R5222203-Prime Movers & Mechanical Components
R5222203-Prime Movers & Mechanical Components
R5222203-Prime Movers & Mechanical Components
Code :R5222203 II B.Tech II Semester (R05) Supplementary Examinations, December 2010 PRIME MOVERS & MECHANICAL COMPONENTS Time: 3 hours
(Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks Max Marks: 80
1. (a) Describe any eight points of distinction between impulse and reaction turbines. (b) A Francis turbine is required to develop a power of 330KW under a head of 30m while operating at 350 rpm if overall eciency =80% hydraulic eciency =88% speed ratio =.075, ow ratio=0.25 and ratio of outer to inner dia =2 calculate the blade angles at inlet and outlet and the dimensions of the runner. 2. (a) List out all the losses that occur in a centrifugal pump and dene the four pump eciencies. (b) A single-acting reciprocating pump has a plunger of diameter = 20 cm, stroke = 32 cm, suction pipe diameter = 10 cm,, length = 8 m, static suction lift =3.5 m, f =0.032. assuming Patm =10.3 m of water and Pavg =2.6 m of water (abs), calculate the maximum rpm at which the pump can be operated without causing separation when there is no air vessel and a large air vessel is tted to the suction pipe at a distance of 1 m from the pump. 3. (a) Explain the following boiler terms: i. Boiler shell ii. Combustion Chamber iii. Grate iv. Furnace v. Heating surface vi. Mountings and Accessories (b) What are the factors should be considered while selecting a boiler?
4. (a) Explain why the blow-o cock is operated periodically when the boiler is working? (b) What is the function of following boilers mountings. i. Water level indicator. ii. Pressure gauge. iii. Safety valve. iv. Fusible plug. v. Blow-o cock. vi. Feed check valve. 5. (a) Why the Carnot cycle cannot be considered as the theoretical cycle for steam power plants even though its eciency is maximum? (b) A Carnot cycle steam power plant operates between the temperatures of 4000 C and 1000 C. Calculate Carnot cycle eciency. (c) Why pure reaction turbine is not used in practice? 6. (a) Explain clearly the dierences between open cycle gas turbine and closed cycle gas turbine. (b) Draw the temperature-entropy (T-S) diagram of a ideal Joule cycle for a gas turbine plant and explain each process briey. 7. (a) Draw a neat sketch to explain the construction and operation of a hydraulic press. (b) A hydraulic press has a ram of 10 cm diameter and a plunger of 1.25 cm. What force will be required on the plunger to raise a load of 20 kN on the ram? If the plunger has a stroke of 20 cm, how many strokes will be required to lift the load by 60 cm? Also calculate the volume of additional liquid required. Further if the time taken to lift the load is 10 minutes, what should be the power of the motor required to drive the plunger? Neglect frictional eects. 8. What do you mean by constrained motion? What are the dierent types of constrained motion? Explain each type with examples and neat sketches.