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Lesson Plan 1: Curriculum Links Strand Strand Unit

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Lesson Plan 1 3 rd/4 th Class


Curriculum Links Strand Strand Unit

Science Living Things Plant and Animal Life

English Oral Language Developing cognitive abilities through language

SPHE 1. Myself 1. Growing and Changing; Making Decisions

2. Myself & the Wider World 2. Developing Citizenship

Learn Together 1. Moral & Spiritual 1. Exploring Moral Development Cultivating

(Educate Together Schools) 2. Equality & Justice Spiritual Growth
2. Activating Equality and Justice through
Positive Action

Content objectives: Learning objectives:

• Children understand the responsibilities • Children appreciate that pet owners have a
involved in owning a pet. responsibility to care for their pet.
• Children are introduced to the Five • Children understand that there are
Promises and understand that they have an a number of things that need to be
active role in promoting these among their considered before obtaining a pet.
own families and friends. • Children understand that animals have
needs and feelings.
Resources: • Children understand that there is a routine
Short film “A Dog’s Tale” in looking after an animal.
Extension Exercises:
Linkage and Integration: Follow up research – find out about the work
English: Use ‘TALE’ (as in the film title) and of Dogs Trust via www.dogstrust.ie.
other dog related words e.g. collar, breeder,
lead as a starting point for a homonym Assessment:
exercise. Teacher questions/children’s questions.
Learning activities: 3 rd/4 th Class
Lesson Plan 1

• Begin the lesson by asking the children if they Ask the children how they can be a responsible pet
have pets at home. owner. What kind of thing do we need to do to
• What kind of pets do they have? Elicit stories look after our pets? The children’s suggestions can
from the children about their pets. be written on a flip chart or on white board.
• Explain Dog’s Trust’s 5 Promises Pledge which all
Development pet owners should promise to their animals:

• Question the children as to why we should Promise 1 - Love

look after our pets. I promise to: provide my pet with love and attention.
• This leads to a conversation on how, like us,
pets have feelings, wants & needs. Promise 2 - A home
• Human needs/feelings and animal needs/feelings I promise to: provide my pet with a suitable place to
are very similar. live.
• Explain that before buying a pet you need to Promise 3 - Safety
consider the following: I promise to: protect my pet, to keep her or him safe
and healthy.
a) Lifestyle
Do you have the time and willingness to care Promise 4 - Food and water
for a pet?  Are you willing to train the pet if I promise to: provide my pet with a healthy diet.
needed? Would the pet be left alone for long Promise 5 - To be themselves
periods? I promise to: provide my pet with a life that she or
he will enjoy.
b) Environment
Is there suitable accommodation for a pet?  Do you Play the short film “A Dog’s Tale”. http://www.
live in a flat or a house? Is there a garden? Will the learnwithdogs.ie/movies.aspx
pet be able to spend time/sleep inside?
c) Budget
Pets need a nutritionally balanced diet and will have • After the film – pupils explain what they think
to visit the vet for vaccinations and possible emer- happened next.
gencies.  This can be costly.  • What advice would they give to Jamie and his
mum to help them make a decision?
Notes on ''A Dogs Tale'' 3 rd/4 th Class
Additional Differentiation, Linkage & Integration: Lesson Plan 1

Introduction Possible further activities

Whilst primarily about responsible dog ownership, linked to the film;
the video also allows teachers to raise a variety of
Make an entry for Mum’s / Jamie’s diary for the day
issues, such as our responsibilities as human beings,
that he comes home with the request. The children
caring for others and dependency.
should demonstrate empathy with the feelings of the
Possible further discussion points: • Re-tell the dream sequence from the dog’s
Teenage Jamie tries to persuade Mum to allow him
to have a dog. Wanting something badly – how
• Create a series of cards with missing letters,
does it feel? Should Mum give in?
ask pupils to identify a dog’s needs (for
• Where might the most suitable place be to
get a dog? Shelter / re-homing Centre? Pound?
• Re-tell the story in cartoon form or narrative, or
Breeder? Pet Shop?
as a device for getting the message across to a
different audience (e.g. Pre-school children).
• People can look after themselves as they grow
up. Dogs can’t. Different ages, different needs.
• After the film – pupils explain what they think
How do dogs ask for help? Dependence on the
happened next. What advice would they give
to Jamie and his mum to help them make a
decision? Findings could be used to create a
• The dog in the poster in the dream sequence
classroom display.
tells Jamie what is involved in caring for a dog.
How could Jamie have found out for himself?
Do all dogs/pets have similar needs?

• What are the cost implications of dog


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