Velammal Engineering College Google Map Up On 4/12/12 Submitted By: Viswaprasath Proposed Event Summary
Velammal Engineering College Google Map Up On 4/12/12 Submitted By: Viswaprasath Proposed Event Summary
Velammal Engineering College Google Map Up On 4/12/12 Submitted By: Viswaprasath Proposed Event Summary
for this event is to enhance students to know about Mapmaker and how to edit places in the map. And to bring them to post more in Google+ about the place they have mapped. The students will be taught how to map with map maker and they will be give details how to add, edit new places and existing places in the map. Overall objective of the event: Teach about mapmaker. Target Audience: Since it is an exam time only the few are willing to stay and learn about the Google mapping. Students from the department of Information Technology. Training Materials: Two videos created by myself when I am editing my college building and roads and the presentation Publicity: E mailed everyone in our department regarding this event. Responsibilities: My role is to give the brief details about the presentation slide which I have created and to teach them step by step how to get the details about the place and add them in map. Event Agenda: Explaining about what is map making. Displaying Two video how to do edit and one live edit. Using of hashtag in Google+ and Twitter.