ATMA Suktam
ATMA Suktam
ATMA Suktam
AtmAtmA paramAntarAtmA mahyantarAtmA | yaschAdirAtmA sat u nOntarAtmA | vyAvEshti vishvam sakalam bibharti | yO vyaktapunya: sat u na: pradhAna: || 1 || Meaning: That which is the self of the self, the supreme self, the inner self, the inner self of the earth, and the primordial self, is indeed our inmost self; It pervades the universe and sustains all things. As if the merit manifests itself, it is our chief. prANA: praNIti: sa udAna Adi vraradO varAhO vyAnaSva mE syAt | tapasAm cha mUrti: kapilO munIndrO | yaSvApAnO hayasIshA na: || 2 || Meaning: The outward breath (prAna) is our guide (praniti); the upward breath (udAna) is the primordial and boon-bestowing boar (varAha); the spreading breath (vyAna) is the form of Kapila, the sage who is the personification of penance; the downward breath (apAna) is the horse-headed deity, Hayagriva. Yatsava akshnAtyajara: samagram | Sriyam Urjayuktam sat u mE samAna: | Balam Asuram yatsatatam nihantA | 40 brahmA buddhim gOpa ISvara: || 3 || Meaning: My digestive breath (samAna) is that which devours everything, even goddess of prosperity (Sri) with her energy; my strength vanquished at all times evil forces, and my intellect is verily Brahma, and Isvara is my protector. savitA cha vIya induSva dhAtu | rasayutam bhUtA bhUtA: udaram nabhO vA | bhUmiryathAmGrirvavrudhEsamIsha: || 4 || Meaning: Savitri (the aspect of Sun-god) is my sex energy, the moon is the watery ingredients in my body; the five basic elements (bhutas: earth, water, fire, air and akasa) are the constituents of my body; the sky is my head, the mid-region is my belly; and the spreading earth constitutes my feet; I am indeed the ruler of all things. asthINi mE syuratha parvatAKhyA |
bhujagaSva kashA divi yE charanta: | dyoU nEtrarUpoU pruthuprushnimuKhyoU | rudhiram cha sAram sakalam cha tOyam || 5 || Meaning: My bones should verily be called the mountains; my hairs are the serpents that move about in the heavens; my two eyes are the wide earth and the high sky; and my blood is the essential watery content of the universe. snAyavO mE AsannadIrbhrugum hridayamastu | 41
sava anyE munayAgabhUtA: | vEdA mE Asyam jihvA mE saraswatI | dantA maruta upajihvA upasruti: || 6 || Meaning: My sinews are the rivers on the earth, my heart is Bhrigu himself (the Vaikhanasa Sage) and my limbs are all the other sages; my mouth represents the Vedic lore and my tongue is the goddess of speech, Sarasvati; the windgods (maruts) are my teeth, and my epiglottis is the revelation of the sacred texts. vrushaNau mitrAvaruNAvupasthA: prajApati: | AntrA mE vEdA: SrutismrutI mEdhAdhAraNE | svEdam mE vasha mUtrakOsham samudram | purIsham kAnchanam || 7 || Meaning: My testicles are the twin gods, Mitra and Varuna, my sex organ is the creator, Prajapati; my entrails are the Vedic hymns; my intellect (medha) and retention (dharana) are the revealed texts (sruti) and the texts subsidiary to them (smriti); my perspiration is indeed the rains, and my bladder is the ocean itself; my fecal matter is gold. sAvitrI gAyatrI maryAdA vEdI | hrutpuNdarIka vimalE pravishTa: | sakala: salakshmI: savibhUtikAngO | yatsava puNyam mayyadhishTAnamastu || 8 || 42 Meaning: The hymn in the gayatri metre addressed to the sun-god (Savitri) is the sacred precincts and the altar; and into the pure lotus of my heart has entered Vishnu in His cosmic aspect (sakala), along with the goddess of wealth (srI), in all His
glory; may all that is filled with merit in me provide for Him a foothold. savashAm dEvAnAmAtmaka: | savashAm munInAmAtmaka: stapOmUrtiriha puNyamUrtirAsan || 9 || Meaning: "May I contain in myself the essence of all the gods and all the sages, may I be a personification of austerities (tapo-murti) and of all merit (punya-murti)". The purpose of the ritual of invocation (AvAhana) of the supreme, transcendental and all-pervading Vishnu (the etymological meaning of the word Vishnu is 'pervader') in the heart of the devotee or in an idol is to facilitate contemplation of the deity in one place; even as the fire which spreads all over the forest blazes forth especially in some places. Invoked by appropriate mantras in the idol, or meditated intensely and devotedly in the heart, Vishnu makes his presence felt in the idol or in the heart, and receives the worship offered (Kriyadhikaram). Vaikhanasa worship is essentially Vishnu-oriented, but Vishnu is worshipped in his comprehensive and pervasive aspect (in accordance with the root meaning of the word 'vishi vyApatau'); and when Vishnu is invoked for worship, his presence includes the presence of all the other gods as his retinue (saparivara). Hence worship of Vishnu means worship of all the gods ('vishNOr nityArcha sarva-dEvArchAbhavati'). A ritualistic application of the comprehensive and pervasive character of Vishnu 43
can be seen in the custom prevalent in the Vaikhanasa temples of having three idols in addition to the main and immovable stone idol in the sanctum (DhruvaBimbam). The main idol represents in reality Vishnu, possessed of all the powers of divinity and properly installed as a deity (archA). Even as the Veda speaks of 'the three strides' that Vishnu took ('trIni padA vichakramE Vishnuh'), the main idol in the temple also