beautiful music Comes each day Like the dawn Love is a song that never ends One simple theme repeating Like the voice of a heavenly choir Love's sweet music flows on Like the voice of a heavenly choir Love's sweet music flows on The music introduces us in the depth of the forest, where the animals of this story live. The chirping of the birds lead us to the place where our friends are going to appear. An old owl arrives to his tree to rest during the day. In the same tree live some squirrels, sleeping at that hour of the day; we can see a nest where three chicks are waiting for their mother who is bringing them some food. The day breaks and all the animals must to awake: a small mouse washes his face with a dewdrop. Everything seems to be calm, in peace, but suddenly the birds spread the new: the little prince is born. Owl Who-o, who-o snoring Who-o, who-o, who-o Birds Tweet-tweet-tweet Tweet-tweet-tweet All the animals stop their doings; they listen the news so exciting. In that moment a little rabbit appears near the tree where the Old owl is sleeping. This rabbit is our friend Thumper who thumps to the owl wakes up. Thumper Wake up, wake up! Owl Oh, what now? Thumper Wake up, friend Owl! Owl Whats going around on here? Its happened! Its happened! All his brothers and sisters are jumping all around full in Thumper excitement The new prince is born! Were going to see him! Come on! Youd better hurry up! The animals run into the depth of the forest, and in a clearing the camera shows a deer with her newborn fawn, the new Prince who is sleeping. Animal 1 Oh my! Animal 2 Well look! Animal 3 Well, isnt he cute? Everybody admires the newborn. The owl, Thumper and his family arrive. Owl Well, this is quite an occasion, yes sir. Isn't every day a prince is born to Bambis mother Youre to be congratulated.
Animals Congratulations! Congratulations! Bambi's to the animals Thank you very much. Licking Bambi Come on, wake up. We have Mother company. Bambi opens his eyes and looks a bit surprised because of all the animals Animals Hello, hello! Hello little Prince! Hello little Prince! Owl Who-o who-o, heh, heh, heh, who-o who-o laughs. Bambi seems to be afraid of him, but sooner he laughs him back softly
Thumper Look, hes trying to get up! Thumper takes advantage of this situation and stays closer watching and smelling the newborn; but the fact is that Bambi is not sure yet on his legs
and falls Kind of wobbly, isnt he? Thumper's angrily Thumper! Mother Thumper Well, he is. to Bambi arent ya? Bambi sneezing At-twat! Everybody laughs Bambi is so tired, and yawns Looks to me like hes getting kind of sleepy. to the animals I Owl think its time we all left. Come on, shoo-o, shoo-o. to a little squirrel who is absorbed looking Bambi Come on, shoo-o, shoo-o! Psst. to the birds Psst. All the animals leave except Thumper who wants to see into the Bambi s mouth because he is still yawning Thumper's Thumper! Come on. Mother Thumper to Bambis Mother What-cha gonna call him? Bambi's Well, I think Ill call him Bambi. Mother Thumper thinking Bambi. Yep, I guess thatll do all right he leaves Bambi's to herself and Bambi Bambi, my little Bambi. Mother The camera moves away leading us to the top of a crag where the entire scene has been watching by a majestic stag. The image turns to black. Scene changes. Bambi and his mother are walking by the forest. The little deer is discovering lot of things and animals. From a tree a squirrel watches them in their walk Squirrel Walking already. Well, what do you know! Mrs. Quail to Bambis Mother Good morning! Bambi's Good morning Mrs. Quail. Mother Mrs. Quail And wheres the young prince this--- in that moment Bambi appears to Bambi Oh, good morning Bambi!
Mrs. Quail's to Bambi Good morning young Prince! They continue after their mother, but one of them chicks returns Chick Goodbye! Opossums' Good morning young Prince! Mother Opossums Good morning young Prince! Bambi is a bit surprised because this family has their heads down. He continues his walk but something strange appears in front of him. From the underground a mole appears. Mole Good morning. Nice sunny day! He disappears again Bambi continues his walk jumping but he looses the balance and falls down. Thumper's Whats the matter? What happened? family Thumper Did the young Prince falls down? Rabbit Is he hurt? Bambi's No, hes all right. Mother Thumper to Bambis Mother He doesnt walk very good, does he? Thumper's Thumper! Mother
Thumper Yes mama? Thumper's What did your father tell you this morning? Mother Thumper reciting If you cant say something nice dont say nothing at all Bambi's Come on, Bambi. Get up. Try again. Mother Rabbits Come on! Get up! Get up! Try again! Bambi gets up and walks with his new friends. All of them laugh, jump and run. Thumper runs to an old trunk and there, using his foot, thumps. Thumper Im thumping. Thats why they all me Thumper. Echo me Thumper... Thumper Thumper! Echo ...Thumper!... They continue jumping and playing. The bunnies jump over a trunk but Bambi stop in front of it. His friends cheer him up to jump like them. Thumper Come on! You can do it! Hop over it, like this. Rabbits Hop over it, hop over it, hip over it, hope over it. Like this. Bambi smiles and tries, but he fails. He is trapped over the trunk. Thumper You didnt hop far enough. Bambi pass one of his legs over the trunk but when he is going to pass the other the legs are tangled up and he falls down again. Thumper helps him. Thumper Thats it! Now the other one. Gee whiz, what happened that time? They all continue their walk. The birds are chirping happily and Bambi and friends go to see them closer. Bambi ask with his eyes who are they. Thumper Those are birds. Bambi trying to talk Burrr! Burrr! Thumper Look, hes trying to talk. Bambi Burr-r-r! Rabbit Hes trying to say bird. Thumper Say bird! Bambi Burr-r-r Thumper Bird Bambi Burr-rr Thumper denying Uh-uh. Bird-duh! Rabbits Come on, say bird! Say bird! Say bird! Say bird! Bambi Bird! Every body laughs Rabbits To their mother He talked! He talked momma! Rabbit The young Prince said, bird! Bambi happy and proud Bird, bird, bird, bird. He sees a butterfly and follows her calling her bird too Bird! Butterfly! Thumper nods Butter--- but the butterfly has flown away. Then Bambi sees some flowers and he thinks they are butterflies too Butterfly!
Thumper Uh-uh. Its pretty he smells them and Bambi imitates him Bambi Pretty Hes smelling them when his nose touches another. Then appears a skunk Flower! Flower Me? Thumper Laughing No, no, no. Thats not a flower! Hes a little... Flower Oh that's all right. He can call me a flower, if he wants to giggles I don' mind. Bambi looking both Thumper and Flower Pretty, pretty Flower! Flower Ohh giggles Gosh! Bambi and Thumper continue their walk for the forest but suddenly a storm starts with lightings and thunders. I think Id better go home Thumper how he leaves Bambi alone Bambi runs with his mother and they arrive to the little cave where they live. It s raining Off singing Drip, drip, drop voice Little April shower Beating a time as you fall all around Drip, drip, drop Little April shower What can compare with Your beautiful sound Beautiful sound beautiful sound Drip, drop Drip, drop Drip, drip, drop When the sky is cloudy Your pretty music Will brighten the day Drip, drip, drop When the sky is cloudy You'll come along with A song right away Come with your beautiful music Drip, drip, drop Little April shower Beating a tune as you fall all around Drip, drip, drop Little April shower What can compare with Your beautiful sound Drip, drip, drop When the sky is cloudy You'll come along with Your pretty little song When the sky is cloudy You'll come along with Your pretty little song Gay little roundelay Gay little roundelay Song of a rainy day Song of a rainy day How I love to hear your patter
Pretty little pitter-patter Troubles always seem to scatter Drip, drip, drop Little April shower Beating a tune as you fall around Drip, drip, drop Little April shower What can compare with Your beautiful sound Bambi Mother, what we gonna do today? Bambi's Im going to take you to the meadow. Mother Bambi Meadow? Whats the meadow? Bambi's Its a very wonderful place. Mother Bambi Then, why havent we been there before? Bambi's You werent big enough. Mother Bambi Mother, you know what? Bambi's What? Mother Bambi Were not the only deer in the forest. Bambi's Where did you hear that? Mother Bambi Thumper told me. Bambi's Well, hes right. There are many deer in the forest, beside us. Mother Bambi Then, why dont I ever see them? Bambi's You will sometime. Mother Bambi On the meadow Bambi's perhaps. Hush now. Were almost there. She stops and watches everything carefully Mother Bambi The meadow! He runs without doubt Wait! Bambi wait! You must never rush out on the meadow. There might be danger. Out there we are unprotected. The meadow is wide and open; there are no trees or bushes to Bambi's hide us, so we have to be very careful. Wait here. I ll go out first. If the meadow is safe Mother Ill call you. Bambis so afraid. His mother goes out to the meadow, carefully, watching and listening everything Come on, Bambi. Its all right. Come on. At first, Bambi is not sure, but after a while he goes out with her and soon both are jumping and playing in the meadow. Rabbits Good morning Prince Bambi! Thumper's Good morning young Prince. Mother Bambi Hello. Wat-cha eating? Rabbits Clover Thumper Its awfully good. Its delicious! Why dont you try some? Bambi starts eating some of green but... No, no not that green stuff, just eat the blossoms, that s the good stuff.
Thumper Yes mama? Thumper's What did your father tell you? Mother Thumper About what? Thumper's About eating the blossoms and leaving the greens. Mother Oh, that one. Clearing the throat and reciting Eating green is a special treat. It makes long Thumper ears and great big feet in low voice But it sure is awful stuff to eat secretly to Bambi I made that last part up myself. Bambi starts to eat again but from the same place where he is eating a frog appears Frog Watch out! Bambi decides to follow her, but the frog disappears in the river. Bambi jumps in it until he finally stops and sees his image reflected in the river. But something strange has happened in it because now there are two reflected faces. Bambi is surprised when one of the faces giggles. He meets another deer and tries to run away but the deer follows him everywhere. Finally he takes refuge with his mother. Bambi's to Bambi Thats little Faline Mother Faline to her mother Hes kind of bashful, isnt he Mamma? Faline's Well, maybe he wouldnt be if youd say hello. Mother Faline Hello Bambi he doesnt answer I said hello Bambi's Well, arent you going to answer her? he denies Youre not afraid, are you? he denies Mother again Well, then go ahead, go on! Say hello. Bambi bashfully Hello. Faline giggles Bambi looks at her so angry Bambi Yeeoow! Both finally play together. In that moment all the young male deer appear in the meadow. Bambi watches them impressed and follows them. Suddenly everyone in the meadow stops and look to the majestic old stag who is approaching. He stops in front of Bambi and look at him right into his eyes, saying nothing. Bambi gives back a smile but the old deer seems to ignore him. Bambi is now afraid. Then his mother arrives next to him Bambi He stopped and looked at me Bambi's Yes I know. Mother Bambi Why was everyone still when he came on the meadow? Everyone respects him. For of all the deer in the forest not one has lived half so long. He s very brave, and very wise. Thats why hes known as the Great Prince of the forest. The Bambi's camera shows us how the old deer moves away to the depth of the forest, but suddenly he Mother stops and watches how screech the birds. The message is clear: the deer are in danger. He comes back to the meadow and gives the advice. All the deer runs for their lives Faline's Faline! Mother Bambi's Bambi! Bambi is confused and he cant find his mother Mother Bambi Mother! Bambi's Bambi! Bambi! Mother Bambi Mother! Mother! Mother! The Great prince appears in front of him and led him out the meadow with his mother. Gunshots can be heard. After a while, Bambi s mother watches
the place. The danger is over Bambi's Come on out Bambi, come on. Its safe now. We dont have to hide any longer. Mother Bambi What happened mother? Why did we all run? Bambi's Man was in the forest. Mother The seasons pass, spring, autumn, winter... Bambi is going to discover the snow. Bambi Mother, look! Whats all that white stuff? Bambi's Why its snow. Mother Bambi Snow? Bambi's Winter has came Mother Bambi goes out the cave and plays with the now, surprised by the footsteps he is doing in it. Walking he arrives to the lake where is Thumper playing. Thumper Hiya Bambi! Watch what can I do! Whee! hes skating using his feet Come on! Its all right, look he thumps in the iced water The water is stiff.
Bambi Yipee! Bambi tries to emulate him but his legs are of no use in it, so he falls down Some fun, huh, Bambi? Come on, get up. Like this. Bambi tries again but slips laughing No, no, no Thumper helps Bambi to get up his legs. Its a difficult matter Kind of wobbly, Thumper arent ya? You gotta watch both ends at the same time. I guess you d better unwind it they splash in the snow Wow! Someone is snoring near and Thumper decides to investigate. It s his friend flower. Thumper Wake up! Wake up! Bambi Wake up Flower Flower Is it spring yet? Bambi Nope. Winter s just started. Thumper What-cha doing? Hibernating? Flower Uh-huh Bambi What-cha want to do that for? Flower laughs All us flowers sleep in winter. Well, good night. Ah-h-h he continues sleeping Storm of snow. The deer walk trying to find some food. Each day is more difficult to find it. In the cave Bambi sighs Winter sure is long, isnt it? Bambi's it seems long but it wont last forever. Mother Bambi Im awful hungry mother. Bambi's yes I know. Mother The storm has ceased and Bambis Mother has a surprise for her son. Bambi? Bambi, come here. Look. New spring grass Both start eating but suddenly Bambis Bambi's Mother feels something in the air. Danger Bambi, quick, the thicket! Gunshots Faster, Mother Bambi! Dont look back! Keep running! ! Gunshots. Bambi keeps running but after a while, in the cave, he notices hes alone. His mother hasnt arrived yet We made it. We made it, Mother. We--- Mother? There's no answer Mother! Now its Bambi snowing Mother, where are you? he goes out looking for her Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Crying Mother? Gasps. Suddenly the old deer appears through the snowstorm
Your mother cant be with you any more Bambi look at him sadly and understands the fact Great that his mother is dead Come, my son they both go away together Prince Fa la la rol de ay twit twit awee twit twit awee Twit twit awee Tra la la la Tra la la Ah ha ha ah Let's sing a gay Little spring song This is the season to sing So I'd like to suggest That we all do our best And warble a song about spring Spring, spring, spring Off Let's get together and sing singing Fa la rol de ay voice Twit twit awee Tra la la Let's sing a gay Little spring song Just like a bird on the wing Things always seem light when You're chipper and bright So let's get together and sing Sin, sing, sing Let's sing a song of love's folly Let's twitter a tweet like the birds in May Get into the mood and be merry today Forget all your troubles and warble away Owl Hey, hey, what? Oh, what now? Off Let's sing a gay singing Little spring song voice Owl Hey! hey! Stop that rocket! Scat! Shoo-o! Shoo-o! Off So let's sing a song about spring singing Tra la la, spring voice Owl I'll fix 'em! -Who-o Who-o -Who-ooo! There I guess that'll teach 'em Off Fa la la la rol de ay singing Twit twit awee voice Owl Oh, what's the use? Off singing This is the season to sing, ah ha ha voice Owl Same thing every spring. Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, love sweet song. Humph. Pain in the pinfeathers, I call it.
The tree in which is the old owl trying to sleep is now trembling because a young deer is edging his antlers. Owl Stop it! Get out of here all of you he cant fix his sight and think therere many deer and
you too. Bambi Hello friend owl. Dont you remember me? Why, its the young Prince, Bambi! My, my how youve changed. Turn around there. Let me look at you. I see youve traded in your spots for a pair of antlers. Hee, hee, hee. You Owl know just the other day I was talking to myself about you, and we were wondering what had become of you. Thumper Hello Bambi! Remember me? thumping Bambi Thumper! Thumper Right-o! ha, ha, ha Flower Hi fellas! Bambi Flower! Flower bashfully Yeah! A pair of birds are flying and playing around as a fools Flower Well, whats the matter with them? Thumper Why are they acting that way? Owl Hee-hee! Why, dont you know? Theyre twitter-patted. Bambi, Thumper Twitter-patted? and Flower yes. Nearly everybody gets twitter-patted in the springtime. For example, you re walking along minding your own business; youre looking neither to the left, nor to the right when all of a sudden you run smack into a pretty face Who-o! Who-o! You begin to get weak in Owl the knees, your heads in a whirl! And then you feel light as feather, and before you know it youre walking on air, and then, you know what? You're knocked for a loop! And you completely lose your head! Thumper horrified Gosh that's awful. Flower Gee-whiz Bambi terrible And that aint all. It can happen to anybody, so youd better be careful. It could happen Owl to you! to Bambi and you to Thumper and... looking to Flower whos smiling, yes it could even happen to you. Thumper Well its not going to happen to me. Bambi Me neither Flower Me neither They leave so sure of themselves. In their walking a female skunk sees Flower and she runs to hide herself in a bunch of flowers. When our friend Flower pass near he listens someone giggling, so he stops and looks around. From the bunch of flower two big blue beautiful eyes are looking right to him. At first he thinks he s dreaming and decides to continue with his friends, but that pair of big blue eyes are saying hello. They kiss by accident but Flower is now... twitter-patted. Bambi looks back and sees how Flower is now following the female skunk. Flower looks at them and lifts his shoulders: he cant help it. Flower Hee, hee, hee Thumper Huh! Twitter-patted! Bambi and Thumper continue their walk. From the distance a beautiful female rabbit sees Thumper and shes so impress by his sight. She starts flirting Rabbit Ah-h-h! Oh! Ahem
Thumper stops immediately and sees the rabbit flirting. humming La, la, la, la, la Oh she says hello with her ear and Thumper answer back. She Rabbit continues humming la, la, la, la. Hello she kisses him and Thumper starts thumping without control. Hes twitter-patted also. Bambi sees the couple and continues alone la, la, la. Bambi goes to the river and there he sees a familiar face reflected: it s Faline Hello Bambi. Dont you remember me? Im Faline Hes afraid of her and tries to escape but he falls down into the river; he gets up but then his antlers are winded in a tree. Then Faline Faline approaches and leaks him. In that moment Bambi s face changed: hes twitterpatted too. Bambi Faline ah-h-h-h- he feels himself on air, but the dream is broken by the presence of another young deer, Ronno, who tries to obtain Falines love Bambi! Bambi! Bambi! Bambi has to fight against Ronno; he must save Faline. The fight is hard but Bambi wins I bring you a song And I sing as I go For I want you to know That I'm looking for romance I bring you a song In the hope that you'll see When you're looking at me That I'm looking for love I'm seeking that glow Only found when Only found on that wonderful day When all longing is through I'm seeking that glow Off Only found when singing The thrill is complete voice Only found when Two hearts chance to beat To the strain of a waltz That's both tender and new I bring you a song For I'm seeking romance You're by my side There's a moon up above It shines with a light That's so mellow and bright It's easy to see that tonight We shall fall in love I bring you a song For I'm seeking romance Something wakes up Bambi who leaves Faline to see what's happening. Far away there's smoke. Great It is man. He is here again. There are many this time. We must go deep into the forest. Prince Hurry, follow me! Bambi is going to follow him but he remembers Faline's alone Bambi Faline! He returns to the place where he had been sleeping with Faline but bow she's gone Meanwhile, Faline has just woken up and she doesn't find Bambi. She hear the birds' screeching and tries to find him Faline Bambi? Bambi, where are you? Now she's afraid Bambi! Bambi!
Bambi arrives late, Faline's gone. Bambi All the animals know that the danger has just come. Everyone tries to hide. Pheasant horrified Listen! He's coming! 1 Pheasant Hush! 2 Pheasant Be quiet. 3 Pheasant He's coming closer! 1 Pheasant Be calm, don't get excited. 2 Pheasant We'd better fly 1 Pheasant No. No, don't fly. Whatever you do, don't fly! 2 Pheasant He's almost here, I can't stand it any longer! 1 He flies and we can hear a gunshot. His body falls down. The other animals run away Faline Bambi! Bambi! Bambi Faline! Suddenly it can be heard dogs barking. They are now after Faline. She runs away but soon she's trapped. Bambi appears in the very last moment to rescue her. Bambi Quick Faline! Jump! Faline does it and runs away. When Bambi is jumping a crag a gunshot is heard. Bambi falls down bounded. Now all the forest is on fire. Bambi can't move but the Great Prince appears and helps him to move. Both escape by the river. Great Get up Bambi! Get up. You must get up! Get up! Get up! Now come with me. Prince They finally arrived to an island in the middle of the river. Most of the animals are they. Among them is Faline who is waiting for Bambi. Faline Bambi! They kiss Time has past and something marvelous has just happened. Owl Who-o, who-o A family of rabbits starts thumping. It's Thumper's family. Thumper Wake up! Wake up friend owl! Bunnies Wake up, friend owl! Owl Oh, what now? Hey, what's going around here? Flower It's happened. Owl Happened? Flower Yes, in the thicket. to his son Hurry up Bambi. Bambi Yes Papa, I'm coming. In the thicket there's a familiar scene: a deer with her fawns. It's Faline. Animal 1 Oh my. Faline? Faline! Faline!
Animal 2 Well! Raccoon Look! Animal 3 Two of them. Owl Hee, hee, hee. I don't believe I've never seen a more likely looking pair of fawns to Faline. Prince Bambi ought to be mighty proud.
The camera shows Bambi and the Great Prince at the top of a crag. Love is a song that never ends Off One simple theme repeating singing Like the voice of a heavenly choir voice Love's sweet music flows on.