Assignment Marketing
Assignment Marketing
Assignment Marketing
as consumers?
As these examples show goods and services providers “sellers” make marketing related
decision like choosing who customers are, what goods and services to offer, where to sell
these goods and services, the feature to stress in ads and the prices to charge, they also
determine how to be ethical and socially responsible, and where to sell products
internationally in addition to domestically.
Marketing related acuity are not limited to industries, firms, large corporations or peoples
called marketers they are taken on by all types of companies and people.
a. anticipation of demand
b. management of demand
c. satisfaction of demand
d. exchange process
a. anticipation of demand.
Anticipation of demand requires a firms to do consumer research on a regular basis
so it can develop and introduce offering described by consumer
b. management of demand
management of demand included stimulation facilitation and regulation tasks
stimulation motivets consumer to want a firm’s offering due to attractive product
designs, distinctive promotion ,fair prices , and other stragy facilitation is the
process where by the firms make it easily to buy its offering by having convenient
locations accepting credit cards, using well informed sale, people and supplementing
other strategies. Regulation is needed when there are peek demand
throughout the year or when demand is greater than supply of the offering. Then the
goal is to spread demand throughout the year or to de market a good or service
(reduce overall demand)
c. Satisfaction Of Demands:
Satisfaction of demand involves product availability actual performance upon
purchase, safety perception, after-sale service and other factors. For consumer to be
satisfied, goods, services, organizations, people, places, and ideas must fulfill their
d. exchange process:
the marketing process is not concluded until consumer and publics exchange their
money their promise to pay, or their support for the offering of a firm, institution,
person, places or ideas. Exchanges must be done in a socially responsible way, with
both the buyer and the seller being eithical and honest and honest and considering
the impact on society and the environment
3. Consumer analysis:
examing and evaluating consumer characteristics needs, and purchase processes and
selecting the group(s) of consumer at which to aim marketing efforts.
4. product planning:
product planning (including goods services, organization people, places & ideas.
Developing & maintaining product images, brands, packaging & optional features &
deleting faltering products.
5. Distribution planning:
forming velations with distribution intermediaries physical distribution, inventory
management, warehousing, transportation, the allocation of goods & services, whole
salling & retailing.
6. Promotion planning:
Communication with customers, the general public &others through some form of
advertising, public relation, personal selling &/or sales promotion.
7. Price planning:
Determining price level & ranges, pricing techniques, terms of purchases, price
adjustments & the use of price as an active or passive factor.
8. Marketing management:
Planning, implementing & controlling the marketing program (strategy) & individual
marketing functions: oppressing the risks & benefits & focusing on total quantity.
Customer service involve the identification but rather intangible,activities undertaken by
aseller in conjunction with the basic goods and /or service it offers . in todays highly
competative market place the levelof customer service a firm provides can effect and
retain customers more than ever before .
Unless a customer is happy with both the basic goods ( such as a new auto ) or sevice
( such as an auto tune up ) offered by a seller and the quantity of the customer service
( like polite ,expert sales personal and on time appointment ) he or she unlikely to
patronize the seller certainly not in the long run imagine your reaction to this situation
Stores often tell customer that home deliveries and repair will be made any time between
8 am and 5 pm often effectively telling a work day .doctors and others health
professionals frequently overbook appointment so patients waste hours waiting to be
seen .the patients waste hours waiting to be seen . the internal revenuer service and
others public agencies are often unreachable on the telephone
Important to any firm:-
It is important because customer service does more simply provide a means to drive
sales. I like to think that when companies have a commitment to customer service that it
raises the bar of competition the only way of company can effectively accomplish this is
through their employs . as the competitive bar goes up the quality of employs must go up
equally .
Question # 5: why do most consumer and customer not buy products directly from
Answer: many firms do not have financial resources to cell product directly to consumer
they need intermediaries to share in the distribution process
Marketing directly to customer may require goods and services producers to offer
complementary products or sell the complementary products to other firms so the
distribution process is carried out effetely.
I performer may be unable or unwilling to complete certain function and may seek a
market specialist to fulfill them many performers are too small to do certain functions
efficiently for many goods and service established distribution methods are in force and it
is difficult to setup other methods (such as by passing to retail stores) some consumers
may want to buy in quality, visit self-service outlets, pay cash and soon, to save money
ANSWER: All people & organizations serve as consumer for various goods & services.
By understand the role of marketing, consumers can become better informed more
selective, and more efficient. Effective channels of communication with sellers can also
be established and complaints resolved more easily and favorable. Consumers groups
have major impact on seller.
Knowledge of marketing is extremely valuable for those not directly involved in a
marketing job for example:
Doctors, what hours are most desirable to patient?
Lawyers: how can new client be attracted?
Financial Analysis: what investments should be recommended to clients?
Each of these professions and organizations need to understand and satisfy patients,
clients, consumers, students, taxpayers or contribution needs and more of them
understanding marketing activities such as research advertising and so on.
Question # 8: Does the presence of a marketing department means a firm is
following the marketing concept? Explain your answer.
The marketing concept’s is a consumer oriented ,market-driven ,value based
integrated goal-oriented philosophy for a firm institution or person .
The marketing concept,s five elements are crucial to long term success of good service
,organization , person , place or idea .a customer orientation means a examing consumer
needs ,not production capability, and devising a plan to satisfy them goods and services
are sean to means being aware to accomplish ends themselves a market- driven approach
means being aware of the structure of the market place ,especially the attributes and
strategies of competing firms . a value – based philosophy means offering goods and
service that consumer precieve to have superior value relative to their cost and the
offering of competitions with an integrated marketing focus all the activity relating to
goods and services are coordinated including finance , production , engineering ,
inventory control research and development and marketing . a goal oriented firm employ
marketing to achieve both short term and long term goal which may be profit funding to
find a cure for a disease increased tourism , election of a political candidate a better
company image and so on . Market helps attain goals by orienting a firm toward pleasing
consumer and offering desired goals
There are fifteen things that manager can do to ensure that they adhere to the spirit of
marketing concepts.
1. Create customer focus throught the firm
2. Listen to the customer
3. Define the marketing as market intelligence
4. Target customer precisely
5. Manage for profitability not sales volume
6. Define and cultivative distinctive competences
7. Make customer value the guiding stars
8 Let the customer define quality
9. Measure and manage customer expectation
10. Build customer relationship and loyalty
11. Define the business as a require business
12. Commit to continue improvement and innovation
13. Manage the company out fire along with strategy and structure
14. Grow with partners and alliances
15. Destroy marketing bureocracy
The marketing concepts lets a firm analyze maximize and satisfaction demand .
it is a guide to planning
Question # 9: develop a seven item questionnaire to assess the quality of a firm’s
customer satisfaction efforts.
person to person friendliness money gladly refunded on any purchases ,if you say so we
will never knowingly disappoint you .
Customer satisfaction is
always first