Lesson Plan Place Value Feb 6
Lesson Plan Place Value Feb 6
Lesson Plan Place Value Feb 6
Student Teacher: David King Lesson Topic: Place value Year Level: 2 Class size: 23 School: Malvern Primary Date: 06/02/2013 Time of Lesson: 11.30 Duration of Lesson: 1 hour
Teaching Focus: Representing tens and units as both groups of MAB and it's appropriate number value. Reinforcing place value understanding.
Background knowledge:
Students have undertaken activities requiring them to add numbers that exceed 100. Many understand this mathematical concept however a group still seem to have not completely grasped it.
Student differences:
Some students are working on a level where they feel comfortable working with hundreds rather than tens.
Resources: MAB. Whiteboard. Instruction sheet (photocopy from i-maths pg. 32-33).
Stage of lesson
Intro TEACH new skill Body APPLY new skill taught Closure ASSESS new skill
Classroom organisation and duration: Whole class? Small group? High Achievers? Struggling Students? Sitting at desks.
Teacher action: What will you be doing? What will you be saying?
Teacher to demonstrate requirements of task. Will draw up Tens/ones table on board and go through requirements. 1. Write the correct number. 2. Sort from lowest to highest. 3. Matching the MAB to the correct answer in the boxes below (good to mention that just by looking at the MAB, they could use estimation skills to cross some options off the list. 4. Write down the four numbers that are over fifty. Make special mention to count the unit cubes individually. They get stacked in such a manner in the text that they could get confused as tens.
Lesson Closure
Review and sharing time
How will I select students to share? How will I encourage students to articulate what they have learned? How will I celebrate student achievements?
What assessment methods will I use to determine whether my aims for the lesson have been achieved? How does the assessment criteria relate to VELS progression points?
Self Evaluation:
What did I observe about student learning? What did I do well in teaching this lesson? What problems occurred in teaching the lesson? What would I do differently if I taught the lesson again? How successful was I in working on my teaching focus?
Supervisor evaluation: