as having a low proactivity (not seeking sexual behavior) but an
intact receptivity (ability to respond to sexual advances). The presence of desire
depends on several factors: biological drive, good sexual experiences, the
availability of a partner and a good relationship in non-sexual areas. Damage to
any of these factors may result in decreased desire. Other factors that can
suppress sexual desire are depressants of the central nervous system, abstinence
from sex for a prolonged period of time, major illness or an affected body image
(mastectomy, ileostomy, colostomy, hysterectomy or vulvectomy).
Inhibition of desire may be a defensive way of protecting against unconscious
fear of sex or pregnancy. Loss of desire may also be an expression of hostility or
the sign of a deteriorating relationship. It is important to establish a baseline of
sexual interest before the disorder began because sexual activity varies among
people (one study found that 8% of couples have intercourse less than once a
month). The diagnosis should not be made unless the lack of desire is a source of
distress to the patient.
Sexual aversion disorders Sexual aversion disorders are defined as a persistent
or recurrent extreme aversion to, and avoidance of, all or almost all genital sexual
contact with a sexual partner. This condition goes beyond the simple avoidance
of sexual activity to include sexual panic states, sexual aversion and sexual
phobias. Some of these patients may have a normal sex drive and sexual
fantasies, and be able to enjoy autoerotic activity, but when confronted with a
sexual partner in a sexual situation, they may experience aversion to the partners
touch or to contact with the partners genitalia or semen.
Impaired sexual excitement (arousal)
Problems with sexual excitement present as either an inadequate physiologic
response to sexual stimulation (lubrication, swelling, etc.) or a lack of sense of
pleasurable feeling during sexual stimulation. It is thought to present in about
20% of patients. Women who have impaired sexual arousal often have orgasm
problems as well. Sexual arousal naturally fluctuates, with some women
reporting greatest sexual excitement immediately after a period and others at the
time of ovulation. Impairment with physiologic excitement can be recognized by
the lack of genital changes in response to effective sexual stimulation. It should
be noted that some women do not register that genital changes have occured
when in fact they have. Changes in testosterone, estrogen, prolactin and thyroxin
levels have been implicated in arousal disorders. The progestogenic effect of the
progestogen-only pill, antihistamine and anti-cholinergic medications can cause
a decrease in vaginal lubrication. An insufficient genital response may simply be
due to inadequate sexual stimulation. The lack of pleasurable feeling during
sexual stimulation is more likely to be psychologic, and numerous psychologic
factors are associated with sexual inhibition (Table 9.7). These conflicts may be
expressed through inhibition of excitement or orgasm and are discussed in the
section on Orgasmic disorders, below. However, decrease in sensitivity in
erogenous areas may occur with hormonal deficiencies (Table 9.8).
Orgasmic disorders (anorgasmia)
Anorgasmia is an inability to achieve orgasm by masturbation or coitus and this
accounts for approximately 5% of sexual disorders. A futher 1520% report
dissatisfaction with the quality of their orgasms. It can be an isolated problem
with sexual desire and arousal being intact. Often, however, excitement and
orgasmic disorders coexist and share the same etiology. Anorgasmia may be
situational, i.e., more commonly present with the partner and not with
masturbation (i.e., many women are orgasmic with manual stimulation but not
during coitus). Orgasm during coitus may be achieved by the combination of
manual clitoral stimulation and penile vaginal stimulation.
Table 9.7 Summary of psychologic causes of sexual dysfunction
Deteriorating relationshipanger/boredom/habituation
Lack of
trust between partners
communication with the partner about sex
Primary orgasmic dysfunction exists when the woman has never experienced
orgasm with any sort of stimulation. Secondary orgasmic dysfunction exists if
the woman has experienced at least one orgasm regardless of circumstances or
means of stimulation. According to Kinsey, the first orgasm occurs during
adolescence in about 50% of women, and this proportion increases as women get
older. Kinsey found that the proportion of married women over 35 years old who
had never achieved orgasm by any means was only 5%. Increased orgasmic
potential in women over 35 has been explained on the basis of less psychologic
inhibition or greater sexual experience, or both. Orgasmic dysfunction is a
common complaint. A number of psychologic, organic and iatrogenic factors
areassociated with inhibited female orgasms (Tables 9.7 and 9.8).
Sexual pain disorders
Vaginismus is an involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles and outer
third of
Table 9.8 Summary of organic and iatrogenic causes of female sexual response disorders
a) Organic causes
Estrogen deficiency
Testosterone deficiency
Addisons disease
Cushings disease
Spinal cord conditions (i.e., multiple sclerosis, trauma)
Lumbar canal stenosis
Head injury
Substance abuse
b) Iatrogenic
Mastectomy and other disfiguring surgery, e.g., colostomy
Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy/lymphadenectomy
Pelvic/vaginal surgery
Induced premature menopause
Dopamine antagonists
Antidepressants (fluoxetine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants)
-Adrenoreceptor antagonists
Combined oral contraceptives Antiandrogens
Vulvovaginal atrophy
Tight skin bridge or fissure at the fourchette
genital warts
Dermatologic conditions
lichen sclerosus
Vulvovaginal surgery
Lack of lubrication
Deep pain
Postoperative adhesions
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Inflammatory bowel disease
Ovarian cysts
Superficial and deep pain estrogen deficiency
Specific features of sexuality in the perimenopause and the menopause are given
in Table 9.11.
Table 9.10 Causes for decline in sexual activity in the puerperium
Breastfeeding causing
raised prolactin and low estrogen
milk release on arousal
Cesarean scar
Change of role to mother
Weight gain and poor body image
Fear of pregnancy
Disturbed sleep pattern
Redistribution of body fat, especially to the buttock and abdomen (middle-aged spread)
Vasomotor symptoms
Sex hormone deficiency affecting
sexual desire
Reaction to changed body image
Attitude to menopause
Marital relationship
Support network and coping with midlife crises
Society emphasis on youth and slimness
Table 9.12 Counseling women regarding testosterone implantation
50 mg implant over 6 months equals approximately 0.27 mg/day, which is similar to
the natural production rate of testosterone
Adverse side-effects include
oily skin
altered lipid profile
voice changes
Adverse side-effects are uncommon, but oily skin and acne are reported with
frequency. The incidence of hirsutism is less than 1% in our clinic. Alopecia,
voice change and clitoromegaly are rare, so it is not possible to give an accurate
estimate. Altered lipid profile does not represent a real problem. In our opinion,
testosterone supplementation is an under-utilized treatment option.
The author would like to thank Dr Fran Reader, Consultant in Reproductive
Health Ipswich Hospital, UK who revised the manuscript and made helpful
Further reading
Bancroft J. Human Sexuality and its Problems. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1989
Appendix I
Currently available combined oral
contraceptive pills in the UK
Hormone content
Ethinylestradiol and
Ethinylestradiol and
Ethinylestradiol and
Mestranol and
Ethinylestradiol and
Ethinylestradiol and
Ethinylestradiol and
Proprietary name
Microgynon 30/
Eugynon 30/Ovran
Loestrin 20
Loestrin 30
Hormone content
Proprietary name
Appendix II
Prevention of pelvic inflammatory disease
at the time of IUD insertion
management is to take tests for genital infections (see below) and if they are
negative to fit a device.
(5) Parous women over 35 years in long-term monogamous relationships:
There is no need to offer screening for STIs or antibiotic prophylaxis.
Antibiotic prophylaxis available in family planning clinics
Azithromycin 1 g stat and Metronidazole 400 mg bd. for five days.
What tests should be done?
When testing for STIs the following tests should always be done:
(1) High vaginal swab (charcoal transport medium) for microscopy, culture and
sensitivity (MC&S) analysis;
(2) Endocervical swab (charcoal transport medium) for MC&S analysis; and
(3) Endocervical and urethral chlamydia swabs for ligase chain reaction assays.
abstinence (sexual),
sperm count, 84
STI treatment, 138
acne management, 48
acrosome reaction, 79
actinomycosis, 58
activins, 21
androgen production, 2021
cardiovascular disease, 113
follicular decline, 31
infertility, 81
menarche, 2324
menstrual cycle changes, 30, 31
sexual response, 172173
alcohol and sexual response, 172
Allis forceps, 56
alveolar unit (breast), 11
Alzheimers disease, 118119
biochemical/pathological features, 118
estrogen, 118119
incidence/prevalence, 118
study, 118119
amine testing, 137138
anatomy and physiology, 112
androgens (female),
action, 17
infancy to puberty, 23
menopause, 31
physiological functions, 1921
potency, 17
production, 20
age, 2021
stimulation, 14
androgens (male), 78
production, 20
secretion rates/concentration,
anorgasmia, 176177
primary, 177
secondary, 177
anovulation, 8890
classification, 89
normogonadotropic, 8990
PCOS, 91
anovulatory cycles, 30
antenatal routines, 88
anterior pituitary secretions, 13, 14
antibiotics, interactions, 53
antioxidants, 131
antrum follicle, 9
anxiety and sexual response, 172
arterial disease, 47
menopausal, 109
rheumatoid, 48
assisted reproductive technologies (ART),
cancer link, 102103
complications, 102
low birth weight, 103
malformations, 103
medications, 100101
new developments, 103
safety, 102103
see also intrauterine insemination
in vitro fertilization (IVF)
atherosclerosis, 112
attachment phase, 80
axillary tail of Spence, 10
bacterial cervicitis, 139142
bacterial vaginosis (BV),
diagnosis, 144
etiology, 144
follow-up, 144
testing, 137
treatment, 144
balanitis, 144
treatment, 145
Bartholins glands, 1
basal body temperature (BBT), fertility,
benign breast change, 157
benign breast conditions, 157168
cyclical mastalgia, 159
cysts, 158
fibroadenoma, 158
lumpy breasts, 157
management, 159
nipple discharge, 157, 159160
pain, 157, 158159
management, 160
presentation, 157
referral, 158
bisphosphonates, 128129
formation, 80
transfer, 97
Depo-Provera, management, 63
HRT see hormone replacement therapy
Implanon, pattern, 65
menopausal see menopause
menstrual see menstrual cycle
blood-borne infection,
hepatitis, 156
see also human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV)
blood supply,
breast, 10
vagina, 4
blood vessels, menopausal symptoms, 109
body fat,
distribution in cardiovascular disease,
menarche, 25
body temperature see basal body
temperature (BBT)
body weight, menopausal health
improvement, 130131
bone mass, 114
BRCAl/BRCAl, 162163
guidelines, 163
risks, 162163
benign disease see benign breast
blood supply, 10
clinical examination (CBE), 167168
communications, 11
configurations, 10
cross-section, 10
cyclic changes, 11
pain, 157, 158
cyst, 158
development, 11
clinical approach, 157158
referral, 158
hormonal regulation, 10
lobes/lobules, 11
lump, solitary, 157
management, 159
lumpy, 157
pain, 158159
management, 160
pregnancy, 10
self-examination, 166167
procedure, 167
structure, 10
triple assessment, 157
weight, 10
breast cancer, 160166
clinical, 163164
COC, 47, 5152
incidence, 5152
death, 160
diagnosis, 163164
facts and figures, 160162
family history, 162163
hormone receptors, 164
HRT, 120121, 122, 132
mammography, 165166
accuracy, 165
risks, 165166
mortality, 160
origins, 163
presentation, 163
prevention, 164165
prognosis, 164
protective factors, 160
risk, 162
factors, 160
high, 162163
lifetime, 160
stratification, 164
screening, 165166
economics, 165
ideal criteria, 165
UK program, 166
uptake, 166
spread, 163
survival, 164
treatment, 164
breast feeding see lactation
Brevinor, 44
in fertilization, 7980
food content, 131
menopausal health improvement, 130
Canada, 32
cancer see specific cancers
candidiasis see balanitis;
vulvo-vaginal candidiasis
capacitation, 7879
cardiovascular disease,
age, 113
death, 113
estrogen deficiency, 113
estrogen replacement therapy, 113, 115
forms, 113
HRT, 113, 115
inflammation markers, 112113
prevalence, 113
risk factors, 47, 111, 130
cardiovascular system,
estrogen action, 20, 109
menopausal symptoms, 109114
testing, 137
treatment, 141142
Chlamydia trachomatis, 140141
menopausal symptoms, 110111
steroids, 14
Cilest, 49
climacteric, 23
clitoris, 2
fertility treatment, 9394
PCOS treatment, 91
risks, 91
side-effects, 91
menopausal symptoms, 111112
study problems, 112
coitus interruptus, 35
colorectal cancer, 119120
cause, 120
HRT, 132
incidence, 119
combined contraceptive patch, 54
interactions, 130
combined oral contraceptives (COC), 42
adverse events, incidence, 53
benefits, 43, 50
breast cancer, 47, 5152
cervical cancer, 52
classification, 4345
complication risks, 4546
contraindications, 48, 49, 50
dose, 43
efficacy, 45
examination, 52
family history, 4547, 51
follow-up, 5354
generation, 4345
gynecological history, 48
history, 4243
indications, 48
interactions, 47, 53
mechanism, 45
medical history, 4547
metabolic effects, 45
missed pills, 53
non-contraceptive benefits, 48
patient information, 53
phasic pills, 45
prescribing, 53
risks, 43
in perspective, 4952
smoking, 48
social history, 48
stroke, 50
venous thromboembolism, 51
compliance bias, 113
conception, 7881
conceptus division, 80
condom, 3637
advice, 3637
failure rate, 36
female, 39
frequency, 35
health benefits, 36
historical use, 35
non-contraceptive benefits, 36, 37
STI protection, 36, 37, 154
congenital malformations, assisted
reproductive technologies (ART), 103
connective tissue, menopausal symptoms,
Conova, 43
contact tracing, 135, 139
contraception, 3574
barrier methods, 35, 3640
female, 3740
see also condom;
diaphragm/cervical cap
developing world, 42
Double Dutch method, 37
effectiveness measurement, 35
emergency see emergency
failure rate, 3536
history, 35
hormonal, 4269
frequency, 35
new developments, 69
see also combined oral contraceptives
implants, 6365
see also Implanon
injectable, 62
see also injectable contraception
death, 113
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) (female),
infancy to puberty, 23
menopause, 31
secretion rates/concentration, 17
delayed puberty, 23
dementia, 118
demographics, menopause, 32
Depo-Provera, 6263
bleeding, management, 63
depression and sexual response, 172
developing world, contraception, 42
diagnostic procedures, radiation risks, 166
Dianette, 48
diaphragm/cervical cap, 3739
advantages, 37
efficacy, 37
insertion, 3839
patient advice, 38
practical considerations, 3839
spermicide, 38
STI protection, 37
types, 38
diet, menopausal health improvement,
donor insemination (DI), 9495
dopamine, 14
drug interactions,
antibiotics, 47, 53
COC, 47, 53
Implanon, 64
injectables, 63
Mirena, 68
progestogen-only pill (POP), 60
duct ectasia, 157
Dutch cap, 37
dysmenorrhea, 48
dyspareunia, 178
early menopause, 23
ectopic pregnancy,
causes, 141
IUD, 58
progestogen-only pill (POP), 60
egg donation, 99100
donor screening, 99
disorders, 86
low volume, 84
retrograde, 84
sperm after, 78
formation, 80
transfer (ET), 87
emergency contraception, 7174
efficacy, 72
hormonal, 7273
combined, 7273
indications, 72
IUD, 55, 56, 73
methods, 7173
progestogen-only, 72
efficacy, 72
timing, 72
endocrine gland, infertility (male), 83, 85
indications, 86
endometrial cancer,
estrogen, 121
HRT, 121123
incidence, 121
protection, 48
endometrial hyperplasia,
assessment, 122123
estrogen, 121
HRT, 121123
incidence, 121
endometriosis, 9293
diagnosis, 93
etiology, 92
HRT, 124
incidence/prevalence, 9293
symptoms, 93
treatment, 93
assessment, 122123
biopsy, 123
menstrual cycle changes, 2830
protection, 122123
shedding, 29
enterohepatic cycle, 107
environmental influences, menarche, 25
estradiol, 107
binding proteins, 15
FSH/LH control, 14
infancy to puberty, 23
perimenopause, 31
postmenopausal, 107
secretion rates/concentration, 17
decline, 14
estrogen, 106107
actions, 17
mechanism, 1719
bone mass, 114
cervical response, 5
cycle changes, 107
menstrual cycle, 27
perimenopause, 31
physiological functions, 1920
postmenopausal, 107
potency, 17
primary, 107
production sites, 107
sources, 19
stroke, 119
synthetic, 44
uterus response, 6
vaginal response, 4
estrogen deficiency,
associated disease, 106
bone mass, 114
cardiovascular disease, 113
states, 114
symptoms, 3133
see also menopause
estrogen receptor (ER), 17
activation, 128
menopause, 108, 109
structural domains, 18
tissue distribution, 19
types, 1819
estrogen replacement therapy (ERT),
cardiovascular disease, 113, 115
hot flashes, 108
osteoporosis, 116117
stroke, 120
estrone, 107
postmenopausal, 107
ethinylestradiol (EE), COC, 4345
benefits, 131
mechanism of action, 13
menstrual cycle, 27
perimenopause, 31
properties, 15
receptors, 13
secretion, 13
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (male),
follicular decline, 31
follistatins, 21
forceps, Allis, 56
fornices, 3
fracture, HRT, 132
Fraser rules, 73
functional ovarian cysts (FOC), 48
fundus, 6
gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), 87
external, 12
internal, 1, 24
genital tract,
infection, 133156
clinical features, 136
see also sexually transmitted infection
infestations, 153
menopause symptoms, 108
genital ulcers, 146450
tropical causes, 150
genital warts, 150152
complications, 150
diagnosis, 151
emotional/psychosexual difficulties,
incidence/prevalence, 150
incubation, 151
persistent infection, 151
pregnancy, 151, 152
sites, 151
subclinical infection, 151
symptoms, 151
treatment, 151152
vaccine, 152
genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic, 134
Gillick competence, 73
glucose metabolism, 111
gonadotrophic cells, 13
gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
see luteinizing hormone-releasing
hormone (LHRH)
gonorrhea, 139142
antibiotic resistance, 140
complications, 140
diagnosis, 140
incubation period, 139
rate of infection, 139
regional variation, 139
symptoms, 139
testing, 137
treatment, 140
Graafian follicles, 89
granuloma inguinale, 150
gynecological procedure, PID
following, 142
GyneFix, 55
efficacy, 57
hatching, 80
health resources, 105
healthy user effect, 113
hepatitis, 156
herbs, 129130
herpes simplex virus (HSV), genital, 146
asymptomatic shedding, 147
clinical features, 147
diagnosis, 148149
HIV infection and, 148
immunocompromised patients, 148
management, 149
neonatal, 148
patient advice, 149
pregnancy, 148
prevalence, 147
primary, 147148
psychosexual complications, 149
recurrent, 147, 148
symptom relief, 149
terminology, 147
management, 154
prevalence in pregnancy, 155
prophylaxis, 154
protection, 154
risk, 154
spermicide, 40
STI transmission, 133
testing, 137, 155
advantages/disadvantages, 155
early diagnosis, 155
routine, 155
vertical transmission prevention, 155
lactation, 155
human papillomavirus (HPV), 150152
see also genital warts
hyperprolactinemia, 89
hypo-estrogenism, 32
hypothalamus, 107
hysterectomy, 126
ICSI see intracytoplasmic sperm injection
imiquimod, 151
immunocompromised patients, 148
see also human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV)
Implanon, 6365
bleeding pattern, 65
contraindications, 64
drug interactions, 64
examination, 64
fertility return, 65
history taking, 64
insertion, 65, 66
mode of action, 64
removal, 65
side-effects, 65
timing of injections, 6465
implantation, 8081
implants (contraceptive), 6365
infancy, 23
infection see blood-borne infection;
sexually transmitted
infection (STI)
infertility, 75104
absolute, 83
causes, 81
clinical evaluation, 83
defined, 81
diagnosis, 83
epidemiology, 8183
female/male see below
frequency, 75
incidence/prevalence, 81
tests, 83
treatment in HIV infection, 156
see also assisted reproductive
technologies (ART)
infertility (female), 8794
anovulation, 8889
classification, 89
assessment, 88
causes, 88
duration, 98
endometriosis see endometriosis
FSH, 8990
hyperprolactinemia, 89
PCOS see polycystic ovary syndrome
damage, 87
evaluation, 88
obstruction, 92
unexplained, 9394
pregnancy rates, 93
treatment, 9394
infertility (male), 8387
azoospermia, 8485
treatment, 8687
distribution, 83
ejaculation disorders, 86
endocrine problem, 83
evaluation, 8586
indications, 86
history, 8384
hormonal tests, 85
obstruction disorders, 86
oligoasthenoteratospermia, 87
oligozoospermia, 85
physical examination, 8384
semen analysis, 8485
sperm leukocytes, 85
tests, 86
treatment, 8687, 87
varicocele, 86
infundibulopelvic ligament, 6
inhibin, 21
FSH/LH control, 14
perimenopause, 31
secretion decline, 14
injectable contraception, 6163
choice, 6263
contraindications, 62
drug interactions, 63
examination, 6263
history taking, 62
indications, 62
mode of action, 62
patient advice, 63
prescribing information, 6263
progestogen-only, 62
hypersecretion, 90
metabolism, 111
PCOS, 9091
sensitizing drugs, 91
internal genitalia, 1, 24
interstitial (Leydig) cells, 78
intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI),
birth rates, 99
concerns, 97
indications, 87
pregnancy rate, 98
results, 98
intrauterine device (IUD), 5459
actinomycosis, 58
action mechanism, 55
complications/side-effects, 5658
contraindications, 57
copper-containing, 55
ectopic pregnancy, 58
efficacy, 57
emergency, 56, 73
efficacy, 73
fitting, 73
expulsion, 56
frameless, 55
frequency, 35
history and examination, 56
insertion timing, 59
levonorgestrel-containing, 55
levator ani, 9
Levonelle-2, 72
follow-up, 72
prescribing, 72
timing, 72
Leydig cells, 78
libido, 170
life events, death risks, 162
life expectancy, 105107
health resources, 105
sexual dysfunction, 169
lipid changes, menopause, 110111
liver enzyme inducers, 47
low birth weight, assisted reproductive
technologies (ART), 103
luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome
(LUFS), 27
luteinizing hormone (LH) (female), 1314
detection, 88
feedback control, 14
infancy to puberty, 23
mechanism of action, 13
menstrual cycle, 27
ovulation, 88
properties, 15
receptors, 13
secretion, 13
surge, 26
synthesis and release, 13
luteinizing hormone (LH) (male), 78
luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone
(LHRH), 13
function, 13
half-life, 13
pituitary suppression in COH, 95
properties, 15
lymphogranuloma venereum, 150
malathion, 153
male reproductive system, 7578
male sterilization, 6970
reversal, 69
mammography, breast cancer see under
breast cancer
Marvelon, 44
mastalgia, cyclical, 157, 159
maturation, female, 19
mefenamic acid, 56
Meissners corpuscles, 2
age, 2324
body fat, 25
defined, 23
environment, 25
factors contributing to earlier, 2425
nutrition, 25
overweight, 25
preceding events, 24
underweight, 25
menopausal arthritis, 109
menopausal transition, 23
see also perimenopause
menopause, 3033, 105132
accentuating previous problems, 33
bleeding, 121123
assessment, 122123
causes, 123
cardiovascular system see
cardiovascular system,
menopausal symptoms
CNS changes, 117119
early, 23
estrogens, 106107
FSH/LH, plasma concentrations, 14
genitourinary/sexual symptoms, 33,
gums, teeth, wound healing, 120
HRT see hormone replacement
therapy (HRT)
life event, 105106
mood, 107108
non-hormonal strategies, 128131
skin, connective tissue, cartilage, 109
surgical, 108
symptoms, 3133
cardiovascular see cardiovascular
long-term effects, 33
psychological, 3233
vasomotor, 3132, 107108
testosterone production, 20
urogenital system, 108109
see also estrogen deficiency
menorrhagia, 48, 68
menstrual cycle,
anovulatory cycles, 30
blood loss, 30
breast changes, 11
cervical mucus changes, 5
clinical, 30
duration, 30
endometrial cycle, 2830
estrogen, 27
events sequence, 2530
flow constituents, 29
follicular phase, 2526, 29
FSH, 27
IUD effects, 5859
length, 30
LH, 27
luteal phase, 25, 27, 29
ovarian cycle, 25
ovary changes, 26
ovulation, 2627
preovulatory phase, 26
problems, 56
reproductive years, 25
serum hormone levels, 27
two-cell two gonadotrophin theory, 27
types, incidence, 30
Mercilon, 44
metabolism, 20
glucose, 111
metformin, 9192
Microgynon, 44
migraine, contraindications, 46
Minilyn, 43
Minovlar, 43
Minulet, 44
Mirena, 6769, 68
contraindications, 6667
drug interactions, 68
efficacy, 57, 68
follow-up, 68
history taking, 6667
indications, 6667, 122
mode of action, 66
PID risk, 58
prescribing information, 6768
Mittelschmerz, 40
molluscum contagiosum, 152153
morula, 80
mucus, cervical see cervix, mucus
Multiload 250, 57
Multiload 375, 57
Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene
Evaluation (MORE), 128
myocardial infarction (MI), 4950
natural family planning, 4042
cervix changes, 4041
mucus changes, 40
temperature change, 4142
nipple, 11
discharge, 157, 159160
stimulation, 11
nonoxynol-9, 40
Noristerat, 62
North America, 32
NovaGard, 57
Nova T 200, 57
Nova T 380, 57
nutrition, 25
obesity, 91
oocytes, present at birth, 7
oral contraceptives see combined
oral contraceptives (COC)
orchidectomy, 32
orgasm, 2, 170171
disorders, 176177
multiple, 172
orgasmic platform, 171
osteoporosis, 114
age, 114
bone mass, 114
classification, 116
COC, 48
defined, 114
development, 114
financial burden, 106
gender differences, 114
risk, 116117
risk factors, 114
screening, 116
treatment, 116117
symptoms, 90
treatment, 9192
posterior commissure, 1
postmenopause, 23
disease risk, 132
pouch of Douglas, 3
precocious puberty, 23
breast changes, 10
earliest recognition, 81
ectopic see ectopic pregnancy
genital warts, 151152
HIV rate, 155
HSV infection, 148
multiple , COH, 102
prolactin levels, 14
rates, 36
intracytoplasmic sperm injection
(ICSI), 98
in vitro fertilization (IVF), 98
sexual activity, 179
sexual dysfunction, 179180
steps required, 81
uterus growth, 6
premature menopause, 23
premature ovarian failure (POF), 127
primary care, STI management, 134
action, 17
cervical mucus changes, 5
high plasma levels, 14
physiological functions, 1920
potency, 17
secretion rates/concentration, 17
structure, 14
progestogen-only pill (POP), 6061
action mode, 60
choice of pill, 61
contraindications, 60
drug interactions, 60
ectopic pregnancy, 60
efficacy, 60
examination, 61
follow-up, 61
history taking, 60
indications, 60
prescribing information, 61
side-effects, 61
progestogen, synthetic, 44
prolactin, 14
elevated, 89
inhibition, 14
pregnancy, 14
production, 14
properties, 15
release, 14
psychosexual difficulties,
genital warts, 151
herpes simplex virus infection, 149
see also sexual dysfunction
puberty (female), 23
breast development, 11
delayed, 23
hormones, 19, 23
mechanisms initiating, 23
precocious, 23
puberty (male), 78
pubic lice, 153
pudendal nerve, 2
puerperium, 179180
pulmonary embolism (PE),
cause, 123
HRT, 132
raloxifene, 128
breast cancer, 164
reproductive cycle, 2334
reproductive health, 32
reproductive life, 23
reproductive system (male), 7578
rheumatoid arthritis, 49
rifabutin, 47
rifampicin, 47
scabies, 153
Schering PC4, 72
follow-up, 73
prescribing, 73
timing, 72
schizophrenia, 172
selective estrogen receptor modulators
(SERS), 128
mechanism, 128
analysis, 84
constituents, 78
Sertoli cells, 78
sex drive, 170
sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG),
increase, 20
testosterone, 1415
sex steroids, 17
sexual assault, 135
sexual aversion disorders, 176
sexual desire, 170
factors, 176
problems, 175176
treatment, 179
sexual dysfunction, 169181
age, 174
common problems, 175178
diagnosis and management, 178179
embarrassment, 169
epidemiology, 173174
iatrogenic causes, 177
menopause, 179180
organic causes, 177
pain disorders, 177178
physicians role, 169
pregnancy/puerperium, 179180
psychological causes, 177
sexual history, 174175
sexual response problems, 175178
women/men, 174
sexual history,
sexual dysfunction, 174175
STI, 135136
sexuality, importance, 169
sexually transmitted infection (STI), 133
abstinence, 138
blood-borne, 153156
risk factors, 154
burden, 133
clinical features, 136
considerations, 134
contact tracing, 135, 139
diagnosis, 137138
amine testing, 137138
early, 133
examination, 137
impact, 134
pH testing, 137138
see also testing (below)
epidemiology, 133, 133
follow-up, 139
incurable viral, 139
IUD risks, 56, 5859
lesbians, 135
management in primary care, 134
condom, 36
diaphragm, 37
female condom, 39
spermicide, 40
referral to GU clinic, 134135
sexual assault, 135
sexual history, 135136
specimen storage/transport, 138
indications, 136137
limitations, 136
transmission, 133
treatment, 138139
antimicrobial, 138
delay in seeking, 133
epidemiological grounds, 138
see also specific diseases
sexual response, 169175
age, 171173
alcohol, 172
cycle, 170172
depression, 172
education, 174
epidemiology, 173174
excitement, 170
impaired, 176
factors, 173
marital status, 174
reasons to have sex, 169170
refractory period, 171172
resolution, 170171
social class, 173174
stress, 172
sickle cell disease, contraception, 46
skin, menopause, 109
COC, 48
tamoxifen, 128
breast cancer, 164
temperature measurement see basal body
temperature (BBT)
termination, HIV rate, 155
terminology, 2324
testis, 75
testosterone (female),
binding proteins, 1415
circulating, 20
infancy to puberty, 23
menopause, 31
production, 20
postmenopause, 20
premenopause, 20
secretion rates/concentration, 17
testosterone (male), 78
testosterone patches, 180
thromboembolism see venous
thromboembolism (VTE)
familial, 124
prevalence, 123124
Today sponge, 39
Trichomonas vaginalis, 137
trichomoniasis, 146
tropical disease, 150
T-Safe Cu, 57
tubal obstruction, 92
Turners syndrome, 127
ulcers, genital see genital ulcers
underweight, menarche, 25
urethral tests, 137
urethrovaginal septa, 23
urge syndrome, 108
urinary tract, menopause symptoms, 108
uteroovarian ligament, 6
uterus, 46
anterior view, 6
body, 56
estrogen response, 6
frontal section, 4
growth potential, 6
parts, 4
perforation, 58
pregnancy, 6
sperm travel, 78
see also endometrium
Utrogestan, 122
Vabra, 123
vagina, 24
age, 172
blood supply, 4
epithelium, 34
cell types, 4
estrogen response, 4
flora, 143
histology, 34
infection, 143146
length, 3
menopause symptoms, 33, 108
pH, 4, 143
STI, 137138
vaginal discharge,
abnormal, 143
STI, 137138, 143
vaginal swab, 137
vaginismus, 177178
vaginosis, bacterial see bacterial vaginosis
varicocele, 86
vasectomy, 6970
advice, 69
complications, 69, 70
procedure, 69
reversal, 69
failed, 84
vault cap (Dumas), 37
venous disease, 47
venous thromboembolism (VTE),
COC, 51
common form, 123
Dianette, 48
family history, 51
HRT, 123124
risks, 51
vesicovaginal septa, 23
vestibule, 1
vimule, 37
viral infection,
genital tract, 150153
incurable, 139
see also herpes simplex virus (HSV),
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
vitamin D, 130
vulva, 2
vulvar vestibulitis, 178
vulvectomy, 2
vulvo-vaginal candidiasis, 144146
diagnosis, 145
factors, 144
prophylaxis, 145146
recurrent, 145
testing, 137
treatment, 145146
warts, genital see genital warts
menopausal health improvement, 130
under/overweight, menarche, 25
World Health Organization (WHO),
osteoporosis classification, 116
Yasmin, 4445
young people, contraception, 7374
Young syndrome, 85
zidovudine, 155
zona pellucida (ZP), 79
zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), 87