Risk Assessment: Fig. 1 - Example of Failure Mode, Failure Cause, Task and Monitoring
Risk Assessment: Fig. 1 - Example of Failure Mode, Failure Cause, Task and Monitoring
Risk Assessment: Fig. 1 - Example of Failure Mode, Failure Cause, Task and Monitoring
Inspection or Maintenance Task - measure gas pressure and temperature monthly - replace gasket and seals every five years - maintain thermal insulation and heater circuits
Monitoring schemes - continuously measure gas temperature and pressure, convert to gas density; advise at limits - measure gas density directly - monitor interrupter & ambient temperature, heater current
Risk Assessment
Risk can be defined as the product of the probability of an event occurring and the consequences if that event should occur. Risk can be quantified using a matrix of these products. Using a ranking system such as shown in fig 6, risk can be ranked from highest to lowest. In this case numbers 1 to 4 are high priority, numbers 5 through 9 are medium priority and numbers 10 through 20 are low priority. In this manner, any issue such as utility financial impact, customer impact, safety, environment, legal or other issues can be ranked in the criticality assessment. Evaluations sometimes refer to risk as criticality. Risk Matrix (Risk probability of an event occurring consequences if that event should occur) Consequence Probability 1 2 3 4 5 ranking Frequent Probable Occasional Remote Improbable 1 Catastrophic 2 Critical 3 Moderate 4 Negligible A A A A A A B B A B B C Fig. 2 Risk Matrix B B C C B C C C
Level of Risk A B C
Assistance in quantifying descriptions of probability levels, consequential impact and resulting risk levels are provided in reference [3]. These numeric or text descriptors must be tailored to the specific users circumstances.
that have a high criticality. The same methods can be directed to selecting monitoring which is directly related to advising condition or impending failure information. Reliability Centered Maintenance is a technique aimed at identifying the most appropriate inspection and maintenance tasks in order to preserve functional reliability. It can be a logic aimed at components or at defined systems. The steps of RCM implementation should included: define RCM system boundary and interface(s) define functional and reliability requirements of RCM system use failure modes and effects, (criticality) analysis (FMEA or FMECA), to identify the failure modes, their possible and probable causes, the system and component effect(s) of that failure and the criticality involved. Criticality is viewed in the concept of risk i.e. being made up of consequences of an event factored with the probability of the event. Therefore risk identification is an integral part of RCM. assign inspection and maintenance tasks which are directed to preventing the identified failure causes in accordance with the criticality identified. The inspection and maintenance tasks must be appropriate, effective, efficient and economic. The inspection or maintenance task also takes into consideration the broad range of breakdown (run-to-failure), preventative and predictive maintenance tasks as well as inspection tasks while considering the failure characteristic of the devices, components or system. collect applicable information to continuously improve the RCM maintenance program through appropriate feedback of information. Refinement of the maintenance triggers is a goal of this phase of RCM. As-found condition, periodic inspections and most of all, on-line condition monitoring are aids to refining knowledge of the equipment condition. Manual inspection can trigger appropriate maintenance if a failure characteristic can be observed and a predictable pattern recognized. Continuous condition monitoring is the only effective choice if the failure characteristic can not be identified by routine inspection or the failure development time is shorter than the inspection period. Inspection and maintenance are only appropriate if it is effective at preventing failure. Some failure characteristics are not predictable in advance or identifiable with routine inspection or maintenance. Continuous monitoring can be justified on the basis of knowing equipment conditions as well as providing maintenance triggers. These considerations need to be factored into the selection of on-line condition monitoring as the solution of choice or in some cases the only available solution.
Inspection Costs Considerations actual inspection labor travel time and costs contractor services training time and costs reporting & inputting data analyzing results clerical support personnel technical and management support of inspection activity, corporate resource overheads and loading associated with the inspection function vehicles, materials and supplies, machinery and instrumentation
Maintenance Costs Considerations actual maintenance labor travel time and costs contractor services training time and costs reporting & inputting data analyzing results clerical support personnel technical and management support of maintenance activity, corporate resource overheads and loading associated with the maintenance function vehicles, materials and supplies, machinery and instrumentation spare parts spare parts management, procurement, warehousing, delivery, interest consumable material and supplies preparation of power system switching schedules and orders, issuing of safe work permits power system switching effort, installation and removal of workers protective grounding power system outage costs e.g. increased losses, loss of revenue possible damage to facilities required by maintenance access
Failure Resolution Considerations actual failure analysis labor travel time and costs contractor services training time and costs reporting & inputting data analyzing results clerical support personnel technical and management support of restoration activity, corporate resource overheads and loading associated with the restoration function
vehicles, materials and supplies, machinery and instrumentation spare parts and spare equipment spare parts and equipment management, procurement, warehousing, delivery, interest consumable material and supplies preparation of power system switching schedules and orders, issuing of safe work permits power system switching effort for initial and final restoration, installation and removal of workers protective grounding power system outage costs e.g. increased losses, loss of revenue damaged equipment, damage to adjacent facilities, equipment & facilities rebuild apportioned cost of system spares, purchase of replacement equipment or components outage costs (loss of revenue, customer cost of un-supplied energy, overtime, etc.) diagnostics and failure investigation in and out costs of failed equipment and replacement equipment, transportation other costs ???
Failure Statistics
Competition and re-regulation of the electric utility industry have tended to restrict the sharing of equipment performance information to the detriment of the industry as a whole. Never the less, there are several valuable sources of equipment performance data. [3,7,8,9,10]. Equipment operators and owners are encouraged to maintain equipment performance and failure data correlated with actual service conditions.
SF6 circuit breaker measured parameter - interrupter gas pressure - interrupter gas temperature with the addition of - time
additional information yielded interrupter gas density - gas leakage rate - prediction of gas replenishment
- start of trip coil current - auxiliary switch a & b - time with the addition of - duration of trip coil current - primary current
- closer approximation of tapchanger wear based on operation of diverter and reversing switches, frequency of operation
with the addition of - tapchanger position - tapchanger motor drive operating current - time - power system voltage transformer load voltage
- knowledge of wear on each selector and reversing switch and direction of tapchanges, - knowledge of tapchanger mechanism operating time and condition - knowledge of time of day at each tap position - check that tapchanger is adequately controlling transformer voltage fig. 5 - Example combining of transformer parameters
An example for a single pressure SF6 circuit breaker with a spring mechanism is shown in figure A10 and examined in figure A11. An example of a transformer with a tapchanger is shown in figure A12 and examined in figure A13.
Understanding the condition of substation power equipment has an inherent value based on preventing failure, maximizing future operation of the equipment, appropriately scheduling and determining the extent of inspections and maintenance, providing for personnel safety and protecting the environment. Monitoring has a net value based on the differential between all costs and all benefits. On-line condition monitoring can be an effective, economic and efficient means of gaining the required understanding of equipment condition if the appropriate combination of parameters to be monitored, the appropriate monitor(s), and the appropriate degree of monitoring is matched with the value provided by the specific substation power equipment in the overall power system. The challenge is to gather the combined talents of equipment manufacturers, users of equipment, manufacturers of monitoring devices and systems integrators to develop seamless, automated, delivery of operating and equipment condition information in an effective, efficient and economic manner. Some of the CEA Project Team general conclusions relating to the direct application of on-line condition monitoring are listed below:
Knowledge of Equipment Condition Data is already collected on some equipment conditions which can be combined with additional sources to provide much more useful information. Much can be learned about the condition of equipment from combining parameters, many of which are already available in the substation. Condition monitoring contributes to improved equipment knowledge and performance. Condition monitoring identifies areas for equipment design changes. Monitoring information on a sample population can be extrapolated to a larger population of similar/identical equipment. Monitoring efforts must be directed where the greatest benefit can be realized. Monitoring Implementation Current data collection is not integrated. Monitoring needs to provide operating and maintenance information by the use of smart data conversion to appropriate and useful information. New monitoring sensors are required for some applications.
Implementation of condition monitoring within a utility requires a collaborative effort between equipment, maintenance, P&C, SCADA and communications engineering and software developer disciplines. A collaborative approach with all expertise would result in a more effective end product, i.e. manufacturers and utility users, protection and control, electronic sensor industry and data management and communication industries. Practices Associated with Monitoring The use of RCM and FME(C)A principles would assist in selecting and optimizing the most appropriate attributes monitored for any given situation and equipment. Scheduled maintenance alone is effective for certain failure characteristics that show gradual signs of impending failure. On-line condition monitoring is the only effective maintenance triggering method where scheduled maintenance is unable to detect or prevent failure. Centralized records of failure causes and remedies are needed. Because of proprietary information concerning specific data, a trusted holder of the records must be named. Data collection for substation equipment needs to be age-related. The greatest benefit will come from addressing equipment that has the highest risks associated with failure. Failure analysis is critical; use of standardized diagnostic and failure investigation guides is encouraged. The full cost and benefit of monitoring needs to be recognized and established when applying monitoring. Monitoring Standards Required There is an urgent need for standards for on-line condition monitoring. No overall strategy appears to exist within utilities for the application of on-line condition monitoring to substation power equipment. Current on-line condition monitoring applications are implemented mostly on an ad hoc or experimental basis.
A broad perspective such as: Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), directed at preserving function and Failure Mode and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA) techniques directed at identifying specific failure causes of functional failure modes, is suggested as a strategy for identifying and selecting condition monitoring opportunities. Research on failure causes and evolution must continue. Improved monitoring sensors are required. Individual on-line monitoring efforts need to integrate with the larger and longer term issues identified in the CEA and this report. Standardization of on-line condition monitoring systems and protocols is required. Optimize costs with a stepped or modular approach to on-line condition monitoring implementation. Optimize use of currently collected data. Future advances in on-line monitoring must be integrated into current systems. Expert systems need to be developed for on-line monitoring to translate data rapidly into recommended action. Form a user group from utilities and manufacturing groups to
Lobby for international standards for condition monitoring systems Develop common reporting systems Develop a database of failures prevented by on-line monitoring Provide education and training for condition monitoring systems Develop a page on the World Wide Web devoted to sensors and monitoring schemes available for condition monitoring. Advise existing and potential manufacturers of monitoring systems. Develop expert rule base for various sensor and equipment combinations.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND RECOGNITION OF OTHERS WORK CEA Project 485T1049 On-line condition monitoring of substation power equipment utility needs January 1997
This report uses many of the above techniques to determine utility needs for substation power equipment monitoring. It also discusses the integration of monitor and existing signals to provide greater information to the utility. The report was prepared by BC Hydro (chaired by D. Peelo), Ontario Hydro and TransAlta Utilities with the input from Hydro Quebec and SaskPower. The report contains essential information, conclusions and recommendations for anyone involved with developing, selecting or applying or integrating on-line condition monitoring. (chaired by D. Peelo, BC Hydro)
A value based methodology for selecting on-line condition monitoring of substation power equipment. EPRI Substation Equipment Diagnostics Conference V, 1997
A methodology is developed to determine which equipment should be equipped with selected monitoring devices to gain the greatest value. The methodology is based on the CEA report On-line condition monitoring of substation power equipment - utility needs. (Adapted from CEA Project 485T1049 On-Line Condition Monitoring of Substation Power Equipment - Utility Needs January 1997, by W. Bergman on behalf of committee D. Peelo (chair), Dave Short, Dave Eden, John Meehan, and Cochrane Yung).
IEEE draft C37.10.1 Guide for the Selection of Monitoring for Circuit Breakers
This guide (draft) uses the above techniques to address the specific selection of monitoring for circuit breakers. It includes a description of circuit breaker failure modes and failure characteristics aligned with appropriate monitoring techniques. The methodology is transferable to other components. (chaired by W. Bergman, TransAlta Utilities).
[1] Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) CEA Project No. 485T1049 On-line Condition Monitoring of Substation Power Equipment - Utility Needs January 1997. [2] A value based methodology for selecting on-line condition monitoring of substation power equipment, EPRI, Substation Equipment Diagnostics Conference V, New Orleans, LA, February 17 - 19, 1997. [3] Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) Forced Outage Performance of Transmission Equipment for Periods January 1, 1988 to December 31, 1992 (available for five year windows of performance data). [4] Canadian Standards Association (CSA) CAN/CSA-Q634-M91Risk Analysis Requirements and Guidelines. [5] IEC 812 Analysis techniques for system reliability - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) 1985 first edition. [6] IEC 1025 Fault tree analysis (FTA) 1990-10 first edition.
[7] The First International enquiry on Circuit Breaker Failures & Defects in Service CIGRE ELECTRA No. 79, Dec 1985, pp. 21 - 91. {20,000 circuit breakers of all types >63 kV for the years 1974 through 1977; (77,892 circuit-breaker-years)}.
[8] Final Report of the Second International Enquiry on High Voltage Circuit Breaker Failures, CIGRE Working Group 13.06 Report, June 1994. {18,000 single pressure SF6 circuit breakers >63 kV for the years 1988 to 1991; (70,708 circuit-breaker-years)}. [9] An International Survey on Failures in Large Power Transformers in Service - Final report of Working Group 05 of CIGRE Study Committee 12 (Transformers), published in Electra No. 88, January 1983. [10] IEEE 463-1990 Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems. [11] ANSI/IEEE C37.10-1996 Guide for diagnostics and failure investigation of power circuit breakers. [12] IEEE 1325-1996 Recommended practice for reporting failure data for power circuit breakers. [13] ANSI/IEEE C57.117-1986 (Reaff 1992), Guide for Reporting Failure Data for Power Transformers and Shunt Reactors on Electric Power Systems. [14] ANSI/IEEE C57.125-1991, Guide for Failure Investigation, Documentation, and Analysis for Power Transformer and Shunt Reactor. [15] IEEE draft C37.10.1 Guide for the Selection of Monitoring for Circuit Breakers. Addresses of Agencies & Societies Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) Research & Development Suite 1600, One Westmount Square Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3Z 2P9 Canadian Standards Association (CSA) 178 Rexdale Boulevard Rexdale (Toronto), Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 3,rue de Varemb Geneva, Switzerland CIGRE 21, rue dArtois 75008 Paris, France