Deep Foundations
Deep Foundations
Deep Foundations
Out of these, pile foundation is more commonly used in building construction. Following are the situations in which a pile foundation is preffered: The load of the structure is heavy and is distributed unevenly. The top soil has low bearing capacity. There are large fluctuations in subsoil water level. Canal or deep drainage lines exist near the foundation. The top soil is of expansive nature.
The use of piles as a foundation can be traced since olden times. Pile foundation is much more common than any other type of deep foundation. Classification based on FUNCTION : a) End bearing pile b) Friction pile c) Compaction pile d) Tension pile or uplift pile e) Anchor pile f) Fender pile and dolphin g) Batter pile h) Sheet pile
Classification based on materials and composition: 1. Concrete piles: a)pre-cast b)cast-in-situ i) driven piles ii)bored piles 2. Timber piles 3. Steel piles a) H-pile b) Pipe pile c) Sheet pile 4. Composite piles: a) Concrete and timber b) Concrete and steel
1) Timber piles: a)Transmission of load through timber piles takes place by the frictional resistance of the ground and the pile surface. b)They can be driven rapidly and as such there is great saving in time in execution of pilling work c)They have low bearing capacity. 2) Concrete piles: They can be cast to any shape,size and length. 3) Composite piles: Composite piles are those which are made of two portions of two different materials driven one above the other. Two common types of composite piles in use are: a) timber and concrete b) steel and concrete. 4) Steel pile: this type of composite pile is used where the required length of pile is greater than that available for the cast in situ type.
Types of cased Cast-in-situ piles: a) Raymond standard pile and step-taper pile. b)Mc-Arthur cased pile c)Union metal monotube pile d)Swage pile e) Western button bottom pile.
i) Raymond standard pile : The Raymond Standard pile is used primarily as a friction pile since its uniform heavy taper of 1 in 30 usually results in shorter piles for equal driving resistance or higher driving resistance for equal lengths, than piles of lesser or no taper. The lengths of piles vary from 6 to 12m. The diameter of piles vary from 40 to 60 cm at the top and 20 to 30 cm at the bottom.
D) Sewage piles:
Sewage piles are used with advantages in soils where the driving is very hard, or where it is designed to leave water tight shell for some time before filling the concrete.
Bored piles are those which are formed by forming a bore hole in the ground & then concreting it, either with the help of a casing tube or without a casing tube their procedure of construction is thus different then that of cast in site driven piles where a heavy pile driving equipment is required. this piles have advantage over the driven piles, in those locations & those situations where the vibration & noise is so deep that they are different to reach by driven piles.
Bored piles are of three types 1. Pressure piles 2. Under- reamed piles 3. Bored compaction piles
Pressure piles: They are formed with the help of casing tubes, boring auger & compressed air equipment. These piles are suitable for those congested sites where heavy vibrations & noise are not permissible, & also where heavy pile driving pile machines can not move in. Under-reamed piles: they are bored cast in site concrete piles, having one or more bulbs formed by enlarging the bore holes for the pile stem by an under reaming tool. These pile find application in widely varying situation in different type of soil where foundation are required to be taken down to the certain depth to avoid the undesirable effects of seasonal moisture change as in expansive soil or to obtain adequate capacity foe downward, upward or lateral loads or to take foundation below scour level & for moments.
Pile cap: when a column or a pier is supported on one pile only, the column should rest centrally on pile. Pile should be connected through a rigid pile cap, to distribute the load to the individual pile. it consist of rigid, deep, reinforced slab which acts monotonously with the group of piles. The pile should be arranged symmetrical about the axes of the column so that the load from the column is distributed uniformly to all the piles. they are distributed in uniform thickness,. the pile cap provided over the entire area of pile is considered to be divided into a formwork of rectangular beams, along which main reinforcement is provided., arrangement of these beams depends on number of piles.