Du 12
Du 12
Du 12
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Mad walking, delirious raving, seeing ghosts, rage with desire to kill people. Childhood fright epilepsy, clonic spasm, opisthotonos, clove sores.
On the midline of the upper back, in the Sanjiao depression below the spinous process of Gall Bladder the third thoracic vertebra. Liver
Conception Governing
Taodao DU-13
Extra Points
As early as the Essential Questions33 Shenzhu DU-12 was said to clear heat from the chest, and this is reinforced by many indications found in subsequent classical texts. Shenzhu DU-12, located below the third thoracic vertebra at the level of Feishu BL-13 the back-shu point of the Lung, is able to clear heat from the Lung, giving rise to cough, dyspnoea and fever. According to the Warp and Woof of Warm Febrile Diseases The Lung and Heart are mutually connected; when there is Lung heat it most easily enters the Heart. This passage helps explain why Shenzhu DU-12 is also indicated for heat in the Heart which gives rise to such excess pattern manifestations of spirit disturbance as mad walking, ranting and raving, seeing ghosts and rage with desire to kill. This ability to clear heat from the Lung and calm the spirit in excess patterns can be contrasted to the action of the previous point, Shendao DU-11, which is primarily used for deficiency patterns of the Heart and Lung. Like many other points of this channel, Shenzhu DU-12 is also able to pacify wind in the Governing vessel and is indicated for epilepsy and clonic spasm.
Feishu BL-13
lower border of T3
Shenzhu DU-12
This point is located three intervertebral spaces below C7. See How to Locate C7.
Madness: Shenzhu DU-12 and Benshen GB-13 (One Hundred Symptoms). Childhood fright epilepsy: Shenzhu DU-12 and Changqiang DU-1 (Supplementing Life). Opisthotonos, clonic spasm, epilepsy and headache: Shenzhu DU-12, Wuchu BL-5, Weizhong BL-40, Weiyang BL-39 and Kunlun BL-60 (Thousand Ducat Formulas).
Perpendicular-oblique superior insertion 0.5 to 1 cun. Caution: the spinal canal lies between 1.25 and 1.75 cun deep to the skin surface, varying according to body build.
Clears heat from the Lung and Heart Calms the spirit Pacifies wind
Heat in the chest, dyspnoea, sudden cough with lumbar pain, heat in the body, dry mouth, agitation with thirst, headache and sweating.