Online Shopping Cart With Feedback: 4-Metals
Online Shopping Cart With Feedback: 4-Metals
Online Shopping Cart With Feedback: 4-Metals
Team Guide:( Faculty Guides Name ) Mridul Jyoti Roy Members:(Team members name) Vishakha Agarwal Govin Chanda Sauradeep Nath Rantu Das College Name: Assam Engineering College Department: Computer Science and Engineering State: Assam
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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Project Overview...................................................................................................... ..01 Scope...........................................................................................................................02 Objective.....................................................................................................................02 Problem Defination....................................................................................................02
2.3 Identification of Need.................................................................................................03 2.4 Applications and Tools to build a Web......................................................................05 2.5 2.6 Hardware and Software Specification........................................................................06 Work Breakdown Structure............... ........................................................................06
CHAPTER 3 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Requirement Analysis................................................................................................09 Feasibility Study.........................................................................................................10 Analysis......................................................................................................................11 Design.........................................................................................................................12 Coding........................................................................................................................12 Testing........................................................................................................................13 Implementation..........................................................................................................13 Maintenance...............................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Use Case.........................................................................................................................14 Modular Diagram...........................................................................................................15 Context Diagram............................................................................................................16 Data Flow Diagram........................................................................................................16
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Entity Relashionship Diagram.......................................................................................23 Data Dictionary..............................................................................................................26 Data Tables....................................................................................................................31 Input Design..................................................................................................................40 Output Design................................................................................................................40
CHAPTER 5 TESTING 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Introduction....................................................................................................................42 Testing Objectives..........................................................................................................42 Testing Principle.............................................................................................................42 Level Of Testing.............................................................................................................43 Module Testing...............................................................................................................44 System Testing................................................................................................................44 Program Testing..............................................................................................................44 String Testing..................................................................................................................44 Creating Test Data...........................................................................................................44
5.10 Test Case Design............................................................................................................45 CHAPTER 6 IMPLEMENTATION 6.1 6.2 Implementation Strategy.................................................................................................46 Documentation/Snapshot................................................................................................46
CHAPTER 7 SECURITIES 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Introduction....................................................................................................................55 Physical Security............................................................................................................55 Database Security...........................................................................................................55 Application Security.......................................................................................................55
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CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 9.1 9.2 Limitations.....................................................................................................................57 Scope For Future Work..................................................................................................57
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Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Title
cart_info....................................................................................................... 32 cart_order_by_customer...............................................................................32 client_customer_service...............................................................................33 customer_info............................................................................................... 33 customer_service.......................................................................................... 34 delivery........................................................................................................ 34 distributor_info............................................................................................. 34 order_details................................................................................................. 35 product_info................................................................................................. 35 server_sit...................................................................................................... 36 shipping_address.......................................................................................... 36 sign_up......................................................................................................... 38 staff_info...................................................................................................... 38 cart_shipping_address..................................................................................39
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Figure 2.1 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Title Page
Work Break Down Structure.........................................................................07 Phases of Software Development Life Cycle................................................09 Use Case Diagram.........................................................................................14 Modular Diagram..........................................................................................15 Context Diagram............................................................................................ 16 Data Flow Diagram(First Level)....................................................................18
4.4.1 Data Flow Diagram of Register Process(Second Level)............................19 4.4.2 Data Flow Diagram of Search Process(Second Level)..............................19 4.4.3 Data Flow Diagram of Select Product(Second Level)...............................20 4.4.4 Data Flow Diagram of Manage Cart(Second Level)..................................20 4.4.5 Data Flow Diagram of Payment Mode (Second Level).............................21 4.4.6 Data Flow Diagram of Allocating Task (Second Level)............................21 4.4.7 Data Flow Diagram of Data Entry (Second Level)....................................22 4.4.8 Data Flow Diagram of Admin Task(Second Level)...................................22 Data Flow Diagram Search process(Third Level)...............................23 Data Flow Diagram Search process(Third Level)................................23 Data Flow Diagram Search process(Third Level)................................23 4.5 Entity-Relationship Diagram..... ...................................................................25
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Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller in real-time, without an intermediary service, over the Internet. It is a form of electronic commerce. An online shop, e-shop, e-store, internet shop, web shop, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a shopping centre. The process is called Business-to-Consumer (B2C) online shopping. The central concept of the application is to allow the customer to shop virtually using the Internet and allow customers to buy the items and articles of their desire from the store. The information pertaining to the products are stores on an RDBMS at the server side (store). The Server process the customers and the items are shipped to the address submitted by them. The application was designed into two modules first for the customers who wish to buy the articles. Second is for the storekeepers who maintains and updates the information pertaining to the articles and those of the customers? The end user of this product is a departmental store where the application is hosted on the web and the administrator maintains the database. The application which is deployed at the customer database, the details of the items are brought forward from the database for the customer view based on the selection through the menu and the database of all the products are updated at the end of each transaction. Data entry into the application can be done through various screens designed for various levels of users. Once the authorized personnel feed the relevant data into the system, several reports could be generated as per the security.
1.1 Project Overview The shopping cart project needs to create the shopping cart system to organize the products
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record and the other information about the customers. How customers can buy products from website can be recognized from their username and password. 1.2 Scope Online shopping is rising day by day in India. Because India is the country where computer user's are increasing day by day so as the online shopping trends are also increasing. This project covers the online selling of cosmetics, fashion accessories, watches etc. The project shows the product category and then product details. From the product details, the product can be added to cart and can be bought.
1.3 Objective The objective of this project is to develop a general purpose e-commerce store where any product (such as mens wear, womens wear, kids wear, jewellery, and accessories) can be bought from the comfort of home through the Internet. 1.4 Problem Definition To develop a web-based application to improve the service to the customers and merchant this in turn increases the sales and profit in ONLINE SHOPPING?"
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2.1 Introduction We review the prior literature of online consumer shopping behaviour and analyze the theories and the underpinning factors and variables. Specially, we choose literature that, make use of variables is such as purchasing, purchase intention, re-buying, frequency of buying, shopping adoption in casual model and these models include not only simple casual relationship by independent variables and dependence variables, but also mediated variables and moderate variables that affect on online shopping behaviour. 2.2 Methodology The shopping cart application consists of various HTML and PHP pages such as Login or Validate. The Login page is displayed first when the end user executes the Shopping Cart application. The Login page displays the login form to allow registered user to logon and a option for the unregistered user to register first. The New User page enables the end user to fill the new user registration form. The Sign In page in the new user registration form validates the value entered by the end user and saves the information about the new user in the database. The Validate page is called when the end user enters the information in the login form. The validate page verifies whether the entered information is correct or not. The Invalid User page is displayed if login fails. The Admin page opens if login succeeds if the end user is the administrator else the Search Criteria page opens.
2. 3 Identification of Need Identification of need is basic step in software developments. Before starting to develop software, it is must to know the need of that software. Projects are initiated for different reasons.
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2.3.1 Capability Multilevel transmission of information and activities are influenced by process transactions quickly and efficiently. 2.3.2 Improved processing speed Multilevel Information activity required improved processing speed of action. 2.3.3 Faster Information Retrieval Locating and retrieving information from storage. 2.3.4 Control The Online Shopping Cart provides Greater accuracy and consistency in saving and fetching information. 2.3.4 Reduced Costs The Perform Publishing related transaction easily. OnlineShopping Cart reduces manpower requirement so ultimately affect is cost reduction. 2.3.5 Competitiveness
In this system performance of any group or individual can be published which make competitiveness.
2.4 Application and Tools Used To Build a Web The web is consists of several applications and tools. Example Hypertext Terminal protocol (HTTP), Hypertext Mark up Language (HTML), several protocols (TCP/IP), db2, PHP, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Dream waver, J2EE etc. 2.4.1 PHP There are several popular server-side scripting language available today an increasingly popular solution is the open source PHP.PHP is server side cross platform scripting language it is designed to developers with programming experience but has the advantage of being free and platform independent(Antelman and Mendizon,1998),PHP allows rapid development of dynamic, database- driven application. 2.4.2 db2 This project used db2 relation database management system to implement the web-based database model for developing. DB2 can be administered from either the command-line or a GUI. The command-line interface requires more knowledge of the product but can be more easily scripted and automated. The GUI is a multi-platform Java client that contains a variety of wizards suitable for novice users. DB2 supports both SQL and XQuery. DB2 has native implementation of XML data storage, where XML data is stored as XML (not as relational data or CLOB data) for faster access using XQuery. An important feature of DB2 computer programs is error handling. The SQL communications area (SQLCA) structure was once used exclusively within a DB2 program to return error information to the application program after every SQL statement was executed.
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2.5.1 Hardware Configuration Electronics devices that provide computing capability, the inter connectivity device that enable the flow of data, and electro mechanical devices that provide external world function. Processor: INTEL PENTIUM 4 RAM: 512 MB Hard Disk: 80 GB Keyboard: Standard 101keyboards. 2.5.2 Software Configuration Software has evolved from a specialized problem solving and information analysis tool to an industry in itself. It is composed of programs, data and documents. Each of these items comprises a configuration that is created as a part of the software engineering process. The intent of software engineering is to provide framework for building software with higher quality. Front End: PHP Back End: db2 2.6 Work Break down Structure (WBS) Any project taken up should be divided into different phases. Time should be given to each phase and should be complete in that stimulated time. This will not only give us from inconvenient caused due to run out of time in completing the project and to the one who initiate the said project . A brief outlook is given below:
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1.1. Initiation
1.3.Codi ng
1.3.3.Crea te Database
1.3.4.Crea te Database
Figure:-2.1 WBS
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Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a structured sequence of phases for implementing an information system. A System/Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a logical process by which Systems analysts, software engineers, programmers and end-users build information systems and computer application to solve business problems and needs.
The System/Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application. In the software development process we focus on the activities directly related to the production of the software, for example, design, coding, and testing. A development process is a sequence of steps. Each step performs a well-defined activity leading towards the satisfaction of the project goals, with the output of one step forming the input of the next one. Software development organization follows some process when developing a software product. A key component of any software development process is the life cycle model on which the process is based. The particular life cycle model can significantly affect overall life cycle costs associated with a software product. Life cycle of the software starts from concept exploration and at the retirement of the software.
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Figure: 3.1 Phases of SDLC. 3.1 Requirement Analysis Requirement Analysis is the first phase of the SDLC. First, we need to figure out what the problem is (analysis)? We must know exactly what we want to do before we can begin to do it. A
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In this phase Business Analysts (BA), find out what is the problem and what are requirements and so on. It begins with a request from the user for a new system. It involves the following: Identify the requirement for the system. Clarify deficiencies in the current system. Identify deficiencies in the current system. Establish goals and objectives for the new system. Determine the feasibility for the new system.
Prepare a project charter that will be used to guide the reminder of the project. 3.2 Feasibility Study Feasibility Study is basically the test of the proposed system in the light of its workability, meeting users requirements, effective use of resources and of course, the cost effectiveness.
It is a set of manual & computerized components for gathering, storing & processing business data for an organization. It also converts such data useful decision oriented information.
The main goal of feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to achieve the scope. In the process of feasibility study, the cost and benefits are estimated with greater accuracy. It has three types:-
3.2.1 Operational Feasibility In this project, the management will know the details of each project where he may be presented and the data will be maintained as decentralized and if any inquires for that Particular contract can be known as per their requirements and necessaries.
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3.2.2 Technical Feasibility The project entitles "Online Shopping Cart" is technically feasibility because it provides the high level of reliability, availability and compatibility. All these make PHP an appropriate language for this project. Thus the existing software PHP is a powerful language. 3.2.3 Economical Feasibility The computerized system will help in automate the selection leading the profits and details of the organization. With this software, the machine and manpower utilization are expected to go up by 80-90% approximately. The costs incurred of not creating the system are set to be great, because precious time can be wanted by manually. Through Feasibility Study, we can specify User Requirement Specification (URS) and Software Requirement Specification (SRS). Depending on the results of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded to a more detailed feasibility study. 3.3 Analysis Formation of a project form. Preparation of System Flow Charts. Enumerate proposed candidate system. Describe the characteristics of that candidate system. Determine and evaluate the performance of that candidate system. Weight system performance and cost data.
Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system. This activity is also used to study the system in details. The objective of this step is to develop structured system specifications for the proposed system. The structured system specification will be called the Essential Model. It involves: Detailed study of the system. Understand the procedure of the system.
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3.4 Design
Determine the scope of the system. Define the goals of the proposed system.
System Design involves the transformation of the user implementation model into software design. The first step is to determine how the output is to be produced and in what format. Second, input data and master files (database) have to be designed to meet the requirements of the proposed output. The design specification of the proposed system consists of the following: Database schema Pseudo code for all the modules. The most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle is System Design. The term design describes the final system and the process by which it is developed. This activity deals with certain design issues that are to be finalized in consultation with the user. The two most important issues of relevance to the user are the automation boundary & the human machine interface. The output of this activity is the user implementation model. This model, in addition to the essential model defines the following for the system:
Automation Boundary Report Layout.
Workable plan for implementing the candidate system. Screen layouts for the data entry forms. Menus. Information on personnel, money, hardware, facilities, and their estimated cost must also be available.
3.5 Coding
After designing the new system/software, the whole system/software is required to be converted into computer language. Coding the new system/software into computer programming language does this. It is an important stage where the defined procedures are transformed into control specifications by the help of a computer language. This is also called the Programming Phase in which the programmer converts the program specifications into computer instructions, which we refer as programs. The programs coordinate the data movement and control the entire process in
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a system/software.
3.6 Testing
Before actually implementing the new system/software into operations, a test run of the system/software is done removing all the bugs, if any. It is an important phase of a successful system. After codifying the whole programs of the system, a test plan should be developed and run on a given set of test data.In the system/software testing stage, we check the overall behaviour of the system/software against the functional and the performance requirements. There are two type of testing: White-Box: Internal part (code) of the project is testing. Black-Box: System behaviour (input/output) is checked.
3.7 Implementation
After having the user acceptance of the new system/software developed, the Implementation phase begins. Implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is turned into practice. In this phase, user can know how to execute the package, how to enter data and so on. The implementation phase is less creative then system design. This activity includes programming, testing & integration of modules into progressively more complete system. It is primarily concerned with user training, site preparation, and file conversion. During the final testing user acceptance is tested, followed by user training. System testing checks the readiness and accuracy of the system to access, update, and retrieve data from new files.
3.8 Maintenance
When the implementation report is submitted, an Maintenance should be made to determine whether the system/software meets the objectives stated in the general design report. In this phase, users may be able to suggest the easy-to-implement improvements.
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4.1 Use Case: A use case is set of scenarios that describing an interaction between a user and a system. A use case diagram displays the relationship among actors and use cases. There are two main actors identified in the system consumers and database.
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4.2 Modular Diagram A design solution is understandable , if it is modular and the modules are arranged in layer .
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Context diagram is the starting point of the structured analysis. They are constructed to show the highest-level model of the system. They are used to represent pictorially the scope or boundaries of the system. Expanding the context diagram, we can get the details DFD of the system. The context diagram is used to show the source of data and the destination where the processed data goes. The context diagram for the ONLINE SHOPPING CART is given below: -
4.4 Data Flow Diagram DFD is one of the various methods to show the flow of the data within the project. In this type of representation, the entities are represented with the help of rectangular box and the process is represented by means of the arrow with the indication of the direction of flow with the help of arrow pointer. The data files are shown with the help of rectangle box with one side open. The
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data flow diagrams are tools in the top-down approach, moves from general of data in the system. In DFDs processes are first identifies and then the data flow between the processes are isolated and derived. Thus processes are focal point of the DFD. Data flow diagrams themselves stress the flow and transformations of the data within the system. DFD Symbols: A square defines a source (originator) or destination of the system data.
An arrow identifies data flow-data in motion. It is a pipeline through which information flows.
A circle or a bubble represents a process that transforms incoming data flows into outgoing data flows.
The different levels of the DFD of the Online Shopping Cart are given in the follow: -
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Entity relation diagram (E-R) model is a popular high level conceptual data model. This model and its variation are frequently used for the conceptual design of the database application, are many database design tools employ its concepts. The ER model describes data as entity, which is a thing in the real world with an independent existence. An entity may be an object with a
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physical existence like a person; a car or it may be an object with conceptual existence like a job, a university course. Each entity has a particular property that further describes it these properties are known as attributes.
The first step in creating a database is designing it. At first, we have to plan what tables would be required what they will contain. It also determines how the tables are related. This is an important step and requires careful consideration.It should be determined about what things we should store information (entities) a how these are related (relationship).
A useful technique in designing the database is to draw a picture of tables. The graphical display of a database is called Entity Relationship diagram. Entity Relationship model is a popular highlevel conceptual data model. This model and its variation are frequently used for conceptual design of database application, and many database design tool employ its concept.
The following diagrams illustrate the symbols used for creating the E-R Diagram.
An entity
A primary key
A Relationship
A partial Relationship
An attribute
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A total Relationship
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a_i d
a_pw d
S_na me S_ id Mnag es
S_addre ss S_d ep
C_ph n C_na me
M STAFF M h a s 1
C_em ail C_gend er C_ag e C_i C_do d b M CUSTOMER C_PI N 1 1 C_addre ssss ha s M ACCOUNT Paymod e M U_pw d U_id
plac es
1 Add to 1
b_id fro m 1
P_na me
z P_i d
Add to
P_descripti on
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Data Dictionary is a structured repository of data, which provides detailed information about the data. It is a set of rigorous definition of all the external levels of the database. A data dictionary has many advantages. The most obvious is documentation; it is a valuable reference in any organization. Another advantage is improving analyst user communication by establishing consistent definitions of various elements, terms and procedures. Also a data dictionary is an important step in building a database. The Data Dictionary is shown below:
Sl.No 1. 2.
Description Distributor address Customer shipping address Customer shipping address Customer payment address Staff basic pay Bill id Cart id Cart id Cart id Cart id
shipping address
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
30 10 10 10 10 10
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
bigint varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar int int int int int bigint bigint bigint bigint date Date Varchar Varchar int int
10 30 20 20 20 20 200 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 10
sign_up product_info cart_shipping_Info shipping_address cart_shipping_info shipping_address staff_info staff_info shipping_address cart_shipping_info shipping_address cart_shipping_info client_customer_service customer_info customer_service delivery customer_info staff_info
communication_address Address contact_no contact_no contact_no contact_no1 contact_no1 customer_id customer_id customer_id customer_id date_of_birth date_of_join Department Designation Discount Discount Contact no Contact no Contact no Contact no Contact no Customer id Customer id Customer id Customer id Birth date Joining date Staff department Staff designation Product discount Product discount
20 30 10 10
Page 33
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.
Discount distributor_id distributor_id distributor_name Email email_id email_id email_id email_id1 email_id1 Fname Fname fname1 fname1 grand_subtotal Image Lname Lname lname1 lname1 model_no Name
Product discount Distributor id Distributor id Distributor name Email id Email id Email id Email id Email id Email id First name First name First name First name Total price
int bigint bigint varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar int
10 10 10 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 30 50 50 50 50 50 20 50
shipping_address distributor_info order_details distributor_inf sign_up cart_shipping_address shipping_address staff_info cart_shipping_address shipping_address cart_shipping_address shipping_address cart_shipping_address shipping_address cart_order_by_customer Product_info cart_shipping_address shipping_address cart_shipping_address cart_shipping_address product_info customer_info
Product image varchar link Last name Last name Last name Last name Product model Name varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar
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55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76.
Name net_total Occupation order_id order_id order_id organisation pan_no Password permanent_address phone_no Postal Postal postal1 postal1 Problems Price Price Price product_id product_id product_id
Name Total price Occupation Order id Order id Order id Staff organization Pan no Password Permanent address Phone no Postal code Postal code Postal code Postal code Problems Cost Cost Cost Product id Product id Product id
varchar int varchar bigint bigint bigint varchar Text varchar varchar Varchar Int Int Int Int Text Int Int Int bigint bigint bigint
50 30 20 10 10 10 30
50 200 20 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10
Page 35
77. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.
product_id product_id product_id product_name product_name product_name Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Re-password shipping_charge Staff_id Staff_id Staff_id State State state1 state1 Subtotal
Product id Product id Product id Product name Product name Product name Product quantity Product quantity Product quantity Product quantity Product quantity Password Cost Staff id Staff id Staff id State State State State Total amount
bigint bigint bigint varchar varchar varchar Int Int Int Int Int varchar int bigint bigint bigint varchar varchar varchar varchar int
10 10 10 30 30 30 10 10 10 10 10 50 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 10
order_details shipping_address product_info cart_info product_info shipping_address cart_info Client_customer_service order_details product_info shipping_address sign_up shipping_address customer_service delivery staff_info cart_shipping_address shipping_address cart_shipping_address shipping_address staff_info
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Current date Current date Discount Total amount Type Type Type of user Name of user
about ht organization. Usually, a collection of interrelated data is referred to as database. The database contains information about one particular enterprise. Database system is designed to store and manage large volume of information.
After the system analysis, now for the design of the system, i.e. the actual database design based on which actual database will be created. In our system, the database tables that will be used to develop the system are given below:
Field Name
Field Type
Field Size
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
10 10 30 10 10 10 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Field Size 10 10 30 30 30
Key Primary
Field Name
Field Type
Field Size
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1. 2. 3. 4.
10 10 10
SlNo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Description Name Date of birth Occupation Communication Address Permanent Address Customer ID Cart ID
Field Size 30
20 200 200 10 10
SlNo. 1.
Description Customer ID
Field Size 10
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2. 3.
product_id staff_id
Product ID Staff ID
Bigint Bigint
10 10
SlNo. 1. 2. 3.
Field Size 10 10 10
SlNo. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Description Distributor ID
Field Name
Field Type
Field Size
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1. 2. 3. 4.
order_id product_id
Order ID Product_ID
10 10 10 10
SlNo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Field Type Varchar Bigint Varchar Varchar varchar Varchar Int Int Int
Field Size 50 10 30 30 20 20 10 10 10
product_name Product Name category model_no brand quantity price discount Category Model Number Brand Quantity Price Discount
SlNo. 1.
Description Username
Field Size 50
Page 41
2. 3.
Password type
Password Type
Varchar Varchar
50 20
Field Type bigint Date bigint Varchar Int Int Int Int Varchar Varchar Varchar int varchar varchar varchar
Field Size 10
10 30 10 10 10 10 50 50 200 15 30 15 20
shipping_charge Shipping charge fname lname address1 contact_no email_id state city First Name Last Name Shipping Address Shipping Contact Shipping email Shipping state Shipping city
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16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
postal total_price net_total fname1 lname1 address11 contact_no1 email_id1 state1 city1 postal1
Shipping postal Total price Net total Payment First Name Payment Last Name Payment Address Payment Contact Payment Email Payment State Payment City Payment Postal
int int Int varchar varchar varchar int varchar varchar varchar int
10 10 30 50 50 200 15 30 15 20 10
SlNo. 1.
Description Username
Field Size 50
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2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
50 550 20 30 20 10
Field Name staff_id name designation organisation department date_of_join basic_pay pan_no email_id contact_no
Description Staff ID Staff Name Staff Designation Staff Organisation Depaartment of Staff Join Date Basic Pay PAN no Email Id Contact No
Field Type Field Size bigint Varchar varchar varchar varchar Date Int text varchar int Varchar 20 15 200 30 10 50 30 30 20
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14. Table Name: cart_shipping_address SlNo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Field Name cart_id today_date Fname Lname address1 contact_no email_id State City Postal total_price net_total fname1 lname1 address11 contact_no1 Description Cart ID Current date First Name Last Name Shipping Address Shipping Contact Shipping email Shipping state Shipping city Shipping postal Total price Net total Payment First Name Payment Last Name Payment Address Payment Contact Field Type bigint Date Varchar Varchar Varchar int varchar varchar varchar int int Int varchar varchar varchar int 50 50 200 15 30 15 20 10 10 30 50 50 200 15 Field Size 10 Key
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30 15 20 10
Input design is a crucial part of any system design. Inaccurate input data are the most common cause of error in data processing. Data entry error can be controlled by input design. Input design is the process of converting user-oriented input to a computer-based format. The goal of designing input data is to make data entry as easy, logical and free from error as possible while entering data. A system flow chart specifies master files, transaction files and the computer programs. Keeping in view the users requirements, the inputs screens has been designed and developed for easy and error free data entry. Based on the various types of inputs to be feed to the computer using proposed system, several input screens have been developed. In this section we present several inputs screens of the system.
Output design refers to the result and information that are generated by the system. Output is the main reason for developing the system and the basis on which they will be evaluated for the application. The computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the user. Efficient and intelligent output helps in effective decision-making. The output of the system may be displayed on the screen or printed by the printer according to the user requirements. It should be noted that the output is so designed to meet the satisfaction of the user as well as the requirements of the department or the institute. Various types of output required by the most system are external output whose destination is outside the organization and which requires special attention. Internal output whose involves user in communication with the computer. Developing a system that meets user requirements has
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The following are few points to fulfill it1. Improved productivity of analyst and programmers. 2. Improved documentation and subsequent maintenance and enhancement. 3. Improved communication among the user, analyst, designer and programmer. 4. Simplify design by segmentation.
5.1 Introduction
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A system should always be tested thoroughly before implementation it, as regards its individual programs, the system as whole, user acceptances etc. this is because implementation a new a major job which requires hours of technical support and resources.
Effective testing early in the process translates directly into long term cost saving and reduces the number of errors. This is very important because a small error that has not been detected may create much bigger problem after implementation. Programming and testing is followed by the stage of installation of the new computer based system.
5.2 Testing Objectives The testing objectives are summarized in the following three steps: 1. Testing is a process of executing programs with the intent of finding an error. 2. A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding a yet to be discovered error. 3. A successful test case is one that uncovers and yet to be discovered error. Our objective is to design a test that systematically uncovers different classes of errors and do so with a minimum amount of time and effort.
5.3 Testing Principle All tests should be traceable to customer requirements. Test should be planned long before testing begins, i.e. the test planning can be begin as soon as the requirement plan is complete. Testing should begin in the small and progress towards testing in the large. The first plans focus on individual program modules. As the testing progresses, testing shift focus in an attempt to find errors in integrated clusters of modules and ultimately in the entire system. The number of path permutations for even a moderately sized program is exceptionally large. For this reason, it is impossible to execute every combination of paths during testing. It is however possible to adequately cover program logic and to ensure that all conditions in the procedural design have been exercised.
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The following are the attributes of a good test: 1. A good test has high probability of finding errors. 2. A good test is not redundant. 3. A good test should be best of breed. 4. A good test should be neither too simple nor too complex. This process has two parts A. Planning: this involves writing and reviewing unit, integration, functional, validation and acceptance test plans. B. Execution: this involves executing these test plans.
Units test at the unit level, conducted by the development team to verify individual, stand alone units. 1. Integration test after two or more product units are integrated, conducted by the development team to test the interface between the integrated units. 2. Functional tests prior to the release to validation manager, designed and conducted by the team independent of designers and coders, to ensure the functionality provided against the customer requirements specification. 3. Acceptance test prior to the release to validation manager, conducted by the development team, if any supplied by the customer.
The testing of individual module was completed during the development itself. Each module was tested by creating some test data at the time of coding and necessary changes was there on to make sure that the module is satisfactory.
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After a successful testing of individual programs, the new system run through a series of test to ensure the working of the system as a whole. The objective of the testing is to verify the entire system that the program meets the original programming specification.
The program testing checks for two types of error that is logical error and syntax error. To identify the logical error we must run the program module with some appropriate test data. Syntax error can be identifying by compiling the program module.
String test involves test of the whole program to check whether the integration of the module is working successfully.
Through some test data were created at the time of testing individual module, but this may not be sufficient for the further testing of the system as a whole. So new test data were created for all possible real life situations. Test data are chosen in such a way that they are likely to create problem in the system when use.
Test case design focuses on a set of techniques for the creation of test cases that meet overall testing objectives. In test case design phase, the engineer creates a series of test case that are
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Chapter 6
Successful implementation of the needed system design is a crucial phase in the system life cycle. Implementation simply means covering a new system design into operation. It includes installing the project to working environment and determining the performance of the system.
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A crucial phase in system development life cycle is the successful implementation of the system design. Implementation simply means covering the system design into operation. This involves installation of hardware, terminals and also training the operating staff. It may be of the implementation of a computer system to replace the manual system, implementation of a new computer system to replace the existing system, implementation of a modified application to replace an existing one. The system is to run with the parallel with the existing manual system for a new day until the concerned authority becomes fully confident of the new system.
7.1 Introduction
Software security has become increasing the cry of many companies in age of hackers and viruses. This attribute measures a systems ability to withstand attacks on its security.
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The client took all the necessary steps for physical security. For the resources are assembled properly. Such as air condition, lighting system etc. care has been taken to avoid all the physical challenges. What in case of fire, flood, natural catastrophic is well taken up.
The database is in central data base server henceforth regular back up must be taken up. Its security and fine turning is maintained back up database.
The delivery of the software was given in a erasable devices to the client, so in case the fine gets erase or corrupted accidentally, the entire software can be again reinstalled from the device and the database can be recovered from the back system administration has taken.
The application can be used for any Ecommerce application. It is easy to use, since it Uses the GUI provided in the user dialog. User friendly screens are provided. The Application is easy to use and interactive making online shopping a recreational Activity for users. It has been thoroughly tested and implemented.
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8.1 Challenges Compatibility with browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Internet explorer etc Using a layered approach in developing the application which would make the application maintainable. The overall idea of doing this project is to get a real time experience. Learning new Technologies.
The Online Shopping is designed to provide a web based application that would make Searching, viewing and selection of a product easier. The search engine provides an easy And convenient way to search for products where a user can Search for a product Interactively and the search engine would refine the products available based on the
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Users input. The user can then view the complete specification of each product. They can also view the product reviews and also write their own reviews. Use of Ajax components would make the application interactive and prevents annoying post backs. Its drag and drop feature would make it easy to use.
9.1 Limitations
This application does not have a built in check out process. An external checkout package has to be integrated in to this application. Also users cannot save the shopping carts so that they can access later i.e. they cannot create wish lists which they can access later. This application does not have features by which user can set price ranges for products and receive alerts once the price reaches the particular range.
The following things can be done in future. The current system can be extended to allow the users to create accounts and save products in to wish list. The users could subscribe for price alerts which would enable them to receive messages when price for products fall below a particular level. The current system is confined only to the shopping cart process. It can be extended to have an easy to use check out process. Users can have multiple shipping and billing information saved. During checkout they can use the drag and drop feature to select shipping and billing information.
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